Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Our Magazine Features
Wit, hamor, fiction end oomle
pictures the beet Of entertain
ment, Inrtruotloa, amaaamant.
Local Showers
VOL. XLI-NO. 82.
Labor Situation in Spain Continues
to Ortw Serious, Beaching
Many Citiea.
Thirty Thousand Building Tradei
Workera Ordered to Quit
Anna and Ammunition of Every
Kind Confiscated.
ft or Largo Caballero, General
Oonaael for Union Labor, la
Throw Into Frlaoa at
MADRID, Spain, Bept 20, The govern
inent, acting under the Imperial decree
of yesterday suspending tne constitu
tional guarantee because of revolutionary
acts, hui ordered the arrest of the wnrk
lngmen's committee and political agita
tor in tha disturbed district. Three
hundred persona were Imprisoned In this
city la night. Among those arrested
her was enor. Largo Caballero. general
counsel tor the General Union of labor.
Tha general strike In this city called
for today was presented by tha action of
the authorltlea.
thirty thousand men In the buildings
trades received an order this afternoon to
strike and It is belie.ed that they may
go out.
The military has taken into its keeping
arms and munitions of every description
which were on sale. Complete quiet
reigned at the capital today. The whole
army l under arms. At Barcelona IDS
persons were arrested during the night
and many were arrested at Bilbao, Se
ville. Valencia and t-aragossa. Diapatchea
from tuese placea leport quiet today.
There have been some disorders In
small individual centers. At Jatlva and
Carcagente rlotera set fire to the public
buildings and tore up the railway tracks.
Bakery Boys to
Be Taught to Bake
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Sept. 30.-Th
bakers' apprentice of the future will be
taught his trade In a school maintained
especially for his benefit. Believing that
under such ' conditions apprentices could
learn their trade more quickly and thor
oughly, the International convention of
bakery and confectionery workera now
lu session here has decided to establish
such an Institution.
Bilbao, Spain,
. .., is Again-Quiet
HLBAO,' Ppaln, fept. 20 -The situation
here appears to- be normal today. The
rioting has. ceased and the restaurants
have reopened. Seventy-five arrests have
been mad.
CORDOVA. Sept. 20. A general strike
In the province of Cordova was decided
on today. This will affect the extensive
coal mines at Belmez an Pennaroja.
VoRNELL. N. Y., Sept. SO. James J.
Ward, the aviator, resumed hia coast to
. coast flight this morning, leaving Corn
ing at :3 Twenty minutes later he
topped at Addison on account of a de
fective water connection In hia motor.
He ha sent to Hainmondaport for as
sistance and does not expect to resume
his flight before sfternooiw
ST. PACL. Minn.. Sept. 20 Ten
, thousand dollars In cash, sent by reg
istered mall. Monday from tha North
western National bank of Minneapolis to
the Sioux Tails Savings bank. Is missing.
The money, according to the postal
authorities, reached Siotix Falls postof
flce Tuesday.
The Weather.
For Nebraska Fair.
Fr.r Iowa Unsettled.
Temperature ut (luihi
, fu
Comparative Local Record.
Official record of temperature and pre-
Clpltailon compared with the correspond
lug period of the lat three v-ars:
191L 19lA 19. 19u.
Highext yesterday oo $ f, S:
Low art yesterday 55 H5 M
Mean temperature 6S 7? 74 7;
Precipitation IS .to T .Ou
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal trmpxraiui it
(deficiency for the day tj
Total excess lnce Match TTT
Normal precipitation W Inch
ICxcees for tlx day ( men
Total rainfall sine March 1....14 45 lncliea
Deficiency since March 1 li.M Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1110. .lib Inches
Zeflciency for cor. period, 1)8.. .tit inch
Report from Stations at 7 P. M.
Ciation and Temp. High- fall.
Btaia of vVcaiher. 7 p. m. est Rain-
Cheyanne. clear 64 u .m)
Davenport, rain 3 s .02
rwnvei". 'c:ar 75 TK .00
I Moines, rain M mo id
Dodge City, clear T4 It .at
Lander, clear M n AO
North Piatt, clear ) m 0
Omaha, rain (5 o is
Puet.lo. clear TS Tg no
Rapid City, clear s 72 00
fialt Lake City s : .0.
Canta V: clear S3 70 ft
ShertdH. clear at ;o .00
sioux City, rain 54 a i0
Valentine, clear W ot .'40
-T" Indicates traoe of preelpltatlon.
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaater.
I I it. in..
( J Si. m..
v MfTi a. m..
jio a. m..
Aa-r 1 ra
Ymi--"' J' P- m -
' ' aCQ Y 6 p. m..
8 P.m..
Harvester Company
May Be Let Off Easy
and No Prosecution
WASHINGTON. Sept. -That the gov.
ernment Is ready to permit the Interna
tional Harvester companv voluntarily to
readjust Its organization to conform to
recent interpolations of the Sherman
law, became known today. Vending the
result of a conference between Attorney
General Wickersham and sttoinevs for
tha company the threatened dissolution
suit Is being delayed.
Negotiations looking to an understand
ing between the government and the com
pany, which were begun in Washington
last summer bv Edgar A. Bancroft, gen
eral counsel for the Harvester company,
later were continued at Cedarhurst. L.
I., where Attorney General Wickersham
has been spending the summer. They
reached the stage, It Is said, where It
will be necessary for Mr. Bancroft to
refer the question of reorganization to
the company s board of directors.
Details of the negotiations between
Wickersham and Eancroft have not !een
allowed to become public, although It is
known that as one condition to non
prosecution the government Insists on the
business of the trust being separated Into
four corporations which first composed
It. There were the McCormick Ilai vet-ting
Machine company, the Deering Harvester
company, the Milwaukee Harvester com
pany and the Piano Manufacturing com
pany. These four companlea were the
first to be acquired by the International
company when it was formed !n New
Jersey In 19"2. and cspltallied at J120.
000,000 of which $00,000,000 was paid In -ash.
The otheT $fi0. 000.000 of stock was lsjurrl
for real estate plant and physical In
ventories. Judge Grosscup
Ties a String to
His Resignation
CHICAGO. Sept. 20. United States
Judge Peter S. Grosscup today fig
uratively tied a suing to his forthcoming
resignation from the bench by declaring
that If any interest, organization, or in
dividual is now Investigating hia record
and wants further time to cloud his
nineteen years of public service by in
timating he Is retiring under pressure, he
will not tender his resignation to Presi
dent Taft October 3. as he yesterday an
nounced he would do.
"If any refponslble magazine says it
has an article about me Intended for
publication; if any responsible govern
ment official says a government Investi
gation of me Is pending. I will not resign
and full opportunity will be given any
of these to come forward and present
the matter so that I can meet It as a
circuit court Judge and not as an In
dividual." President Taft at
Mass Meeting and
Dig oireeu raraue
MAR6tlF.TTE. Mich., Sept 20 Wltll
the. conclusion of his vlit to Marquette.
rr.;,i.n Taft' turned southward to the
lower peninsula of Michigan and to Illi
nois and tha states beyond th Mississippi
river, where next week he will invade the
The program of the president- stay
here niBde It rather an easy day for him.
He was the guest of Alton T. Robert
over night and after breakfast wa the
central figgure In a parade through the
city. Other feature of the day were the
president' addresa to a mass meeting
nd luncheon for him.
Mr Taft la anxiously waiting the out
come of the Canadian elections, held to
morrow. Until then he expects to say
nothing further on reciprocity, aitnougn
he Is In a part of the country Intensely
Interested In that ubject. While he said
little about tomorrow election, It 1 be
lieved that he expect the Canadian gov
ernment to be uetained. Insuring tha pas
sage of the bill through Parliament.
Pickled Horse Meat.
for Food Purposes
NEW YORK. Sept. 30. An Investiga
tion by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley' Inspec
tion force connected with the bureau of
chemistry has resulted. It Is learned. In
the filing of charges against a New
New Jersey rendering plant of having
been engaged in preparing and shipping
"pickled horse meat" to Europe, where
It ws distributed for food purposes.
In tne report tt Is brought out that the
chief business of the firm has been pur
chasing the bodies of dead animal and
live animals which, because of disease or
ae, are unfit for further domeatic
service. It 1 further charged that In
the company' vats meat wa stored that
consisted In part of animals that had
died otherwise than by slaughter.
Present Eastern Rate
on Flour is to Stand
WASHINGTON. Pept. 30. Disregarding
tha protest of the eastern trunk lines, the
Interstate Commerce commission today
dellned to auspend a proposed reduction
In the rail and lake rate on flour from
Minnesota transfer points to New York
via Duluth and also refused to permit
the eastern lines to withdraw their con
oesslons In the reduced rate.
Old-Time Pupils ,
Give Glad Hand
LAWRENCEBURO. Ky.. Sept. 20.
Champ Clark, speaker of tha national
houae of representatives, came home
today to make a speech In behalf of the
state democratic ticket An escort of WO
men. who were pupils of Mr. Clark when
he taught school In Anderson county
nearly forty years ago, were at the depot
to welcome him.
MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Bent. V v
strike ef Illlnoia Central clerks Is con
templated now, despite local walkouts at
Mounds. 111., and East St. Loula
ing to unofficial Information given out
bare today during a conference of of
ficial of th employes' federation.
While Digging a Well Near Shubert,
Claim is Made that Oil and Gas
Has Been Struck.
By Experts the Products Are Pro
nounced of Superior Quality.
Heavy Outcroppinjs of Oil Stone
Found in Vicinity of Well.
rFarmer Davison, Owner of Land,
Makes a Lease and Is to Have -
Royalty on Eierjtblnii In
Way of Output,
STELLA. Neb.. Rent. :o -i Special.) i
i Great excitement prevails here by reason
of the Nemaha Oil and Gas company!
haiillnu material to the Davison farm.
near Shubtrt. as a preliminary to develop-
In an oil and gas field there.
About fid week3 ago Walter Van
lanlnKham of shubert was putting down
. - n.ll tl.a fjrni Austin R DflVlSOn.
) At the dt-pth of fifty-nine feet he struck
I a pocket of gai. which blew out of the
top of tli well with a roaring noise, and
followed by wnter, sand and a frothy
At ilie time of the phenomena, there
a;, lsltlng 111 Si.ubcit. at the home of
Chailea G.ifton. a man from New York
Citv. He bays he has helped to Investi
gate oil and tas fields all over the United
States, making the test for gushers
In the Beaumont' (Texas) field.
He secured samples from the Davl
rm n-ell and claims that accurate,
! careful tests have been made. He as
serts that the oil Is superior to any he
has ever seen, and add that there are
outcroppings of oil rock In large quanti
ties and strong tracings of natural ga.
A derrick, sixty-two feet high. Is to be
erected, and from the Oklahoma field ha
been ordered heavy steel casing and the
latest well drilling machines. The pro
moters believe that a flow of oil and gas
will be found at a depth of 1,600 feet. The
sand taken from the well was exposed to
the sun several days and did not lose any
of the oil odor.
The Nemaha Oil and Gas company has
made an oil and gas lease with Mr.
Davison for a period of five years. This
lease haa already been filed with the
county clerk at Auburn. The company la
Incorporated for $10,000. Mr. Davison is
to continue to reside on the farm and Is
to have a royalty on each barrel of oil
and all gas before It Is removed from the
By the first of the year the promoters
state they will be able to furnish town
aa far distant a Fall City with natural
ru for lighting and heating purpose at
JO cent per 1,000 euM-aej
Officers Fear
Mrs. ToengesVGun
and Delay Arrest
MEMPHIS. Tenn., Bept . M.-Wlth a
gun In her hand and threatening to
thnt the first man who attempted to
enter her residence, the Wife of G. W.
Tn. former cashier of the jMigm
and Day bank, held at bay for three
im forenoon, offioera who had
come to arrest her husband. Toengea
surrendered later when police relnforce-
,.t. arrived at the bouse. He is ac
cused of having accepted money deposits
when he knew the bank wa insolvent.
r r-..hi.r A. C. Cooke, whd la
similarly accused, later surrendered. The
Night and Day bank recently was placed
In the hand oj.a receiver.
Indiana Church Man !
Whispers Out Loud
T OrtAXSPORT. Ind.. 4ept. To what
pitch and what length a repentant prls-1
lift hia voice in ccnfesion arid
appeal at a church service without legally i
disturbing the peace is a moot question J
to be decided by justice 01 reace nan-
wait in proceedings to follow the ' filing j
of an affidavit against John Clouse by
Deacon Harvey of the Zion Evangelical ;
rurn Hnlvle recites that Clouse 1
whispered to him in aervice last Sunday
that he wa repentant and was seeking
the mourner' bench. ' The deacon ex
horted Clouse to "lift hia voice In re
pentance," and Clouse, it Is alleged.
nttvd an earnestly and persistently that
neither the pastor nor the choir could
make themselves heard, and the service
wal abandoned. Pastor, choir and lead
ing members of the church are summoned
as witnesses In the rase, and som of
them will defend Clouse as having been
within his rights.
Cereal Company
Fails to Pay Up
CHICAGO, Sept. S. A long drawn out
fight In the courts probably will follow
the action of the Great Western Cereal
company In falling to pav the semi-annual
Interest, due September 1, on Its
ftrat mortgage per cent bonds, of hlch
thera are tt4.500 outstanding The com
pany has today advised the Chicago bank,
which Is trustee for the bono ls.ue, that
It mills are closed and that it has no
funds to pay the bond Interest, amount
ing to I20.S36.
BOSTON, Sept. 30 Three of th In
dicted officials of the I'nlted Shoe Ma
chinery company, President Sidney W.
Wlnslow. Assistant Treasurer Edward P.
Hurd and Counsel Elmer P. Howe, ap
peared In the United States circuit court
today and furnished J10.00 bond for
their appearance at their trial on th
criminal charge of conspiracy and viola
tion of the Bherinan anti-trust law, but .
they were not called on to plead. The I
other three officials will appear later. I
two of them being on their way back 1
frotc Europe. I
From the Indianapolis News.
Attorneys for Heirs Want it Con
strued by Supreme Court.
Had Given Valuable Properties to
Hia Nephew Before Death and
Left an Apparently simple
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Sept. Attorneys
from Douglas county were busy today be
fore the bar of the stata supreme court
In an effort to assist that tribunal In
the interpretation of the will of the late
Lew Hill, a wealthy bachelor of Omaha.
Two constructions placed upon the Instru
ment eaused the difference which re
quired the court to be resorted to in con
struing the provisions of the last will and
testament of the deceased Omaha man.
Hill owned nearly half a million dol-lars-
worth of real estate and ha4 r.rtifi.
cates of deposit for $115,000 When he died.
His cash on hand amounted to US. 46. His
will, which was simple, read ss follows:
"I. Lew W. Hill, hereby make and
declare my last will. I will and bequeath
to my nephew. John W. Hill. ir.. in tr,,t
for my lawful heirs, all my estate, both
real ana personal, of every kind and na
ture, to be held bv said tnmt.. tnr ih.
term of five years, and to be distributed
among my lawful heirs at the end of such
period. Dated this 14th day of July, 190S.
-Lew W. HilL"
Before his death he gave the Browning.
King &. Co. store building, valued at 1200,
000. to the two nephews named Wilson
and the Her Grand hotel, valued about
the same, to two other nephews. John W.
snd Lem H. Hill. On July 10th he died.
Then oegan the trouble among the rela
tive. James H. Hill and Elizabeth Sholl.
George T. Wilson and Shirley H. Wil
son took the position tht when Lew W.
Hill said in his will: "I will and bequeath
to my nephew, John W. Hill, Jr., In trust
for my lawful heirs, sll my estate," he
meant and hsd In mind only the persons
who would be his heirs at law at the time
of his death, and that In directing a dis
tribution at the end of the period of
five years "among my lawful heirs." he
referred to the very persons for whom
the property was left In trust, while the
trustee. John W. Hill. Jr , snd his father,
John W. Hill, sr., snd his sister. Electa
H. Kerney, and his brothers. . Lew W.
Hill and Lem H. Hill, maintained that by
directing the property thould be held by
the trustee for the term of five years and
"distributed among my lawful heirs at
the end of such period," Hill meant and
had (n mind only such persons as would
have 'been his heirs had he died at the
end of such period.
Pratt is Defeated
for Re-Election
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 20 -At the final
session of the Amalgamated Association
:f Street and Electric Railway Employes,
f'alt Lake City wa selected for the bien
nial convention cf I91J.
C. O. Pratt of Philadelphia, chairman
of the general executive board, was de
feated for re-election by Fred Fay ol
Yysliantl. Mich. It was charged that
Pratt mlsarranged the late strike of street
railway men' In Philadelphia
in The
Sunday Bee
There is Hope
Two of Men Who
Lynched Walker to
Face Murder Charge
COATSVILLE. Pa.. Sept 20.-The most
Important development In the negro
lynching case came today, when warrants
charging two members of the mob with
murder and two policemen with Involun
tary manslaughter were issued by Judgt
Butler on the recommendation of the spe
cial grand Jury.
Richard S. Tucker, Insurance agent, was
the first man to enter the hospital Sun
day night, August 13. when Zeack Walker
was dragged by a mob from his bed and
burned to death. The other, Walter
Markwood, roUlhand, It Is claimed, took
only an obscure part In the lynching.
Both were Indicted for murder..
Policeman Stanley S. Howe, who was
on. guard at the hospital the night of the
lynching. andThTefbr Police C'. E. I'm
stead, who. It Is claimed, failed to per
form their duty properly, vers Indicted
for Involuntary manslaughter.
Big Roll of Money
at Sioux Falls
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Sept. 20 It be
came known today that a S10.000 package
of currency mysteriously disappeared
from the Sioux Falls po6tofflee yesterday
and has not yet been recovered. No ar
rests have been made In connection with
the disappearance of the money.
The package was consigned to the Sioux
Falls Savings bank and arrived at the
postoffice yesterday. It was regularly re
ceipted for and placed In the vault When
a messenger from the bank called at tha
postoffice for the package It had disap
peared. Steamer Olympic
Collides With Cruiser
COWES. Sept. 20. The White Star liner
Olympic, the biggest passenger carrying
vessel In service, was in a collision with
the Britifh protected cruiser Hawke, near
Osborne bay, on the north side of the
Isle of Wight today and was so badly
damaged that her Captain, E. J. Smith,
beacher her on a rnud bank in the Cowes
roadstead. Later she was released and
started back for Southampton, where she
was docked this afternoon. .
Captain Smith immediately after the
accident signalled for assistance to
Portmouth, from where tugs were sent
At the same time assurance was given
that the passengers were In no danger.
The Hawke was damaged, but less seri
ously, and anchored close by the steamer
until the the Olympic; cleared of the mud
bank, set out on her return to South
ampton. The Hawke then started south
ward under her own steam.
The cruisers bows were rammed by tha
Impact and her platea torn to the water
The Olympic sailed from Southampton
at ll:?a o clock, bound for New York by
way of Cherbourg and Queenstown. The
first cabin pas. engers number 743, twenty-
lour more than her best previous record.
Among them were between twenty ana
thirty millionaire and aomethina- uu
S.'Su.iioO had been paid In passage money.
All told, there were nearly I,0u0 person
on board.
lu tho collision the Olympic wa struck
on the btarboard quarter and a large hole
btove in. When the vessels separated after
tha impact it was seen that the Olympic
was crippled and Captain 6ralth im
mediately ordered her beachso.
General and Mrs. C. F. Manderson, Mr.
and. Mrs. C. N. Diets and Joseph H. and
Miss Millard were on the Olympic when
it waa struck.
KISSIMMEE. Fla.. Sept lO.-Efibei-t
Gillette, the Shaker elder, who. with
Elizabeth Sears, administered chloroform
to Sadie Merchant, another member of
the Shaker colony, who was suffering
from tuberculosis, was held for murder
this afternoon, following announcement
of finding of the coroner's Jury. He wa
re-arrested and held without ball.
No mention of Bister Sears waa made In
th verdict.
VA mw. I WofV
Whole of Canada is Stirred Up Over
Expense Money All Distributed aad
Preparations Are Being Made
for Getting; Out the Full
Vote Thursday
OTTAWA, Ont., Sept. 20.-The final day
of the campaign for the election of mem
bers to the twelfth Parliament of Canada
Is notable for the unprecedented activ
ity of both political parties, orators for
and against reciprocity being scheduled
to speak at hundreds of places all over
Canada this afternoon and evening. The
liberals and conservatives are actively
engaged In preparations to bring out
their full vote and a final distribution of
cash for legitimate expense 1 being
made today. The Canadian law forbids
a political party to hire vehlolee to con
vey electors to the polls, but the use of
conveyance of all kinds Is being donated
for the work.
The elections will be held In 214 of the
221 -constituencies. Three liberals al
ready have been elected by acclamation.
They are Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Quebec,
east; J. A. Ethler, Two Mountains,
and William M. German, Welland county,
German Is an avowed opponent of rec
iproeity, however. In four other districts
the elections have been deferred. These
are Gaspe, ChlcoutJmi-Saguenay, Quebec;
Thunder Bay and Rainy River, Ont., and
the Yukon.
Final Instructions to Workera.
HALIFAX, N. S., Sept. 30. Politicians
were everywhere active today. Final in
structions were Bent to the political
workers today and complete arrange
ments for getting out a heavy vote to
morrow were made by both parties. The
liberals -are making a determined attempt
to defeat Robert L. Berden, the conser
vative leader, and that gentleman has
been devoting much time to th situa
tion in Halifax city and county, which
comprise his constituency.
Hon. V. 8. Fielding, finance minister of
Canada and Premier Laurler's lieutenant
who was largely instrumental In perfect
ing the reciprocity agreement, is having
a stiff fight in the Queen'-Shelburne dis
trict, at the southern extremity of the
province. The financial minister la op
posed by F. B. McCurdy of Halifax.
It has been reported that several hun
dred employes of American tinning firms
which are opposed to reciprocity will
vote conservative in Nova Scotia tomor
row. Many of these fisheimen are resi
dents of Minister Fielding s district. The
liberal leaders, however, say they will
not be Injured by the fishermen vote, as
many of the fishermen are In favor of
the party. The Anglican archbishop of
Ruperts Land, 8. P. Matheson, primate
of Canada, and Rev. Charles Hamilton,
archbishop of Ottawa, acting for all the
I bishops of the church in Canada, have
issued an appeal to the voters of the
Dominion. The appeal concludes:
"The bishops desire at this time to re
mind men of all political viewa and par
ties that political purity la one of the es
sential foundation stones on which na
tional greatness and prosperity must rest,
and in particular that to buy or sell a
vote Is to act the part of a traitor to
your country and to Invite the Just con
tempt and condemnation of all good men."
General Blanco
Gets His Orders
EL PASO, Tex , Sept. 10 General Jost
De La Lu Blanco, commander of rurales
n northern Chihuahua, has been officially
ordered to take his fnreaa to un.i .
- w wiw aim
give fight to Zapata. General Blanco ha
waarro in nis campaign In
Yucatan and will return at nn,a n r-.,
Grandes and get his army.
Booat I Prices Said to Be Due to
' Hick Coat of the Raw
CINCINNATI. O , Sept. 20.-An advanea
of t cents a gallon fn the basis for riia.
tillers' finished goods, commonly referred
to a whisky, ua made effective toda.
Till fixed the basis at $1.M a gallon.
The advance Is mad because of high
price of raw materials
Aged Woman Unable to Determine.
Whether "George A. Kimmel"
is Impostor.
Denies Selfish Interest in Refusing1
to Acknowledge Relationship.
Old Residents of Niles, Mich., for
and Against Newcomer.
Former Resident of Omaha Tells et
Cloe Arqnalntant'rshlp with
Missing Klmmel and Gives
Reasons for Belief.
NILES. Mich . Sept. 20 -Nlles' Strang
controversy over th Identity of "George
A. Klmmel," who represents himself to
be a man long supposed to be dead, was
further complicated today.
While dozens of people positively Iden
tified him aa the ton for wbote sup
pored death thirteen years ago Mrs Es
tella Klmmel received $5,000 In life Insur
ance, other were as positive that he wa
not the on. Then Mrs. Klmmel, 70 year
old. who had asserted that the man Is
Impersonating her son. merely to deprive
hrr of the money she already haa re
ceived and to prevent the payment of $35,
0C0 more in insurance to other relatives,
scrutinized the man who claims her as
Face to face with the woman, the 'Klm
mel" Just released from a five-year term
In the Auburn, N. Y.. penitentiary,
stretched out his arms and said, plead
ingly: "Mother, don't you know your boy,
don't disown me any longer. You know
I m your son."
Mr. Klmmel. withdrawing from th
man a he attempted to embrace her,
stood sternly scanning hi face.
"No," she said, "I don't see In you any
positive resemblance to my son."
Mother Not Beneficiary.
The meeting took place at the home of
Mrs. Harry L. Fox, who already had ac
cepted "Klmmel" an a cousin and posi
tively identified him as the son of Mr.
Klmmel. It was made known that Mr.
Klmmel haa no direct Interest In any
money which the Insurance companlea re
fuse to pay on the ground that the
son Is still living, but that a S30.000 policy
Is held by a daughter, Mr. Edna Klmmel
Bonslett, and another $5,000 policy la held
by a distant relative.
"I would have no selifsh motive In
denying the identity of my on If he wera
alive," said Mr. Klmmel.
"For years I have felt certain be was
dead, and I cannot believe that this man
is he. It seem that some motherly in
stinct ought to tell me th truth, yet
when I look at him I do not -recognise
htm. He only puules me. It ha almost
prostrated me to look upon this strange
man and have people Insist that be .1 my
"Klmmel" on looking at the woman
said he wa positive she was his mother.
"I wanted to take her In my arms." he
said, 'for she looked the same aa she did
years ago. I love her with all my heart
and cannot understand why she should
insist that I am dead.
"Still. I will not worry her. and If she
continues to disbelieve me It shall be aa
she wishes. But I know I am Klmmel,
for I recognise everyone."
Opinions Differ aa to Identity.
To test his acquaintance with Niles
'Jflmmur' wss escorted about the streets.
He repeatedly pointed out the landmarks
snd related former Incidents which the
townspeople t-sld were correct. Nodding
to people, he called them by their full
najnes. but many of thera professed not
to recognize him as the real Klmmel.
"Now to prove I am familiar with the
town." said Klmmel,- "I will tell you that
behind that hill there Is a big red brick
house on the south side of which is a
large elm tree, from which we used to
swing when boys."
The statement was corrent.
Meantime scores of people who went to
the Fox home to Identify Klmmel came
awey with conflicting opinions. Some of
the reasons given for opposing the belief
that It waa Mrs. Ktmmel s son were:
Henry Dean, Drugglst-Because he re
members that Klmmel when young had
brown eyes, whereas the present claimant
has light gray eyes.
Dr. F. M. Bonine Because he performed
an operation on Kimtnul's eye, which left
a tear that could not have been era il
ea ted, whereas the new Klmmel" haa no
sucn scar.
George Fiancls, Chief of Pollce-Beeaus
he knew the real Klmmel from boyhood
up to thetlrae of his disappearance and
this man haa no physical resemblance to
the former; is positive he is not the man.
Charles Montague Because the new
comer uses poor grammar, whereas the
other Kimmel was distlnt-uirhed for hi.
polished English.
L. E. Wood Because he does nr.t
any resemblance to the earlier Kimmel.
Evidence for Klmmel.
Among the evtdeucea put forth bv thoaa
who claim "Klmmel" Is the man he says
he Is are:
Joseph Wilson, Janitor of the Nile First
National Bank Because "Klmmel" on
first seeing him shouted, "Hello, Joe;" he
recognized Kimmel as a former emnlova
of the bank.
W. B. Brlnkley-Because this man re
membered once having rented a rig to
whlrh was hitched a horse with whit
Dr. J. F. Brown Because he found on
Dalzell's Ice Cream Brick.
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