Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1911, Page 12, Image 12
( THE PEE: OMAHA. THTTJSDAT. SEPTEMBER 21. 1011. BRANDEIS STORES Announce Their Annual Fall Opening Display OF Millinery, Women's .... . - Ready -to-Wear ..... i . Appareh Fabrics and Furnishings Week Beginning Monday September Twenty-fifth This opening event is a notable feature of the Omaha Combined Style Show in which the leading merchants of this city co-operate. It will rbean event 'Vf ftfemerid6us"Tashib'intere"st and will be well worth a special trip to Omaha. SAVE YOUR STRENGTH Running up and down stairs to answer the telephone is tiresome and often in convenient. i An Extension W all Set Is a telephone connected to your pres ent Bell instrument, extending . to any part of your house. ; , Only 50 Cents Per Month in Residences NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Watch Repairing Tour watch purht to be repaired by a careful, expert woikman. That the kind . have. We amiyi ha had the very ua do your work LOOK Kilt THE NAME ' S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler Here Is Joy For Tired Feet Nothing makes you bo alto gether tired and "all in" as tired aching feet. For men who do not know foot comfort we have a shoe that could rightly be called Men's Comfort Shoes They are wide and roomy through the soles and low flat heels they are made of soft pli able kid. And for comfort they feel like old shoes from the Btart. Try them when you get your next pair. $4.00 DREXEL 1410 FABNAM ST. The paper that goes to the homes brings adver tisers the best returns. AMUSEMENTS. 'Ici rid flh'ov 5.M51 I. 11 Lf!OCT.-2fl Wonder-Talc OF THE Wonder-West Told at the OMAHA LAND BHOW Thousands of exhibits, model (arms, farm ma chine demonstration, mo tion pictures, lectures, etc. BANDS AND SHOWS See the West the land where money grows ' under one roof. . . ADMISSION 85 CENTS. ase Bal OMAHA vs. TOPEKA Sept. 21-22-23 at Rourke Park rrlday, Sept. 23 Ladles' Say Games Called 3:40 Cars Leave 15th and rernam 3i30 ADVANCES VAUDEVILLE Matinee ev ery day 2:15. Kvery night 8:15 This week: Tom Nawr & Co.; Clark and Bersm-in; fne Thre.- Vasrants: Rousbv's sicenlc Keview; McCormack and Wallace; Churles tn-1 Anna GUxker: Holmef Wells and Flnley; Klnoclrome. Orpheu:u Concert Orchestra Prices I Nig-lit, 10o, 85c, 5 Do and 75o. Matinee, osst seats, 86c, except Holi days. Saturday and Sunday. BRANDEIS THEATER Tonight, 85o, 50o and 75o. Saturday Matinee, Any Seat, 35o The Great Devotional Drama THE LIGHT ETERNAL Eugenie Blair A Co. 35. Monday HUMAN HEARTS. AMERICAN THE ATE T TONIOHT Mats. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, noes lOo and 35 o. MISS EVA LANG and the Woodward Stock Co. in THE STUBBORNESS OF GERALDINE NEXT WEEK The Eourth Estate. "OMAHA'S FUN CEBTIA" c) 0-M Dally Mat., 13-3 5-50c Tnose sleepwalker, tba MIDNIGHT M AlCENS CXTBAVAQAHSA AND VAUDEVILLE Clevtr stunt by Ward Ac Raymond, Billy Simmons. Irish-American Trio. Keded 6c Hilton Big Chorus of Pretty t-'omnambu-lists. Ladles' Dime Matinee Every Week Day. Mat. To lay, SSo nt, soc. Today 8:30 Tonight 8:30. THE OWL TtOM MO and VIOLETTE SUEETTE in DANSE LB ESTB.ANOE. Reopens. Season 1811-11 Adult :ginner. Monday evening. tn. 1 h High Noli- TeJasbo aa'nbly Wednesday evenlrg, Sept. 27 itldicu. Saturday 2:30 p. ni., Sept. ii. open for luting pupil. Bou buuxlu Lsu. NJiM Provide Things for Your Home Without Cost by Saving S. & H. Stamps. Boys Clothing in Best Qualities and Best Fall Styles ', The Bennett's Boys' Store is growing. Judge by the splendid Fall and Winter stocks now showing. See the growth in the finer fabrics and in the finer tailoring. This particular growth means bet ter service and greater value--a growth of rare appeal to mothers of boys. Also, note the finer and snappier styles-the tailor's tribute to boyish pride. All Wool Suits With Two Pairs of Pants at $3.50, $4 and $5 Because of their qualities and the extra pair pants which really coBt you nothing they are being widely advertised by those who have already purchased. But no less fine are the Norfolk, Russian sailor blouse and other suits at $2.00 to 7.00. About fifty suits that have been selling up to' $3.50. In ages 11 to 16 years, will be closed out Thurs day at $ 1.(1.1. A new lot of Indian olav suitsthe best and ated in the clty--$1.00 and $1.50. They're great for the little fellows. New Blouse Waist at 25c to 50c. mm, . Sweater Coats for Men and Boys Men's H'gh Grade Spring Needle Jersey Sweaters, made on the genuine Copper machines, actual $2.00 values for SI. 50. They come in navy, gray and maroon. " Men's Fine Wool Sweater Coats with auto, military or V necks; all colors cither plain or contrasting trimmed; according to the style and quality, 82.00 to $4.00 each. Men's regular 12 He Hose in tan and black: all sizes Thursday, 9c the pair or three pairs for 25c. Boys' Wool Sweater Coats in all sizes and colors; made by the famed Ascot mills, of Philadelphia; an extra good value at SI 00 Boys' Wool Sweater Coats with the new auto collars; all colors and all sizes; S1.25 each. The Challenge Sale Offers Women's Hats of an Entirely New Model at $3.98 It is a. smart little tail ored hat of fine silk velvet trimmed with handsome ornaments. It comes in a variety of the wanted col orings; as well as black, and all the most handsome duo-toned effects. $5.0l would be a mighty reason able price for them. Also there are hundreds of items being offered during thia big Millinery Challenge Sale llh inYl ..mi eVs.1j4 1. . A We COuldn t list them all in . tdncrlA aitverHumsnt tn .1 only one hat of a certain model. So we ask you to come to the store and see them for yourself. In addition to the hats, there are bargains in fine plumes, bird of paradise, aigrettes, millinery trimmings, etc.. These are extra 6pecial- Vz Off on All French Hats. A Off on Guaranteed Willow Plumes. And don't forget this is the only store in Omaha that guarantees Willow Plumes. The guarantee is a written one and accompanies every purchase of a Willow Plume. Round Trip, Daily $9 00 and 26.00 0 Detroit $f)rfc60, 32.00 and 34.00 Until September 30 $Q80. 38.8C and 39.10 Toronto 00 and 34.00 Niagara Falls 32 2 fin 00 anj 34.00 0 Buffalo SmO, 41.00 and 45.00 Boston QO SO, 38.8C and 39.10 Saratoga Spgs, jnruu mw Montreal $ 71 ft 00 and 45.00 New York City and 44.50 Atlantic City and 46.35 Portland $IOE0 and 44.50 SAA35 and 46.35 Fast trains at convenient hours make direct connections in Chicai with all lines east. Liberal return limits and favorable stopover privileges. You travel in luxury inu enioy "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING' TICKET OFFICES 1401-140J Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. NW1TJ8 ccccLovv one Way Rates a ( to S OMAHA'S FUXI SPECIALS ZH OVm FBESB rmuiT in vegetable DEPAKTKEHT 3 qts Cranberries i5o Western band 11111 Potatoes, per peok aoo Ka'.lng or Cooking Appples, per peck fiOo 3 Mtalks wall bleached Celery for lOo 2 large Pplaln Lett u or So 200 boxes fanc Alberta Heaches, per box 80o Selected Assorted Fruit, per basket 95o and 600 15 gross H-gallon Mason Jara. per dozen 63o 48-lb sack Aberdeen "Sno- White" Flour $1.65 15c Imported French Sardines. u-r i I ii 0 O:0c ')oxes Mararonl. box...lOo 2 Shredded Wheat.. 8f-o 91 Orape-Nuts, pkg loo Jl Our Best Country Butter iln el sanitary Jarsi. per lb. . . . 30o ttj "Lotus" Creamen- Butter iln T cartons), per lb 3io C3? CfOWQ C3 Seattle. Tteomt, Portland, bpokaue, Victoria and Vancouver, via Canadian Pacific Railway Through 'be famous scenery of the Canadian Rockies and Selkirks. Trains for Pacific Coast points, carrying tourUt cars, leaves St. Paul 11:00 A M. nd 10:30 P. M daily. Tloketa on sale September 16th to October 15th. inclutslva For Informa tion and literature see the sgent of any railwsy, or write GEO. A. WALTOW. Qen. Agent 884 So. Clark St. CalcMO, 111 Chambers School of Dancing 3484 ramam b. HODCRN MODERATE KIMTCKKTH farnaA 1X silli i BBb A. BBB will rent that vacant house, fill thoaa vacant rooms, or securo boarders on short notice, st a very small i:ont to you. Be convinecd. Reliable W,U Denfistrv AT Tail's Dental Booms Hew Fall Millinery Modes Netv Huts, new materials every day. We vrill clad to show you the new style ideas, and positively will ave you money on all purchases. All millinery marked in plain figures. Omaha agents for Stetson and Crossett Shoes for Men. Omaha agents for Dress Forms. f I ftfUArLE STORE. " A Magnificent Showing of Her; Fall ferment Styles 500 new Fall Suits and 1.000 new Fall Coats just received places us in a position to offer you the choicest assortment of approved styles ever shown in Omaha in assortment of color ings and weaves that leaves nothing to be desired by the most particular. "We head the list with. Crown Jewel ' Tailor Suits at Unequaled in fashion, finish, fabric, distinctive in design, the queen of all tailored 6uits at the price. 20 different styles, all Skinner Satin lined. See them. Hundreds of Other Superb Tailored Suit values at $35.00, $40.00, $49.00, $65.00 to $125.00. A Remarkable Suit Special for Thursday's Sale 200 handsome new Buits, in fancy mix tures and plain colors, made A4 1 m n to sell to $20 all sizes 1 nil in the lot, at OlstlUU $25 Medium Weight Coats for early fall wear, 300 just received, 54 inch length; in black, blue, tan. grays and browns; exceptional values, $8.90, $10. 913.50, $15 Ladies' Black Underskirts 75c values, small lots; while they last, at . 20o Other Small Lot Specials - Dressing Sacques, values up to $1.00; while they last. . , .25( Children's .Rompers, values 36c; while they last .12 Evening and Street Dresses Scarcely any two alike, the a 1 mi choicest assort meut of clever new designs shown in the city; very moderatelv priced; on sale at $15. $18.50. $20, $25 to $150 Ladies' and Misses' Presses Values to $20.00; serges, Pana mas, taffetas and messallues on at $10.00 Pretty House, Dresses .Made to sell at $1.50; light and dark colors, over 50 dozen in the lot, at 70 Infants' Knit Sacques Values to 50c: while they last, Thurs day 15d 50c Skirt Flouncings at 25c A big special purchase of 18 and 27-inch Skirt Flounc ing Embroideries, several dainty designs for selection; goods that would sell regularly at 50c a yard; Thursday, at, yard 25c Wash Goods Dept. Specials Thursday Madras, light and dark colors, neat patterns, worth up to 39c; at. yard 25 German Eiderdown, all new pat terns and colors; at, yd.. .28c Dress Ginghams checks, stripes and plaids; all at, yard, 36-inch Flannelettes and Challie, a gotfd assortment to select from; all at, yd 12 Galacia, Delaine neat patterns, 32 inches wide; at. yard. .15c Fancy Silk Mixed Goods, in all colors; at, .yard 25 Outing Flannel Gowns and Pyjamas i Manufacturers' Sample Lines at About Half. All Are the Well Known Universal Brands. Men's Outing Flannel Gowns $1.00 and $1.25 values, cut long and full, 6izes to $19: on sale at 69c and 49 Men's $1.50 Outing Flannel Gowns Extra fine quality, in all sizes; on rale 98 Men's Outing Flannel Pyjamas $2.00 and $2.50 vaults; splen did bargains, SI. 45 and )8tf Ladies' Outing Flannel Govrn.1 Regular values to $1.25; all sizes at 69c and -19c4 Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns Values to $3.00; very best qualities; choice, 1.45 08 Children's Outing Flannel Gowns and Sleeping' Garments; $100 and $1.25 values, at. . . -.49(5 Extra Specials Thursday in Our Famous Domestic Room 50 Bed Spread-;. No 70f Olynipl.i. Jarge tn1 heav seil jit H.Sj, an iong as they last will su at - Ml"' 50 Beil Spreads No 4960. well worth 1125. rut corner fur braau beds, a long as they hint, at 96o No. 41 12 fine California Blank ets, were traveling mens vain pies, 1724, marl to sell at J 7 00 PHir. 11-4. heavy and fine wool. In this sale S4 93 Killarney. 12-4 heavy Cotton Blank ets, regular price $1.65. on this sale will so at 91.13 Beai-on's fine wool nap 11-4, No. 1752. regular price 12 50 nuir. grey color, on this sale only SI. 48 Beacon's wool Nap Iilankets, heavy and fins. 11-4. beautiful colors. No. 171, sells at $1.00 pnir on this sale $2.93 No IS Comfortables welnhlnK 7S ihs. corded i.ottou stitched, sells at $1.75 und fc-ood values at tut. at 61.13'i Butts, the t.reateJt line in the wpst. 10. 7'ao, lOo, lago, 13c, SSo up to 91.83 Laie hatts welghiiiK 3 lbs. 'and 4 lbs., for entire comfortables 75o fheets. SlxfiO. teamlesn :mi1 round thread, niude to stand man- eliiitf 56o ' 12 He Pillow Slips. 42x3fi. vd quality ioo Amoskeag- Outipfr Flannels, best quality of outiutfg made .... ioo 12'!(C t ercHles. fine patterns . 7 '..(; brown, yard wide Sheeting. at 5U 84 Bleached Sheeting 6io Rrst yard wide Silkoline made lOo Best Twill Drapery, S3 Inched wide, t lnir Rest 15c Huck Tcwels 18V,0 Beet 15o Bath TowpIs ioo r f The Last of the Peach Season This i week will practically close the i each season for extra fancy El berta Freestone Peaches. We ad vise our customers to put up all you need for your winter supply this neck We had another shipped us yes terday to sell for the grower They are extra tine and as lor as they last, wa will sell them, per crate, at 73o Bay tomatoes as soon as possi ble, as it will be a abort season anu niftier prices Thursday, large market baskets extra fancy ripe Tomatoes.. 15c Green Peppers, large market bas ket 830 Kanry Sweet Potatoes, large mar ket basket 400 KAYDEN'B KEEP TXJWJf TKI HIGH COST Or UTH9 Why pay more when you can get the best at Hayden's and save 25 to 50 per cent. 10 bars Beat 'Kin All or Diamond C Soap 850 The best Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb g0 4 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca . . . .' SSo lbs good Japan Rice 8 So The het Corn Starch, pkg .... 4o The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk aa0 Full Cream Brick or Colored -heese, lb xj,, Golden Santos Coffee, lb 80o The best Tea Slftlnnrs. lb. 18Vo VEGETABLE and rKUTT PBICES FOB THURSDAY Sweet Corn, per dozen joo 4 bunches fresh Carrots or Beets 6o 3 heads Leaf Lettuce g0 8 bunches -fresh Radishes 6o 2 heads Cabbage Bo 2 Cucumbers Fancy rnver Cauliflower, lb TUo Fancy Wax or String Beans, lb at 7ij0 Oreen Pepoera. per dozen be Cooking Apples, per peck loo t bunches Faralev so Fancy Blue Plums, per basket 30o Fancy ripe Concord Grapes . . 16o 3 Eggs Plants 60 Don't Forget, TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST, ays