12 THE BEE: OMAHA. FEIDAT, SEPTEMBER 8. 1911. TJMiil WW i'W Remnant Day Bargains Complete Entire nevr lines ' of silks and dress goods for fail wear x await your choosing lines of school supplies of all kinds at this store. Prices the lowest That Will Make Friday a Very Busy Day for Us; A Very Profitable One for You. Store Open Till 6 P. M. and Saturday Till 10 P. M. Store Open Till 6 P. M. and Saturday Till 10 P. M. wJillilML 11 m 1 Excepting Saturdays this store closes at I J Jy 6 o'clock Saturdays at 10:00 P. M. mm mAmmn, n'lm ' OMAtiA Announces an event of most unusual interest to out-of-town customers. It certainly will pay you to make a special trip to Omaha to get your share of the bargains in their great r which starts next Ml ilk SEPTEMBER 11th 111 mi Brandeis has held great Bug Sales in the past, but held by any store anywhere. this will positively be the greatest sale of rugs ever Koom Size Brussels Bugs, worth up to $18, at $7.98 $30 Arminster and Wilton Velvet Rugs at . .$15.98 Room size Axminsjter Rugs, worth to $25, at $12.98 Seamless "Wilton Rugs, worth up to $55, at $29.98 36x72 Axminster Rugs, worth $4, at $2.59 ' Reversible Bath Rugs,' at ... . . .79c and 98c Make your plans now. Come to Omaha Monday and attend this wonderful Rug sale at Brandeis Stores Gray Hair Makes You Look Old IIIOCHENTI. Dbo Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and Your Gray Hair Will Quickly Vanish. Qmr hair is a mark of age, and no3 UH that eaa be said a to Its beauty wUl offset the disadvantage of this mark of at est upoa your brow. Wyetb's Bag and Buiphar Hair Rem edy darkens the hair and restores it to Us youthful beauty. Our grandmothers and thalr grandmothers twrfore thora used sage and aulpnur for darkening- thalr hair. Nothing haa aver been found mora af fective for this purpose than these two V tiste-hooored remedies, but Wyeth, a medera chemist, has combined the two . with ether Ingredients, which makes a delightful dressing for ths hair, and i which not only removes every trace of dandruff but promotes the growth of the It also stops the hair from falling tad aaakea It beautiful. 11 drocxlata are authorised to refund the loner It It talis to do exactly as BASE BALL OMAflA vs. DES MOINES ROURKE PARK Sept. 8-0-10 Friday, Sept. 8 Radios' Day OA WIS C AXLED 3 48 Cera Leave ISth and Tarnem at 3:30 Deat awKtaot your hair ao4 doat re sort to eioVtlme heir dyes. Oat a battle of Wyeaa'a Sage aad Sulphur froaa your ttrosclat today, aad notice tha diftsr eaoe to yoor hair after a few days use. This preparation Is offered to the pa bile at fifty oanta a battle, and la roonmrnestrtod and sold by all drwaraatai Special .Meats: Bharmaa atoOamWl Dru Oa, lath sad Dodsa SKjlj Owl 9nic Oa, lta and Harney Sta. AMI SK MOTS. If Oil 4 TODAY 2:80 WILLIAMS' IMPERIALS L. COOPER VsaMd .o enau am - W. in .'KILLS 0-25-50 Matinee Xvery Say Svery Vlyht B:lO. AlKASbliU VAUUli Vll.L,i It) la wee. Mush Grace Cameruii; BobledlUle; William H. MacCart and Kthalyiine Bradford; The Muslkal Gills; "The Little Stranger;"' Gordon ami nlarx; Kramer and Pplllane; Km odrome; Orpheuin Onnwrt orchestra. Frloea. Wight lOo, S5o, 60e, 7 So. Mat inee, best eata 25o, esoept holidays, Sunday ml Saturday. omaba'i rtrsr trswrzm.- Kvya, 15-M-O.T5e Sally Mat., la-aa-AOe The Imperial Travesty Star ROSE SYDELL and Ker Famous London Bailee. SXTiiAVAOAMSA AUS 'TAVSBTULI A Fortune in Wardrobe end fccenery. Ladles' Dime Matinee Bvery Week Day. fcL'N. The original "Painuug the Town." BRANDEIS THEATER Tonight and Saturday Sat. Kantlaao HxraT a. BAjtmis. nssxirTs THE COUNTRY BOY A FLAT Or CITT J.XTM JTlg-hts, too to tl-aoMat Sao to Sl.OO IVIDiT-SMllT WOOSaON AMERICAN THEATER O. Sw Woodward, Mrr. Commencing Saturday Night, Sept t and All Next Week . MISS EVA UNO and tha Woodward Svook Oempamy In the Beautiful Comedy TnTB OHAPXBOST 1'rlce.'. lOo and Sou. Mun-es. Tuesday, Tuuredar, Saturday and suauay. Our Fall Ostrich Opening (L Sale Friday and Saturday This greaf opening and sale has been arranged for Friday and Saturday because we are able to give auch an event greater space and display than at any other time of the Fall season. And, be sides, women want to know about Fall Feather Fashions as early as possible. The showing includes hundreds of styles in Fane 'Mrich, Bird of Para dise, Fine French Feathers and our well-known C 1 Willow Plumes. For those who are not familiar with the guaranteed willc looosltion. we state that to make more emphatic our unqualified guarantee we have beeti . ..Is every willow, plume sold in the store, we will begin, this Friday, to Issue a written Kumanu- m :;h every plume sold which will state that if for any reason the plume you buy does not glvo tntire ssttiEi'aetlon we will make It right, replace it or cheerfully refund your money. This is the only store i that- guar.5mA;V rmmm A One Dollar Deposit Reserves any Plume of Your Choosing, The Largest Stock of Guaranteed Willow Plumes in the State. A Discount of 20'"Per Cent for Friday Only To make the occasion still more memorable to all who attend, we will give a special discount of 20 per cent from our. regular prices on FANCY OSTRICH, AIGRETTES. BIRD OF PARADISE, FRENCH PLUMES and our GUARANTEED WILLOW PLUMES. If it happens that you do not care to purchase at this time, we will lay aside any plume you choose until such time as you want It upon the payment of a small deposit and you will get the benefit of the savings, too. These Specials for Friday Morning's Selling Only Guaranteed willow plumes, full 18 Inches long and 20 Inches wide, regularly $15.00 each, (JQ QQ from eight o'clock to one o'clock apO.vO Fine French plumes, full 24 inches long and 13 Inches wide, black only, regular $12.98 (J; QQ value, from eight to one pO. yO White aigrettes, full 24 inches long, regularly sold at $10.00 each; Friday, from eight Qfr QQ o'clock to one o'clock J)O.'0 Three popular fancy feather noveltls, In all popular colors that have been selling up to 98c; . choice Friday a. m OC Brief Word of Some Extra Special Friday Bargaining in the Women's Ready-to-Wear Store: One lot of beautiful linen dresses made up in several pretty styles and trimmed with embroidery work; choice of pink, blue, lavender and tan- And one lot of handsome lingerie dresses of allover embroideries and the finest qual ity Persian lawns trimmed with cluny and Valenciennes lace Formerly sold up to $19.50, Friday, or while they last, $5. Plain tailored suits suitable for early fall wear, made of good quality serges in black, tans and gray; sizes 14 to 38; values up to $19.50, Friday, choice at $7.50. Four Great Specials in Hardware 100 $1.75 all copper, heavily nickel plated tea ket tles In sizes Nos. 7 and 8; Friday onls QQ while they last .yQC 50 $2.50 brown and white Guernsey ware casseroles with nickel plated steel frames; extra Ql QQ fine values, Friday pl.UU 150 hard wood bath tub seats with heavy wire springs the kind we usually sell at 50c 1Q " each; Friday IOC Heavy-nickel plated range kettles have solid copper body regularly sold at 75c each; Friday only 49c Baskets of All Kinds at 25 Less. Choice of our eotlre tock of fancy work baskets, fruit baskets, lunch basket, market baskets and waste paper baskets an exceptionally wide range for your choosing Friday only, 25 per cent less than the regular prices. Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses Tou will find every need for fall canning purposes at this store. Only xtandard lines noted for superior Quality. Here's word of some: v j pint size Jelly Tumblers with tin tops. -JOo the dozen. No deliveries will be made or telephone orders filled on this Item. ' Mason Fruit Jars, complete with caps and rubbers pints, 60o the dozen; quarts, 70o tha dozen; H gallons, 90o ths dozen. Economy Trait Jar Caps SOo the doien. Mason Fruit Jar Caps, SOo the dozen. Extra Heavy Fruit Jar Rubbers the kind that will last tliree dozen for 85c , The Linens and Do mestics Contribute Some Special Pricings. 4 36-inch, good quality, heavy weight. Unbleached Muslin, Friday . 6o the yard. 'tbc, 7:xD0-tnch Beamed Bed Sheets, made especially for the hotel and rooming house trade, Friday. 39o each. Choice of All of Our American Call ooes, in a wide range of light and dark patterns positively not a single yard is reserved from this Friday sale Ao the yard. 17 Sc. 45xJ-inch, gcod. heavy weigiit Pillow Cases, Friday. 13c each. SI 19. large slue. Extra Quality Cotton Blankets in either tan or gray, Friday, BBo the pair. 11.10, Full lias Bed Spreads hemmed and ready for uxe, assorted patterns of late design, Friday. 85u. 45c, SO-lnch Mercerized Table Damask in a good range of new patterns, tYiday, S3o the yard. $1.B&, All Unen Mapklns In sssorted patterns very fine for hotel and restaur ant uSeFridav, 68c the half dozen. One X.ot of Fancy Unens that are slightly soiled but otherwise In perfect condition, regularly sold st T5c and 85c the piece. Friday, choice. 390. THc, good weight, Unbleached Xiinen Crash with blue borders. Friday only, 6o the yard. 75c Corsets Specially rrloed for Bargain Friday at 49c There are three good style numbers to select irom so thst each type of figure can find the model It requires. They are mads of a good quality batiste or routil i:l extra long and medium length styles. Have good hose supporters at tached. Friday. 49c. Friday and Saturday Are " Cut Price Days in the Big Pure Food Grocery 5 cans Oold Medal Corn for &5o 6 bars Ivory 6oap for ISO 10 bars Bennett's Bargain Soap . . Sftc Bennett's Bxoelslor Floor and 60 stVps per sack (1.60 Bennett's Pride Flonr. speeial, sack $1.80 lt-lb. sack Diamond Crystal Salt and 20 stamps for .... 95o Can Capitol grated Pineapple and 20 stamps for .... SOa Whole Japan Bios, five ponnds . . .BSe S-lb box of Gloss Starch and 20 stamps for . ...83o Large jar Gillette's Mustard and 20 . stamps for ....15c 2 cans Mulled Lima Beans with chicken and SO stamps Sac Pint can Gaillard's Purs Olive Oil 400 1-lb. assorted Teas. t and 7& stamps, 68a 1-lb. assorted Tess. I and 0 stamps, 48o 8 lbs. Bennett's best Coffee and 60 stamps for ..$1.00 1-lb. Bennett's Best Coffee and 20 stamps for ...,35o Pkg. Tea Si f tings and 10 stamps. ,15e 1-lb. can B. C. Baking Powder and 20 stamps for . ...94o BAXXBT 8PB CZAXS Fruit Wafers, tha pound l$o Xten'a Orahem and Tourist Crackers, and 10 stamps, tha package lOo Pull Cream Cheese, and 10 stamps, the pound SOo tloa of Onion Salt The Universal Seaaonar. Friday's Menu Sardine Sandwiches. Cocoa not Bars, the pound 13o Virginia Swiss Cheese, and 10 stamps, lb ' aSo Two Jars Peanut Butter, and 10 atsmps 30e Two sacks Diamond Crystal Table Salt, and 10 stamps lOo , BUTT IB AJTZ BOOS Bennett's Capitol Creamery Butter, fresh from the churn and guar anteed fall weight, the pound 3O0 Freeh Country But ter, ap from, the pound 23a Guaranteed striotly fresh Eggs, direct from the country, the dosea goo Libber's Asparagus Tips, csn $5o Beauty Asparagus Tips, and 10 stamps, can aoo Heins large Dili Pickles and 10 stamps, the don, 80o H I Dress Goods Sale Hundreds of remnants in lengths sufficient fov waist, skirt or dress, both plain and novelty weaves, storm serges, pauainas, checks and stripe novel ties sold to $1.00 vard your choice for 91.50 Dress Goods, 78o 30 pieces of all wool storm serge, novelty chalk line stripes, all worsted cheviots, etc., 54 ins. wide, regular value to 7Q 28c-48c $1.50 a yard, choice. :J Sale of Silks 73c Silks, Friday, 8Ho 3,000 yards of New Fall Silks, In cluding all silk messalines. In 20 different shades, checks and stripe taffetas, jacquard poplins, foulards, liberty sat ius, etc.. values OH. QOp up to 75c yard, at. .tOlTOQli 36-tn. Liberty Satins In gray, tan and brown, white or black, at, per yard 58J $1.25 Silk Poplins, 78 36-ln. wide, in Delft blue, chamois, reseda and Vleux rose; great snap tt, per yard 78f 75c Press Velveteens In 20 new fall shades, at, yard 59 At 9 A. goods yard. . f Friday Is Remnant Day in Our Pop ular Domestic Room. Sea 16th St. Window All the remnants that accumulated during the week as well as a carload of mill ends from the various eastern mills will be placed on tables and priced according to grade-1, 5c; 2, 7YsC 3, 8V2C; 4, 10c; 5, EXTRA SPECIALS. M. All the remnants of the high grade wash that sold up to 50c vard in three lots 7V2C, 10c and 15c At 9:30 A. M. 1 case of Aiinch bleached pillow casing, regular 120 yard, as long as it lasts 7Vc At 10 A. M. 1 case of genuine Lonsdale muslin, regular price 10c, as long as it lasts 6V&C At 10:30 A. M. 1 case of the celebrated Pontiac. Sheets, extra size, for double bed, worth 69c each; on sale as long as case of 20 dozen lasts at, each 471 At 11 A. M. 1 case of Lancaster Apron Check Ginghams, one grade better than Amoskeag; as long as it lasts, yard 5 At 1:30 P. M. One case 12-4 Gray Blankets, Ktllarney, regular price $2.00 24 pairs only 3 pairs limit, at, pair 96 At 2:00 P. M. One case of 12 He Pillow Slips, 42x36 six Blips limit, at, each S At 2:30 P. 51. One case of Crib Blankets, nice designs, worth 2 5c each, as long as they last, each 10 At 3:00 P. M. One case of union linen Huck Towels, regular price 12 He each, as long as they last, each 7 At 3:30 P. M. One case of our "No. 18 Comfortfis, weighs 8H lbs., made of fine carded cotton, straight stitched, etc., and sells at $1.65 as long as case lasts will go at, each 95 Six other specials not advertised. In the Domestic Room Suit Department Wonfen's and KUssea' Dress Skirts $3.00 values, in blue, brown or black.; snap t $1.50 Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits Values to $18.50; all sizes and all new styles, In 3 lots. 512.50. 810. $6.95 Women's Long Coats In grays, browns and black; values to $12.50 special at ..$5.95 200 House Dresses at . .$1.25 75c Black Underskirts. . -59 $1.25 Gingham Petticoats 75 $1.50 House Dresses . .$1.50 Children's Gingham Dresses 75c values, sizes 2 to 4 years, at 49 50c Dressing Sacques In all sizes, on sale at 39 Underwear and Furnishing Bar gains in Domestic Room Children's Long Sleeve Vests 25c values, on sale at . . Children's 25c M-Underwaists, at f) Children's and Infants' Under vests and Outing Flannel Dresses 19c values, at . Ladies' Gauze Vests Values to 25c, on sale in two lots at 9 and 5 Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers Values to $1.00, on sale at 35 and 25 Ladies 85c Underwear Me dium weight, all sizes, per garment 154 Men's Fleeced Underwear Good quality, all sizes . 35 Ladies', Men's and Children's Hose All kinds and colors, to 25c values . .12HS 7H Men's Canvas Gloves . . . 10? Special Bargains in the Drapery Section $2.50 Lace Curtains Ecru or or white, at, pair 98 $1.25 Lace Curtains in ecru white, per pair $1.98 Reversible Scrims for Curtains Big assortment, at, yard. .18 Bungalow Nets Big variety values to 60c yard, at...25J 12 lie Curtain Swiss Stripes or figured, at, yard 9 Drapery Remnant All kinds to 25c yard values, at, yd. .5( f Friday Business Bringers in Hardware Dept. Four-tie Parlor Broom Worth 35c, Friday, at -15 Enameled Water Palls 10-qt. size, Friday at 29 Blue and White Enameled Ware 6-qt. Preserving Kettles ..25 H-qtnDi6li Pans at 49 03 Galvanized Garbage Cans 10 gallon size, with bail.69 4-qt. Pudding Pans, at ...,9i 04 Galvanized Garbage Cans 12 gallon size, with ball, 79 Cold Blast Lanterns Large size, each 69 5c Rolls Toilet Paper Best grade, 13 rolls for 50 8 rolls 10c size ToUet Paper, for 50 Special Big GROCERY Sale Friday It Pays to Trada at Hsydan's. 4 S-lb. sack Best High Grade Diamond H Family Flour; nothing finer for family use, sack 91.15 10 bara Beat 'Km All or Diamond C tioap for 38o Bromanelon, Jellyeon or Jello..7 4c 6 lbs. good Japan Rice 2bc i lbs. fancy Japan Rica, lOo quaJlty, for -5c Corn Flakes Breakfaat Food, pk. 6 Ho Grape-Nuts, pkg lOo 011 or Mustard Sardines, can 4o Skinner's Macaroni, pkg 10c Gallon cans Table Syrup 55c HATDEWSJ OIIAT TEOBTABLB . HAKKET Makes tha Frloea that Keep Down tha Prloek Oreen Peppers, market banket... 2fe jrw Potatoes, 15 lbs. to the peok, at. per peok 30c See that you get your weight The law requires It. Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb.... So 1 bunches fresh Beets or Carrots.. So Sweet Corn, per dozen 10o 6 bunches Fresh Radlshe 6c 2 heads Fresh Hothoube Lettuce.. &c 6 Green Peppers for .....to 2 heads Fr-sh Cabbage 5c 2 heads Fresh Celery 5o Sweet Potatoes, lb Bo Large Egg Plants each 5o Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb 10o Fancy Lima Beans, per quart Bo Fruit Jar Sale BALL MASON JARS. 1 pint jars, per dozen 50 1 quart Jars, per dozen . ...(0? J. quart Jars, per dozen ....75 ar Covers, per dozen 19 Jr Rubbers, 3 dozen for . . . 19 DON'T FORGET Try IIAYDEIl'S First THE OMAHA BEE Omaha's Great Home Paper IT H PAYS n.Twj iiirinti'i n i Tin naf TTti'mfyyaiaw, t Where to find The Bee in New York City, II, Y, Arthur Hotallng, Grand Central Depot News Stand, Astor House. Harry J. Schulta, Grand Central Station. Tyson Co'a News Sunja, Including Howl Kalcktrboeaw. Hotfaua Houm. Howl Maabatua. Hollua Hotel. Imperial Hotel. Hutel Btlmoat. Mum? Hotel. IValdort-AMorla. Onus Ualoa Hotel. THE OMAIIA BEE la tha home paper of Nebraski