THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1911. Savings and Satisfaction in Saturday's Special Sales Ff X lY 111 . i . -V '!(,.' IJ f "rt; Kit ' tr4'- " 'If'''''. v-'5 ' 2 1; f SI. ' V'l. r - .-. t ' t - V' 'i l Magnificent Display of Clever New Fall Garment Styles Moderately Priced A broad range of artistic style creations, embrac ing all the wanted fabrics and coloring?. At each price we have bettered the assortments and the quality of our showing insures every customer perfectly satisfactory selection. We now show upward of 60 different models in the POPULAR CROWN JEWEL SUITS-More beauti ful, better than ever, superior in style, material, work manship to any suit shown el.-ewhere at COC the price. Zj Elegant New Tailored Suits, Imported Models Dis tinctive designs, no two alike, the verv choicest of the new creations. $35 $39.75 $45 $50 $65 to $98 A showing which gives expression to the very best, most popular style ideas of the world; most renowned style creations. Let us show vou. N) wnxDHii vi, m ix value. HAYTiLXS SPECIAL Tailored Suit S14.90 Garments mad expressly for us from fabrics selected by us; Stylish. Service able Suits at an exceptionally lor price $18.00 One-Piece Dresses Saturday $10.00 A big special purchase of ladies' and misses' one-piece dresses, in 6erges, panamas and messalines, all col ors and big range of pretty designs; values up to $lS.00-choice $10.00 At $12.50 A splendid line of Early Fall Ladies' Long Coats, in tans, navy and black; matchless values at Saturday's price. Most Clever Style Ideas in Autumn Millinery Assortments that insure you satisfactory selection in becoming mode; values you will find it impossible to duplicate in any other Omaha store. See us and get posted. Willow Plumes at Cost Prices. .50 Ladies' Long Silk Kimo nos Great bargains at sale price, each.. $2.95 Ladies' Peter Pan Waists Regular $2.50 values. nil sizes, Saturday $1.19 CHILDREN'S COAT AND DRESS SPECIALS Child re s's Wool Serge - Children's Winter Coats, Dresses, red, navy, black I in plush or bearskins, 1 and plaids, to $5.00 val- ! to 5 years; to $5.00 val ues, at .$2.95 i ues $1.95 Household Neces sities Greafly Underpriced Attractive Bargains Sat urday is Hardware Dept. Galvanized Garbage Cans 10 gallon size at 69c 12 gallon size at 79c 16 gallon size at 98c i ft. Step Ladders... 39c 5 ft. Step Ladders. . .49c Preserving and Stew Kettles, 1.000 of them Sat., each f) $4 5.00 Globe Ranges, very spe cial bargain Saturday g25 $2.00 Folding Wrfnger Bnch. for 81.50 $1 Flower Cans, each ..50 XJekled Steel Carpet Beaters. each 90 5-ft. Skirt Boards at 59 Willow Clothes Baskets, large 89c. Medium ....... .(J9 39c Linen Mops at 25J Heavy Cotton Mods ..-.-19 Mrs. Potto Sad Irons . . 79 Full Line of Heaters and Base Burners at very low prices. Pipe elbows and stove boards, all kinds. Best Shirt Bargains Ever 4 hi 1 Men's Cotton and Lisle Socks, to 50c values In black, aolors or black with white feet. t 19 12H and SHf Men's fleeced underwear, shirts and drawers, on sale, at gar ment 350 Grand Final Clearance of a Big manufacturer's surplus 6tock purchase, every shirt guaran teed perfect, all best colors and patterns. $1.50 to $3.00 values; on sale at 69c and 49c Collars attached or detached, all sizes, very finest quality goods. Men's Wool Underwear at 75c. $1.00, $125 up per garment, all the best makes light, medium and heavy weight. You'll find Monev Saving Price In all lines and grades'. Men's Pure Silk Hoe 50c and 75c val ues in good line of colors Men's Outing Flannel Gowns, $1.00 to $2.00 values, cut long and full, heavy quality, on sale at 08 69 49 Men's $1.00 Undershirta and drawers, medium or heavy we,ht l 49 2 Velvet Hand Bags 98c Saturday we will hold a great velvet hand bag saje, offering for the day: $2.00 Velvet Hand Ban With fine silver frame and long silk cord, at 9S $1.50 Velvet Bags at 59r A strictly new line and splendid values at $1.00 to $1.50, choice ior 59 Seeing Is Believing Hayden's "Wonder" Suits $1 surpasses in value any other suit made up to retail at a simi lar price there is just as much goodness crowded in a Hayden "Vonder" as you will possibly get into suits that you are paying $18 and even $20 for. The "Wonder ' suit following is steadily growing noticeably among men who have been accustomed to paying $4.00 to $5.00 more. We have the new English and conservative models in all II. . 1 1 -v me new nanasorne weaves, uxtora blue, gray serges, ruue JFI serges, browns, tans, silk mixtures all splendidlv hand- 4A A m 1 11 M m .... . 4Bte tailored ior men ot all proportions, stouts, slims, stubs, longs, 6touts, extra sizes up to 52 breast md regular sizes. Young Men's Suits Not small sizes of men's suits, but specially designed models for the young fellow with a par donable pride in the perfection of his physique. Long lapels, English roll lapels, with slight form fitting backs medium and full college cut peg trousers, with or without cuffs. We want you to see the most wonderful clothes ever produced at $14.50 none too much can be said of the merits of the Hay den Wonder Clothes. You will receive one of our special folders containing sam ples of these clothes. If your name is not on the list, write for one thousands of them on the way. Hayden Bros'. Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes S18 to $40. Specials You'll Want s 50c Ladies' Neckwear 25J 25c Ladies' Neckwear 10 25c Silk Ribbons 10 20c Tooth Brushes 10 50c Silk Elastic Belts . .i . . . J.S' $2.00 Leather Bags at OSC Sole Omaha Factory Ageut for Hall Eorchert Dress. Forms. We sell you all styles at the factory prices less all the transportation charges. Men's Fall Hat Styles 515 a QC- Values to 53.00-Choce 1 J Our Delivery System Covers Omaha and surrounding territory in a most thorough manner,' giving all parts of Omaha, Dundee, Benson, South Omaha anJ Council Bluffs a Daily Delivery Service. Order t Hayden's and Save. Entire floor stock of a well known manufacturer of Men's fine Felt Hats, both soft and stiff felts, including Scratchups ijiAru reu, etc., in au sizes, colors and shapes, at MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS big assortment of 75c and $1.00 values at...-. 49c 0 UO 'l5 and 95c JOHN B. STETSON HATS all popular new shapes, at $3.50 to $7.50 Read Hayden's Big Price Cutting Grocery Sale For Saturday MopU profit br traaim at . itV.t. . ' IRJ MONDAY pel SEPTEMBER 25th!il Ifyl Watch Sunday jjjj A Announcement JySf ltd m 60 rr otu. 1 IB. bet UranulateJ Sugar.. 11.00 44-10 sacica best ijigi grade Diamond H Family riour. tor saiarjmy, per ck IMS 10 bars Beat 'Em AU or Diamond C Soap Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jall-O, pkg Tic 1 lb. cans aasorted Soups 7Sic 011 or Mustard Sardines, can...... 4c PottsJ M.ats. all kinds, can. .1.... 4c 1 lb. cans Corned Beef lie lbs. good Japan Bics J5C 8 lb. pkg Mt Rnlled Oatmeal 25e Skinner's Macaroni, the Omaha prod uct, pkg ioc Gallon cans table Syrup 3Se Grape Nuts, pkg ioc Corn Flakes, pkg 64c Th best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb c The best crup Pretsels. lb. tc Th best crisp Ginger Snaps, lb.... 6c McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb lie The best creamery Butter, carton or bulk (don't pay more) lb .ill Full cream Colored or .Brick Cheese. No.' 1 Dairy ' Butter". ib! '. '. ' ' j country t. reamery, very 'fine lh 'r. FRESH TZOETABLZ AXD ijnir I-KIC8. TUB T4XC Of OMAKaI Seet o-rn, pr duz "ioc Fancy Mix or Green Beans. Ib... it X r-u."-chS! tT.e,tl Bel or carrou..ic - ' Sweet Peppers, dox. .... Sweet Potatoes, lb. F"ncy Ripe- Tomatoes ib.'.".'.' Cape Cod Cranberries, quart bunches freh Radishes... ' New Cabbage, lb 2 stalks Celerv b.'KCh ir,i'h Lf Lettuce: Rutabag't". lb Fancy Cauliflower, lb Tokay Grapes, basket Blue Plum?, hasket... Peaches. bsKket I'tah Elberta Peaches, ate' '. Biiy Your Gas Burners and Mantles Saturday Inverted Gas Burner, com plete with globe and man tle, Saturday, only...39c 2 inverted or upright man tles, regular 15c; 2 for 23c 2 inverted or upright man tles, 2 for 15c CROCKERY SPECIALS Decorated Cup and Saucer and Plates, 18 pieces, worth $1.60 set. per set gg Plain White Cups, only 6 for 25 Plain White Saucers, only 6 Ior 100 Muslin, Knit Underwear and Hosiery Values that Will Surpass Your Expec tations a Single Disappointment. Qualities and values you '11 find cat not be duplicated at the price. Ladies' 50c and 75c Muslin Corset Covers, special 25c Ladies' $2.00 Muslin Gowns, combina tion suits and skirts, on sale Sat. 98c Gauze Vests; very special values shown here, 19c, IS Ladies and Boys' $1.25 Blouse Waists; all newest colors and styles, at Big Sample Line of Hosiery Fine lisle and cotton, in black and colors, values to 75c pair; on sale in two lots S3?. 35 Ladies' 1.00 Silk Hose 4DC He 90 490 Ladies' $2.00 Silk Hose. . . .984 Ladles' Silk and Wool Union uits $3.50 garment values, in pure white, on sale at $1.98 Ladles' Sweater Coats All col ors and styles, worth up to $7.50; on sale at 93.98, $3.50, $2.98, $1.98. Misses' Sweater Coata Regular values at Children's Sweater Coats All sizes, 2 to 6 years, in red, white or grey, values to $1.50; on sale at n1 up to $3.50; on sale 51.98 "d si.45 We show complete lines of Ladies' Sterling, Howard Mills, Kay ser and Swan Brand. Wool and Silk and Wool Vests, Pants and Union Suits, at Lowest Prices. Drugs and Toilet Goods, Better Bargains Than Ever Saturday Kotlce Prices. We save 70a 89 to 60 Per Cent. One pound C'ontis White Castile Soap tor 20o 10c Jap Rose or Palm Olive boap at two bars (or 16o One pound 20 Mule Team Borax for So Four bars of Ivory Soap for.. 16c 10c can of tinest quality Talcum Powdsr for 5c $1.00 bottle pure Hydrogen Per oxide, extra site, for S5o 25c sue pure Hydrogen Peroxnie at three bottles for S5o 25c size Dr. K. L. Graves Tootn Powder or Pasta for loo 25c can Mennen s. Colgate's or Williams' Talcum Powder for 15o 25c size Pond's Extract Vanish ing Cream for 15o 25c lar Peroxide Vanishing Cream, three to a customer, per Jar 10 Large size Pompelan Massar Cream for 49o t5c Roger and Oallet Rice or Woodbury'a Faca Powder for 15o One hundred Dr. Hinkle's Cascara Tablets in ealed bottle, regular price 40c. sale price sSo 11 25 values In Hand Mirrors for 750 $1 50 Hand Mirrors 98o ;00 Ebony Finish Hand Mirror. Extra heavy, for $1.3 25c Shaving Brushes, big snsp for 100 $1 ?5 !-qt. Rapid Flow Fountain Syringe for Sao 11.00 2-qt. Combination Syringe and Bottle for $1X0 12 SO Red Rubber Syringe and Bottle for Il.TS 13 00 Wellington Syringe and Bottle. guaranteed for five years, for S2 00 J2.00 No. S Red Rubber Fountain, while they last $1.19 The Largest and Most Complete Showing of Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases in Omaha TRUNKS, $4.95 TO $50.00 BAGS, $1.00 TO $35.00. Suit Cases in all leathers, fatting, etc, at $1.25 to $30 30 Trunks and 75 Bags and Suit Cases Samples On sale Saturday at y3 Less than Regular Price. Mail Orders Filled from Our Daily Ads. You'll find it both convenient and profitable to shop by Mail. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables sent only by express at pur chaser's risk. . . . OO ... 5e . .3H,c .2Sc ... 5c .l-c ... 5c ... 5c . 1 Uc .74c . .25c . 2 jC . . 2'lo . . T5o Liquor Department Specials Maryland mye Waiskey, six years old. per full juart 7S0 Per gallon $2.50 TEAS OLD WKIBKETfJ Cedar Brook, Wei. ton bpnngs. bchenly and Jack Daw Brands Full quarts $1.00 Per gallon $3.00 Golden Sheaf. Old Bridgeport and Win chester Whiskeys, bottled In bond. 1'Jirts $1.00 California Wlnas, quart &Oo Sur.kist Brands Port. Sherry, Angelica. Muscatel and Tokay. All old and mellow.. Mail Orders Promptly PUled. Extra Specials in Our High Grade Linen Dept. Saturday Hemmed Huck Towels and' Hem stitched,, worth 19c; Saturday, each IOC Extra large and long Hemstitched Damask Towels, worth !9c; Sat urday, each 19C Extra large Hemmed Turkish Towels, worth 39c, each . 23 C Full size Fringed Bed Spreads, worth J2.00, Saturday, each . SI 85 Full size lx90 Seamless Bed Sheets, worth 11.00. Saturday, each .SSo Full ize Pillow Cases, heavy and strong, worth 15c. Sat. each ..10c Saturday In the Domestic Room Grey Cotton Blanket, extra heavy, Wilton Blanket, full size, our $1.75 Blanket, Saturday, at a pair $1.25 Good Wool Blanket, full size and heavy, Saturday only 84.50 Crochet Bed Spread fringed full size Saturday, each S1.50 81-0 Sheets, our 5c Sheet. Saturdav. each 6&o 4S-M Pillow Slips, our regular 15c case. Saturday, each lie Outing Flannel, good assortment of colois and patterns, at, a yard.. 80 MONDAY MT.PTP.MBER 25th 111 Watch Sunday Papers for nnrvnnrprrieTv VV MINISTERS ELECT DELEGATES Caooie Men to Represent Them at Gneral Conference. LAY DELEGATES ALSO MEET Will Select Their Delegates to the Cavestioa at This Afleroo' Sessloa at Plymouth Cos CeatleBsl thareh. Delegates from the North Nebraska conference to the ger.ersl conference to fee bold In Minneapolis next May were lected at Friday morning's business ses sion. The three delegates elected were C. N. Dtvion, P. D , of Omaha: Rev. WilUaJS Espliu of Arlington and Kev. E. T. George. D. U . suierintsndenl of the Nelign district. Mr. Dawson served for fifteen years in the Omaha ministry. He was mlni&ter at the old South Tenth tre church. bow tbe Diets Memorial, for a number of ears After that he was in charge cl the South Omaha, church for three year, and the Wauaut Hill church for liv. lears. He was also pastor of the Se- iu Street church for a number of sr Mr- George was pastor of IBs Tri:..t church for one year. The laymen met la the Plymouth Con gregational church at 10 SO and organized. The bupines? taken up was the nominat ing of lay delegates to the geceial con ference. Whan the session closed at nwn all the nominations had been tnade, and the election of three delegatvs from-' the atne nominees held over to be taken up at the afternoon meeting. Those nomin ated were J"hn Dale of the liancora Park church. B. H. Paine of Grand Is land. Oscar Jonton of Laurel. Richard Conr.ell of Aln. O. O Snyder of O'Neil. George T. Lindley of the Walnut Hill church. J. W. Tamplln of Tekamah, E. P. Sweeley and G- H. Gray of Central City. Wosaesi Woilt fee Candidates. A great diversity of opinion exis-.ed among the laymen as to how the dele gate should be nominated. Some wanted each layman to nominate three delegates by ballot, while others favored a motion to nominate by voice, and state why their man should go as a delegate The women wrre greatly in favor ot having the lay men put their nominees up In front of the meeting, stating that looks went far ther than praise. Finally it was decided to nominate by voice and vote by infor mal ballot, leaving the nominations open for ten minutes. A number of ministers were admitted to full membership of the conference at the morning session. Those were Rev. Carl K. Steiner. Rev. Earl E. Bowen. Rev. Ford. Rev. Charles W. Has Rev. Carl Padcr. Rev. Miles V. Rose and Rev. Ceorge W. McDonal, who was transferred to another conference; Rev. Thomas Hlnkle of Omaha was discontinued from the ministry by his own request A motion made by Dr. J. W. Jennings to adopt the Dcs Moines plan in regard to hotplts's was carried. This provides that the general conference name a general hospital board. Breeches were made by Mrs. Alice Mc Laughlin on the Nebraska Methodist hos pitals, by Rev. E. B. Johnson of the American Bible society and by Chancellor C. A. Fulmar of the Nebraska Wesleyan university. FRAN KLIN CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR The Tri-City Ben Franklin club held its annual meeting at the Paxton hotel Thurs day evening, elected officers and con ducted other business. President C. E. Corey gave a talk in which the reviews the progress made by the club. Other talks were nude by llj'.ljn L. Tostevln. John M Hogan. F. W. Wallwej. Frank A. Kennedy, R. Baliman and L. J. yuinby. The new set of oftieers is as follows: The club re-elected President C. E Corey. Vice President C. A. Sherwood and Treasurer Wiuiam H. Hoj'on. and elected the following board of directors- Omaha r C. Ellick. Herbert McCoy. Fred . Wallwey and George Snell. South Omaha E. A. Morehouse. '.'ouncil Bluffs Charles A. Howe. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. Fn m Omaha's Near Neighbors Colo . is the guest of his alatar. Mrs. W. E. Miller. A iew ten-horse gasoline engine baa been Installed at the water worka pump ing station. Ross W. Bates went to Chicago on Monday to enter the law school of the Chicsgo unversty. A bresk in the engine at the water works left the village without water for twenty-four hours. Mrs. James MfCampley and her daugh ter. Mae of. Los Angeles, are visiur.g tpringrield friends. Mrs. Simpkins received a paralvtic stroke on Monday and is not expected to survive but a few days. G. C. Blake sold his forty-acre farm for t. per acre which sets a new record un Sarpy county real estate. William Kieck. Enla Bates. Frank Beg ley and I.o d Morrison are Springfield's irpresf-ntames at the state university this semester. James H. White went to Washtnpto.i to attend the insurance agents' conven tion and to soliort insurance on the White House, Sprina-field la thirty years old. Only six people are here now w ho were among the first citizens of the village. Thay are L. A. Bates. D. O. Brownes. C. E Smith Jacob Fackler. A. V. Rogers and Grace Rogers, Millard. Omaiia sDent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Schata. Miss Gladys Baldwin, who works In Omaha, spent Sunday at her home. Messrs. Sibert. Hanger and Shook of Waterloo attended the dance at Miliard Saturday evening. Miss Frieda Holstetn. who atends school In umaha. spent Saturday and Sunday at her home. Mra Chris Koch left for Wymore. Neb., laxt MonUav, where will vis. I her daughter. Mrs. C. Bellinger. Messrs. John Peters and Dut Andersen. Mrs. Peters and Miss Edith Anoeifcon attended the Orpheum Sunday eenin. . r i . ' ' w ..i.rtiinfil Vedned.iv evening at her home in South Omana for Mr. and Mrs A. Peters and Rev. and Mra. Krebs. a Ma... f i t r frnm rretna were In Miliard Wednesday announcing the celebration to be given theie September 22. Tbe Gretna oand accompanied them. Elkhara. J. li. Quinn arrived home Satarday from a stay at Excelaior Springs. Mo. H A. .Volts is preparing to start re butldir.g his elevator where It was burned April Jaxes C. Betts and Miss Eva Brug ms'iu were rr.arnea H tuii.ln. jec w.,1 reside on a (arm four miles north eut ot Eikbom Mr Peter Kedde and children arrive! in Klkhorn Thursday from irtgory. t D.. for a visit wltn her parents, Mr. and Jli P -i lio'eldi John tar ted Benison TueodSsy and William Quinn for Stutaaxt. Am., to visit Hugh Marsh and other friends. They expect to be aaay a month or more. Mra A. J. Deerson and Mrs. B. F. Cal vert drove to Valley Thursday to visit Mrs. Calvert's daughter. Mrs. Rfgby. The Royal Neighbors met Tuesday afternoon Each member invites a gurst. Aoout thirty were present.' After the business a social time was had. the young women furnishing munc and songo A delicious lunch was served. Kenry Kroeger. Louis Ball and Wll'.ard Ksllon shipped a carload of rattle to the S.juth omaha maiket Tuesday. Swrlaa'teld. Mra Susan Aifora of Castle Rock, Miss Delfs returned from Rlslns Cii-v !at Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Detweller were la Omaha Thursday. I The work on John Peters' new residence is progressing, rapidly. Misses Lillian and Anderson were shopping la the c:ty Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Taylor returned from Tekasrah last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Ro Sweet of Lewis, la., are guests of the Ed Bweet family this week. Miss Lois Anderson, who teaches near Fiknorn. was at home Saturday and Sunday. Miss Grace Koch left for Kearney Sun day, kere she will attend the normal this year. Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher of South Ville). Mrs. C. B. Nichola and Miss May Nich ols war Fremont visitors Thursday. Misses Nell and Marlon Whitmore axe spending two weeks in Llnco.n. Mrs. Isaae Novea and Pris calls are vis iting Mr .and Mra Gardiner this week. Rev and Mra Shawkey are attending the Methodist conference in Omaha this week. Mrs. Eddy and Mrs Gibson were shop ping In Fremont Wednesday. Mo nil Johnson. C. B. Nichols and F. C. Kennedy went to Hooter Thursday in the auto to attend the live stock exhibi tion. Mrs. Kelly entertained Wednesday af ternoon in honor of Mrs. Harry Cramer, who Is a guest of Mrs. C. H. Webb. There will be no preaching service in the Presbyterlaa church Sunday. The members of the Masonic lode's gave an informal and verv enjoyable re ception for A. J. McCheng Saturday evening A. J McCheng. who has supplied the Presbyterian pulpit since January, preached his farewell sermon &unda evening and left Monday morning for Princeton. N. J. where he wul com pete hia theological course. The following graduates of the Valley High scnool will attend cullt-ge this year. Misses Leo la Burt. Kale aod Davis, Fremont normal; Misa Vers Curtis. Minnesota State normal; Joe Claybaugh. Bellevue. Neb.: Buiah Byars. Wesleyan university; Mles Mabel Johnson snd Eva Harrier. Etner Anderson. Clifford Edmlnster. LerOy MeCormick and Elmer Merryweather. state urjvtrslty ; Neola Parson. Peru State normal. Irrtnartow. Mrs. C. TV Fwitxer and daua-hter, Hatel, spent Tuesday at the Krats home. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Maree are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy. Charlie Gilbert and family of South Dakota are viiting 1. D. Gilbert of Ir vington. Mr. and Mrs W. L. Rl. hard have been enjoying a visit from tbe Edwards family of Iowa, spent Thursday Mra Phalen. of Miss Nellie Scanlln night with her aunt. tnvington. Mrs. I. D. Gilbert and daughter, Mra Charles Gilbert of South Dakota, called on Mrs. D. C. Krati Tuesday. The Christian Endeavor society of tha Congregational church gave a slcial at the Haz&rd home Friday. The Chrlsnao Endeavor society of the Irvine-ton Christian church gave a souvenir social at the home of Mrs. 8. A. Bates Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson of Creiphton. Nto.. were guests at tha Stoltenberg home Friday. For All Ayeis Pills are liver pills. All vege table, sugar-coated A gentle laxative for all the familv. Consult vour doc tor freely about these pills and about all medical matters. Follow his advice. He certainly knows best Top 5c Host Popular Bread Today . ? T1P - M T" ," Wagest seller In Omahs. couth Omaha aad Council Bluff, today. Wlta our Immense plant and deiit ery system, no arocer allowed to offer 11 for sale except when absolutely fr..h Tip Top breed la being tin Its ted In style of. pckace not in Quality. r 9 T T Package not in Quality. Dread ... 5c at &U grocers U. P. STEAM BAKING COMPANY