the bee: Omaha. Saturday. September 23. 1911. At Monday I Our Oreet Annual Tall Opening e A Bothing Surprise S iwited I The Most Extraordinary FOR EYJen and Young Wen . Cut Tall Salts sod Overooats will surprise many a mas. They ara a radia tion in tha tailor art. Tba styles, the tables, tha cgeallent tailoring ara won derful when you consider our prtoaa. ale of Kid Gloves 16 I: !ioin;TnwDri mmm In i ii. - ..,.,.! Of The Entire Year A New York Importer's Sam ples and Odd Lots of Fine French and Lambskin Long and Short. Gloves at Great Bargains. THE KID GLOVES ia Elbow aal Shoulder Length' 98c 12, 16 and 20-button length kid gloves; white, black and col ors;. full assortment of sizes. On bargain square. Actuall" worth up to $2.50 and $3.50 . a pair; at, a pair. . . ; Women's Short Kid Gloves at 59c Pair Thousands of pairs one and two-clasp effects in French kid,. lambskin, Mocha and Chamois black, white, pur ple, blue and all staple colors. Actually worth PA up to $1.25 bargain square, "at, pair. O VC Women's Pore Thread Silk Hosiery Lisle soles, many lisle garter tops, double heela and toes: black, tan, white and evening shades; $1.50 and $2 qualities at, pair. Women's 7Sc Silk Hosiery at 49c Pair Wide lisle garter tops, lisle soles, also all silk; regular and out sizes, ...worth The- pair at, pair. ....... ... . . Women's Pure Thread Whit Silk Hose Li6le double soles, heels and toes, 50c quality at, -. Plr . ZiJC 98c Women's Imported Lisle and Cotton Hosier Double soles. In white, black and colors; also men's pure ft sun in piacK ana tan,, worta 50c pair on sale at, !( , . ....... pair. Men's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery Lisle double soles, heels and toes; 50c quality at, pair. . . . ; ; 21c Men's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery Full fashioned,, lisle an toles, double heels and toes, worth 75c pair at, pair. . . C Women's fine Lisle and Cotton Hosiery, worth 25c pair r at, pair...... . Men's Cotton and Mercerized Hosiery, double heels .and 4 a toes, worth 25c pair at, pair. ' . . . .luC MiBses", B'Oys' and Children's School Hoseworth 25c pair at, pair. Women's New Fall Neckwear Dainty Lac. and Net Fichus, also Sailor and Dutch Col- ftr. lars. Lace Jabots, Side Frills, etc.; worth up to $1 at, J)JJ 12ic Wide All Silk Dresden Taifeta Ribbon Persian. Fancy Stripes, Changeable Glace Moire, Plain and m r Satin Taffeta; black, white and all colors; worth up to Si 3Ec yard at, yard , -. . . Complete Lines Munsing Underwear for Fall Women's and Children's Vests, Pants and Union Suits, early fall and winter weights at, a garment, 49, 93, $1.5Q to $2.93 Again You are Lucky! We've Just Received Another Shipment of Positively S 22 Quality "Omaha" Sewing Machines Right in Time for A nother "Satu rday Sale"at- - $1198 h : Perect running,', sci J entif ically cons t r u e t e d, drophead sewing machine in an especially nandsomo oak case. The price, $11.98, includes a-full set of high grade attachments. The "Omaha" is constructed espec ially for us from our own plans and the hundreds we havy already sold in Omaha are giving unbounded satisfaction. Sewing Machine Department Porqpeian Room Special Announcement Saturday afternoon and evening we will have a repre : tentative from the Diamond Foot Supporter Co. in our Shoe department who will demonstrate a new support for the arch of the shoe. It is entirely new, but has proven very effective In holding up the arch, allowing the shoe to hold its shape and look well until worn out. All sizes (or men's and women's shoes. Come whether you purchase or not. J Orandeis Stores H Wc invite your aarly Inspection of tbasa truly wonderful suits and overcoats. Trouscr Department W positively show tba largest and bast selected Una of - new rail Trousers for man and young men avar shown in tha city. If you want a conservative, Pea; Top or Cuff Bot tom style of trouscrd we have them to suit you, and- at a LESS FJtlCS "quality considered" than elsewhere. Range of prices fire $1.50, $1.90, $2.53, $3, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00. Underwear We ara showing; a complete Una of medium and heavy weight Underwear at a moderate prios. Cotton AKn Ribbed Pure Wool Garments Wool Underwear with Union label ........ 75c $1.00 Men's Fall Hats ...$3.50 Every desirable style and color of oft and stiff Hats for fall ara shown In our Sat Department. h John B. Stetsons up from Tours; Bros. Celebrated 6 fift New Tor Styles SJO.UU Tha "Guarantee Bpaciai" Bats, none better aold for 93 50. QQ Furnishing Specials $1.50 Jersey Sweaters for Men and Boys, fray, blue and maroon. $2.00 values How rail Neckwear, pure 2?r Silk Lisle silk, 50o values Whisper weight Pure Hose, all colors, vary special 12e fr Now Is the Time To select a comfortable, well lighted, ventilated office. or suite of rooms in vvhich to transact your business. A con siderable portion of the business man's time is spent in his office and he should . locate where the environment is most conducive to success. THE BEE BUILDING IS THE PLACE where inducements are offered to those seeking desirable quarters. New elevators have been installed at no little expense, enabling patrons and their clients to reach their destination in the. building with the greatest amount of safety and speed. The lobby, court and corridors have received a thorough rejuvenation, and with their new coats,' present a cheerful appearance. The 'offices throughout the building have never been permitted to look Otherwise than clean and attractive'. You pay of fice rent Only. All the incidentals, such as janitor service. electric light and water, are included in the price of the office. ' Obtain satisfaction by renting one or more, of the following: ROOMS 644-648 .form a very good combination on the top floor facing the east. One room is 11-4x19-6, and the other 9-8x19-6. The last mentioned having in connection a good aized vault with shelving. It is difficult to find offices vacant affording such con veniences and the rental price for both is, per, month $38.00 ROOM 548 Is divided into three rooms .by tile partitions, thus making-each office a private one. Two doctors could occupy this suite to advantage, using the reception room Jointly. -. There is a total of 570 square feet, which includes the vault. Rents for, per rionth , .$60.00 ROOMS 416, 418, 405, 407 and 519 are all small offices which range in price from $10.00 to $18.00 ROOM 523 Is a good inside room, 14x19 feet, with vault. month Price, per . .$18.00 Bee The Bee Building Company Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. 2 ENVIOUS doesn't half describe the feeling of the bald-headed chap on observing the other fellow with a good heavy growth of hair on his head. U D QUININE HAIR TONIC if used, in time will stop falling hair; remove dandrufff and give rapid growth. A. L. UNDELAND, 1407 Douglas School Shoes FOR THE Football Boy' This is the season of the year every full blooded American youngster endeavors to' be a great "half back" or "end." .And my. how the shoe leather goes if he is shod with ordin ary boys' shoes. We have a shoe called the TEEL HOD HOE And they deserve the name too'. They wear like iron and we guarantee them to outwear two pairs, of ordinary boys' shoes They cost a trifle more, but i is economy to buy them.- Boys' sizes, 2H to 5 Youths' sizes, 1 to 2 Little Gents' sizes,. 10 at 82.50 $2.25 to -13. $2.00 DREXEL 1110 FARXAM ST. main Why Do They Make It So Good? i -sswn ui ss,s.k sjii law fjr,msm .', rm THE BEER YOU LIKE Consumers' XMatrlfevtsTSi Ma NKtkr. IZ24 Se 24th & . Oaast Fret EWi 2S24 0 St, Seats Oaaka C. 6at, (jpacil BlsiU, bwt 1 3j WANT AD will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant rooms, or secure boarders on ahort notice, at a vary (mall coat to you. -Bo convlnecd s The Musician-The Economist The Artist-The Expert Mechanic To look over our stock of pianos that we have on dis- 1 v 1 'T. ?Aas aV vs. V a aMi-a- .fill ! V piay aiiu aic. vv e guarantee iu aaiiMy an. 1 nc .mu sician .will find the highest and sweetest of tonequalities. The economist will find our. prices much less than at other piano houses. The artist will find the exterior finish on our pianos real artistic and very beautiful. The expert mechanic will find the construction of each and every piano such as to' insure great and lasting qualities. The careful buyer must look first to the quality. To be of high quality, the, piano: must be con structed of the best material, put together by thor- 1 1 - 1 1 3 ougniy compeienr wornmen. i en aays ago we piacea on sale quite a number of new pianos, also some that ? were slightly used. We have a few left which we must and will dispose .of before the beginning of Ak-Sar-Ben. S Prices on really high grade, well known makes, both new and second hand, will range from $75 to $260. J 17 . : Ai : t e'-ir i. err a 3 l uniicr prices un mese planus were irom o io poou. Every one of these pianos guaranteed to be in first v s class condition and-will be sold on terms to suit the convenience of the purchaser. Ha 1 yd en . Qaas Sjs8st g&s&cgp c5OT6Ba Omaha's Purs food Center QVBtS QllTHTi fJMIUHJI v Saturday Specials -ifl I rtnest Display of Ifrash rrolta aod Veg-etables In the Olty. "SpecIalB" for Saturday 3 larr well pleached celery lOo 2 plalii lettuce - ' -So Eelacted . assorted fruits, per basket (- 2 So, 6O0 RocWeyford Canteloitpea. So, lOo 1-8 buehei basket sweet potatoes, for SOo Michigan blue grapes, per basket, at . . . , . 8oo Fancy hesd lettuoe, cauliflower, tniot, cucumbers dates, all kinds frnes. lb.; 10c. Jsp Rice 35e cans "Red Cross" milk ....33e 4 eaks "Sunny Monday" sojp 35o 40 bars, one "box, laundry 4p. for U.1S 1.1b box "Lotus'' macaroni too 48-lb. ak Abardfen'Snow White' flour SX.6S 1 ral. caji Plnard's French Olive di a.7s California ripe oUvaa, Jara, ; 400, 70c, 90o and . S1.00 4 pkgs. Uneeda Biscuit.' 18o 15c can French Sardines . .. . .9p Pint Mason Jara extracted fruit Honey , .350 Vermont "or Ohio "Maple- Su'yar. par ib ...ISO IS gross H-fal. Mason Fruit Jars, par -ioien . . 65o 5 cans "Nabob" soups, assorted, for .-. .850 Batter, Errs and Obeese Sept. "Lotus-' cieamety butter. In car- ton. per lb , -3lo Our best country butter, in san itary .lars. per lb SOo Strictly fresh eggs per doz. t&o Imported Swiss i.heeM, per lb. 3 So Domestic Sm1ss cheese, per lb. SSo Imported Roquefort cheese, per lb., 40o Fansy .-ar cheese . .lOo, 15c S3o Large Edam cheese, each . .$1,15 tswzj GpzMap cteajjC1 C4 Cai There are meata sold too be whole some, we sell good meata. kept In a slash refrigerator. at low prlcos Picnic HanjB, fine farm cured barn, per lb. 9 OMAHA'S BEST MEAT MARKET Try Pure our. to BratwurBt" Pork Saueage, fresh dally, lb. 15 Mutton 'Legs,. : per lb. . . .OVsC Chicken killed order. Rooster to -Hens 13e riprlng lo Ham To, Bofcaturday Night Shoulder Beef Roast Bo. FRED BONNESS PROVISION CO. WHOX,E8AX,B and BETAJI, KXATI. 3331 loavenworth. fhonaf: Pong-. 14181 A.-1623. Deliveries, STorth to Cuming, West to 40th, 9otl to Center. MMHHH . 1 . ... I I, , . Lindsay's Specials displaying In our , east sha Each week we . are window a line of apeclaja. This week It is Sterling SilTer and Sheffield flat. Don't fail to see theste specials. LOOK t-xm THE NAME. . LWK (UK THIS NAUIS. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1519 BOUGX.AH ST. (I) HODCKN KINTtKHnt I ' tt MOMRATIvJ FAR NAM )U I i Reliable Dentistry AT Tail's Dental - Rooms Where to Find the Bee In New York City, N. Y. Arthur HotaJlcg. Qrgnd Central Depot Vwi' Stand, Aator Houaa. Harry J. fetation. . Schulu, Grand Central Co'. News Stands, Tyson Including Hotel Kiyckertioeaer Hoffm Heuet Hotai Uulllu Haii.4 uui imtnal ""1 V . Uurr.y Hotel H" BlBKBt Crnd Islof Hotel W14or(.f (toils F1EE TO THE s We want to ' convince every mother in Omaba that our line of Children's Shoes can't be' beat. So tomorrow, as a little "get acquainted . inducement, we will give FREE with every pur chase of , Cblldreu's School Shoes a dandy little 'School Companion" and "Pencil Box " Many people blame the child when the uppers split or eoles wear out in a few weeks it's not' the fault of tue child It's the shoes. Tryt one pal- here. See tho" difference Priced from $1.50 to $2.50 FRY SHOE CO. THE S H O E R 8 J 6th and Donglas Ku. YOLK PIUVATE PAPERS, VOI K POLICIES, YOUR JEWELS and . YOUR BON DS. Rent a Private Safe in our modern Jurglar and Fire Proof Vaults. This means ABSOLUTR nirr-TV at a cost of $3.00 and upwards yearly, f nvaie rooms ac your service. No stairs, to climb. OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST COMPANY, Street Ievel Entrance to Vaulu 1014 Farnam Street. TWENTIETH CENTURY FAKMEB ' " " Ike' Best ruia Payer,