Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1911)
12 TTTT BTTE: OMAHA. TTEDXKSPAT. SITiTMr.i:T? m. Thar- I r We I SU f Oarnl- k tnrea I .ad I Faa- m trenteries fro rn the took. D D cti n o M mm i. 1 ' t. Friday we Mil All the Short fcemrth and piece from th Stock. Vcdncsday New Lots from Dressmaking Stocks of Mile. Angela, 2014 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, and the Fifth Avenue N. Y. Dressmaking Establishment. These stocks were bo great that they have been di vided into lots to show on different days this week. Wednesday's specials are the greatest of the sale. All the Imported Challies These are this fall's importation, with the new bordered effects, light and dark ground, floral, dots and Persian designs, so very popular for this coming season, that retail all over United Mate if HII gy at 75c in this dressmaking sale, choice fi at, yard . .. All the 54-Inch Serges, Broadcloths and Novelty Goods. That were imported to sell up to $1.25 a 50c yard going on front bargain square at, yard All lVS-Yard Strictly Wool Serges, Cheviots and Broadcloths. t In blue and all new colors. These were imported for this dressmaker for tailored Buits that she made to sell for $100.00. On two bargain squares Slid $1 CJJ f From 20 to 24 inches wide. In black and OlJLlIV aji coior8 of the rainbow. The quality VFT VT?TQ retal18 up to $2 a yard. Is going In VfiLVtilJ this dressmaker's sale at, yard All the High Grade Novelty Silks. v Only one pattern of a kind. These are the silks that the dressmaker estimates in making her fixed price of $100.00 a gown going in our silk depart- d ment at, yard , vl 79c All the Lower Priced Silks. That cost to import from 75c to $1 a yard on front y"f1.Tr..a.'. 39c and 49c SILK CHIFFON All the dressmaking 45-lnch pure silk chiffons, In all the colors of the rainbow at, & yard 29c New Lots of LACES and TRIMMINGS 27-inch jetted allover nets 42-inch silk Tosca and fancy nettings 42-inch crystal dewdrop chiffons and nettings 45-inch dew drop flouncings 18, 27 and 45-inch lace flouncings 18-inch silk embroidered allovers 18-inch silk and metallic embroidered allovers, in Persian, Bulgarian and new colorings laces, bands, appliques, insertions, etc. Many novelties, worth up to $5 a yard 3 bargain squares at, yard 39c, 59c and 98c Unfinished Lace, Net and Chiffon Robes Elaborately silk floss embroidered skirtings and bands to select from, in white, black on white, cream, new colors on white, etc. Actually tfffo iTi worth $12.50 and $15 b'C5 Wednesday's Special Demonstration and Sale of THERMATOR FIRELESS COOKERS In China Department West Arcade. Competent demonstrator here from the Thermator Factory to explain the economic value of the tireless cookers. Every "Ther mator" Is lined with pure aluminum and has seamless aluminum cooking compartments. The "Thermator" will roast, boil, stew, bake, in short will do TeryUilng an ordinary rook stove will do and save 75 of your fuel bill; and two-thirds of your time. The "Thermator" will relieve the hardships of cooking, it will never burn or scorch the food. Will cook better and more palatable than the old fashioned stove, while you are resting or doing other work. Taste the food cooked in the "Thermator," and you will be convinced. H BRANDEIS STORES AJ I .lewlth New 1 pur I'awU at this More. "The 7 B J I Tallinn of Van Matthews," now on sale In the 1 JJ hook department at 49c the ropy. V, A Every Woman s Suit We Sold Last Spring is Helping to Sell Another Suit This Fall We note that each season the kflZ 1 1 1 - iU- l IV ,. v a tion of our women's suit glove grows amazingly. tu This is a store that profits In experience. The experience of last season is .'"pplied in this season's suits. Result-better suits and better service. It will be to your interest, as well as of interest to you. to in spect the beautiful appareling we have provided. These two lines are splendid examples of the fair pricing. Suits at $25.00 Plaiu tailored models and suits with long roll or shawl collars trimmed with velvet, made of plain serges, shadow striped serges and fancy worsteds in Mark, navy, brown and grey shades. These Buits are lined with Skinner's satin, In some cases silk frogs instead oi buttons are used for fastenings, and the skirts are plaiD or trimmed to match the coats as the case may be. Sizes for miswes and women up to 4 4 bust measure. Suits at $29.50 This price covers a very wide range of high class suits made of English chev iots. Worombo broadcloths, mannish worsteds, fine mixtures and serges in black, navy, brown, coronation shades and two-toned mixtures. Plain taijored ideas intermingle with suits of one and two-button cutaway utiles with satin or velvet revers. Many sample suits are also offered at tin sizes for women and misses. The Millinery ChaVengz Sale Continue With Unabated Vigor a,, Jne"tu,f? ff 0n Guanteed Willow Plumes, One-third Off on All French Hats and similar reductions throughout the entire Mil linery Store. Investigate. Agents Corset Samples at 89c All New Moltls A Variety of Styles and Length to Meet the Requre ments of All Figures Every Btore In America that handles these corsets sells them at $1.60 to $2.00unless it be during a cor set clearance. So we do not need to say anything more concerning their quality. A mention of their names would suffice if It were not In the agreement at the time of the purchase that we not advertise them. Actual $1.50 to $2.30 Values Wednes day and While they Last, 89c All of these corsets are made of best, quality ma terials, well boned and equipped with good, strong hose supporters-modelB that conform to all the moods of fashion. We advise your comine early WncinoaHov morning lor agents' samples of the quality of these never stay long. Bargains fmr Wednesday and Thursday From Dig Pur Food Grocery th 2-lb. Can Bennett's Breakfast Coffee and 40 stamps 530 Bennett's Capitol Coffee and 20 stamps, per lb 30o Assorted Teas and 60 stamps, lb., 400 Tea Sittings and 10 stamps, 1-lb. pkg ISo 14-Id. Can Pure Pepper and 6 stamps for lOo 1- lb. Can B. C Baking Powder and 20 stajnps 94o Bennett's Capitol Extracts and 20 stamps, per bottle I80 Bohepp'a Cocoanut and 10 stamp, 1-lb. parkaae for 8S0 Galllard's Pure Olive OU and 20 stamps, per bottle 85a lb. Pkg. Bennett's Capitol Oats and 10 stamps lOo 2- lb. Pkg. Bennett's Capitol Wheat and 10 stamps lOo 2-lb Pkg. Bennett's Capitol Pancake Flour and 10 stamps loo Diamond Crystal Table 8alt and 10 tamps, per sack lOo Full Cream Cheese and 10 stamps. per lb 800 Virginia Swiss Cheese and 10 stamps, per lb 95o Calumet Baking; Powder and R stamps, per can lOo Bnlder's 8alad Dressing and 10 stamps, per bottle ....... S5o Atf.1t,d Plck'e8 and 6 stamps, the c.bottle lOo Safety Matches and 5 stamps, the doien boxes ge Five Lbs. Jap Rlc--the Te quality- taT 35c ?ix .Ca,kes. or Ivory Soap for 35c Pint Bottle Malt and Cider Vinegar and 10 stamps i0o Beauty Asparagus and 10 stampsper can jjOo Franco-American Soups, assorted. quart can gnn Walker's Chile Can Carne and' 10 stamps, per can ibo Coleman's mustard, per can 60 Prae Demonstration of ONION SALT The UnlTsrsVl Seasoning Wednesday's MenV-Pea Sand wiches. Watch for this announej ment every dav. It will Interest you. tynxt Women's $3.50 Shoes n C I El t mm u lllrf i II ami Tl nut tu 11 Btmmmmnm m Iff t "l ml ' I i' w w ice. All I i Ol'R Women's Three Fifty Shoes are certainly ex cp'lonal Shoes. They're Shoes you don't Sfe c. cry day. Comfort, 6tle aud quality spesl.s the moment a woman puts her foot Inside a pair of tlifse splendid Thre Hfty Shoes. Compare the stuck, anil the, workmanship, the trimming ami the style 'f these Shops with the Slioes you can buy any where at this price. We Court the Test The New Fall Models are ready, and we are showing: every worthy stylo fettnrc. Cmata Agents for Derby 2nd Monarch Kid Gloves See Our 1cn' Wonder Salt, Honrt .1S.( Values at SI 4.50 1 T'l 11 li' 111 11' 11 1 mrr- ril lirlf "in--t 'frmlnn See the trown Jewel Tailored Suits at S23.00 $1.50 Velvet Hand Bags at 59c An exceptionally fine line of Vt4vt't Ha ml Hags, with fancy silvered frames, very popular styles on sale Wednesday if l.oO values, at 50( Come early and take advantage of this great offer. Two Great Corset Specials FRYSIIOECO. 1 H R S H O K II S Kith aud Ilouilos Sts. CPEE3 J 7!XZ!SaBREBsVr IHITEI.S AM) Ui;sHT. Marquette Hotel 18th and Washington Ave. ST. LOl IS, MO. 400 Rooms. $1.00 and 11.50, with bath $2.00 to $2.50. A Hotel for your Mother, Wife and Sister. T. H. CLANCY, Pres. AML'SEMISVI 'S. Indlilvow II. 'vLr Wonder-Tale or THE ( Wonder-West Told at the OHAHA LAND SHOW Thousands of exhibits, model fdiniH, farm ma rhlne demonstration, mo tion pictures, lectures, etc. BAUDS AZTD SHOWS See the West the land where money crows under one roof. ADMISSION 35 CENTS. all1 OMAHA ts. DENVER! Sept. 1S-1Q-20 at Rourko Park! Mm w if 8et Stork of Yam lu Omsihs; everything yog, want at a big prion savi'ig. New Fall Modes of Warner's, R.&G., W. B. C. B. a la Spirite and Kabo Corsets, eompleU assortment of models at f)S Coutil and Batiste Corsets, long and medium lengths, all sizes 18 to 3S. garters ,-itt:iehed, at 490 About 100 Corset Forms, in ,dl makes and styles, complete with corset, line for dress making purposes values to 5.00, Wednes day 7.C DOc Brassiers, embroidery trim med. ;ill sizes frtun ? to 44, Weduesdav, eMoh '2oV Flew Fail Millinery diodes New Hats, new materials every day. We will be glad to show you the new style ideas, and positively will save you money on all purchases. All millinery marked in plain figures. - Extra Specials for Wednesday All Day in Our Famous Domesfee Room Amnskets Outinx Flannels genuine, no other as Rood . . 10c A. R C. Toll du Nonl, Kcd Seal, fail dres. ft i n n h a m n. most beautiful patterns, on f-ale all day .... lOo Onawa, "2x90 Sheets, (rood values for trt at, each 38c Onawa Pillow SMns. ood value for 12'-r, at 300 Australian Blanket . 11-4. Rrey, good value for J.0 pan- $1.65 Pext grades of Rilkn Une, either Sin-son'K or Paclfir. all iiuv at 10c Simpson's fllk Fin inlied Prints, larse. Iieantiful designs t..i eomforters to A K'Wil $ I OS Comfort able, all day.. $1.48 7'?e T'nhle.iolieil Mu--lin. for all day. SijC f'vr Dleaohed Muslin. yard wide, all ilav. at 60 $1 Fine Ijinen Table Cloth 75o t- 00 Napkinn, per lo:. at 81.48 SUo Shuker Flannel So l-'H'i' Carton Flannel. Ht ;.. Ol, o r ToAel.'-. either ball, or hu'-k . . 10c Bat's 50, 7o. 10r, 12 'to, 15c, I8c, 30o up to $1.33 The Peach Season Is Drawing To a Clcse W advlss our customers to buy now. These are extra fancy Elberta Freestone peaches. The tinett flav ored peach grown for canning. WEDNESDAY, per crate .... ?5o Tomatoes for canning- Wednesday, large market basket 15o Tokay Grapes, basket 350 Fancy Elberta Fescues, basket 20o BUTTJi, CHEESE and EOGS The best Creamery Butter, raiton or hulk, lb 880 Don't pay more. The best Country Creamery Butter. per lb , . . 26o The best Dairy Butter, per lb. B3o Full Cream Cheese, per lb .... ISO Full Cream Brick Cheese, per tb.. at 18c Neufehatel Cheene, each 3o The hrst fresh risers, per doz 800 VEGETABLE and FRUIT PBICE3 FOR WEOSEBOAT Sweet Corn, per dozen 10c 4 hunches fresh-Carrots or Beetsfio 5 heads Leaf Iettuce. So 8 bunches fresh Radishes 50 2 heads I'abbie 6s 2 Cucumbers 5- Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb. 7io Fancy Wax or String Beans, ifv. at 7,0 Oreen Peppers, per dozen 8c Cooking Apples, per peck lOo 2 hunches Parsley Bo Fancy Blue Plums, per basket 30c Fancy ripe Concord Grapes . . 15c 2 Exsrs Plants 5c Fancy Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. . . 10c Don't Forget , TRY liAYDEN'S FIRST, Day Monday, Sept, 17 Ladies Games Called 3:45 Cars leave 15th and Faraain 3:30 Sige Tea Will Darken the Hair OMASA'S FUBB TOOO CBJTTEB mcuu xm oxrm fbess ratnT abtd teobtuli DEf AJaTKflT RpRtftrw TnAfiA anr! Orav & to Natural Color Dandruff i 100 crates Fancy Heavy pack- " d Blue I'lunis, per crate, 4 at 91.15 3J 500 Baskets Blue Grapes, per E banket ..' BOo J ZO ooxea extra tanoy Elberta m Ptecljea. per bux ttco S ataika laraa. well bleacher! celuiy Ido t Isrtta plain Let tuce Ao 1-i bu. basket iiwt Ftitatnes A . ..... . CW1 r-ars, l"eachs or aaiort4l fruit, per b;Jte 26a Frei'i Koesu-d Potriuu, pc ;J) quart 54 S SD erc-.a 'a-kai. ."a.ion Jarx. U per dole ii aio pi tl 00 large well nade Clot ilea iias'l-H. en- ) 6o0 $ .ahe-i 'Mi-rlc WafcJier" airp, 10 id; :.he woriii ,...8j S-l'i. surk Aberdeen Hmv IT " ilte Fl 'Ji $115 40: jar yotti 0.'le 530 CJ 2WI cSh C1-"33 C3 FIST AXO HEAITH TO MOTHER AND CHILD.' YlRl. WiKitnw'i SnoTKmd bvsrr h bcra ui lor OA er hlXTY VEAKsbv MIULIONm of MOTHERS fur their CiilLURUN Willi K Vtl.THlNO. with I'KKHiCT UCCli&H. It HX1THKS the C11IM, SOHTFNS the HUM'S ALLAVSaU l'AIN CI KIS WIND COLIC, and the bet rrtnedy (or I'lAkKHU-A. 11 i ai sMuicly l.tin! be ure end -k fui "Mr. Vviekiaw'k fcjcil-ios kyrup. oi hte m MIhi fejtta. Xwcaigr- av uaia a veuia. QuLldy Removed. There Is nothing new about the Mea ef using saa-e for restorinc the color of the hair. Our great-grandmothers kept their locks soft, dark and glossy by using a "sage tea." Whenever . their hair fell out or took on a dull, faded or atreaked appearance they mad a brew of sage leases and applied It te their hair with wonderfully beneficial affect. Nowadays we don't have to resort to Old-time, tlreeome methoda of gathering the herbs and making the tea. This la done by skilled chemists batter than we i could do it ourselves, and all wa have to do la to call for the ready-made product, j Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur H&lr Remedy, i containing sage la the proper strength, j with the addition of sulphur, another i cld-ttme scalp remedy. I The manufacturers of this remedy J authorize druggists to sell It under guar ! antee that the money will be refunded ; If It faiia to do exactly aa represented Don't neglect your hair. Gvt a bottle ' of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur today, and notice the difference after a few day'a use. This preparation la offered to the pub lic at fifty i-ents a bottle, and Is recom mended and sold by all drugglata Special Agents: Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Kth aud Dodge Sis.; Owl j t)ru Co, 1U aad ILarvajr lu, Typewriters Should be Like Rubber Bands Were it not for its elasticity the common rubber band yould be of limited use. Its value lies in the fact that it can be stretched to meet different requirements. Likewise the typewriter that will handle nothing larger than the ordinary letterhead is limited in its use and is not serving its full purpose. The Model 10 Smith Premier designed to meet the greatest number of requirements in -any office, can be furnished with carriages in, six different lengths (all instantly interchangeable on the same machine) handling paper from one inch to three quarters of a yard in width. Paying a visit to our office doesn't mean you will be harassed by an aggressive salesman until your order is placed. You may inspect the machine in our office, if you wish, and btill feel safe. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. 19th and , Douglas Streets OMAHA, HEB. Branches in SIOUX CITY, LINCOLN, DE3 MOINES ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee very clay 2:15. Evei y night S .I". This week: Tom Nawr & Co.: Clurk a.iu Bergman; 1'ne Three Vagrants: Houshy' Scenic Renew; AKCormai:k and Wallace. Charles md Anna Glocker; Holme. Wells and ""lnl"y; Klnodrome; Orpheum Concert Orchestra Prices: Sight, 10c, 95c, 60c and 7Cc. Matinee, oeat aeats, 35o, except Holi days, Saturday and Sunday. Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered aud compiled data on soili;, climate and fanning conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out 1 his information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc. How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general fanning, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century. Farmer Omaha, Nebraska BRANDEIS THEATER This Afternoon, Any Beat 25o Tonlffht, 85o, SOo and 75c. TIE CONVICT'S DAUOCTXS. Thursday, 95c, SOo, 75c. Matinee Saturday, 25o. Any Seat. THE LIGHT ETEKBTAX. Engenie Blair Co. 35. AMERICAN THEATER TOWIOHT ICats. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Frees lOo and 83o. MISS EVA LANG and the Woodward Stock Co. In THE STUBBORNESS OF GERALDINE WE XT WEEK The Fourth Estate. ' Fa f ivV - T2 .xT . If- . . ILB.1t .!HHI DNS. MACH & MACH A tuocetkors to BAILEY & MACH sEirriSTS Neateat equippuj dental office In Crnuha. HiKhesc srade dentistry at reasonable prices. Porcelain fllllnts. just like Hie luoth. All Instrument carefully sterilized after each opera tion. . Cor. 18th and Tarnam Ste. TBI3D rLOOS PAITON BLOCK omaha'S run crmiB." ft,- 1 2 DIMS Mat., 15-S5-800 , ThoseSleepwalkers, the ' MIDNIGHT MAIDENS EXTBATAOAKEA AND VAUDETrLLE t.'lever stunix by Ward & Raymond, billv SimnionM, Irish-American Trio. Keded & lists. j Ladles' Sim Matinee Every Week Day. j Bee Booklover's Contest KRUG Mat. Today, S5o Migbt, aoc. No . Today t30 Tonigrht 8:30. THE OIKL XMOM RENO and VIOLETTB SU3ETTE In SAITCB LB ESTHAKOE. I. I II. IMI .W tSIJIMIMIW,! .,IL., ,, I, l. JLAA jTM j MWWJMPll mmm Chambers School of Dancing 3481 Farnam St. Reopens, heaoun 1911-12 Adult hegmneiM, Monday evenin. fcppt. i-'.th. Atite iibly Wedneaday evening, hept. it c htldien, friaturdny J SC p in., bept. 3D. High School, Saturday 8 p. in., Sept. SO Now open for listin jiupila. Telephone ioulaa liiL. Value $000.00 Th magnificent, fancy walni;? KRELL ALTO GRANT) PLAVEr.. PLiNO which nothing can excel. No other player-piano has In the Abso lute the "human touch bo desired by a mueiral ear and so prized by the manufacturers. This Instru ment will be exhibited, explained and played for anyone who to see it In the ware rooms on the third floor at Bennett's.-