Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1911, Page 10, Image 10
THE HKE: UMAHA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued.) KIHST class practical nurse can be mxaii'd at our. Douatias 6194. i;. SITUATION wanted, experienced shlp- ng "irk, Al clly reference. 'Phone hkJO. THOROUGHLY experienced dress maker want sewing by the day. Phone Harney LA8. ROUGH dry waxhlng at bom. Clark. upstairs. 1919 TOl'NO man good a prof erred. SIf wants position, K 323. Bee. dry CLERK, thoroughly experienced In gen eral merchandise, wan la a poalllon. Speaks German flood references. -Address Box IK. Madison, Neb. WAMHNO wanted, rough dry. Harney TAKE me out to the ball name. If J. 9. Johison. 312 N. tit., will coma to The Bee office within . three days we will ailve hi in a ticket to the ball came at Rourke park. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Hhlp your stock to South Omaha; save mileage and shrinkage; jour coiiKiRUiiicnts receive) prompt and careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byera Bros. A Co. Strong and responsible WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Blk. Great Welt. Com. Co., Omaha 4 Denver. W. K. SMITH A SON lust handle sheep. W. F. DENNY A CO., 233 Exch. Bldg. TAUU BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep. CLIFTON. Com.Co., 223 Exchange Bldg. Donahue Randall Co., 202 Exch. Bldg. Clay, Robinson A Co., 200 Exch. Blag. The Standard Com. Co., U6 Exch. Bldg. W. R. SMITH A SON lust handle sheep. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to us. BURKE-R1CKLY CO.. 201 Exch. Bldg. L. E. ROBERTS ek CO., 229 Exch. Bldg. Alien Dudley Co., 236-37 Exch. Bldg. Cox A Jones Com. Co., a hunch of hustlers, Ralston A Fonda, live stock com. mer. Farmers I S. Com. Co., 200 Exchange. Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock yards Nat 1. Bank, only bank at yards. WINN Bros. Co., Exchange Bldg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Illogical Situation Exists in Wheat Because of Reciprocity. TRADERS PREDICT A BULGE Corn Is (Irian- teaallr Dossal All Sliafct Declines, AHkeasjfc Lsrsrr Ifoaae Do Not Fol " the Advnnee Far. LAVERTY BROS., 138-40 Exch, Bldg. Paxton-Eckman Chem. Co., stock, remedies Martin Brps. A Co., 208-7 Exch. Bldg. Alex O. Buchanan A Son, 154-153 Ex. Bldg, 0MAHA-THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain merchants; consignments solicited, iv uranueis. THE Updike Grain Co. 1 Consignments careiuuy nanaiea. omana, Neo. MERRIAM COMMISSION CO.. man who has tried us." 'Ask the Nebraaka-Iowa Grain Co. 7M Brandeia. CAVERS ELEVATOR CO., wholesale dealers, grain, hay, chop feed. 731 Bran uels Bldg. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS. -Sealed proposals for all works. Including masonry and cement, carpentry, lathing and plastering, painting, varnishing, glas Ing, sheet meta) and tile roofing, sewers and plumbing, heating and ventilating, electiio wiring, electric light fixtures, dec orative glass, decoration, window shades, tables and desks, chairs, for the Car negie Library building, according to the plans and specifications prepared by Pat ton A Miller of Chicago, architects, will be received by the building committee of tha Wayne (Nebraska) Public Library on or before 12 o'clock, noon, on the 16th day of October, lull. All aealed pro posals shall be deposited In the Iron box for that purpose In the Cltlsens Na tional . bank, Wayne, Nebraska, In en velopes marked on outside "Proposals for Library Building." Plans and speci fications msy be examined at the stoie of J. J. Ahem, Wayne, Nebraska, chair man of the building committee. Bidders must qualify to the satisfaction of the building committee, both aa to financial reapoiiHlblllty and capability of efficient execution of the work; must furnish In formation with bid on these and other subjects aa required by the conditions and Instruction to bidders accompany ing said specifications and In all respects comply with the requirements therein contained. Bids to be In form specified with alternate and unit prices as re quired. The bidder to whom the . contract Is awarded must furnish a bond for 50 (fifty) per cent of the contract price; all bids must be accompanied by a certified check . for two and one-half (24) ptr centum of the bid. all as provided moro particularly in said conditions. Contract will be made subject to all the provi sions of said conditions. Any other in formation desired will be furnished fy the architects. The building committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to accept such bids as may be deemed advisable. Dated at Wayne, Nebraska, Septem ber 15, ISM. The Board of Library Trustees of ihs Wayne (Nebraska) Puhllo Library. O. J. GREEN. President. Attest: T. B. Heckert, Secretary. Sl9d7t BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF REIN FORCED RESERVOIR. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids w!!i be received by the mayor and city council of the city of Beatrice. Nebraska, until o'clock p. m., September 28. mi, for the furnishing of the material and the construction of a reinforced con crete reservoir to be located on lots 10, 11 and 12. block 4. Dwyer's addition to the city of Beatrice, as per plana and specifications now on file In the office of the clly clerk. According to the estt matea of the supervising englner. said estimate Is KW.oi All of said work to be dona complete In accordance with the plana, specifica tions and profile made by the super vising engineer, now on file in the office of the city clerk. Each bid must be accompanied by, a certified check In the sum of 1650.60 upon a local bank, payable to the city of Bea trice as forfeit money in the event that the' bidder shall fail to enter Into con tract, with bond signed by good and sufficient-securities, to be approved by the mayor within ten days after notice of award to him. Blda to be mads on blanks furnished bv the city clerk. x The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the mayor snd council of said city. 8. Q. FREE. 619-d9t i City clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Pteraon, Iowa Sealed blda will be re ceived by the town council until I p. m October 3. for the construction of extension of the present water works comprising approximately 1150 ft. of In water main; 20 drove wells, about 20 ft' deep, raid wells to be 2 In., with Cook's I'atent Brass Strainers; wells to be con nected to In. mains and all things nec. essary to comply with plana and speci fications on file at the Farmers Hank of pteraon. No gravel or atone In ditches. Address J. P. Mead, Plerson, Iowa. 819-d4t GOVERNMENT NOTICES SALE OF QUARTERMASTER'S Bl'P-plt-. Depot Quartern, aeler's office, Z2d A Hickory i streets. Omaha, Neb., Sept. It), 1911. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to conditions named In circular to bidden, will be received at this office until 11 a. m.. October 2. 1ml. for purchase of ten tton and upon Depot 622-:0-J:i-29-33L OMAHA. Sept 21, 1911 There Is a peculiar situation In the wheat trade. It has been considered all alone- that the psssase of the reciprocity measure would be a bear argument. But traders last nleht were, almost to man. predlct'na; a bulge, making the tiresent situation an llloeical one. Foreign newa seemed, for the time, too remote to follow and leaders always turn to the very heavy domestlo stocks and the very slack demand. Something new will have to happen to raise the market from ts legarthy. Corn Is belna- steadily bought on alight declines, although the larger houses do not follow the advances isr, Country offerlnsa at all points are ex ceptlonally light, cash corn continues irons snd short cron nroapecta will likely keep the demand active and values on the move. There was little or no setlon to the wheat market, although nrlces had firmer tone. Trade was very light. Cash wheat sold He higher today. There was nn feature to tielD corn ad' vance. but values held firm to a shade hiirher. Cash corn was unchanged, Primary wheat receipts were 1,178.000 bu. and shipments were 698.000 bu.. against rece ots lat year of, 1.262,000 pu. anu alilmiienta nt r,U hll Prlmarv corn reeelDt were 204.000 bu, and shipments wers 713,WO bu., against receipts last year of 606,000 bu. and ship ments nf 1 ITS 000 bu. Clearances were ri,000 bu. of corn, none of oats snd wheat and flour equal to ki7 nnn hn Liverpool closed unchanged to & higher on wheat and unchanged to Hd higher on corn. The following cash sales wers reported: WHEAT No. t hard: cars, 83c; No. I hard: 2 cars, 93c; 1 car, 33c; 2 cars, 92o. No. 4 hard: 1 car, 83c NO. mixea; 1 car. Die. ( nmx-Nn. vellnw: l cars. taraC ino 2 yellow: 6 cars, 62o; 1 car, 62Vic; No. 2 mixed: 1 cars, b-'hc No. 1 mixed cars, 62V4C. OATS standard : l car, 13W . white: 6 cars, 43ic. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 92ff96c; hard.' HI (6 9ftc; No. 4 hard, SWiMc. CORN No. 1 white. .2Vra03c: White. 62.fot3c: No. 4 white. 62US62Vc: No. 8 color, H2.'S2c; N 3 color, uivtw 63Kc: No. 2 yellow. 62Wuic: No. 8 yel low, 62!62c; No. 4 yellow. 6HZic; No. 2. tttk&tiZHc; No. S. 62&214c; No. 4, filV4l8,t.2Vic; no grade, 61(&iilWo. OATS Standard. . 43Wtftttc; .rxo. , 4343"o; No. 4 white, 42M;;43c; No. 3 yel low 1 '1. W4.1i- Nn. A vellnw. f,2i(aA251C. BARLEY Malting, I1.08&1.U; No. , Socfc 11.02; No. 1 feed, 84c&ll.02; rejected, 748V4c RYE No. 2, 8587c; No. 2, 8486c, Carlot Recelpta. Wheat. Corn. Cats. No. No. I No. t Chicago ... Minneapolis Omaha Duluth 3 ....668 .... 61 ....140 168 82 103 18 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION Features of the Tradlasx asl Closlaa; Prices oa Board, of Trade. fmnAOO. Sent. 21. Pending ths out come of the reciprocity vots wheat deal- era today almost unanimously conunca themselvea to evenlnz UD trades. As natural result prices were Inclined to drop and the olose ranged from the same ii iaat nlarht to c below. In corn, the ein wa m shade down to "0 up, oats. &c off to fca higher, and provisions not more than 3c enther way. Nearly everything else was lost sight of in the wheat Jit except vne gossip about the Canadian election. The few operators who thought of other sub jects found reason for uneasiness because of demoralised condition of the stock market, and on account of ths bank rate advance in England, France and Bel gium. To offset this, there were liberal export clearance". Besides the local flour trade was-good, with prices up 10c. for spring wheat grades. uecemDer ranira from oc to sKi wim - Viio down at 59(&9Mc. p H.antti. not he wis- d rectly Involved by the Issue of the Canadian election-felt the effects through sympathy with other grain. December fluctuated between 630 and 6ic. closing steady a shade up at 64(1104140. Cash grades were slow. no. t yellow finisnea at ixwxy Buyers of oats were notably Inclined to go slow until definite results were reached In Canada. December kept as top and . ..m limit, ihv. and 46c. with the close exactly unchanged from last night 8horts covering ana iw-w Ing rallied provisions laiein mo uijj.. After traaing itcti, "J higher, lard wncnangea to ui, iu ribs a shade off to 6c and 10c. Artlc lslOpen. Hlghrf Low. IClose. Yes'y Wh't Sepf.l Corn Bept. Dec. May. Oats Sept. Pork . Jan.. May.l Lard '. Sept. Oct.. Jan- Ribs. Oct.. 92 82M, 9141 1 2H 190441 "A 96VCTW &5S95'& 86T4 ioiv loiii loik loin 642HV. 34 4 ,KS S C5W65HVs , 664 43 43H 43 43H 43 464 & 45 464 46 4 i&hk 4S,4 474ii 43 4H 15 12Vi WIS ( 14 90 15 12Vj 15 10 1 16 06 15 16 1 14 92V 16 12 I 27W t 27H 17V 27H 4 25 til, 9 27V 9 15 9 27V 9 26 I 92V 8 92V 8 80 8 90 8 87 Vi 8 40 8 60 8 40 8 60 8 45 8 00 8 00 7 90 7 7Vi 7 87V 806 806 796 8 02V Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady. RYE No. 2, l2c. . BARLEY Feed or mixing, 704390c; fair to choice malting, il.loyi.2i. SEELD Timothy, 12.o0iB14.7tt. Clover, rKUVisiuns- aieaa porn, ier uu,., 816.37Vi3'l&.50. Lard, per 100 lbs., Short ribs, sides (loose), 8S.37VU9.00; short clnar sides, 18.87Vr9.00. Total clearances of wheat and nour were equal to 64(1,009 bu. Primary receipts were 1.17U.00O bu.. compared with 1.262.000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow, wnest, 3i cars; corn, 19s cars; oats, 113 cars; no. 12 0o0 head. Chicago Cash Prices w neat. no. z red winter, 92V4(!3c; No. I red winter, 90 92c; No. 2 hard winter, oV3c; No. S hard winter, sijyoc; ino. 1 norinern surlnR. Sl.004il.03; No. 8 northern spring. SKsciUl.02; No. 3 spring, 96cib 31.02; No. 8 spring, Socol.ui; rso. spring, socio ji.uu; velvet chaff, 7;VfiWc; durum, 85c(ytl.00. Corn, No. 2, 6!'iiVc: No. 3 white, ehVutf 6litc; No. 2 yellow. (WfiteVic; No. 3. 7Vs sc: No. 3 white, fe'c; No. 3 yellow, 67fr6tc; No. 4 mixed, 67&7V4c; No. 4 white. 67VCti7Vc; o. 4 yellow, ,7'iw7Vo. Oats, No. 3, 44c; No. 2 white, 4Mo4&Vtc; No. 3 white, 44a44c; No. 4 white, 44i43 444c; standard, 44,iW5V4c. Rye, No. 2. Vic. Barley, 70cuil.23. Timothy, $12.50(rf creameries. 21(83c; 14.75. Clover. 319:). BUTl'ER-Steady: dairies. lMi.'lc. EGGS Steady; receipts. 4,826 cases; at mark, casea included, lbjlSc; firsts, 19c; prime firsts. 20c. CHEEHK Steady; daisies. UlrH'ic: twins. lifll3V4c; young Americas, luUVc; long horns, 14fll4V,c. POTATOES Easy; choice to fancy, SOfl 5c; fair to good. 7075o. POULTRY Alive, steadv: turkava. 1- fowa. 12c; springs, 12Vc VEAI-Steady : 60 to 40-lb. wts.. ftmp: 0 to S&-lb. wts.. V'aiOVc: 85 to 110-lb. wts., 11c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 20.10 34.400 Wheat, bu 7s Oim) las out Corn, bu 179,000 4Si,OuO Oats, bu 2W.000 17j.0u0 Rye, ou n oho 7, ftS) Barley, bu lll.OuO 13.000 Carlot Receipts Wheat, 89 oars., with IS of contract grade; corn. cars, with (K of eontrart grade; oata, 103 cars. Total receipts of wheat at Chicago, Minneapolis and Duluth today were .37 cars, com pared with 61& cars isst week snd 8 cars the corresponding days a year ago. NEW YORK UE-tERAL MARKET Varloas Qaetattens of tho Day oa Cosanodltlea. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. FLOUR Steady; spring patents. 35.10if6.40: winter straights, $.".tir,j4.10, winter patents, 14.20 Ctm; spring clears. 14 ldli-4 40: winter ex trss No. 1, 3.ot'n3.70; winter extras No. 3, 33.JfS3.46; Kansas straights, 34.3iV(t-4.4n. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, I4.TO4J; cnoice to fancy, S4.90.6.1a, CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yellow, 31.4tvyi.42; coarse, I1.3&U1.40. Kiln anen, 1.1.:. 87c elevator exiort basis anil ixuic f. o. b. afloat. No. 1 northern Duluth 31. 10 f. o. b. afloat. Futures msrket unsettled. pending the outcome of tha Canadian election on reciprocity and the prices changes were small as the foreign news was two-sided. Cloning prices were un changed to Vo net lower. September closed iwiac; Oecemper 31.01 1-18; May 31.07. CORN tpot market steady; No. 3 corn 75c elevator domestlo basis to arrive, and mic 1, o. o. anoat, export grades. ITU' tures msrket nominal. OATS Spot market firm; standard "line , iiv. 4, uv.: , i-o. , vv, iiu. , 4So; natural white and white clipped, 48V t utures market was nominal. HAY New steady; prime, 3L2&; No. 1, tl-lWil.20; No. 2. 3l.10ill.15: No. 3. 9661.05. FEED Firm; western spring bran, vtno. sacics, f.3Z; standard middling, 100-Ih. sacks, 38.60; city, 100-lb. sacks. HIDES Steady; Central America, 20c; Bogota, 21 vu 2214; thirds, lSKaoc; rejects, 16c. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; mess. 818.2f18.75; family, 20.0ojz 21.00; short clears, $li.764j 17.50. Beef, stesdy; mess, 8I2.6OU13.00; family, 313.6014.00; beef hams. 329.6032.60. Cut meats, easy: pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., 311.606 13..A;, pickled hams, 314.00. Lard, easy; middle west prime, S9.2O4i9.40; refined, steady; continent, 310.06; South America,; compound, 38.OOig8.40. x BUTTER Steady: creamerK specials. 27V4c. cheese strong; skims. 210120. EGGS Steady, unchanged. POULTRY Alive. Irregular; western spring chickens, 13V&'14; fows, 14ijl5c; turkevs. 15c: dressed, lrrearular: western broilers, lMlflVsc; fowls, 12'a17o; Spring turkeys, selected, 28c; others, Iodise. 1 Corsi and Wheat Regloa BalleUa. For the twenty-four hours ending at 8 ro. Thursday, September 21, 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland ...;.... 60 42 .20 Pt. cloudy Auburn 60 44 .63 Foggy Broken Bow.... 68 42 .65 Vlear Columbus 64 41 .72 Foggy' ' Culbertson 69 40 .06 Foggy Falrbury 68 46 .47 Foggy Fairmont ....... 67 41 .63 Clear Grand Island .. 66 46 .80 Clear Hartlngton 68 46 .38 Clear Hastings 66 45 1.17 Clear Holdrega 63 44 .62 Foggy Lincoln 69 45 .23 Pt. cloudy North Platte.. 66 40 .06 Clear Oakdala 69 49 .20 Clear Omaha 60 46 .17 Cloudy Teksmah M 12 46 .15 Foggy Valentine 66 46 .40 Clear Sioux City, la. 63 44 .12 Cloudy Alta, la 64 48 . 32 Cloudy Carroll, la 60 46 .46 Cloudy Clarlnda, la.... 69 46 .46 , Foggy Sibley, la 60 47 .27 Foggy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET 1 1 1 V Spectacular Slump in United State! Steel Securities Occurs. TRADING OP HUGE PROPORTIONS Report Widely Credited that Cor poration Officials and Depart ment of Jnstlce Will Cons to Agreement. take steps toward that end. Responsible officials of the corporations refused to discuss the reports. There seemed to le good grounds for the belief, however. that the steel corporation and the De partment of Justice were united In an ef fort to avoid a suit, and that if the tot mldable obstacles in the way of dissolu non could be overcome according to plan to which both aides could agree, such action would be undertaken. There Was no hysteria elsewhere In the maraet. inn movement In the steel securities resulted In severe losses anion other Industrials. General Electric lost 5i. A long list of others. Including Amalgamated Copper, American Beet -ua,ar, National Biscuit and Sears-Roe buck, fell from 2 to 7 nolntB The railroad list was relatively firm, Missouri Pacific rose a point, deeplte nn unexpectedly large deficit announced yes terday In the annual report. At times there was heavy pressure aKalnst Union Pacific, but these Issues rallied later, and offered effective resistance to the day unsettling Influences. The bond market was weak, with marked declines in the active speculative issues, united States Steel 6s held well Total sales, par value. 32,904,000. United elates bonds were unchanged on call, NEW YORK, Sept. 21-Wall street spent another uneasy day In watching the spectacular slump In the securities of tne united States steel corporation. Trad, lng In the steel stocks dominated ths mar ket, widespread reports that dissolution of the corporation was Impending coupled witn yesterday s severe decline seemed to have aroused the fears of Investors, Selling orders filled the market at the opening coming from all parts of the country and from abroad. Their force was irresistible. The low price of the day for the common was 68, a decline of 6V puinis ana me lowest ngures since laou. The preferred fell 6t4 to 104t. a lower price than had been reached since 1808. rrading in these stocks reached enormous proportions. The common was sold In lots of 1,000 to 6,000 shares. Largely ".r iwwvn ui mis selling me nay s imnsaciions amountea to 1.26N.UOV shares, the largest total for the year, and of this the sale nf tTWted state. Ktal oeany one-naif or 672,000 shares. The report waa widolv credited that either a suit for dissolution rrould be instituted by the Department of Justice or mat me corporation voluntarily woujld Number of sales and lendlna ailntatinna on slocks were as xouows rles. HUH. Low. Cloia, Net thre for short bills Is S4 per Cent; months' bills. IV per rent. for DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Stations. Max. Mln. 0 17 Ky... 20 Ind. 11 25 25 Rain fall. District. Columbus. Louisville, Indtan'olls, Chicago. 111. St. Louis, Mo Des, Moines, la- 21 Mlnne'lis. Minn. 30 Kan. City. Mo... 24 Omaha, Neb 18 General rains occurred within the last twenty-four hours In all except the ex treme eastern portion 01 tne corn and wheat region. The weather 1b much cooler In the western portion and freezing tem peratures were recorded this morning in localities in tne uanotas. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. 72 62 .00 80 68 .20 .76 64 .10 70 62 .30 74 66 .40 64 48 . 40 64 41 .20 68 60 .60 62 44 . 50 St. I.onla General Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 21. WHEAT Higher: track No. 1 red. 93c?!MVic: No. 2 hard. 96c fell .01: December, 93 c; May, SL00H. cokin mgner; tracic no. z, eiwwmKc: No. 2 white. 69c: December. 62c: May. 640. OATS Hlsrher: track No. z. 46c: No. 2 white. 46Vc; December, 46 Vic; May, 47c. tittj firm, 3c. FLOUR Steady: winter patents. 84.20 .70; extra fancy and straight. 33.80it4.2u: hard winter clears, 33.Oft33.40. SEED Timothy, 31Z.OU14.bu. CORNMEAL 33.10J BRAN Weak; sacked, east track. 81.12 1.14. HAY Market strong; timothy, 320.000 25.00; prairie, S12.OOt0l6.OO. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing. J15.25. Lard, higher; prime steam, 39.10 20. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 39.00; clear ribs, SO-OO short clears, 39.12V. Bacon, unchanged: boxed extra short. 310.00; clear ribs, 310.00; short clears, 310.12V. ' Keceipts. bntpments. , 8,000 8,900 , 60.000 69,000 18,000 42,000 , 26,000 61.000 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. Oats, bu. .. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Sept 21 WHEAT Un changed to V4o higher; No. 8 hard. 92 97c; No. 3, 90((v96c; No. 3 red, 92c; No. 3, 8"Vi391Vc; December, 94b94Vc; May, CORN Unchanged to o nigner; rso. mixed, 65Vio; No. 8, 65Vc; No. 2 white. 65Vc; No. 3, 6565Vtc; December, 6lo; May, 64o. OATS steady ; no. z wnne, mic; No. 3 mixed. 43V&45c. RYE B)i(89c. HAY Steady; choice timothy. 318.50 19.00: choice prairie. 812 50(618.00. BUTTER Creamery, 200; firsts, zao; seconds, 21c; packing, 17c. EGGS Extras, 22c; firsts, l&c; seconds, UVic Allls-Cbaliners efd too Amalgamated coppsr .... 41,304 American Asricnltural .. 40S American Beet Buiv .... 11,100 Amarloan Can l.sno American C. F 1,400 American Cotton Oil .. 1,209 American H. ac L. pfd American Ice Securities.. 100 American Linassd loo American Locomotive .. 400 American 8. A R 2t,00 American 8. A) R. pfd... 600 American steel para ion American Sugar Refining. 400 American Tel. A Tel.... 300 Amerloan Tobacco pfd.... 40-) American Woolen ' ' 100 Anaconda Mining 1,6110 Atchison j 10,000 Atchison ptd , Atlantic Coast Line 100 Ualtimore & Ohio ....... 1,700 Bethlehem Steel t.SOO Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. 4,000 Canadaln Pacific t.ioo Central Leather L"0 Central Leather pfd 109 Central of N. J . Chesapeake A Ohio , 1,900 Chicago Alton Chi. ot. West., new 109 Chi. Ot. Went, pfd 00 Chi. & N. W 300 Chi., Mil. sVSt. P f.bOO C. C., C. ft St. L Colo. Fuel A Iron too Colo. Ac Southern Consolidated Oas 1,300 Com Products goo Delaware A Hudson D. A R. O TOO D. A R. O. pfd.... too nistllleiV Securities .... Krle ' 30,100 Erie lat pfd 800 Krle Id pfd...'...; ,' 100 Oeneral Electrla 3,200 Great Northern pfd 7, MM nreat Northern Ore etfs. 1.800 Illinois Central 100 Interhoroush.Met. 4,209 Interboroiuch-Met. pfd .. 1,200 International Harvester.. 4.200 Inter. Marine pfd International Paper 400 International Pump too Iowa Central ..... K. C. SouthemS. 109 K. C. Southern pfd 409 Laclede Gaa loulavllla A Nashville , 600 Minn. A St. Louis 109 M., St. P. A S. Ste. M. too M.. K. A T too M.. K. A T. pfd 200 Missouri Pacific, 4.4O0 National Biscuit ......... 1,000 National Lead 709 Nat. R. Y. of M. Id pfd. N. Y. Central (ex. dir.). N. T.. O. A W Norfolk. A Western North American Northern Paclfio Pacific Mall Pennarlvanla People's Oas Pitts.. C, C. A St. L... Pittsburgh Coal , Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Reading Republle Steel Republic Steel pfd .Rock Island Rock Island pfd St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd st. Luie s. w St. Louis 8. W. pfd Sloes-Sheffield 8. A I.... too Southern Paclfio 17.0iM Southern Railway 100 Southern Railway pfd.... 400 Tennessee Copper too Texas A Paclfio too ToL, St. L. W too Tol., 8t. L. A W. pfd... 100 1B1.7O0 17 13 '4 to to M 4H4 iU 'l7 34 M24 37 Si US 115 Vs 2 28 Vi 34 102 Vi iiiii us 27 73V 12 20 n Set 13 1114 17 42 H 4 H 4D1, t 44 6044 1 17i 13 46 101 V, 28 114 134 1 28 1113 101 Vi lis 5H 73 221V Z70 70 Mi 74U. ..... ZD "Vi 34 lit llOVi 17 nvi 60 . 9 45 0 17 14 4 102 27 lit 134 tl S8 101 iit us 24 72 l?3 1 It Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. Oats, bu. .. V Receipts. Shipments. 67.000 88.000 , 20,000 30,000 , 12.000 15.000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 21. WHEAT September. 11.02 Vi: December, 8103Tc; May. S1.07Hc; No. 1 hard, 31-05: No. 1 northern, 3l.tHVBl.4; wo. z norinern, sHoiSSl.02: No. 3 KUWe. BARLEY 7uctj1.13. CORN No. 3 yellow, 86VC OATS No. 8 white. 43Vc. RYE No. 2, 86Va86V. RRA N 121 . &Ott 22.00. FLOUR First patents. 84.905.16; ond patents, $4.404.66; first clears, 03.76; second clears. 32.2502.60. sec-83.25 131 1Z 44 31 60 40 148 124 46 136 14 41 101 "tii 10 '27 43 131 36 131 28 43 8f. 129 48 25T4 i ai -12 ' 46 'so to 49 146 12.1 46 136 " 40 100 "t 27 ' 42 117 86 130 28 17 M 138 111 66 24 43 131 13 161 22 4f. 30 30 60 40 146 124 45 13 13 40 101 14 t 28 17 ts - 102 138 34 130 28 3 f 42 34 36 127 127 IS 48 28 4.300 100 S9 100 400 8 88 38 700 101 100 100 66 1,600 114 113 114 S 29 118 lit 7.800 400 118 103 1' 27 166 7Vi 409 400 100 too .141,100 13 ... 3,700 21 ... 1.400 ... 5,200 600 100 16 M 46 3 192 "l7 26 165 2 lit 21 32 22 46 31 Union Paclfio Unloa Pacific pfd United States Realty .... United States Rubber.... United flutes steal .... United States Steal pfd.. t'taa Copper Virginia-Carolina Chem.. Wabash Wabaan pfd Western Maryland Weatlnsliouae Electrlo .. Western Union a... Wheeling A Laks trie .. Lehigh Vslley Totsl sales for ths day. 199 too 672.100 .61.800 800 1,809 709 1.400 1.000 1,700 too M lot S3 83 12 18 42 169 'ii" ' 43 108 42 4ft It so 76 at 108 M t2 12 32 18 42 164 "tr" t 58 104 40 48 12 34 60 68 76 13,709 164 113 1.168.300 shares. - 102 91 17 ? 164 28 137 Sl 13 13 .46 S 19 48 88 107 43 32 t2 17 42 167 8 48 t 68 106 40 48 26 61 68 75 t 164 Boston Mlnlnsj Stocks. BOSTON, Sept 21. Closing quotations on stocks today: Alloues Amal. Copper ... A. Z. L. A 8.v Aria. Com Poiton A Cork, nutte Coalition ('al. A Aril Cat. A Hecla 26t Centennial , Copper Range Kaat Butte Cop Franklin , Olroux CVto , Oranby Con. .. Cananea I W n-.l- If avbe. " - , i Greene Cana DTTT.TTTH. SeDt. 21. WH EAT No. 1 i.i. hv.ii. hard. tl.03Ve: No. 1 northern, ll.ft!V4; No. 2 Kerr Lake northern. 81.006-1.01: No. 3, 97Sc; Rep- Lake Copper tember, 3102 bid; December, S1-02V bid; May. tl.Otm nomlnaL a OATS 43Vio. ' GOVERNMENT NOTICES II A -M M er T T I S-T ai-trt a tlf 1 s. m.. October 2. 1911. for purchase , JLT.T w,, 1" a rr"- ,J, . " 1 buffalo overcoats V'ull liif.irnia B"ll- Wit. Healed proposals, In trip-" h,T.',Unt" J" eM' application to Capt F C. Bollea, V,?LiS ,ubl.,c,i' i""4. tor Quartermaster. ' furnlnhlng labor and materials for con- Oils and ttoaln. SAVANNAH. Sept 21.-TURPENTINB 1 Irm; Uo. KObLN-ilrm; G. and T, 8 nV structing Post Chapel. Including plumb ing, heating, electric wiring and fixtures. at Fort Yellowstone, W'yo. Information furnished on application. Envelopes con taining proposals to be indorsed "Pro poeaals for Chapel" and addressed to Cuiiatructuig tjuarternuuiter. b-9-U-12-22-3 Liverpool Grain Market. I.TVRRPOOL. Sept. 21. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures steady; October, 7s 4d; December, 7s 4d; juarcn. la oa. CORN Spot, steady; American mixea, 6s Id; futures dull; October, 6s; January. 6s 8V4d. Minneapolis Grsla Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 81. WH BAT September. 31.02V; December. 103c; May, S107c; No. 1 hard. $1.06; No. 1 northern, Sl.OSttj'lotT ; No. 2 northern, wMjSl-OzTs; No- VWe. Onaka Prodneo Market. BUTTE R Creamery, 25c; packing Stock, lTVfco. FAIGS No. 1. 19c; No. t, 12c. POULTRY Broilers, 13c; springs, 9Vc; hens. 9Vc; ducks, 10c; geese, sc. Onaka Hay Market. OMAHA, Sept. 2L HAY No. 1. 312 00; No. 2. 811-00; coarse, 810.60; packing stock, S7.0CVn9.00; alfalfa, 31300. Straw: Wheat. M.Vtoo.OO; rye and oata, 35.6Ot4-6.00. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Sept. 21. CORN H Inner; No. 3 yellow. 67c: No. 3 yellow, 7c; No. V yellow, 66c: No. 3 mixed. 67c. OATS Hlglier; standard, 44c; No. 3 white. 43VC.J Bank t'learlngfa. OMAHA. Sept. 21. Bank clearings for (today were S2.s71.9vo.M and for the corre sponding day Ust year Siatu.lUSH Ijaaalle Topper Miami Copper It Mohawk 17 62 Nevada Con It ttNlpleslnc Mines .. 7 M North Butts ....... 12 4 North Lake 4 itaciia dominion ...... bi 48 Osceola 32 Parrott (S. A C).. I I Qulnry 61 60 Shannon 7 t Superior tt t Superior A Boston, t 1 Tamarack It i V. 8. 8. R. A M. tl 4 Se pfd 44 11 Utah Cos 11 3 I tan Copper 40 14 Winona 4 3 Wolverine tt 17 Xfw York Mlnlnsr Stocks. NEW YORK. Sept. 21. Closing quota tions on the Mining exchanKe: Alice 169 Little Chief Mexican Ophir Ontario standard .... Yellow Jacket New York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. MON EY On call, steady; 2tfi2' per cent: ruling rate 2 per cent; dotting bid 2 per cent; of fered st 2 per cent. TIM K IaiANS Bteady; sixty days. 3'41f 3V per cent; ninety days. 8Vj3 per cent; six montns, 4 per cent. PRIM h, MERCANTILE PAPER 4 per rent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business in bankers' bills at S4.e325 for sixty day bills and at 34 R'i4.Mo for demand. Commercial bills, S4.82 SILVER 62c: Mexican dollars. 45c. 1K)N1S Government, steady; railroad. wees. Quotations on bonds todsy were as fol lows: V. 8. ref. ts. reg looInt. Met. 4 77 do ts, coupon loo Japan 4s 66 do Is. reg do ta, eousoa.... do 4a, reg do 4a, Coupon.... Allla-Chal. let Is A mer. Ag. ta A. T. A T. c Art. Teh. 4a. do Is 101 do 4s 14 .10IK. C. S lat 3s.... 74 ,1131a US. deb. 4a (1831) J .113 L. A N. un 4a f . WJH.. p.. St T. lat 4S.. ST . ..HX) do gen. 4a 84 4a.n mo. rac. as 76 ... 8N. R. of M. 4".. 82 ll M. T. 17. gen. IS 87 Armour A ti. 4a. 82 do deb, Atchison gen. 4a.. N. Y. N do c. 4a li4 ct. ta .., do cv. 6a 106 N. A W. At. C. L. 1st 4s.. 6 do cv. ta B. A O. 4a 88 No. Paclfle do 3s tl do 3s w. 4a 18 tl. A ta, ..l?t . 4.... 7 ins . tt . ts da 8. W. Is.... 8V0. 8. L. rfde. 4s tl Itr. T. rv. 4a 83penn. cv. Is (1115) C. of Oa. 6a 106 do eon. 4s 101 (-antral Leather ta.. Vt. Reading gen. 4s .... t; or n. J. g. 6e..ui 8t. u A 8. v. I. 4s 7 C. A O. 4s ...;1'H do gen. ta M do ref. ts 2Sl. L. 8. W. eon. 4s it C. A A. Is .... t do lat gold 4a.. tl C B. A Q. j. 4a 15 Seaboard A. L. 4a.. 74 do gen. 4s tn So. Pac. col. 4s.... tl C. M. A 8. P. ( 3 l! do cv. 4s t C. R. I. A P. o. 4s 70 do let r. 4s 44 do rfg. 4s 8 Bo. Ry. 6s 106 Colo, lnd. 6s 74 do gen. 4a 7n Colo. Midland 4a ... so Vnlon Pacific 4a ,.loo st s.r. at s. 4s.. pt , no cr. fts 101 D. A H. cv. 4a, P. A R. O. 4s, do ref 6s Distillers' 6s trie pr. 1. 4s... do gen. 4s do cv. 4s ser. A, do ser. B lien. Elec. or. 4a. 161 L C. lat r. 4s.... 84 In.-M. Bid. M. 4a.... Offered. 47 do lat A T. 4a.. ta II P. 8. Rubber te..,.ln3 tt V. 8. Steel td-6s... toil 71 Vs.-Csr. Che-n. ts 98 86 Wabaan let 6s 107 76 do lat A s. 4s.. 68 82 West. Md. 4S ...... 88 76Wcat. Elec. cv. 6a 11 -wis central 4s.... 93 Mo. 'Pacific cv. 6a. 86 44 Panama ts .102 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. carton, 23c; No. 1 In 60-lb. tubs, 27c; No. 2, 25o; packing. 16Vc. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 82c; Ameri can Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, 18c; twins, 16c; triplets, 16Hc; daisies, 16Vc; young America, 18c; blue label brick, lttVic; lim burger, 2-lb., 18c; tlmburger, 1-lb., 19c. POULTRY Broilers, 18c; springs, 13c; hens, 13c; cocks, 9c; ducks, 16c; geese. 16c; turkeys, 25c; pigeons, per dog., J1.60. Alive: Broilers, li'jc; bens, vvc; old roosters and stags, 6c; old ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese full feathered, 10c; turkeys, 18c i guinea" fowls, 15c, each; pigeons, per dos., 76c; homers, per dos-, S2.60; squabs. No. 1, 31.60; No. 2, 60c , uis ii Pickerel, lie; white, wc: pike. 15c; trout, 15c; large crapples, lkiilHo; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, lsc; haddock, 13c; flounders, 12c; green catfish, 16c; roe shad, 31.00 each; shad roe, per pair. 50c; salmon, 13c; halibut, 9c; yellow perch, sc; outiaio, ec: DUiineaas, ltc. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1, 17V&C; No. 2. 13Vic: No. 8. 8Vc. Loins: 14c; No. 3, 9c. Chuck: No. 1, ?c; No. 2. 6c; No. 8. 6c. Round. No. L 11c: No. 2, 8c; No. 3, 7c. plate: No, 1, 6c; No. 2, 4-fec; No. 3, 4c FRUITS Annies. Wealthy, ner bid.. ' $2. 753.20; per bu. bsk., 31.00. Bananas, fancy select. Per bunch. 32. 25ft 2.50: Jumbo. bunch, 82.75(3. 7a. Cuntaloupe, Colorado, standard, 45 count, 32.00 per crate; pony crate, 31.75; Colorado Osage,- 12 -site, per crate, ti.uu. .ranoerries, early black. per bbl.. 37.60: Per box. 82.75. Dates. Anchur brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs.. In boxes, per box, 32.00. Grapes, Michigan Concords, per 7-lb. bsk., 18c; California Malagas, per 4-bsk. crate, 81.25. Lemons, Llmuneira brand, extra fancy, 300-300 sizes, 60o per box less. Oranges, Niagara xtedianas, vaiencias. 96-126 sixes, per box, 34.25; 15O-176-2O0-216-2M sixes, per box. 84.75. Peaches, California and Washington, - per box. 60c. Plums. California, larne i-ed varieties, per crate, 31-75. Prunes. Italian. per 4-bsk. crate, 31.20. Pears, California Bartletts, per 50-lb. box, 32.25; lots of 10 boxes or iiiuaoV Per box. 32.1b: California tt. iiarays. per dox( tzuu. VEG1CTABLES Beans, etrlns: and wax. per mkt. bsk.. 90c. Cabbase. Wisconsin, per lb.. 2V4c. Celery. Michigan, per dos.. sue; uoiorauo j umoo, per aos.. btcs uucum tiers, home Krowns. per dos.. doo. Kue plant, fancy Florida, per dox.. 31.60. Gar lic, extra xancy wane, per id., lie. j,ei- tuce, extra lancy leal, ner dot.. 40c. Onions, home grown, white, per crate, 31.75; yellow, per crate, 31.60; red . globe, per lb., 2c: California, yellow. In sacks, per ilb., 2 Vic; Spanish, ner crate, 31.75. Parsley, fancy home grown, per dos. bunches. , 4oc. Potatoes. Minnesota, per Dti., 91.15. eweet potatoes. Virginia, per bbl., 84.50; per bu. bsk.. 31.60. Tomatoes, home arown. per mkt. bsk.. 25e. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds. California soft shell, per lb.. 20c: In sack lots, lc less.- Brazil nuts, per lb.. 13c: In sack lots, lc less. Cocoanuts, per sack. 35.00. Fil berts, per lb.. 14c: In sack lots, lo less. Peanuts, roasted, per lb.. 8V4c: raw, per lb., 7c. Pecans, larsre. per ib., 16c; In sack lota, lc less. Walnuts. California, per lb., 19c; in. sack lots, lo less. Honey, new, 24 frames. 33.76. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Less Activity Noted in the Cattf -Selling; Division. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER Llafct Reeelpts of "beep ansl loans ha and Prloes on Prnetlenlly All Kinds Contlnno Jnat Abont steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 21. 1911. Receipts were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Estimate Thursday Cattle. Hoc. Sheep. .11. KB . 7.25 . 6,KM . 8,200 Four days this week.2S.P71 Same days last Week.. 28. 7.13 Same days 2 weeks ago 27,443 Same days 3 weeks ago 2:1.914 Same days 4 weeks ago 2ii,7M Same days last year. ..40,68 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date compared with Iaat year: 191), laio. Inc Dec. Cattle 79,708 $24,905 35,197 Hogs 1, S.,748 1.624,009 231.139 Sheep 1.6M.291 1,641.223 43,608 The following table snows the average prices for hogx at South Omaha for ths last several days, with comparisons: 1 931 42.0(9 6 Stfl 40.S: 6,;!i2 27,fi4 6,500 15,000 20.M 125.M1 l.55 171.265 10,351 1.11, b 14 21,879 121,830 2o,101 75.'i5 16,770 1J0.642 Dates. I 1911. 1910.1909.190S.1907. 1906. 11906. Bept. Ill 7 (8 Sept. 12 6 91 Wl 9 27 Sept. 13 6 84Sj 9 15 7 93 "T I' ... 1 its e oni o w Sept. 161 6 8OV1 8 So 8 Obi Sept. 17 1 j 3 9J 8 lo acpu itsj e ei ( a 14 Sept 191 6 70 I 8 921 I Sept. 20.1 b tU-tsI i 8 17; Sept. 21. j 6 61l 8 47 8 121 7 S3 66 6 841 5 87 6 86 6 ill c 0 W a ao D ail 6 00 5 21 6 90i 6 09, 6 84 6 90 MM 6 b4i f 11 6 s2 5 7 6 0 6 63 6 6 VII 1 6 731 6 0t! 6 87j 6 M 6 12 5 14 6 29 e 6 s: 6 33 6 39 6 30 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hots. BheeD.H'r'a. c -Al. & tst. P 4 Mo. Pac 1 Union Pacific 17 C.N, W 4 O. & N. W.. west... 64 U. St. P. M. & O.... 4 C. B. at Q., east.... 6 C. B. A Q., west ... 24 C. R. I. evP., east.. 6 C. R, 1. & P., WBBt. .. Illinois Central 2 C. O. W l Total receipts 131 1 17 9 8 3 20 16 1 1 4 21 29 7 2 1.. 6 1 86 55 , 6 Omaha Packing Co.! Swift & Co Cudaliy Packing Co. & Co Cattle. ... 130 ... 715 ... 829 ... 617 Hogs. Sheep, mate placed the run at a chort ninety loads. If anything, price euTettds Were a little wider than rewnlly, ihe low ctoee being largely reonsilile. Hist bulk dropped to 86 66fis.66 and best bacon hots on said landed at tri SO, a top that Is Identical with yesterday's hlKh price. Final clear ance was not complete until well alone toward sioon. Irepreaentative sales: No. 20 It tl 44 63 14 48 46 61 66 61 60 68 65 64 78 43 66 6S 64 66 31 8 Ct 6..:.. 61 72 74 17 14 78 4 41 60 68 83 82 40 Sn 17...... 80 40 40 A. Hi ,.2l ,.303 .581 .303 ,.84 ,.37 ..171 ,.27 ..313 ,.141 ..3.10 ,04 .293 .281 .211 ,.288 .30 .8i3 .261 .248 .221 .260 ,.271 .284 ,.t .241 ,.263 .243 .298 .212 .268 .2b .243 ,20 ,.17 .288 .304 , .2:0 .243 .2S8 h. Pr. 40 t to 40N I 66 I 61 80 120 40 1M m 11-9 44 !0 121 too '40 80 120 120 40 80 180 ln to 180 80 t 66 t 16 I 66 I 6i I 66 I 61 t 66 t 63 I 61 I 17 I 67 I 80 I 4ft 4 0 4 84 4 40 4 44 4 40 a 40 I 80 t 80 I t 60 t 80 t 40 4 SO I 80 I 80 I SO t 80 I 10 t to I to t 80 t en t to 4 42 4 42 4 83 I It No. 44... 67... 67... 77... 71... 64... 61... tt... t4... 61... 17... 71... 68... 12... 71... 48... II... 4S... 64... 61... 71... 66... 60... 48... 67... 31... 46... 78... 68... 68... 71... 18... 40... IS... 71... 42... 18... I. ... II. .. 18... t... 16... A. ...f7 ,..TS1 ,...271 ...261 ...173 ....267 ,...271 ,...269 ,...234 ....187 ,...268 ....lit ....f-8 ...181 ...261 ,.. 1 ... .280 ...240 ...181 ...23 ...IM ...t:t ...171 ...287 ...288 ...2M ...2K1 ...241 ,.111 ...273 ...SM ...261 ...tit ...21 ...til ...!! ...361 ...m ...221 ...2m ...161 ...110 It Pr I 1: t 47 4 81 4 47 4 43 4 42 4 82 4 12 t t: t 4 17 4 IJ I 12 I 86 4 86 4 M 4 4A 4 M 4 85 4 46 4 S6 I 46 I 46 t 80 4 89 4 15 4 16 I m 4 16 t 86 4 44 A 46 4 46 4 86 4 46 4 83 4 46 6 46 I 87 t 17 t 7t t 84 Dry Good Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. The cotton goods markets are quieter In consequence of the unsettled position of the cotton mar kets. Jobbers and retailers are doing a substantially better trade than they were month ago. yarns are moderately steady, with trading light. Women's coat ings are in good demand from the cut- ling iraae. 'Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 21. COTTON Spot closed quiet, 5 points lower; middling up lands. 11.15c; middling gulf, 11.40c. No sales. Futures closed very steady. Closing bids: September, 10.88c; October, 10.77c; November, 10.74c; December, 10.84c; Janu ary, 10.81c: February, 10.83c; March, 10.93c; April, 10.94c; May, 11.03c; July, 11.01c. iMIlnsnkee Grain Mnrket. MILWAUKEE, Sept. 21. WHEAT-No. northern. 8102-81.05; No. 8 northern. 9sc tt 31.02; No. 2 hard winter, 94&97c; Decem ber, 96c; May, L01tV oath standard, 46iitito. BARLEY ll.12fcl.20. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 21. WOOL Steady, territory and western mediums. 17(i20c; fine mediums, 174ilic; fine, ll&l5c. Armour Murphy Cudahy from Denver., 49 Morrell 27 Baker, Jones & Smith.. 10 W. B. Vansant Co 48 Benton Vansant & L. . 77 Hill A Son 151 F. B. Lewis 155 J. R. Root A Co....;.... 195 J. II. Bulla 86 L. H. Huss 46 L. Wolf 191 McCreary & Carey 103 8. Werthelmer 28 H. F. Hamilton 47 M. Hagerty 28 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co 169 Cllne & Christy 37 Other buyers 721 811 1.462 l,40u 1.551 130 1.378 611 3,361 9.610 Totals 4,348 6.359 14,866 CATTLE Cattle receipts were fair for a Thursday, although light compared with earlier In the week, 127 cars being reported In. Included In the receipts to- fay was a bunch of the best cornfed cat le seen In the yards in a long time. The demand fur beef steers, while not so urtcent as on other days this week. was fair and the market remained about steady with yesterday. Still there was not so much activity and in spots pos sibly the feeling was a little weaker. Cows and hollers were decidedly slow compared to what they have been all the week. At the same time the feeling was not strong so that the trade as a whole would have to be described aa slow, weak to as much as fcttlOc lower In spots. The supply' of stock cattle and feeders was Very small and there was no ma terial change in prices on that kind of cattle. quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, J7.2ofc7.76; fair to good beef steers, SU50fc7.g6; common to fair beef steers, 34.5(i46.0; good to choice heif ers, 35.005.80; good to choice cows 4. 50 tj-6.00; fair to good cows, f3.75fc-4.60; com mon to lair cows, S2.aOfc3.76; veal calves, J3.60fc7.75. . quotations on range cattle: Good to choice beef steers, S5.60fc6.60-; fair to good beef steers, t5.oufc&.60; common to fair beef steers, 34.2ofco.OO; good to choice heifers, 34.80fc5.26; good to choice cows, I4.4tifco.l0; fair to good cows, 33.76fc4.4v, gooa to cnoice stocsers ana leeaers, to.oo fc6.00; fair to good Blockers and feeders, V4.&fco.taj; common to fair stockers snd leeoers. S3.50fc4.26; stock heifers, 33.26it 4.40; bulls, stags, etc., S3.25fc5.00. Representative sales: lifc-r. o 1 fc.fc.K3. Cometnrk T. stock It rNtmstock T . bonds IT Cos. Cat. A Vs.. SO Leadrllls Cos 10 Iron Silver to Horn Sliver It Offered. ... 4 ...326 ...184 ...KM) ...100 ... it ' London Stock Mnrket. LONDON, Sept. 21. American securities opened steady and slightly higher today. Later the market moved Irregularly. Canadian Paclfio and United States Steel preferred were easy on realizing. At noon prices ranged from Vi above to below yesterday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Consols, money ..II 11-14 Louisville A Nsah.,141 leia-iaMo.. nan. at itx., g'J ... 64 New Turk Central. .ll'l ... I Norfolk A Weslern.PXI ....106 do pfd to 104 Ontario A Western. 31 account wmal. Copper Anaresda AP'hlaoa do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. taPeunayivaala Canadian Pacific ..2.12 Hand Mines . Chesapeake A Ohio 72 Reading Chi. Oreat W eater a 17 boulhara Ky Chi.. Mil. A St. P.114 pta Judge Grosscup Ties a String to His Resignation CHICAGO, Sept. 21. United States Judge Peter 8. Grosscup today fig uratively tied a string to his forthcoming resignation from the bench by declaring that If any interest, organisation, or in dividual is now Investigating his record nd wants further time to cloud his nineteen year of public service by in timating he Is retiring under pressure, he will not tender his resignation to Presi dent Taft October 3, as he yesterday an nounced he would do. . , "If any responsible magaxtne says It has an article about me Intended for publication; if sny responsible govern ment official says a government investi gation of me Is pending, I will not resign and full opportunity will be given any of these to come forward and present the matter so that I can meet It circuit court Judge and not as an dividual." ! as a in- I 17 Southern Paclfio .. 21 union racinc .... .. 47 .da pfd .. 3tU. 8. Steel ..It do pfd ,. 43 Waueah .. 14 de pfd steady at 24 lad De Beere peaver-A HI O da pfd rle do lat pfd do Id ptd Grand Trunk ... Illinois Central mILVER Bar, steady at 24ld per ounce. MONEY 3 per cent. The rale of dUcouut la ths open mar- 41 ... I ... 11 ... 87. ... 8.. I ...P ... 83 ,-. 43 ...110 ... II ... 34 Girl Victim of Tar Party Asks Damages TOPEKA, Kan.. 8ept. 21. Miss Mary Chamberlain, the victim of the Shady Bend, Kan., "tar party." today employed an attorney of this city to bring fifteen damage suits against the men and boys who attacked her .-end covered her body with ta.-. Some of the men who were In the "tar party" are wealthy and heavy damages may be obtained -from them. F. D. Coburn, secretary of ths Stats Board of Agriculture, who recently started a fund to assist Miss .Chamber lain In prosecuting her assailants. No. 47... I. 6. t. 4... 3... 4... I... 6... t... 4... X... It... 1... t... 10... 44... 12... 7... I... Av. ...1417 771 103 860 174 . til , 611 , 781 , 111 , 714 . 161 , 116 164 lit Pr. No. 7 M COWS. t 66 10 t 00 3 I 06 6 t 30 4 ttElFfc.KS. I 40 10 t 7t 14 I 76 t I 60 17 4 00 CALVES. 176 Li-.... t 00 1 4 6 1 7 IM Av. Pr. PIGS ODDS AND ENDS. . It Ill . t 62 SHEEP Character of sheep and lamb supply took a peculiar turn, bulk of fresh offerings being feeder ewes. In slxe the run waa only moderate, amount ing to about 16,000 head In all. This esti mate gives a four day's total of right around 124,000 "head, an aggregate' mar keting that lends emphasis to belief that receipts are at ebbtide. At any rate, all reports from the west Indicate an absence of recent heavy supplies from this time on and It Is very probable that last week's total will stand as a high record, for the season. Percentage of feeders In today's offerings was estimated at fully seven-tenths, or about 10.500 head. Anything good In the way of fat stock met with a healthy demand front packers and started out at generally ' steady prices. Choice lambs. Identical with the 35.76 article yesterday, proved "repeaters" and Rood classes ranted at 35.50 and less. Strings that moved below the 35.25 mark drew some little com pensation from country buyers and were usually seconds of more or less doubtful dressing promise. Desirable fat sheep showed no changes worth mentioning, getting steady bids In most cases. Classy ewes are quotable up to 33.75 and prime, handy wethers would bring 34-00 without much selling effort. Toppy yearlings were scarce, but some inquiry was heard at and near 34.26, indicating a limit of about 34.40. Demand had plenty of tone and move ment was fairly active. Feeders failed to show as muoh life as recently, but this phase of the market was generally credited- to usual week end contraction in demand rathern than a permanent decrease In country orders. Firm prices were paid for the ordinary run of stuff and business was by no means dull or sluggish. The better kinds ot ewes sold around 32.65fc2.80 and weighty, thrifty lambs brought 35.10 and better. According to packers' tab, yester day's feeder purchase amounted to 17,000, making a three days' buy of 71,000 head. ' As compared with prices at last week's clone, current trade In fat lambs shows a net gain of about a quarter, while fat sheep are, selling all the way from a dime to . a quarter higher. Feeder classes, barring ewes, have scored 16fc25c adv ances, thin ewes ruling Just about steady throughout. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Lambs, good to choice, S5.4ufca.76; lambs, fair to.good.S5.10fi-5.40; lambs, culls, S4.o6 fc4.90; lambs, feeders, S4.40rc;x.20; year linga, good to choice, S3.Rr(i4.40; year lings, feed ees, 33.60fc4.16; wethers, handy, S3.65fc4.(IO; wethers, heavy, S3.60fc3.85; wethers, feeders, 33.25fc3.6o; ewes, good to choice, S3.40fc3.75; ewes, fair to good, 33 00 fa 3.40; ewes, breeders, - S3.25fc4.u0 ewes, feeders, -S2.25fc2.90; ewes, culls, 31.502.85. Representative sales: No. Av. 567 Nevada lambs 7 658 Nevada lambs feeders....... 64 1,016 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 52 318 Wyoming lambs, fdrs., culls 41 2,308 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 69 75 native lambs, feeders'. 63 146 Wyoming yearlings feeders,. 76 it Wyoming wetners 1W . 150 . t8t . 840 .1096 . 764 . IS! . 781 . 784 184 ISO 334 3 40 I 40 I 60 4 64 4 10 4 10 4 U 4 64 7 71 7 71 I 04 blUt ii.fc.Ur AND FEEDUHS. 670 626 67 714 177 641 I 60 4 14 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 26 t. t. 34 36 16 700 , 477 , 717 741 , 764 4 18 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 t No. 13 feeders W leeders 11 cows... 10 cows... 26 feeders, 12 cows... 13 calves., 24 cows. .. C. 16 steers WESTERNS NEBRASKA. A v. pr. iNo. A v. . lit) .1136 . Hot) ,.1033 . 968 . 646 . 2a) .1007 4 65 4 76 8 40 4 15 606 3 60 6 76 4 35 9 cs.&hfrs 853 75 feeders.. 9i9 11 cows.... 11 cows.... 23 heifers.., 23 heifers.., 18 heifers.. 714 970 592 610 R. Lacomer Nebraska. 1276 6 66 8 cows 10o3 J. F. Kellar Nebraska. 17 heifers... 741 8 75 18 feeders.. 698 10 stockers. 670 4 70 J. Gllg Nebraska. 24 feeders.. 920 4 80 17 heifers... 7S5 cows 936 3 60 - Jayem C. Co. Nebraska. 40 stockers. 812 4 75 6 cows 978 10 heifers... fc'.'o 4 36 39 feeders.. 1126 40 steers.. ..1271 6 50 . 64 steers. ...1060 8 feeders.. 1126 4 75 WYOMING. irmixed...lU8 6 00 11 cows 920 25 steers. ...1009 6 15 19 towi 91)1 30 cows 8ii3 3 85 41 cows 868 56 cows 945 4 40 30 feeders.. 653 13 cows 8M) 4 30 41 feeders.. 718 14 cows 940 4 40 81 feeders.. 714 30 feeders.. 656 4 70 17 steers.. ..10o4 12 steers.. ..1137 4 85 3ii feeders.. 90 F. Lacey Wyoming. 18 steers.. ..1140 6 80 W. W. Snyder W'yomlng. 21 steers.. ..1187 6 6S 10 cows 945 13 cows 9t6 4 50 7 steers. ...Ua2 I. C. Miller Wyoming. 99 feeders.. 1039 6 25 168 steers. ..1113 47 cows IW 1 60 25 cows 970 Meows 1042 4 65 39 calves... 205 42 calves... 313 6 60 Ed McGee Wyoming. 16 steers.. ..1103 6 25 12 cows 396 cs.&hfrs 937 4 CO MONTANA. 1 steers... .1716 6 20 3 steers.. ..1343 20 6 20 6 30 4 50 6 60 4 60 6 00 Pr. 4 26 6 00 4 15 4 65 3 90 4 00 4 30 4 75 6 00 3 70 4 75 8 40 (16 4 40 4 10 3 60 4 66 4 66 4 65 6 00 4 70 3 75 4 70 6 25 4 00 26 3 65 100 native ewes, feeders 87 4!i Wyoming ewes, feeders 87 256 Wyoming ewes, feeders 88 246 Wyoming ewes, feeders 83 86 Wyoming ewes, fdrs., culls.. S3 887 Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 87 45 Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 87 403 Wyoming wethers 92 32 Wyoming yearlings 67 2h6 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 67 145 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 62 98 Idaho lambs, feeders 70 100 Idaho ewes 110 418 Wyoming ewes 103 99 Idaho lambs 69 469 Idaho lambs 75 1,650 Utah lambs, feeders 62 109 Utah lambs, feeders 63 133 Utah lambs, feeders, culls.. 55 410 Wyoming lambs, feeders..., 66 865 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 69 193 Utah ewes 119 46 Wyoming ewes 97 221 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 66 eti Wyoming lambs 62 148 Wyoming lambs 63 643 Utah lambs 68 663 Utah lambs 71 827 Wyoming yearlings 87 263 Wyoming wethers..., 116 90 Utah ewes, feeders 106 31 Wyoming ewes and yrlgs.. 88 230 Wyoming eyes, fdrs 90 188 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 92 124 Wyoming ewes, feeders 92 633 Wyoming ewes, feeders 87 175 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 58 174 Wyoming lambs, fdrs., culls 43 166 Wyoming lambs, fdrs., culls 48 93 Wyoming ewes 98 li Wyoming ewes 99 66 Wyomina ewes, culls 82 IM) Wyoming weths. and ewes. 104 267 Idaho lambs, feeders 1,216 Idaho lambs 69 145 Wyomins; lambs, feeders... 59 673 Wyoming lambs, feeders... M 139 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 67 179 Wyomlnur lambs, fdrs.. culls 42 850 Wyoming lambs, feeders.., 67 350 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 6s 359 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 67 Pr. 6 70 6 10 6 05 4 25 6 80 6 00 4 30 8 76 2 40 2 75 2 75 2 25 2 26 8 65 8 56 3 80 4 26 6 15 4 60 5 00 3 60 3 65 5 60 6 60 6 15 6 00 4 60 6 15 6 15 3 60 3 66 6 00 6 66 6 60 6 60 6 75 4 30 4 00 2 80 3 75 2 70 2 85 2 85 2 85 6 15 4 76 4 76 3 20 3 40 1 75 3 60 6 25 6 75 6 15 6 15 6 ID 4 60 5 15 5 15 5 la St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sent. 21. CATTT.EZ Receipts. 2,000; market, slow; steers. Sl ot &7.60; cows und hellers. S.'.8otiT.0O: calves. S3.7i.fc 8 00. HOGS Receipts. 4.000 head: mnrket steady to 6c lower: top. S6.76: bulk of sales, 36 -43fcti.6R. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelms turn head; market, steady to strum:: lamlm 36.UOfc4i.0O. 28 steers. ...1353 39 steers.. ..1243 steers.. ..13h3 8 cows IP 37 steers. ..VH72 19 cows 1044) steers.. ..1010 6 steers.. 6 steers. 2 cows.. 14 cows. ,.1306 ,.1160 . S96 1073 24 steers. ...l?a) 16 rows 1141 36 feeders.. 1035 30 30 6 35 4 60 4 70 8 00 4 50 t 25 HOGS Packers tried to give hog trade another shove downward, but their ef forts were only partly successful. It wan a steady, slow market early, becoming easier and closing lower. Sales made late in the session and at the finish showed big nickel declines, but the break In volved only a dusen or fifteen loads. Movement proved very quiet from start to finish and sellers usually railed it a near trade, the description being short, but expressive. Size of supply had no visible Influence upon the tone to the demand as cheap ening cost reKsrdless of receipts' vo.uiue seems to be u mailer of principle with buyers at present. Shippers sppporled the market In feeble fashion, buying only eight or nine loads in all. Better quail. y was favored O S outside orders, of course, but limited variety did not permit of a very wids selection. Chute house esll- ARRIVALS OF HOGS STEADY Killings not Little la Excess of Pre. Vlous Week Average Weight Mkoavs Decrease. CINCINNATI, O., Bepjf .-(Speclal Telegram. )-rPrice Current says: Market ing of hogs was maintained as to num bers, but the killing for the week were little in excess ot the preceding Week. Average weights appear to be declining to some extent. Total western slaugh. terlng, 380,000 hogs, compared with Stf.OO) preceding week and 345,000 two weeks ago; For corresponding time last year 296,000 and two years ago 845,000. From Marvii 1, total, 14,440,000 against 11,020,000 a year ago an Increase of 3,420,000 hogs. Total two years ago, 12.836,000. Prominent places compare as follows: March 1 to Sept. 20, Clili aso Kansas Cl(y South Omaha St. Louis ...... St. Joseph Indianapolis .. Milwaukee .... Cincinnati .... Oltumwa, la. . Cedar Rapids, Sioux 4'liy, la. St. Paul, Minn. Cleveland. O.. . Ia. 1911 3,010,000 1,9.5.000 1.3uu,tJ0 1,410,018) 1.030,000 74O.IIU0 647. Ouo tHI.OO 2lK.OU0 216,000 6'.i0,tiu 460.01 a) 3Al,0U0 mil 2.276.000 1.1MI.0U0 9Mi,taa 975.0U0 7O0.0') 677.0UO .9,0U0 ' fcil.tna) 217,000 - IM.UjO 6.3,OUO 246,otr) 30e.0U0 Connors l eaves Slate AIJ4ANY. N. Y., Cosinlttee, Pent. II. William I Connors of Buffalo, former chairman of tho demociutt lo state committee, has resigned his membership on the com mittee lo take effect immediate!. Persistent advertising Big Returns. is the Rxal Ut