Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1911)
THE BEE: OUAHA. TVEDXESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1311. MYSTERY BAFFLES POLICE1 Body of F. Z. Gwr-. it Found Under Strang Condition!. TWO m HATE BEE3 A2EZSTE3 e ( 0MMkr.Wtf iMKill Hewr with Waa sad Wman, W aae A rt ! A re Be. aeeel with tugirtai. "ot e t:ne without uTr he says he nt up it the r-vitn end found Gajre, iv'n nn the bed dead. He !mraHItt j-: notified tre r'""i". who in tun not. fed i the errnner. SURPRISE AT LARGE CROPS rnre. hut Citnmon fell for ;t. 'n ho A like to have his Vh hack. A possible murder confronts the police In the finding of the body of F. E. ae to a snack at tha rear of 113 Davenport street. Tha body waa found at :0 o elorit Tjeaday morning by JTlody Van Winkli, eriori. who says that he own the ahacx. and um it aa a rnuming house. Van Winaie s statements have, not b-n thoroughly credited by tha police and he has been placed in Ja.l. pending further Investlratlon. The erreat has also been made of Ed Bianstein. who, tuge.her with a tail blonde named Myrtle, accom panied Gaga to the shack Monday night. Tha police are, now trying to locate the ta.l blonde. When found the nam of the man waa not known, the only ldent:f'.catlon muK being' tha Initial! F. E. on hia clothes. Later In the day George Gates Appesr-d and MentiHed tfce hndy aa tht of h.a eousln, F E. Gaff, of 1SCT Famam street. W7ien found Gaga had apparently en dead since anon after he entered the eiiack with Blansteln and the blonde, aa there, were, evidences of decomposmnn. The body waa fully dressed, with the emreptlon of a hat Mid coat, which wera hanging over tha back of a cha.r. Vanwlnkle waa questioned by the police wery minutely and said that about 12 clock Monday night Gage and another tnan and woman all came to his place and anked for a room. Tha woman was a tan Monde and nicely d reward. The man said ha waa a bartender at IH9 Far nam street. There is no saioon at l-''0 Famam street. Tha triree people went upstairs and began drinking. About 4 'clock the s IP posed bartender and wo man left. Aa tha couple were leaving the bouse the man turned around and said to Vanw-.nkle: "Remember If you want a drtnk come up to 1210 Famam street." With that the two disappeared. About o'clock thla morning Vanwlnkle Went upstairs to wake hla only roomer tf tha night. After calling tha fellow for Ak-Sar-Ben List Eeaches High Mark TV!th a membership of 1.532 lovai kmgata King has more mem bers than In any year of his eventful career, except in when an extra f- furt waa made for memberhtp. Follow ng is the attendance by years: '.;v h-a...'.'.'. 564 1 I!.. .1 ; : . ; i.i'T! n . s4 1 1i.. sr.. 11 . V'in.. 1 viii.. l. ' !, 1.-M6 l.j. 1 ; i.o i.:sa L2 i NEW SHOPS PLANNED FOR I STREET RAILWAY COMPANY! I Contractors are flgur'r.g bids on the ; j con$Tr-jrt;c,n of an udditional hip huild- ' 'ing for tha street car cmpanv s snops it . Taen'v-txTh and Lake trt. It will j be of br'ck. one storv hlgn. ;4xl0 feet. I The new shop, which wii! be erect-d I this fall, will allow the company to r- ' I sums Its building of new cars, in which ! ! Mne It had done nothing this yar. owing I to lack of shop room The shop trill he partially devoted to repair work, however. LOITERING ON SCHOOL GROUNDSJS FORBIDDEN The edict has been put Into effect at the Omaha Hirh sc'ir. ol that cigarette mok in; ind !oitei-nc on the school SToiindji wt.l not e tolerated hereafter, and woe to the otfender who Is canpht breaking this rule. Thcrras H. Fitzger ald, custodian of the school, was kept bUEty during the warm days of last week rounding up the offenders. Sew York Banker Expected to Find the State Burned Up. BXPOBTS GOCfG IAS1 Sebraekas la Renered Mllltea Dellar Crws) Open the Eyes ( mm Kaatersi Baeker at the Ceteivewtlwa. 'I certajnly was rurprtsed to learn from the bankers throughout the state that the crops In Nebraska and surrounding states are remarkably large,' said Mr Charles H. Imhoff. rice president of tha Mercan tile National bank of New York City, who la attending the convention of the Nebraska bankers. "In New Tork near'y all reports state that the com and wheat of Colorado. Nebraska. Iowa and Kansas amuunted to m!v about half the usual crop, and these false reports have had a bad effect upon many eastern hanks. Since I have been here I have talked to many banker, and '.hey say that business could not be bet ter. There seems to be a g wd demand for money and conditions generally point to another year of prosperity for the west. "The condition ef toe banaa In New Tork and In the east, while not as hiajlhy aa thoae in Nebraska, is consid ered fair. In the last month, however, the demand for funds has Increased, and with the demand a littia higher rare can be secured. "From all I can hear and see. it seems to me that Nebraska is to be congratula ted upon the extraordinary healthy con dition of its banks." 1 OMAHA PHOTOGRAPHERS ARE AFTER ITINERANTS Photorrapners who are established In business here, pay taxes, have their money Invested In Omaha have ser-ous objection to the Invasions of itinerant members of tlte profession who come to the city in crews, gancs and indinduaily. gather up as much money as thev cn and then disappear. The locai men pro poee to have an ordinance paseed .m poeing a fee of tib a day for ail trave'lng photographers, and In their efforts they will have the assistance of the Commer cial club. BARBERS TO CONTINUE FIGHT ; ( Eefasal of Council to Act Does "Sot' Change the Situation. ; Ttie Omaha Ugc's Great ooklovers' Contest CRE1GHT0N ORGANIZES A HIGH SCHOOL TEAM A high school team is being organic, d at Cretghton and a large crowd turnej out for the first practice held Monday night on the campus. Owing to a late start there has been a little difficulty in arranging a scnedule. hut several games have !rai1v been secured and a few mor are under con sideration. John Williams has been elected captain and will lead the f.rM blue and white representatives of the h:gh school. MGHE AR2ISTS WILL FOLLOW Heard Wednesday aad Twe M mr Master Worfcasea Will Be Arrested. The refusal of the council to set i upon either the proposed amendment to i or the repeal of the barbers' Sunday cloe ! ;ng ordinance, does not change the situa tion thai has existed since the orgtnal measure was adopted several months ago. The barbers propose to continue their campaign av'a-ns: the masters aho ob ject to closing on Sundays, and make arrests wherever violations are tin I earthed. Under the present ordinance I several convictions have been secured, j and they feel that m time Vhey can bring about absolute and genera cios 1 mg of shops. j A. L. Pard in. proprietor of the Hen I ahaw shop, who was arrested for violat I ing the ordinance, will be given a hear ing in police court Wednesday morning. I and at the same time the journeymen 1 barbers will file two more compla-nta of ' violations. VISITOR LCSES MONEY BUCKING AN OLD GAME 1 GENERAL MANDERSON TO REACH NEWJTORK FRIDAY General and Mrs. C. F Manderson. who hare been spending the summer 'n Eu rope, are expected to land in .New Tork Friday. On the boat with them are Mr. and Mrs. C. N. T'leis and J. H. Millard and daughter. Miss Jessie Millard. Gen eral Manderson. who has been quite 111, Is reported ns quite improved. 1 iminuc norm atc raanc umuiig itinKvusiL uniiww AGAINST NEW SHOE STORE Cards are being circulated calling at tention to the fact that "Alexander (the shoe man) is having his store fitted up with nonunion labor. Therefore union men are not buying his shoes." The cards 1 bear the union label and are signed by the committee. Lew FaT-es East. New Tork City and return. Mt-HF. Bos ton and return. HO.tX). via Montreal. UZ and V4& direct. On sale daily until Sep tember 30. Low round trip fares to many other eastern points "a Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paul Ry. Tickets, 1134 Fa mam street. Omaha. Ed W. Compton of Paonla. Colo., is V3 short as a result of a little experience In Omaha Tuesday morning. He met a vrr promising stranger at the depot when he arrived at T o clock enroute to a pont in Iowa. They strolled up tha street. Thev wtaaed their hlrt and be came Jolly good fellows. Then a second stranger came upon the scene. The first stranger and Compton. with sly winks, entered Into a deal to skin the other stranger oy matching dollars. It was the old army game, aa played In days of FROST VISITS TWO PLACES IN WESTERN NEBRASKA Frost was reported In two places along the wertem diviricn of the Burlington road Tuesday morning. At Broken Bow the temperature dropped down to 32 above rero, and at Dunning to 31. Mrtny other towns on the line reported very cool weather, but these were the only places visited by Jack Frost. Baildlas Perm its. Wise Memorial horpital. Twenty-fourth and Harney, addition. t3.00: Uisaie Wakefield. -TTT Meredith, f-ame dwemnu. U-ji"1; James Hu ee. I5 HicHory. bnca shop. fci; B. J. fM-anneil. ...y Ames, frame -iwelling. S2.;V: Richard Keisev. Ames, frame dwelling, S2.JW. ; I The Yellow Peril. j Jaundice malarial billloitsness. vanishes when Dr. King's New Life Pills are i taken. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale by Be- ton Drug Co. i Vo. 30 Wednesday, September 30. 1911. t li -r-r- in 4 i 1 r l"-7--r'rzi3ini3 yif id What Beck Docs This Picture Represent? Title AtltllOr e- a e en e urn sM 4B asje SBSSi 4ass Your Name Street and Number . City or Town Writs In title and author of book and SATsl coupon snd picture. Send no coupon until finish of the contest Is announced. Ech picture rep resents a book title not a scene or character 'Tataioguea containing 6.000 n&mss on winch ail puzzle pictures are based the catalogue used by th contest editor are for saia at the Business Office at Tha Be for li cants; by mail. 30 rerta Rules of thm Contest alas gli w osepea axxia. usap sai saesM se ssmeaaister aimia as assart! smsi eM An tMneas are ellcTMs ts atar this hsim aii nil slai et the Ossaaa See sad enbara at taeir taauiiaa. Baca ar. tsr wsix-iTe w tkers will be peMtaeea ts TiM Bw a picture waica will leyj mmmt ibe aasae of a esse, aeaaata sasa atttsit asse will be a hunt tor uw eonissum te OH la tb utl of tbe baea. Cat out bets the picture ma lam hi nk u till la the suae sad aolfcar ef Ike aeasj aa aaa rovr sum an aaaraaa aaetlr aoa piauxlr la the spaue preridas. Ne nancoiiu wiu be muM oa the war la which aa era ta us plitiss assr ha aa. earaa. each pirtare rapraaants nir oae UUe at aae bins. U poe ara aaa aaas mt a title sad wish to sacs la sura thaa one aaae er te aarh picrura. yve ssar e aa. BtT fsor MORI THAil IVl A.SWERS TO ANY ON PtCTLHB WIU. M PSKJaTTTBIX la- oarraet anawara will aaa be oomatea aaWia at ownawinta If 00 mart aoawar la More thaa oae anawer ahoaia not be put a tha aan aai nr extra tneeai s. AU aaaai a le t aeadlas la the aac Oalr aiie luc aw he hare ties anawara te aach punla. Tha Boabar of ooapona uaea aarvara glTee sjvat ba siataly eiMtaa aai taw eessMe Si aarh SET aabmlttjd. bwt as set write sack lalsnaauea ea tae wteseaat a hue not aaaaiutaiir iinnaaai j. it is aaatrable that the ptrtvea afthseM tm esa aaaa be snot la with the answers, is ereer tbaA ail aaawara ba unltnna. 1 iinit1aal gasassas and in amis amp be ebuinad at the effl am of Taa Bea by mail ar la pii mm. Wbaa rna bae all mrlt ateuaaa. fasten teeas mine ia a W1aT punas sa sag artag or mall thaaa to The oauha Bee. a sain te Uaahmais' c net aai Salter. Pllm will be awaxdee te tae 00m aai ants aaaSias la tha largest number at uariaia aalis abaa la avaet at twe er spore pafsaus haata the aaaibar at earraot aerouaaav the aaasa) earns the anmailar aoanar at extra aDtipana la bis aat ot ajieeaia will be aai laia alnsat. la pons, the peraoa whose aat et answers la sioat aaaUr nap area, la the wplaiee at the tall Jajastac aatnBtttsa. will men the frrat write. Oalr aee Uat at asawars assr be aabauttad br a 1 swamsd te waa family at aee aedreaa The aae ot the inajiaa le set abllcatery spaa tae sabmiuatf la aar legibia auaw tha oeaiaatani mar saiaeu Awares wiu be suae atneup aceareins e the saartt at aeaa ar tiara The name et mora thaa ene paraoa moat not ba wrttlea upoa any The awaros wtu be amae or the era teat Eauar mm a aaas. ehuaa aamas wiu be ansaanced later. The uueiaat le Ihaited te the follcwins temtorrt Kahraafea. Wyrmins. tsat pertawa at lews wast ar dvi oat laciaatng uaa jama the Black Hills Dlatrtet. Pi - i Q s h 3 ti The Westthe Mecca of Fortune Hunters Land hungry America clerks, stenographers, merchants, doctors, lawyers, farmers, capitalists all find happiness and weiJLh in the land of God 'a garden the -wonderful, pulsating, ever-developing west. Divided up into small farms, there is land for hundreds of thousands of fortune-seekers for those who know just how to handle it and where to find it. Audit's the exact purpose of the mm u i i a 1 a d OCTOBER 16 to 28. T i 1 I li HA LAID) SHOW AK-SAR-BEN COLISEUM, OMAHA, NEB. To tell every landseeker in America, where the best land may be found, to demonstrate how the greatest returns can be gained from the wonderful resources of this western land, to show how marvelous crops are raised and to make it clear what lies before man in this wonderful land that is but ret in its childhood age. r Big states all co-operate Ten of the greatest states in the union have co-operated to make this second Land Show the beet ever held anywhere. In 1910 the first Land Show was held in Omaha. It was promoted and financed by the progressive Omaha Daily Bee and The Twentieth Century Farmer. It was a grand success. Thousands visited the show. And every visitor meant business. Everyone listened to the talk of the west, everyone took away maps and booklets descriptive of the land; .It waj a thoughtful, hopeful crowd that witnessed the first I,nii Show. So much more extensive will be this sec ond Show that many more thousands than were here last winter will be here. this falL You should be among the thousands. J I Lavish exhibit of products At this second Land Show will be lavish exhibits of fruits, grains, and countless other products. Here will be models of those rich western farms, full of the wealth of the nation. Here will be men to tell you of the location, soil, transportation, drainage, water, supply, dry-farming crops that pay best, labor conditions, prices, terms, and about all that the landseeker wants to learn. Lectures, motion-picture machinea, and other fascinating means will bring the fertile west before your very eyes and ears. Special programs with many imported entertainers, Indians, bands, singers, etc will furnish amusement and diversion during the thir teen days of the big show. v J' Omaha is the logical place for this Land Show, and The Omaha Daily Bee and the Twentieth Century Farmer are the logical spon sors for it Omaha is the key to the west The Omaha Bee and the Twentieth Century Farmer are spokesmen for the commercial, social and farm interests of the whole west, and they assume the duty of telling the world of this most wonderful of lands. Come to Omaha October 16 to 28, and learn how to get land of your own a :rx:::Xl.: a FTDCT PDTTT7 Valua 1 JJ-VkJ X X L1jU 22.000 QT White Steamer Automobae A 5-pasitenger 1911 Model Trt-hite Steamer Touring Car odorless, smokeless and noiseless. So cracking no sniffing nf gears; any desired speed. Whit Steamer sales Increase eacn sucreeding year. Has practically an endorsement of the United Statee government, whlcn owns and operates more vvnits Steamers tiian ail otner cars combined. Rlrhly upholstered, beautifully fln lened. unlimited poster, controlled speed. This ear srill ba ablb1ts4 la Obi aaa at a later date. SECOND PRIZE Value 91230 In tha soft, aernl-trople. climatic sons, extend ing north from Son Diego to Shasta County. Cali fornia, lias Tehama county. In whlcli la situated tills beautiful little 10-acrs ranch near tha town of Red Bluff. This Is fruit land of a very high order and la part of the celebrated Lutheran col ony which had its Inception with an Omaha clergyman, i-lterature describing this property may be seen at tha office of TBOWBXXSQB-BO&. TXB CO, la tha City Sattoaal Bask BaOdl&g, QjnaJiav ) li r WB ,.. I ikssj "ass. i-a at? I rte'ii-aV ve.rrl . f TTTTOT. PDT7T7 Vela. 11111X1 1 lUImila $900 The magnificent, fancy walnut aWTO OaVaJTS rUTXaVniXO which noth ing can excel. No other player-piano haa In tha absolute tha "humsn touch" so desired by a musical ear and so prised by tha ifst turera. This Instrument will ba exhibited. plained and nlayed for anyone who wishes to se it in tha war rooms on tha third floor mt THE BENNETT CO. Valu 9273 FOURTH PRIZE Kaiston Is to ba a manufcrrurlng city. They have a start wit!; ihe lirown True Man ufacturing Co . the R era Mutor ar Ca, and the Howard 8uva WorSca. Everything deair sole to comfortable living mir he found mere. On on of i ha mam buaineea streets The He has selected its fourth prize a business lot 2ixl0 tecu and valued at B375. FIFTH PMZE, Value $225 In tha same town and with tha urns prosper of advsj haa selected a residence lot auxlHO ft-, and valued at taaa. KAiston la on tne only lnteruban trollev Una nuuuaf out ( Omaha aad within forty minutes of the Omaha poatotuoe. "Tirte inTi-msTHn atut tnia nrTerty at the office- mt thm ". UKeat.a vuau-u I, sua BSIU 17TJ1 M, OS Tha Ba SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PEIZE3 Thla Ingenloua anryrlopedla. which is a develnp ment r:Vir tiian invention, haa beaudsa Its eon. veniernen the vaiua of hundred of editors men tiijy eiuipii-d to make one of the greeieet ency cioidiae ever con. plied. One of tha strongeet reeomineudatluns for this work Is thai It is Torn tpe press of t" relUhle old house ef TMoav m m a SUSS, ef slew Tors. Xmmmom, Pa all a '-I'wruaest v 1 WM W 'UlUiMBB, WTH'n W lUM SlI m 4Mt fllrlBlV ba aen at tha Oman, office of W. A. aTHeaUaug, aj C, Isle i I wLrri Arm. NINTH AND TENTH PRIZES tfIn;tfJni" couat of twenty-four volume cloth bound sets ef tha "Boe !,W71fL' a ' made eepec.ailv tor ehildreiTd aofd at ! fv. . Thl" orl' ; wrn'-n ln eimpie languaga snd la a "eooilw does " Is hiLmj"i" r,:J!S'" ,a nece.a yTL oruid VucauJaTTW. are hundreds of colored plate, and tnou.encie in black and wait Thla la a fun? eipped enrycior.eir mad. tr eniidr. .rt may be iii, at the OnUal offloa of W. A. lmjriiAgO as Imlm at. xarrs AeeaaaT osaaaa. FORTY-FIVE CASH PRIZES Hve Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Ten Prize of $1 Twenty Prizes of $1. WATCH FOE THE DAILY PICTURE dTtHE BEE.