Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Abernathy Boys Stop in Omaha
Tint Warrant Against Fund for Ne-w
School Uncontested.
'Tt'. aj. ' -
ft? Itl W rf
JfeMra-a, Wfclra t ae Fettlasr t"
Streaareat Ofcfretlens, Will o
Jlet Feter Aer Fertaer
F"rrtn a Staff CorTwix-ndent )
ISSCOUS. Srt. 7 Sp-lii1.) Th Issu
nee of warrant for 11" on the Iinoomt
appropriation mail at the late wnton nt
the tate legislature for the etbllhmnt
of an aarlcultura school Indicates tha'
the period of stnrrr. for that measure Is
over and that the val'dltv of the Ktmin
bill la not to be miestlonM bv towns which
kecame suddenly peeved when the State
Board of Public Lands and Buildings lo
cated the Institution at Curtis.
Tha voucher f'r the money wan tmiued
by tha recent of the university. Its lwu-
) being advert!ad about a fortnlirht
In order that sufficient time would be
given to anTne who sought to test the
legality of the bill which made th? appro
priation. Attorneys W. V. rtonsland and
W. E. Hhuman of North Platte appeared
before the board of repent when they m-t
here and surKested that they refuse to
Issue the warrant and that should they
mandamueed therefor those two Lincoln
county men could then defend the board
In an effort to disprove the Idea that the
bill was valid and binding- upon them. To
this rurgestlon, however. Hie board re
plied that It Intended to carry out explicitly
the provisions of the law. Auditor Barton
takes a similar position, mnlntalnitm that
It la his intention to enforce the law until
tha courts should prevent It from so doing.
Attorney ghuman obtained a certified
copy of tha voucher, which, the state audi
tor honored. Senator Hoartand declared
In his visit to the capital yesterday that
XV knew nothing of the proposed attack
Ion tha bllL Curtis people aver that the
snlmua against the enforcement of tha act
arises solely from North Piute. Holdrege
people, who were mora thoroughly disap
pointed than those of any other town
entered In tha race for the school, say they
are not Interested In the matter further
and have given the Curtis people to under
stand that anr efforts to fight the bill will
not meet with their co-operation.
Therae am Cosasalttee.
Chairman Winnett of the Nebraska Rail-
Zi.f commission haa appointed Railway
.'Commissioner Clifford Thome of Iowa a
fourth member of the committee to prepare
and file a brief In the United States su
preme court In the Minnesota 2-cent rate
case. Mr. Winnett haa chosen only com
mitteemen who have been recommended by
state railway commissions. The com
mission of South Dakota has not yet re
ported the name of its committeeman.
Basaer Leaks Up Kvldeace.
,T 1 1 H ir m r nn rtf f Via renuhliraji earfl
jgates for judge of the supreme court.
yJr wss at the state house this forenoon gatlv
r erlng information from official returns to
disprove the claim that his large vote was
1vmi him hv tha Termor aliment. Him vntm
In Douglas county la the largest received
by any other candidate on any ticket, but
he points out that In Kimball county and
In Logan county where there are no sa
loons, his vote was larger la proportion
to the population than It was In Douglas
county. His vote In Cherry county also
exceeded the vote received by any other
candidate. "I believe this shows that people
vote for the man they know," said Judge
a news T g:ss awwvww ' wwr-wrm.
Twa Peaple Will Ba Takes
ta Behesala.
i FREMONT. Neb.. Sept. 7. Run down by
n ret service men and arrested nine
oaths after they had successfully evaded
the immigration, officials at Ellis Island,
Nsur Tork City. Josef Bros. and wife are
la the local jail awaiting orders for depor.
Bros left a wtfe and four children In
Bohemia and came to America with Marie
Necld, a school teacher, highly educated
and years of age. Bios was a carpenter
and surveyor. 42 years of age. The couple
were married at Kills Island three days
an Rr lauiuuiK.
Mrs. Bros No. S sits In the local Jail
nursing her 4-months-old .child, weeping
at tha possibility of being taken back to
face her friends and relatives and bemoan
ing in the same breath separation from the
roan who haa ruined her life.
Ceraheeker State ta Ba WeU Repre-
seattd at Meatiest af Katlaaal
Caaaarvatlea Casaastaalesu
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special.) Ne
braska w1U .be well represented at the Na
t -.nmi Conservation congress, which will
be held In Kansas City, September 3 to
27. Among those from this city who expect
to attend are Dean Burnett, Profs. Condra,
Chatburn, Regent George L. Coupland and
Secretary W bitten of the Commercial club.
Twenty ethers from over the state have
signified their intention of attending he
Coal land surveying and methods of con
eervation- are to be discussed at tha con
grass Men of national reputation are to
take part in the discussions.
rt9N IS; v ti .. m
i'-":' ' !! Ik
State Fair Draws
Toward the Finish
Thursday Has No Especial Features,
but Goodly Crowds Continue
to Visit Grounds.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. 7. Special )
Threatening skies and the desire of many
of Lincoln's all-week visitors ta take In
some of the side attractions of this city
kept the attendance at the state fair down
to a lower mark today and only between
22,600 and 35,000 people are estimated to
have been on the grounds at 4 o'clock.
Interest In today's program centered In
the awards in the different exhibits made
by people from over the state In the stock,
poultry and grain sections. The county ex
hibits were much more pretentious this
year than ever before.
C. E. Cameron, president; A. Olson, vice
president, and A. R. Corey, secretary of the
Iowa State Fair association, were visitors
to the Nebraska fair today.
H. I. Cook, secretary of the Kansas State
fair at Topeka, and B. F. Ives, represent
ing the Kansas Central state fair at
Hutchinson, are here, getting what exhblt-
ors they can to come to the Kansas fairs.
That at Topeka Is to be held next week.
end the one at Hutchinson the week fol
lowing. Kansas really has no state fair
In the sense that It Is understood In Ne
braska, the state furnishing no support to
either Institution, merely giving them the
power to police their grounds and award
premiums. Mr. Ives said that last year the
Central fair drew liS.OuO people and that
this year it will have 200.000 In attendance.
L. O. Jones, prohibition candidate for
railway commissioner, today in a speech
delivered at the state fair grounds promul
gated a broad platform upon which he ex
pects to make bis race for state office.
Tht candidate desires to work for a
statute prohibiting railroad or transporta
tion companies from hauling alcoholic bever
ages into dry territory.
Double tracking of all lines within the
state to prevent the recurrence of 'wrecks
is also set out in the platform upon which
the local man expects to make bis race.
Eaarlaeer Retarns from a Trip Over
a rrepowd Road Oat tress
KEARNEY. Neb., Segt. 7. (Special.)
Gilbert H. Gilbert, engineer, today con
cluded a trip of Inspection over the route
of the proposed railroad from Kearney.
Neb., to Beloit, Kan. He was taken by
Belolt business men to Franklin, and from
Franklin to Kearney, shown over the line
of survey to Kearney, made by Carson
Hlldreth, chief promoter of the road.
Gilbert was much pleased with the line
as surveyed and expressed surprise at the
richness of the country through which it
passes. He said It would be a very easy
road to construct, as only fifteen of the
116 miles would require heavy grading.
Eighty miles of the surveyed Una Is al
most perfectly level.
Hssssass Caae Droaght by Of
sesests af Bloomtasrtoa, for
Ceaaty Seat,
HOLDREGE, Neb., Sept. 7.-Special.)
The contest In Franklin county over the
question of changing the location of the
county seat reached the district court Tues
day. While Judge Harry Dungan waa hold
ing district court in this county ex-Judge
A. L. Adams of Minden appeared for the
factions that are seeking to change the
location of the county seat and in cham
bers secured a writ of mandamus order
ing the Board of Supervisors of Franklin
county to show cause why they should
not call a second election on the location
question. In accordance with the statute
which provides for such second election
If the canvass of the -votes shows that more
than three-fifths were In favor of towns
other than the existing county seat. Mora
than three-fifths of the votes were for
towns contesting against Blooming ton, but
the Board of Supervisors, by one majority,
voted against holding the second election,
claiming to find authority for their view,
of the situation in another portion of the
law pertaining to location of county seats.
It will now be up to the supervisors to
defend their action In court.
Gale Stewart Rides His Bicycle lata
Basesneat of Cbsreh and Sastalns
Fractared SVall.
MARSHALLTOWN, la.. Sept. 7. (Spe
cial.) Three people were injured, one of
them seriously. In aa many different acci
dents here today. While riding down a
gangway, leading into the basement of a
church being built. Gale Stewart, aged 13.
drove his bicycle off the plank and frac
tured his skull.
George Conn, aged 13. was run down by
a horse and buggy when he Jumped from a
wagon and ran across the road to see a
dog fight. He has his arm broken.
Daniel Keeper, a farm hand, fell from a
hay loft, breaking his arm.
rasabrldge Sekeol Resasses.
CAMBRIDGE, Neb., Sept. 7 (Special )
School opened this week with an enroll
ment of nearly 400. The following are In
structors this year: Mis Lenor S. Fitx
gerald, principal; Miss Fay Shetler, as
sistant . principal ;G. E. Harding. Eighth
grade; Miss Georgia Culver, seventh grade;
Miss Cornelia Sullivan, sixth grade; Miss
Vesta R. Snyder, fourth and fifth grades;
Miss Fay Babbitt, third grade; Miss Bessie
Dunlap, second grade; Miss Grace McClel
land, first grade, with Prof. Alexander J.
Dunlap, superintendent.
Dillon Pleads Oallty.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 7. Special Tele
gram.) William Dillon, charged with ob
taining money under false pretenses by
drawing a check on the Bank of Comstock
for 115 in which he had no funds and cash
ing It in this city, today pleaded guilty
before Judge Walden and was sentenced
to twenty days in the county Jail, Dillon
waa arrested .last ek at Junction, Kan.
Beoete Day far Uiu
EDGAR, Neb.. Sept T.-Special.) Edgar
U to have another "BooaW day" Septenv
bar 14. An elaborate program haa been
arranged and la addition to a number of
amusing games of sport on the streets,
a vaudeville company will give two en
tertalnmenta in the opera bouse and tw
wrestlers ot considerable local reputation
will exhibit their skill and strength in
the opera house in the evening between
vaudeville acta A game of base ball la
scheduled between the two nines ot Fair
field and Deweaea for a purse of S50. A
balloon aacenaion also has been contracted
for. The Nelson and Edgar bands and
the Edgar orchestra will furnish the music
for the occaslea. Nearly M baa been
raised to meet the expenses and to make
admission free to everything on the pro
Lyaaa arbeela Osts.
LYON St, Neb.. Sept. 7.-Special.)-The
pubUe schools opened here Tuesday with
the following teachers in the different
grades: Prof. Dell Uibaon. superintendent;
Miss Mabel Mould, principal; Miss May
Dion, first aaalatant prlncl(al; Miss Grace
Frtsbie, second assistant principal; Kate
O'Connor, eighth grade; Haaet Eagleton.
tilth aad seventh; Alma Heintxleroan,
fourth aad fifth; Grace Kayton, second and
tiurd; Cella Potraa, first primary; Ada Mc
Cormick. kindergarten. Miss Kayton and
Miae HelntMlman are new teachers, while
Mia Grace Friable is from the Wesleyaa
"'-c at qr and oosnee front Red Cloud.
Ceaslaa- (ststr Fight.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Kept. 7. Special.)
Three local political contests promise to
develop considerable spirit. For the treas
urer's office Herman Zeplln. republican, la
in the field against John Jensen, democrat.
This will be Mr. Zeplin's second term, and
as he has shown marked ability in the
conduct of his office and is personally
very popular, the majority of the voters
seem to think he should continue in office.
For clerk ot the district court Otto H.
Zacek. democrat, will run against C. K.
Kramer, repucllcan. For county clerk C.
C. Mk'how. republican, and W. H Har
stick, the present incumbent, will try the
issues. County Judge Dewald, who la now
serving his fifth term, will be returned
without opposition.
Aateosabtlra la sVeatb Dskats.
PIERRE. 8. D.. Sept. 7. SpeiaJ.) The
August record of autoa for the state shows
that the people of South Dakota invested
in 30 new machines for that month, the
highest recorded number, September L
being 10.S4 The probabilities are that the
registration will fall off for the rest of the
year, but iLk tip again with the opening
ot spring, next year.
Doda-e Faraser I Blared
FREMONT. Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.)
John P. Eaton of Cotterel township, one
of the leading farmers of the county, had
his Jaw broken in two places yesterday
afternoon while attempting to fix some
farm machinery. He was on his back
under the machine when a bolt slipped and
a heavy casting fell on the lower part of
bis face, badly fracturing his Jaw.
Financial Tronblee Caaaa satelde.
TRENTON, Neb., Stpt. 7. Special.) J.
M.Lyon, one of the oldest settlers in this
county, committed slulclde at his home,
two miles east of here yesterday afternoon.
He took a dose of strychnine. Despondency
over financial matters la supposed to be
the cause of his act. He was a pioneer
Arrive Thursday Morning on Horse
back Trip from Coast to Coast
Srbedale Calls for lxty Miles a Day
aad the Boys aad Sleep Oat
af Doors While Tbey Are
Riding wiry, capable looking bronchos.
with an air born of many a long Jaunt.
the two Abernathy boys, Louis and Temple,
accompanied by their father, arrived in
Omaha Thursday morning. Omaha la the
half-way mark of their trip from Coney
Island. New Tork. to Presidio Place In San
Francisco, and Jiey will make an all-day
stop here.
The rules under which the throe ride on
their trip from coast to coast forbid their
eating or Bleeping u:ider a roof, so their
breakfast and that of their horses was
served them in front of the Bennett stores.
Henry Kieser. manager of the book de
partment of Bennett's, was host to the
Both Louis, who is 11. and Temple, who
la 7, are veterans In the saddle, as this is
the third big ride they have taken, besides
having been In the saddle the greater part
of their lives. When they dismounted
from their horses in Omaha their first
thought was for the care of the faithful
beasts, and when assured that they were
provided plenteously, they turned attention
to their own breakfast.
Former President Criticizes the Pro
posed Taft Treaties.
Peace May Be Muaabt at Tea Utah
Price aad Hliklessisfu at
Times Deataada that
tVe Flsht.
NEW TORK. Spt. 7-Former President
Roosevelt deals with the arbitration
treaties recently presented to the senate
in an editorial article appesrlng In the
Outlook today. He says In art:
"It is one ot our prime duties us a
nation to seek pence. It is an even higher
duty to seek nshteousness. It Is also our
duty not to Indulge In shsnns. not to make
believe we are getting peace by some
patent connivance which sensible men
ought to know cannot work In practice,
and which, if we sought to make it work,
mifcht cuse Irretrievable harm. 1 sincerely
believe In the principla of arbitration; 1
believe In applying that principle so far as
practicable, but 1 believe that the effort
to apply it where it Is nut practicable can
not do good and may do erious harm.
Confused thinking and ii illi!ines to
substitute words for thought, tven though
Inspired by an entirely amiable sentimen
tality, do not tend toward sound action.
Not .'.finld if Var.
I think that the great majont;.' o: those
persons who advocate any and every
treaty which is called a treaty for peace
or for arbitiation would be less often
drawn into a position that tends to
humiliate thalr country If they would take
the troublu to formulale clearly and
definitely Just what it Is that they desire.
Of course there are persons wholly Indif
ferent to the national honor and Interest
who, in consequence, cannot be reached by
an appeal to national honor and interest,
and there are other persons whose In
grained timidity Is Buch that they are
more afraid of war than of any dishonor.
personal or national.
"We. the American people, believe, and
ought to believe, in righteousness first,
and in peace as the handmaid of right
eousness. We abhor brutality and wrong
doing whether exhibited by nations or by
individuals. We hold that the same law of
righteousness should obtain between na
tion and nation as between man and man.
I, for one, would rather cut off my hand
than see the Cnlted States adopt the atti
tude either of cringing before great and
powerful nations who wish to wrong us.
or by bullying small and weak nations who
have done us no wrong.
Will Flgbt for Right.
"The American people aesire to do justice
and to act with frank generosity toward ail
the other nations of mankind, but I err in
my Judgment of my countrymen if they are
willing to submit to wrong and injustict
Again and again in the past they have
shown and rightly shown that when tn.
choice lay between righteousness ait .
peace they chose righteousness, just e:.
actly as they also chose righteousntvr
when the choice lay between righteousnes
and war."
Mr. Roosevelt cites the revolutionary
war, the civil war and the Spanisb-Amen- '
can war as Instances In which "we put
righteousness above peace." He also cites
the existing arbitration treaties between
the United States, Great Britain and
France as better than the proposed treaty
because they make no false pretenses and
exclude questions affecting our vital In
terests, independence or honor.
Eajoylasi the Trip.
Both the boys and their father, who Is
a big active appearing man, declare that
they have enjoyed the first half ot their
long summer's ride. They started from
New York August 1 and, of course the re
mainder of the journey will be a little the
harder riding.
Neither Louis nor' the chubby Temple are
talkative. "Sure, we like it," each one de
clares, but the Incidents of interest along
th roadway are slow coming when told
from their Hps.
George Kelm of the Cadillac company In
Omaha took the party of three and Henry
Kleser on an auto ride throughout the city
in the morning as a part of the entertain
ment, and this afternoon it is expected
that there will be ' hundreds of Omaha
boys and girls to meet the Abernathys.
Foley's Kidney Remedy, Llqnld,
Is a great medicine of proven value tor
both acute and chronic kidney and bladder
ailments. It ia especially recommended to
elderly people for its wonderful tonic and
reconstructive qualities, and the perma
nent relief and comfort it gives them. For
sale by all druggists.
Never too late to enter the Booklovers
Omaha Man Saves
Chinese in Mexico
The Chinese government may recognize a
former resident of Omaha, Louis Hostetter,
now American consul at Hermosillo, Mex
ico. Two Chinese commissioners, Luen
Fang and Kim Tuen. sent to Mexico to In
vestigate the damage sustained by Chinese
residents during the revolution, are, ac
cording to the 1 Paso Times, profuse In
their praise of Mr. Hostetter for protect
ing tha Chinese in Hermosillo. They have
reported to their government that Mr. Hos
tetter, seeing that the popular manifesta
tion over the new provisional government
of Sonora was about to become an attack
on the Chinese business houses, went to the
front with the demand on the revolutionary
leaders to suppress the threatened riot
and protect the orientals, and forced them
to respond to the demand.
Llfeloast Desdsft
to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney
troubles is needless. Electric Bitters ia the
guaranteed remedy. 00c For sale by Bea
ton Drug Co.
Treataa sebaol Opeaa.
TRENTON, Neb., Sept. T. Special.)
8chools opened Monday with the following
corps of teachers, C. F. White, principal;
Miss Sift, assistant principal; Miss Peck,
high school; Miss Jones, Grammar; Besa
ack. Baker and McCoy in the lower rooms
an ddepartments.
Nebraska Salts Tbaasaa.
TRENTON, Neb., Sept. T. Special.) Dr.
A. H. Thomaa, a practicing physician of
this place for twenty-five years and who re
moved to California January 1 of this year,
returned Saturday morning last, satisfied
with Hitchcock county, Nebraska.
t tork Board ta Baelules.
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Sept. 7. tSpecial.)
Judge Hobart haa ordered the town board
of Comstock to hear the remonstrances
against the saloon license of Mr. Odendahl,
which was hurriedly granted several
months ago.
Ktra at Lyaaa.
LYONS. Neb.. Sept. T.t Special. A fire
Wednesday night gutted a small building
belonging to Uuat Johnson, used as a paint
shop. The fire broke out at 1 a. m., but
was soon under control by i volunteer
fire brigade, whose quick action saved the
barn and horses. Loss about (300.
Uss Kaeata la tbleaca.
WEST POINT, Neb., Sept. 7. tSpecial.)
Rev. Dean Rueslng has left for Chicago,
where he goes to take treatment for lum
bago and a severe nervous affection from
which be haa suffered tor some years.
Killed by Frelsbt Trala.
CAMBRIDGE. Neb., Sept. ". Special. I
Mrs. J. M. Rowe, an elderly woman of
city, waa killed by the through freight
train and her body hurled a distance of
forty feet.
Feley'a Haaey aa Itr Cesaeeead
Still retains Its high place as the best
household remedy for all coughs and colds,
stiher fur children or grown persons. Pre
vents serious results from a cold. Take
only the cenuine Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound, and refuse substitutes. for
sale by all drugglsia.
a at pie Bee ad Over.
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. 7 (Special Tele
gram.) Thomas Sample was bound over
to the district court today fir assaulting
Policeman Land with a knife with intent
to kill. He was released on bond of 730.
.-if,E 'f fought :
A Hotel ofreimeJ el
. egapce, located in
Newark's social centre
Easily Accessible to
tteatre and slicrppincL
districts t
Siadle Roess whti Balh 32 fi5e9
Daub. Bsass wtta Bath J S roS3
Wetherbee tfWood
Fifrli Ave. U rirVdfifi St .
You can enter the Booklo ;ers'
any time before Its dose.
sej k Z-
Family Trade) Supplied by
Chaa. htorz, Pbooea Weoelei
IMO; laUrpeisdcat IVlbl.
fhere is
No Substitute for It
Skinner's tuacumnt and Spuhpli! Ik the cl if of sll
brands. No other kind will nukr teniptioc, laty SPRglieitl
diHhe. It Is all Durum wheat, the only heat fit for
SnapMetti. Made In the cleanest urtnty in ,he world.
fold in sanitary pui k i tor in cnts
Ail t.e iiltns tlmi-ei s.
Write for Mrs. MacMur;iny s l'i best n-clve. Kre.
Skinner Manufacturing Company, Oma'is.
More Economical than
the Cheap and Big Can Kind
Because Calumet Baking Powder 13 more
certain in its results the baking is alwajs
lighter, more delicious and more evenly
raised. You never have a spoiled tatch of
baking by its use. It requires less hence
goes further.
IS the "full value" baking powder
the highest quality baking powder at
a medium price. And we guarantee
that it will give you more real satis
faction than any baking powder you
have ever used ask your grocer.
Free large handsome receipt
book, illustrated in colors. Send 4c
and slip found in pound can.
Calumet Recerrad Highest Award
World's Pare Food Expoaitio
,rj jrJ
i'uIk 1 r.-i
T T 9
To Your
Good Health
and Pleasure
Come follow the arrow
'til you join the merry throng
of palate pleased men and women
who have quit seeking for the one
best beverage because they've found it'
Real satisfaction in every glass snap and
sparkle vim and go. Quenches the
thirst cools like a breeze.
Delicious Refreshing
Sc Everywhere
Send for
our interest-X v THE COCA-COLA COMPANY
in booklet?V . Atlanta, Ga
"The Trut
About Coca-Cola"
you see an
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola
EPOSITS made on or befors
September 10th in the SAVINGS
will draw interest from Septem
ber 1st.
THEEE PEE CENT interest is paid oa
savings deposits and COMPOUNDED
SEMI-ANNUALLY. Funds may be with
drawn at any time without notice.
The combined capital and surplus ia $1,400, 000. Oo.
It Is toe oldest bank In Nebraska,
.Established In 1S5S.
United Stale? National Bank
ol Omaha, Nebraska
at. T. Bartow. President. G. E. Haeerstlc. Asst. Cash
- W. Watties, Ylce-rres. a . Meranaa, asst. Casts
. B. CaldweU. V!ce-r.s. g. c. KcClare. Asst. CaaX
W. . Baoaeee. Cask. e. sr. rates. Asst. Caaa,
Ope on Saturday t'ntil 9:00 I. M.
1 Bit-lit Ml Iff M