Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Nearly Six Million Increase in
Deposit! in One Year.
More Madenta Than Ever Are lu ,
Atteadanre at state lastltatloas I
of LearnlaaT la II a w k.e y e I
'From Ptaff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES. la., Sept. 22. Special
Telegram ) Deposits ki the l.oro bar.ks
under the. jurisdiction of the state bank
ing department Increased 13.367.714 19 In
the year from September 14. 1910 to
August 90. 131L The gain In depot's be
tween May 29 and August 30. amounted
to t2.931.OU.78. These gains are the largest
which have, been recorded for similar
per cent Id aome years and show a uni
form prosperity In Iowa such as has not
existed in some years in this state.
While the banks have reduced tho
amount of their bills receivable they
have at the same time strengthened their
legal seserve. This is regarded by the
state bank officials aa a most encourag
ing sign.
More Students la School.
Reports received at the office of the
State Board of Education show that In
the three educational Institutions la a
larger enrollment of students than ever
before. It waa stated that the state
eachera' college at Cedar Falls will hold
the banner for the percentage of In
crease. The stata university at Iowa City shows
an Increase from to 2.400 students
over last year. The state agricultural
college at Ames also shows a notable In
crease. Chop Saer Home Rights.
Operator of a chop suey restaurant,
which la located over the leading saloon
of the city have gone Into court to fl-ad
out If they have a rl.;ht to serve dinner
to women the aame - men. The owner
of the saloon haa placid an Injunction on
the restaurant to prevet women from
going there.
IDA GROVE, la . Sept. 21. (Special.)
There will be no litigation over the auto
mobile accident at Oalva that ended In
the death of four membera of the A. L. I
Johnson family of Akron, la. The North
western railway has decided to settle the
case, and little Fern Johnson, the sole
survivor of the wreck, will be paid lll.OM).
M. M. White of Ida Grove and A. L.
Teaton of Akron were attorneys for the
Johnson estate, and It waa reported that
the estate would sue for $40,000. Fern la j
still in St. Joseph's hospital at Sioux City,
where she has been ever since the North
western passenger train at Qalva ran
into (he Johnson auto at Galva on Au
gust 9. Her father and mother and two
sisters were killed.
District Court at OlenweM.
GLENWOOD, la., Sept. 22. (Special.)
Judge Wheeler convened district court In
Glen wood on Tuesday of this week. The
docket is large, due to accumulation from
other courts, and the session will last
three weeka. The grand Jury organised
at noon on the first day and Is still In
The Martin will case will commence on
Monday September 25. Mrs, Martin, who
had for many years lived north of Pacific
City, left 116,000 to the Glenwood Young
Men s Christian association and, smaller
sums to hospitals, and la declared by
relatives to have been unduly Influenced
and was not of "sound and disposing
mind" at the time the will waa made.
General Stone and Genung Genung
are for the protestanta, Senator GUliland
and Logan for the defense.
; Accident Company 8ned.
' MASON CITY, la., Sept 22.-( Special.)
Henry Eidson wants 11.250 from the
Hawkeye Commercial Men'a association
of Marshalltown. On account of the ac
cidental discharge of a gun he lost his
arm. Ha was Insured In this company
and claims that his policy was In force
at the Urns of the' accident. For some
reason he was unable to get the settle
ment desired from the company and he
brings this action. The ease will be tried
out in tne term of court which sits here
Monday. September 26. Mr. Edson la a
resident of Clear Lake.
N. W. Cor. 16th md Doo.Ut
Announce a Special Purchase and Sale of Men's
No suit in the world will give the " twelve-mo nths-service" of a good blue serge suit.
A medium weight all wool blue serge suit is a dressy suit for fall, a practical suit for winter, a sen
sible suit for spring and the favorite suit for summer.
Brandeis Stores is the only place we know of where you are SURE to get a high-class, hand-tailored,
up-to-date, correctly fitting blue serge suit for $17.50.
In this Saturday offer we present men's blue serge suits in fashion's latest styles, English models
and the long body fitted coats with long lapels 2 and 3-button models.
You'd expect to pay $25.00 for these suits anywhere else. Brandeis sells them for $17.50.
You'll Find in Hirsh-Wickwire English Model Clothes the Sort of Suits That America's Best Dressed Men
ric, but not too rich to be practical. Refined in pattern but not too conservative for the snap live ot up-to
Demand. R
date styles
ich in fab-
$25 to $35
For Men and Young Men.
These clothes will be the most pop
ular men's wear in Omaha this rea
son. Every garment Is hand tail
ored. Moderate prices
$17.50 to $25.00
300 Sample Suits Go On Sale Saturday at $10, $12.50, $15.
They are worth as high as $25.00. These suits are ex
tremely well made of fancy worsteds, cheviots and tweeds.
Serviceable suits at lower than ordinary prices.
Men's and Young Men's Pants
New patterns In worsteds and tweeds.
The correct "peg-top" cut are In
cluded. The values are up to $4.
$2.50 and $2.98
Men's Fall
Weight ribbed
values up to
39 50
Omaha agent
In Ion Suits
for Men
SI to 84,50
Here's a Great Chance
hirt Sale
Buy your Shirts for fall wear Saturday
at this sale. These are actually the best
shirt values of the year. Mostly sample shirts
made by Rosenfeld. makers of famous Fault
less brand of "Day" shirts.
Here are imported madras, percales, Russian
cords, French flannels, with detached soft
collars; also white plaited bosom shirts
worth up to $2.50 two lots at
59c ; 98c
Manhattan and E. & "W. Shirts for men
at $1.50 to $3.50
I- Bor' Sweater Coats j Sweaters
Manufacturers' samples of "Worsted
Sweater Coats and Jersey Sweaters;
values up to $150 jgc . 9gc
BranTTTTT Agent in Omaha and the West for celebrated
No undergarments are made that are at once so serviceable, so
comfortable and so hygienic. We also show Dr. Jaeger s Night
8hlrts, Sleeping Socks, hose, sweater golf coat and chest protectors.
Better Clothes for Boys
Mothers who are just as anxious to please their
boys as they are to get the best values, choose Bran
deis Stores for school clothes. We specialize in the
best suits for little fellows.
Boys' School Suits All wool blue serges, extra heavy
knickerbocker pants. Pants lined throughout, cut
full peg top. Two pair of pants with each Gr r A
suit; regular $7.50 values, at .vDewll
Boys' All Wool School Suits Extra heavy tweeds and
cheviots; some with two pair pants. M98 Cl93
Values up to $5.00, at $1
Children's Norfolk and Russian Blouse Suits Made of
wool mixtures, in gray, blue and brown; (M98
values up to $4.00, at Vl
Sale of Men's Sample Hats JUS 95c : $1.45
Enure sample lines of Chas. Levy & Sons, 691 Broadway,
New York, and Robt. J. McFarland's stock of Fifth Ave.,
New York, makers of men's soft snd stiff hats, in all
JmS 1?!??r.?95c and S1.45
.bnguin tiate Brandeis
Stores is agent for the cele
brated English hats made
Stetson Hata So great is
the Stetson variety that un-
by Joseph Wilson & Sons, limited opportunity is of
Ltd., Denton, England. ferred for the expression of
Latest fall styles at 82.KO taste, at 1 sn
Brandeis Special Hats at 2 One day's wear of a Brandeis
Special hat will convince you that they are the best hat for
$2; all correct shapes of soft and stiff hat, at... . ru
' aaai a w
Boys' Hats for School Wear
Men '8 $3.50 and $4.00 quality tan calf
and gunmetal calf, button or blucher
lace 6hoes; Goodyear welted soles, new
high toes, short vamps. Nobby shoes
for young men. All the snapgtN QCJ
and style of shoes of higher jrk P
price Saturday at r "
Genuine Hungarian Valour
Hats In tan. brown, black
and gray, at 93.60
Imported I" ranch Valour and
Beaver Hats On sale
at $5 and $7.50
New shades and Khan en.
at 8 So, 490, 98o ajid 91.50
ample Boys' and Children's
Caps Values up to 60c
at 25o
Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags
Complete line of trunks, traveling bags and
suit cases at moderate prices.
Trunks at $4, $5, $6, $7 and np to . $25.00.
Suit Cases at 98c, $1.50, 92, $2.08, and an to
Traveling bags at 98c, $1.50, $2.50, $4.98 and
np to $18.
We are sole agents for the celebrated Inno
vation Wardrobe Trunks.
Officer Yobs Exonerated.
MASON CITY, la.. Sept. 23.-(Speclal
Telegram.)-Offlcer Ed Yohn of Greene,
who shot and killed George Snettler
while he was resisting arrest, was exon
erated by the grand Jury, falling to re
turn sn Indictment against him.
Iowa News Notes.
GLENWOOD The small army of un
employed that has been camped near
Paciflo Junction and aouth of Glenwood
for some time has practically disappeared,
the men being absorbed by the ripening
orchards in and around Glenwood. Prob
ably 1.600 men are at work in the apples.
IOWA CITY The department of public
speaking of the University ot Iowa which
has in charge the annual debating con
test participated In each year by some
thirty high schools of the state today
announced the following subject for the
year 091M2; "Resolved, That the move
' meut of organised labor for the closed
shop should receive the support of pub
Uo opinion".
DEN1SON The ladles of the Catholic
Cemetery association at Vail have pur
chased at a ooat of ll.tioO a cross, which
will be finally set In place and blessed by
the Driest. Father Murphy, on Sunday
next. The cross Is of the best grade of
a-ranlta. la twelve feet high The Image
of Christ on the cross and the statues of
the Blessed virgin and St. Joseph at tne
foot of this cross are nearly life else.
TA-MA Jack Travis, a blacksmith of
this place. Is being held under bond at
Cedar Rapids following his arrest by
Deputy United Btates Marshal M- L.
To Get
Its Beneficial Effects;
Always Buy the Genuine
Healy on a charge of selling liquor to a
Musnuaksle Indian of the reservation near
here. White Breats, the Indian, came
close to being killed by a Northwestern
train as a result of the drunk .caused,
he avs. by the liquor Travis sold him.
GREEN MOUTAIN-Kneellng by the
Sloe oi tne Deu, on wnu;ii a.dv,v.
Gallagher, of .Green Mountain, lay sick
of typnoia lever, u jj- wj"1 c,
ana ivi r. auuu c. iutumj, ... w - -
Mountain, were married this afternoon.
The preacner reaa ias bctviw iiwij
up with pillows. The young people, who
are prominent at Green Mountain, had
planned weeks ago to have Reverend
Mr. Gallagher marry them and rather
than go to another preacher they aban
doned their plans for a home wedding and
were married In the preacher's room.
BROKEN BOW, Sept, 2& (Special)
At a special meeting ot the business men
of this place. It was decided to affiliate
with the Nebraska Federation of Retail
Dealers and maintain a local branch of
that organisation. The meeting waa
presided over by J. A. Becker or
Omaha, who effected the organization
and put it on a running basis. The
prime objects are to lower the cost of
carrying on business, to put business
men in closer touch with each other and
to adopt strioter rules of credit,, thereby
minimising the constant loss which the
credit . sytm brings to merchants. Of
ficer of the organisation are J. C
Bo-wen, president: L. D. George, vice
president and Merle Plgman, secretary
A board of directors consists of Joesph
Molyneaux, J. K. Harmon, A. P. An
derson Bam Je, J. J. Van Cott, W. A.
Too ley, J. N. Peale, F. Reeder, J. A,
Kltfln and Ray Kuns.
I B. Cramer and William Moore, the
Ltwo remaining boot-leggers of the trio
operating here for some time, received
sentence today. Cramer was fined tlOO
and costs, while Moore drew a J26 fine
and ten days in Jail. Their mode of
operation waa for two of them to cir
culate about town and sell orders for
liquor. The orders were presented at
Moore's house, where the booze was
stored and the goods delivered. Prose
cutor Beal says be Is determined to break
up the boot-legging bubiness here and as
soon as be can collect sufficient evidence
against tbem, several others will get
dose ot the same medicine.
John LAuver, a farmer, 66 years ot
age, living on the West Table, fourteen
miles from here, died this forenoon at
the hospital after an abdominal opera
tion. Deceased leaves a wife and four
Brown children., Funeral services will
be held In Broken Bow the last of the
week. ' .
Statement of Position of Govern
ment Toward Elegal Combines.
Department Will Not Undertake to
Act as I'niTenal Counsel for
Troata May Conalder Re
organisation Plans.
iTinhiifaciurcd hy iho
Sold ty oil leading
Dnxjqi sts
One She Only, 50 a Dotilo
BROKEN BOW, Neb.. 'Sept. 22 .-(Spe
cial. Information was lust received here
of a fatal accident that occurred y ester
day at the home of Fred Snider, a farmer
living near Milburn. . Mr. Snider was
coming from work when . he saw some
prairie chickens. He sent one of hl& sons
to the house for a gun. As the boy, fol
lowed by two smell nr children, was re
turning carrying It over his shoulder the
weapon was accidentally discharged, kill
ing one of the children, a boy, and serl
ously wounding the other. The Snider
home Is some distance northwest of here
and details of the tragedy are meager.
To Die oa the Scaffold
Is painless compared with the weak
lame back kidney trouble causes. Electric
Bitters Is the remedy. tOc. For ssle by
Beaton Pru. Co. . . .
WASHINGTON. Sept. 23-Recent re
ports to the effect that attorneys tor
large combinations of corporations and
their principals also were hoping for some
general understanding with ' the govern
ment authorities concerclng the applica
tion of the anti-trust law and that some
of them had gone to the attorney general
to ascertain what action, If any, may be
necessary to make them stand right In
the eyes of the government was the sub
ject of much discussion here today.
The Associated Press la in a position to
state the following as the attitude or
the Department of Justice:
The position of the attorney general
Is that since the decisions of the supreme
court In the oil and tobacco cases, to
quote the language employed by him In
his speech at Battle Creek. Mich., . the
area of uncertainty In the law has been
greatly reduced and the meaning of the
statute In Its application of great mono-
pollstio corporations made clear, and this
makes it necessary for those combina
tions to resolve themselves Into a number
of distinct separate entitles, no one of
which will be In itself a combination In
restrain of trade or threaten monopoly.
How this shall be done Is, of course, a
separate problem In each case a problem
which, In the first Instance, those In con
trol. of the combinations and their counsel
must work out.
Ifot Adviser of Trnats.
I "The law department of the government
cannot undertake to act aa -universal
counsel for the trusta It Is preparing to
bring before the court all the combina
tions which appear In clear violations of
the law. If the courts agrees with the
government's views they will doubtless
follow the precedents set by the supreme
court In the tobacco case, and by the
United States circuit court In the Third
circuit In the powder case, and decree
the combination to be Illegal and give to
it a reasonable time, to reorganize In con
formity with the law, under penalty of In
junction or receivership If It should tail
to do so.
"The plan of reorganization must be
such as the government may acquiesce
In; or It would be compelled to oppose Its
approval by the court But the final ap
proval Is for the court to make.
Harvester Caae Cited.
"In the case ot the Harvester company,
that corporation voluntarily submitted to
the government Its plan ot reorganization
before suit was brought, and while not
going so far aa the officials of the De
partment of Justice considered It should
go, the representatives of the Harvester
company evinced a willingness to con
form, It possible, to the views of the
department and to make such changes as
It should deem necessary to comply with
the law.
"In some cases, such as the suits
against the combinations of the electric
light manufacturers and the Southern
Wholesale Grocery association, the de
fendants as soon as petitions were filed,
evinced a willingness to comply with the
lew and submitted proposed reorganiza
tions and tendered a form of decree whteh
thy were willing to have tiie court enter
against them. It Is understood that nego
tiations respecting such decree have been
completed and at the next terra of court
the defendants will appear and agree to
the entry of judgments granting all relief
the government could ask as the result ot
a litigation.
Mar Submit Plans.
"If other combinations should take Uke
action and submit to the Department of
Justloe plans of reorganization which
should In good faith bring about a com
pi titlve condition and terminate monopo
listic conditions and also all agreements
unduly restraining Interstate trade and
commerce, the Department of Justice
would doubtlesa give them careful consid
eration and if found to be adequate would
submit them to the courts on an appro
priate petition, the decree of the court
to be so framed as to make provision for
a plan binding on the defendants and ad
join them from further monopolistic ef
"But the burden of framing such plans
and of demonstrating their sufficiency
and adequacy must be assumed by those
interested in the combinations and not by
officials of the Department of Justice1."
Gage Republicans.
Plan for Victory
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept 32 fSneclal
Telegram.) The republican county cen
tral committee held a big banquet at the
Paddock hotel today, which was ad
dressed by prominent republicans from
different parts of the county. Plans for
the campaign were discussed. Prospects
point to a big republican victory in Gage
this fall.
Ton can enter the Booklovers'
any time before the close.
J. H. CKrlstensen Baa Sbonlder and
' Five Ribs Broken Wnezi Car
' pver turns.
YANKTON, S. D., Sept. C SpeclL
J. H. ChristenEan. a furniture dealer of
Voltn. had five ribs broken and a shoul
der dislocated by his auto overturning.
W. C. Cavanah, for over two years
government weather observer at the
Yankton station, has been assigned to
Vlcksburg, Tenn., and will leave within
two weeiks to assume charge of that sta
tion. He will be succeeded here by a Mr.
Colo from Charleston, S. C.
News has reached Yankton of the death
at Atlanta, . Ga,, of Canon Gilbert Hlgga ot
the Episcopal cathedral there. Dr. Hlggg
was rector of Christ church for a numbes;
of years and was well known la this section.
Falls In Front of Slcklebar.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D Bert- 22.-(Sp.
claL) Venoel Brtna, a farmer living la
the northern part of Charles Mix county,
was perhaps fatally injured by his horses
running away while he was operating a
mowing machine. He was In front of the
sicklebar when the horses started and
waa caught In the guards and dragged a
considerable distance before being re
BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept 23. Special
TelegTam.) Charged with misappropriat
ing $1,400 while employed as bookkeeper
at the Institute for feeble minded youth
here, Thomas E. Stewart waa arrested
this' afternoon on complaint of County
Attorney F. O. McGlrr. Mr. Stewart was
arraigned before Judge Walden In county
court and ' pleaded not guilty. His case
was set for hearing October IS, and he
was released on bond of 11,000.
Stewart was employed at the Institute
during; Dr. O. L. Roe's administration
and when Dr. W. M. Thomas assumed
charge last spring the allegegd shortage
was discovered when Governor Aldrich
sent an accountant here to check up the
books. of the Institute.
Central City Man Is Insane.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb., Sept. 22. Spe
claL) Jacob Sagerty, an old and re
spected resident of this place and pos
sessed of considerable means. was
brought before the board of insanity
today upon the complaint of his physi
cian. Dr. Jones, and was declared a tit
subject for treatment. He bad been ail
ing for some time. He had an Idea that
his head was filled with bugs and was
constantly doping to kill them. Recently
he severely Injured himself by pouring a
quantity of turpentine into his ear In
hopes of ridding himself of the imaginary
pests. At other times he took different
measures to exterminate them and gen
erally kept his bead bundled up. On most
subjects he seemed to be perfectly sane.
Sheriff Her will take him to Lincoln at
once. ,
Central City Pastor Leaves.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb. Sept ?2 i Spe
cial.) Rev. M K. Holmes, pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church, preaches his
farewell sermon next Sunday, pre . .
to bis departure for Chicago to complete
his theological studies at the Northwest
em university. His successor will be
chosen at the Northern Nebraska confer,
ence, now In session at Omaha
Mrs. Elisabeth . Nlaler.
HARVARD, Nab., Sept. 12 (Special. )
Mrs. Elizabeth Nlsley died at her home
adjoining this city on Tuesday and was
burled today from the family home. The
service was Conducted by Rev. Mr.
Shirty of Central City, assisted by Rev.
Davis of this city.
Fu3 T
Study the massive propor
tion and stately lines of this
Table a very pleasing de
signextra well made
quarter sawed oak, fumed or
early English finish patent
lock to top- easy run
ning extension slides
and smooth
rolling cast
ers, A thor
oughly high
grade table
a tremendous
. h4 iA
Artlstle Outfits
Hanaseme Designs
Special Prices
Genuine Leather Seat Quarter
Sawed Oak Chairs
A remarkable offer. Full genuine
leather box seat dining chairs,, quartered
oak, fumed or early English finish, massive, dignified and
handsome, superior makeat about half value. "
Credit t f ff I
to . ; U A I H 1
f y j