f T2 TTIE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1011. The Omaha Bcc Great Book lovers' Contest f i v A 1 TP Blanketa 1 V k I g I f I f School 1 ml rn I -rr FLOATS FOR THE BIG PARADE Samson Announce! Titlei of Twenty for the fclectrical Pageant. FORMER TZARS ARE RECALLED Wrrrst m Floats la If early Cnl1ti anil the misname for th Cowrt f HniMir HtT Built. Title have been selected frrr tb twenty floats that will appear In tha Ak-Par-Ben electric parade. Outside th title float of th psrade. which will ba "Drtmi of Former Team," the Initiation float and the king's flout. wh float will suggest the theme of a former parade. Here are the title of the floats, aim the years which former parade, here recalled, "-re riven1 I Drams of FormerTeara. II Feast of Mondajtiln. OT. III Fssst of Olympia. IK". IV Pageant of Qulvera, 1S37. V Constellation. l.S8. VI The Alhamhra, 1K. VII Gems of Grand and Comic Opera, VIII Isles of the fw-a. WW. IX When Knighthood Waa In Flower, X The Festival of Fairyland. 1902. XI Poem Pictures. VWt XII The Story of the State, 1904. XIII The World of Mystery, I". XIV The Nations of the Earth. 1W. XV Days We Celebrate and Songs We fin. 1- XVI The Golden Went and fcamson In I'olytlx. XVII The World's a Ptage. XVIII The Ship of State and Bamaon'a Quaint Quip. 1M0. XIX The Initiations. XX HI Majesty the Kin. There were two parades In 1898 The work on the floats, which are being con Mrurtod In the Den. will be completed Wcdnrsdnv night. The tall white columns which will embellish Samson's court of honor on Douglas street from Sixteenth to Eighteenth are completed at the Den DAIRY EMPLOYES HAVE OUTING Vsriimi Forma of Atnuacment Are In dnlacd In. One of Which Was Finding of F. Ernitlnc. The first annual picnic of the employes of the Alamlto dairy was held Sunday at Killride park. Ralston. About 5"0 attended. Music, dancing, refreshment and sporting contekta furnished diversion for the day. . An Interesting ball game was played be tween the Giants and Cubs. In which the former came out the winner by a score of 7 to 6. The finding of the mysterious F. Ermllac was the chief feature of the day. Late In the evening Miss Flnzi succeeded In buttonholing the unknown person and saying the correct words, thereby wining the prize. The following were the sporting events and the winners in each: Married men's race: Q. Leffingwell, thermos bottle; H. Rundqulrt. $2. Fat men's race: F. B. Osborn, year's subscription to the Sunday and Evening Bee donated by The Bee Publishing corn cany; J- F. Dasterman. pipe. Single men s race. J. Bartlett. $2.80. Ladlf-as ball thrcwlng contest: Lily Chambers, box of Cindy; Mrs. E. Cross, Ladlei-'raie: Mrs. Tucker, cake plate; Mrs Rundquist. box of stationery. Boys' race: F.oy Paulson, pocket flash- ris1 race: Miss Wahl. box of stationery. Broad jump: G. LefflngweU. yearjs sub script ton to the Dally News; F.L. Kernan, .fx months' subscription to the World- "m's velav race: Qutgley, Kernan and Bartlett, 2.rA The committee In charge of the day was composed of H. A. Cross, f. L, Kernan and C. F. Schwager. COTTON RIPENS IN OMAHA First Boll to Open la Sent to Arkansas as an Eanlblt of Wtant Cnn Be Done. The first boll of cotton In Henry WU Hams' cotton patch at Twenty-third and Grant streets opened Sunday and Williams will send It today to his brother In south ern Arkansas. Williams says the cotton la as good as can be grown In the best Arkansas cotton districts .and that it will be out of danger of frost In a few days, tie juu his one-lot patch has a yield that will run about a bale and a half to the acre, which, at the prices now prevailing, would mean about $135 for an acre. What Williams will do with his crop Is a secret that he haa not yet disclosed. He says ha sees no reason why Nebraska should not be a good cotton country. Wil liams Is a waiter at the Commercial club. DEMENTED MEN CAUSE TERROR T 1'nbsJnnced Tereous la Separate Part, of Town Go Throasjla Strang Antlca. Wandering about In the neighborhood of Torty-thlrd and Center streets tor the last four days. Hans Jorgensen succeeded In frightening almost Into hysterics the women and le girls of tha vicinity by hts strange actions. He was trailed to his lair, a clump of bushes, by Policeman Kennelly Sunday night, and arrested. An insanity charge was placed against htm. Henry Rohan, 2401 South Ninth street, threatened the Uvea of his family at I . o'clock Sunday night by brandishing a knife and daring any on of hla brothers and ; aistara to move. He had them backed into a eorser of a room at the home when tha polk arrived. Ha waa handcuffed and ' taken to tha police station, where an in sanity charge was placed against him. DAHLMAN BRINGS BACK A CANE Mayor la Presented with Momento at Boise Made ly Harry Orchard In the Pea. As a memento of his visit to Boise City. Ida.. Mayor Dahlmaa brings back a finely tooled -cane made In the penitentiary there by Harry Orchard, whose confes sions were so famous a factor In the Moye: -Haywood trlala a few yeara ago. Tha mayor went on business to Pocatello and then on to the capital. The walking stick is made of clrclea of leather strung on a heavy stock and the silver head is Inlaid with sheila. It bears an inscription "To ' Mayor Dahl man from his Boise friends." Boise Is another one of the cities that will soon consider a commission form of government. I wow s 1 M ttotag On. 1 A 111 El -1 I V4 El Pretty Hew Styles Second rioor The Special Bargain Events at Brandeis Stores Every Day Enable Omaha Women to Save Many Dollars Each Week in Their Fall Buying. WOMEN'S SAMPLE FALL NECKWEAR Worth Up to 35c and Even 50c, at 15c Each Dutch collars, embroidery and lace trimmed, lace jabots, tailored and fancy stocks, ribbon beaded stocks, etc. a great lot at Women's Sheer Irish Linen Handkerchiefs. Hemstitched and hand embroidered corners, scalloped borders, embroidered Shamrock lawns, also men's handkerchiefs. Many worth 25c, at WIDE EMBROIDERIES at 25c YARD. 18 and 22-inch Swiss nainsook and cambric embroidered flouncings, skirtings, corset coverings and wide galloons; excellent designs. Many worth 50c a yard at, T) Cp 15c ISc . . On Special Table On Our Main Floor. 500 APPLIQUE SOISETTE UNMADE WAIST PATTERNS In new browns, champagne, lilac, View rose, ciel, Delph blue, marine, garnet, London gray, new tans, 4Jf cream, ivory and black. As long as they last H at, each. 3 Big Basement Bargains Fine, firmly woven nainsook and long cloth, also fine mer cerized lingerie cloth the kind used very extensively for fine undergarments 18c and 20c values; very spe-Hl cial at, yard. i 2v The very best outing flannels, including the renowned Amoskeag tennis flannel, in pretty light, medium and dark ' styles. Suitable for sleeping garments or petti- 0i coats. Perfect mill lengths at, yard. : 0 21 We will sell one hundred bolts of bleached and unbleached shaker flannel on special bargain table Thurs- day-at, yard 2t Orrto Dress Shield Demonstration The makers of "OMO" dress shields have sent to us for this week a special demonstator to ex plain to our custo.ners the value and necessity of OMO" dress shields. a They are odorless. They contain no rubber. They are ebsolutely impervious to moisture. They nre light weight end have no Injurious chemicals. They are perfect littlng. They are easty cleaned and every pair is guaranteed. All the varieties are In stock and the special representative will be glad to tell you about "OMO" Dress Shields. Brandeis Stores Free Land Information i The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information"; has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of . f ices, etc, t How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska CUT GLASS, Etched designs is the proper thing these days for a wedding (tilt. We have some very pretty pieces to show you. Spend a few minutes in our store. Look for the nsme. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1616 DOUGLAS STREET FREIGHT RATE HIGH IN ALASKA Far Pabltshere to Chars; Fifteen Cents a Copy for Newspaper, at wfcltcore. Nebraska rhippers who kick on the size of their freight bills would think Union Pa cific and urllruton freight charges amount to nothing If they should compare then with charges in Alaska. According to the Weekly Star of White horse, T. T . a copy of which has been ir etlved at the office of The Bee. freigh: rhsrcea from bkagway to v mtehorse o.i the VS'hlta Pass & Yukon road on &05 pound of print paper were lk W. This is 00 resson why the War charges U cents p.- copy for its paper. LOU Until September 30 $QGS, 38 SC md 39.10 wv) Saratoga Spgsi OO Montreal $Jf)00 and 45.00 New York -City LiO Atlantic Citv Round Trip, Daily wQE00nd ?6.00 CD Detroit $OQ60, 32.00 and 34.G0 - w Toronto $OQ 00 and 34.00 3 Niagara Falls $QA00 and 34.00 d Buffalo Siri60'4100 nd 45.00 -U Boston Fast trams at convenient hours ma it dirttt onnectioni in Chuaf u.ith all lines tail. Liberal return limits and favorable stipexier priviLges. You travel in luxury an, enjoy THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" TICKET OFFICES Farnam Street, Omaha, AW. NW1TS8 $ lft 35 arid 46.35 Portland r I i m lsisasss 1L Kvery time you spend a dime ask for S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. Mew Fall Coats . , - i "We have a particularly elegant line of women's new Fall Coats, which are freshly unpacked, to put on sale Tuesday. Since there is seldom more than one of a single style in the assort ment we might call it a "sample" line. And they are very new-tailored within the past week and rushed to us on the fastest ex press train. W notice that the styles are be comingly fetching, the quality far above ordinary and the workmanship notable because of the carefulness exercised. You surely ought to see them Tues day, If possible, for they will not remain long in the store. Here are three numbers to give you an Idea of their general character. B4-lnch plain ttlor1 broadcloth coats lined with Skinner's guaranteed sattn and variously relieved with braids or buttons, J17-50 to $35 00 each. Long coat of wide wale cheviot, with ruffs and collar of satin finished with checked velveta very dashing and hand some modelonly 135.00. Coat ojt warm, woolly double-faced cloths, striped coatings and mixtures show Ins; collars, cuffs and trimmings of en tirely new design, ana enhanced with touches of color; a liberal variety of styles to choose from, $25 00 to $35.00 each. COMING SOON! OUR BIG Challenge Sale I of Fine Millinery, Ostrich Plumes and Feathers. Watch our advertisements for the date and complete particulars. Tuesday Meat Bargains 9 lbs. Leaf Lard ....$1.00 Pork Chops 15Vc Boiling Beef .5V&C Medium Lean Bacon Free Demonstration of ONION SALT The Universal Food Seasoning. Tuesday's Menu Pea Sandwiches. Watch for this announcement every day. It will interest you. 2 The .Viisses' and Young Women's School Shoes The misses and young women should have a shoe that combines all the style found in a woman's Bhoe with easy fitting and good wearing qualities. The real shoe this winter is the Gun Metal High Cut In button. These shoes are en- . tirely new this season and for ap pearance and style, as well as wearing qualities, they are excel lent. MISSES' to 2 $2.50 YOUNG WOMEN'S, 2H t $3.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1413 Farnam atrt. Low One Way Rates to ' attla, Taooma, Portland, Bpokana, Victoria and VanoouTer, via Canadian Pacific Railway Through the famous scenery of tha Canadian Rockies and Belklrks. Trains for Pacific Coast points carrying tourist cars, leaves St. Paul 11:00 A. M. nd 10 30 P. Jd. daily. Tickets on sale September 15th to October 15th. inclusive For Informa tion and literature see tha agent of any railway, or write GEO. A. WALTON, dsn. Agent 824 So. Clark St- Chlcaro. XU High Class Popular Price Ladies' and Gents' Cafe Mew Wellington Hotel Opening- ETaninf, September 13th 1617 farnam Btraet John Says: 'l can forgive the man who is trying to save for 'rainy day,' but tha fellow who pises up Trust Buster 6o Cigars be cause they cost penny more, is on a par with the fellow who uses a wart on tha back of hla sack .w a ocr List tit.... Johns Cigar Store " 321 So. 16th St. i THE OMAHA BEE i3 the home paper of Nebraska 8 RaHablo Dentistry AT Jail's Dental him AMt'SEMEVTS. BRANDEIS THEATER TONIGHT, J 6c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, Sl.SO HENRY WOODRUFF THE PRINCE OF TONIGHT Thursday, 3 Days. Matinee Saturday Tha Biggest Bit In Tears H.B.WARNER IBT "ALIAS JIMMY VALBHTIVZ" wights, SSc to 11.60 Mat. 8Sc to tl 00 BASE BALL OMAHA vs. ST. JOSEPH Sept. 11-111-13 ROURKE PARK MONDAY, SEPT. 11 LADIES' DAY Games Called at 3:45 Cars Leave 15tto And Farnam, 8:80. ADVANCED VAODCTttLB Matinee Every Day 2:16; livery Mght :15 This eek": Arthur Deagon; The Cour tiers' M Golden and Russian Trouba dours' Lydell and Butterworth: "Room 44" iems, Albertus 1st and Jessie Millar- Kinodrome. Orpheum Concert Or chestra Prices: Night 10c. 26c, 60c, 75c. Matinee best seats 25c.; except holi days, Saturday and Sunday. AMERICAN THEATER r" 0- j, woodward. Mgr. Tonight. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Prices 10 and 35 Cents MISS, EA LANG AND WOODWARD STOCK COMPANY IN "THE CHAPERON" Nest Weak, "Tna Stubborness of Oetaldlne" -"OMASA'S TUN CENTEB.." t,m gr tit Dally Mat., 16-35-600 JHWWCW Evgs., 15-35-60-75O HALLIDAT A CtJALET, IV N.w8sr"w Painting the Town EXT&ATAOAVSA AND VAUDETHLE Big Chorus of Girlies and the Living Art Gallery. Ladies' Dim Matinees ETsry Week Pay. -v Night. bOc, Mo Higher JDEAL COMEDIANS and KCRUG ATHMORE GREY In DANCE ANITRAS ZiSdl.a' Daily Dim Matla.. SSL nas ZVtE&SZ D WELL ENOUGH TO GIVE 7 MBRZ, No. 36 Taesday, September 12, 1911. Vhat Book Does This Picture Represent? Title Author Your Mame Street and Number City or Town Write In title and autbor of book and SAVE coupon and picture. 6end no coupon until finish of the con'.est Is announced. Each picture represents a book title not a scene or a character. Catalogues containing 5,000 names on which all puzzle pictures are based the catalogue used by the contest editor are for sale at the Business Office at The Bee for 25 cents: by mall. 30 cents. Rules of the Contest All eenest are eligible to enter t&le oonUtt exc.pt .mployn if th. Omtha Bee aad nemMr ol their tomlllea Eaca day. tor Mveoty-tiv. tUrs, tbr. will be publlatnd la lb. Be. s sictur. wblcb will repraaent lb. same of a book, fctonaaib aarh plotur. tbar. will ba a blank for tb. costcwant to Ml In the title ot tba book. Cut out both tb. picture sad to. bis nk and till la the nam. and author of the book man ui your najs. ana aaarees neatly tna plainly m ui apace provided. No reatrlctlona will be placed on tb. war In which anrwera to the Dictum. m b. aa cured. Sach picture represents only one till, ot one book. It you are sot auie ot a title and wlah to aend la more than owe answer to each picture, you may do ao. BUT KOT MOKt THAN jflVS ANSWSRS TO ANY ONI PICTURB WILb US PERMITTED. In correct antwers will not be counted again st oonteetaats It correct axiiwer i aleo tiveo. More than on. anewer should sot be put on tb. earn, coupon. Bitra coupona abould be uaed tor extra antwers. AU anaw.r to the san. number abould be kept together wbea sending In the aet. Only on. Hat may be submitted by on. couleetaat, though any Hat nay hav. tlv. anawart to each puasl.. The number of coupons eeed-nswrt gives HBust be plainly written .a tb. outald. of each SET submitted, but do sot writ, such Information on the wrapper. While sot absolutely seceaary. It Is desirable that the picture, abould in etch case be seat IS with tb. antwers, la order that all answer be uniform. Additional pictures ad coupons may be obtained at tb. office of The Be. by mall or is person. rihen you bav. all seventy-five plctutaa. fasten them together In a FLAT packag. and bring or nail them to Tb. Omaha Be, addressed to Book lovers' Corneal Bdlcor. Prta. will be twtrded to tb. oontettanr. sending la th. largest number of correct solution, la event of two or store persons having tk. tarn, number of correct solutions, the person using th. smaller number of extra coupons Is bis set ot answers will be declared winner. Is vent of two persons having tb. nam. number corrwt and using tb. Mm. number ul oow pone, th. person whoa, set of answers is most ssatly prepared, to th. opinion of th. full Judging commute., will receive tb. first prlx. Only on. list of snswart may be submitted by a con tea taut sag only en. prlt will be swarded to on. family at one address. Tb. use of -tb. coupon. I. not obligatory upon tb. contestant, and an answer may be submitted la any legible manner tb. contestant may select. Awards will be mad. strictly according to tb. merit of e.cb aeparal. list. Th. nam. ot mar. than on. person must sot be written upon any on. coupon. Th. award will be mad. by tb. Contest Editor tad a committee of well-known ettt tens, wtioe. Dames will be announced later. The oontMt I. limited to tb. following territory: Nebraska, Wyoming, that portion ot lows west of but sot Including Dee Moines, and that section of south Dakou known at th. Black Hills District. -.J FIRST PRIZE Its 32,043 White Steamer Automobile A 6-passenger 1911 Modal White Steamer Touring Car odorless, smokeless and noiseless. No cranking, no shifting of gears; any desired speed. Wnlte Eteamer sales lncreaae each succeeding year. Had practically an en lorsement of tbe United States government, which owns and operates mora Wn'te Steam er than all other cars combined. Richly upholstered, beautifully finished, un limited rower, controlled ppeed. This car is on exhibition at Srummond's, Eighteenth na Harney Btreets. SECOND PRIZE $i In th soft, eeml-troplc. ellmatlo son, extending north from San Diego to' Sheets County, California, lies Tehama county. In which 1 situated this beau tiful little 10-acre ranch near th town of Had Blurt. This Is fruit land "f a very high order and la part of the celebrated Lutheran colony which bad its incep tion with an Omaha clergyman. Literature describ ing this property may be had at the office of TOW. 8RZOOB-BOZ.STEB CO, la th City sTaUoaal Baa Building, Omaha. THIRD PRIZE l$Sl The magnificent, .'ancy walnut KSBlx. ATTO QBAXD PLATEH-PIAHO which noth ing can excel. No other player-piano haa In the absolute the "human touch" so desired ty a musical ear end so prized by the manufac turers. This instrument will be exhibited, ex plained and played for anyone who wishes to see it In th war rooms on th third flooj u THE BENNETT CO. " FOURTH PRIZE Value $275 to b manutaciurinat city. the Brown Truck Manu- Tny Ralston Is have a fin start with facturlng Co., -be Rogers Motor Car Co., and th Howard Stove Works. Everything deelrable to comfortable living may be found there. On one of the main busings streets th. lies has selected it. fourth priae a business lot 26X100 feat, aaJ valued at (376. .FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225 la the sams town and with th am prospect of advancement, the r. Has selected a residence lot 60x120 ft., and valued at (US Ralston I on th only lnteiurban trolley Una ruumng out ot Omaha, and wlthiu torty minutes of in Omaha postoffic. Complete information about this property at the offlc of th 11LITOI TOWVOXTE COaLFAMY, 30 South 17th St, Omaha. SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PRIZES iota luieuiuua cucyuiupeuut, wnica Is a develop ment rattier Uin inveotioii, haa bcetues us cuoven tences the value of hundred, of editors menially equipped to mk on of tb greatest encyciupudii. ever compiled. On o. th Strongest recommenda tion for this work is t.iat it Is tiom the Dress of the reliable old house of THOsl. STELBON LoJtl of few York, London, Dublin and JiaiBourirb. VtT. waa founded In Use. ThU .ncyclopedla of twelve volumes, which Is valued at a set may K. en at the Omaha offlc ot W. A. glaeabaugh Co. Iglt St. Mary' Awejiua. NINTH AND TENTH PRIZES " These prize consist of twenty-four volujie cl it bound aet of tr.. ef Knowledge, an encyclopedia made especially for chilurer. and bom .t e set This work is written lr. simple language and la a "wonder book - it? ,h.f .1 oiakea simple all knowledge necessary to broad oducitlon. ioero Jr ?,,' u of colored plates and thousands in black and white, i his Is a ruilv .! ?rw! encycl pdia made for children, and may ba seen at th Omaha officii J? ?,(, XXXXsfMAUOK at lgl St. Mary's Aweau. """-a ut W. A. FORTY-FIVE CASH PRIZES Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Ten Prizes of $ Twenty Prizes of $1. nissss V WATCH 'FOR-THE DAILY PICTURE IN THE BEE.