Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Thpff rough finish felts ni
mighty gooI looking head
gear for young fellows
tbis style hccomes most
every man that's the
reason for its immediate
Worn turned down in
front, tide, or any other
wav von choose.
Colors brown, gray and
$2.50 and $3
A handsome lot of telescopes La both smooth and rough fin
ish felt a dressy in-between hat, even after the derby sea
son is on.
Tit iroua
I Ask Aw
is w 1 i m tvts
the left wrist of the newcomer tattooed
the Initials "O. A. K."
Joteph Hatcher Because Klmniel" re
called vividly the drowning of a boy in
a lake near Niles fourteen years ago.
Samuel Qulmby Because "Kimmel"
could teil him In detail of what happened
at a lodge meeting more than fifteen
years ago.
"My explanation of this man's ability
to atsume the role of the real Kimmel Is
this,' said Charles Montague, a cousin of
Mrs. Kimmel. "At the time Kimmel dis
appeared the newspapers were full of
mstery stories as to what had become of
him. This man says he was in St. Louis
about that time. He may have been
familiar with Nlles and bo have taken an
Interest In the story. It was then he was
struck on the head In ft. Louis. The
blows Impaired his mind. My belief is
that his mind was so affected that he
lost his own Identity and came to the
conclusion that he was Kimmel and has
ever since been of that belief."
Hunt Sim t the Man.
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 20. -The Andrew
J. White of Auburn, Mattewan and Nlles,
Mich., la not George A. Kimmel, accord
ing to A. J. Hunt of Arkansas City. Kan.,
who knew Kimmel many years ago. Mr.
Hunt Is In the grain business and arrived
In Kansas "City today.
"I first knew Kimmel In Omaha," Mr.
Hunt said. "We lived next door to each
other three years. At the end of that
time Klmmel's mother and sister went to
Chicago and he lived In my house for one
year, when he went to Arkansas City to
become cashier of the Farmers' State
"In Arkansas City Kimmel built a grain
elevator and sent for ma to come and
take charge of it. A everyone knows,
Kimmel disappeared from Kansas City
1 H1S98.
"In February. 1907, I took my wife with
ma on a trip to New York. While we were
there we read that an Inmate of the
Mattewan asylum said he was Kimmel.
My wife and r went to see this man. He
recognized neither of us and we saw at
a glance' that' he was a faker and that
he looked nothing like the real Kimmel.
"Last June A. H. benton, president of
the Home National bank of Arkansas
City, who knew Kimmel well. Mrs. Den
ton, my wife and myself went to Auburn,
where the man who pretended Kim
mel had been taken from Mattewan.
Again we saw this man White and all of
us made positive statements that he was
not Kimmel. ' '
"A doctor who had operated dn Kimmel
when he lived In Nlles examined Whlte.
This doctor had operated on Kimmel for
an affection of the eye, and the cut had
i . ...riuiv nf soars that never had
irn - -' j
been known to be obliterated. Yet the
surgeon could find no such scar on v nite
and said that he was not Kimmel."
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
f' - f ; . r
lh' ; jj
v TT
Trying to Untangle Questions Eclat
ing to Cotton Bills of Lading.
Morh of Troolile tirows Oat of Tail
are of Steele, Miller Company,
Three Members of Which
Are In Jail.
NEW YORK, Sept. 20. While cotton
men of two continents are discussing
plans for guaranteeing bills of lading. It
Is not generally known that the courts
of this country have yet to untangle the
snarl of litigation created by the failure
of Steele, Miller & Co. of Corinth, Miss.,
whose crash precipitated all the trouble
Three members of the firm already have
been sent to Jail, but various civil ac
tions growing out of the case have to
be adjusted.
Thtse actions Involve thousands of
dollars and will be settled in the supreme
court at Brooklyn, where the cases are
on the calendar. All are actions In
equity and the plaintiffs are Mississippi
banks and the Delaware, Lackawanna
& Western railroad. All seek to recover
from the New York Dock compny cotton
shipped to New York by Steele, Miller &
Co. for which Stephen Weld, New York
cotton broker, held bills of lading which
the plaintiffs charge were forged. -
Cotton valued at $28,000 Is the basis of
two actions brought by the Lackawanna.
Weld & Co. here held one bill of lading,
but before delivery the Steele-Miller com
pany disclosures came and the Bank of
Holly Springs. Miss., and the First Na
tional bank of Jackson pressed . claims
for the cotton with what purported to be
the original bills of lading. The Lacka
wanna, aa carrfer, established to Its satis
faction that the Mississippi banks were
entitled to the cotton," but the New York
Dock .company, Into whose hands it had
paseed, declined to give it up in the face
of. a claim from Weld & Co., .The Lacka
wanna thereupon replevined the cotton
and on motion of the dock company was
made codefendant. In order that all In
terested parties might be represented In
tha suit. Similar suits were then quickly
filed by the Bank of Macon, Miss.; the
Granada bank and, the Bank of Tupelo.
The Granada bank's case has already
been submitted to the court and a de
cision s expected soon.
Port. Arrived. Sailed
NEW YORK Oroaor Kiirfurnt ... K. Prln. Cccelle.
NKWYOKKK. V. Der Oraue. Hyndam.
NEW YOHK Hamburs
NKW YORK Urmlura
NtTW YOHK Ionian
Iowa Coal Operators Waiting Actual
Calling of Strike. '
Prof. Edwtrit W. Bfmli Testifies
thai fto.fent Umu Will Allow
Profit of Per Cent to Dea
Molars Company.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
DE8 MOINES. la.. Sept. 2". -(Special
Telegram ) No action will be taken by
the governing board of the towa Coal
Operators' association In regard to the
strike of miners throughout the thir
teenth district until the unionists take
direct action looking toward the calling
of such a strike, or until an of f trial
notice of further action of the executive
board of the miners has been received,
according to E. C. Smith, president of the
operators' association. Mr. Smith re
ceived a telegram from W. H. Rogers,
president of the miners, notifying him
that the miners in the Excelsior shaft st
Beacon would not report for work Thurs
day morning. Notification of the recep
tion of the operators' refusal to arbitrate
also was contained in the message. The
Excelsior mine will be abandoned for the
present In order to avoid further trouble.
Profit In no-Cent Can.
Ninety-cent gas In Pes Moines would
net the Des Motne Gas company 9 per
cent profit on Its investment In the city,
according to prof. Edward W. Bemls.
municipal gas expert for the city pf Chi
cago, who went on the witness stand In
the Des Moines gas hearing today. Prof.
Bemls placed a valuation of $1,664,000 on
the plant of the Des Moines Gas com
pany. This Is a much lower estimate
than placed on the plant by gas experts
employed by the Des Moines Gas com
pany. They valued the plant at $2,500,000
and upwards. Prof. Bemls valuation was
even lower than the estimate of Prof.
William D. Marks, one of the city's ex
perts, which was $1,700,000.
Arsenal and .avy Yard Employes lp
In Anna Ascalnst It.
DAVENPORT. Ia.. Pept. 20 (Special
Telegram.) Practically every delegate at
tending the national conference of arsenal
and naval yard employes here today In
troduced a resolution condemning the
Taylor system. There were twenty of
them In all and they were referred to a
committee on resolutions to harmonize
and report. They will also condemn piece
work In arsenal and navy yards.
The International Association of Ma
chinists today resolved to submit to a
referendum vote a proposition to Increase
the grand lodge per capita tax from 55
to 75 cents and the local lodge assessment
to $1.25 per year. This will add $300,000
annually to the funds of the order.
Bio- Boost' In Taxes.
ESTHERVILLE, la., Sept. 20. (Special.)
Estherville's taxes will be the highest
for the year 1911 than for any other time
during the history of the city. The Board
of Supervisors has Just completed Its
work and announces a levy of 101 mills,
or 17 mills higher than the previous year.
The raise la general throughout the
Editor Wins First Rossi.
ELDORA, la., Sept. 20. (Special.) Ira
A. Nichols, editor of the Hardin County
(htlzen, won tha first round In defense
of the suit for $70,000 for libel brought by
Gilman H. and Lois J. Wlsner. heirs of
the millions of the Wlsner estate. Judga
Wright etruok from the petition, on the
motion of Nichols' attorneys, those parts
alleging slander to the property and
other parts which sought to show that
the article Complained of referred to the
Wlsner heirs. The rulings take most
of the pith and substance out of the
plaintiffs allegations, so attorneys al
lege. -
Sick Fifteen Minutes.
tanus killed Henry Mayer after a sick
ness of only fifteen minutes. Mayer had
suffered with tuberculosis of the knee
for many years, and a year ago an opera
tion was performed to drain an abscess
which had formed. The wound never
healed and when it became Infected last
night death resulted with startling
SUPREME, snd acknowledged
to be so, is Paris when it
comes to dress for formal oc
casions. Infinite care, the highest
artistic sense and consummate skill
are the factors that work perfection
out of exquisite material.
It is not every woman who can
have a Paris evening gown, but
every woman who wants it can havo
an American gown fashioned along
Paris lines. There will be a wholo
page of the. best examples of them
in The Omaha Bee's Paris Fashion
Section, an eight-page addition to
the issue of Sunday, September 24.
Evening gowns, while important
in themselves, form but a small pro
portion of the showing of styles for
all manner of costumes and occa
sions. Newsdealers will deliver
The Sunday Dee for Sep
tember 24. if the order is
placed early. Don't
fail to get the best
fashion paper for this
or any other Sunday.
When the Roll is Called Every Man
Votes to Quit Work.
State Fair Is In Fnll Blast and tbe
Manager. ''Are Worried Over
tlovr They Are to Handle
the Crowe..
DETROIT. Mich.. Sept. 20.-Flfteen
hundred employes of the Detroit United
Railway company went on strike at 6:30
this morning and no street cars are run
ning In the city. The men get 23, 23 and
28 cents an hour. They ask 25 and 30
cents an hour.
Last night the leaders of the local
Street Car Men's association took up
headquarters In the Knlfrhts of Equity
hall, and as soon as crews finished their
respective runs they marched to the hall.
At dawn today hundreds of men, still
wearing their uniforms, came marching
In every direction toward the hall.
"Practically all of the men were at the
meeting this morning." said one of the
men, "only about fifty were absent. There
was not a dissenting vote on the strike
State fair officials were out early, anx
ious and -worried about conditions at the
fair grounds. With the big fair under
way only two days and with thousands of
people expected today and all the rest of
the week. It means great losses.
. The men are asking for a raise of 2
cents an hour. When the company. In
conference with the men yesterday, asked
whether the men would consider a thir-teen-hour
day at the new schedule eight
men offered to try the hours for thirteen
ays. The company Insisted that If the
question of wages was to be considered
the men must accept a thlrteen-hour
schedule wtlhout trial.
Tbe wages at present are 23 cents aa
hour for men who have worked less than
six months, 25 cents for those who have
worked under eighteen months and 28
cents for those who have worked over
eighteen months. The Increase which
the men ask would make tbe maximum
wages 30 cents and tha minimum 25 cents.
Out of (he 2,400 men employed by the
company, 1.700 are members of the asso
ciation. Tbe remaining 700 are men who
have been employed by the company for
lees that ninety days and who are not
entitled to membership until they have
worked that length of time. Tha men
assert, however, the 700 men will go out.
'or Cross-State
Road in Missouri
6EDALIA. Mo., Sept. 20. Five hundred
men and 200 teams met today at Lamm's
Crossing, six miles east of this city and
joined in the ceremonies incident to the
formal opening of Pettis county's part
In the work on a cross-state highway to
connect St. Louis and Kansas City by
way of Jefferson City.
Kansas Democrats
Nominate Taggart
PAOLA. Kan., Sept. SO. Joseph Taggart
of Kansas City, Kan., was nominated for
congress by acclamation this afternoon
by the democrats of the Second district
Miles Zentrayer.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Sept. 19.-Special.)-
Mlles Zentmyer, a well known and re
spected citizen of Schuyler, died Monday
evening after seven weeks' illness caused
by blood poisoning starting from a splln
ter In his hand. He will be buried on
Wednesday afternoon. Ha was 69 years
old at the time of his death. His wife
survives him, also three children, on
daughter living at home, another, Herman
T., with the Peters Trust company of
Omaha, and one son, George A., chief
dispatcher for the Union Pacific at North
Platte. Mr. Zentmyer erred In tbe 125th
and Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania volun
teer Infantry, being promoted to lieuten
ant during the war and taking part In a
number of engagements, among them be-
lig the battle of Antietam.
8. W. Merrill.
CARTHAGE. 111., Sept. 19.-8. W. Mer
rill, a veteran of the civil war, died here
today, aged 88. He was tha father of
George Merrill, superintendent of tha
Cedar Rapids division of tbe Rock Island
railroad; C. C. Merrill, general agent of
he New York Central lines at Kansas
City; Edmond Merrill, claim agent for
the Colorado sc Southern at Denver, and
Guy F. Merrill, with tha Missouri, Kan
sas & Texas at Parsons, Kan.
J. V. Strlagfellow.
James W. Stringfellow, aged 63 years,
died suddenly at his home, 1724 South
Tenth street Monday afternoon from
apoplexy. He is survived by one son
Walter, and one daughter, Blanche. The
funeral will be held from the Gentleman
chapel Thursday morning at t o'clock
and will be in charge of the Eagles, of
which the deceased was a charter mem
ber of local lodge No. 38. Interment will
be in Forest Lawn cemetery.
J. P. Lambert.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 30. -(Special.)
J. P. Lambert, for twenty years a resl
dent of ths Fllley vicinity, died suddenl
today of heart failure. He was 44 years
of age and leaves a widow and two chll
John T. Calne.
SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 30,-John T,
Calne, who represented Utah as deiegat
to congress a number of years In terrl
torlal days, died at his home in this city
at an advanced age.
Republican State Committee Makei
New Rules for Nominations.
District Committee Is Given Power
ta Art Candidate. Attend
Meeting? of ExecntlTe Com
mittee In Omaha.
A meet Ins; of the executive committee
of the republican slate central committee
was held Tuesday evening st the Millard
hotel. A rule was adopted bv the com
mutes which provides for the selection
of a succesnor to the late Congressman
Latta. The following; rule was passed:
"Rt publican partv committees for con
gressional, judicial, renatorlal and repre
sentative districts, respectively, within the
state of Nebraska, are hereby constituted
end chosen as follows:
"In the several districts which Include
more than five counties the chairmen of
the regularly chosen republican county
committees of the respective counties are
hereby chosen and shall constitute the
district committee.
"When any district comprises not to
exceed five counties the recularly chosen
chalrme,n of the regular county commit
tees and the members of said committee
for the several counties are hereby chosen
snd shall constitute the district commit
tee; provided, that the committeemen
from each voting district of the respective
counties Khali have but one vote.
"Said district committees shall be and
are herebv authorized to organize by
choosing a chairman, secretary and such
other officers as may be deemed neces
sary to transact all business properly de
volving on such committees "
Chairmen Meet Monday.
The chairmen of the district committees
will meet next Mondav nlaht at Norfolk
to decide In what manner Latta's suc
cessor will be nominated. He can either
be nominated by this committee or by a
district convention, which will probably
be the wav he will be chosen.
Those who attended the meeting last
night were: Edgar Ferneau, Auburn; B.
E. Hendricks. Wahoo: A. W. Jefferis,
Omaha; M. L. Learned. Omaha; F. A.
Shotwell. Omaha: E. F. Bralley. E. R.
Gurney, Fremont: E. D. Wiaton. Lyons;
J. C. McNish. Wlsnr; George Coupland,
Elgin, represented by J. II. Kemp; George
Wertz, Schuyler; Carl Kramer. Columbus;
S W. Burnham, Lincoln; F. E. Edgerton,
Lincoln; A. D. Spencer. Barnett; Dr. F.
Wilcox, Hubbell; C. R. Heuslnger, Grand
Island; H. Thomas. Harvard: C. W. Mc
Conaughey, Holdreae: N. D. McDonald.
John L. Kennedy presided at the meet
ing. Judges Letton, Hamer and Rose.
candidates for the supreme bench, ad
dressed the gathering. Other candidates
in attendance were F. L. Haller of
Omaha for regent, and T. L. Hall of Lin
coln lor railway commissioner. Two
names were mentioned as candidates to
ucceed Latta J. C. Elliott of West Point
and A. R. Davis of Wayne.
Six Persons Killed
in Their Own Homes
Murdered In their own home by some
unidentified person who used an axe. the
bodies of six persons, three In each of
two neighboring: houses, were found here
this afternoon. The heads of all the vic
tims had been smashed In, and the ap
pearance of the bodies Indicated that they
had been dead several days and that
death came while they slept. ,
A report says that the murderer has
been caught and that he has confessed,
but this is denied by the police officials.
who intimated fear that lynching might
follow such announcement.
An axe. which had been loaned to Mrs.
Henry F. Wayne, one of the victims, by
J. n. Evans, a neighbor, last week, was
found, bloodstained, by Mrs. Evans on
Monday near the back door of the
ayne home.
The dead:
MRS. AT.TCW MAT ritrhuiu
of A. J. Burnham. conk a t tha xiH.-
Woodmen sanitarium.
two children, aged 9 and S years.
HENRY F. WAYNE, a consumptive,
until recently a patient at the Woodmen
nNR.THiR.m.n mo? mot -i .
Indictment Against
Harriet De Witt
PHILlMTJHri Pa Cn Wxn.
Harriet Da Witt, the principal figure
in what has become known as the "pole-
ned pen" case, wai indicted by a United
States grand jury here today on a charge
of sending anonymous letters of a de
famatory character through the malls to
residents of Easton, Pa. Miss De Witt
1b the daughter of a well-to-do resident
of Easton.
Rev. Elmer E. Snyder of Easton. who
was the principal victim of the letter
writer, was tha main witness against Miss
De Witt
Miss Da Witt's trial will be held In
Carried on Enaxlne Pilot.
NEWTON, Ia., Sept. 20. Mrs. George
Harolyn and daughter, Louise, were
crossing the track of the Rock Island
railroad, when an angina struck the
buggy, carrying it until the weight of the
horse, dragging by tha side, pulled the
vehicle from Its resting place. The oc
cupants were thrown out when tha buggy
was dislodged, but fell clear of the lo
comotive wheels. Both were badly
Kraft Wu Mnrdared.
MITCHELL. S. D.. Sept. 30. The ver
diet of the coroner's Jury In the case of
Oust Kraft, who was found in a mud
grave seven miles east of Woonsocket
yesterday, was that Kraft came to his
death aa a result of being shot with a gun
by Charles Gentry, who was traveling
with Kraft.
How to "Shed" A
Bad Complexion
It's foolish to attempt to cover up or
hide a sallow complexion, when you can
so easily remove the sallowness, or the
complexion itself. Rouge and the like
on a brownish skin only empmaixe the
defect. The better way ia to apply pure
msrcollaed wax the same aa you would
cold cream putting It on at night re
moving It in tbe morning with warm
water and soap, following with a daah
of cold water. Tha effect of a few ap-,
plication is atmply marvaloua The
half-dead cuticle is absorbed by tha wax
painlessly, gradually, In tiny Imper
ceptible particles revealing the beauti
ful velvety white new skin beneath.
No woman need have a sallow blotchy,
pimply or freckled complexion if she'll
just go to the druggist's, get some good
tnercullzed wax and uae aa suggested.
Woman's Realm. Adv.
New Man in Charge of the Uni
versity of Iowa This Year.
Jnuie of the Things that They
Lark la Adding; to
IOWA CITT. Ia . Sept. So -The loan
university students heard their merit
and shortcomings discussed today by
thelr new president. John Q. Bowman,
who made his first address to the faculty
and students, lis said that owing to the
development of the high schools In Iowa
the undergraduates of the university
were better prepared than the average,
though less cosmopolitan, due to the
fart that Iowa Is an agricultural state of
small cities and towns. He continued:
"You lack a - sense of humor which
might save you at times from the Idea
that you are created with special favor
in a difficult world. You lack, further,
ease of conversation, versatility and. In
some degree, the constant gentility which
Is the pride of a Columbia boy. And if
you are as you were fifteen years ago
you are deficient in aggressive college
spirit, which makes for your own wel
fare. "On the other hand I am proud of the
fact that you are endowed with as high
native ability as any student body and
that as lowans you come with more
seriousness of purpose than does the aver
age college student."
Despondent, Drinks Arid.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., 8ept. 19.-(8pecial
Telegram.) The body of a man. supposed
from papers In his pockets to be Elmer
Faller, was found this afternoon on the
bank of the Big Sioux river. There were
evidences to show he had committed sui
cide by drinking carbolic ac:d. The man
was a stranger In Sioux Falls and papers
in his pockets indicated he had relatives
at Minneapolis and Winifred, 8. D. He
was about 26 or 27 yeart of age. A note
also was found In which It was stated that
since his father and mother both had died
there was nothing for him to live for.
(ientry Arcnird of Murder.
MITCHELL, S. D., Kept. 20. (Special
Telegram.) The coroner's Inquest over
the body of Gust Kraft resulted In a ver
dict to the effect that Kraft came to' his
death by being shot by Charles Gentry.
Kraft and Gentry left Crocker. S. D.,
several weeks ago to make a trip through
the country, traveling In a light wagon.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Particularly the Ladies.
Not only pleasant and refreshing to
the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet
ening to the system. Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted
to ladies and children, and beneficial in
all cases in which a wholesome, strength'
ening and effective laxative should be
used. It is perfectly safe at all times and
dispels colds, headaches and the pains
caused by indigestion and constipation so
promptly and effectively that it is the one
perfect family laxative which gives sans
faction to all and is recommended by
millions of families who have used it and
who have personal knowledge of its ex
cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has
led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita
tions which act unsatisfactorily. There
fore, when buying, to get its beneficial
effects, always note the full name of the
Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the genuine Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna.
For sale by all leading druggists. Price
50 cents per bottle.
The Engagement
The sweetest
and deepest of
all sentiments
la expressed in
the gift of an
engage meat
ring. It la nec-
ceseary, there
fore, to be par
A tlcular in ret
ting a ring
that will re
flect the senti
ment of the
donor and be
moat highly
appreciated by
the recipient.
Such rings are
aold at the Edholm store. They
are worthy of the sweetest woman.
Don't Merely Buy Inveat.
Albert Edholm
Sixteenth and Harney.
none but the best should be accepted.
4. Our treatment is known the world over and has proved
its merits in over 350,000 cases.
5. We give value received, and that is the reason we
are at the head in our specialty.
6. The only Keeley Institute in the State of Nebraska is
located in Omaha.
Send for our free booklet, "What It Is and What It Does."
Correspondence confidential.
Corner 25th and Cass Streets. Omaha, Neb.
Take Harney Street Car from either depot.
Omaha's Reliable Dentist.
The very best in dentistry Is what I try to give my
patrons. Everything up-to-date. Let me examine your
teeth. Consultation free.
i r
Blackberry D&lsam
Quickly stops Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Cholera Infantum and all bowel trou
bles without constipation. No opium
cor other habit forming druRB Ac
cept only Wakefield's. It cures after
other remedies fail. 35c or 3 bottle
for $1.00. Kverywhere.
Monday, September 25th.
Some of the goods now on
display in our show windows.
Prices are cut, in many in
stances to less than -2
regular price.
See Sunday's Paper.
413-15-17 South Sixteenth St.
Beautiful Teeth
There ere hut few people who have
them. Hood teeth everyone might have
If they would (?o to Dr Bradbury. The
quickest, easiest and leant painful are
the only methods employed by us and
hundreds of our patients, both In and
out of the city will gladly tell you about
the good .lental work ami our up-to-date
ways ut doing things. Crowns and bridge
work Irom n.00 per tooth. Plates that
fit from $4.00 to tli.BO Painless extrac
tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed
without hurting you. Work warranted
ten yea-s.
DR. BRADBURY, The Dentist
17 Tsars Same location.
ISOfl Tarnam Phone X. 1750.
No matter what broom you
are using now, you will change
sooner or later. You will
realize you are not getting
full broom value for your
monay. The Little Polly Broom
will b your final choice.
Whether you try it today or
in ten years, you will stick to
because you will appreciate bow
superior It is. Why not try It now
and save labor and trouble experi
menting t
Your grocer can supply yon.
Ask him about the flexible action,
the hard finish handles, extra
lightness, double wear, andnar
antee of the Littla Polly. See how
"clean cut" and " well turned "
they are. It be hasn't our.brooms
we'll tell you who has.
Harrah & Stewart Mfg. Co.
Das Moises, Iowa
All Live
If not
Write Ui
The Little Polly
BAII.EV, the Dentist
Tornerly Faztoa Block .
Hew Offices.
Sanitary Xqulpmant.
ipcclal Low Prloes This
Month I
22-K Gold Crown $4.00
Bridge Teeth, 93.50 Up
Silver Filling SOo
No Charge for
New Offices: 704-10 City National
Bank Building.
Tel. Douglas 2566.
1. Drunkeness, Opium,
Morphine, Cocaine and
other drug addictions are
diseased conditions.
2. Therefore, scientific
medical treatment is neces
3. In case of sickness
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