Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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It's Open Season
for Derbies
Here's a new Imperial just
arrived; it has a snappy, clean-
cut style and individuality a
its own.
The low crown and broad
brim are decidedly English
a style you'll 6ee everywhere
soon. Now is a good time to
come in and get yours
Tift TfDOM
own TO
Winnebagoeg Coming to Front with
Farming Operations.
W. W. fmill of Macr Sara Red Man
Takes Kindly to eetlona of
OOTtrnmfitt Abbott to
Make Trip Weat.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. ".-(Special Tale-gram.)-W.
W. Small, chief clerk of the
Omaha and Winnebago Indian reservations,
stationed at Macy, Neb., accompanied bjr
Mrs. Macy, arrived in Washington today
and called to pay his respects to Acting
Indian Commissioner Abbott. Mr. Small
Is east partly on departmental business
and, that concludded, will take a short trip
along theAtlantlo seaboard for pleaaure.
Tha plan Inaugurated by Assistant Com
missioner Ti H. Abbott some three years
ago of appointing a number of practical
farmers to teach the Indians the more
modern methods of agriculture Is now
bearing out the wisdom of these appoint
ments. Not only rn the Winnebago and
Omaha reservatlpns have the Indians taken
kindly to the suggestions of the 'govern
ment farmer, but upon many other reser
vations gratifying reports are being re
ceived as to crop conditions on reserva
tions, where allottments have been entirely
cultivated by the Indian.
On the Omaha reservation the progress
Is not so marked as among the Wlnne
bagoes. Still, their work has been fair
this year, considering weather conditions.
Two years before the practical farmer ar
rived on tha Winnebago reservation there
were but 3.000 acres under cultivation by
tha Indiana.- This year ther are 11.000
acres under profitable cultivation. In addi
tion. It is reported that at least 100 homes
har been buHt by tha Wlnnebagoes upon
their allottments. " , ' ,
Good If ear for Wlnnebasroea. 1
In speaking of conditions among the
WlnnebagoaatV, Mr. Small , said: 'The
Wtnnebagoes have had the best year of
their history! Doiens of them have" gone
upon and are farming their allottments;
doxena of little homes have been built;'
they are handling 11,000 acres of land and
are growing crops of an estimated value
Of $90,000. There are not more than S7 per
cent as many chattel mortgages on grow
ing crops as thera were last year, with at
least 15 per cent more crops. There are
now in the course of. construction twelve
homes and plans for as many more are
being discussed.
Drunkenness, which was so prevalent
' among these Indians a few years ago, has
practically disappeared."
Assistant Indian Commissioner V. H.
Abbott will leave Washington on Septem
ber 17 for a qouple of weeks' official busi
ness, first at Chicago, to superintend the
opening of bids for tha food supply for
the Indians for the next fiscal year. From
Chicago Mr. Abbott will go to Fort Batho dt
Indian reservation In North Dakota to
attend the first snnual Indian fair during
the weak of September 20. Mr. ' Abbott la
no stranger on the Fort Bertholdt reserva
tion, having, in company of Representa
tive Hanna, visited the Indians two years
ago and In council with them a treaty was
drawn whereby some 238,000 acres of this
land will be thrown open to settlement.
During that visit Commissioner Abbott
gained the consent of the Indians to an
appropriation of $26,000 out of their trust
' fund to be used In the development of a
demonstration farm.
Abbott Goes to Fargo.
After the fair Mr. Abbott will go to
Fargo to confer with Representative Hanna
to confer and discuss various methods re
lating to the opening of this reserve. It
appears that underlying these agricultural
lands are large deposits of coal and It is
tha purpose of the department to so frame
legislation that only-surface entries mar
be made upon these lands, the roal beneath
remaining forever the property of the
tribesmen. This matter will ba thoroughly
discussed by Commissioner Abbott and
Representative Hanna with the Indiana
and it la hoped an amicable agreement may
ba reported. Mr. Abbott will also vls't
Davll't Iake and Cheyenne in South Da
kota and hopes to have time to visit the
several Indian reservations In Nebraska.
His last stop on his eastward lourneyi
wall be at Omaha to look into affairs per
talnlng to the Ind an warehouse.
Great Chinese Flood
Reported by Wilder
WASHINGTON, Sept. . The enormity
and horror of the famine situation con
fronting China, caused by the overflow of
tha Tang-Tsen river, was officially re
ported to the State department by Amer
ican Consul General Wilder at Shanghai,
and the question of tendering Red Cross
assistance Is under consideration. -
The entire territory between Hankow and
Shanghai a distance of about 600 miles
has been overflowed, Mr. Wilder deolarvs.
Cities and towns are under water, many
dwellings being entirely submerged. Be
cause of the scarcity of rice and the de
struction of the fields the cost of living has
risen to tha highest point aver attained.
Foley's KJdnvjr fills
Will reach )our Individual case if you have
any form of kidney and bladder trouble
or urinary Irregularities. Try thern. For
sals by all druggists.
KOUMim or ocbaji TaAafisnrs.
ymn.. Arrlv4 Suite.
js'IW YORK Vrua Biwau Arr
NSW TOHK lulls Coluaibls
KlW YoRK Amrtc
LlVKKPOoL Msntlo
SOl'TNAMPTOH a r Cecilia
SolTtJAMlTvN.,. aUjU
OtS'OA Lultnl
ANTWSRF 'lnln4 , '
(Jl kf.NiTO'N.... Ur,mn FrtlMUt
MAjkAiuiXca...... GtruiAaia
Beach Agreement at Des Moinei foi
Method of Arbitration.
Tbe Two Thos Chosen Select Third
and These Will Determine Any
Differences that Mar
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DEB MOINES. Ia.. Sept. 7. (Special Tel
egramsLate this afternoon the street
car management and employes entered Into
an agreement for arbitration of the new
troubles and pears was announced. The
company Is to select one arbitrator ana
the street car, men will select one. and the
two will select a third ami this board will
decide whether or not three men recently
discharged shall be reinstated. Tha new
contract entered into provides for Just such
arbitration after October 11, and this spe
c'at agreement la Intended to tide over af
fairs until that time. In a statement Is
sued by tha company It is claimed that
three men were discharged for cause, two
conductors for being short in fares and
one motorman for smoking while on duty.
Fire Marshal la Busy.
The state fire marshal la Investigating
several cases of alleged arson out In the
state, and expects to secure conviction.
A remarkable case Is reported from Have
lock, Sioux county, whero a blacksmith
named Lutterman is accueed of setting
fire to his shop to get the insurance, mak
ing use of a clever electrical and clock
device. Another suspicious case is at Du
mont, Butler county, whero It Is alleged
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Pfeffer set fire to a
shop by means of bottle3 filled with oil
and lighted candles. .
(Continued from First Page.) '
I oonld not hear, and then I heard him
aayi,?. Til show you rm, going to and
lt.'s He got out of tha machine and walked
across to tha OpposltSA the road from
where) I was, and then, after h bad been
there a minute, he came back with some
thing in his hands. I could not see what it
was in the dark. The w6man was stand
ing, in the machine In 'front' of the left
hand seat In the front part of therv auto
mobile when the man came back.
Heard the Woman' Scream.
. "Just when the man cam back I heard
the woman scream once. "Then the man,
who was standing In the .-road, swung
what he had In his hand and hit the
woman on the right side of the face. She
fell from the machine to the road and did
iot make a sound.
"For a minute the man stood looking at
her and then I heard him say: 'Damn you,
you're not dead yet. I'll fix you.' Then he
up with a gun, which was what he had hit
the woman with and he shot her where she
lay in tha road by the front seat of the
automobile. I did not see where he shot
her. I saw him throw the gun somewhere
and he began to lift the body to the front
seat , of the automobile, and I came out
from the trees.
"The man turned around and saw me and
said to me: 'Did you see this?'
"I told him yes I had seen it. 'D-n you,
what the h I are you going to do about
it?' he said. I didn't say anything. Then
he began to threaten me. He said he was
rich and had lots of friends tn Richmond
and if I told on htm he would have me
killed somehow. He said nobody would
believe 'my story If I appeared In court
against him anyway and I had better gel
out. He said he would give me some money
and a suit of clothes If I would go away.
"I told the man I would go away. Then
he told me to come to Beattle's store the
next day and thsrs would be some money
for me. I went and he got some money
and bought a suit of clothes. I stayed In
South Richmond for two days then, but
I was so scared and got so nervous after
that two days that I took ths train to
this plaoe."
Court convened at 10:S0 o'clock. Judge
Watson declared that counsel In ths argu
ment today might refer to portions of testi
mony "not fit for women to hear," and
requested all women in the court room to
Judge Watson then read tbe instructions
o ths jury. Ths prisoner listened. Intently
.o the reading of the Instructions and
miled when they had been concluded. 3.
A. Gregory began the argument for the
.jrosttcutlon at 10:&5 o'e'ock.
"Tha record In the case shows," he said,
on a dark night, July IS. the soil of this
county was stained by soma high assess. o
with the blood of an innocent woman. I
believe I can show that no other man
rommltted the crime but the husband of
that woman, with the very gun, you. gen
tlesnen of the jury, have examined here.
"He waa the only man seen on tha spot
thst night and ha was armed with ths
same gun hs has hers Identified."
Attorney Gregory, after referring to the
crime as "hellish," reviewed the evidence
of the boys who came from a dancs at Bon
Air ths night of ths murder, arguing that
it was tha prisoner they saw and none
other, crouching In front of the tnaonine
and a woman on ths running board.
RICHMOND, Va.. Sept. T.-Beulsh Bin-
ford and Paul BeetUe. detained as wit
nettes for the commonwealth la ths Henry
Clay Beattle, Jr.. murder case, wars rs
leased front ths Henrloo county jail today
by order of Judge Walter A. Watson of ths
Chesterfield circuit court.
J. W. Copeland of Dayton. Ohio, pur
chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and
before the bottle was all used the boy s
cold was gone. Is thst not better than to
Py a five-dollar doctor's bill? For sale
by all dealers.
Teu can enter the boox ravers' Contest
any time before its clots.
Guest of Mrs. Shotwell
Report that Erb and Hawley Interests
Are About to Be Merged.
Minneapolis A tit. Loots Road to
Absorb the Iowa Central, thus
Gaining; an Outlet to the
Southern Country. '
NEW YORK, Sept. 7.-A new through
route from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico,
which is expected to rearrange ths railroad
map of the west in Important particulars
is provided 'for in plans made known to
day by Newton Erb, who, with Edwin
Hawley, is actively engaged in the under
taking. The first step in the project is to
bs ths leasing of the Iowa Central railroad
to the Minneapolis & St. Louis. The direct
ors of the Iowa Central authorised the
president of tha road to appoint a com
mittee to confer with a similar committee
representing the Minneapolis & St. Louis
and arrange -the terms - of ths lease.
Arrangements also have been made to
extend the Iowa Central' to St Louis and
the Minneapolis & St. Louts to the Cana
dian border, thus giving the Hawley-Erb
group of railroads the through route from
the wheat fields of northwestern Canada
to Galveston. It is expected that both ths
Canadian Northern and ths Grand Trunk
will connect with the hew extension of
the Minneapolis St. Louis. Tha new
route also will afford an entrance to Min
neapolis and St. Paul for the Canadian
The Iowa Csntral and Minneapolis A St
Paul for more than a decade have been
under virtually the same management.
through ownership of the Iowa Central
common stock by the Interests in control of
Minneapolis & St. Paul. The leasing of
the Iowa Central probably will lead to a
merger of the two roads, Mr. Erb said. The
laws of Illinois, under which the Iowa
Central Is incorporated, he explained.
would permit absorption of a leased line.
atlhough the merger could not be legal
before the lease is made.
Natives of Western
China Are Eioting
American Consul Advises the Mis
sionaries to Leave the
BOSTON, Sept. 7. The disorders In
6schean province, western China, have be
come very serious, In the opinion of tha
officials of the American Baptist Foreign
Missionary society, which has Its headquar
ters In this city.
A few days ago society officials received
a cablegram from one of their missionaries
at Chengtu. the capital of the province,
telling of rioting on ths part of the na
tives. Today another cablegram waa re
ceived, which reads: "American consul
advises us to leave."
Labor Leaders on the Lackawanna
Threaten to Strike If Section
Alan la Not Reinstated.
WILKESBARRE. " Pa., Sept 7. Labor
leaders here say it is now up to President
Truesdale of the Lackawanna railroad to
say whether there will be a strike of the
1,200 section men In the employ of the road.
Recently the company discharged Mat
thew J. Foley, a section foreman. Ninety
per cent of ths section hands have mads
a demand that he bs reinstated.
Miss Georgia Clous and Mr. Walter E.
Kelly, both of Mullen, Neb., were married
by Rev. Charles W. Savklge Wednesday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Evans, (910 North
Twenty-Becond street. , The attendants
were Miss Grace Roeche and Mr. R. F.
Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will make their
home at Mullen. .Neb
Miss Emma Chrlstensen, daughter or
Charles Christansen, and Mr. Arthur H.
Melnlg . were married by Rev. Charles W.
Ssvldge at hts residence Wednesday after
noon at 5:) o'clock.
, Kerrena-Stapletoa.
Miss Birdie Stapleton of Brady, Neb.,
daughter of Harlan Stapleton, and Mr.
Ora Ferrens of Clartnda, Ia., wer married
by Rev. Charles W. Savldge at his resi
dence Wednesday afternoon at (:30 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferrens will make their home
at Clarlnda, Ia.
Kaaf fold-Morrison.
Miss Minnie Morrison, daughter of Samuel
Morrison, and Mr. Chris A. Kauffold were
married Wednesday evening at S o'clock at
the home of the bride's parents, S41S North
Twenty-ninth street. Ths attendants were
the bride's sister, Miss Lottie Morrison,
snd Mr. Egbert F.'Bsss. A largs company
of invited guests were present and an
elegant lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. Kauf
fold took a lata train for Kanaw City
f. bar they will reside.
Mrs, Aldrich Guest at
. Field Club Function
Wife of Governor Aldrich Entertained
by Mrs, 'Franklin A. Shot
well. Mrs. Chester H. Aldrich of Lincoln, wife
of tbe governor of the state, spent yes
terday in Omaha and was guest of honor
at a large reception and bridge given in
the afternoon by Mrs. Franklin Shotwell' at
ths Field club.
Golden Rod, the stats flower, formed an
attractive decoration at the club.
Following the reception fifteen tables
were placed for the game of bridge, and
for the guests who did not play bridge. In
teresting games were arranged. The first
gams was to make as many words as
possible from ths letter in ths name of the
guest of honor, "Mrs. Chester H. Aldrich."
An original idea In the bridge game was
a prize given to the guest who made the
most "no trump hands."
Mrs. Aldrich was attractively gowned in
a white satin gown, with white crystal
overdress. The other guests from out of
town were: Miss Cox of York, Neb.; Miss
Chase of Illinois, Mrs. Charles Shotwell of
St. Joseph and Miss Powell of California.
Seventy-six guests were present
She Gvts Her Trunk.
NORTHWOOD, Is.. Sept. 7. (Special.)
After having spent ths entire summer
traveling in Europe. with the incon
venience of ( not being able to find her
trunk; which contained all her wearing ap
parel, and then returning home to be ad
vised that her trunk had been found In
Liverpool, was the experience of Miss
Norma Haugen of this place, daughter or
Congressman Gilbert N. Haugen of the
Fourth Iowa district.
Reunion of Crocker Brigade.
SIGOURNET. Ia.. Sept. 7. (Spectai.)
The sixteenth biennial reunion of the So
ciety of Crocker's Brigade, which Is the
fiftieth anniversary of the mustering of
that famous body of fighting men of the
civil war, opened here today. H. H. Reed
of Mount Vernon, president of the society,
is presiding. The principal address today
was delivered by Fred E. White, Company
I, Thirteenth Iowa infantry.
Property to the Widow.
MAR6HALLTOWN. Ia.. 6ept. 7 (Bps
clal.) The estate of D. T. Denmead, for
mer president of tha Ftrst National and
First Trust and Savings banks of this city,
valued at S600.000, was left to ths widow,
Mrs. Osrtrude Denmead, when the will waa
opened and probated in the district court
today. The widow gets a life interest and
at her death the property pastes in fas
simple to her three sons.
Reunion of Iowa Veterans.
MASON CITY, Ia., Sept. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The eighteenth reunion of the
Thirty-second infantry of Iowa closes its
session hers today. The meeting next year
will be held at Nevada, Ia. The follow
ing officers were elected: ' Fred McCall,
president, Nevada; Ed ' McCall, secretary
and treasurer, Nevada.
What Are You Paying
For Brooms?
Perhaps you are paying mor than yott 1
Paying: In itr$ngih and tntrgy a well
as In coin.
Gat a broom that's mad to sweep
with a flexible action easy on the car
pets easy on you.
are thst kind. Expert seleeHoa of the seasoa's
best broom corn, combined with ap-to-dat
msQuteoturiag processes, is the reason Little
Pollr Brooms sweep so much easier. And they
lest twice as long. Wnatevsr you've bees serine
to.' brooas, yon U save monyTOu'll ssva tbe
irpets; you U sve tourult, by getting the
lttle Polly.
The broom with the canary or res color
handle thst eaa't stick. Ltokt ss well as It mtf4
and Is fxrwiai Try on. bow it ligblasf
work sad brightens sweep day.
It not at your dealer's, write
Harrah & Stewart Mfg. Co.
Des Main, Iowa
Caarant0ed I 1
Broom If
pays to trader at Rubers." This is only
one of a dozen or more most unusual
offerings on sale this week. There's
absolutely no question about it
we're giving to the people values such
as they can.'t possibly equal in any
other store in all Omaha. This hand
some dresser is made in genuine solid
oak (not a cheap imitation) or in pol
ished mahogany finish, splendidly
made, has large French bevel mirror.
Must be seen to be appreciated.
pcnQ Sale of Brass and Iron Beds.
DLUO 16 Extraordinary Offerings.
Special Sale
Tke rectal TiIisjsis ftssli Oessjen (swrarstss) IrseswHs swd dssvers Mils sjssssts sue test ts
52 OK UX J 16
St LOuis Mo Sept 5-11
Harden. Brot.
Closed eut whole! etock of ruf. end e-vrpts
bargain ship today for aale monday .
The above is self explanatory. "Watch Sunday papers for
Monday if you want the choicest rug bargains ever offered in
Wedding Silver
If you are interested lu silver, es
pecially family silver that you ex
pect to be handed down from gener
ation to generation, you should be
come aoqualntsd with the lar( stock
at ths Edholm store. The magnitude
and variety of the silverware shown
her will permit you to find ths most
practical gift suggestions in the city.
The quality, beauty and price of
these articles are such that nowhere
will you find their equal. For gifts
or personsl possession they are pe
culiarly appropriate, and will long be
remembered, for they will endure for
years and ysars. The prices are ths
lowsst for ths quality offered.
Bout Merely Buy Invest.
' Sixteenth and Barney,
QfQSRs fBCftJ (jKWog.
nun auu n&tuiuib
100 Boxes Salt Lake Elberta
Peaches, per box fl.OO
zoo crates tnue riums inenj
Pack), per crate
Market Basket Tomatoes, each
at ac
2 Large Plain Lettuce B" f
3 Stalks ceiery w
Freeh Roasted Peanuts, per qt.
at 8c
M Size Boxes Seckel Pears.
each fl-2
20 Gros3 'H-Gal. Mason Jars,
per iot 8i'
25c Imported Castile Soap, per
lb 12 He
Fancy "Sand H1U" Potatoes, O
per pk, 35c; per bu . . . . fl.80
60c Jar Queen Olives 85c jl
10c Fresh Crisp Pretzels, per 2
lb r p
I Cakes "Maglo Washer" Soap 0
rt (poee All me woraj ;oc
4 rre Damons t ration.
ff The Universal Food Reasoning
Menu Friday, Sainton Salad.
e&uu&s c2 c&p&
r rrr f"Z3 s "" mi rr i
IN SOLID 0AK(ffiUa,)
Mahogany Finish
At "The Home
Home Outfit"
Here's a special offer
ing that shows that "it
J K "Moore .
1 16 P
Ilj w s iia.n aiM ui bwmh s I a
Fall Suits and Overcoats
to Order $20.00
, Have your boy's school 6uit made to order. It will
look better, fit smoother and wear longer than ready mades.
Now is the time to order that full dress suit for the
Ak-Sar-Ben ball.
Remember, every garment must be perfect in fit and
style or we will not let it out of our store.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
304-306 South 16th St. Five Steps South of Farnam
"Til you get Douglas 4678. If tha Una is busy try Ind. A-367S.
Either phone will get you a comfortable taxi quickly, and you
can do your shopping unannoyed by the confusion of the crowded
trolley. Inexpensive, too see the little meter that always tells
tha truth. You'll ba surprised at the low cost.
Sam Uouser, Pres.
2021 St.
Measure The Dee against other local pavers in
respect of quality as well ms quantity of timely
news and interesting articles from dty to dy J
and TheBee's superiority wil) be demonstrated
Tfl i llll I mi1 HtiH r-JJ
$19.50 and $24.75 g
fceft over from
last season at
a deep cat tn
tersw I
aMs en tke task s4 tuts Want,
JtscWvsrf mt
ftrandeis Bmldimr:
particulars and prices.
Rome Hotel
, i