Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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'ttmreB 9. 1911.
Hlh School Boyi Will Drill but Once
a Week This Year.
SriCm of Dnilrn Will Be Somewhat
Dlfferrat from Last Year Mal
cum Hsldrla la Lle-tea-
I Coloavl. '
With lb concurrence of Principal MV
Hugh of tha Oriinha High school the fol-lo-vtng
promotion and asslsnments In tha
cadet regiment nre announced and will
Uka effect Immediately. All formar promo
tion In conflict aro revoked.
, Tha Ural drlll of Hie year will be hald
next Wednesday, when all beginners will
be assigned to the different companlea.
Pr'tl will be held but one a week thla
year, under the nuprrvlslori of Lieutenant
William N. Haskell of Fort Omaha, laat
year commandunt. The band will ba
continued aa heretofore, but tha bugle corpa
will be run on a new ayatem thla year.
On bugler will ba oMlgntd to each com
pany and drill with that company at tha
regular time. ,
Following are the revised promotions
which go Into effect today:
H-ul'orutnl Staff.
Lieutenant Colonel. Malrom Baldrlge.
Captain and adjutant, Hugh Millard.
Captain and quartermaster, Milton Peterson.
Captain and commissary, Walter Hlxen-
Captain and ordnnnce. Norman Potter.
Regimental eergeant major. Earl Llnd-
berg; regimental quartermaater sergeant
Prod Klervlt; regimental commissary ser
gs&nt, Clarence Shury; regimental ord
nance sergeant,' Fred; Buchols: senior
eulor sergeant, Joarph Woolery; junior
do! or sergeant, G. Reeves.
Iintlnllon Staffs.
First Battalion Major, Vergil Rector; first
lieutenant and adjutant. Everett Burke;
second lloutenant and quartermaater, Clark
Carnaby; sergeant major. Ward Riley.
Second Latiallon Major, George Grimes;
first lieutenant and adjutant, Gordon Mills;
second lieutenant and quartermaater, Harry
Mason; sergeant major, Joseph Sorenson.
Third Battalion Major, Pel vers Busa
mann. first lieutenant and adjutant, Ed
win Lansdale; aecond lieutenant and quar
termaater, Ralph Carney; sergeaut major,
John McFarlacd.
Company Officers.
Company A Captain, Kidney Meyer; first
lieutenant, Arthur Kelson; second lieu
tenant. Douglas Burns; first sergeant.
James Durkee; sorgeanta, Herman Jobat,
Carl Rlngwait, Byron Kohrbough; cor
porals. Earl Uaumann, John Lewis and
Charles Oardlper.
Company B Captain. Rex Houlton; first
lieutenant. Junior Wooly; second lieu
tenant. Howard Wilson; first sergeant,
Ward Smith; sergeants. Sands Woodrldga,
John Diesel; corporals, Spencer Flint.
Philip Romoneck, Kenneth Norton and J.
Company C Captain, Horace Blake; first
' llautenant, Fred Ryplns; seoond lieutenant,
Morris Johnson; first sergeant, Wallace
Rheppard; sergeants, Harry Gideon. Mor
ton Rhodes; corporals. Glen Smith, Glen
Aron and Clifford Faxton.
Campany D Captain Beryl Crocker; firat
lieutenant, Homer . ..illlps; second lieu
tenant. Glen Wearna; , first sergeant
Maurice Loomls: sergeants. William
Mooney, Walter Jones. C. Hathaway, R. I
Wilbur; corporals, Bnlder, Harold Torrell
toil Clifford Daniels.
Company E Captain, Will Noble; first
lieutenant, Edward Perkins; second lieu
tenant, Vernon Scbleh; firat sergeant,
vacancy; sergeants. Earl Moore, Carl Eng
rom, Ralph Pratt; corporals, Haydon
Meyer. Maurice Gilbert, P. Granville and
Albert Knidson.
Company F Captain, George Metcalfe;
first lieutenant, Charlea Shook; seoond lieu
tenant. Edgar Leaver ton; first sergeant.
Earnest Hammond; sergeants, Robert
Inkster; corporals, Merrill Ady, A. Loomls
and B. Klrkendall.
Company G Captain, Harvey Fisher;
first lieutenant. Leo McShane; aecond lieu
tenant, Paul Friday; first sergeant, Carl
Itors; acrgeanta, Earn Peterson, Miller
Nichols, R. Marshall, Wayna Salby; cor
porals, C. Campbell, Robert Wakeley, L.
Harrington and E. Bannister.
Company H Captain, Deyo Crane; first
lieutenant, Harold Thomas; second lieuten
ant. Max Block; firat sergeant, Frank
Hlxenbaugh; sergeants, Bsrasy Kulakof
sky, Charlea Curry, Kenneth Martin; cor
porals, Judson Bo,ulrss. E. Edman and Har-,
lan Crltchfiald.
Company I Captain, Flnleyi Jenkins,
first lieutenant. Paul Mackin; aecond lieu
tenant, Howard Canan; firat sergeant,
Floyd Porter; sergeants, Howard Grleb,
Harold Langdun and J. Wilding; corporals,
iL Laity. R. Warren, Earl Clarknd L.
Band CaptaJn, George Krauae; first lieu
tenant. Hairy Jenkins; second lieutenant.
U. Trailer; first sergeant, Dunnlgan; ser
geant, R. Peterson.
8 A. 14., at Kilpatrick's, Saturday
Ttic Omaha IJcc Great
Booklovers' Contest
A very remarkable bargain in Children's Coats,
suited to the present cool nights and chilly moras. This
is a final clean up, Coats in the lot worth up, to $1000;
a few, indeed, were marked even higher than that.
Saturday, $2.50 Each
They have attracted much attention in our East Win
dow. We believe they'll go with a rush. DELAY and
you will prbbably SUFFER DISAPPOINTMENT.
A lot of Children '8 Dresses at 50 cents each price
is so ridiculous as to make it absolutely unnecessary for
us to say more, except if you have children YOU can't
afford to overlook.
Can You Use a Silk Dress?
We have about 60 to. sell Saturday most of them are late
6tyles which cost originally $10.00
and even more; Saturday for quick
uj, LJL ILJ. akM laic
Dainty little Foulards t A few Poplins 1 There is a
Pongee or two! Taffetas in gray and other colors I And
some attractive Satin Messalines!
$5.00 is such an absurd quotation that you must
realize Kilpatrick's make it in order to grasp the full sig
nificance of this wonderful value. No alterations, no ex
changes, no refunds.
Sale on Silk Hosiery Saturday 69 cents and 35 cents
pair. lnces no indication oi values.
If Interested Look!!!
We are now conducting the most wonderful BLAN
KET, BEDDING and BED WEAR SALE ever held by us..
We believe we are within the bounds of truth when
we state that there never was shown west of Chicago such .
a magnificent gathering of '
Blankets, Bedding
and Bedwear
We have outrivaled and outdone all past displays
and the variety and lowness of prices are a positive
REVELATION. We have an object. Let the department
manager tell you about it.
Many ladies -are leaving orders for made to measure
skirts at the dress goods counter. New fall goods are
being shown. The skirts made by us are latest styles
and we warrant a fit.
Some exceedingly choice, bordered silks and satin
on tap at Silk sectionand men behind the counter, who
like to show them. Favor us by asking to be shown. All
the sales start SIMELTANEOUSLY at 8 A'. M.
Furnishing Goods Department asks us to mention UNDERWEAR,
copy cannot say more.
We have done so. Ad man waiting for
Tiios. Kilpatriclk ek Co.
Ranohman Expires
While Taking Bath
Alexander T. Butler Came to His
Death by Apoplexy, ' According
to the Coroner.
Alexander T. Butler, a prominent cattle
man ot Casper, Wyo., was fourid dead in a
bath, tub at the ller Grand hotel at 1
o'clock tola morning by J. T. Edwards ot
Utah, a guest. Butler's son said his father
got up at 11:30 to go to the bath room.
and, aa tno son fell asleep, he did not
know that his father had not returned.
Tha coroner waa notified and, after mak
ing an examination, said the han had died
et apoplexy.
Butler apparently waa In. good health
when he and his aon arrived In Omaha
yesterday morning. They ate dinner at
tha hotel lost nleht and went out to a
theater, returning at 11.30.
Police Arrest Four
More Auto Speeders
Four more automobile speeders have
been rounded by tha polio for exceeding
the limit- They are:
C. Sachet t. 1234 Howard.
,. J. N. McNeil. 12J North Thirty-elgoth.
C. Klopp. Tenth and Douglas.
Blaino Young, Sll South Forty-first
Hay Fia-r-i1 to Reported to Still Da la
m. Bad War at St. Joseph
Bay Finer, the burglar who was shot by
Detective van i-usen eaiuraay nignt ana
whs refused la rs after medical al1 from
fear of being arrested, la reported to be
still in a critical condition at EL Joseph's
er bruised by a fall; apply Bucklen's Arnlra
asJva. cures curr.s, wounds, sores, externa
pile. CJuarantettl. io. For tale by Bea
ton Dru( Co.
'A.YDEN BROS, are having the largest piano business they
have ever had. WHY? Because they are selling better pianos
at lower prices than ever and the piano-buying public are
showing its good judgment and appreciate the values we are giving
by purchasing pianos now. To show that we appreciate this im
mense trade, we are going to continue this sale a few days longer.
Vooe, 40 Wheat, '45 Knabe, 50 Kimball, 65
Singer, $98 Vose, $125 Stanley & Son, $125 Chickering, $150
Erakauer, $150 J. & C.Fisher, Used, $175, Knabe, $190 Kranich & Bach, $2.49
ffifflS. JIBf
, tt If: u -cr ;ZZT?7T' u J
Piano Department
Fearing Eviction
Ravitz Ends Life
Pawnbroker Despondent Over
Condition and That of Ills
Wife. (
Jacob Ravlts. St years old. a
proprietor ot a pawn shop at
Eleventh streets, waa found
Ip his rooms at ini Dodge stre
afternoon, supposedly bavin
suicide. Dr. Fred Langdtr
vlve him, but he died a te '
fore J o'clock.
Ravlts had been detpoucr
Informed that unices he '
on bis rooms ha would 1
clared that he would com m i ,
wife has been alcU In ..
eral weeks.
There are three clilM
death: Samuel Ravltv
avenue, Mrs. Daisy W. f
Bluffs and David P, v;:
City. The body baa .'vet;,
tha coroner. .
r- or years
I nam and
t. .onsclous
; arly this
1 to re
lents be-
tnJ when
: rent due
;.e4. he de
. :, lde. His
1 1 for sev-
by his
t. Mary's
k of Council
.' gait Lake
ined over to
Republicans Lead
in Registrations
They Eepreient About Half the Num
ber of All Parties Who Are En
tered in Books.
Republicans In Omaha registered 1,(06
more voters Tuesday than the democrats.
The total figures, by wards. Including the
socialists and the Independenta who did
not specify their party affiliation, are as
Wards. Rep. , Dem. Soc. lnd. Total.
1 til ITS i2 bSi
1 M ' IM U U T7i
t bil Ul 1 11 xi
4 80s Su) li t0 M
i 617 til U IS
sr m is 6m
T Ui US 6 4 ew
I ) 2w W U 517
M S41 13 10 160
10 ill tt II 17 ft
U So4 244 13 14 fcU
11 M tl ita it l.Ovl
Totals.. 4. 961 t,3iS 101 til
Horsferd's Acid Phosphtta
restores strength and vitality
and relierea mental and ner
vous exhaustion. It dispels
that dragged out feeling; dur
ing1 Spring' and Summer, the
brain iag of tha overworked
teacher.ofnce or business mar
Acid Phosphate
Grand total.
fcctw the Bookiovera' Cootast any Uma
C1a Ml IMaWtltHM tS kasUx.
ProntotM faxkuiant ftuwlK.
Hvtf FsuU to Btor Orsty
UtviaT U it Youthful Color.
CiUaW aXiS diSMsr h feulf fsUata&
lV tnilf.H truK.-isi
la the basis on which wa ask you to
pay 1 and upwards yearly for a pri
vate afe in our massive Fire and
iurglar Prdbf Vaulta
There's no ataira to climb. No ques
tions naked dimply corae here aelect
tne size sare you need, place your
VALUABLES therein, get your key
ana awura.
tree Zeve! Xntranoe to Tanlts,
1814 liBIiK ITBZET.
e,i? 4
Bo. B9 Saturday, September S,
VTiat Book Does This Picture Represent?
Your Name
Street and Number
City or Town
Writs In Utla and author of book and SAVE coupon and plctura.
Send no-coupon until finish of the conUst Is announced. Each plcturs
represents a book titles not a scsns or a character. Cauioguos containing
6,000 name on which all puzzle pictures are based tba catalogue used
by the contest editor are for sale at the Ruainess Office at Tba Bea for
25 cents: by tnall. SO cents
Rules of the Contest
All Bemmt are eligible te enter tkla eoatMt mt eaulora ef Uie Omaha Be tad
Balm of tlwlr Umlllia. CacS Sar. (or Tnir-liT a, thoro will bo publnlod la
Too Boo a plctvire whlca 1U roprooant tbo Bono of a book. Boumib oocb platan thoro
1U bo a bUak for tbo cootocunt to till In the title of tbo book.
Cut out both tbo picture ana tbo blank ana fill la tbo name and author ef the book
ana odd your home and addnoo neatly and plainly la tbo apaoa provided.
No rootrletlona will bo placed ea the war In which anaworo to tbo plrturoa ar bo ro
cured. Each ploturo roproaonts only oao title of ono booh. If you aro not auro of a title
sad wish to sand in atoro than ono aaower to each ploturo, you mar do oo. BIT Nor
eorroot aaawora will not bo counted against ooatealants If correct anawar Is alao flTon.
More tnaa one anawor should not bo put oa tbo aamo coupon. Extra coupona abould be
aood tor extra anawars. All anawars to tha aamo sumbrr abould bo kpt together when
sanding In tbo not. Only ono Hat may be submitted by one contoaunt, tboufb any Hat may
have five anawara to each puialc
The number ot conpona uatd answers siren must be plainly written on the outside et
each SET submitted, but do not write auoh Information on the wrapper.
While not absolutely ncooeaary. It la aaalrablc that the plctaroa should Urn each eaae
be sent In with the anawara, la order that all asiwers ba uniform. Additional pictures
aad ooupona may be obtained at the ottloe ot The Bee by mall or Is person.
bea yea have all enTenty-flre plctuaes, faatan them tnteiber in a FLAT paoka and
trie or mall there to The Omaha Boo, addreaaed to Uooklovera' Conteet Editor. rrlaos
will be swarded to the contestants sondlas In the lxit unmoor ot correct eolutlons. la
event of two or more peraoua bavins the aamo number of correct solutions, the person
mlng the emaller number of extra ooupona la his set ot anawers will be declared wlnnar la
event of two persona having tha earns number correct and mint the same number ot cou
pona, the peraoa whose set cf answers M moot neatly prepared. In the opinion of the full
Judging committee, will receive the (tret prlno. ...
Only one list of anawers mar be submitted by a eoaUsUat and enly eae Prise WIU be
awarded te eae family at one address. . .
The use et the ooupona Is not obligatory epos tba contestant, sad aa answer Buy ba
submitted la aay legible manner the eonteitant may select
, Awards will be made strictly according to tbo merit of each separate Hot.
The name of more than one pervoa muat not be written soon any one eoupoa.
The awards will be made by the Conteat Editor and a ooaualttec ef woli-knowa stU
gens, whoac aames will be ansounoed later.
The conteat Is limited to tbo following territory; Nebraaka, Wyoming, that portion et
Iowa weat ot but not Including Oca Mot sea. and that section et South Dakota known aa
the Black Hills Dtatneu
White Steamer Automobile
. a toil M UI.ltaa kltaamas Voiirlni t!sEX---Od(r ifilssl. IXa0kel6S
and noleelesa. No cranking, no shifting of geare; any desired speed. tilW
Btcamer sales increaae eacn succeeaing year, nm iri;n'iy T , "
ot the United States government, which owns and operates mora Wh te s)V"
era .han all other care combined. Kichly upholetared. beautiruuy rinisnaa, uu-
llmlte i t ower, controlled speed. This car la on suuoiuon a utiuumvuu
Ilghtccata and Harney Streets.
to tha soft, eemt-troplc. ellmatlo sons, extending
north from San Diego to Shasta County, California.
Ilea Tehama county. In which la altuatad thla beau
tiful Uttle 10-acre ranch near tha town of Had Bluff.
This la fruit land -if a very high order and la part of
tba celebrated Lutheran colony which bad Its Incep
tion with an Omaha clergyman. Literature describ
ing thla property may ba had at tha office of TOW-lUSOI-SOLSTn
CO. la the tUty national Bank
Bonding. Omaha.
The magnificent, -ancy walnut KSELXi
AUTO OXAITD TI. ATX 11-ri AST O which noth
ing can excel. No other player-piano has la '
the absolute tha "human touch" ao daalrad by
a muaical ear and ao prized by tha manufac
turers, Thla tnatrumant will ba exhibited, ex
plained and played for anyone who wiahea to
eae It la the ware rooma oo tha t&lxa floe ut
a tnanulac.urlnk eity.
the Brjwn Truck Manu-
Ralston is la. be
tiav a fine start with
lecturing Co., he Rogers Motor Car Co., and the
vinwarrf Htov Works. EvarvthlBa: desirable to
comfortable living may be found there. On one of
the main bulni. streets th Bee hss selected In
fourth prtae a business Wt tiitl leeu auJ
vaiued at 91 a.
FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225
la the aama town and with the same prospect t( advancement, tha Bee
has selected a residence lot 60x1 40 ft., and' valued at $aa
Kaikton la 00 the only inteiurban trolley Una runmug out of Omaha, and
within lorty minutes of the Omaha puatofrice.
Complete information about this property at the office of tha KALSXOS ,
TOWNieiX- COALS' A Y, 30k South 17th St.. Omaha.
1 ma ingenious encyciupeuta, wuito is a ueve.op
mint ratuer Uin nikciuiun, iiaa UvaiUes its conven
ience the vaiue of hundieua ot eunora mentally
equipped to itiaas uiif of I lie gleateut encyciopeuias
kr coinpilea. One o. the strongest recwnniteuUs
liens fcr this worn la t. let it is 11 out the press ot
tha reliable old house ot ikon. KELSO at st LOi.8,
of Hew York, Itondoa, Subiiu aad tmueuxgh, woitu
was tounuva in in.
This encyclopedia ef twelve volumes, which la valued at f a set, may be
aeeo at the Omaha office of W. A. Klaeabangh Co. 11 Sr. Mary's Avenue.
arises consist of twsnty-four d nh Uiuikl seta o
wledge," an encyclopedia made epeciuy lt,r chuurer. and void at ! a
lis work is written in simple languaa und la a "woi.Uei bock" In that It
simple all knowledge necessary to broad oducxtlon. 'ihern are hunarcie
These prlies consist of twsnty-four vuiu.iie cl tti buunu seta of the "Booa
er anowi
set Vnli
iiMkee nil
of colored plates and thousands In Uack and while, i his Is a fully equipped
favviw'l'w1 . " j " .we) wHivuw ee wa Hf.
aUaaeauuM as iaii me. jury s
is the home paper of Nebraska
Five Prizes ot $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Ten Prizes of $2.
Twenty Prizes of $1.