Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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The omaila daily dee
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The Harmon boom at least seems to
be conservative.
James Eads How says he will march
a band of hoboes to Washington. How?
. Colonel George liarvey speaks of
"one democratic blunder." Which one?
In considering new sites for the na
tional capitol, don't overlook Hum
boldt, la.
Mrs. Gotch sat by while her husky
husband hugged Hack and did not get
a bit Jealous.
Before the people knock out pugll
lain some real old John L. blows will
have to be dealt. x
The tax-1 would make a bigger hit
with the property owner by changing
its ominous name.
Take notice that Joe Bailey did aot
announce his Intention to quit until
the dissolution of the Standard Oil.
If Admiral Togo came over here to
put himself In line, for a magazine
writing Job he ought to have suc
ceeded. 1
A writer to the New York Times
protests against "too much horn
blowing." It might be In autoing or
politics. I
." What is the matter with the world
anyway? It is not going to suit Uppie
Sinclair, Emma Goldman or Hacken
Could it be possible that "Ne
braska's leading democratic dally" had
announced its choice of Harmon pre
The farmer says he gets less than
one-third of the consumer's dollar.
Still, that Is as much as the consumer
often gets.
Still, a meeting between Candidate
..Harman and "Mike" Harrington
would be expected to develop more
enlivening features.
Speaking of the fearlessness with
which Premier Laurier challenge his
retirement, a man of 70 can do that
with comparative comfort of mind.
. . Last time it was the "Square Meal-
era" who took the democratic money,
'which job this time is evidently cov
eted by tbe "Liberal Republicans."
If J. Ham Lewis tries to make his
whiskers an issue in the Illinois sen
atorial campaign, somebody Is apt to
say they are adulterated with benzoate
of soda.
"Johnson has tne Yankees com
pletely at his mercy." What great bat
tle of the rebellion does that refer to?
Address answers to our puzzle de
Our old friend, Jasper L. McBrien
has publicly taken oath to fight the
liquor traffic to a finish. A very laud
able ambition, the only wonder being
that the Job has lasted so long.
If the salary of supreme court jus
tlces should be raised to 123,000 the
. president will have a much longer list
from which to select the next ap
polntee than he had the last time.
Omaha's marrying preacher has
moved his high water mark of couples
united by him in wedlock up to J, 300
It would be interesting to know how
many of them have since been dis
The Hitchoock-Dennlson-Woxld-Her-ald
combine scored its only majority
against the commission plan of govern
meat In the progressive Third ward
It was a glorious victory for these
eminent reformers
' The esteemed marquis of Queens-
bury came clear from England to tell
us how the Gotch-Hack match came
out. His verdict la that Gotch threw
but a shadow of tbe real Hack. How
deucodly clevah of the marquis,
doncherknow, to put us hip.
Iroorance That'i All. j
The chairman of the committee will ap
point the executive committee, and It In
turn will name the temporary chairman of
next year's state convention. The tem
porary chairman will be made permanent
chairman and will appoint the committee
on resolutions. The La Follette men
charge that there Is a purpose to make
the resolutions favorable to Taft. and also
to keep out of the platform any endorse
ment of the Initiative nd referendum, so
that straight party ballots will not be
counted for it Lincoln Star.
This would be interesting If it mere
not so palpably a display of ignorance.
Under our new primary election sys
tem the state committee is purely a
campaign committee cbarged with the
management of the canvass for the
candidates on the party ticket, and
the work of party organization. Next
year's platform conventions will have
no opportunity whatever to favor any
one for president, because these con
ventions will not meet until the end of
July, whereas the presidential tickets
will all be In the field a month before,
and in Nebraska the presidential pref
erence vote will have been taken in
April preceding. Neither will the plat
form resolutions have any power to
make straight party ballots count for
or against the initiative and referen
dum, for that, too, will have been long
before determined in the April pri
mary, in which the rank and file will
indicate the only approval tr disap
proval that can count for that purpose.
Folk Press-Clipping Bureau.
Former Governor Joseph W. Folk of
Missouri, one of the three democratic
presidential candidates from that
state, is resorting to the press-enp-plng
bureau for the purposes of
his campaign. His managers have
put out a large circular sntitled
Recent Press Notes of Joseph W.
Folk; Some of the Newspaper Com
ments on Mlssourian Who May Be
Democratic Choice for President." The
notes consist of editorial clippings
from papers published in Missouri,
Oklahoma, Michigan, Montana, Penn
sylvania, all favorable, of course, to
Mr. Folk and his candidacy.
While Mr. Folk's candidacy does
not now look formidable, his method
s quite Interesting and may attract
some support to him.' It at least shows
that Mr. Folk and his friends are not
preparing to stand aside for either
Champ Clark or David R. Francis,
Missouri's other two candidates. Mis
souri democrats pledged themselves to
Folk In atate convention a year ago,
before Champ Clark or Dave Francis
was In the ring and before the acci
dent happened by which Clark was
elevated to the speakership, where he
might command serious attention as a
presidential possibility.
Whether the Missouri democrats
would commit themselves to Folk to
day were they to hold a state conven
tion Is uncertain, but it does not mat
ter, so. far as the formal endorsement
goes. If Francis gets Into the fight
with his old-time vigor, it will be
hard for the old guard to follow be
hind a Folk bandwagon- So far as
Clark Is concerned, whatever nucleus
of support he gets from his state is
likely to out Into Folk, for they have
both been playing, more or less, to
the same galleries.
A Good Example, Anyway.
Those ministers who declined to
... ...a J Mt -
marry a muui-miiiionaire divorcee
to a girl young enough to be his daugh
ter, even for an excessive fee, cannot
hope to prevent the match, but they
have at least set an example, the moral
effect of which surely will not be en
tirely lost. The clergyman who does
perform the ceremony cannot help but
appear to a disadvantage by contrast
with his brethren who refused, despite
the tempting size of the fee.
It is all very well for the church
and Its votaries to preach the sanctity
of matrimony and the purity of the
family altar, but their duty does not
end there. To put preachment Into
practice, they must have the courage
of their convictions, which these minis
ters display in rejecting the proffer of
$1,000 to do something which they
vigorously condemn aa wrong. They
cannot escape their responsibility in
this connection. Neither can they
wield influence worth while so long as
they attempt to escape it.
The world has a right to demand
leadership of those who stand as moral
teachers and If they fail then they can
not expect much in the way of follow
lng their precepts. The increasing
evil of the sanctioned divorce Is far too
large a problem to be solved with any
half-hearted, or dispirited effort. It
cannot be overcome by being winked
at and connived In.
The Power of Song. 1
Failing fifteen times in seven years
to swim the English channel, William
T. Burgees triumphs on the sixteenth
attempt. It Is the first time in thirty
six years, since tbe achievement of
Captain Mathew Webb, that the feat
has been accomplished. It tested all
the swimmer's strength, skill and en
durance and then It seems he would
have failed but for the ringing cheer
of his pilots' singing from the motor
boat alongside. Twice the swimmer
became sick at sea, once almost de
lirious and fain would quit, "but my
pilots began to sing and this gave me
fresh courage to persevere." '
The other night when . the Hon.
Hackensmldt, on the eve of his pro
fessional engagement with the es
teemed Mr, Gotch, found sleep impos
sible and rest difficult, his trainers
employed a large, genial German to
sit In his room and sing national airs
dear to Hack. That was once when
the magic of music failed, but the In
stance goes to show what charm and
power dwell tn quickening song. His
tory has rhapsodized over it. Many a
flagging army has been fired with new
vim by some Inspiring strain from the
regimental band and gone into battle
to conquer Instead of lose. The
"Spirit of is the spirit of the mili
tant martial air. The songs and drum
beats on msny a civil war battlefield
helped win the day.
But here Is a new test of this music
magic, in the realm of athletic en
deavor. Perhaps the story of the
Battle of Reno might have been differ
ent had the army of General Jeffries
resorted to phonograph records to
cheer the heart of the white man's de
spairing hope. What stupendous de
tail In the destiny of mankind hung
on the swimming of the, English chan
nel, we know not, but whatever it was,
it has been perfected through the mys
tic instrumentality of magic rhythm,
and now the course of human destiny
may run along to its end unobstructed
The Democratic Distress.
Our amiable democratic contempor
ary, the World-Herald, seems to be
terribly distressed for fear "weak
kneed republican progressives may re
fuse to exert themselves to prevent the
renominatlon of President Taft because
convinced that they would be fighting'
the inevitable. This course, that dis
interested sheet tells us, would proceed
on the "lazy and cowardly theory"
that it is impossible to prevent his re
nomination, and It tries to inspire
"genuine progressives' to come out
against Mr. Taft openly and defiantly
by showing them What a weak candi
date he will make, arid how certain he
will be to lead the party to defeat.
This appeal is not worthy even of
the World-Herald's reputation for
political fox-craft, for If that organ
had the slightest confidence in its
own representations on this score,
namely, that Mr. Taft's renominatlon
assured democratic success, It would
be urging republicans to stay with
their president lest some other and
stronger standard bearer might head
the republican ticket to the detriment
of democratic chances. The World
Herald is solicitous about the "weak
kneed progressive republicans" only
for the purpose of using them in boost
ing the democratic game.
Local democrats must Indeed be In
hard lines when they have to dig up a
apolitical grafter like Van Alstlne to
head the uprising against nominees on
the republican ticket. Van Alstlne has
this time convened himself as a club
and passed a resolution exactly 120
Strong, which is modesty Itself for him,
since he has been known to offer votes
by the thousand for the proper con
sideration. What we advise our demo
cratic friends to do when bargaining
with Van is to make the reward condi
tional on delivery of the goods.
Both the democratic state commit
tee and the democratic state club have
retained Dr. P. L. Hall aa treasurer.
But if former democratic practice is
pursued he will only be apprised of
the fact when asked to subscribe his
name to a sworn report of campaign
receipts and expenditures handled ex
clusively by the democratic machine
An accommodating federal Judge
has again enjoined the South Dakota
Railroad commission from enforcing
the reduced rate schedule enacted
by the last legislature. If South
Dakota is up against a railroad
rate fight, it can learn a lot about
what to do, and what not to do, from
Nebraska's experience.
The ostensible purpose of the pro
posed organization of former law
makers In Nebraska Is to influence
legislation. If there lawmakers could
not turn the trick themselves while
they were on the Job, how do they ex
pect to make their successors do what
they failed to do?
And now it is said that the doctors
made a mistake in diagnosing all those
cases at Lincoln as typhoid. Better put
that into the brief as argument why
the money devoted by Nebraska to
medical education should be spent at
Lincoln rather than at Omaha.
What. Never?
Houston Post.
Mr. Bryan reiterates his determination
never to run for president again. By shap
ing that luminous decision into a peroration
for all his public addresses wa believe Mr.
Bryan might materially fatten the gate re
Modesty Goes to the Mat.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A New York milliner had so much deli
cacy of mind that he disliked to annoy his
fashionable customers with bills. He made
an assignment the other day and It Is be.
lleved the aslgnee will have no qualms
over dunning the society debtors early and
Does tbe Title Fit f
New York World.
It may take a little time to get accus
tomed to the title, "The Peace Kaiser,
conferred upon Emperor William by Con
gressman Bartholdt tn Berlin In presenting
to the kaiser and the German people the
statues of Baron von Steuben. But it U an
undoubted Improvement upon that of ''The
German War Lord."
I'mplrea l ader tbe Rod.
Philadelphia BuUettn.
The appointment of fifteen referees for
boxing clubs of New York under the
authority of the new commission on box
ing, suggests that the time may come when
the appointment of base ball umpires may
be taken out of the hands of league offi
cials and delegated to a state commission,
which, of course, would be held to Impar
tial and careful performance of Its duty
under the peril of the recall.
Why tbe Lawyers Whooped.
St. Louis Republic.
The president is always in his element
when ha addresses a convention of lawyers
or speaks on the subject of the Judiciary.
His auggestton before the American Bar
association yesterday that Judges of the
supreme jcourt should receive salaries of
IA.000 a year waa greeted wttn more en
thusiasm than anything else that ha has
said has evoked In many a day. A man
who is clever enough to make the lawyers
whoop and yell ought to know how to
wake up the plain people occasionally.
IliisDay InOmalia
Ihlrty Years Ago
The most brilliant social event of the
season was the reception given this even
ing st Happy Hollow by Mr. and Mrs J.
N. H. Patrick for Colonel Matt Patrick
and his bride on their return from the east.
Nearly 6-0 Invitations had been Issued,
and. In anticipation of full dress. Omaha's
belles had for weeks past been making
elaborate preparations to do Justice to
themselves. In the parlors Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. H. Patrick, assisted by their eon,
Robert, received the rapidly Increasing ar
rivals, who were one by one Introduced to
Colonel Patrick and his bride. It seemed
as if all Omaha's best society must have
postponed every other engagement to do
honor to the occasion. In the Intermission
between the music by the Ninth Infantry
band there were a number of brilliant dis
plays of fireworks on the lawn. Dancing
began at 8 o'clock and lasted until I
o'clock, the program concluding with a ger
man. The favors for the german were
costly and elegant, having been purchased
in New York. Two sets of dancers partic
ipated, as follows: Robert Patrick and
Miss Wakeley, Will Morris and Miss Burk
ley, Arthur Wakeley and Miss Steele,
Richard Berlin and Miss Chapman, Warren
Swltzler and Miss Rusttn, Richard Carrier
and Miss Le timer, Oeorge Savage and Miss
Knight. M. Barkalow and Miss Balmombe,
Mr. Hendricks and Miss Berlin, Oeorge
Squires and Miss Street, Will McMlllen and
Miss Chambers. The second set: James
Ross and Addle Berlin, A. L. Patrick and
Miss Kammerer, Newt Barkalow and Miss
Yates, Robert Garlich and Miss IJams,
Nate Crary and Miss Lou IJams, Charles
McCormlck and Miss Windsor, J. C. Sharp
and Miss Megeath, Charles Beach and Miss
Doane, W. B. Scott and Miss Wells, Theo
dore Ringwalt and Miss Rlngwalt, J. Ring
wait and Miss Hall. The out-of-town guests
were Miss Kammerer of Pittsburgh, Mrs.
William Walker of Salt Lake City and
Hon. Robert Anderson of Pittsburgh. The
names of the other guests mske too long a
list to reprint.
Three tests were made this evening by
the water works company. Connections
were made at Seventeenth and Chicago
through 300 feet and two at Eighteenth and
Chicago through 100 feet. The supply of
water was raised through two four-inch
mains with one and one-fourth inch nor
lie, ana tnree streams were drawn to a
height of about 113 feet.
After much suffering Phil McCaffery,
generally known as "Old Phil." died at
St. Joseph's hospital, where he had been an
Inmate for about a year and eight months.
Edward Foley, aged 83 years, died at his
residence at the corner of Thirteenth amd
Cass streets.
T. W. Blackburn, left for Kansas City this
C. E. Yost and wife have returned from
Henry E. Palmer of Platt&mouth Is stay
ing at the Cretg-hton house.
C E. Foote of St. Louis is the truant of
Dr. Foote at the Creisrhton house.
Dr. A. W. Hyde arrived from Now York
bringing with him his bride, to whom he
waa married last week In New York City.
Charles Elgutter, who graduated so bril
liantly at the high school last June, left for
college at Exeter,- N. H.
Twenty Years A go-
Colonel Harry Brownson, aged 62 years.
who died the day before at his home, 2632
Davenport street, was buried under the
auspices of the U. 8. Grant post. Grand
Army of the Republic, Champion 8. Chase,
commander; John Jeffcoat, adjutant. The
services were held at Trinity cathedral.
U. 8. Grand post. Grand Army of the Re
public, celebrated the occupancy of Its new
headquarters in the Boston store building,
Sixteenth and' Douglas streets, sided by the
Woman's Relief Corps and Sons of Veter
ans camp of Omaha, Fort Omaha. South
Omaha and Council Bluffs. Colonel C. 8.
Chase, commander, welcomed all amd re
ceived from Comrade Davis in behalf of the
poet a beautiful souvenir of the late en
campment at Detroit. The first commander
of the post waa then Introduced in the per
son of Senator Manderson. who made an
addresa Rev. Mary Glrard Andrews also
Mayor Cushing returned to the city coun
cil, without his approval, a resolution to
publish the Australian ballot law at a cost
of $1,100.
With his trusty shotgun. Mike McCarty,
1118 Cass street, perforated William Cublln.
of the same address, in a nearby saloon as
the result of a dispute the two men had
bad over household expenses. McCarty
was Cublln's father-in-law. The wounds
were pronounced not dangerous.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Coutant were agree
ably surprised tn the evening when a party
of friends came in on them, including Mr.
and Mrs. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Barkalow.
Mr. and Mrs. Morsman, Mr. and Mrs.
Pritchett and Mr. and Mrs. Yost.
Ten Years Ago
A mass meeting where prayers were of
fered for the recovery of President Me-
Klnley, waa held at St Mary's Avenue
Congregational church. These ministers
took part: Revs. E. F. Treft. H. C. Her
ring. T. V. Moore, Clyde Clay Cisaell, C.
S. Sargent On special invitation of Dr.
Sargent, many prominent cltlsens, among
them Edward Rose water, Joseph H. Millard
and others attended.
The Trocadero announced Baby Lund
In "The Gypsy Princess" aa the big hit of
tbe week.
A- M. Morrlssey of Valentine, Neb,
stopped In Omaha on his way home from
Buffalo, N. Y. He was there when Presi
dent McKinley was shot and described the
sad occurrence.
Omaha gets a flogging at the hands of
St Joseph, score 4 to 1, In the mud at Vin
ton street park. Red Dooln (now manager
of Philadelphia Nationals) waa catching
for St. Joseph.
People Talked About
By entertaining ten members of the
family on bis country estate, John IX
Rockefeller demonstrated how easy Is the
task of gathering subsidiaries in the main
W. B. Huff, a machinist employed In an
automobile concern at Wlnfleld, Kan.,
thinks he has broken the world's reoord by
cutting down a piece of steel Into a spiral
sliver 156 feet long and a second piece of
steel Into a sliver 121 feet long. Tbe long
est shaving of this sort be ever heard of,
he says, was one 110 feet long, reported
from the Santa Fe railroad shops at To
peka, Eugene La Bine, a farmer of Marshall
county, Minnesota, la harvesting 600 acres
of wheat with one machine, working day
and night The binder Is run with eight
horses, four to a shift, and a headlight la
used at night The night shift of horses
stand the work much better than those
used tn the heat of the day, and La Bin
predicts that night biding will become tbe
custom in tbe northwest
The Commission Plan
Editorial Com meat ea Deere
of Omaha oer tor the New
Form of t'ltr norernment.
Bark to Bryanlsmf
St. Louis Globe-Democrat,
Omaha has adopted the commission plan
of government, the Initiative, the referen
dum and the recall, all at one dose. The
democratic foes of Mr. Bryan having been
running the city government of Omaha for
a1 few years past, this violent reaction Is
perhaps only what should be expected.
Battle Only Half Woo.
Sioux City Tribune.
Omaha people must understand, of eoure.
that the battle for better city government
is only half won. The commission form of
government merely makes efficient eco
nomical and honest administration of city
affairs possible. The indictment a gainst the
old plan, upon which It has been tried
and condemned in so many places, Is that
It would not work well no matter how good
the men chosen to administer it. But to
make the new plan work well It Is vital
that efficient and honest mem be chosen
as city commissioners. That IS the problem
which the people of Omaha now have to
face. i
Xw rtem In La rare Cities.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
Omaha now has a population oC 12S.0W.
and the considerable size of the city will
make the experiment of the commission
form of government quite aa Instructive
as In any of the other cities that have
adopted It. It has been often said that
the smaller cities were peculiarly adapted
to commission administration, and it Is
well that as many places of over 100,000 as
possible should be Included in the length
ening list of cities now trying the new
system. Five years hehce should see a
general harvesting of conclusions concern
ing the departure that will be valuable
and perhaps conclusive. -
Tbe Test to Come.
St. Louis Republic.
We may be sure that if this simpler and
more direct means of managing a city
proves successful In Omaha It will be at
tempted In still larger fields. With a pop
ulation of 124,000. Omaha fairly represents
many metropolitan conditions. Its prob
lems and difficulties have been those com
mon to the greater municipalities. The
commission form of government Is the only
substitute which these times have tried
for the conventional form. Several smaller
towns have lately adopted It, and some
have rejected It. That Important towns
are disposed to give It a larger experi
ment speaks significantly In Its favor.
1 l
Joins Beform Pi-oceaalon.
Des Moines Register and Leader.
But it may be said of the commission
plan, as Beecher onoe said of good clothes,
"a fine coat will not make a fine man,
but It will help his appearance." Omaha
has joined an eminently respectable proces
sion of reform cities and while merely get
ting Into the coat of reform will not work
any Internal changes It will help outelde
appearances. It Is also to be said for the
commission plan, that once adopted It af
fords the opportunity for a reform wave
whenever the city Is moved by the right
impulse, and once the Des Moines plan is
In operation, Omaha may wake up most
unexpectedly to the enormities of bad gov
ernment and taking the bit In Its teeth
move up to the head of the line.
Unconcerned Voter.
Chicago Tribune.
Last week there was a special election In
Omaha to decide whether the city should
be. governed under the commission plan.
One would imagine that the proposal to
revolutionize the municipal government
would have brought an unusual number of
voters to the polls. The commission plan
has been so widely discussed during recent
years that few who read the papers could
have been in the dark about the question
to be voted on or unaware of its Im
portance. Yet of the 17.000 registered vot
ers only 7.688 marked their ballots. Of
these 5,31, or less than one-third of the
total electorate, voted for the plan and
carried It If there had been a tinge of
politics in the election, If It had been a
question as to which man should ' fill a
particular office, there would have been
a much heavier vote. An Important meas
ure, a question of public policy, a pro
posed radical change In the form of local
government, Interested less than half the
legal voters. The paaslve majority allowed
the question to be settled for it by an In
telligent progressive minority.
How to End the "Appalling: Depreda
tions of tbe Traats."
Brooklyn Eagle.
As the official organ of the party, the
Commoner recommends that a radical
measure for the relief of tbe public be
passed at the next session of congress.
This because of the "appalling depreda
tions of tbe trusts."
There Is a sure cure. A step in its direc
tion was taken when it was proposed that
guilt be assumed and that offenders be
compelled to prove their Innocence, thus
simplifying matters for the prosecution.
Let the next anti-trust law provide for
that Let the statute be drawn so that the
authorities may rest their case upon an
allegation and let every Judge who fails
to dlreot conviction be recalled.
Finally, let there be no fear as an al
ternative to Imprisonment and the people
will be happy. What la worth doing at all
Is worth doing well. '
The young man In the parlor scans had
Just proposed.
"Can't you read the answer In my face,
George?" queried the blushing maid.
"Or course not, darling," he replied,
"your face is anything but plain." Chicago
Mr. Henpecque Were you going down
for the third time, John, whan the life
guard saved youT
Mr. Henpeoque (regretfully) No, my
dear; it waa the thirteenth!" Puck.
"You used to say," she complained, "that
you counted that day lost when you did not
hear the sound of my voice."
"Yes. I know," he replied, "and I shall
never cease to long for those dear lost
days." Chicago Record-Herald.
"I seen In some place they have decided
a woman is young at 86 years. What do
you think is the real test of a woman's
"I guess it is marriage." Baltimore
"Why, how do you do, my dear sirT"
"You oan't Just place me, can you?"
"Oh. yea, Indeed. You are Mr. BJenka,
whom I meet in the humorous paragraphs
nearly every day." Buffalo Exprrsa.
"Why Is It doctor, groaned the victim,
"that a tooth liaa to have a nerve?"
"My dear sir." soothingly answered the
man with the forceps, "there wouldn't be a
dental college in ail thla broad land If it
vunt for the nerves in teeth." Chicago
Williams This Is a queer world.
Walker Right you are; a man's shoes
will often get untied, but never just aa he
is ready to take them off. Judge.
"So you're actually going to marry young
Wastely! Why, there's nothing to him but
bis follies and a big bank account."
"Well, you can rely on me to change all
that" St Louis Republic
Fremont Tribune: President Tsft will
spend a Punday In Omaha. And Omaha
naturally will be puttied over how to
entertain the president on the holy day.
I'lattsmouth Journal: Omaha business
men are trying to settle the difficulty
between the tnlon Pacific railway com
pany and Its employes. They are pursuing
the proper course.
Aurora Republican: , The Omaha Bee
fcays: "No man should draw cards In a
primary election game unless he Is pre
pared to be as good a loser ss he experts
the other fellow to be." Isn't la the truth.
Syracuse Journal: The Omaha Examiner
states that "Judge J. L. Root, one of the
ablest as well as one of the driest, candi
dates for the supreme bench, waa de
feated." Now, for which was he defeated;
for his ability or because he keeps sober
at all times?
Fremont Tribune: The Ak-Par-rten or
ganltation at Omaha Is publishing a clever
little paper called the "Goat" which Is
getting so close to the danger line In some
of the things It' prints that It Is going to
get butted out of the mails If Its editor
doesn't watch out.
Waterloo Gazette: The Omaha Bee is
quite right condemning the action of the
Business Men's association in handing out
advice to the unions In the , threatened
railroad strike. The Business Men's asso
ciation is notoriously against tl.e unions
and advice from that source will not set
well with the union men and would rather
operate against than for averting the
Falls City Journal: The Blair Pilot, one
of the rabid Insurgent papers, advocates
the voting of a split ticket for supreme
Judges, suggesting Let ton. Rose and Dean.
He advises the democrats to cut Oldhain.
This suggestion, we believe. Is not based on
any fear that Oldham Is not a suitable
-en. -4 f The genuine D., X,. fe W. Bcranton Kard Coal has enabled as to bold
m. 1 1 C-X 1 customers for the past twenty-seven years. It has less oUnker
is hotter and lasts longer than any other hard coal. Also sell Bpadra,
Arkansas Lard coal good and cheap.
Onr Carbon soft coal is exoellent for cooking and heating dean, quick to
start, lasting. We know this to be the best ooal ever offered here for the prloe,
86.50. Good for use In furnace before beginning on hard ooal. We also sell Ohio,
Bock Sprlmrs, Cherokee, Walnnt Block, Coke,- Wood, Kindling and Bteam Ooal. .
OTTICBl 810 South 17th St Telephones i Douglas 930; Independent A-3930.
Another Reduction In Price of
Mazda (Tungsten Lamps)
The well known Mazda (Tungsten) lamp that
gives twice as much light for the same current
consumption as the old carbon lamps is now
selling to consumers on our lines at the follow
ing reduced prices:
Size 40 Watt, former price 55c, now. .... .45c
Size 60 Watt, former price 75c, now 65c
Size 100 Watt, former price $1.00, now. . . .00c
Size 250 Watt, former price $2.25, now. .$2.00
Note: Every purchasser of Mazda lamps is re
quired to return an equal number of old carbon
or burned out Mazda lamps.
Nebraska Military Academy
The Selection oi a School
for your boy can't be delayed any longer. Vacation
is over, and yon must settle this question at once. .In
deciding the matter, remember your own experience and needs during
school-boy days. You didn't always fit In the regular classes, but the
teacher was too busy to give you special Instruction, so you lost In
terest and dropped behind. You found some subjects easy and others
hard, but you were treated as part of a class, not as an individual;
so you had trouble again. Don't forget all these things in considering
the school question this month. The Nebraska Military Academy has
one teacher for every tea boys, and is able to give Individual instruct
tlon wherever needed. Good food, fresh air, plenty of sleep, hard work
and hard play develops the boys both mentally and physically. Better
send for catalog, and see Just what the Nebraska Military Academy
has to offer. Address
B. D.HAYWARD, Superintendent, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Phones: Auto. 8560; Bell. 1722; City Office, 1307 N Street.
Located In Omaha's Beautiful Suburb.
College, Normal School, Musical Conservatory and Academy.
Strong faculty, representing graduate study In Harvard, John
Hopkins, Columbia, Princeton, Chicago, Wisconsin, Iowa, Leipsic, Edin
burgh and Oxford.
Stte Teacher's Certificates granted. Successful Athletics. De
bating, Oratory and College Journalism. .
Expenses mod rate.
' retina y War Department Infantry. J
Drills Courses of btudy
Academies or lor numness 1.1 re. Manual Training. Separate
apartment for small boys. For catalogue, address.
The Secretary, I8O4 Washington Ave.. Lexington, Mo,
Offers Academy, College, Normal.
Medical, Musical, Art and Elocution
Courses. Tuition Low, Board and
Room Cheap. For free Catalog write
William Oesohger, Chan call or.
Betbany (ianoola), ITeb.
"hotels au summek hesohti.
Marquette Hotol
18tb and Washington Ave
400 Rooms, fl.00 and $1.60. with
bath, f a. 00 to $3.60. A Hotel for your
Mother, Wife and Bister.
T. U.. Clancy, Pre,
roa-B on the bench, taking Into amount WJ
legal ability, but . the Insurgent proposes!!
to crucify Oldham because he likes Xatw
tucky moonshine and other hranfla 6sf
things that are made for men te drink.
Geneva Signs!: Of eouraa the attgfeaJLt
meant to say that the Omaha Jim a. betnaf
In control of the Douglas county dame.
era tin county convention, adopted "Ilarrorn
and Harmony" aa their slogan, and It w4
the Jims, of eouroe, who denovnoed Mi
Bryan. One can't be sure that the OtaafcB
Jacks are over fond of Mr. Bryan, but
they like Mayor Jim still less and the
are finding It convenient to ask Mr. Rryan
to assist them In making trouble tor the
Omaha mayor. Mayor Jim has glvwn out
newspaper Interview In which ho snap bta
fingers at the Jacksonlan democracy and
declares that they cant muster ewiat a
dosen votes In the city and that t&ey
always vote against the dmoc ratio ticket
Baltimore American,
"The world la mine!" a man or! ad. eooe
Men's hearts on this they set It
Till women came and saw the world
Said to the men, "Forget Itl"
They've started out to take It too.
For rights are strong crusading;
Demanding votes, all England's land
And our own, they're Invading.
In Germany, the stronghold famed
For keeping them domestic
A recognition they demand.
scares autocrats majestic.
They stay not for discouragements,
Give Jeers to prospects murkyi
Rebel e'en tn the Indian tribes.
And suffragette In Turkey.
In India no more wives to burs
Are found aa victims willing; .
In China, locomotive power
In feet, no more they're killing.
Some pessimists opine the world
When theirs, will be men's hadeaq
But whate'er haps, they'll have it yob
So here's "God bless the ladles!"
""dest and In MMu xxr..
Supervision. Hthsl
Artillery and Cavalr
prepare for Universities.
Military Training com
bined with Aoademlo and
tuiiies course iieveloua
wuic, auu niinas of
I joys Into Manly. Success-
iui juen. we build up a
ant in H Iwufv A 1
acter and create the habits
luiit iue ooy tn
M.nlv Man
11 r m f m A m m t nt.nil.H. .......
Our elassio and scientific courses
prepare for all colleges. Our com.
merclai courses prepare for bualnaes
Write for Illustrated catalogue
TABBY ST. BTfUILI, Bead aCaeiet,
Xttrwr, aleb.