Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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7ho BEES gJu&qf BMMfiy 3&pJr
Loretta's Looking Glass
Held Up to the Clinging Vine
nfefuirnrMic? r:
oomnQMT. ini. it tw nor tbm nniM nuoMw wcw nm items cox m wgm
uiui Tunr aiNT
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IT toyov " t.
I I van' It"
Proceeding upon the theory thit what
you want most you are most apt to get,
you get the man.
It -to because your nature craves the
strength f masculinity on which to lean
that you 'Intentionally and unconsciously;
too, dlnplny the man-wlnnlng charms.
A beautiful and wise woman oik c told
mo thattww kind of women won men.
You kra onfc si.e who has the grace to
lean. ' The ether 9 llio on who hud
the strength to support.
You reach out. an If yoj actually hud
the tondrfl of llioVlho. to catch the In
terest of strong men. That I why you uru
worth observing, t'orst n:ill I ad.mic you.
but, a Luk Uk I.jvIoj said In. Lucllt"
you tlip niu. of cuuisc, I outtht not to teel
that way... It in not on live that you lean
or want to. lean, iiul tlicib i a.numby
pambyuesk btnealu your grace of leaning
that a pells your ihiiini. .
And 1 gt a b!t impatient with the nice,
big men who sec only your grace and can
not detect your general sluzlnesa of make
up. Vfhy. I have seen men whose strength
of character, whose splendor of will, whose
mental dynamite have swayed thousands
married to clinging vines like you. At
leaat, they hud bec-n an sweet and grace
ful and delicate a . you are.
liut when I saw them they were Junt,
se much vegetation dangling Ineffectively
and IneffeotuaUy on the aturdy oaks. .Mar
riage and the responsibilities which your
kind .are not fitted to meet had reduced
them te querulous, nervous, care-needing,
attention-demanding parasites.
But ypu can. teach the grls who have the
strength to give womanly support at
need the grace to lean at leisure. At least,
you may not actively teach them, but they
can see what your strong and Immediate
appeal to the tenderness and chivalry In
men wins.
Girl who has the strength to support,
have you ever watched from your grown
up place of power and strength, the bright
and khowy antic of a clever child? It
keen mind charmed you. You enjoyed
hearing the baby lips lisp verses. You
reveled In the romping play that revealed
the youngster's health. But what won you
utterly? What awept your heart right out
of your boxom and laid II u 4 tribute at
the little feet? What brought a flood of
tenderness to your whole being so ex
quisite (hut you thrilled and throbbed and
soared heavenward in It? What? One little
nestling gesture, one invtant's Pleasure of
the Volden head against your breast, one
divine second when the baby leaned for
love of your strength against you, tactlly
putting himself In your protecting care.
Jja you wonder, then, that the girl, the
clinging vine, who has the gift of this
exquisite surrender, wins strong men? Much
as they admire the bright, gay, clever,
strong girl, they, too, like you, are really
captured by. the girl who knows how to
trust herself to them, to express love's
deepest meaning. Why don't you learn?
Strength can cling. And the willing clasp
of a vine that does not need support Is
finer tribute , to a man than the cling of
a mere dangler.
Men haven't any sense about these
tilings. They cannot see what is good for
them. Show. them. Learn to attract them
with the tender grace of the clinging
vine. And you can keep them with the
strength that well. It seems to require
a good deal to make marriage last!
Told by the Troubled Tourist
" If this Individual business keeps on, T
we'll soon find ourselves leading some very
individual lives," declared the Table d'Hote
Traveler as he pushed back his chair.
"Tried . to." get a drink of .ice water in
a car the other day and couldn't, because
there wasn't any cup. Everybody baa to
carry hi own cup nowadays or go with
ryii. , . i , .
"If they extend this thing to the bars
we'll soon have to provide ourselves with
a complete outfit of glassware, for,, 'of
course! man can never be certain Just
what kind of a drink it Is ne t going to
"A -neat, But -not gaudy, little tray sus
pended about the neck and containing a
general collection' of cocktail, whiskey,
highball, cordial, beer . and wine glasses
will be a necessary part of every gentle
man's dally harness, and It certainly will
save the. bare lot of money. Ought to be
good for the glassware business too,. for I
don't suppose a . man .can nig all that
crockery around long without smaahlng
nm if It. It's liable to result in all sorts
ot disputes, however, as, for Instance, If
the bartender should happen to get
Brown,' and Smith's glasses mixed on the
second round there might be serious legal
"When it comes to that we may have to
upply ourselves with individual knives and
forks and trifles hke Individual bathtubs,
though the latter' could be made ot col
lapsible - robber, so that they could be
folded' up "neatly and placed In the inside
pocket '
"Individual cota might be a little un
handy to cart around with you when trav.
allng, but we could insist on an individual
rushing with an individual whlskbroom
or there wouldn't "Be arty individual tip.
'Reminds" me of my traveling friend,
lirason, who was a germ crank and eould
ipy the. smallest bacillus as far as he
tould e him, and he could see germs
further than any man I ever knew, Jim
son wouldn't touch a door knob until he
had carefully sterilised It, and he hated
to take money until it bad been properly
"He used to prepare al his own meals in
a specially constructed hygienic chafing
dish and then carefully sterilised every
thing before he ate it. He was very par
"We traveled together once; and I think
he started the Individual cup idea, for he
had one with him then. He went after the
landlord of every hotel we struck, and one
morning I heard an awful row down at
the door of a little country hotel we had
struck the night before. It was a muddy
day, and there was Jlmson. just returned
from an early morning walk, threatening
the landlord with Instant arrest If he
didn't give him an Individual doormat.
(Copyrighted, 1811, by N. Y. Herald Co.)
f .
M Nubs of Knowledge ' it
Ullll S Ill I I I I II 11 ' I L 11,1
Port Holes on war vessels were .intro
duced in laoo.
; Umbrellas were used In China as early
U 1300 B. C. .:
French monks prepared the first eon
tordance to the Btble In 1247: .
An Incandescent electric light wai
a ten ted in this country in 1S45. ' , .
Earliest piece of mualo" for "six-men'i
long" (sextette) wa written In 1240.
Twenty-five million squirrels are killed
tnnually In Russia tor their skins.
London had thirteen aurgeon and doc
tors In 1611. and they were exempt from
bearing arms or serving on Junes.
The yard measure was founded in 1101,
Ui the length of too arm. by King Edgar
of England.
Attila, chief of the Huna, drank so freely
if honey 'and water on his wedding day.
In 41, .that he died ot suffocation.
The Parliament of Great Britain on Jan
tary 12. 1404. enacted that "no chemist shall
see his craft to multiply gold or silver."
Cuban officials applied to the king of
Bpaln in 1J34 for 1.000 negroes, that they
Slight become Inured to labor before the
ndlans cease to exist." After 1563 there
was not an Indian on the island.
Children of blackest Africa are born
hit. In a month ' they become pale yel
tw, in a year brown. In tour years muddy
Mack, and at thirty glossy Mack.
' i .
A horse will live twenty-five days without
lolld food, . merely drinking water, seven
Men dy without either eating or drink
rig. and only five days when partaking of
tolld food without water.
"Playing Mammas"
decks and Romans of the ancient, world
nvartably used white and black beans for
rot In g at trials the white bean signifying
tcquittal and the 'black one conviction.
"It take an awful lot of clothes
'To keep my children clean;
I'm always sewing. Goodness know.
I'm cure I'm never seen
Without a needie In my hand!
'Stitch, stitch,' on ruffle, seam and
Said Mrs. Brown one summer day. ,
But Mrs. Jones, her neighbor, said:
"Why, Mrs. Brown, how can you say
You work with needle and with thread t
f call that play. I rock and rock,.
And haven't time to darn a sock.
"My . darling child la not quite well
The doctor says it ia the heat
I- have to rock her; truth to tell.
The little rascal has me beat.
i rook her hours by the clock, '
And-yet she screeches-when I stop." -
Vtn Urn! Well, really, Mrs. Jones."
Said Mrs. White, with mournful glance,
"it is a pity when one owns
A child so spoiled. If. by a chance,
She just were mine. I'd show her why
She'd have some cause to fret and cry."
Then Mrs. Jones wept "boo, hoo. hoo!
I Just won t play with you again.
My child's not spoiled a muoh as you.
The day you stood out In the rain
My mamma said, 'Now, If that child
Belonged to me, she'd drive me wild.'
' Washington Post
CrsMase Itoosa.
The cretonne room Is the daintiest de
velopment In home furnishing to date. The
cretonne room must be small, with plenty
of sunlight and n equal amount et fresh
air. Whit enamelled furniture is prettiest
as a background. The occupant should
choose a favorite color and have the walls
tinted a delicate shade of this color. On
artistic eretonn room for a young girl
had walls of a pale rose pink. The bed
wss of white enamel and the willow fur
niture waa enamelled white. .
'Thin whit muslin curtains at the win
dows were partially covered by cretonne
hangings of white, flowered with pink and
lavender sweet peas. A dressing table was
trimmed with cretonne with a muslin be
ruffled scarf. The sprinkling of sweet pea
recurred in the cushions of the chairs, the
bedcover also veiled in muslin the writing
deek and one of the irresistible little
cretonne covered bureaua The carpet waa
rose pink of a deeper shade.
V v
UtC ttr.HTA &4f
SS: South Twenty-third Street.
Xame and Address. Stiool. Year.
Lawreu Allen, 2S01 Dodge St Duront ...1901
Marion Amato. 1713 Mason St St. Philomena 1905
Helen A. Benson, 1904 Lothrop St . . . Lothrop 1899
Stanley L. Clark, 345 Boyd St Monmouth Park... 1901
Margery Craig, S52 South Twenty-third St .Mason 1899
Evelyu Coie. 2 235 Howard St Central 1903
Ruth C. Comp. 4536 Bedford Ave .Hlgh .'.1895
Clifford Daniels, 3330 Carth's Ave High 1896
Fred Dickey, 1714 Dorcas St. Castellar 1903
John A. Doran, 1551 North Seventeenth St Holy Faluily
Gillbert Eldredge, 1709 Park Ave High 1S93
Fay Emery, 2131 South Thirty-fourth St Windsor 1S98
Sam Eeiman, 2320 Paul St Kellom 1902
Nellie Flnklesteln, 921 North Sixteenth St Cass . . . . .'1905
Pearl Firth, 1735 South Eighteenth St Comenlus 1901
Ruth E. Gillespie, 623 North Forty-seventh St Saunders ... .1900
Glen L. Goff, 3152 Ames Ave Monmouth Park. . .1903
Carmellta Gorman, 1814 Pratt St Sacred Heart 19P3
Gladys T. Hansen, 509 South Forty-fourth St Columbian 1901
Genevieve R. Harris, 1915 North Twenty-eighth St. . .Long 1904
Carl Hedberg, 3216 North Twenty-sixth St Lothrop 1904
Glen Hoagland, 317 North Thirty-fourth St Webster . .. 1901
Helen Holmes, 347 North Forty-first St Saunders 1903
Herbert M. Hughes, Fiftieth and Brown Sts Central Park 1901
Judson M. Hughes, Fiftieth and Brown Sts ... Central Park 1901
Olive Johnson, 309 North Eleventh St Cass 1905
Fred V. Koehler. 4355 Nicholas St Walnut Hill 1900
Mary Krlegler, 2024 Martha St St. Joseph 1901
Cecelia Laudersmlth, 829 South Nineteenth St Leavenworth 1902
Ernest Lord, 320 South Thirteenth St Leavenworth 1896
Frank Mancuso, 1245 South Sixteenth St St. Philomena 1897
Margarete Malloy, 225 Francis St Train 1900
Maria Massara, 2820 Harney St Farnam 1901
Gladys S. Mickel,' 3331 Harney St Columbian 1901
Hellen R. Miller, 1923 Wirt St Lothrop
Llbby Minkln, 1912 Paul St..: Kellom
Is Cancer Caused by Hot Foods?
. In China, when' , a native' family aits
down to dine, the men of the household
and the male guest, if there be any, are
served first. Their food come to them
(teaming hot. The women must wait until
later to be served and by that time the
food has grown cooler. The men com
mence to eat Immediately the dishes of
Steaming hot food are set before them.
Rice, cow peas and other things ars boiled
Bo much for etiquette. Now for the con
sequences. In , China cancer of the
oesophagus, or throat, is common, among
men. Among Chinese women the disease
la very rare; practically .unknown.
All of thla. and more, was reported by
Dr. E. D. Bashford at the recent annual
meeting of the Imperial Cancer Research
Fund held in London. Dr. Bashford Is
the general superintendent of the fund.
He said,. In referring to the alarming in
roads made by cancer among Chinamen,
that -the frequency of the disease would
be diminished if such practices as the eat-,
lng of very hot rice were discontinued.
The rice the women eat is cool and non
irritating and they rarely contract can
cer. The moral to be taken from the above is
very plain and well worth - heeding,', says
the New York Herald. Hot foods of any
description burn out the' a I'm or of the
throat in time and .cause cancer. Pipe
smokers who continue to smoke after the
stem of the pipe has become heated run
a similar risk of contracting cancer of the
lips. The same la trne of smokers who
Smoke a cigar down to the very butt.
So there are three lessonar- to be learned
from thia year's annual meeting of the
Cancer Research . Fund never ' bolt hot
food, never smoke a pipe the stem of
whrih Is hot, and no matter how good a
cigar or cigarette you may have.' toss it
away after you have smoked two-thirdk
of it.
Reglna Mellnskt, 2417 South Twenty-ninth St. .... . .Im. Conception.
Carefol Teaching;.
William Dean Howell Is a stout oppo
nent of those novelists who, under the pre
text of reforming their readers, write
books about vice.
"Such writers," said Mr. Howells, "re
mind me of a lad whose mother said to
V him .
" 'Why, Johnny, I do believe you're
teaching that parrot to swear!'
" 'No, I'm not, mother,' the boy replied.
"I'm Just telling It what it mustn't say.' "
Marjorie Meihsner, 2622 South Thirteenth St. Bancroft 1904
Harold D. Moore, 4019 Hamilton St.... Walnut Hill 1898
Louise Moore, 848 South Twenty-third St Mason 1898
Helen E. Mulvlhill. 611 Pierce St. Pacific 1902
Arthur Murphy, 1712 North Twenty-eighth St. . ... . .Long 1904
Norman J. Nathanson, 3905 Leavenworth St Columbian 1900
Margaret Neckel, 1444 South Eighteenth St Comenlus ....... .1898
Org, Nelson, 2637 Capitol Ave Farnam '....1902
George Nielson. 3514 North Thirty-fourth St Druid Hill 1902
Helen O'Brien, 2538 Davenport St ...Central 1896
Marie O'Brien, 2538 Davenport Sfc Central 1896
Richard O'Brien, 2538 Davenport St Central 1900
Martha O'Donnell, 940 North Twenty-fifth St Kellom . . . ..1903
Clarence Pankratz. 945 North Twenty-eighth Ave Webster 1896
Mary Panuska, 1625 Canton St Edw. Rowewater . . . 1897
Comenlus 1897;
Dupont 1905
Mason 1903
St. Joseph... 1900
Castellar 1904
Druid Hill 1902
o. 253.
Communications welcomed,
and neither signature nor re
turn postage required. Ad
dress the tditor.
Seamleaa hose were Invented in 1TM.
It used to be that a county
fair waa a mixture of punkln
show and hoes trot, and a state
fair waa Just a glorified county
fair. Not so nowadays. The
punkln show may be there,
and the hose trot, but the
orators get the fnost attention.
One might be excused for ex
pressing the opinion that the
state fair would be just as
attractive if it were divested
of the political sideshows that
have been attached to It of
late years.
' Completion.
That waa a remarkable ses
sion the county comniisaioners.
the architect, the big con
tractors and the little con
tractors held over the court
house the other day, but It
dldn t aettle anything. What
the public would like to know,
and which It doesn t seem
to be able to find out, is.
When is that courthouse go
ing to be ready? Calling nasnea
and voting more bonds won t
complete It.
Senator Sorenaon ia the most
relentless person we know of.
He is also the most pertina
cious. Ditto contumacious.
When he isn't planning to get
that fifty, he la laying awake
nights thinking up kind thlnus
to say about Lincoln. If the
senator were to change his
residence from here to the
capital city, it's a bet they'd
snake hlra mayor not.
The voters of Omaha went
to the commission form of
government ss if it looked
good. But the real proof of
that Is to come a little later
on. Wait until they come to
pick the commissioners out of
the swarm of competent per
sons who are putting up light
ning rods lust now. That will
be the test.
' Reonall.
Ekher Ig. Dunn or Airy
Lewis is responsible for the
big vote on the commission
form change, but for the life
of us we can't figure out
which It waa But just think
what would have happened if
It hadn't been for that debate!
Next week Nebraska will be
under control of a democratic
governor, for the third time in
Talk Of Scientific Things,
bat Let Alone Some
Interesting Topics.,
The big pill docs of the Mis
souri valley held their annual
conclave In Omaha during tho
week, and much scientific guff,
wa dispensed. It was a
regular highbrow gathering
and lull of good cheer for the
men who call your funny bone
by a Latin name fourteen syl
lables long.
The program waa replete
with subjects for addresses on
topic that have to do with
human ailment, real or Im
aginary, plain and fancy sur
gery and such. It Is noticeable,
though, that the doc haven't
got to the point where they
will take up come of the
impler propositions In which
the big mass of therr fellow
citizens might be Interested.
Among these topic Is fee
splitting. Down east a medi
cal society has this on . its
program, and after a full dis
cussion concluded that It waa
too big a toplo for one body
to settle and passed It on- to
some other.
To an - outsider, one who
doesn't pretend to know too
much about scientific medi
cine. It would seem that the
simple way to dispose of the
fee splitters would be to agree
not to split fees. ; 1
Let the docs amend their
ethical code by adding to tha
rule one that prohibits adver
tising, another that will pro
hibit fee splitting. It they can
prevent advertising they ought
to prevent the other.
et away
to locate In
In his haste to g
from Lincoln to u
Omaha. Arthur Mullen seri
ously Injured himself. That ia
too bad. We don't blame Art
for wanting to leave Lincoln,
but he would have made more
apeed It he hadn I been In auch
a hurry.
1 Tnrrlble.
The Rum Demon la In an
awful fix now, for sure. Jap
McBrlen la going to devote
hla time exclusively to hunt
ing the aforesaid demon to
his lair, and then something Is
sure to happen.
Fred Bruning built his own
monument and didn't know It.
When you look at the un
finished courthouse just recall
the fact that It waa' Bruning
and his democratic confreres
who made the delay possible.
Off. . .
All beta are off. ao far as
our pet llttle weather maker
la concerned. He doean't care
a dam -any more, and we'll
just let It go at that
La ' Follettee Insurgrers
Will Have None of the
Omaha Leader.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Sept. 1. (Spe
cial.) It'a over the transom
tor Frankie Shotwell.
, He didn't Insurge along the
lints mapped out by Whedon
and the rest ot the bunch, who
make La Fullette the cardinal
test of faith, and Insisted on
lnsurging a little on his own
hook. 'Ihis the boss insurgers
couldn't stand tor, so it s rails
mil bhotwell.
uh, very well. Maybe they
can get along without , him,
but its a cinch that Frankle
will be a live Issue in the Ne
braska campaign, just -the
same. '
' Maybe If they throw Frank
down hard enough he'll get
hia reward.
Developments at the state
fair Indicate that the Anll
Saioon league Is not a non
partisan institution. It' a a
pan-partisan affair; and all It
asks is to be permitted to
name the tickets for both
sides, Worthy ambition. The
answer will, be given at the
polls in November.
Next week will be a proud
time lor- the postmasters,
when they are permitted to
gailier under Ak-Sar-Ben's
aegis whatever that Is.
betcha they find some things
to talk about that are . not
down on the program.
Pa Rourka's ' boys are . as
timid as they are modest.
They're scared of getting any
higher up. That's all that's
in the way now.
Here's the whole summer
gone by, and Boss Tom hasn't
had the city streets cleaned
by ram a single time. W bad
dye know about that?
Colonel Bill Ourley got back
from Boston all light, where
he made a speech to the law
yers. .
Colonel Joe Thomas knows
how to get prairie chicken
and there s more than one
way. of doing It. too.
Colonel John E. Bucking
ham Is going to remove to
Chicago soon, and that will
leave Colonel Stocky Heth
without a pal for a little
Colonel Charley Rloan of
Geneva was In town Labor
dsy and couldn't get a shave.
He ought to hit Omaha on
Sunday, when the hotel shops
are open. Colonel Sloan la
going back to Washington
early In the winter.
We could see he had the pluck,
So we wished him beet of luck.
He stood nobly by the Job,
Raising corn upon the cob;
Chickens, piga and lowing
Watermelons on the vine;
Goose and gander quacking
Divers sorts of garden truck;
Bees that pilfer from sweet
But enough ere summer's
He's coming back to us
With no frills, or noise, or
Made a fortune in one season
Used some headwork that's
the resson.
Now he travels in a sleeper
Has no need to figure cheaper;
Eats big dinners on the diner
John D. R. could live no imer.
Roll of twenties in bis pocket
Credit soaring like a rocket.
Pray, ex-farmer, do take care,
Or you'll die a millionaire;
Lota of lucre in the till
When you make your honored
Name me'in a codicil
And I'll be your booster still.
T. B. T.
I know of a farmer who
ri. i.a Mr firvan'i hat
When that peerless leader
maae a (pmn
Now what do you know
about that!
I heard of a woman who won
renown, '
In fact, she made a hit
When she tapped Mr. Roose
velt on the arm.
And he playfully said "I'm
I know of a msn who goes
with a limp.
But he's arrogant and vain;
If you cueatlon why you will
find he's the guy
That was kicked by Pauline
But these swell heeds hsve
nothln' on one
Mlchigander In the mob
Who was hit In the eye by a
ball on the fly
From the bat. of Mr. Ty
-Q. R. O.
Lost Chord.
Tolling one day at his woodpile-Just
four by four by eight
A farmer stuck to It a good
'Till hla watch showed the
hour waa lata. -
At night came a bold thief
That fuel he took far away;
And now the poor, owner la
For hie vanished "lost
cord," they ssy!
F. B. T.
Frank Plealer, 1417 Pierce St
Geraldine Prinslow, 2929 Martha St
Tony Ranallo, 2205 Pierce St
Margaret Reh, 1044 Dominion St..
John Reis, 1717 Bancroft St
George Rice. 3033 Pinkney St
Frances M. Robb, 1718 North Twenty-nintn st Long
Dorothv Rohn. 2008 Oak St Vinton
Jake Rosenbloom, 1965 South Fourteenth St Lincoln ...1896
Rosle Sales, 110 Oak St...'.. . . Vinton 1904
Olga L. Sitner, 4112 Nicholas St walnut mu it4
Victor G. Smith, 4620 Wakeley St .Saunders 1899
Rosy Spellc, 1307 Pierce St ..St. Joseph 1902
Tobe Steinberg, 22 16. Charles St Kellom 1903
Ethel Swanson, 3325 Seward St Franklin 1898
- - - . n , c ft a
Clinton A. Tebbens, 3704 Mason si frs -ic
Fed Tobey, 3101 South Twenty-first St Vinton iui ;
Mar Weitz. 2306 North Twenty-firt St Lake 1838
Gordon Wilson. 3401 South Forty-second Si Windsor 1903
t d wiiumi unfit Curtis Ava Monmouth Park . . . iuu
Charles Younce, 4116 North Twenty-sixth St . .Saratoga
Men Who Helped, to Make America
Peter Stuyvesant. who became the gov
ernor of the Dutch province of the New
Netherlands, afterward New York, was
born la Frlesland. In the Netherlands, In
His father waa a clergyman, but Peter
followed ta the ways not of peaca but of
war. He waa Impetuous, turbulent and
He entered the Dutch military service
after his troubled school days, and soon
became director of a colony of the West
India company In the Caribbean sea and
subsequently became governor.
In an attack on a Portuguese Island in
1644 he lost a leg, which he replaced with a
wooden log mounted with sliver, which
started the tradition that be wore a sliver
leg. He was then appointed governor of
the New Netherlands, and when he ar
rived In New Amsterdam now New York,
he found the colony In poor hape.
Hla tern measure oon restored the
colony, but, unfortunately for Stuyvesant,
he waa forced by superior numbers to sur
render to the English. He returned to Hol
land to vindicate himself, and returned to
his farm at Bowerle, near the city of New
York, where he died in August. 1672.
Washington Irving said of him:
"He was, in fact, the very reverse of Ms
predecessors, being neither tranquil and
Inert like Walter the Doubter, nor restless
and fidgeting, like William the Testy, but
a man, or rather a governor, of such un
common activity and decision of mind, that
he never sought nor accepted the advice of
others, depending bravely upon his single
hesd, as would a hero of yore upon his
single arm, to carry him through all dif
ficulties and dangers. To tell the simple
truth, be wanted nothing more to complete
him as a statesman than to think always
right, for no one can say but that he al
ways acted as he thought.
"He was never a man to flinch when he
found himself In a scrape, but to dash for
ward through thick and thin trusting, by
hook or crook, to make all things straight
Xn the and. In a word, he possessed In an
eminent degree that great quality In a
statesman called perseverence by the polite,
but nicknamed obstinacy by the vulgar a
wonderful salve for official blunders, since
he who perseveres In error without flinch
lug gets tbe credit of boldness and con
sistency, while he who wavers in seeking,
to do what is right gets stigmatized as a
(Copyright. 1911. by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
Queer Missouri Wills
Phoebe Delilah Nye of at. Louis re
quested that her faithful dog, Lilly, be
chloroformed and that a drinking fountain
be established for the convenience of the
cats and dogs of the city.
Valentine Tapley of Pike county, pro
vided in his will tor a tomb of sufficient
strength to prevent his whiskers, measur
ing over twelve feet In length, being stolen
after burial.
Joel Braunmlller asked that his body be
cremated and the ashes scattered from the
central span of Kads bridge. This was
done on January 29. 1911.
Joaeph J. Cassldy of Jssper county, left
a rhymed will on his death in 1910.
Rare Presence of Mlad.
Nurse Girl Oh. ma'am, what shall I do?
The twins have fallen down th well!
Fond Parent Dear me. how annoying!
Just go into the library and get the last
number of the Modern Mother's Mij
sine. It contains an article on "How to
Bring Up Children." Town Topics.