Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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i 4
Former Secretary of State Paid
Tixet ia C-osper Couzty.
appeal of WMkelss Fir xll a
Life etece (r KilMa 1 la
later Ciitm 4ttetla
' af llFrrM rt.
From a Staff Correpirjeiu ) (
LINCOLN. 8M 3t! ."fecial lineal
city aad court- treasurers have reeved
from the court y treasurer of Otrr-er
county an affidavit to the effect that
tha personal property of George C.
Junain. former secretary of state, bad
been assessed Is thai coutitr and that
tha taxes thereon had ben paid. It was
further art forth in tbe letter that tha
property included a piKBo. aewlna; ma
chine, time piece and househild yoods.
The oucetion of the ass.aKmi-rt of the
l-ersmaJ property of atate official" durinf
their terms end whlie they are residents
of thia city ia an old one with coun-.y and
city official here and one which has
never been satirfar-torfly fourht out. Ktrid
lncs of household roods and other per
aona propertv which wan subject to taxa
tion generally broucrbt fTth rirvrous as
sertions from atate officials that these
Items had been riven to the assessors In
their borne eountiea
In the pant atate official have exhibited
form receipts to show that they paid thf.r
Taxea in thetr home eountiea, hut these
never divulged upon what afeciflc items
of prot-erty aaid taxea were paid. Ac
cording to feputy County Treasurer Mc
CorTiurk farm implements, stork or other
chattels iriitht fcave been paid for in the
home counties of the state officials, while
the persons! property went entirety free
in both places. The rule in vogue which
requires that affidavits epecifyinr upon
what class of pro pert y the taxea are paid
fuund Its first observance In the con
Inum cation received today from Gosper
c-ounty and whlcn exempts George C.
Junkm from paying personal property
taxes in thia county for the year be
resided here as secretary of state.
Kleae Flaw t la far neetais.
Whether or not the evidence brourht out
at tbe district court trlaJ of Wilhelm
Fief of Dixon county for the murder of
hia sister, Louise, J una M. IMS, Justified
hi conviction and the life Imprisonment
sentence which ha received waa tha ques
tion argued before tha state supreme
court today. Tha state waa represented
by Assistant Attorney General Edgerton
and County Attorney IQcrsbury of Dixon
county, while the aide o tha defense waa
taken by ex-Concreacman 1. J. McCarthy
of Ponca and F. S. Berry of Wayne.
The Flegre case is one of the most im
portant and hardest fought murder cases
In Nebraska criminal annals. The cir
cumstance Burr oundi rig the killing of the
Flec-e gtrl, the unusual confession made
by tbe man who lays claim to being tha
only eye witness of tbe tragedy, follow
ing the early statements that be knew
nothing about the matter, the wealth of
the defendant ' family, tbe desperate
fight made to pars him from prison, all
combine te make it a most spectacular
court fight.
Tbe purchase of an automobile by the
defendant Sguree strongly la the case
and if the theory of tbe atate ia correct
tbe car la responsible for tbe murder of
the girt. Tbe Fierce, who are Germane!
and wbo naturally fjoeeeaa the frugal
habits of the Teutons, were much sur
prised when WUbelm came borne ia a
motor car and especially tbe Bister
Louise opposed, what aha considered,
waste of mosey. Subsequent narrinr on
this account ut the coldness engendered
between the two is aaid to have resulted
in many quarrels and according to the
testimony of Albert Eichtencanip, a hired
man, culminated in tbe killing of tbe
girl by Flere. followlg one tiff more
severe than the rest.
The state's cane la base largely on tbe
testimony of thia Kicthencamp. who
wore that before Flere left the farm on
the day of June 30, 1B1. the twe Quar
reled and that he aaw the two come out
of tbe tiouM, the girl with her back to
him. Afterward, when be was told by
Flepe to get out of tbe way and ran to
tbe kiarn. he beard tme ahota and be aaw
Louii-e on her knees, with Wilhelm stand
ing over her, a revolver in hia bands.
Waldo Defeats ftaatmr Trwat.
C. A. Waldo, a local wholesale mer-,
chant, who noted press dispatches car
ried yesterday under a New Tork date
line, relating to the price of sugar and
aaaertinr that it la HTj per hundred
f. o. b. New Tork. says that the prior
was KM per hundred January 1 and that
yesterday's quotation waa ITJa. Tbe in
timation ttiat the market ia manipulated,
Mr. Waldo aaaerta. Is unfair te tbe re
fining interests, whom, be declares,
make a very small speculative profit.
IJapela sutae Ready rest.
The day model of the atarue of Abra
ham Lincoln, which is to be placed on
the stats bouse grounds, is practically
completed, according to word which
comes to thia city from Daniel Chester
French, the sculptor, wbo has charge
of the work, and will soon go to the
bronse foundry.
F. VI. HaU, of the committee wfcirh
has the matter In charge, aaid today that
sufficient funds have been obtained lor
the completion of the statue and its
background and base, with the exception
of . Of this amount the city of
Lincoln has been asked for IL.WO and the
rest It ia planned to ratue by subscrip
tion. A relat of K. has been ar
ranged for w:hch the acuiptor. providing
he ia allowed to produce one more staJue
from the same model. The committee,
on account .if tbe lack of fund, are con
sidering taiUng advantage of the offer.
Orra Tssee Dee.
Today is the lain day for the paj-sveot
of occupation taxea to the state if a l:
We quote aa followa from the Boston
World, on "Care of the Hair.- by Mot
Martyn: 'The reason for the scant, un
attractive tresses of women lies
ia the perkisteBt uae of injurious sham
poos Fea realise that soap atiampnoa
do more harm than guod. The deadly
alkali is eoap ts toe strong for the hair,
causing it to atreak auu become lift-lesa
Such ahampooa raa only result fatally
to the hair. Ivy powdera alee are
bad. aa they clog us the scalp pores and
cause dandruff.
"A perfectly aafe shampoo is mad
by dissolving a tttaapotmf ul ef canthrcx
la a cup if ivt wauar. Thia cieauaea
perfectly, dries ouwkir wittxiut streak
ing, and teates luc uair bright, fluffy
and easy to da up. It ta the surest
preventive of baldnens tui diaevverea.
- V
Flat br IUaaaart.
Inalty for non-payment is to be escaped
by corporations over tbe state.
Stme the flirt of the month over fa..
has been received by the secretary of
state from corporations whose names
were recently published in a proclamation
issued by the governor and in which It
was stated that if the tax was not paid
by November 39 the charters of the de
linquents would be summarily forfeited.
erria Mtklaf Bpeeehea.
Conrressman Georfte W. Norms spent a
part of today here on the way to Peward.
where be is to deliver an address tomor
row. Friday the Fifth district insurgent
is to talk at Iiavid City. Arrangements
have been made for Norria to speak at
the Pawnee county fair on October i.
Labor Bereae Officiate Elect.
At tbe meeting of the International As
sociation of the Officials of the Labor
Eureaus and Statistics at the state Capi
tol today officers were elected and Wash
ington. I. C. was decided upon as th
meeting place for tbe coming year. Offi
cers named were: President, 3. D. Beck
of Wisconsin: first vice president, P. F.
Powers of Michigan; second vice presi
dent. A. W. Eitji of Missouri; secretary
treasurer, W. L. A. Johnson of Kansas:
executive committee, J. D. Beck, W. L.
A. Johnson. C. T. Hubbard of Washing
ton, Charles J. Fox of Maryland and
Charlfcs P. NelL
KEAR.NET, Neb.. Sept. ML Special.)
dias Genho. a farmer, has filed suit
against taid jainz, Justinia Hlnx and
Adolph Hina, neighbors, asking for $10,
"0. because they alienated tbe affections
of his wife, Emilio Genho. Tbe plaintiff
alleges that the defendants maliciously
importuned his wife to leave him, and
"began to speak of the plaintiff in terms
of derision and reproach, intending
thereby to deprive the plaintiff of the
society and services of his wife"
Tbe principals in tbe suit are all
wealthy farmers of Buffalo county.
nearer CltUeai ef Crasl Islaad
Alsseet Crsaad te Pteee-a,
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Sept. 30 (Spe
cial Telegram.) J. S. Lamb, aa old and
highly esteemed citizen, was run down
and instantly killed by a Union Pacific
engine and a string of cars being swtcbed
through tbe W. H. Harraon and George
li. Hoacland lumber yards. The body was
so frightfully mangled that for some time
the identity of the unfortunate was un
known. Mr. Lamb lived near tbe track.
He was a retired carpeater, aged 82. The
accident bapfiened not over luu feet from
hia borne. He leaves a wife and daugh
ter. A coroner a inquest baa been called.
state Cats CmI BUL
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. 30. (Special.)
Addison Waite and XL B. Cow les of the
State Board of Public Landa and Build
ings paid a visit to tbe Feeble liinded
institute to inspect a cargo of coal which
was not as rood as tbe institution bad
contracted for. C P. Underwood, the
bookkeeper, lut the price of the fuel con
siderably and reported tbe matter to tbe
state board, w hich did not want tbe coal
until after it had been tnspeced. John
Ixirgan, a coal man from Lincoln, ac
companied the officiala, wbo decided to
keep the fuel at the price paid by Mr.
LsbOTiaa; I ssrr a Delaaiea.
BrUK.EN BOW, Neb, Sepu 38. Spe
cial ) Mrs Lo-etta Kelly, E years of age,
daughter of Job Ward, is the victim of
a delusion that men have been following
her night and day, making her life al
most unbearable.
Two years ago Kelly separated from bis
wife and went west. For a time they
ourresponded, then the letters ceased and
Mra Kelly thinks her husband waa
killed and tbe men who are annoyikg her
are his murderera She baa been taken
te the asylum.
Bertac lw Oil at Stella.
STELLA. Neb.. Sept. 18 t Special.)
The Nemaha Oil and Gas company, or
ganized ts prospect for on on tbe farm
of A B. Davidson, three and a half miles
north of Stella, ia now hauling lamber
out from here to erect a derrick. Vbe
machinery baa arrived and la being hauled
out to the farm. Tbe gas can be beard
roaring a half mile from the place. Tbe
company has decided to go down at least
Ls) feet If necetisary. Mr. Davidson baa
given a five-year oil lease oa the place
and the company expects to secure leases
on adjoining farina
isea Mttdera
(Special Mra Gertude Genson baa fiied
a suit against the Modem Woodmen of
America for C . the amount of a
policy her husband carried ia that order
at tbe time be mysteriously disappeared
trnn home September la. when Vi
clothing and bicycle were found oa the
banks or the river, nana or the city and
f.mrnrlnta led Into the Waters f tK.
river. Since then not a trace of him has
been found.
Ie I h VleeeliM rrwaa la)i
lECl'MSEH, Neb, Sept. 3s
Telegram J. H. Foblmaa,
who bad
lived oa a farm twelve tunes
of here
since the close of the civil war,
hospital in Auburn iaat night
died at a
from fea
aaturday. id and ia
jurx-s he received ia a runaway
Mr. Puhlman was 7 years a
survived by a widow and sev
eraj crown
BataUU ta base.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. SB. Special
Telegram Rain begaa falling here early
this morning aad continued throughout a
greater part of the day. It is estwaated
that as lack of water fell. Tbe moisture
a-l'.l be of great benefit te alfalfa and
winter Wheat. LiaCl frosts are reported
in eoTTie aectiotis of the atate, but none
have occurred bei-e. The com is ripeninc
fart ar,d will t safe from frost in a week
or ten days.
Editor Harris Drowns
Himself in River
FAIKPVRT. Neh.. (Sept. LO Special
Telegram. J. A. Harris, aged W yearn,
and formerly the publisher of socialist
paper here, drowned himself in tbe Litt.e
Blue river tf6ay. Some men golrg along
the river bank found coat, hat and um
brella They notified the coroner, who.
gathering a posse, dracged the stream,
finding the body, from which life had
been extinct for some hours.
On account of fll health, Harris sold
out his business a year a'o. Since then
b bad taken treatment for a nervous
breakdown, but had not recovered. He
leaves a wife and three children.
Isaisaa Esskesaler Arrested.
EROKZX BOW, Neb., Sept. . (Spe
cial Telegram On information received
by Sheriff Kennedy from the Fidelity and '
fiepoait company of Indianapoiia lnd , I
Orion Btokes of that city was arrested
here thia afternoon, charged with em
bezzling money belonging to an Indian
apolis candy firm. Stokes came here sev
eral day ago and was engaged as man
ager of a local bote! under tbe name of
Herman Bowers. When arrested be ad
mitted his identity and also lord tbe
sheriff be was short on his collections,
but supposed his mother bad filed It op.
Stokes will be held pending the arrival
of the Indiana officers.
Labor Koremeiit Derelopi Into Ber
olutionuy Conflict
Mob, Beaded by Waaaea with Pitch-
ferka, Leta Charrhes aad Pats
te Rest the Lewal Mili
tary Kerr a.
MAX' RID. Sept. 3D. Spain is face to face
w.'b a crisis equal In gravity to that
following tbe riots in Barcelona in
The agitation and tbe power of the agi
tators on the masses have increased In
proportion to the rigor of the represalva
measures undertaken by the government.
What at its origin was purely a labor
movement now has developed into a revo
lutionary conflict, a commune actually
having been proclaimed at two towns sear
Valencia At these places the authorities
were driven out of the districts.
Will Call Geseral Strike.
Tbe affiliated trades unions have de
cided to call a general strike tomorrow
throughout the length and breadth of
Spain, and the government, abandoning
the tone of optimism heretofore main
tained, today decided upon tbe drastic
step of "suspending tbe constitutional
guaranties" throughout the whole coun
try. All meetings have been forbidden.
The military authorities. It Is further
said officially, will not assume control
except In extreme cases.
"The grave measure we have taken Is
absolutely Imperative, not only for the
defense of public institutions, but for
society itself," said Premier Canalejaa to
night. "The suspension of the constitu
tional guaranties has been decided upon
by tbe government in tbe presence of a
movement unmistakably revolutionary
and anarchistic in character a movement
It may be assumed directed against all
social order."
GeversLsseat K.m ef Plet.
The Spanish government has long bees
aware that some such movement was
contemplated for tbe end of September,
but was unwilling to take radical meas
ures until its true character waa ap
parent. Tbe movement waa supported
by the socialists and possibly by the ex
treme republican party and waa directed
by a committee composed of Spaniards
and foreigners, with headquarters at
Emissaries were sent out throughout
the peninsula with Instructions te foment
general strikes in all the provinces, tha
object being to paralyiae the life of tbe
nation by stopping" all public servicea
The government laid plana accordingly
and ia resolved on the re-establishment
of order as rapidly as possible and at
any cost. The authorities assert that
the general labor union, which proclaimed
a strike, represents only a limited num
ber of workers. -
Among tbe delegates who voted for
this strike waa tbe president of tbe rau
workera. but aa this union has been or
ganised only recently, it is possible tb
movement will fail so far as It concerns
the railroads.
Late despatches from Saragassa anj
Barcelona say all is Quiet in those re
gions. Rletiea at Taleaela.
Late despatches from Valencia say the
agitation In that c.ty was renewed to
night. A mob threw up a barricade and
derailed a tram car in one part of the
city, w hile another mob tried to storm
convent. In the street fighting ons
workman was killed and several were
It is reported that the residents of Al-
ooot-r. before the troops arrived, burned
tbe public buildlnca. dynamited a bridge
and cut the railroad.
All the policemen in Madrid have been
armed with carbines.
primier Canalejaa was called to the
jielsce late tonight to report tbe situation
la King Alfonso. On leaving the palace
Le told the new;permen tliat the situa
tion waa better except la the Vk.encU
Two Tewaa la Revolt.
VALENCIA, Spain. Sept. 20. The In
habitants of the loans of Alcuoer and
Caicagrnte revolted today, drove out the
authorities and proclaimed a commune
A strong body of troops was dispatched
from here and occupied these towns, at
well as tBe towa of Cuilera, where yenter
day a Judge, engaged in the trial of rio
ters, was killed and several of his court
officers were wounded. The city of Val
encia was comparatively quiet today, but
a band of maay of w horn are armed
i roaming over the country, fomentms
Tbe presidents of several unions have
protested against tbe action of anarchists,
declaring that they went on a strike onlj
us sympathy with their eolleag-ues in
Balboa' and bad no revolutionary Inten
tions. Ei Bet urn V
Fersiaient advertiaicg ia tha Roaa ts
Y7 1 7 T tzk nerves mean nervous-
ftCClfl LC ri) CS ness' 11600115 headaches, de
bility. They call for good
food, fresh air, and a nerve tonic Let your doctor select the
medicine- AVer's Sarsanarilla. free from alcohol. ' JLr
Contestants Find All Adrixtairei ia
Bre BooaloTm' Game.
Title tataleees Make aeletlee, t
lete-reettas; fwaale IHeteree esae
Easy aad Assist Tkew 1 be
Are Petered le Rser,
Contestants are entering the F.ook
lovrrs' game in large numbers jast at
preeent. Many of them had hesitated
because they did not understand the con
ditiona of the race they did not reanse
that they stood Just as good a chanoc
now of winning a prize as though they
had gone Into the game on the first day.
Those who Join the Booklevera' ranks to
day are at no disadvantage.
Back coupons may be had a tthe busi
ness office of Tbe Bee for 1 cent each. Ii
does not take long to solve the puzzles
and fill Is tbe blanks, so that -uose wbo
enter now will be caught up with the
eiyly entrants within a few days. Then
there will be several days grace given
after tbe last picture appeara Contest
ants may prepare their answers and ar
ranre their coupons during these addi
tional dava that will be allotted after the
last picture appear.
Contestants are finding the Booklovers'
tit s cataiog-ue an invaluable aid in
naming tbe book a. This little catalogue
sells for So cents, by mail. 30 cents. It
contains more man a.wv unr? ul ivuu.
It is the official list from which the
editor makes the selections for the seventy-five
books In tbe contest. Those
w he possetis these catalogues find the
pictures very easy.
List of All Prises.
The rrises to be awarded are as fol
folws: First A White Steamer automobile, a
beautiful five-pas(iec:er car. celebrated
for Its durability and speed, valued at
Second A ten-acre ranch in beautiful
Tehama county. California; delightful
climate, rich fruit land; value, m. Full
, . . n.,,, i , ir this knd mav be
UUUIUlftllUU wuw - -
had at tbe office of the Trowbridge-
Bolster company in me
bank building. Omaha.
Third A beautiful Krell Auto-Grand
player piano (have the music of the mas
ters in your own home); value. S. This
prise is exhibited at the Bennett store.
Sixteenth and Harney street.
Fourth One lot In the business district
of Ralston, a lot SxlflO feet .on Maywood
street; value. SITS. Full information may
be bad at tbe office of the Ralston Town
site company. South Seventeenth
street. Omaha
Fifth In the beautiful suburban town
of Ralston, one lot in the residence por
tion, oBxlM feet; thia lot is valued at tSS.
Full Information may be had at the of
fices of the Ralston Townsite company,
m Knuth Seventeenth street. Omaha
Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Three sets
(twelve volumes) of Nelson s Loce-LeaX j
t7wm.ihmu4im th mrvelntedia that can- i
JJW.J wfm n, .
. , . ...iiuu4 . rut
not grow oia , tn , - ,
These books are exhibited a ttbe store
of W. A. Hixenbaugh & Co., 1KU St. I (
Mary's avenue. I
Ninth and Tenth The Book of Know l
edge, or Child s Encyclopedia, a univer
sal work for school children, twenty-four
volumes; each set, $36. These books are
exhibited at tbe store of W, A.. Hixen
baugh Co.. 1814 St- Mary'a avenue
Add to thia forty-five cash prises, as
followa Five HO.00 prises, ten prises,
ten $2.00 prises .twenty TLW priaea
Costly Celllaiea fer Awest.
CRESTON. Ia.. Sept. 30. i Special.)
Albert Thompson, a farmer living north
of here, lost a fine driving horse Sunday
nicht. when he collided with a speeding
auto, aa each driver was hurrying
get in ahead of the threatening
Lbout o'clock. The horse
by F.
B- Thompson, who aanuia ne a
tbe speed limit, out Claims
it was on account of the approacning
atorm. Dust was blowing so thickly that
neither driver saw tbe other approach
ing until the collision waa unavoidable.
The occupants of neither carriage nor
auto w ere Injured with the exception of
each driver being cut about the handa
by the broken glass from the auto lamps
and hood. Tbe front of tbe car was quite
badly demolished, also. The driver of
the auto paid a fine for speeding, and
also settled for the loss of the horse,
remarking that his ride would cost him
several hundred dollars
When you have anything for sale or
exchange advertiae it In The Bee Want
Add columns and get quick results.
Society Women Use
New Wrinkle Remover
(From Society World.)
SiDc-a the discovery that a solution of
ordinary aaaolite and witch hasel haa a
peculiar effect upopn wrinkkled aalna,
tt haa heep learned that many prominent
society woman all over the country
Lave used this simple home treatment
with treat succeaa The formula la:
pomdereed saaDie, one eunca, dissolved
in witch hazel, one-half pint Use dally
aa a wash lotion.
The beneficial action of thia wash is
felt at oma There's an acreeabie re
freahintT aenaation and feelinc of exhil
aration. The akin aoon boomes firmer
and mora youthful lookiiic, fiabbioea
and all wrinkles are Immediately af
fected. No one need hesitate ta cet the
lngedients at the dru store and make
the remedy bersclf. for there are no
harmful effects whatever. Adv.
t rojsTTAiMa,MorrLa,o cLscwHta
Get tka
Original aaa Genuine
The Food Drink f orAllAges
txa BU. Hair Gua ErrtAcr. a rovnu
Not in any Milk Trust
Ia"t on "UORLICIvS
Husband Insists Wife
Must Marry Affinity
NEW TOKK, Sept. 3D Stpulaiir.g that
h! young wf Wh'te Lawrence
euj dam. ahou d firt rtiter into an agree
ment to marry Fre3rrkk Nob.e. tie
plumWt son. with whom she recently
ran away from her home in Blue Point,
L. I.. Walter Liyper.ard Suj dam, Jr . of
fered today to free her rv suing her for
divorce. iSuydam. his father
and a lawyer called uion the young
woman at the flat where fhe end Nbie
have been living, and made the stipula
tion aa an alternative to never having a
divorce suit egun. Ther demanded also
that the agreement be aumed bj Noble.
"W Jr- . --a-
'k. r - r
! t
vJV. i
The New 1911
- v k - . m a
ri v . e? i r -s
V J7 III 1
X 1 M f all. V .M m. ' . lL W TC , A.k V
Jil A V k f H
$m in :p
Tk ' t I .1 . J 1 1 X 1
I I a Ul i
s I H i I "ft
f1l Or" 'r ft I
" . . u.vr. (uuau " V i.m HI UVB, M iMrrV JflM-UITW 11S Villi SIHSI Vlt
the young miw. as eDtirelT dlffereiit than anything aiie has ever had.
Oiidren,a Isressew in
wool, novel
ties and aerrea. Made in new
French dress, Peter Thompson and
Russian blouse sty lea, at
$3.98, 55.09 and $7.50.
"Semefle" r-
() Ardi-Skids ()
1 S0 V Lk " f " The
f hardened Steel - LjXj wa Leather tread is
I Anti-Skid I C&X I tough, flexible and 1
I Studs Aa prerent J ' ''""WlSw popuncurp'
A Piano for Everybody
Experience Indicates that Hoepe piano targ ain are the rreteat offered in the tate. TV
hare fcnndreda of pleased rnatomerg aho will testify that the slightly used pianos we hare sold
them are prartlcally as rood as new and that they represent an amaxlr.g savinc When you can
buy a piano, rich In tone, highly finished, and rkhly encased, for from Cu to JU0, yon are pos
itively .ettlrr. the most pisjuo-ralue In the world. This Is exactly a tat Hmj tires you in his
sllthtly use4 planoa. They are Just the pianos for rlvlcf your youngsters a musical education.
Visit the Hoepe store and learn more about these pianos. Inspect them closfly they win stand
any Inspection. Kocpe rent pianos, with scarf and
stool, for 1 t month.
A. Hospe Company
Bntasrh Store 407 Broadway, Oouarfl Bluffs, Ia.
I Mn. Sujdan: aaid she bedf o Intenti n
' of go ng back tc her husband and w anted
a i.ii)T irr.nediate;y . Toung Suvdam
had hci'e'l for a recom-i' on. but find
ing it ht'pe.esn. N-gn to consider the di
! vcrre tit uati n His one thought, be
said, was that th future of his wife
I rbould be provided fo-.
The Fuydams af!-r several consu'ta-
lion tixl ay decided that if the couple
wa willing to enter the arreement that
would lie the easiest war to put an end
to the vrp'.eaant notoriety the episode
has ( a'iMeiL
4 la the tet
and a-reFted Vy Dr. Kings New Jjfe
pill, bilious headache quits and liver
i and howeis ait right Sc. For sale by
I Beaton Drug Co.
- . .i
'-iVTailorcd Suits for Fall S
fc Women wbo require suits that are prac
H k tical and niceable for evervdav wear
1 will find
Suits of
These Fuits
suitable for
clever new suits in this tea
E-on's favorite models
Silk and Wool
Dresses All new
ieasor fall, so
cially pric- I A
ed, at
Women's Tailored
Skirts, fall mod
els, specially
at ....
Choice of 2
"BrowneU" Dress
Children's Coats All styles
and qualities. Many new
arrivals at
$3.98. $6.98, $S.9S. $10.00
r. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
cleanses, preserves and beauti
fies the teeth, prey cots tootl
decay and imparts purit)
and fracrance to the breath.
Offers vastly more styles than
other western store in
ksiict votiiy more t ivies man mnv r
Ladies9 Practical
suits in this croup that will
be just the garments for the purpose.
New light and dark colored t
fabrics splendidly tailored 5j Jl
and very smart, at V--"
Dressy Character $22.50 $
are rather dressier and are
every occasion. They
Messaline Petti
coats, various col
ors, new group
worth $4,
Women's Silk and
Net Waists, clev
er styles for fall.
$6, at.
New Long Coats $15 g
6 different atylea of long mats !n
mixture, reversible rlotba, eergps, womtedB,
broadclothi and keraej-; all colors and black.
Extra, special.
rndernu6lin all kindg, well made, at. . - DSC
for Girls at 510 $
New Tailored Linen
Waists Fall's favorite
models, at