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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1911)
HELP WANTED MALE Mlarel la neons (on tinned EARN t-? to J.V) prr WfPk. Positions Few ' k complete i.rrat demand. Writ at oni Free catalogue. Aulo School of ft. Louis W A N T K I Men to learn barber trade Western Barber Institute. 1 Dodge. TRI-riTV T1A rilll-H COLLEGE -Men to learn barber trnde.". .Too s. 12th. FIVE young mm Immediately to roach for Omaha postof f ice clerks: salary start ing $.-0; promotion. Address I", u. Box 763. Chicago. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U B. Marine corps. Intwpn the ages of 19 and 3.i. Must b native horn or have first paper. Monthly pity. 115 to $. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quartern and medical attendance free! After 30 yearn" aervlce can retire with 7f rer cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply nt U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, 1408 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Collector; utood future for right party. Call at 403 Omaha Nat. bank. WANTED for U. 8. Army AblehodiTd unmarried men between axes of 18 and 3.".; t-ltlxens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate hahlts, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply t, Recruiting officer. 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 607 4th Ft.. Sioux City. Ia.; 120 N. 10th St., Grand Inland. Manwelller'e em. of., fm. hands. 13&Dodge. WANTED-Men to learn the best busi ness In the world the barber trade. Can have your own shop or earn big wages, lips and commission amount to more than most men earn. Light, clean Inside work. An army of our graduates running shop send for help, yuulifv for these positions. Few weeks required. Our Manual Is splendid for home prepHratlon We rive complete outfit of tools and wages In finishing department. Write from distance or call from city. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St. EVERY person knows who P. J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. R. Wil son, S.12f S. 24th St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. WANTED A bright, neat-appearing of fice and errand bov. Good future West ern Electric Co.. 802 Farnam St. EARN 125 to ISO per week. Positions. Few weeks comp'ete. Oreat demand. Write at once. Free catalogue. Auto School of St. Louis, 1105 Pine St. St. Louis, Mo. 18 00 PER HUNDRED for collecting names and addresses. Steady work'. Send self-addressed envelope. Western Adver tising Co.. Tulla. Tex. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife to work on a farm. Steady work and good wanes. Write immediately to C. J. Almgren, Potter, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicle. FOR SALE All kinds of good hones. 18 N. 2lst St. Phone Douglas 5000. HORSE, buggy and harness snap. 8313 $i. 28th Ave. Ind. B-1330. FOR SALE Horse, wagons and har ness. Apply Sommer Bros., 28th and Far nam Sts. Harney 130. TEN head of horses, one-ton coal wagon, three sets of double harness Apply Sherman Stable, 24th and Clark Bta. Livery and Hoarding, A. Melcher, Livery, Feed. 1516 Leaven worth. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do. well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail way company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and ths company Is anxlouH to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST A bunch of keys on ring. May have lost them In South Omaha. Phono Douglas 6908. or return to Oulp-Lang-worthy, 16th and Harney, Omaha. LOST Nose glasses and case, , gold chain and hairpin, on 4otli and Cuming car. Call Harney 4113. Reward. LOST Sunday, open-face gold watch on Sherman Ave., between Manderson and Rlondo; fob attached. Reward. W. 563'' T,OIIMnrhe Teddy Bear expert clean- uu',utri and dyers. A-2825; D. 3465. TAKE me out to the ball game. If J. Ixmg. 2316 Vinton St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the bull game at Rourke park. ' MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. YouGet A SQUARE DEAL . When Dealing with Us That has always been our policy and Is ret. We loan In sums from $10 uo on OUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, ETC., without removal. ON HEAL ESTATE or on youf PLAIN NOTE If you are steadily employed. You can repay in email weekly or monthly payments. No red tape or de lay. Place YOLK LOAN with the Big gest, Oldest and Best. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. id Floor, 306 Paxton Bids. 217 3o. 18th St. Phones A-14U and Douglas 1411. GROSS, loans on Jewelry and clothing! 410 N. 16th. MONEY TO LOAN We have organized our company to loan money to people who may not huve credit at a bank or to those who do not wish to ask their friends for a favor. We make loans quickly and privately on furniture, uiunoa or teams. Phone Douglas 1:136. HOME LOAN COMPANY, Boom 8. Patterson Blk.. 1623 Farnam St DLM0ND LOANS AT 5 W f! FTiATATT lr,u Dodge Street. H.UftliUAU, Telephone- Red 6619. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others; without se curity; easy payments. Office in 67 prin cipal cities. Tolman, 503 Omaha Nat'l. l ank Uldg., formerly N. Y. L. Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., CO Bee Bldg. Doug. 1358, A-13S& OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 1. A-261L THE Landon, modern, with horn cook ing. 611 8. 24th St. ELEGANT suite of rooms, excellent home cooking; private family; West Far nam. Ca 1 Harney 45. LARGE, strictly modern rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, with excellent board. I JO S. 26th Ave. Harney &SJ0. ni 8. 25TH, desirable room with ex rel ent hoard. Phone Douglas 313S. ROOM and board. 3410 N. 24th. House strictly modern; private home. Porto'.a. family hotel. loth Ave & Harney. ONE large front room with alcove; suit able for four. Terms reason b e. , Board. Douglas 2S72. 2104 Webster St. Famished Itoouis. Dewey European Hotel, 13th & Farnam. FURNISHED rooms In strictly modem ' tiouse. lliiwom park district. 1117 park va. Harney 6003. OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished n nntlnaed. F.LEGANT rooms. W. M. Hotel. 411 S !4th Si. THREE or four nicely furnished front rooms; mnln floor; comp'ete for house keeping, sun Davenport Ft. EST Farnam district; nicely fur nished, newly decorated; tame front room, for lady only; In private home with small family. Evetvthli:g modern, choice location, 3(19 Dewev Ave. two blocks from Farnam car; price reasonable; ref erences. Phone Ilarney 4543. DESIRABLE room, with or without meals; Dundee. Ilarney 62T.2. 423 N. lth St., elegant modern rooms. TV O newly furnished outside rooms, modern; gentlemen preferred, or man and wife. 1605 Dodge, third floor. Ind. A-4.1' WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; white porcelain bathtub. 101 S. 25th St. ONL double front room, one single room; all modern. 418 S. 2;th. FOR a dainty dessert use Imlzells ice cream. If Mrs. F. S. Knapp. 13.Hi S. 35th St., will come to The Bee office wlthm three days we will give her un order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. 2563 ST. MARY'S AVE.-Well furnished front parlor, with use of piano; nl'-e place; mnt see to appreciate; no objection to music or practice; furnace heat; gas; nice bath; plenty hot water; both tele phones; respectable people only; $16. One small room, 110. 1805 RINNEY, rooms to rent. Web. C2i:2. 251.6 ST. MARY'S Two lnrge rooms; new and elegantly furnished In new brick flat; strictly first class; walking distance. Business gentlemen or married couple preferred. References. 41S 8. 24th Ave., elegant modern rooms, SI.dO up;, use of purlor. NICELY furnished rooms at 513 N. 23d. DES1KA UI.K rnritn with meais; Dundee. Ilarney 6252. FURNISHED or unfurnished; one large room; also small sleeping room; board II desired. 2204 Webster St. THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, heated, private family, walking distance. D. i2S3. 2,.23 Burt. THE, remodeled and under new management; single and double rooms; board If desired:, steam heated. Harney and 26th Sts. FRONT parlor, suitable for two or three young men. 2213 Douglas. 2220 Douglas. Three elegantly furnished rooms, strictly modern, very close in; business people preferred. NICE modern room, new; In private family. 120 S. 30th St. Harney 4751. THREE elegant furnished rooms: mod ern, walking distance, no sign on house. 320 N. 20th. Nirist.V fnrnl.hd frnnl rnnm Farnam car. 131 N. 31st Ave. THREE very nicely furnished rooms. 617 N. 20th. THREE blocks to court house. Clean, modern rooms. 623 S. 20th. STEAM heated rooms, 24th and Far nam. N. E. Flat 1. Uptalra. ONE furnished room for gentleman. Phone Red 714. TWO nicely furnished first floor rooms for about four gentlemen or ladles. Oas, pain ana urnace. am iJoUKe bt. H. 666. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. 1915 Capitol Ave. Furnished Housekeeping; Rooms. 630 8. 25TH AVE., pleasant housekeep ing - rooms, single or ensuite; well equipped; good furniture, polished floors, price reasonable; very modern; good neighbourhood; walking distance. 116 Large southeast room with bay window; well furnished, with use of piano; no objection to music or practice, furnace heat; gas; nice bath; plenty hot water; respectable people only; walking distance; Leavenworth car ona block. U3 St. Mary a Ave. 611 S. 25TH AVE., one large front room, with alcove, for light housekeeping; man and wife preferred. 620 S. 26TH AVE., pleasant housekeep ing rooms, single or en suite, well equip ped, good furniture, polished floors; price reasonable; very modern; noil neighbor hood; walking distance. SINOLE or housekeeping rooms, hot water heat, all modern, reasonable rent. 341! Davenport St. THREE or four nicely furnished rooms; front part of strictly modern cottage, complete for housekeeping; easy walking distance; fine neighborhood; no children; rent very reasonable. 319 N. 25th St., Phone Douglas 75u. FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. 714 N. 20th stieet. TWO single rooms; two housekeeping rooms. 131S Cass. TWO or three nicely furnished front rooms, main floor, complete for house keeping. 2018 Davenport St. Untarnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, modern heated, private family, walking distance. D. 613. 2223 Burt. FOUR rooms. 1M2 S. 10th. Famished Houses. 7-ROOM house: nicely furnished," ln :luding piano. Phone Douglas 3367. Hotels and Apartments, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlen.en. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th bt. HIE SCHL1TZ Hotel; our 25a plate dinner the beBt In the city. DODGE HOTEL, Uth and Dodge; all cool outside rooms; special week rate. THE IRVING, 1102 Leavenworth; first class room and boud. Of?(pil ITotpl r,'llnplt Bluffs. Rooms Burlington, nice rooms, one blk to depot. OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms, 50c to $150. Farnam St. Hotel, nice rooms, loos Farnam Hotel Lyons, rooms 50c up. 113 N. 13th. Vienna, mod., reasonable. 1011-15 Farnam. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. T J Lyman, 2317 Vinton t., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien s candy free. Hotel Antler, elegant rooms. tlOH S. 10th. Excellent meals, 303 N. 26th., 8. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant rs. Io02 Howard. Grand Hotel, rooms 3r.c up. t'X 8. 13th. Atlantlo hotel, rooms 25c up. 1409 Cass. Apartments and Flats. THREE and five-room apartments. Sherman Ave. WV 6765. 6-ROOM apartments. The Mason. 31st Mason. $40 per month. Douglas 1571. GOOD 6-room flat. 720 So. 2th. $18. Harney 4.v. -R. MODERN FI.AT. 1112 S. 11th St. R-r., modern, steam heated flat, Da vldge Bldg., $41 2 rooms and bath, steam heat. Da- vldKe Bldg. $. 6-r . mod-rn f at. SH S. 27th Ave.. $35. JOHN SV. BOBBINS. ISO! FARNAM ST. STEAM HEATED APARTMENT. New Troy. 3t"J Harney, of 4 rooms; every improvement, with janitor $35. THOi W. HAZES. 207 McCague. Phone D. 1300. B If you have I a urely sell it through Cciitcrvillp, S. 1)., Sept. 1.1, 1911. Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: "Will you send bill for ad and I will remit! Thank you for the service received from one little ad. It is surprising what results. Yours trulv, DAVID C. LANE. RESULTSTHAT'S IT-RESULTS OFERED FOR RENT Apartments and Flats Continued FIVE-ROOM apartment on West Far nam St.; heat, shades, gas stove and Janitor service;, very choice. JOHN W. BOBBINS. lMJil FARNAM ST. HEATED apartments of 4 rooms each. 26."0 to Mt Cuming tt. Each apartment has open plumbing; price 114 to $16, plus heat. Thos. W. llazen, 207 McCague. Phone Douglas 1300. FINE new modern 6-room St. Louis rat; first floor; up to date in every re spect. 3319 Cuming. THREE and six-room flats. Martls Blk. 16th and V ebster. GO OUT to Rourke park and root for Omaha. If Max Morris, 3009 Harney, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. Houses and Cottages. MODERN house, 2015 Spruce St.; recep tion hall, six rooms and bath, full g-ft. liuht basement with furnace; house newly papered and painted; l-J to good tenant. JAMES C. CHADWICK. The Colonial. Phone Harney 6821. FOR cose of Blati beer Tel. Doug. 1081. 2623 No. 20th. 8-room modern house. In quire Webster 1675. FOR RENT My home of 7 rooms, all modern, hot water heat, fine location, $;6 per month. Call at 02 S. 10th SU or telephone Red bum. 672 S. 28TH St. Eight rooms, completely modern, $3:1.60. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Phones Douglas 7406, Ind. A-44U6. OMAHA EXP. Co.. moving vans and storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. 335S, 416 No. 17th. TTrm!P3m 8,1 Part" of the city. Crelgh "" ust"-Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house, In good condi tion; large corner lot and shade trees; rent $23. 1W2 Ohio St. Apply Ibis Lothrop St. Tel. B-3244. J. N. BISHOP, furniture moving and storage; 2 men, $1 an hour; specialty haul ing pianos. Tel. B-140". WE have a large demand for houses and flats. List your vacant property with us. Payne & Slater Co., 616 Um. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Houses, Ins. Ringwalt., Brandels Th. Bldg EIGHT rooms, modern except heat. 2216 Miami St. FOR RENT House 2426 Caldwell St., 6 rooms; modern except heat; rent $26. 4129 LAFAYETTE AVE., 7-room strictly modern house, hot water heat, $23. 1203 8. 27th St.. 7-room strictly modern house, walking distance, $27.60. Two and three-room apartments, walk ing distance, light and heat furnished, reasonable rent. GALLAGHER & NELSON. 490 Brandels Bldg. Douglas S3S2. $16 NEW COTTAGE-$16 3(516 Boyd ft., 6-room neat, new cottage, modern except heat, electric light, gas, nice bath room, two blocks from car; key at 341i) Boyd St. Call Douglas 131)2 or Webster 2045. 6-ROOM modern cottage, 3S16 N. 19th, $20. 7 rooms, not modern, aiVOS N. 2yth, $15. 7 rooms, modern, with furnace, 221$ Spencer, $20. 6 rooms, modern, with furnace, 2109-11 Hamilton. $20. 7 rooms, modern, A-l repair, 2S17 N. 24th, $30. 7 rooms, modern, A-l repair, 2821 N. 24th. $30. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague Bldg. .'Phone D 1300. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. City office 216 S. 17th St., Bee Bldg. 6-ROOM modern cottage, beautifully lo cated. 7a S. 37th. 'Phone Webster 2590. SOUTH SIDE. On tha corner of 29th and Dewey Ave. we have several three and four-room flats, modern except heat for only $13.50 a month These are close In and are the best winter quarters in Omaha tor the money. N. P. DODGE & CO., 15th and Ilarney. MODERN 6-room house, 3415 Dewey Ave.; key next door west. Inquire 3124 Cass. 'Phone Harney 62'.6. $23. Om. Van & Storage Co. packs, moves, stores household goods. Fireproof stor age. 804 S. 16lh. Branch, 3u9 S. 17th. Tel. D. 4163, A-1335. FOR RENT The twenty-room brick house, with brick stable and about five acres Improved grounds, at southwest corner of Sherman avenue and Spruce street. Inquire room 314 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1242. COTTAGE. 1427 N. 22d, $11; three larga clean rooms and shed kitchen; water out side. MODERN, 6-room brick house, 1111 N. 23d St., $-5 per month. Phone Harney DM). HOUSES 2121 Cuming St., I rooms, only $7.60. 12i"l 8. 13th St., 8 rooms, only $7. 17ol N. 24th Ht., 1 rooms, only $8. 7l9 S. 27th St.. $ rooms, only $9, 1604 N. 24th St., 6 rooms, mod. ex heat. $16 14th and Ohio, J-room cottage, only $10. N. P. DODGE &. CO., 15th and Harney. lit-ROOM house, strictly up to date, hot water heat, ean front, opposite park. 124 8. 31st Ave. Mads A. Hansen, McCague Bldg, Douglas 1&& D-ROOM. mod. ex. heat, yurj Dodge St.; suitable for two families $25. 6-room cottage, liuo Miami St. $15. 6-room cottage. 2707 N. 2oth St. $14. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, 009 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. $376. WEST Farnam. new brick, I bedrooms, two baths, 316 N. 3th Ave.. $06. FOB a dainty dessert use Dal roll's Ice cream. If Mrs. P. T. McGrath, HI Park Ave., will come to The Bee office wiettin three days we wid give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. 6-ROOM modern house, nearly new, 2710 Decatur St.. $. 'Phone Webster 271L 8 ROOMS, 33 8. 20th St.. excellent con dition, all modern. Tel. Harney )25. FIVE roams and bath and water rent. 537 South 31s-; $12.50. SOUTH SIDE HOUSES. One eight and one nine-room house, close In. at 2J2 Dewey Ave. anil 2i.:u Harney St.. for only $35 and $37.50 a month; all modern and in first-class con dition. N. P. Dodge & CO., Uth and Harney. 2M SPENCER. -r.. all modern. $W. 2'il? Bordette St.. 7-r.. mod. ex. heat. $21. J. W. RASP CO. Douglas J6.i3. Stores and Offices. FOR RENT A corner store, 10th and Doutilas; modern, up-tudate; rent reason able. 1S08 and 183 Farnam St Tel. Hot. 2496. a farm for sale, you can OFFERED FOR RENT Stores and Of floes Con tinned TWO offices, 2d floor Crelghton block; also store at 116 S. 15th St. Alfred Thomas, Agent. 308 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. CLOTHING store, cheap rent. 2523 O St., South Omaha, OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. WISHING to leave the city will sacri fice furniture of 6-room house for $1"0; house modern except furnace; $J0 rent; easy walking distance; good place for roomers. J 227 Bee. FOR SALE Household furniture, tables, rugs, bookcases, kitchen utensils, dress ers, eto ChII before 12 m. or after 3 p. m. Harriet Borglum, Apartment 2, Potter Apartments, &d and Farnam. Typewriters. 8M1TH-FREMIER models No. 2 or No. 4, la excellent condition, rented three months for five dollars. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., 19th and Douglas. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 2919. TYPEWRITERS Remington No. 2. $12; Chicago, $s; Hammond, $15; Williams Visible. $14. Underwoods, L. C. Smiths. Smith-Premiers. Olivers, etc., at bargain prices. B. F. Swanson Co., 1314 Farnam St., City. Musical Instruments. PIANO bargains. 10S N. 15th. D. 1103. Pianos; wholesale prs. 201 Boston Store. PIANO, slightly used, at a bargain. Segerstiom Piano Mfg. Co., 19th and Far nam Sts. PIANO and household furniture, on Tuesday, ll'th, and Wednesday, 20th, at 814 South 30th St. p., one Harney 15,6. LOW A and B flat and one high pitch B flat cornet In leather case; in good condition. Call Harney 1200 or Harney 3204. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. FOR SALE At a big bargain, Klmbad organ, In first-class condition. Call at 2320 N. 2th Ave., or "phone Webster 2003. FOOT BALL OUTFIT A good suit, nose ' guard, headgear, shin guards, all In first-class condition, for sale reasonable. Call WebBter 2603. FOR SALE New and second-hnnd billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy pay ments. Bruuswick-Balke-Collender. 407 S. 10th. FOR SALE High-class base burner; used one year. J. J. Tustil, 3916 N. 2th au EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because he has made Omaha tamous with Ids candy. It Mrs. A. J. Watts, 323 N. 37th St.. will come to The Bee oiflce within three days we will give her an order for a 00-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. SMALL printing office, complete with dynamos; bargain; original cost. 310 Bee SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for sale at $10.oo. Apply, George W. Wright, Bee Publishing Co. TWO good second-hand National cosh registers for ?ale at a bargain and on easy terms. 11. B. Wliiteliouse, 404 S. 15th St. 15 DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin, solitaire diamond ring; will sacrifice at a big bar gain. Address S 216, Bee. BAKBKi. CHAIR, fine violin. B-3166. FULL dress suits; evening, party dresses for sale or rent. 218 N. lith. John Feldman. xJouglas 3128; A-2U36. TWO cadet suits. 3423 Dewey Ave. Har ney 1884. NEW rotary White sewing machine for sale cheap. 2049 N. 22d St. HIGH school cadet suit. 15-yoar-old boy. Harney 734. FOR SALE Medium sized Radiant gome heater, good condition, $10.0u. Tel. Webster, 2t)7. FOR SALE Weber piano, good as new; cost $600; will sell cheap for cash. Owner leaving city. Z04. L,odb'ei; ' PERSONAL FOR cases of Blatz Beer Tel. Doug. 10U. Mechano Therapy massage treatment, rheumatism. Dr. Margaret Halloran, ii:2-3 Neville Blk., D. 77tl. open alter 6. JAME3 CORR ELECTRIC COM PAN Y Moved to 203 S. 19th St. Douglas 1311. Massage, Rlttenhouse, 308 Old Boston Bid. Dr. Burke, Diseases of Women, Omali FRENCH corn remedy, 25c, guaranteed, smooth skin, no pain. Riccaid Chem. Lab., 340 Paxton. Mrs. Snyder, Swedish massage, baths, radiator, and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany. Flat 3, 10th and Pierce. D. 43?0. MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN, H. 5240. Hair goods, all detcr'.ptliJns; nude up. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers aid at the Union Station. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free, bherman k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. CII f Pf l( I treatm'ts. Mrs. Steele, ex- uxixmm. pertoper t r. 1 D7 S. 17. 2 fl. WE rent and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-1003; Douglas lti',3. NEURASKA CYCLE CO., 15ih and Harney Sts. MASSAOE Swedish movement: nothing better for rheumatism. Ladles. $1; gentle men, $1 60. Apt. 2, 1'2 Farnam. Duug. 5021. Ht AW(1K Treatment. Mrs. Steele, HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace strengthen, 60c. BELL DRUG CO. THE SALVATION ARMY soliciTs casH off clothing, in fact anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell, at 134 N. l'th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4125, and wagons will cull. MRS. M. S. PIERCE-Shnmpoolng hair dressing and manicuring. Muke a spe cialty of dying and removing surplus hair. 29t;i Farnam. II. 60U. Ind. A-1421. C R COMBS 3 The Bee Go OCT to Rourke park and root for Omaha. If A. Blehler, m So. l!"th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at llourke park. fJF.Tin treatment. E. Brott, n JLVUlLllly s 1(.tn d foor D 6 (13-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Oladdlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MXSf!F 1,a,h' "aIt Plow aromatlo Jiiooauu treatment. Mine. Allen of Chicago. 109. S. 17th St., first floor. D. 76ilo. Adellght hair food grows hair. Mme. Frayer, Megeath Sta. Co., 15th and Earn. Automatic phone Bus's, $2; resl.. $1. POULTRY A IM 0 P E T STOCK THOROUGHBRED S. C. Rhode Island Red chickens, old and young; take Ames Ave. car to 40th and Grand. Call ot 3S17 Suiatoga. POULTRY supplies all kinds. The Ne braska Seed Co., 1013 Howard. D. 1261. FOR SALE Baby chicks, 10c each; alHo two cockerels nnd two pullets, S. C. Brown -Leirhorns. 2S74 Corby St. Tele phone R-'KO. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Frank J. Norton, 216 S. 17th. Bee Bldg. "There's a Reason." "I minimize your title troubles." Both phones. Midland Guar, gc Trust Co., 1714 Far. H. H. Neale, pres.; J. Campbell, sec. D. 2S05. Peter Jessen, Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 2292. M. T. Brennan, abstract of till. Brandels. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract office in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Concrete bars for builders. Alprn, 801 Far. Ideal Cement Stone Co., 17th and Cuming. I F. Van Valkenberg, plumbing. W. 867. Carpenter contracting, repairs. Har. 6241. S. E. Waters, cement cont. 1513 N. 20th St. Platte Gravel & Washed Sand Co.. 442 Bee Omaha Sign Hang. Co., D. 2696. 114 8. 12th Fuchs, Son & Blind, painting, decorating. M. Peterson, gen al con. 4336 Ohio. W .1381. Amer. Sply Co., roof'g, paints, 1108 Nlch. WAS TED TO HUV. LIST your city property for sale with Vorsel. 4"9 Karbach Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOIl SALE WITIIINWALKINO DISTANCE $8.000 8-room house, facing hish school grounds. Hardwood finish and oak floors In first storv. four bedrooms ; and bath in second storv; one fin ished room and storage space In attic; steam heat: lot 60x132 feet. J. H. Dumont & Son Phone Doug. 690. 1605 Farnam St., Omaha. TODAY'S BAliOAIN Brand new 6-room all moden home, oak finish on first floor, second floor in pine and birch: full basement with laundry drain, furnace heat, large lot. near school and car; In Hanscom Park district. $m)0 cash will handle it. or will consider cheaper or vacant property In exchange. J. AV. Rasp Co., CS9 Brandels Bldg. Doug"fi,)3, A-2S63. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 13 ROOMS-ALL MODERN, $0,000. We have a two-apartment house, con taining 13 rooms, 2 bath rooms. 7 bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen in each apartment, with new plumbing and good heating plant. This property is too large for present owner and it Is a splendid proposition for some one who will buy It and divide it Into four three-room apartments. Owing to the arrangement of the house, this work can be done at a very small expense and when completed the apartments will rent for $25 each. The buyer can live In one apartment, rent the rest and make a good Investment out of your home. The building Is well built and in good condition, only 13 minutes ride to the center of the city, one block from the Dodge street car line and in good resi dence district. THE NUMBER TS 2til9 NORTH 20TH 8TREET. It Is Just north of Ohio on the Florence boulevard. A good 6 or 7-room modern house will be taken In exchange at the right price. This proposition Is certainly worth looking at. NORR1S & MARTIN. 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. A-4270. $3250 FOR $2500 b-room cottage and 3 lots; 31st and Miami StB. Look at property and see owner for terms. PEMIS PARK, 8 rooms modern, hot water hent, large corner lot, $4,200. Glover Realty Syndicate. Douglas 3963. FIVE ROOM modern cottage with full cellar Hnd attic. Paved street, very desir able lot; on terms like rent. Barlght. lth and Douglas St., State Bldg. & Loan Af-sociatlou. THE best treat for wife and babv la a dish of Dalzell' Ice cream. If L. Mlllthe, 1J14 S. 12th St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. IOWA and NEBRASKA farms. Graham & Peters, 827 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR case of Blatx beer tel. Doug. 1081. FOR INCOME OH INVESTMENT. I offer the best close In proposition on the market; two cottages, jut south and across the street from All Saint." church. Phone Douglas 6997. FIVE-ROOM house and lot, 50x130; price. $l.lo0. 3027 S St, South Omaha. 'Phone S-juth 2067. ACHE AUI3 FOR SALE. AN acre and 3-r. house, rents cheap; 1 blocks to car. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. HI S. 16th St. 20 ACRES. Center St., Omaha, suitable for garden or poultry farm; small Im provements. 15 acres partly cleared and part In cultivation; running water; hlmi. rightly location for suburban home; $i6 per acre. Alva Smith, Council Bluffs, ia ASK about a snappy burgaln In Gregg's choice acres. C. II. COMBS, 8u9 to 811 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Douglas 3916, A-rU REAL ESTATE CITY ritOPFHTY FOIl R ALB (Continued.) Beautiful Home West Farnam $6,000 315 North 31st St. At th above number, we have nn Ideal hivne. s:b ndldlv constructed, conveni 'iillv planned nnd bi-nml fullv finished It has eiKht rootns nnd lare sleeping porch, fine bitsrment. messed brick foundation with good furnace, white enameled Inundrv tubs and floor drain. (Mi tho first f!ixr a nice reception hull. Inrae living room, nice dining room. Rood kitchen, with larne pantry and tin closet, large tear entr and back porch; front nnd buck sMIrwav, beautiful oak finish nnd f loots, btamrd oriliiiK In I i In n room and dining room. On the second floor four fine coiner bedrooms and larire screened sleeping porch, 1iixl7 feet; larife floored attic, with four windows. In which two mole rooms ran he finished. The bedrooms nre fin ished in birch. hite enameled. All of the walls are beautifully decorated; bath room sanltos and white tmamel. latest pattern Hunting fixtures, fine oak floors throughout all the bedrooms. Nice lot with yard sodded from street to allev, cement walks; paving nil pa d. This Is facing the beautiful home of W. II. Yrttes rind on one of the prettiest streets and best localliv In uiniih.i. There Is abso lutely nothing lacking In this, house and It Is cluap at $'1.0011; s.'i cash re.pilred ; balance to suit purchner. It Is Just ni represented and It will pnv von to in vestigate. Just completed, never occupied. Norris & Martin 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270; A-4270. OWNER'S OFFER I am preparing to move out of the ctv and desire to sell mv Dundeo resilience. I built it two years ago. It has six good rooms and reception hnll. good furnace and lnru-e bnth room, plenty of closets, full 0"-fi ot lot with a fine view botii east and west. Price Is very reasonable. Call me at Harney 4SD1. North Part of City New 5-room bungalow, at 4110 N. l!th. Hall, parlor and dining room finished in oak, Including floors, oak columns and pedestals, beautiful combination light fix tures, fine bath room with best of plumb ing, nico kitchen, one-price sink, good pantry, refrigerator room, large attic, nice cellar, furnace connected with hot water boiler, laundry sink complete. Ce ment sidewalks; everything ready to move in. l'rlre, $3.2:0. Terms: $700 or $MW down and balance monthly. STANLEY P. BOSTWICK. 1225 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM & RANCH LAM) FOR SALE. Alabama. $16 TO $35 AN ACRE land I offer will double In value next three years; rents better than 10 per cent. E. E. Secor Selma, Ala. ' California. CALIFORNIA FRUIT FARMS. Agents wanted In every town to sell our contracts, big commissions, easv to sell; write at once for full Information. Mc Keevcr & Tucker. 210 S. 14th St., Omaha. Canada. NEW COUNTRY OPENING. . The Grand Trunk Pacific railroad Is now closing Its gap across the famous Fraxer valley in CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA the choicest region of the richest province In Canada. Here is your chance to buy fertile land at open ing prices In the great Fort George coun try. For further Information call, write or wire. B. ME YET DISTRICT BALES AGENT 610 Paxton Bldg., Omahu, Neb. Phone Douglas 2167; Ind. A-4327 Colorado. Bargains Fruit land. 582 Brandels Bldg. FRUIT land bargains. Tntermountain Land Co., 1122 Farnam. 'Phone D. 4021. Homestead ellnQulsh. Cheap. 409 K'bach. Florida. TEN ACRES best county Florida, pecan and truck land; must sell at once; $2.',0 takes equity; will take good note for half. Box 24s" Blockton. la. Farm and fruit land. 801 City Nat'l Bk. Ions, THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state of Iowa, 43,000 dally. The Capital is read by and believed in by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper in their homes. Rates. 1 cent a word a day; $1.26 per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Des Moines Capital, Des Moines, la. 123-ACRE Improved farm with orchard, 8 miles N. E. Council Bluffs $.s5 per acre, If iuick. &4 acres, well Improved, 1125 per acre. Day & Hess Co., Sole Agents, Co. Bluffs. KANSAS. FOR SALE We are cutting up for sale a famous breeding farm In eastern Kan sas, 2,100 acres, rich, black prairie soil. Unproved tracts of 80 and 160 acres at $6) to $()." per acre. In ruin belt. Half way and directly between Kansas City and the best part of Oklahoma. Close to 3 rail roads and an electric line, and three itood towns. Something choice. No exchange. Get full information. Address F. H. Wilhite. 722 ltcba P. ace, Evanston, 111. Minnesota. 600 GOOD FARMERS WANTED to help farm a colony and o"en up a new district. First-class praine land In Northwestern Minnesota. Steum plow proposition, where they never have hud a drouth or crop failure in fifteen years. Low prices and easy terms. We run dally excursions from St. Paul. Investi gate now while the farmers are thresh ing and see for yourself what .this laud will produce. Uullroad fare refunded if not as represented. New railroad under construction tlirought district. Lands will double in price In eighteen months. Write for particulars. TOMPKINS LAND COMPANY, 17S E. 3d St., St. Paul, Minn. Some good hustling farmers to represent us in his locality. Nebraska. WANTED Ml Nebraska ranches and farms for Iowa customers. Alleshouse & Co., Council Bluffs, la. HOMESTEAD 320 acres for $175 cash or payments. Old entry cancelled, rich farm land, not sand. Worth $2,000. About 'Ji miles out. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. GOOD Nebraska land, $10 up. J. N. Sweet. 329 Neville. IMPROVED Nebraska farms, $8 an acre up. Write or call for our list. Woodward, 714 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 100-ACRE farm near Benson for sale, cheap. Owner has Insurable sickness. In quire room Do4, Brown block. Ikust'n Neb. land, $75. S'j4 Brandels Bldg. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA FARM LANDS. Do you want a good farm in the rich est farming county in eastern Oklahoma, near Muskogee T Five railroads, clone to markets and schools; good water, p.enty of islnfall, mild winters, deep black soil; these farms produce fine crops of Corn, wheat, oats, allalfa. cotton und all kinds of fruit; these lands uie being rapidly bought up; 20,000 acres to select from; prlcen range from $-'." to f'- per acre If interested write for lists, or, better, come ana see fur yourself. Best of terms. J. W. GOWDY, Muskugee. OKI. ' SPECIAL. 910 ACRES farming land. Craig county, Oklahoma; improved; 4 springs; deep soil, lavs fine; near market; .'. 00 per acre; best terms. J. W. Gowdy, Muskogee, Okl. ad mine female help Bee want Aus Are the Best Business Boosters. REAL ESTATE FA II M A lit Mil l.M) FOR SU.I3 (Continued! Orf ia. Free Trip to Oregon We v.ant you to see this woti.n-rful country The home of the "Oregon Ap ple " Ten acres of good Oregon apple orchard will net more returns yearly than liiO acres of vour best farm land. SAN1TAM FRUIT COLONY INT, George E. Wlghtmnn. Grn. Sales Mir. Address or call, Hotel, or phone. South Dakota. FOR PALE OR RENT. 1K acres. Improved, six miles from Win ner. Tripp county. South Dakota, Ad dress George Koch, Dexter, la. KOSKBUD LANDS AUTHENTIC map of that portion open for settlement next month. Maps, Soo each Lyman McConnell, 620 Paxton Blk., omahn. HOMESTEAD lands in the famous Rosebud coutry of South Dakota. Mel lette and Bennett counties to be opened October 2 to October 21. Dallas Is the terminal registration point and closest polrt of registration to these lands. Free booklet snd Information by addressing; Greater Dallas Committee, Dallas, 8. D. MISCEI.I.AMCOUS BARGAINS In Iowa and Missouri farms. All these are real bargains and cannot be duplicated. 2M) acres one mile from stuall town. $C per acre; $3,000 cash, balance five years at 5 per cent. 80 acres one mile from Blockton, $100 per acre. 80 ncres two and one-half miles from town, t'h per acre. 120 acres six miles from town, $75 per acre. WILSON LAND CO , Blockton. In. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. MONEY TO I1AN Payne Inv. Co. WANTED City loans. Teters Trust Co. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. MONEY to loan on business or residence properties, $1,000 to $.100,000. W. H. THOMAS, 503 First Nat. Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wcad, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBERQ CO., 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED FARM LOANS. Kloke In vestment Company, Omaha. 5.?- MCk on cl,y Bn1 farm Property. 4V O 2 ,'o w u. Melkle, 206 Ramge. nRST TRUST CO. ft m LARGE city hans wanted; moitgatrei ft bonds bought and sold. STULL mum. GARVIN PROS kya-0ff FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE I HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For results see me. Dean, 617 Bee. Bldg. D. 13.12. List exchanges with Jones, 411 Brandels. TRADES If you have anything to trade, write me. 8. E. Walt, 617 Bee Bldg. EXCHANGES A. C. Jewell, Board or Trade. D. 1637. FOR EXCHANGE Two good farms, five miles from Albion, Neb.; well im proved. Will exchange for farm near Omaha. Must be good land, quite well Improved. Address J. J. Curey, Peters burg, Neb. WE exchange properties of merit. C W. Welsh, 812-13 O. N. B. Bldg. Doug. 7863. EXCHANGE for what you want. Shopen ac Co., Exchange Experts, Paxton Blk. TAKE me out to the ball game. If Mrs. Sheppard, 2001 Wirt St., will come to The Bee office within three days we wilt give her a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. WANT TO TRADE 80-acre Improved farm In Scott county, Arkansas; has a $375 loan; runs till 1915. at 6 per cent; for automobile, must be In A No. 1 shape. Address. L. C. Stokes, Lock Box 11, Craig. Mo. HALF section of good farm land, 5 miles from Kimball, Neb. (county seat). Twenty acres and a town lot in the onion belt of Texas. Twenty acres and two town lots In the fig and orange (gulf coast) belt of Texas. Two nice quarters of table land near Julesburg, Colo. Will consider a bunch of good horses, good cattle or clear, earning town property. Address Box 64, Albion, Neb. TO EXCHANGE Clear Bouth Dakota land fur good, clean stock of merchan dise or lumber yard. Address J. 8. Irwin, owner. Blunt, 8. D. ' TO TRADE A $1,000 equity In a five room house, barn and two lots In Omaha for automobile. J. A. Chambers, Andtr ion, la. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acres good Improved land. Garden county, Nebraska. F. L. Mytton, Room 9, li. & M. depot. Lincoln, Neb. HAVE you pigs, cows or chickens, cook stove or alr-tlgnt heater, or anything to exchange for furniture ot 6-room flat? Webster Ki2. . - FOR SALE OR TRADE 318 acres, Joins Ware, Dallam Co., 'lexua;. good level un improved furm; bargain If sold soon. S. B. Hnrtzell, owner, Pickrell, Neb. WANTEDTO BUY CASH paid for books. Crane. 313 S. 14th. BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 3U7L ROOMING HOUSE WANTED. At once; must be close In; will pay cash. Address, E 304, Bee. WANTED TO BUY Rooming house. Am from the country and want house for cash before Oct. 1. Address D-3WJ, Bee.' WANTED TO BUY-ROOMING HOUSU Am from the country und want house for cash before Oct. 1. Address I-303, Bee. "WAiNTlbTOORRmW WANTED to borrow $i00 for three months; unquestionably good security and reasonable bonus. Address D. 322, !( WANTEDTO RENT WANTED TO RENT-Strlctly modern 7 or l-ruuni house In Hanscom. park dis trict; near car line. Address K. M, Bee. BY man and wife, furnished rooms or apartment of four rooms, close in: will I urnlsh best of references. Call Doug. 10i3 Sunday between 8:30 and 10:30. 4'A City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by young man now employed as stenographer and bookkeeper In Wichita, Kan. Address J. 8. H.. 31 W. Cen'ral, Wichita, Kan. MAN wants position as dish washer In hotel, lunchroom or boarding house. Ad. dress B tsul, care Bee. BOY 16 wants work after school hours. F 41'.). Bee. YOUNG lady with knowledge of type writing and office work would like to secure position at reasonable salary to start. M 311, Bee. STENOGRAPHER with $ years experi ence; A No. 1; good education. Will con sider $u0 to commence. N 312. Bee. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'lirlen Is because he has made Omaha famous with his randy. If. Mrs. Gillespie, 2107 Grant St , will come to The Bee of fice within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. YOUNG lady, with high school educa tion, wishes a position. C 32L Bee.