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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1911)
WANT ADS ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued ) BUSINESS PERSONALS HELP WANTED FEMALE Want arts rrcrlvrtl nt any time but to Insure) proper rlasfclflration must be prwn'1 before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition am before 7:o for morning and .Sunday editions. Want ads received after ouch hour will have their first Insertion under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASn RATKS FOR WANT ADS. KEGTLAK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 M rent per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent In sertion. Each Insertion made on odd days m rents per word. fl.oO per line per month. Hates apply to either The Pally or Sunday Dee. Always connt six words to a line. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner druggist" they are all branch offices for The Bee and your ad will he inserted Just as promptly and on the lami rates as at the main office In The Bee building, Seventeenth and Fnrmim streets: Albarh. W. C . 4Mh and Farnam. Raum Drug Co., 231 N. 16th Ft. Beranek, S. A.. 1403 8. ltn t-t Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Rlake-Bradlsh, 2TKirt Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Avu. Caughlln. C. U.. 4T2T- Leavenworth. Crlssey Pharmacy. 2ith an1 bake. Cooncv pharmacy, 222:) P. 16th bt rermak. Emil, l'4-6 S. nth St. Ehler Co.. 202 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 211 N. 25th St. Frevtag, J. J . J914 N. 21th St. t Fregger Drug To.. lWiS N. lth St. Florence Drug Company. Florence. NeO. Green's Pharmacy, Parle Ave. and Pa cific Oreenounh A C. 102S S. 1th St. Oreenniigh Co., 10th and Hickory. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven wort n. , ... ' Joln.r -" Pr"g Co.. 2th and Pnauldlng. .foil---:' Phurmary, ?20 Farnam. Har i Park Pharmacy. 1501 S. Elth Ailnf . ? Drug Co . 31st Ave. and Far Bam St Hoist, ilm. 24 8. Hth St. Huff. L.. 2024 Leavenworth. Kin. V 3. 21h and FarnHm. Kountze Place Pharmacy. 2 V. 24th I.athrop Pharmacv, 24th and Hamilton. Ma-en Fred 1... If'19 Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacv, Kid and Amea Ave. Patrick Drug Co.. 1W! N. 24th Pt Faratoga Drug Co.. 24th nd Ames Ae Kchaefer's Cut Price Store, ltth and Chicago. . rm. walnut Hill rnarmacy, mu In. Waltcn Phnrmicy. Wti d Grace. DEATHS AD FISKKAI- OTICES. BTRAWN Benjamin F.. September 18. It'll: aged f8 yeara 1 day. Funeral services will be held from the family residence. 1107 South Fifty-first street. Wednesday. September 20. at a p. m. Interment Forest Uwn cemetery. Friends Invited. McOREEVY Mrs. Mary, died Sunday. September 17, at family residence. hi3 California street. Tw. Funeral from residence to St. John a ehurch at a. m., Wednesday. Septem ber 20. Interment Holy Sepulchre ceme tery. 6TRINGFELLOW James W.. aged 3 vears; survived by hla w:re and one daughter. Blanche, and me son. Walter. Funeral Thursday morning at 10 o clock from Gentleman's Chanel. Interment or- est Lawn cemetery. LODGE KOTICES. Attention, Odd Fellows. All membera of Omaha lodge No. I. I. O O. F., are requested to meet at Odd Fellows' hall at 1 o'clock p. m. Wednes day, September 20, to attend the funeral of Brother B. V. Strawn. frvlcee l.,thf family residence. 1107 South Fifty-first street, at I o'clock p. m. Burial at For est Lawn cemetery. Omaha lodge No. 2 will conduct the ritualistic service of the order. All lodges and visiting members Invited. J AMES H. SHORT, Noble Grand. SAM K. OREENLEAF. Secretary. Attention. Rath Rebekn Lodae No. t All members are requested to attend the funeral of our brother. B. F. Btrawn, from his late residence. U07 South Fifty, first street. Wednesday. September 20, st ! V. m. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. CLARA C. YOUN'O, Noble Grand. Royal Achates, Take Jiotloe. Membera are apprised of the death of Bro. B. F. Strawn of Union Lodge No. HO st his late home, 1107 6. 51st St. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p. m. JAS. RICH. Pres. C. F. SLINGERLAND, Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, UNDER TAKER, mbalmer. Ibl4 Chicago St. D. 1S5, B-loi. MONEY ' Phone Dou TO LOAN-LOW sums to i Bee Bids. Doua. 2iA. UNION LOAN CO. FOR rase of Blats beer. Tel. Doug. lusl. r fyf discount on framing. New lot of Tly. framed pictures suitable for tV home and den decorations at re duced prices. Omaha Art & Frame Co., 707 8. lath. MOVING picture machines; supplies. Nebraska Film Co., UIH Farnam. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING, gas fixtures, brass beds, stove trimming ami tableware repiated aa new. OMAHA PLATING CO., Established 1cm. Doug. 2636. 12j0 Harney. DEFIANCE starch, largest and best. M. F. Morrill, china painter, &J3 Brand OS'S Theater Bldg. Mrs. Chambers, china ptg., 816 City Nat'l. Eellcow. ladles' tailor, tm Far'rn, H. 2047. Upholstering, piano, turn. rep. tH Far. MUsourt Filter Mfg. Co., 112 6. 14, D. 4714. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 641. AMERICAN Self-Renovating Co.. H. 374$ NAT L Metal Polish Dtstnb. Co. Silver ware, minors, cut giant. &.y Brandels Tr. HEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve food Pill. 1 per box, prepaid. Shi'iman aV McConaell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. SEE Belobiavek. new jewelry. 2iia N St. SEE Wolfe's Jewelry first. City Nat. Bk. OMAHA lea Cream Cone Co. D. Ku2. Linotype composition for trade. D. 24i5. Mas Bolen, lallea' tailor. Sua Boston Store FROST manufactures and repairs ve hiclua. 14ue-i4U Leavenworth. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO. Twenty-fourUi and L Sta, South Omaha. 1,000 LETTERHEADS tgood bond paptrt, LtVO billheads. I,0n0 business cards, $1 50 per l.OuO. eatimaie and samples furnished; other printing. Tlxard Printing Co., Dm. Com. Col. Bid.. isth arid Fai nuiu. Red SmX P.OILUR. sheet Iron and tank work. .iiiiaha Structural tkel Works. SMOKE COSTEIXO'8 Omaha Cut OJIU4UJ plUM. 3U N jSlh gu Douglas County Fair Premium lists and entry blanks ran be had by telephoning to office of secretary, Harney l&X Th.-y will be mailed to all Inquirers, or call at Henderson s, the flor ist. 161 Fainam st. Fair opens Sept. tt. 1-nines must be made not later than the i'.lU. G. W. HERVEV, Secretary. I sard i Nelson, horseshcers. 1MX Dav't. Xfaggard Van Storaee. Psck. move. Store and ship H. H. gjods. D. lt"i. B 142. STAMMERERS Jn.-f.tute, Ramge lild. Omaha Furnltui Repair Works. D. 24S1. YOl' t.L nlwsvs he harpv f your wed rtlnf rlnii timf from l'mdrganrd a US H. lth St. At the sln of the crown. rndrtskers. hae moved to their new building. 2".ll Farnam St. 'Phone Harney 2'"..i. Independent A -325. C. A. Lewis. Orpheum buffet. IV Har y. Pee Wolfe's Jewelry first. City Nat'l Bk. ALBERT CAIIN FHIRT8 TO MEASURE. 1.122 FAR. ST. 8. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 2768. 131G Farnam. I Edison "phone rec. Phulti Bros., 1408 Far. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. f'asdy Co , S W. Cor. 14th and Douglas Vi U OXjXjijYj.jjA (lr8 ,ngur. Painting, paperhangtng. BrlBtnl. B. I.W. PA PERH ANGERS use Fnowflske raste. Omaha Paste Co., 718 S. 13th. Both phones. Neb. Feed Co., IJr Jones. Both 'phones. FOR n dainty dessert use Dalzell's ire cream. If Mrs. T. H. Newman. 191" P. l?th St., will come to The Bee office within three daya we will gie her an ordor for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. AUTOMOBILES HONKS , HONK smash wheel HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMMON D, lSth and Harney Sta. ONE new Lexington touring car, in cluding mohair top and piestolite, $1,560; cost tl.SoO. One new Currier car, 4-passenger, including top, ih"r, cost $1,250. One new International delivery wagon, $r'). One new Torpulo Ford, fully equip ped, $SW. Larson s Garage. Fremont, Neb. pfiffnrAuto. carriage painting. Re i cixit-ii)ajrlnr jjjj Leavenworth St Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. A I.TOMOBILE delivery wagon for $175. 1M4 Podtse. TIRES OMAHA RUBBER. COM- pan y . Everything in rubber. 1'OU SALE ily Great Western 2-cylln-dev touring car, in first-class running or ' Hie price is right. V. C, Robinaon, ..ik'm, Neb. ALIO Tire Repairing Co., 1922 Farnam. Yuu need no guarantee when we do the work; best workmen; lowest price. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business, call on GANG.STEAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. $500 EQUITY in confectionery and cigar store; would consider city property or re linquishment on Nebraska homestead. A," Omaha Bee, Co. Biuffs, la COLE & CO., FOR ROOMING HOUSES Clothing and "f urn. store for sale, 2523 Q St.. tio. Omaha, or Helphand, 314 N. ltith. WANTED A young man who has J1.000 to (l.&uu to invest in a good paying business ana can devote his time to same on a good fcuiary as assistant In office. E 194, Bes. COLE St CO., FOR ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE-M.000 stock of general mer chandise; stock alone or stock and fix tures; liberal discount; must vacate build ing by January 1. Address all letters to V, 1.0. care Omaha Bee. ROOMING-HOUSES-ROOMING We have t h a mne . ..I.., 14. 1 t . .. Let u Prove we will help you buy; we have them most anv nrtrj. vnn wan n pay; buy this week and be ready for the COU14' CO., ROOM 446 BEE BLDG., Tel. Douglas Sill. s-vrlHATi?H?I-EfiS KEALl ESTATE tel. I'OOl Rooms. Ma rhur Khnn S.l.n., etc.. for sale, fcome good bargains in real estate. Ill South 14th St.. second floor, rooms 1 and 2. Ed Rothery. Pres. ffANTEEl?Xana?M" for Bma" Printing navo juu. siu wee Blag. COLE & CO., FOR ROOMING HOUSES MOVING picture theater and airdome for sale:, in iniifh'i.t.,. k:.k ... .000, only show in the town and doing fine gn iv cents admission and for vaudeville 10 and 20 cents. Best Investment frr K .,,..,. '-'. .. i -i . . v ...wMiiw ui money in f ? r'h"' ei -ns for selling. Price it .. C r,'?r- na investigate and dre Vl lh'mSner y0U Wl" b"y- Ad- v 3SJ, nnF.?R.BAL?TSm,a a-roeery store and k . - ,u,;uon. roust leave town. COLE A CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES A FIVE-CHAIR barber shop for sale: nTn busl ness. Edgar w, t.u.i Miaiii xeaa, o. o. STEADY position, salary and rmm(.. rai.riurtf '' moderate . bu-M ai UCUI1 ?lt SA1'p Bargain: confectionery, groceries, notions; rent. 11 Webster 5lS COLE & CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES Rooming; Houses. BQAUTIFULLT furnished S-room house apartment; splendid location; walking dis tance. Phone Red 6024. S1235HBeeLE TOOmt'' Cmlrly located. BE A BOOSTER for the national game of base ha I. If Vfra n-w,i. j -!.!: ,. wUhfn-thr" C2 t0 Th within three days we will Vive her a ticket to the ball earn. . Rn,rJuI Jl.L ROOMING HOUSE FOR BALE. ry central; steam heat; hot and cold water. Pr es. I27B if aniri . ' Jj niUMt sell. Address, C 80J, Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS Aoinaementa. Grand Theater,4 chges. wkly. 307 K. 16th. PARK THEATER. 616 N. 16th now open; another beautiful picture house for pn.aha; all seats 6c. matinees and even inns; same management as Carnerophone theater. 14th and Douglas. p 6-piece orchestra at Rome summer garden Architects. H. A. RAAPKE. 1223 City National Bk. C. J. Bowell. architect 671 Brandeis Bldg. Artesian Well.. L. E. NEBERGALL, 1011-lJ City Natl. E. ROWE. WELL BORING. Berteon 246. Attorneys. G W. Shields, attorney. 327 B. of Trade. I.ISTON L. HALL, LAWYER. 424 Bee. Be Maaofaetarers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Neb. B and Taxlcabe. THE ONLY WAY. Baggage checked to destination. Taxi cabs and tuuring cars. Tel. Doug 2a6, Bleyclea and Motorcycles. OMAHA BICYCLE CO, 16th and Chi cago. Ind. an motorcycles. Writs lor cata logue. FOR SALE Yale motorcycle, equipped with Prestollte. phone Harney 1434. Ilalldtng and Loan Associations. NEBRASKA Savings & Loan Associa tion I. as never i-ald less than 4 per cent dividends. Inveaimenta from II to tii.OuO received. 1 Faruam St., Omabs Dealers in advertise in The Bee Omaha Bee Publishing Company, City. Gentlemen: Our daily ad which you started for us on August first has brought us so many re plies up to date that we are pleased with the res-ults, and vre are hereby giving you a renewal of the ad until further notice. Yours truly, SHOPEN & COMPANY. Results arc what BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) Bakeries. TIP-TOP bread the best. Web. 1035. Box and Package Manufacturers. Wooden Box Sc Package Co., 1514 N. 16th. Carpenters. W. P. Deverell, contractor, Rarage Bid. Caterers. E. S. Fead, wedding cakes. 1519 Leav'h. Chiropodist. Prof. J. Lund, chiropodist. 416 Karbach. AfnVTTVTT Chiropodist, msnlcurlne, City Nat'l Bank. Douglas 2333, Ind. A 23 Cigars and Tobacco. Tracy Bros. Co., 1415 Douglas. Xi Truda. high-grade Havana. Te-Be-Ce cigar. 6c. Clothlnar. DRESS well, we trust you. tl per week on suit. Ridgley Clothing. V, price oloth. sale. Helphand, 114 N. 16th. Clothing; Blannfacturers, Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Coal Dealers. Powers-Heatey Coal Co., Tel. D. SS9. Butter Feed & Coal Co. 2862 Far. H. 545. COAL At cut prices. All kimjs. we save you 60c to 1.50 per ton. "The Home of Quality Coal." Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co., 1223 Nicholas St. Both Phones. Updike "quality yd.," 45 & Dodge. H. 737. NEW coal yard, 24th and Grand Ave. George E. Cobb Coal Co. W. 581. Collection Agencies. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO., 221-22 First National Bank. Tel. D. S841. DEADBEAT8 are my rlctlms. The Coady aier. Agency, 1614, City Nat 1 Bk. Doug. 7S6. Contractors and Carpenters. Stevenson, carpenter, cont. Both phonea Creameries and Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Douglas Co. Milk Producers Asso. D-3414. Dancing Academies. Morand's 15 & Harney. Dancing lessons xuonaay ana naay, s p. m. nota phonea. SIMPSON'S, 20th and Harney Web. 2491 Chambers reopens Sept 25. Doug. 187L Mackle's Dancing Academy, 1816 Harney. Dally classes Hon.. Thurs.. Sat. evenings. MISS ESTHER ROSSITER B School of Dancing will open at Metropolitan club, 2301 Harney St., Tuesday, October 10, at 8 p. m. Assemblies every Friday even ing. Phone D. 2057 or D. 417. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist. 706 City Natl. D. 2666. Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Doug. D. 2186. MACH & MACH. 3d tl. Paxton. D. 1085. DR. FICKES. 724-6 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. DR H. A. FOSTER, 16th and Douglas. DR. DAILEY, 603 Brandeis Bldg. D. 2735. Dr. Gsantner, over Merchant's Dg. store DR. ELSTER. 602 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. Dra. Klausnsr aV Klausner, 406 Karbach. J. G. Whlnnery. dentist 407 Paxton Blk. Detectives. Omaha secret service detective agency, Inc. bonded. 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1219. A-1319 CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach Blk. JAS. ALLAN, Neville Blk. Tel. Tyler 1156 Zack Ellis, 306 Neville Blk. Tyler 1136. Dressmaking. Mrs. Wright gowns; 4th floor Hayden's. Neplnsky, gowns; 606 Paxton Blk. D 5971. Dressmaking, plain sewing. 509 8. 21st St Lulu Scott 227 Franklin. W 3583, B 333L Wolff, ladles' tailoring. 620-S2 Be Bldg. Mattison, modiste. D 460S. (410 S. loth. MISS GUSSIE PETERSON, alteration of ladies' suits. 215 Old Boston Store Bid. MRS. WALKER, dressmaking. H. 6223. Terry's Dressmaking College, S0th& Far. Druggists. REX drug store. 16th and California. C. George, wholesale, retail. 1204 Farnam Everything Electrical. Central Electric Co., fixtures. D J3SS. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamos, igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs. Le Eron, 313 S. 12th St Doug. 3175. Johnston Electric Co., 411 8. 10th. D 4S& POTH. motor repairing. Douglas 6837. Harthun Electrical Co. D 6293. 216 8. 14th. Florists. A. Donahue. 1W Farnam. D 1001. A 1001 JENSEN, florist 4611 Leavenworth. HESS 4V 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St I, HENDERSON. 1518 Farnam. D 1258. Stewart's, florists & Seedsmen, 119 N. 16. CHAS. EDERER. florist, JOth and Bristol. W 1756. rHTNF.SE lilies. Start at once. The Nebraska Seed Co. 1613 Howard St D-1261. Furnaces and Stove Repairs. IS YOmfFUENACE Bteam or Hot Water Heater ready? Tele phone us for free inspection, ntw rur naces. tank heaters and thermostats. Douglas 9u. OMAHA 8TOVE REPAIR WORKS A trZl. 12o-U0t Douglas Bt W. 8. Ileaton, Amer. furnaces. H. 1661 farm lands find it pays to you pay for results BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued! Floor Made In Omaha. rPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Flour. FLOUR, J1.10 sack. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. Feed Mills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glrncoe Mills. 232 Izard. Fin, WESTERN FUR CO., models. 1324 Farnam. repairs, re- Farnitore Dealers. 8. liBVINB for bargains. 810 N. 16th. Grocers. AHAMO Coffee. 1-lb tins, 30c. Ask grocer. Chapman's Meat Market, 240S Cuming. Hat Factories. FALL hats now ready. High grade, 2 Omaha Hat Factory, 114-116 S. 13th. Hospitals. SWEDISH Mission; both phones; 3706 N. 24 WISE MEMORIAL, 24th and Harney. BETHANY Hospital. Dr. Nystrom. Phone Harness, Saddlery, Leather Goods. Wlchert, harness, leather goods. 620 S. 13. FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Cornish & Co., 1210 Farnam. Write for catalogue. KINNEY & SON, mfra and dealers In harness and saddles. Repairing a spe cialty, handwork. 1020H N. 16th. Insurance. H. S. BYRNE, surety bonds, insurance. Tel. D. 1320; Ind. A-1608. 602 City Nat. Bk. T. J. WILLOWS, fire; Brandeis Bldg. John Dale & Son, Insurance. 810 ltamge. INSURE IN THE GLEN FALLS. Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ins. Ramge Bl. Iron and Wire Fencing. Anchor Fence Co., 207 N. 17th. Tel. Red 811 Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. GET - your bargains at Reynolds' Cut Rats Jewelry Store, lua fci. istli. OPEN up a charge account with us. Mandelberg, Jeweler, 1622 Farnam. Laundries. BARTON 8, 1620 Capitol avenue. Press, orium; suits, 50c; cleaned, tl. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 6824. MMB. MITCHELL Hand Laundry, 803 N. 20th St Douglaa 6820, B-3162. Lightning Rods. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co.. 205 N. 17th. Lumber. H. Gross Lumber A Wrecking Co. Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam fitting. 21st and Paul. Web. 2S84. Machinery and Supplies. GASOLINE engines, cream separators, power washers. Olds Gas Power Co., 1007 Farnam St. Millinery. PENNELL. Millinery. R 3. Paxton Blk. KRONERT'S sxolusive millinery; full st'k, latest styles, popular prices. 620 S. 16. Latest fall millinery. Rauber. 1424 a 16th. Monuments mad Mausoleums. J. F. Bloom & Co., 17th and Cuming Sta. Mirrors and Mltered Glass. Nelson-Ryder Glass Co., 1608 Cuming. Moving, Storage and Cleaning. EXPRE66MEN'8 Delivery Co.-Movlng; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office.. 216 6. 17th. Doug. 394; Ind. B-134. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 S. 16th; 309 8. 17th. Doug. 4161. Cole Express & Storage C, 1616 Cap. Ave. Twin City Express, 1314 Howard. Both Tel. VERNOR Transfer and Storage Co., fireproof storage, houshold goods, pianos and baggage moved, packed and shipped, warehouse. ir06 Burt St Tyler 1116. Office 7th and Leavenworth. D. 2158. Music, Art and Languages. H. J. Bock, singing, piano. David ge Blk. MARTIN W. BUSH, pianist and organ ist, U Baidrlge Blk. Harney 563. Albert Rothery Studio. 410 Karbach Bldg. LEON WELTMON, teacher of vlolln.eeilo and harmony. Baldrlge Blk. D. 8S53. and banjo. Baldrlge Blk. Tel. Doug. 3853. Opticians. GREGO OPTICAL CO., 1711 Douglas St Tire-Not lenses for weary eyes. B. f. Wurn, eyeglass rep'g. 443 Brandeis. Osteopathy. Alio Johnson, 808-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. Katheryh Nikolas, 634-6 Brandeis Theater. Oysters. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only. Patents. niRAM A. KTt'RGES. nat.nt limur U. S. and foreign patents, trademarks and copyrights: 25 years experience. 646 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 14t& D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllard Kddy. U. S. Pat. attorney and solicitor. 1530 City Nat bank. Tyler 10. Paints and Glass. BAEKER BROS. PAINT CO., 10OP4 Farnam. Ind. A-SS21; Douglas 1"M. We do Picture Frsmlng snd Glazing. SPECIAL DISCOUNT this month on Paint Glass, Varnishes and Wall Paper. Paetearrapaera. Rinehart photographer. 18th c Farnam, Rembrandt studio, portraits. 20 A Fern. Lumlere studio. (18-10-1 8. litU. D 3004. Sandberg's Studio. 107 8. ltith. Take elev. are what you get insnne-iTnrirT id wtwirwiriTOBHI BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) Phonographs. Edison phon. rec. Shults Bros.. 1406 Far Photographic) Supplies. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO 11S-15 Farnam. In their new store; branch store n r. mtn rt. Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 314 S. 14th. numbers. GOOD PLUMBING CO. D 1918, Red 2177 Plumbing and Heating, Tros.1 REPAIR WORK, 1708 Jackson St. D. 14 Omaha Plumbing Co., 2612 Sherman Ave. FlumblnR-Call Wessman, H 3091 A 2027. neverness & Ohye. Tyler 1377, A 1823. T. F. BALFE, plumbing and heating. 1607 Howard St. Tel. U 743, Ind. A 2741. Pool and Billiards. Metropolitan Pool & Bowling. 1518. Cap. Printing. CARD and Index cooking recipes. Fee them at Corey McKenne Prlnttne Co printers, stationers and office supplies. 1407 Harney. Tel. Douglas 2614. AM. Printing Co.. 2304 Cuming. D 5847. Harry Ledyard, printer, 318 8. 19th. Lew W. Raber, Printer, Ef BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. 'Phone Ind. A 2620 for Stood nrintine Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th & Capitol Ave, Rles-Hall Ptg. Co. 109 S. 14th. Ind. A 8524 TIMES Printing Co., 320 S. 19th. D 2166. Restaurants. VINCENT CAFE, under new manage ment; best 25c meal. 320 S. 19th St. U. S. Rest.. 15c and 20c meals. 1510 Dodge. KUENNE'S bakery lunch room, 600 blk EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS. 316 S. 15th, UPSTAIRS. BAUER'S CAFE, best In city. 216 8. 18th GET the habit; eat at Uneeda, Cap. Ave Belmont quality & quantity. 1516 Dodge, DRINKS and fine lunches. 723 S. 9th St. BAXTER'S fine quick lunch. 1615 Farnam. New Eng. bakery, best lunch. 212 N. 16th. MODEL rest, best service. 1609 Howard, WHITE HOUSE CAFE, first-class, pop lar prices. N. Koch, Prop., S13 8. 16th. DOUGLAS Cafe, 106 8. 14. Best 20o meal Yokohama rest, best 15c meal. 617 N. 16th. BALTIMORE cafe; everything in season; HOME cooking restaurant. 108 8. 13th. Excelsior bar and cafe, lunches, drinks, all day. H. C. Rann, 1208 Farnam St School Supplies. STOTT STATIONERY CO , school sup plies, 417 N. 24th, South Omaha. OMAHA Stationery Co., 1607 Farnam. Safety Ksion. WHEN your ssfety razor blades are dull remember Kutrlte Co., 320 Ramge Bldg. Seeds. PLANT Blue Grass now. The Ne braska Seed Co., 1613 Howard. D. 1261. Shoemakers and Shining Parlors. Nebraska Machlns Shoe Repairing Co., Good work while you wait. 618 S. 16th St. Sporting Goods. NEW shopworn guns at low prices. Townsend Gun Co., 1514 Farnam. Stenographers. Kelley, sten.. not'y. Brandeis The. D. 6682. Store and Office Fixtures. T. H. WEIRICH Fixture Co., high-grade mill work. Web. 2577. 1309-17 N. 24th St Storm Doors and Windows. Omaha Wn'dow Kern. Co. 624 N. 16 D. 4692 Tailoring. Cleaning rep. misfit suits. 612.50. 211H 8. 14. WE are now located at 205 Paxton block. B. G. Ruffner Tailoring Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit Wm TriornnKnriTailor' moved to 22 For fall suits see A. Kodym, 1411 Harney. NEW YORK TAILOR, cleaning and re pairing; first-class work. 23u2 Cuming. MALONY, tailor, 120 8. 15th. Suits 130 to tbO. JOHN A. RYLEN. tailor, makes good clothes. 406 8. lath. D 6329. Taxidermist. Aulabaugh, 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. 2221. Teats and Awnlags. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. SS2 Douglaa Trunks nnd Suit Cases. Factory prices. Frellng tt Bteinle. 1302 Far. Turkish Baths. Ladles', gents' Turkish hatha 15 A Doug. I'mbrellas. WESTERN Umbrella Co., 1621 Farnam. Wig Manufaeturere. 8. Glfflth, wig mfr., 1 Frenser blk. Wines and Liquors. CACKLET BROS., wines and liquors. SPECIAL offer: "American Gold," de lictus old whisky; reg. $1.26 qt, 8c; ex. pd. on qts. Hlller Liquor Co.. 1609 Far. ED ROTHERY 8chllw A,u' cigars, cafe in connection. Ill 8. 14th St. FINE liquors, lunches. 9th and Ixav. MAY CO., family liquors, 1303 Douglas. Bond, drinks, horns cooking. 621 8. 13th. Wines and I. Ignore t'ontlnned. Cuslck Bros, liquors, clpars. 3nth Ames. C. Ensellander. liquor, rigars. 1.M2 rKdge. C. A. Iwls. Orpheum buffet. 1.V9 liar. T. J. Hart. Ilqi.ors snd clfrars. 5"2 N. lth. WILI.OW Sprlnns beer, liquor, rlirirs. sandwiches. Alex Jetes. Douglas. Fdelwels beer, choice liquors and clears. Ind. tel. 8325. s. o. Munaon, i2 N. liith. O. LARSON'S Place, 312 N. lfith. Automatic 'phone Bus s. $2; residence, tl. NIELSEN'S Par Cafe. 1417 Podce. Chas. Loftman, 6-year-old whisky 10c drink South Omaha Directory. O. K. HARDWARE CO., 415 N. !4th St. Parks, wallpaper, paint, window srlans. EDUCATIONAL THE FALL TERM OF Boyles College. IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY TIME. Complete courses in Business, Rookkeep lng. tonography. Telegraphy, Civil Ser vice end Salesmanship. The catalogue is ready and tree for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address 11. B. Boyles. president, Boyles College Building, Omaha, Neb. Tutoring, first to eighth grade. H 3"44. .Y. M. C. A. night school now open. ST. BERCHMAN'S Pay Academy for young ladles. 27th and St. Mary's Ave. Y. f. C A. Pay and evening classes begin Oct. 9. Cooking. Plain sewing. Shirtwaist making. Millinery. Gymnasium. Clasaes In general education. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. "BEST IN THE WEST." Pay and evening sessions all the yesr. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agricultural, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Zsrtman, Pres.. 19th and Farnam. Pl'KYEAR college. Council Bluffs; tui tion, 67 per mo. We guarantee satisfac tion. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN Novelties, pleating, buttons. Doug. blk. WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new feathers. 2326 S. 12th. D km. PTTRTATNS laundered. 601 s. VjUXVIAUMO, Te, Harney 4541, L. LIEFF, 3139 Farnam. Harney 6410. 1-adles tailor. Now ready for tail season TrlipQ white hats cleaned, blocked. iJd.uito Ramser. Hatter, 220 S. 14th. riATTNT)T?Y Expert shirt and waist Rubber goods. Bell Drug Co., 1216 Farn. Velvetina shop now located, lil9 Far, N. FEINGOLP. ladles' tailor, announces his return from the east with cnmnlete nne 01 largest ana best imported ladles' gooos; ror a nign class suit see me; prices reas. ; fitting guar. 503 s. 26th. II. 5265. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR AT inti W AttUKUBt, 201B FAKNAM. D 1729. DEFIANCE STARCH has no equal. FIRST CLASSjrbi;..f,r Jffi SEE the "Brown Da lav " tl fj- .nniru labor saving brush: it absorbs' the dust una pousnes me iioor as it goes along. Courtney & Co.. 17th and Douglas. TRY our tonic shsmooo. Best in th. world. F. M. Schadell. 1522 Douglas St EVERY Person knows who It i O'Brien ,1a because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. J. Cogan 3514 S. 20th St.. will come to Th K office within thre days we will give her an oraer ror a o-cent box or O'Brien s canay free. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. PRIVATE LESSON8 IN SHORTHAND. Shortest system; bst system. Text book, 25c. Unlgraph Co., 16071 Farnam. WANTED Transfer girls and cash girls, 16 years or over. Apply Superin tendent, Brandeis Storea Automatlo 'phone Bus's, $2; residence, tl. Factory and Trades. APPRENTICE girl wanted st ODcen helm halt-dressing parlors, 236 City Na tional bank. FIFTEEN girls, at once, to work In bag department Bemls Omaha Bag Co, 11th and Jones Sta WANTED At once, women and rlrls: steady work and good wages. The Quaker Oats Co., r ort uoage, la. Housekeepers and Domestics. ISWOir k X7T1 1TBT. VkBAtftv w,w 1 J1EJ DDl.lJ.. uinu mVOLJEiJl SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes- t IJ.In W,n(t mA WTtW. . . get the desired results. Bring your ad to IHV DCO Uiiivv v iviotriiuuv If icr IUUU. WANTED Girl for general housework t In family. 133 N. 40th. Uar. 421. WANTED A girl for general house work; no objection to colored girl. 116 8. 38th 8t WANTED Girl for general housework: must be able to cook. w bi. Mary s Ave. GIRL for general housework. 3520 Burt. Harney 584. WANTED Girl for general housework: no laundry, 'fnona warney 14(. WANTED High school girl to work for room and board; l per week, wi n. 21st St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages. West Farnam district. 'Phone Harney 2733. GIRL for general housework. 1921 BIO- Bty St Phone Webster K1&. WANTED Competent girl for general housework at 1520 S. 24th St Inquire at 731 8. 16th. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1516 Georgia Ave; small family, good wages. WANTED Parlor maid: appl Immedl- ately, Brownell Hall. AY-Wtr l.u' aIa.K.. irnnmw , a u work and good pay. 29o7 Leavenworth St WANTED Neat girl to work In very small family; best wages; good horns. Phone Harney 6278. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 1326 B. 30th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. CIO S. 26th Ave. WANTED Competent girl for genersl housework; no washing' good pay. 3319 Dodge St Mrs. Charles Rich. Harney 3346. GIRL for general housework; nloe work; good wages: must be whits girl. Harney 2212. 431 Davenport GIRL wsnted for general housework; small family; no cooking. Call at 2h24 Douglas St. WANTED A girl for general house work; must have references. Call 42U6 Dodgs; phone Harney 1746. REFINED Christian woman to care for home and children attending school while parents srs sbsent three weeks after October 10; two servants; best of references required. Address G 420, Bee. WANTED A kind, reliable women as housekeeper; references required. 10u4 S. STth. (int'l W A NTFD Maid for general house work: muM be good rook, no washing. Ueut Kelley, Fort Crook. WANTI-'D Girl fr housework; three in family. Phone Webster 6103 WANTKP-An experienced girl fot generl housework. 119 8. Jth Ft. Har ney 970. WANTEP A girl f"r second work, 't s. 20th st.. Pookas :s:r. WANTEP A good girl for general housework. pWiln cooklnp. Permanent place to right pnrty. 4123 Farnam. liar nev 3440. WOMAN to do general hoi work, and care for children. Tel. Doug. lUt; flat 3. GIRL for freneral housework, small familv, wsshlng done; wages 96 per week. 24.S3 8t. Msry's Ave. WANTEP girl for general house work. 610 8. 25th Ave. WANTED Olrl to work for room and board. 2223 Dodge St. FOR ii ilalntv dessert use Palrell's ire cream. If Mrs. E. Whlttlg. 2fl23 S. 23d St., will conie to The Hre office within three davs we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. WANTED A good girl for general housework; four rooms; can go home nlBhts. Phone Harney 5242. GOOP girl to do peneral housework. Harney KM.",. Call m H. 2'Uh Ave. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework; tio washing. 1216 P. 7th St. A. J. Edmondson. PoukIss 7425. WANTEP A good girl for general housework; must be a pood cook, with references; no washing. 2S04 Harney SL Phope Harney 703. COMPETENT cook snd housemaid. Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall, 3727 Jackson St Phone Harney 227. WANTKIv A capable woman for trn eral housework. Apply 30O6 Mason Pt. M tseellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aS strangers are Invited to visit the Younn Women's Christian association building at t. Mary s Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable bonrdin places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid st the Union station. wivTiiiijfl Interested in educa tional work for two months' employment in n. nnrii nnt tanrhlns: salary to start $1.60 da'y. State present employment. Ad dress Y 175. Care Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitor. BOOTC salesman. W. A. Hlxenbaugh Co.. 1814 St. Mary's Ave. Tel. D. 3297. MTPW Whv work for wages when you iVirjlx CHn maie from I7i to $100 a week selling the New Era Rope Machine; makes stronger and better rope out of binding twine at less than , the price you can buy it for at the store. Omaha Sales and Supply Co., Sole Agents, 73S Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Bright, energetic young man who car. invest $1,000 in a profitable business as confidential clerk and take charge of office during manager's ab sence; give age, reference and business experience. If any. Address W 318, Bee. AGENTS wanted to sell high-class Sou. Ala. land. Com. cont, excl. terr. Good Nebr., Iowa terr. open. Grand Bay Land Co.. 636 Bee Bldg. AN answer to this ad will make you money. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. Biggest and best 10c meals. 1310 Dodgs. YOUNG MEN, STUDY LAW. Omaha School of I -aw. Evening ses sions only. Further Information, address secretary, 701 Orn. Nat. Bank. Tel. Doug las 867. WANTED Agents or firm to represent bottle factory for brewers and bottlers' trade; only such agents who are thor ouirhlv ecaualnted with the trade will please apply to the Coshocton Glass Com pany, Coshocton, O. MEN TO SOLTCIT Good pay; experi ence not necessary. 623 S. ltith bt. WANTED A stock salesman. K 927, Bee. EIGHT well-dressed men for house to house work; salary $1.50 to $2.50 per day nd car fare. Apply after 4 p. m. at Hotel Windsor. Aak for Mineral Clay Co. Manager. tip vnu are a live wire salesman and can meet and talk to bubiness men; if you want to connect with a good concern on a new live wire propunun ana ii you have good references, address D 417, Bee. WANTED Agents to sell cigars with premium direct to consumer. Apply for Information. Room 320, ItiO N. Fifth Ave., Chicago. ' i STUDY SALESMANSHIP. Class in practical work now being or ganized, directed by F. A. S. Price, for merly lect'irer of the Sheldon school. Membership limited. Call or phone for enrollment reservation. 602 City National Bank; Douglas 1101. Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy boys; good wages. W. U. Tel. Co.. 212 8. 13th St WANTED Good boy with wheel all day. Mathews' Book and Paper Store. 122 b. 15. WANTED A colored boy to make him self uteful In the kitchen. 2319 N. 24th. WANTED Trsnsfer boys and cash boys, 16 years or over. Apply Superin tendent Brandeis Stores. Clerical and Offlee. BOOKKEEPER for first-class whole sale house. Don't reply unless you are competent and experienced. J 806, Bee. LEDGER CLERK, IW. MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, $65. Office clerk (night work), $00. Extension clerk, $.'A GET BUSY if you want to consider any of the above positions. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps), jobs. Kniest Bes B g WANTED st once, good alround printer for country shop, $15 a week to right party; wire at once if you want the Job. The Chronicle, Odebolt la. HARNESS CUTTER, steady employ ment and good wages to a capable man. Tenlsou Bros. Saddlery Co., Dallas. Tex. WANTED First-class watchmaker. Ap ply Superintendent Brandeis Stores. FIRST-CLASS pressers Wanted, lttj Harney St. WANTED Apprentice for repair man. Omaha Stove Kepatr Works, Ijjo Doug las St WANTED A first class experienced cutter on riding saddles. Give reference. Apply J. B Sickles Saddlery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Miscellaneous. WAJCTED Men to prepare for sutomo- bile business, largest snd best equipped shopr. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, Omaha, WANTED Mail clerks, carriers, clerks In covernment offices at Washington, Omaha, Neb., examinations during Sep. tember. $ month. Annual vacations. Thousands of appointments coming. Can didates coached free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 21 H. Kocnester, N. . UO $100 MONTH AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA. NER. LARGEST AND HtuT. WklTK. RELIABLE Employment Agency, hotel and restaurant help. 1610 Davenport. BLATZ Wiener. Tel. Doug. 10sl for case. FOUND Faultless Clesnlng ork; suits steam prensed, 60c. Ill S. 10th. V. i4 lonarkerpera and Domestic X (I ' f V h