THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 10. 191 T. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Again Far in the Lead Enrolls More Students For 1911 Fall Term Than All Other Omaha Business Colleges Combined Proves Its Popularity, Efficiency and Super iority By Biggest Enrollment in Its History Students seem to instinctively knew thel college which most hu their Interest st heart which if best snd roost completely equipped to fit them to enter the business world. This treat enrollment of students from all point of the compssi shows tht all our claims are amply sustained Business men arr-reciate the theroughnt s of Boylea College student In all branches. Of the army of stenographers. bookkeepers clerks and telegraphers that ara yearly prepared to take positions in Omaha. ' per cent of them are Boyles Col lege graduates. 60 thoroughly has the, reputation of Boyles College been sustained that business firms in all this section give actual preference to Boyles College graduates. . THE FALL TERM HAS JUST BEGUN Many students are enrolling. Don't let the fact that the terra baa begun make you lelev a moment. You may begin tomorrow, or anv day this week, and get the full benefit Just as though you began on September 4th, the. opening day. At least do not fall to send for our handsome tree catalogue THE SUPERB BOYLES BUILDING la a genuine object lesson In comfort and sanitation. It la exclusively a college build ing surrounded by a real college atmosphere. Planned, designed and built by master craftsmen It 1 an educational monument of which Omaha may well be proud. Every known modern device that adds to comfort and convenience is Installed, Including sani tary drinking fountains, vacuum cleaners, the latest modern systems of ventilation and a cafeteria in tha gymnasium where students are provided with lunches and warm A nr. Ics at actual cost. Its large airy rooms are flooded with natural light. It Is abso lutely safv needing no net work of fire escapes no . automatic sprinklers nor other device to fight fire, that cause constant thoughts of danger by their mere presence. There are no hotels, stores, beauty shops or other detracting elements In connection with this superior building. It a a college pure and simple devoted entirely to school purposes. You simply cannot afford to overlook these Important facta In your selection of a school. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Building, H. B. Boyles, President, OMAHA. Official Training 6ehol for Union Pacific Railroad Telegraph Department. EVERYTHING FtJR WOMEN Novelties, pleating. coL buttons. Doug. blk. Look. Berlin cleaning, pressing. 22IS Harney. ECLISPE HAND LAUNDRY 163 North 24th. Phone Web. 4.37. AH work atrictly dona by hand. r-TTRTATV LAUNDERED. 501 South v-J zi,h. lei. Hai Harney- 4544. WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new feathers. ' J & bah. D. Uui. T a TYTTTQ white hate cleaned and block leVJJiXO Karoser. Haiter, UO 6. 14th. L LIEFF, S13 Farnam. Harney 5410. Ladles' Tailor. Now ready for tali season. T 4 TTVrTYR V Expert shirt and waist Iron ic U iN 1.1 A er. 23U6 N. 25th. Web. 275. VELVET IN A shop now located at 181 Farnam atreet. Rubber goods. Bell Drug Co., 1216 Farnam. SWITCHES from combings. Katharine Giblin. 53a City National bank. ' VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THE WARDROBE. 2016 FARNAM. Doug. 17i DEFIANCE STARCH has no equal. FIRST CLASS EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because he -iias made Omaha famous with his candy. Mrs. Pat Foley, 2627 Ham ilton, will come to The Bee. of flee within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and saleswomen. WANTED Ten experienced salesladies, also salesladies for afternoon. 336 Paxton block. YOUNG WOMAN Here's your chance to make big 'money start today, oppor tunity knocks but once. A young lady in Minnesota cleared 5 in one year a Texas man made $12,u In one year In every town men and women are profit ing by the free advice of our sales Instruc tor who tells you how to clincn salea with Fibre-Silk hosiery and underwear the most up-to-date goods of their kind with six exclusive features Our quick selling plan was originated by us write for it lis free. WORLDS STAR KNITTING CO.. Dept. 19. Bay City. Michigan. Clerical suad Office. PRIVATE LESSONS IN SHORTHAND. Shortest system; beet system. Text book, 25c. Unigraph Co., W71 Farnam St. THE Remington Typewritrer Company's Employment Department serves the em ployer bv selecting from its lists of tested stenogrsphers one who is competent to saii.iy his requirements. Tell us your requirements and we will See that they are filled. Our services are given with out charge. 1619 Farnam Street. Phone Douglas li7& or A-1573. STENOGRAPHER FOR WHOLESALE HCUSEHOUSE CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-1 City National Bask Bldg. DICTOPHONE operator. Stf-ro. Assistant bookkeeper and clerk. Hi Stenographer, I' . 1HE CANO AGENCY, ft Bee Bldg BOOKKEEPER and cashier A Stenographer, insurance. Stenographer and clerk. $50 Experienced billing clerk, 0 Jrth??lT Iplace Tor. WESTERN REF .BOND ASSN. INC.. 7K3- omana ai. p. Faclvtr n2 Tratlr. XV ANTED SEWING GIRLS TO WORK ON OVERALLS APPLY AT ONCE, TO BYRNE & HAMMER D G Co. FAC TORY. TH AND HOWARD STS- . WANTED Several bright girls, over six teen, to learn chocolate dipping, also girls for wrapping, packing and genera! w.,rk. l J O Bnen Co . 5th and Doug'SS Ms. - Heneekeeoere and Denti-stlc. . WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no warning. SSI Dodge Su Mrs. Charlt Rich THE SERVANT GIRL PBOBLKil SOLVED The Bee will run ycur iuiueeii Help U acted ad KktE until you get tat .ired reuit. Urn.- ur aa w ' Bt Lea ulfjc-e or telaaobe Tyier luuo. - WANTED A girl or woman to cook and assist in general oumoi, guoa pay. Vt-b " 22:0 Emmet. W NTED At ence. girl for general housework. srcaM family, wages $5 Mrs. B G Purback. 45 California. Phone Her- ty WANT ED Reliable woman or general boue"vork. ctu mornings, references. 1.4 fco. 27th WVTED G:rl for general housework in familv 01 two. ood wee, reference re qwtwl Mrs. M Mcc-iane. Apartment Normandy WANTED A good girl for general house work family 01 itrw. .. good wa,s luti fch Ave Bey 3155 . Pnona Har- GOOD girl for general housework, tour tn family. $6- 6i ln bt- P"ne Har ney jWi. WANTED A girl for general housework; f.mtiv of two. good wages; references re quired. Mrs. sl. MoSnene. Apart. Normandy. No. . COMPETENT colored eoct EDUCATIONAL HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'd WANTED Two capable girls. 1034 Park Ave. Mrs. B. W. Christie. A COMPETENT cook. Mrs. A. L. Rees, Benson. Harney 345. GIRL to do general housework. 26th Ave. 'Phone Harney 5513. 308 S. WANTED Girl to assist with work. Call Web. 6T44. 3603 Fowler. bouse- WANTED Two competent girls, one for general housework, one as nurse for chil dren; references required. 411 S. 2Sth St. Harney 5669. , WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Mrs. W. H Rhodes. 1U4 N. 36th St.. -corner Lincoln Blvd. WANTED A girl abtout 14 or 15 to help with housework while going to school. Harney 1S4S. 6106 California St. WANTED Reliable . young .woman for general house work in email family; good wages and perrnaner.t employment to right partv. ' Address L 210, Bee. "GIRL or woman for" g eheral housework; good. pay.'.'..VYbster SS6CL.-. SJO Emmett. - WASTTXDrB:2Irs.-T:.T.--Hmi)ton. 210 6- W-Av r eonpetsst eook. also compe tent second girl references required. I- URGEMLx neeaea competent woman for general housework; two In family; no washing. Phone Harney 5506, or call 1925 South 34th St. Mrs. E. M. Sunderland. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. 2510 Charlea Webster 754 A RELIABLE eld lady te take care of .wo children for her room and board. 2527 Harney St. WANTED An 137 a 35t St. experienced second girl. WANTED A good cook Apply 20 S. 22d Ave. er 'phone Harney . GIRL for general housework: S in family. 566 S 36th Ave. Phone Harney 1750. WANTED A com Detent girl for second work; references required. Mrs. Charles Offutt. 140 N. 39th St. GIRL' for general housework: three In the family: best wages 1C N. 84th St. Eemie Park. Phone Harney ibi4. ' WANTED A competent girl for general housework; good wages. Harney 1435. 13u9 So 22d St. GIFL for general housework: small fanv ily; West Farnam. Phone Harney 5439. GIRL family. for genwal housework, two 1329 S. 27th St. In WANTED A neat, capable cook or girl for general nouseworn. is.- uoage. WANTED At once, a girl for general houKiwork. 15 ner week. Benson Jf7; blk. vest. 1 blk. south. H blk west from end of Benson oar line. WANTED A good girl for general housework. 615 N SSth St. . References re quire. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework- Appiy Mrs. P. P. Redmond, 1021 S. 3h Ave. Miscellaneous. TC'UNG women coming te Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian association building a it slaty Ave and i"ta Bt. wber ihe ul be airecied to suitable boarding plates er outer uim ee.sted. Luck tor tur uev ,tr a d at toe Union station. TAKE back your heart I order Fish. Chaa L. Pish. Piano Tuner. Phone Web. 12 5 i 1 GIRLS - wanted to press skirts:good waues; steady .work. 27 Leavenworth. . . 1 LADIES make snieleis st home, $ln per IOO, work sent prepsid to relisbie women; patriculars for stamped addressed en vnlope. Eureka Co., Dept. 5a. Katamaioo. Mich MAKE big monev mailing post cards; spare time: 25c brings you 10 high g'Sde ! mnii nmrtofci t ton St Jiksrfi Mir. I Supply Co.. Mabton. Wash. WOMEN to do plain sewing at home for a large Philadelphia firm: good money and steady work, no canvassing: send replv envelope for prices paid. Universal Co. 'Desk L Walnut Sl. Pniia.. Pa LADIES make S'tpporters $12 per bundled, no canvas&lnc: material f'ir- T .ushed. Stamped envelope for particulars W abash supply CO.. uepi. v. i. inicago. WANTED Errand girl for Kahl Johnston. 304 S. Wth. millinery. WANTED Lady demonstrators at Studio Grande 14 Farnam. HELP WANTED MALE- Agents, saloassea nnd olanltoro. BOOK salesman. W. Co . 1514 St Mary s Ave. A Hixenbaugb. : Tel D. 27. BIGGEST and best 10c mea.s. 1210 Dodge AN answer to this ad will make you money, tartiott Supply Co.. Brown Bik Onioiia, Neo. TWO-first -class men for Omaha and vi cinity to represent an eld. wtil-eiiatliahed life insurance company. W ill teach you the business, if necessary, and enable ou u make a good Income from the begin ning. sC e. Bee. send for catalogue of mail order book. eta Iand business plana. Covering every branch of the mail order business. R. P. Lindaay. Kere.aoaa.-Ai a. HELP WANTEDMALE Areata and eateeaeea Cewtlaeed. GENERAL AND LOCAL. AGENTS Here Is your opportunity. Ijiergetic men can maVe ? n veenv and up. THE CAN CHFPTER JiERAfF.NE MANTLE UMP revolutionize old methoda Far superior to e.'wctrtntv, gas. acetylene or gasoline at one-tenth the cost. BURNER FITS ALL LAMP? Fare; clean; odor!es. BURNS WITH OR WITHOUT MANTLE. Tefted and pronounced by state of Pennsylvania Most efficient lisft found '. Greatest seller known. WE VANT A PEW MORE LIVE MEN IN OPEN TER RITORY. Canchester Light Company, DepL 3. jnt N. State St.. Chicago ) AGENTS WANTED Make big money selling Thoto Pillow Tops 5c; Bromides 25c; Portraits 85c: Ollettea JOe. We produce works of art. guaranteed, lowest prices, largert studio. prompt service. credit given, sample Portrait and frame cata logue FREE Daniel H. Ritter Co . '04 Madison. Chicago. Ill ) A DOLLAR MADE EVERT 6 MINUTES Sold out before breakfast; salea In 30 minutes ' writes Hoffman. Melenson sold 20 first day, (profit $27.60) Wonderful labor, time, money-saving household inl vent ion Scrubs, cleans, dries floors, linoleums: abolishes old-style brushes, hands-disfiguring mops; no stooping wetting hands, self-feeding, drying, sud sing: child of 12 operates easily; weighs 5 pounds, sells for $2 75 - " Never such a hit: have So delighted, boosting customers." writes Cook. Credit given active agents. Investigation costs nothing Sanitary Supply Co.. Box 347. Sta F.. Toledo. O. EASY MONEY. LITTLE WORK. Re markable offer to start business of vour own. Win go sold 730 in 6 weeks: profit $l.'iMV Stauffer sent third order 3o0 machines. Send quick for details, sworn statements, facta about wonderful Auto matic Razor Sharpener Marvelous ac curacy a males even-body. Only success ful invention of Its kind made. Sharpens any rasor old style or safety. Irresist ible proposition Agents, managers every where. The Never Fail Co.. 1135, Col ton Bldg., Toledo. O. EASY money; little work: a revelation; Cevender sold SI in days-, Applewhite took orders la 30 minutes: irresistible sellirg proposition; send quick for details, sworn statements, facts about wonderful Automauo Razor Sharpener; marvelous accuracy amazes everybody; only success ful invention of tls kind In existence; sells itself; local agents, managers everywhere: all or spare time: $50 to i"0 weekly. Write at once. The Never Fall Company, UM, Colton Bldg.. Toledo, .Ohio.' $2.&a COMMISSION in S3 days earned bv new salesmen selling out lo-acre farms, with free town lot. On railroad in artesian belt of Southwestern Texas. Finest climate in America. Our company endorsed bv banks. Biggest seller ever offered. Strong men should make from $1,000 to $3.0X1 monthly. Fowler Bros. Land Co.. Frost bldg., San Antonio. Tex. EVERY person knows who D J. O Brien Is because be has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Howard Davic-s, 2532 Charles, will come to The Bee office w-itbln three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free AGENTS No matter what you do your gold mine in our beautiful catalogue show ing 2.OU0 quick selling articles at low prices and big profits. Several sales at every house. $3 profit easy every day. Over 5,000 magnificent Illustrations in our new $25,000 fall and Christmas catalogue. Free to our agents. $1,000 prize contest begins Oct. 1. Write Immediately for free catalogue and territory. A. W. Holmes dr Co.. Dept. A, Providence. R. I. SALES agents to sell the oldest and best steam trap on the market and other power plant specialties. Guaranteed territory. Commission basis. Fisher, 90 West Street, N Y I- MEN TO SOLICIT Good pay, experience not necessary. 6Hi S. 16th bt. RESIDENT MANAGER WANTED for local control of-the WILLIAMSON ELEC TRIC FLEXILYTE .the new portable light containing .an. extension cord which can be unwound and wound up at will. You must have a small capital, open an orrice. handle agents. and. acb. the trade on new nlan devised by us. The FLEX1LYTE sells .in every eiscmcauy iikhiwi mwift-in-r omce, lactones, among sajesmen. acton, tourists, students', doctors, nurses, etc. It is an opportunity, for a man who can give the highest reference. Address. L. A. WILLIAMSON CO., 26S Broadway. New York City.( SEE SPECIAL CHANCE In adv. of Fort Fraser unoer real estate lor saie. today. UP-TO-DATE article; the- government recommends; every home needs it; $4 to $6 a day sure; sample - free- The Jenco Co. (not inc.). Lock Box 425. Chicago, 111. FREE Sample free. Be on top. Work a couple of hours a day. Merchandise that sells on sight. Write Wilson Alfg. Co., Rahwsy. N. J. AGENTS clearing $300 monthly giving $1 safety razor free with 5itc advertising box shaving 6oap. Sample 25c Parker Chemi cal Co.. Chicago. WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substi tute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1; particulars. Gisha company, Anderson. In B n.ESMAS-Exnerienced In any line to sell general trade in Nebraska; unexcelled specialty proposition wiin orano new iw tni. Commission with i5 weekly for i pensea. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleve land. Ohio." A Loose Leaf salesmen and office people, r.n -hni or oart time to sell consumer loose leaf goods. Salary or commission. Anchor Loose Leaf Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. a rvr VTR Coining money: splendid ar ticle. Now. Reduces living expenses. What all want. Sells when shown, rarucuiars free. Volney Supply Co.. Dept. F. Bowling Green. Ky.' FURS. RUSSALYNX SETS. Jet black, eautiful lustre, long silky hair, equal toi,. "Xt Lynx. Price $S 50. Quick seller. Leipzig t. r-.. T.n YTKt Seventeenth St.. rui 1. - . . - - - - New Yoik BIG MONEY for ambitious salesman, call on jr.erchants in your territory: good side'ine- easv to carrv; prompt remittance. D. 69. Belmont Mfg Co.. Cincinnati. O. -1 we WANT $600 to $1,000 a month men New permanent proposition. I Sells from catalogue to all merchants. Exclusive or side line. E. C. Plume Co., Chicago. Ill WANTED Experienced drug salesman exclusively or side lme In Omaha tor high grade patented specialty. No competition. Advertised Splendid holiday seller. Suictlv commission. Write at once for exclusive temtorv. R Montgomery, 2331 South Wabash Ave., Chicago. AGENTS Our new 1H1 model Incandescent Kerosene Eurner 100 candlepower light burna with or without mantle. Prices defy I competition. Particulars free. Simplex iGaklignt Co.. New Tork. WANTED Salesman to handle line of fruit ciders as side-line In small country towns, 25 per cent commission, settlements weekly. Red Cross Vinegar Co., St. Louis. Mo . UNUSUAL chance to make money with side-line, standard well-known goods No samplea. Big orders snd repeaters. Knick erbocker Case Co.. Knickerbocker Bldg, Chicago. our Steel Fireless Ranges. Salesmen given exclusive territor' Write quick for par - ticuiars. Johnston-Slocum Company. Caro. Mich. SALESMAN To manage branch sale of fice and warehouse, brooms, brushes, etc. Commission basis. Must be able to give the best of reference and have some capi tal. Consultation and visit to to our fac tory may be necessary before permanent arrangements can be made. Box Sad. Blan- i Chester. O. HIGH-GRAPE salesSnen outside of Omaha, permanent position: $200 to &0 monthly; cali only on business men: $ expenses sd anred weekly; no samples to carry. International Co. 7S5 Mcinuie Bldg . r"syton. O BE A BOOSTER for the national game of base ball. If T. M Corklin, 2417 Seward, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. WANTED Agents to handle proposition which sells st sight. Two or six in al most every home. Particulars free Klein Specialty Co . Box 346. Ed wardsville. Ill WANTED Agents for jnost wonderful money ma ner sold; agents, street men. etc.; biggest success on record; when operated peopie stop, listen become fascinatod. buy; agents making $10 to 120 a day. Writs Trustee, Handy Things Co.. Ludington, Mich HELP WANTED MALE Ac-eat a and Sale me 1 Oat la a (Ml. lfinn FFEMXUMP FREE, selling braided, emt roidered. lawn lace shirtwaist pat terns, rrmce suits, etc . : weekly ensiiv made Catalogue, samples tree F. B Smith Co.. 247 Exchange Bldg, Pater son. N. J AGENTS A Winner. New self-filling fountain pen. ordinary pen points used: 72 sold one bldg ; 1- per cent profit. Write for terms an 4 territory. J. A. I. Smith. Deming. Chicago AGENTS WANTED Portrait frame: best work, lowest prices; convex oil bromide, a winner: samplea tree: work guaranteed Tean Studio. 3 E. St.. Kansas City, Mo. BE ON TOP. Free sample. Work a couple of hours a dav. Merchandise that selis en sight Dick Novelty Co., bS Washington St.. Eugene. Ore WANTED CAPABLE MAN TO ACT AS local representatives: must work under definite instructions: chance to earn moo to Wo 00 weekly with b hours dally effort. Address Chaa. O'Neill. Chicago. 111. AGENT? make big monev selling eur metallic letters for office windows, store fronts and glars signs. Any one can put them on Samples free Metallic Sign Co., 487 N Clark St. Chicago. BIO . PROFITS FOR TOT' . Manufacture Farlev crisp. New confection. 5c pack age coats you c Machine $7.50 prepaid. Samples 10c. Shaffer Co., 526 N atoms, St., San Francisco. SIGN PAINTING AGENTS. 1 0W profit. Best and cheapest window letter made. Easiest mounted Outfit FREE. Suicss positively guaranteed. EMBOSSED LETTER CO., 2571 Milwaukee Ave., Chi cago WOO per week sure, selling Collection Cabinet to merchants. Send for free samples and descriptive matter. PAYERS COMPANY. 405 Olive St.. St. Louis, Mo. KENTUCKY DISTILLERY wants Rep resentative exclusive or side line to so licit the Saloon and Drug trade for Ken tucky whiskev adopted by United State Government WOODLAND CO.. Dept. 41. Covington. Ky. AGENTS Either sex. aell guaranteed hosiery; 70 per cent profit: goods replaced fret if hole appears; experience essarv. Address "Wear Proof". West Philadelphia. Pa AGENTS Our improved patented curtain rod is a winner: no brackets or screws; exclusive territory granted. Lincoln Spe cialty Co.. 221 Funke Blk, Lincoln. Neb. YOUNG MEN. STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening sessions only. Further iniormauon aaaress sec re tery, 701 Om. Nat. Bank TeL Douglas SS7. WANTED A stock salesman. K 927, Bee. WANTED First-class reliable and com petent representative to represent our mills throughout the states of Nebraska. Iowa. Kansas, Missouri. North and South Da kotas on our line of blankets, flannels, robes and fancy woolens, must be familiar with these lines; this is a good opening for an energetic and hustling salesman; references required from former employers. Address Knight Woolen Mills. Provo. Utah. AGENTS Fast-selling, low priced spec- ialtv. needed everywhere, big profits, ex clusive territory. Free sample and terms. Write Pittsburgh Manufacturers Sales Co., Arrott Building. Pittsburgh. Pa AGENTS A brand new one Retails at 35 cents. 1" per cent pront. Ana 11 positively sells on eight to every housewife. Not sn agent on our staff clearing less than ti week. Ouick action necessary if you want to profit whil its new. Beh- rens & Morris, Chicago, 111- AGENTS $24 a week: new patented Au tomatic Cleaner Curry Comb; takes Just half as long to clean a horse; no clogging with hair and dirt: biE demand: big profits: freesample to "workers. Auto Comb Co".." 5033, Pinch Bldg., Dayton. Ohio. SALESMEN traveling large or small towns to carry- notions and fancy goods. side-line, liberal commission, state territory. Hope. .Manufacturing Co.. 3iS Broadway. New York. 1- LEADINS "Tpecialrv manufacturer wants salesmen for Nebraska. References more essential than experience. Liberal commis sion; perfect selling plan. J. a cattoh, Carroll, Bldg., 3067 Carroll Ave.. Chicago SALESMEN WANTED Earn $250 per month, .sen dealers highly advertised article; exclusively or side-line: no samples to carry. Imperial Co., St. Louis, Mo WANTED Experienced advertising sales man to sell our complete line of calendars, combination bank books, leather, cloth and wooden goods; exclusive territory; liberal commission. Economy Advertising Co., Iowa City, la. $50 TO $150 made weekly by men with me. Do you want addresses for proof. Don t want dead ones must he a live wire to organize for Order of Owls. 200 000 mem bers L6U0 Nests in U. S. Address, Supreme Ow-1 Organizer Cleveland O. AGENTS Men and women to sell "Ideal" flatlron cleaner. Every housewife war.ts it. Big profit to agents Sample 25c. Write for plans. Bodine Company, 513 Mill St.. Mansfield. O. AGENTS WANTED Improved specialty for automobile owners: quick seller: big profits; Illustrated' booklet: write today. Tbe Pickrell Supply Co.. Minneapolis. Kan. AGENTS Both sexes; we manufacture and control the fastest selling household specialty ever Invented. Connolly Co.. 123 Liberty St. New York. AGENTS Big money, new Friction Lighter, cheaper than matcher; lights gas and automobile lamps instantly; sample. 15c. Get quantity price. Jos. A. Kohn Co., Mil waukee. Wis." AGENTS Both sexes r1 get busy selling Gaslet Hesters; best ever lor fall and win ter; great oemana; ouun euppuea; retain 50c Seed. 3 Reade. New York. AGENTS Improved specialty for auto mobile owners: quick seller; big profits; illuitrated booklets; write today. Tbe Barker Specialty Co.. Ellsworth, Kan. AGENTS Framed pictures. 25c; portraits. 45c; sheet pictures, ic; pillow top portraits: free catalogue; samples. Family Portrait Co . Dept. N. P.. Wayne. 111. LEARN the Silver Plating Business and be assured of good living for life. Cable of Virginia earns 13.85 daily- You can do as well. Write free pamphlet. Geo. Milligan. Davenport, la J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. have vacancies for two salesmen. Only gentlemen capable of calling on physicians with cur medical publications, and stating age. business ex perience and references will be considered. Experience deeireble. but not absolutely essential. J B. Lippineott Co.. E. Wash ington Square. Philadelphia. Pa. HIGH-ORAD7E specialty salesmen to handle advertising proposition appealing to ail clasirs of trade on commission basis. loa and Nebraska territory open to right man and good for $100 per week- Do not answer unless you are willing to demon strate veur ability as your time Is of no value to us unless you produce business. Our proposition is a, reorder proposition. jchanUler i Co 14 N. Franklin St., Chicago, I 111 I AGENTS W ANTED 10 to JO dollars per day. best seller invented particulars free. Mran Specialty Company. Gracevtlle. i Minn. WANTED An honest, earnest, ener getic man to take charire of and handle district sale of U. S. Fire Extinguisher No experience required but must be a hustlei Able to control sgents. handle a large business and do canvassing. Tinted Mfg. Co.. 1693 United Bldg., Toledo, Ohio -FOUNTAIN PENS. For agents, demonstrators snd pre ml iums. go'd, stiver snd pearl fountain pens with Hkt gold nibs, to per do ten. same stvles in brass, gilt and lacquered, large, showv holders, with gold-plated nibs, at low prices; Security non-leakable pens at H per dosen English self fillers $9 doxen Send for price list of our 25c line Marks man Velvet Point Pens. DIAMOND POINT PEN CO . 56-S8 Fulton St.. New York La r test Manufacturers In United States BE A live one with the goods that sell easily. Every louew1fe wants the line Sample free. New Idea Mail Box Co, 170 National St.. Elgin, 111. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line, high commissions: tl'rt monthly advance and permanent position to right man. Jess H. South Co, Detroit, Mico. HELP WANTED MALE Agents auad -elesei rn tinned. trivrrrv-Hirh ri. .r-iit uImmk -i for Nebraka to beg.n work at inw.' suple 1 line, best season n'-nv open, contract con taining liberal weekly advance clause, ref erences required. Miles F. fcixier Co., Cleveland. O. HANDLE remarkable money getter. Easy to te.l. Easy to handle Repat or ders almost ex erv house Franklin Supply Co, ui N. Allison St. Philadelphia. PEOPLE will surely buy this article. Recommended by government, its a win ner. lYee sample given Write. Wood-bury Co.. Box 30, North Wears. New Hamp. everywhere. Write for free sample and our .J - itiuvifuf. j. z . r . 1 1 r aur M, i . 1 Ar lington Ave. St. Louis, Mo QUICK sales. $4 to $7 a day made Every home must have our leader. Sample free. Write, The C B Calpn Co.. 4H6 Prairie Ave., Chicago. IU. AGENTS, streetmen and peddlers are coining money selling our big 10c packages of 3b assorted postal cards. "Big profits '' Sell everywhere at sight 6ampie package 10c. Particulars free. Sullivan Card Co., 1234 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, III. SALESMEN to Introduce ' a new game table in saloons, cigar store, etc. Liberal proposition. Strictly commission; exclusive territory; experienced men preferred. Pat ton Mfg. Co, Cincinnati. O AGENTS WAN.TED Salea events for turbine and pressure blowers, feed water regulators, ventilating fans, pumps; guar anteed territory; large commissions. Wing. No. 80S Plymouth Bidg., Chicago. IU. WANTED A 109 per cent salesman to sell the 100 per cent Champion Fireproof Register: stops leaks and prevents failure, as Important to the retail merchant s suc cess as the telephone; an opening for a live wire If you are In the $3,000 to $10,000 class snswer. The Champion Register Company, Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED Several trustworthy bo vs. Good wages. W. U. Tel. Co.. H2 S. ISth St. WANTED A good delivery boy to de liver groceries. $22 Douglas. Clerical and Office. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 101i-16 City National Bank Building. Have the following positions to offer Monday morning: ACCOUNTANT, good penman. $"5. SPE CIALTY SALESMAN, soapa. $300. OF FICE CLERK, bank experience. J-. SHIPPING CLERK, drug experience. $75. CITY SALESMAN, insurance, good con- tract SALESMAN, vehicle, good cera- miton iirnit Bui. .-soi WE DON'T CARE if you are an office boy or in office manager, we can place you nn SHORT NOTICE if competent. Call and' get acquainted. CLERK, $45. Stenographer, $o-$S5. Traveling salesman. $100. Bookkeeper. $0-$.a. New vacancies every day. See us for a position. IhL CANO AGENCY, 600 Bee tsiag.- SALES MANAGER, wholesale house, $150. Office manager, insurance. $200. Traveling salesman, grocery, $100. Trnvplin? a lejtmnn. Ktunle lin. exrerl- enced retail man will do. $55. .Bookkeeper, boo city, f.b. Assistant bookkeeper, good penman. $45. Bookkeeper, wholesale accounts, $ . NO CHARGE UNLESS WE PLACE YOU. 762-e umar.a at rK. cia . 17th and Farnam Sts. EXPERIENCE male stenographer for out-of-town position. Saiary. $. Address Bee K Zia." Fseivrr nnd Trsvaea. Drug Ft ores ( snarx) J obe. Knleat. Bee Bids. WANTED First-class watchmaker, ply 6up-nntendent Brandeis Stores. AP- W ANTED Shoemaker in exclusive shoe store on commission; young man preferred. Reece Shoe Co.. Columbus. Neb. Mlseellaneou. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; largest and best equipped shops. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, Omaha, ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine corps, between the ages of 1 and SS. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay. $15 to l. Additional compensation possible. Food. clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 80 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship snd atbore in all parts of the world. Apply st U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office. 1406 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED A f?rst class operstor on ladies' jackets and coats. Apply at once. L. Nassau. Pueblo. Colo. WANTED Man who understands Me chanotherapy treatment; state age and experience. Address C 202. Bee. WANTED Collector: good future for right party. Call at 403 vOmaha Nat. bank. WANTED Mall clerks, carriers, clerks m government offices at Washington. Omaha. Neb . examinations during Septem ber. $t0 month. Annual vacations. Thou sands of appointments coming. Candidates eoached tree. Franklin Institute. Dept. M H. Rochester. N. Y. U.S. $100 MONTH AUTOINQ. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITS. Automatic Phone Bus's. $2; residence. $1. RELIABLE Employment agency, hotel and restaurant help. 1610 Davenpoit FOUND Faultless Cleaning works; sulu steam pressed, 5oc. 113 8. 15th. D. toi. MANWEILLER'S ernplo ment office farm hands. 12-th and Dodge. WANTED FOR D. S. ARMY Ablebodied unmarried men between ages of 15 and 35; citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Iniormauon apply to Recruiting Officer, l.'.tn and Douglas Sis., Omaha, Neb.; 607 4th St., Sioux City, la.; lv N. luth St.. RELIABLE Employment agency, hotel and restaurant help. 1610 Davenport. ELATZ Wiener. Tel. Doug, lbal for WANTED Experienced fraternal or ganizers to represent 1 he Ancient and Honorable Imperial Sabans. the organiza tion for colored men, now being estab lished in Amerna Write for full informa tion to U. S beadquartera. Lock Box lis. South Bend, Ind. FIRST-CLASS bulletin sign painter. Tt.cs. Cusack Co., 30tb and Harney. $35 weekly and expenses to trustworthy people to trsvel snd distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery, 29 P, Chicago. YOUNG and middle-aged men for Postal Service. Applications must be made soon. Full particulars ss to salaries, dates, places, etc.. free 227, Nat'l Cor. Institute, Washington. D. C WANTED Experienced fraternal or ganizers to write to G. E. Swisher, 726 West Wayne St., South Bend. Ind. Have something good to offer. TRI-CITT BAREER COLLEGE Men te learn barber trade, tuition $.5. ) S. 12th. TAKE me out to tb ball game If Peter L. Saul. 2429 Hamilton Sl . will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. WHY work for w-ages when you can make from S75 to tl' a week selling the Ktw Era Rope Machine, makes stronger and better rope, out cf bnding twine at less thsn t the price vou can buy it for at the store. Omaha tales Ar Supply Co, Sole Agents. 7ii Brende.e Theater Bldg, Omaha. Neb $6 00 PER HUNDRED for collecting names and addresses. Steady work. Send self-addressed enve ope. Western Adver tising Co.. Tulia. Tex WANTED Three managers for vsude ville theaters in western Canada; good salaries and big future, positions perma nent to rght parties: must make smal Investment. A dire it J A. Moran Prince Albert, Sask. Canada EARN H to $50 per week. Positions Few woeks completes. Great demand. Write at once Free catalogue. Auto School of 6u WANTED Man to learn barber trade. Western Barber Institute. lu Dodgn, HELP WANTED MALE Mlscellaneei rn tinned - EARN vio to li a week, we start you permanent business with us and fur- pians and ee eon able leaders In the mail older line to keep factories busv No can vassing . small capital, large profits, spare time onlv required Personal assistance. Write today for plans, positive proof and sorn statement. J. M Peae Nfg. Co.. :;3 Pease Bidg.. Michigan St.. Buffalo. N. Y THE U. S NAVY IS TODAT COM poeed of the finest body of p ked men In the world It has no place for the never-do-well or the failure More than l.iw men applv for positions in the Navy each wee.k. Only per cent of these pass the examination and are accepted This shows that the Navy picks its men with rigorous care and pains. The Navy does not uige any man to en list. But t does urge both parents and sons to investigate the opportunities the Nsvv offers young men (17 to 5. either as a four years' training or as a life work. The life Is healthful, the work agreeable, environment wholesome and helpful, and the maa who wishes to learn by study and trsvel or to learn a trade will find ample opportunity, as will the man who deeires to save money and win promotion and re tirement on three-fourths pay. The nearest Nut Recruiting Station Is st the Post Office Building. Omaha, Neb. The officer In charge will be glad to see parents and sons, and explain everything you wish to know about work, pay, pro motion, retirement, recreation, etc Or send for "The Making of a Man-0-W'arsman." it Is free. Address Bureau of Navigation, Box 209, Navy Department. Washington, D C SOUTHERN California, possessing the world s most equable climate, offers re munerative employment to clerks, sales men, stenographers, teachers, merchants and office men. skilled and unskilled male and female labor; and big five-acre farm profita Don't destroy vitality resisting hot and cold weather Live and prosper under Ideal climatic conditions In fastest grow ing section In world The populstlon of Los Angeles, which increased from 102,47? to I19.19S In ten years, will reach LO000 after completion Panama Canal your name listed for suitable employment, re oorta made retrardina business opportuni ties, cost of living, wages paid, industrial conditions, and cheapest route to travel west upon remittance or $1 to boutnern California Bureau. Inc., 223 West Second. Los Angeles. Cai WANTED Men to learn the barber trade We want plain people for a plain business. For a bread winner -you cant beat it. Wages better than most men earn. We teach by our ow-n method that saves years of spprenticeship. All practical work. Men shaved free. Tools g.ven. Diplomas grsnted. Wages In finishing department. Apply by mail from country. Call If In city. Moler Barber College, 110 S 14th St. Louis. 1105 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. TAKE me out to the ball game. If Cnae Lathrop. 2417 Charles, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. $109 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer: steady work. S. Schefrer. 199 Chicago. O.i I DON'T work for others: wart a cut-rate I grocery; mail order business. Supplies free. Reliable Grocery Co.. Buffalo. NT Y. t- YOUNG man at automobile supply store. State age. References and salary. Experi ence. Address A 219, Bee. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE WANTED Msn and wife to work on a farm. Steady e-ork. good wages Write immediately to C. J. Almgren. Potter. Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles, FOR SALE All kinds of good hoi US N. Hat Bt. f bourn aougiss sous. HORSE, buggy and harness snap. 27U N. 26th Ave iod. B-1S30. FIFTEEN months old Jersey-Durham heifer, with calf. 1050 S. 32d St. FOR SALE Horse, buggy, wagon and harness No reasonable offer refused. S492 Meredith. Webster 2435. Cats nnd Dobs. ANGORA CATS AND KITTENS Hand some creatures at No. Shelby Court jupt south of 22d & Leavenworth. Tel. Red 7101. Livery and Hoarding;. A. Melcher. LJvery. reed. JfiU Leavenworth LOST AND FOUND ELATZ private stock beer. Tea. D. 10SL PERSONS having lost some article would to well to call up the office of the Omaha 4V Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in in street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 4a. OMAHA oi COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Water spaniel pup. white breast; liberal reward. TeL W. 419. pnTTVn The Teddy Bear expert clean IUU'U era and dyers. A-2J6; D. 3456. LADY S gold watch. Creighton fob at- tached. Call Harney 2210. . LOST Friday morning, between Calumet Restaurant and Union depot, a medal in scribed "C. A. Saunders, Animal Health Commission." lieward for return to Bee Office. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. yoxTget a square deal When Dealing With Us That has always been our policy and la vet We loan in sums from tit up on HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANO, ETC.. without removal. ON REAL ESTATE or on vour PLAIN NOTE if you are steadily employed. You tan repay In small weealy or monthly payments. No red tape or do- lay. Place VOL K iaia.n with the Big gest. Olaest and Best. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Id floor. 20s Paxton Bldg. 217 So. 16th EL Phones A-1411 ex Doug. 141L Notice to AIL If you were positive that our rates and terms were tbe best tn the city, woulda I it pay you to see us when you need money? A comparison or our rates wiu those or uiher companies will convince you that this Is tn piace to borrow. $l2u u in weekly payment oa a M loan far tut eea. Other payments in toe same pro portion. It you need money at rite er phone btate Mortgage Loan (Jo. &-12 Arlington Block. 15UVs Dods St, mones avousrias m, ana. MONEY TO LOAN We have organised our company to loan money to people wno may not have crodit at a bank or to those who do not wish to ask their friends for a favor. Ws anaae loans quickly snd privately on furniture, pianos or teams. Phone Douglao 12J5. HOME LOAN COMPANY, Room E. Patterson Blk, 1623 Farnam SL CHATTEL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES NEBRASKA LOAN CO, 220 Bee Bidg. Doug. ISA. A-1356. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 WH FTATAU Uu Dodo Bteoet . U.rii-ii.iU, Telephone Rad k3. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and otnera, without security; esy payments. Office in 67 principal cities. Toiman. 5oj Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, for. merry N. Y. L. Bidg. GROSS. Joans on Jewelery and clothing. 410 N lech. r- i-s OFERED FOR RENT Bosurd nnd Booses, THE SHRINER. UK Bo. 26th St. O. M. E. hauls trunks, IX CO. A -JUL OFFERED FOR RENT Beard and Rooms Contlnned 2575 CUMING Rooms. $1 week up; If desired. boar) PRIVATE family; walking distance, quiet; clean. Harney OiL NICE D. If! board and room for gentlemen. ELEGANT rooms, heme cooking. jCit Howard. ONE large front room with alcove; su't sble for tour. Terms reasonable Board. D. 2T72 1105 PARK AVE Pleasant room. wfti beet of board. In small private family; choice neighborhood. 00 park car line. VERY Ceslrabie board with clean, pleas ant rooms, at Tbe Templars. Ull Capttol Ave. FURNISHED rooms and board. a How ard St. MODERN furnished front room suitable for two. with board. SB. Close In. iZXi How ard SL WXLL furnished rooms, in strictly mod ern home, desirable Iocs tton; breakfast and supper. 714 N. ZTth Ave. NICELY furnished south front room, with board. In private family. laJ Meson f-l Phone Uarney 409S. 10 N. 2&TH ST. Suits of rooms: hand some residence; lawn; walking distance; also one double room. ELEGANT suite of rooms, excellent borne' rooking, private family. West Farnam. Call Harney 4a. 171s CHICAGO, modern board, home cooking. rooms, table DESIRABLE rooms, centrally located, with or w ltnout board. 62 8. 1Mb Bt. Phone Doug. 120&. THE Laudon, modern with boms oooktnc. IU & 24th tx. ROOMS. single or en suite; oolleere men desired, board. 25th and Harney St a ELIXJANT suite of rooms, excellent home cooking; private family; West Form em. Call Harney 45. LARGE strictly modern rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, with excellent board. 5J0 S. itfth Ave. Harney 5tuu. Fmrnlened Boeau, PRETTY room In private home, strictly modern, hot water heat, references. H. 4L FINE, large modern room, everything hew. $2.50 week. Must have reference-. XT19 Davenport FURNISHED or unfurnished, choice lo-' ration; private family. References required. Phone Douglas 3052. ONE large room, suitable for four, lot N. 15th St. 2125 DOUGLAS Two nawlv fiirni.t. rooms; strictly modern, clean, cool room, shady lawn and porch. Gentlemen pre- vierrea. ruonf lyier i. &n WELL furnished rooms; walldna dis tance, white porcelain bath tub. 101 S. .lilb St. FRONT and back parlors, modern. Chicago. FURNISHED ROOMS, rent reasonable, front parlor, strictly modern, nicely fur nished, use of piano, no objection to musto or practice Must be seen to appreciate One small room, nice bath, plenty of hot and cold water. Also Ice water. Both phones. One block from csr line. 2563 St. Mary's Ave. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th & Farnam. 1502 NO. iTTH ST. Strictly mod rooms. I and $10. Board if desired. B-268. 2CJ6 FARNAM Cxol. modern rooms: shady lawn and porch; gentlemen preferred. Phone Douglas 462L FURNISHED rooms In strictly modern bouse. Han co no park district. 1117 Park Ave. Harney KuL THREE or four nicely furnished front rooms; main floor; complete for house keeping. 2018 Davenport St. THE HARVARD, modern rooms 34th and Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. 2021 Harney. NICE rooms, third floor The Albion. South Tenth. ELEGANT rooms 24in St. W. IL Hotel. 413 ft, 2412 DODGE ST., elegantly furnished south front double parlors, coo and mod ern; one other large south front room. Beautiful front room dt alcove. 2510 Capitol. 115 6. 20TH. furnished rooms, day. week or month; on car line. NEATLY furnished large front room, mcdai n house, meals If desired. Harney 6254. NICELY furnished room; modem, elec tric Ught, $10 per month. 2664 Douglas St. Phone Harney 1557. STEAM heated rooms, hot water. IWt Capitol Ave. Douglas 76J9. VERY desirable rooms for young men; also light housekeeping rooms. 2121 Mason St. Phone A-2874. IK CHICAGO ST.. nice clesn comforts ble rooms; modern; close lni reasonable, single or in suites. 2S26 DEWEY, furnished rooms with s.l modern conveniences. DESIRABLE meals; Dundee. room, with Harney 6252 or without ONE elegant furnished room, ail mod ern, suitable for one or two gentlemen in private family. 2227 Jones. Tel. Douglas 6751 CLEAN, modern room for student, $1. Call after Sunday, tig. 30th St. FURNISHED room tn modern flat, suit able for two. 'J'i S. 22d St. FURNISHED or unfurnished; one large room; also, small sleeping room; board if desired. 204 Webster St. 220 HARNEY Modem furnished close In. walking distance- room. fit S. 20th. rooms at reasonable rates; close In; half block north of 20th and Farnam. 54$ South 27th 6t- Strictly modern rooms. Harney 4993. NICELY furnished front room, near Far nam car. ui . mat Ave. FOR LADY ON LT Well furnlshMl nm. fortable room, with small private family la v est r arc am cistrict Close to Farnam car. near 35th and Dewey. All modern: fine location; price reasonable; good home for the winter; references required. Pnone Harney 4542. sdS N 24TH Nice rooms, reasonable 423 N. 15th St . elegant modern rooms. ROOM In private modern home; no chil dren; dose in. Harney, 1326. WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; white porcelain bathtub, soi 6. &th SL NICELY furnished, one or two rooms, at 1329 Georgia Ave, Tel. H. 112. 117 Bo. Central Blvd, new, ntoeiy fur Dished, modern rooms, in private home. Harney 2264. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern; half block from car line. He No. HA. $016 North Sherman Ave, 5 Lars; nsoely furnished rooms for gentlemen. X N. Uth 0L First das rooms to rant by day or week. Gentlemen preferred. K21 PARK AVEv-Nlcely furnished room In private family. Harney 1717, THREE blocks to court modern rooms. C2S ft. loth. Clean, H HURT Modern, nloely farnlabed room, near Crelghtoa university; two closets; reasonable- TAKE me out to tho ball ga-rae If N Llndbisd, JUs Hamilton, will come to The Bee office within three dsys we will gt . a him a ticket to the ball game at Ro.ut park. 1 SOUTH siTH. furnit..ed rooms for Ught hMtmssosgUigj modern.