The Omaha Daily Bee. OUR MAGAZINE FEATURES WEATHER FORECAST Fair, Cooler ! Wit, kanor, fiction and eosnle ntttnree the knt entertaln fS nrat, Inetrnetlo. amneessent. VOL. XLI NO. 71. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1911-TAVELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. I ASKS DOCTORS TO r CHANGE METHODS President Donald Macrae Says Too Much Commercial Spirit Prevails. GOOD OF PATIENT IS ABOVE ALL Help of Specialist! and Other Doctors ' Should Be Sought BANQUET GIVEN IN EVENING Missouri Valley Medical Society in Annual Session MEETING TO LAST TWO DAYS K lection of OfUeern win I riK. Today 5ub of Papers Head, with Dlaemaaloaa Fol lowlis. "Let us drop the commercial spirit and false pride that teemi to envelop many of our profession, to the peril of the patient, and go back to the customs of the physician fifty years ago," Bald Dr. Donald Macrae, president of the Missouri Valley Medical society, at the opening session of the twenty-fourth annual convention of that body at the Hotel Rome. Continuing Dr. Macrae pointed out with emphasis the foolishness of many physicians who refuse to accept the aid of other physicians and specialists in handling difficult cases. The twenty-fourth annual convention of the Missouri Valley Medical society opened its first session of the two-day meeting ' Thursday morning at the Rome, with about (.eventy-flve members In attendance. The meeting was called to order by Dr. R. W. Bliss, and the address of welcome was given by Francis A. Brogan. Dr. LeRoy Crummer, president of the Dougla County Medical society, responded, after whloh the reports of the various committees and officers were read. Banqaet at the Rome. The first day of the two day session ot the convention came to an end last night at the Hotel Rome wun an iui. quet as the main feature. Over 100 men of medicine, and several women physicians sat down to the banquet, which was an in formal one and after doing full Justice to the spread furnished by the local mem bers of the society, turned their attention to the Illustrated lecture upon the subject of surgery by Dr. George S. Crlle, of Cleveland. O., who gave an Interesting talk upon the origin and treatment of Graves Disease and also a talk upon sur- ery. ms lecture . hiuhu j opticon slides. Dr. L. Harrison Mettler closed tne even ing s program wun an aaaress. mo Ject of which was "Neurology and Soci ology." His talk was highly enlightening and was well received. During the afternoon session papers ap pertaining to various subjects encountered In the prsctlce-of medicine were read by T. H. Paul of St. Joseph, Mo., Mary Strong of Omaha. I W. Uttig of Daven port. Ia.; F. B. Tiffany of Kansas City, A. C. Stokes of Omsha. J. M. Bell of St. Jo seph. Mo.; H. S. Munroe of Omaha, P. I. Leonard of St. Joseph. Frank C. Neff or Kansas City and J T. Axtell of Newton, Kan. At this morning's session Ernest Mark or Kansas City will read a paper on "Pros . .A,v" ni will he followed by Drs. G. H. Hoxle of Kansas City, W. T. Keynoias of Kansas City, G. A. Toung of Omaha. A. Hertletser of Kansas Ctty, A. L. SKoog 't Kansas City. J. M. Patton or umana. W. L. Blertng of Des Moines. J. I Boehm of St. Louis. J. H. Darey of Sioux City. L. A. Merrlam of Omaha and T. C. Wlther spoon of Butte, Mont. Immediately after the reading of the last paper, the election of officers to serve for the ensuing year will be held, and the choice of the next convention city will be made. As yet there has been no tar of any kind as to who wishes to become the chief executive of the society or whe,. cltv wants the next convention, because of the fact that the purpose of the Missouri Val ley Medical society la to hold these annual meetings to further the interests of the practice of medicine, and politics are not Allowed to enter any of the sessions. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS TO ZURICH IN TWO YEARS Place (or Holdinn- the World's oath Convention Is Selected and Actios Ratified. LONDON, Sept. T. Zurich, Swltserland, has been elected as the place for the holding of the world's seventh Sunday school convention In 1911. The American section of the International association today cabled Us ratification of the city chosen. The last convention was Id at Washington In May of last year. The Weather For Nebraska Showers; colder. For Iowa Fair. 1'eiuperatare at Omaha V eater day. Hour. ' t a. m 6 a. m 7 a. m .... S a. m 9 a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m i k m S p. m p. m 5 p. m ti p. m 7 p. m S p. ro..... Deg. .... M .... U .... 67 .... 67 .... t .... . .... 6 S3 .... 6$ .... S9 .... 1 Local fteeora. 1911. 1910. IMS 19a. B SS SI HighsMt yesterday..., Lorti yesterday... Mean temperature .. , 65 6S SS 61 to 7ti K 71 I T .00 T .Wi Precipitation TeiniH rature ana precipitation departures from the normal; t Normal temperature "9 Deficiency for the day n Total excess since March 1 713 Normal precipitation .11 Inch lciency lor the day iv. .11 inch otJ rainfall since March 1 9 10 inches Deficiency nines March 1 13.46 inches Deficiency for. cor. period. 1908. ,1.43 inches Krporla Iron Statloue at 7 P. M. tatlon and State Temp. High- Raln- of Weather. T p. m Davenport, cloudy 43 ; est fall. 70 .4 tS .00 W .00 (4 04 i .00 s .10 : T 70 .00 M .02 71 .00 4 .13 M .00 fci T Denver, part cloudy. , 71 , o , 63 . CI . 63 . M . & . M ' Dea Moines, cloudy. Dodge City, cloudy , Lander, clear North Platte, clear... .Omaha, cloudy I 1 ueblo, clear Iapid City, cloudy ... Fnta Fe. part cloudy. 1-nerlden. part cloudy Moux City, cloudy..., V'b l.nrlna cloud V 54 X indicates trace or precrpitstion. Frank Shotwell is Requested to Resign By the Progressives La Follette Men Plan to Further His Interests and Put in F. P. Cor rick for Secretary. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.) In a quiet meeting held last night In this city members of the Nebraska Progressive republican league talked over plans for booming La Follette for president, and in cidentally chose F. P. Corrick of this city to serve as secretary of the organiza tion in place of Franklin A. Shotwell of Omaha. The latter's stand on the presi dential fight la believed to have been the cause of the separation. Chief among those present at the meet ing were Charles O. Whedon, Frank A. Harrison, F. P. Corrick. E. E. Corretl. Don Van Deusen and H. M. Bushnell, John L. Kennedy of Omaha recently selected as chairman of the republican state cen tral, committee was also present, but de clined to cast his vote on the motion to depose Shotwell from the secretaryship of the organisation. The meeting was held In the nature of a secret conference, and other than the few members of the executive commltte who were present, there were no -visiting re publicans In attendance. The presence of George W. Norrls, vice president of the national progressive league, in the city was the occasion ot, the meeting, the Fifth district congressman having delivered a short speech to the assembled Insurgents. Before adjournment It was decided to hold a banquet In this city later on and to start the La Follette boom In this state with much red fire. The campaign is not to be conducted In the name of the progressive league, but win be largely conducted by officers of this organisation. Memorial to Stanton Unveiled in Ohio Warriors of Long Ago Are Present to Participate in the Exercises at Steubenville. 6TEUBENVILLE, O., Sept. 7. Governor Harmon arrived here today to be the prin cipal speaker at the unveiling today of the memorial to Edwin M. Stanton, who was secretary of war under Lincoln. Others present Included: General Nelson A. Miles, General Fred erick D. Grant and General Daniel E. Sickles. This inscription is on the statue: Edwin McMasters Stanton. Bom this city, December 19. 1S14; United States at torney general, 1S8G-1S6; secretary of war, 18612-1868; Justice of the United States su preme court, 1869. Died December 24. 1869. The statue was presented to Steuben vllle by Alexander Doyle, sculptor, of New Tork and a native of Steubenville. The statue was unveiled by Mrs. Emma Jahncke of New Orleans, Stanton's grand daughter. Sugar Prices Go Up Rapidly as a Rocket Advance Said to Be Due to a Shortage in the Crop Coming On. . Big NEW YORK. Sept. 7. The price of sugar continues to advance, owing to the reports of a serious shortage in the new crop and the market has now reached the highest level since July, 1S99. Sales of raw sugar were made here today, establishing a price of 6 cents a pound for the grade known as Cuban centrifugal and the advance was accompanied by an announcement of another 10-potnt rise In the price of refined sugar, with standard granulated quoted at H4 cents, while people In the raw sugar trade reported a very strong market, with little or nothing of fering even at the new high prices. Edward Barton Weds Miss Gladys Graham Young Portland Society Woman Be comes Bride of an Omaha Young Man. PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 7-Speclal Tele gram.) Miss Gladys Madelon Graham, a prominent society girl of University Park, one of the fashionable residential. section of Portland.- last night became the bride of Edward Barton of Omaha. The cere mony was performed before only relatives and friends, but several hundred attended the reception which followed. Mr. Barton declined to say. where he would take his bride on a honeymoon trip, but they will be at home In Omaha after November 16. Miss Graham has long been popular in Portland society. Political Campaign Starts in Maryland Republicans Nominate Goldsborough and Democrats Name Gorman for Governor. BALTIMORE, Md., Sept. 7. 6tate Sen- 63 ator Arthur Pue Gorman, jr., democrat, 3 i un nf th lata United States Senator (lor. : I man. and Phillip Lee Goldsborough, re- 60 1 publican, collector of Internal revenue for I this district, were nominated for governor by their respective party conventions here tn ht of ,he world. To the men and today. Gorman was the democratic candi- j the women who are atruggllng and long date In the state primary last month. I "" av: "L not to us for President Taft's administration was I leadership. We cannot even follow.' Let strongly endorsed by the republicans. ! other nationa arbitrate. Let others even Shot Dead and Then Robbed of His Money POTTSV1LLE. Pa, Sept. 7 Shot ded after being robbed of a large sum of money, Joseph Zehner, a contract miner, and his driver, Hopkins, were victims of bandits on a mountain near Nequehooing, Pa. A tin box containing money for the pay of the Zehner employes was stolen. The highwaymen left no clue to their Identity. After a search of Zehner' a carriage was made the box . containing the 13,800 pay for the men war found intact. Two Italians were arrested at PerryviUe, where they were caught in a very excited condition, inquiring for a train to Ells- bethvJU IMMENSE CROWDS TO WELCOME TAFT President Journeys Into Connecticut,; Where He Meets People of State on the Capitol Grounds. SERVE LUNCH IN MEMORIAL HALL Visits the State Fair and is Received by Fifty Thousand Citizens. IS A FAMILIAR FIGURE TO ALL Chief Executive is Accompanied by Attorney General. ARBITRATION THEME OF TALK Sees Hope for the Establishment of an ArMtratlon Court to Which All International Controversies ball Be Sobmltted. HARTFORD. Conn.. Sept. 7.-Gray skies but an enthusiastic crowd greeted Presi dent Taft on his arrival today In the Con necticut capital In fulfilling a long prom ised engagement to Senator George P. McLean. Memorial hall in the new state library was turned into a temporary lunch room for the visitors and the president, who was accompanied by Attorney General Wlckersham. Here the president made a brief reply to. the welcome by state and city. Nearly 50,000 people gathered at the state fair grounds to hear the president's views on arbitration. President Taft Is such a familiar figure In Connecticut that he spoke today like one renewing old acquaintances. He dealt almost exclusively with the legal technical ities of the arbitration treaties with Eng land and France which now await the ap proval of the American senate. Position of the Committee. Perhaps the most significant part of his address was as follows: 'The majority of the senate committee on foreign rela tions ssy they cannot consent that any body el Be shall decide for them where a question arising in the future is within the provision of the first article of this treaty; that for them to do so is to dele gate their power to another tribunal and is to bind themselves by an obligation which they have no power to assume. "It is the view of the minority, however, and with that,yiew I am earnestly In ac cord, that the issue where a future dif ference shall be within the terms of the description of article one of the treaty Is an International question arising out of a construction of the treaty under a claim of right by one of the parties to , an arbi tration and is a question therefore that the president and senate, acting as a treatymaklng power, has the right to agree by treaty to submit to a tribunal for final judgment. "In what different way is the treaty making power invoked when we ask the senate to concur in a treaty which agrees to subrnjt all juaticable differences to arbitration and when it is asked to agree to . submit to arbitration the question whether a dlfterenco -arising' Is 'Justlcabl or not under the treaty T I confess that I cannot see the distinction. 'It Is a well known fact that Norway and Sweden have made an agreement to settle all differences except those of vital Interest and national honor by submission to the Hague tribunal and they have fur ther agreed that when they differ as to whether the controversy arising is arbl tratable under the treaty or is within the exception, to submit the question to the board of arbitration for Its final discretion. Committee Without Power, "If I understand the attitude of the ma jority of tho senate committee. It la that they have no power and therefore the gov ernment has no power to enter into a treaty by which we shall agree to submit to a third person, constituting an independ ent tribunal, the question where we are bound under a treaty to bide the judgment of the tribunal as to a particular Issue, "The treaty-making power under the constitution. It has been decided by the supreme court, hardly knows definition or law. It Is one of the broadest powers con ferred by the constitution and it is con ferred on the executive and the senate. Certainly it Is not in the Interest of the cause of peace that that power should be limited In such a way that other govern ments may make treaties of this kind and we may not. "The Ideal toward which we are ail working with these treaties Is the ultimate establishment of an arbitral court to which we shall submit our Intentional controver sies with the same freedom and the same dependence on the judgment as in case of domestic courts. If the senate cannot bind Itself to submit questions of jurisdiction arising under the treaty as Norway and Sweden have done, for instance, then the prospect of real and substantial progress is most discouraging. What May Be the Result. "I call your attention to the unfortunate consequences, not only to ourselves, but to the whole civilized world, not only for today, but for ages to coma, if the final adoption of this reasoning by the senate committee is to prevail. Steadily through out the world the burden of the creation of armies and fleets has grown heavier and heavier and steadily the competition has grown more fierce and is crushing the life and the hopes, of the people, but steadily, too, and of late even more rap Idly has grown the hope that an escape from these burdens may be found. Now, wherever good men and women are long ing for the dawn ot this great day of I Peace, their eyes turned first with hope ' confidence to the great republic of ! the WMt- In thl rat movement we are set up a high court or nations and pledge their faith that they will resort no more to the dread arbitrament of war, but will abide by the verdict ot their chosen judges. "The great American nation Is unable I by Its constitution to help forward the I great movement, is unable to bind Itself I to any future broad submission ot Its case to an arbitral court, though the whole world follows this light of civilisation and peace. For remember. If the senate cannot now bind us to abide the judgment of an arbitral court as to whether a question Is justifiable. It can never bind us, and if the senate cannot bind us. the nation cannot bind us and this peaceful people la forever incapable ot taking a step along the great path which all the world wishes to tread and along which ail the world thinks America best fitted J iead." " -oN f f f f f ' ' " ix w i . .it- rv-v - r hj Ihe Sujar Trust, after squaring an honest basis once more, rose to so From the Minneapolis Journal. W. G. COMSTOCKJS RELEASED Wished to Attend Funeral of His Late Partner, Bartlett Richards. ORDER IS FROM WASHINGTON Juls;e Mangier and T. R. Itnsh Unit . 1st MessavsT Making; the Keenest ot President Taft, Which ia Granted. Local officials of the Department of Jus tice received telegraphic Information Thurs day afternoon of the commutation of the remainder of the jail sentence of Will G. Corastock, . convicted along with . Bartlett Richards, who died Monday, for land frauds Wednesday Judge W. H. Munger and Syl In western Nebraska, vester R. Rush, special assistant to the attorney general, united In a message to President Taft, asking that the remaining twenty-three days of Richards' sentence be commuted that he might attend Rich ards' funeral and afterward settle up the vast number of business affaire in which the two men were Interested before their conviction. The Information received Thurs day afternoon shows that their effort was successful. Cometock was released Thursday after noon and will attend the funeral and aft erwards settle up Richards' affairs. Two More Birdmen Killed and Third Hurt In Germany Machine Drop to Earth, Crushing the Skulls of the Occupants. MULHaUSEN, Germany. Sept. 7. Two more names were added today to' the long roll of persons killed this year in aeroplane accidents. Lieutenant Newmann. a German military aviator, started from this city this morning n the direction of Strassburg, carrying a a passenger M. Leconte, a French aeronaut, who was an, instructor at the aviation school at Mulhausen. ' The aeroplane had hardly gone fifteen miles when the gasoline tank exploded. The report of the explosion was audible for a distance ef several miles. The machine dropped at Bllshelm from an altitude of sixty feet and both aviator were instantly killed. Their skull were broken and they were frightfully injured about the body. Lieutenant Newmann, who qualified as pilot last spring, had been detailed to par ticulate In the army maneuvers which are to be held next week In the Grand Duchy of Baden. KARLSRUHE. Germany, Sept. 7.-Aviator Paul Selge fell with hi aeroplane while making flight here today and fractured his skull. Gov.HadleytoBe Guest of Roosevelt Missouri Executive at Conference of Governors Will Attack Railroad Doctrine of Judge Sanborn. JEFFERSON CITK. Mo., Sept. 7.-Oov-ernor Hsdley and Mrs. Hadley will depart Sunday to be guests of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt at Oyster Bay. While in the east the governor will attend the conference of governors at Spring Lake. N. J. Governor Hadley speech at the con ference will be an attack on the doctrine laid down by Federal Judge Banborn in the Minnesota rate case which is to the effect that state have no power to regulate rail road rate This decision, he says, If upheld would make the state mere dependenclee ot the federal government and largely atrip them ef the rights and power assured them by the ounbtitution of to Culled ltALe. The Reason Why- T7P up with the government for its custo high a moral plane that it raised the Candidate Madero is in Hands of a Mob Hustled About Upon Reaching Vera Cruz and Shows Signs of Be ing Real Angry. VERA CRUZ, Mexico. Sept 7. Francisco t. Madero, the candidate of the progres sive party tor president, was the victim of a mob on his arrival here last night, being crowded and hustled until made thor oughly angry. Not all were his friends, since stones were thrown and several mem bers of the crowd received Injuries. Guarded by 'the police, Senor Madero mado an effort to walk from the train. The crowd, however, surged about him and pushed him along with such a rush that he lost both dignity and temper. The progressive nominee was literally tossed Into his automobile. Men and boy crowded on the foot board and springs and even clambered on the roor or the car. Slow progress was made through the streets and many persons were thrown down and trampled on. When the automobile finally reached It destination. Senor Madero compiled with the demands for a speech. He reminded his hearerathat it was he who overthrew President Dlas and said that Genera) Reyes was trying to rob him ot the fruit of victory. Madero accused Reyes of crim inal acts and said he hoped that the gen eral would be forced to leave the coun try. When Madero mentioned the name of Jose Pino Suarex, governor of Yucatan, the candidate for vice president on the progressive ticket, the speaker was hooted and yells for Dr. Francisco Vasques Gomes drowned his voice. Women Are to Run Town of Hunnewell Mrs. Ella Wilson, Mayor, Will Do Away with Men in the Ap pointive Offices. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept 7.-Thax she win fin all the Important town office with women who are her friends and sup porter and give the town of Hunnewell, Kan., clean government In spit of the five men who constitute the Hunnewell city council, was the statement made to day by Mrs. Ella Wilson, mayor of Hun no well, following a conference with C W. Trickett, appointed by Governor W. R. Stubb to assist in disentangling the munic ipal affairs of Hunnewell. Since Mrs. Wilson's election, last spring, the council men have refused to meet with her to transact town business, with the result that It has been Impossible to make a tax levy. "A woman marshal could do much more than any man to route out "blind tiger," said the mayor. Mandamus suits to compel the councfl men to transact business or resign mar be brought. PICTURE OF REYES STARTS RIOT IN ONE MEXICAN CITY Campaign for the Election ot a Pres ident in Mexico is Replete with Thrillers. PUEBLA. Mexico. Sept. 7. A picture of General Reys, candidate for the presidency of Mexico In opposition to Francisco I. Madero, which was being carried by Major Toma Bravo and two companions of the First regiment, started a riot here- last night which resulted In Injuries to Brovo nd many members of the crowd. The air waa tilled with rock and croes of "Down with Reyeel" and "down with the army!" The uniform of Major Bravo was torn to strips and the officer took refuge in n American restaurant. When the police appeared the soldiers surrendered their arm and the men were taken t j?oiloe beadq jarter. . m house scale steals, and getting on price of sugar Mother pays the tariff NEW WITNESS TO THE CRIME Farm Hajjd Claims to Have Seen Henry Beattie Murder Wife. WRITES LETTER TO PROSECUTOR . - Gives Details of Murder, not Attorney Wendeabern- Will Not Seoic to Re open Case, Feeling Sore of Conviction. CHESTERFIELD COURT HOUSE, Vs.. Sept. 7. Prosecutor Wendenburg declared tod&y that he bad decided not to request the reopening of the Beattie case on ac count of the discovery of an alleged eye witness. "We have a strong enough case without it," he said. "We could not get the man here for a couple or days, at least, as he live out west. But we have asked him to come here just the same to see what there Is to his story. Of course we have re ceived, as is usual In murder cases, many letters from alleged eye witnesses. This man, however, signed his name and we find that he did once work as a farm hand at a place near the scene of the murder. We are going to investigate It further, but you can take the story now for what Its worth." The writer of the letter said that he actually saw young Henry W. Beattie kill his wife saw him knock her from the automobile with the butt of a shotgun and then shoot her as she lay insensible on the ground. He wrote that Beattie threatened him when he found that he had witnessed the deed and the following day gave him a suit of clothes and money with which to go away. Though he kept quiet at first be cause he was afraid the man says now he does not want Beattie to escape punish ment, and 1 willing to testify. Farmer Remembers Nnme. The Chesterfiald farmer mentioned in the letter acknowledged that a man of the name used by the writer waa employed by htm until a few ciaya after the murder, and further declared it was a fact that the farm hand was chasing a runaway cow on the night the crime was committed. In telling his story, the alleged witness said he waa looking for a cow when Jie ame on the man and woman In an automobile on the Midlothian turnpike some time after 10 o'clock. The declaration that Beattie clubbed his wife with the gun before shooting her, is considered by the lawyers and detectives for the prosecution with peculiar Interest. It is said that physicians that examined Mrs. Beattle't body reported that the frontal bone on the right aide of the skull probably waa broken, though the charge of shot had entered the left side and pene trated to the back of the head. On ac count o fthts It was understood Mr. Wen denburg thought seriously of referring to a wound on the right side of the forehead In the indictment drawn by the grand Jury. Details the Tragedy. The letter writer gave a oetalled ac count of the tragedy, as he claims to have witnessed It. He said In part: "I was In ths pine woods on the right hand aide of the Midlothian turnpike as you go out from Richmond, snd I saw a light. A I wslked closer to the road I saw an automobile standing almost in the middle of the road, facing toward Rich mond, and there were two people In It man and a woman. They were both sit ting In the front seat. "They were quarreling. I could hear them talking loud, so I did not show my self, but waited behind a tree about ten feet from the edge of the road In the thick pine woods to hear what they said. "The woman waa pleading with the man. She was saying that she wanted her love back again and that she did not want the man to be cruel to her. The man answered roughly. "At one time I heard him say, 'I am tired of all this, I am going to end tbl.' Then I heard the woman sayt 'How are you going to end ltr The man said something (Continued on Second, Pag .J STRIKE UNLIKELY OiN CENTRAL LINE Shopmen Not Expected to Walk Out Without Sanction of Internationals. FINAL DECISION NEXT SUNDAY Executive Board of International Machinists to Meet ACTION AT ONCE NOT EXPECTED Advisability of Yielding Responsi bility to Be Discussed. WESTERNERS TO CONFER TODAY Members of General Committee ot Shop Crafts of the Herrlman System Arrive in Bast Frenclseo. CHICAGO. Sept. 7 Immediate prospect ot a strike of shop employes of the Illinois Central railroad disappeared today and in dications were general that the strike prob ably would never be sanctioned by the In ternational officers of the unions Involved. The determination of matters In contro versy between the system federation offl. cers and reprcsent-atlves of the Interna tional unions Is scheduled to come next Sunday after a meeting of the executive board of the International Association of Machinists. Members of the conference committee of International officers have Indicated their dfsapproval of the strike, but were willing to give the committee of the federated Il linois Contral unions permission on their own responsibility to issue a strike order. In such case, the support of the Interna tional unions, particularly In a financial way, would not be granted the federation. The advisability of yielding responsibility to the system federation committee will be discussed further on Sunday by the ma ohlnists' union executive board and by representatives of the other eight organisa tions whose locals are Involved in the I1U nols Central controversy. W. Fk Kramer, chairman of the inter national conference committee, said today he expected no action until that time. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 7. Members of the general committee of shop crafts"of the Harrlman system arrived here today. The conference which probably will decide the attitude of the unions on the long pending strike situation will be In session tomorrow. The four international presidents returned today from Sacramento, where they spent yesterday In conference with the Harrlman shop employes in that city. MUNROE SAYS THE UNION PACIFiC STICKS TO RATE Commissioner Pronty Hears Com plaints on Which It is. Charged Rata on Wool ta Too High. . CHICAGO, Sept.' 7.-AddlUs1 testi mony was heard today by Interstate Com merce Commissioner C. A. Prouty on complaints that the rates charged by western railroads on wool and hide from points west of the Mississippi river to eastern markets are unreasonable. John A. Munroe, freight traffic manager of the Union Pacific railroad,- the first witness today, said his company was not a "rate cutter" on wool. CROWDS IN BELGIUM ' DISPERSED BY CAVALRY Working; People Are Prevented from Protesting Against the High Price of Food. CHARLEROI. Belgium, Sept. 7.-Twen-ty thousands person of the working class, protesting against the high cost of food, attempted to march Into the lower districts of the city today. Squadron of cavalry charged through the various streets and succeeded in dis persing the crowds. Some of the m at testants were injured. All the stores have been closed. ARCHITECT WILSON WOUNDED While Standing tu Front of His Hptne In Chicago is Shot by a Woman. CHICAGO, 6ept 7. Robert Bruce Wat son, architect and contractor, waa shot by a woman in front of hi residence today. He was taken to a hospital. The woman was arrested and at the police station gave her name as Mra. H. B. Coney and admitted that she fired the shots, claim ing, however, to give a reason for the act. She is 36 years of age and ha been living at a well known downtown hotel. Watson was shot twice, one over the right ear and In the right thigh. Hla con ditlon is said not to - be serious. Mrs. Coney attempted to escape after shooting Watson. She either dropped or threw away her purse containing (30 and fled through a vacant lot, but later u was arrested. "I shot him and that I all I will say," the woman exclaimed when taken into cus tody. At the hotel where she has been living it was learned she came to Chicago from Reno, Nev., lent December. Employes said Watson never visited her so far as they knew. Conahs and Then Dies, MILWAUKEE, Sept. 7-Former State Assemblyman Thomas F. Ramsey, aged 53, one of the bent known democratic politi cians In Wisconsin, died suddenly early to day after a fit of coughing. Death Is sup posed to have been due to heart trouble. Base Ball Tickets Boxes of O'Brien's Candy. All ar given away tree to those who tlud thalx oauea la tat want da. Read tb want ada every dtr, your nam wlil appear sometime, mart mors than one. No puJile to aolr nor tab ecrlptlona to get just read tha want ada. TitfD to t& want ad page tbet you win find nearly every business boua la tb city repr. Mnt4.