Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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moot Print It.
Oas, Elee. Fixture. Barr.s-aradaa.
Om. Mac. Wh. Mach. Pat. Drafting
Cinders to Be Had for tbe soling---
Apply Mets Bros. Brewing Co.. 6th and
Leavenworth etreets.
Bennington Farm Ud laaa. wtu
ha sold his farm ef 1WJ acres north ...1
Bennington to D. J. Daehlcr for 18 .
Asks DtmtfH for ralaa Arrest Mm.
L.1 Creighton haa started a ll-i.m datnaac
action agajnrt Mrs. fannle Cakl. aJl--:ng
false arrest.
MUMster Sail BowseRev. M . o
McLaughlin haa sold the loltage at
Grand avenue to Frank L.. Mouer. The
price was J2.7..
PTTUt rami Bold O. M . Brntemarkle
ind Wallace Fpringer of Omaha have
nought the fruit faxm of V. L. .roi,y.
northwest of Florence, for IS.0"0.
Boa of Officer Dlea The 8 months old
ton of Officer II. D. Corntau died shortly
after o'clock Monday evening, funeral
rrangements have not been made
Besolntlong for Congressman Lett a
The Commercial club n'-ciuvi- . oraimi
tee Tuecay authorized the .iiaftini; r.f
resolutions on the death of (JMiigresFinun
fames P Latta.
Jewlali Charity Ball Jemih
Ladies' Relief corps will give a ball for
hanty in the Auditorium on the een
ng of November i. Mrs. R. Kulakuftky
,- secretary of the organization.
Omaha ZXan Oeta Contract B. .1 Jobst
t Omaha lia eecured the contrait fui
rect:n .i fc."') Builu.gtou passenger
nation at NVbrasM City. It will be of
Lr:ck and cement. witu terra cotta trim
ming. Contest for Mew Member The mem
bership committee ot the '.ommercial
lub haa officially accepted the challenge
of Dav:d Cole of the execmis committee.
n a iviilt.-t for new iticnilrt-rs. fc.ii :l
ommittve ia iv bring in uuu-Int;.
Mondamins Sntertaln Mcmd.iiiim lodge
lia 111 of Fraternal l.'uion of
America, entertained about .00 members
and friends Monday evening at its hall
at Twenty-fourth and Parker streets In
honor of the anniversary of the lodge.
Three As ior Dlrorcsa Nellie Burnett'
htaj ttni sun tor aanibt 1 ran..
E. Barnett in uistrict com 1 luesuav. An
drew M. Harroid started suit lor divotce
against Lizzie Harroid. Theodore P.
.-rnirl started suit for divorce asair.e.
lulla A. Smirl.
Dr. Crowley l Honored . harlea I .
Crowley, R. M.. Ph. C., M.. D-, gaa com.
mlt.s:oner of Omaha, atnd profebaor of
chemistry in Creighton unlseisity, re
ceived T""-' ' V tiiat he had t-ren
.iioseu a member of the Amu n ju insti
tute of Clwraiii. i-.u:ueei s.
'Arrange Kotel Convention The hote
c.erka and managers of Nebraska and
Iowa will huld their regular quarterly
meeting the St. James hotel Wednesday
evening. Important business relating to
the convention, which is to be held here
In December, will be brought up.
Wild Chan Bnds at Book Pile Al
Wa'ker. colored, was sentenced to fifteen
days on the rork pile by Judge Crawford
TMesday morning on a, charge of va
grancy. Walker was arrested by Ser
geant Maden and Detective Murphy
after a wild chase at 6 o'clock Tuesday
moming in the police auto.
Xhoi Jara round Short Weight In
rpector Pegg haa found that a number
of Omaha, grocers are selling mason Jars
purporting to be quarts which really con
tain only thirty ounces The grocers sell
the jara to housewives for use in put
ting up their own fruit and any dealing
in illegal measures is a misdemeanor.
Ad Club 3tsn to blue The Omaha
Ad club will dine In the Henshaw rath
skeller Thursday- night at and aft
erwards listen to addresses by Dean
J amis A. Tancock of Trinity cathedral
and Charles A. Alden. financial secretary
of the University of Omaha. Mr. Alden s
subject will be "Dreamland and Our
Brills for Big arads Floatmen and
horsemen who will rliie In the electrical
parade of the knight of Ak-ar-Brn
Wednesday night. October 4. are In
structed to report for drill at the Den
next Monday night- The work cannot
be done properly without drill and. the
costumes must be fitted. "It 1s e?sentlai
that everybody come out and be there on
time for drill." said PTtarr Penfold.
New Commercial Club Members H. B.
Grav- of the Cudahy Packing company
and R. M. Landsey of the John Deere
Plow company have been elected mem
bers of the Commercial club.
Omaha Mads Goods om Display Sev
eral of the' manufacturers lio have
floats for the manufacturers' parade on
October I have- secured the co-operation
of retail merchants, who have promised
to till their windows with Omaha-made
goods on the day of the parade.
Commercial Club to
Boost Good Roads
and Conservation
Conservation waa the predominant sub
ject at Tuesday's meeting of the Com
mercial club executive committee, which
decided to send three delegates to the na
tional conservation congress at Kansas
City, to keep good roads a live topic be
fore the club and to send delegates to tiis
conference proposed by Deputy Etate
I-abor Commissioner Guye to consider
the agricultural development of the etate.
Tbe delegates will be appointed later.
A committee to have charge of the na
tional sheep bhow. December 11 to 14. was
appointed, as follows: II. H. Braudeia,
W. H, Bufhola. E. Buckingham. C. H.
King, T. B. McPherson. A. F. IStryker.
J. A. Shoemaker. J. 3d. GUlan. David
Cole. A. C. Smith. G. W; Herrey and J.
L. Paxton.
Burglar Fires When
He is Caught at Work
Detecting a burglar rummaging; through
the drawers of a chiffonier in his room
early Tuesday morning. 1 London. 120s
North Twenty-Pfth Mreet. grappled with
the intruder and narrowly raiaaed feeing
shot. Three reports awakened the neigh
tmri aud other roomers in the houae. but
the burglar escaped fcv breaking out
through a screen door. Tho burglar got
into the house, which is owned by Mrs.
Henry auumin. by breaking down the
kitchen dour.
Births aaU Datha.
Births Charles Murrsy, Chicago
ttreet. bov. C. A. Bruu. ltils Manderson
timet, girl; John Start. Fort atrset,
girl. La Vara Rvnr, 1T14 Nicholas. U'i:
aIU Felman. North Nineteenth
treet. gtrt . Jaanea Savae. boy. Edward
Malei irvintun, bn : Luuis Froom, boy
aiui girl (twitiai, Carl hL Lo gren. sli
Norm Forty-Mrst evenua. girl. Fred
Mchuchmann. 115 So.iiti Fourteenth
etreet. twin gins; Konstant MisKrevica,
lU William. bo ; Steve Moore. tVouth
renth otrert, boy: ileorge V. VVtlleti,
North Thlrty-flnt avenue, girl.
Deaths Frank Foua. 1, Fortieth and
Poi pieiou avenue. Laihy VN ynra. i M
North Tent -aeventn avenue.
Home Cooking
at University of Omaha domestir wtenre department
c the L'nivervitv of Omaha this
ear will he under the fipn'sion
of Mis Minr 8teers. Me Ste
"i" ' a gra-l'iate of Ames college,
ravins recerd her degree there
niter rornr'etMitj a fojr-yesr rootTft
.n d-vnesti. art and fc en-e. LaM
ear she he'd a bo'-Kiin sp an
-irtsnt In that depaitment at Ames
and corns lute htfhly recom
mended. Work in this departmrnt Included
drafting patterns, cnttlt-.g and mak
ms sarrr.ent3. a stud; cf differ
ent f:bres. spinning, tts'. m$ anl a
liutory of co; turning, and a M'idy
cf fource?. rterrucal composition
and digestibility of foods. To
courses trc Klen. one a two-year
course, which teaches the ifiris to
:cw and iirpa'-e the meals in the
Ivme. the tt5r is a fO'ir-'ar
tours aiil i-iii braces more a 1
ance'l w--k m all bianh- "f
silence fins course fits the y.r'.e
to "a.h domttiC sc. erne.
The deviartnient of do-r:euc
.ence is re cnized a one of 'if
n.c"Eat- ad'ttnetj- of all !.ns
liutit'iticns "f 'earning and ' rt
a-;thoiit.e at tire unnetity rxpe-t
Great Value for Bookloers Partici
pant in California Offer.
All I upi. i Uieitoacd Of caterdar
Total M on' I ban W rrn oll on
nr !iuBlr liar Dnrlno
PrVlo Tvtn Weete.
Ths second prize in The Bee Booklov
erV contest is located in Te.hama county,
California. The northern part of Tehama
count v is c really enhanced by Its place
in the valley. The .Sacramento in the
nor'hem extension of the great central
valley of California and is about HA
mile- Ions by nearly fifty miles wide. It
is a great level plain, bloectcd by a river
whicn is navigable to Red Bluff. The
valley proper i ail alluvial and the set
tlers' interest In it turna about its rain
fall and lta climate. Tehama county Is
the most abundantly watered of any por
tion of the central valley, and its cli
mate is simply the characteristic Califor
nia climate, differing in no essenta! from
that of the lower sections of the state,
according to the Trowbridge-Bolster
company. City National bank building,
local agents for the Tehama county land.
This valley was once an arm cf the
aeii. an arm withdrawn and folded back
upon the bosom of the Pacific. That is
tiie pootry of it; the prose is that the
water waa silted up by erosion; that the
chief river pushed its month aouthward
until nothing remains of this great tidal
estuary but uisun. .-an Pablo and Han
Francisco bays, the first two but parts
of the larger body. Tributary streams
from the two mountain ranges aided in
making the valley, but Its central part
is the werk ef the Sacramento.
Lett Rick Valley.
The soil bearing river filled up the
head of the estuary and pushed H back
ward 150 miles, leaving behind a wide,
rich valley. Its center Is all alluvial and
in-.the quality of the soil. ih-lepth of It
and in the climate, which is over all,
it ha ner counterpart in any other coun
try. Nature works blindly in such processes,
and the great valley haa spots and
patches of comparatively poor material,
but the very methods of soil making in
sures a body of land of the richest kind.
A soil survey Is now being made of the
vsiiey hy the bureau of soils of the gov
ernment. It is said that tebta made at
the St. Louis exposition showed, when
compared with aoil from the valley of
the Nile, from the lowlands of Holland,
from France anl Italy that, this alluvial
sol! ot California,, held more of plant
food than any of the others.
In this country on tne east side the
soil is a dark 'brown sandv loam, under
laid by and and gravel, the rich loam j
on top olten many feet deep. On the
west ilae tnt tuianie area is rnucn wiaer i
and the soil haa a reddish tinge from
oxide of iron and the hills are gravelly,
but the chief characteristics of the valley
are the lua-uiy iand-i and the amazing
depths ot the soil, with no difference in
appearance, m texture or quality, at the
bottom or the top of a deep excavation.
The sale of title catalogues yesterday
waa the largest In the last two weeka.
The members of the social science de
partment of the Woman's club got to
gether for tbe first time this season
Monday afternoon at the Field dub.
where they were the guests of the leader.
Mrs. F. J. Birs.
Taikst upon sociological aubjects were
given by Rev. D. E. Jenkins, president
of the University of Omaha; Miss Mar
garet Guthrie, an instructor in the uni
versity; Mrs. M. D. Cameron, president
of the Woman's club; Mrs. Draper
Sniiiu. factory inspector under the state
child labor law; Mrs. Harriet Heller of
Lincoln, formerly head ot the Omaha De
tention Home;. Misa Ida Jonix. secretary
ot the Associated Charities.
Tbe department will taka up the study
of causes of unfortunate social condi
tions. The first regular meeting will be
October 3. Programs for tbe year will
be prepared by Mrs. Draper Smith. Mm.
Albert Edholra. Mrs. G. W. Chertington.
Mrs. Edward Pbelan. Mrs. C. W. Hayes.
Mlas Ida Jams. Mrs. Russei McKeie
and Mrs. Clara E. Bur bank.
A business like individual walked
brukly into the McManus wall paper
store at 15 North Twenty-fourth atreat
Monday afternoon and announced his de-
sire to negotiate a purchase. He was a
particular cow and knew Just what he
wanted. The clerk went to the hark end
of the store to get it fcr him and when he
returned the visitor bad disappeared, ao
had H7 and a no check, which had been
extracted from tbe ea&b drawer
Marrlai Lsewwers.
MtrntKi llcenees were granted to the
following couples:
Name and residence Age Nikisc. Suuth Cmaha jo
Heien t'rukoif. ."fcuth umaha 21
Then Wtlloughby. Omaha a
Mannda Ricnardeon. Omaha. a
Roy Craig. Blair. Neb- a
t'lara Furrev. Omaha a
GiUaeppe Badjmi. Omaha. 4
Mana Vlrst. Omaha 18
"harles W. Galpin. Kanaas Oty, Mo...
Llla M. Frice. lienan3uali. la J
Herman S. hum. MatllnKhurg. Neb Jt
Ida S Haiti. Manina-bur, .Ncu
is Taught
It.. .
.11 at.? thi.- oi:, - tnpif'.e in e.ri,
Victims Lxpliin How The,T Are
Taken In on a "Club' Plan.
Followim Fraud Ord- r I tuned hy
Poatofflce Depart uo'iit rhed
ole of Inset and Liabil
ities Are Filed.
The method of operation f-mployed by
the TVeBtem Furniture company. 1715
Leavenworth street, aainrt which a
fraud order has been i(-su-d bv the Pot
offlce department, and which company
has riled a petition in voluntary bank
rupcy, nas come to hsht through com
plaints heard at Tork. Neb.
Prior to the filing of the bankruptcy
PMition in Omaha the company Kent out
crews of agents. At York this crew. com.
poed of five women and a man, can
vassed the town to organize what was
known as a "furniture club." It cost 60
oents to join and dues were 25 cents a
week. Each week there waa a drawing
of some piece of furniture. It is reported
that after having collected the entry fee
the crew disappeared and has not been
heard from since.
Returned "Fraud" Letters.
The Tork member of the "club " wrote
in to the "home office" on Leavenworth
street, but their letters were returned,
stamped "fraudulent." The town of
Aurora is reported to have been worked
In the same manner.
The Western Furniture company Vas
formerly the National Furniture com
pany, located at Des Moines. A fraud
order was issued against the concern
there, and the promoters of the scheme
came to Omaha. It Is stated that in the
meantime the schemers sold stock In the
company to two unsuspecting individuals,"
and that they have lost about 05.000.
The unsuspecting members of the com
pany are said, to be the ones who Insti
tuted the bankruptcy proceedings In order
to clear their slates. The assets are
about COoo. while the liabilities amount
to more than 117.000.
Sick headache is caused by a disordered
stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets
and correct that and the headaches will
disappear. For sale by ail dealers.
7 rS.!J.Tr& T ;.r
S ' H'i-;" v )
I Brandeis Stores
An Exceptional Value
Our dots' "Skule Sutea
vainps In bo.'s' clothiug we
Tne notsear
0Gtf MCR1T. "
Fare Boxes Placed
on the Farnam Line
Fare hexes were placed on thirty cars
on the Farnam line Tuesday and the
passenger now drops his fare in the box
instead of handing It to the conductor.
The advantage to the company is that
this gives the conductor more time to
punch transfers and start the car and
the cars can thus mske faster time
The fare boxes will take nickels, dimes
and pennies. If you hsve no change, the
conductor will maka change for you. The
money stops on a slide in the box. that
the conductor may examine It through
the glass to see that no punched dimes
or lead nickels are worked off on him.
When the conductor turns a crank, the
monev drops further down and automa
tically registers itself.
Five pennies register one fare; a
nickel, one far; and a dime, two fares
The conductor still rings up tickets as of
old by pulling a rope and collects the
Fare boxes will eventually be installed
on all the company's cars.
The marking of the Oregon trail has
been rescued from the brink of discon
tinuance by a contribution of SO sent
by G.- W. Wattles ef Omaha to assist in
the work. The commission has been
somewhat embarrassed because the state
appropriation can be ued only re pur
chase markers for the trail, while many
incidental . expenses have to be met.
"This Is not the first time Mr. Wattled
has shown in a substantial way his in
terest In- the State Historical society
and in marking historic sites and trails."
writes the secretary. "It is hoped other
men of public spirit and financial ability
si' " j;. ' r
Braitdeis Stores
Quaker Maid" dress is cer
tainly charming
Dyeing to Match Samples
Our new EnKltsh Dyrv guarantes to perfectly MATCH bis dyeing to
A.T shade joig may put before him. Mow about tlresa trimmings;
wouldn't it be fine to match 'em up all around? This is the only Omaha
concern able to IX ) it
Telephone Tyler 13f0 or Auto A-22ZS and a wagon calls. Express
paid one way on shipments of $3.00 or over. Uptown receiving stations
at Pompeian Room of Brandeis' Stores and Dresher the Tailor's, IS 16
Farnam St.
Dresher Bros. 2211-13 Farnam Street
' at the prloea we ask are the bbt
know of. No othtr ooncpm ran give
yon such good cloth, such good work
manship such good linings and such
Rood suits at the low prlco we offer
them at. The suits are muue for bo-.
who run and jump and play.
know how thpy were ma ii and e
had them made for your buy
Select h's fall suit now while
the selectiou is largo and picas? re
member that our guarantee goes with
every sale we make
Price 33.95
Extra knickerbockers to rcat-h 51
OtUr special values
t S1.D5 510
Fcr the Older Boy
Who weirs long trourers
hav the snaiipiest. moft fctr lish i:id
TTins durable suits yon eer saw.
Nothing ub roore thaj t.
pbato you aud to do thia we -tft-r
r-xieptlonal values in thvse s'liri
Boys' lon trouper suit a prices
f S7.50 to S 15.00
niUHil' ' IBM"; Mini ii " i W
will follow the example and aid not only
to mark the Oregon trail, hut also the
California trail, which was quite as im
portant." Workman is Killed
at Freight Depot
Ben Ellis, a laborer, was killed at the
Burlington freight depot st 7 30 Tues
day. He was transferring freight from one
car to another, standing on a platform
between the two. when a switch engine
struck one of the cars. He was thrown to
the ground and his neck was bloken.
Ellis was n years old and lived at 1141
South Twelfth street.
Most Wasderlnl Healing.
After suffering many years with a snr.
Amos King. Port Byron. N. T . was cured
by Bucklen a Arnica Salve. Sc. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
"During ray summer's stay at New
port." write Mae Martyn, "I was great
ly Interested in the unusually charming
complexions of the women. T soon found
that these fortunate possessors of per
fect complexions no longer use powder,
since It clogs up the skin pores and causes
blackheads, wrinkles, etc. Instead they
use a lotion made by dissolving 4 ounces
of spurmax In either -P'nt hot water
or fc-plut witch hazel, adding I teaspoon
fuls glycerine. Where witch hazel is Uied
the lotion dries more quickly.
"This splendid lotion clears and whitens
the skin making It smooth, soft and vel
vety. It removes that shlnv. sallow look
and does not show or rub off like powder.
It Is far superior to face powder, and a
permanent skin beautlfler.' Adv.
Show Every StyU That Has
Fashionable Favor This Fall
Smart Dresses of Smart Silks
Are you looking for a novelty this sea
son? If you want a frock that's really
smart and strictly new you should see
these dresses of crepe de chine and
crepe meteor, adapted from original
ideas of Doucet and Paul Poiret. "The
$25 :v
Serge Tailored Dresses
are Wondarfullf Papular Tnia Fah
Omaha women realize the distinct ad
vantage in selecting dresses at Bran
deis, where the varieties admit of an al
most unlimited -selection, and expert
saleswomen know what in fabric and &
style is best suited to each individual.
You will find these serge tailored
dresses extremely attractive. Prices are
812S0-el5 S1753el9-S2250 g S39
"Fashionseal" Suits
urn the Fall Style Ariatocrats $4
Osce buy a "Fabhion&eal" and you'll never
choose any other sort of suit at $25. There's (fr
an air of refinement about a "FaahionBeal"
t&at other lines of suits at thia price never fWi
show. "Fa.bhlonbeals" are perfectly &Ch'm
tailored. Never so many stunning S
styles shown in Omaha, at Vsaii V
Open Every
Tveniim I ntil
?:(Mi ll'ilmk.
I I ' : M I I I I , I
. aw Fia--" It A i
1 t - m aA?m i
To the Piano-Purchasing Public of
Omaha and ih2 Norihwes!
We will e niuM neil f2r.000 worth of manoa within the next 15 daya.
Our floors are fairly bulging with high grade I'lanoa Mint if you act .iilck:y
you can i ai low as one-third thrir original inc"., or in ot! er words, st
3.1L-c on tlif Dollar Mir sile now in progress an a National piano s-lling event is
tinsurpafct-e-i hy any fuller ssie of its kind in America. We believe timt . personal
call or inspecnn rt'id investigation will lie rmvincing evidence n the most criti
sn-cafle.l "lit: rjams" oflereil ulsewher. hut before wi purchase be sure and see
our nffpr'nir.n I., turn ilei-titlna
The mainnty of th-fe pianos were taken in exctiaiiRe as nart payment on new
Knat litmus and Foeter I'layer Piiinob. the majority of these pianos came from
hnmes wl.sre H ere was no ne to tijny the piiino aiM they exchanged it in on
Player P.auu. Many of these pntnos are only sliichtly used and cannot tie told from
new and art KiiHr,tiite-d to i- in excellent plavtng condition and for a period of
from five t' twentv-five venrs
TuesoHV. September l'.'tn. Bargain Offering's that will he Disced on sale at
5 A. M. anu offered on no other dale.
N . I KJndiy hnng this edvertinement with you and ask the salesman for
bargain;, specified preferred, which will Teat!v aid is in handling the 'ram ens
crowwds Jirrt aii!.e no inrtinvniitnre or waiting. Open until 9 o'clock P M.
e'W"1 -i
J t 1 1 Ull
I e;iiJI - y 7 I I E
I m r ' jt . . r . fi a bib
mit,i ?,
Wa"l T",
' '1 a . .
1 ei i.-C."
! '
u e 'ein honored hy (he KXAJsa Co n t.e ti.eir exclusive represent atlven
in this 'Ht"ry, we uave mirronn'M the "trie world's heei piano." wun
. r, uoe i-inru in a wrn ni iwn 01 me rni.t capable and trust wort
salesniei. n Omaha, uentiemen of wnora vou hhve known for vearsihMt n t.
i preasu.n tt.ey utter y.m will have no reason to douiit. They will h r,A in .m
any ana .l of their furmer customers In their new home Thev are Mr W V
H!TdenPErosrrn,'r!y W"h th Bennett Co ,ul Mr. J. W. Watson, formerly of
lata and raraasa Streets .
y: l
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Opas "very enxng TlU O
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