Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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GRAIN AND PROnnfF Mmrr:rr;
- - - w w u .in a I vr -
on Local ZxcLmfe.
a-wi peol Oyrilat rVaeet la
W aad Oeee IHlll tlll
la-a tmttlmi Oaf
ateesaJla t rtitc4.
OMAHA. Per IF11.
aTau was He hia-her on tho nditof to
ner. Com waa from j V hi her. while
oars werw uncharged. Li---r-P"ol
opened i to -d lower on wheat and
closed Ad to Hd lower Con opened Sd
to-a-.r and r!oMi d lower.
T.m following rash ivales were rPTed.
WHIAT No. I hard. 4 cars at Sic; No. 2
card, l ear at 81V. No 1 hard. 1 car at
i-sc; No. 4 hard. 1 car at "r. No. 1 spring.
1 car at c. No a spring. 1 car at .-..
. 1 mixed, 1 cars at Sic. No 2 mixed 1
ear at 91 V; So. 1 mixed. 1 car at B. No.
i rauxi. i car ax 9.V.
CORN" Sa 4 cnlor. S cart at 5Hc
yeoiow. l car at No. 3 yeUow,
at WV; 1 car at 80ro No. t mixed,
at se; No. 4 mixed. 1 car at
No. 4 mixed. J car at 40e; No. 1 1
OATS No. t wMte
white. 1 car at 4c
"H2fVr-. -f!Cl)r. 4V. M-tt4t-
tTrx. v-c.
FLOUR K.i-n. r1 wirier tate-.J. 4 l"?
4 . extra fancy and straight. 3 iAiAiv.
hard :rrr ntr. .?..
FRAN Firm, sacked eaat track. U K3
iUT-,i'!v. trmoh-. $17 0' 22 prai
rie ; .r. ; u,
PROVI.-Ii .X? Fork, unchanged. Jobbing
7i ?V Lard, unchanged: 'eam
P-SJ "C. Drf s.i t mea's. un-harrd
boxed ex'ra slot- S3 It . clear r bi. X-
phnrt ei.ers. 19 .7 H Paeon, uncnartred.
boxed xra ahor fit r.. e'sr nba r.Oi.
sr" elear.
PriT'LTRT-'"i!i'kn TOr: prnr. 11c.
turvr.v rji-. dicks V. tree, ic
BUTTR S'-ade. creamery J3c.
EGGS Steady. 17e.
QaetaMea .f tk Da? aa Tarlea
, Caaaao4ltlea.
'EW TOPIC, Pert. rU5m-Ptsdr-
sprint- paten's. E M i.SD. wv-.r straights.
$-..i4 li; winter patents. U14: spnnu
c ears. $4("re4X winter Vn l II to
'550: w-riTer it No ! Km-
Vi) J Taiahta. M . Rve r.our. f-.rm:
t"caralfair to M.7SJ4.S5. choice to fancy
5 can I i"'5s 15
a-c; ' CrlNMEAL Firm Ena wf knd rel
carat,ow 1 'Rl-tJH. reirsi. tliijl": kUa
'HtAI-Jr" market irrefilar. No 2
i rd 'r elevator and ?c L t. afoat No
ll V.iv-K.-t V. ri . . 0 m r.-1
" Caab Pricea. Fitutes markft tu f.rm "ti reprra
"H EAT No I hard. No. ? hard, j iaro exports naiea f!r-n ronur.entii mar-
aHr. No. 4 hard. SSS-i-'Ttc: rejected k's 'inrivorji R'if?ia ernq ulncn I.M
hard. 7JS--e. ( unfa- prapie uher in Canada, clottnt
c'jm-.mi j wnn, ,o. i m. ; 5l,c net limner. September closed 39c.
RfTOTfry ia Pricet Camed Partlifr
During the Day.
Eitlnate af Irai Ustpat la A aaaet
aow1a Rata f rTM4r4 Tkaai
a4 Taaa fmNrrH Cae
elallr raeeraWe.
jr,3c: No. 4 white. ?it.-VK:. No. 1 color,
(v-yHc: No. 2 mellow. sf.gAJc-. No 2 yel
low rf.-TAc; No. 4 yellow. ai-iOc. No
2 i"5c; No. 1. .-, 5 c; N. 4. 5-ad
aSe. no trade.
OATS No. 2 whue, 4:74V. atandard.
4r-j?42Hc: No. 2 whita. tthe; No. 4
w.iit. 41341H". No. 1 yeilow, 4;;va42c. No.
4 yeilow. eg-Uc.
BARLEY No. S. SftrSlW: No. 4. "5c;
K. 1 fel. gt: rejected barley. T'iiTc
RTE No. 2, eirc; No. 2. Sisse.
Carlot Berelpta. I
Wheat. Cora. Oata. I HIDES
Olcairo s ! Boeora. ?l'Zc
E'-eTTt'er tl .ij U-1S
CORN Snot maxKet frrn . No. 2. "ic e'e
vator doTK-atir hana to artivo and 7p f.
o h iTmit. F'lturea market tu without
trnmcloTi clonns nrmtna!.
OATS foot market firm, utandard white.
i'-c. No. 2. 4?c. No J. 48c. nat-orsl white
j ar.d whi'e ellrped. 4(K5nitc.
! HAT Steady; prime H..T.T1 P: No. 1
in wiJ, No 1 I1J0: No. 2. &!ft.
HOPS Steadv; state, commofi to choice.
tin crop. 4fKc: lieT cmo. STSfct Pscsr.c
f sf WO rron. 4(?;4": crop. ?'?ac.
Central America. Ji".
Oman a
Oulutn .....
an '
. U53nc; ro-
LEATHER-Prri : hemlock
T.c sennd. SHrC. thtria
, Jfcts. 1.V
i FROv:ION3 pork. 'infsettlea. meaa.
', tlB"'(W1W: family. Jlf '"rW.fl". fhcrt r!er
Sl 7j17 . Feef uteadv. mf. Ill -Vr
: fSrnilr. tiVV 14 beef Mm? 3S-
U.V. rut m-ai. steady, pickled bellies. V
o 14 pounds. U JftqilJO. pickled ham. 14.W
114 5 ' Lard firm: middla wt. rma
northwest and sn the dlFtncta of Russia : renceo. ereao v.-"
that ouht to be bhlpmng heavieat hrougnt i ?-'ith America S10.W: compound, .a . ...
bout today aubstanual advanca in tn 1 TALLCW -.julet : prime cm- (hhds.. .c.
trie or wheat. Tha close wu lis isc . connirv. er-iT.c.
Jt.ler than laat night. Corn howei a net I ETTtS-Fth: freh i fi' 'r1- "tT. T
Af fcnlw ttnH nrt 1-1 n. nt . -r. ' JC eTTra Tirl. jnf. :.r.
in hog
NEW TORK. Sept. . The recovery In
l!uc a camea further today. The
movement n itsa v.gotttua than yeater
1V and ;iin among tie Important i
er ma!ler. but t.i improvement
aa broader in its a., ope. nd.r. to
miiny ot the aeml-ctive railroads and tn
d'tftnai ftiKks. L'tlenngs eie svaxca ex-
o fir aa ia anowo. the chief Cnaaclai 1 PT,
ag-nis are nut invetini heaviiy
in i:ne w:th tha course of atockj waa thai
!n-rated. activity in the bond market-
Traiaaci.or.a in listed bonds were consul-
eracly larger and pnvata sales alo ra
reported a hanc become heavier.
Tha stsxnation which prevailed In tha
Investment market iaat month vu shown
bv the output of new railroad an ndus
trial secur.ues In Aug-aet wmch fe:l to as rijTptreo with lU..ll.i 13
July and U'ii.iS7 . In Jon. The raa.road
jtf'-rnas imoun'ed to the abnormally
amiii t'.urt of 1.4 .113 ' or oy ha.f the
teal for the corresponding' month of 11(10.
The hiKher level of fncka established
in the earlv trading was maintained most
of tha day The aeiiin centre4 on
Snited Slates SteeL The prae of this
stock fell hack nesr!v a pont, but a largo
part of the day s ga.ns a.sewhera were
Fol.owtcf the many reports of slacken
Ing trade activlfr. today s estimate of tae
country s Iron output in Aug"ust. show-.n?
gain of UJ.irt) tons, was regarded as of
epecjaj:y favorable import. Moreover., the producing capacitv on September 1
was larger than the Auarust average.
Bomis were firm. Total aa,f-s par value,
C01&..W United States bonds were un
changed on tail.
Number of sate ana flE-adlti quotations
on stocks today wera as follows:
Baiaa. HUB
:raB O pf4 .......
a s T H pi i:
Uco s w
St ft W fT4
--9l:'mA 4 A I I
S-o'twra P. rflc ... J1 y'
arra Bi;w
" haiiwajr fl
T-npi iiii fif r
T . & U w
T st. l. aw ita ...
I niva Pir-.f'-
t nizv Pwrttc tf4
t3!1 r Fti ..
' I S'ate Rjbhee .
' I l:'4 etna .Ml.....
V S S-eM pl ,
' fan corr
. v m ,ti iaa Caicl
wta p4 . .
wwb Marr!tt
wm0nM E.ertrl .....
wr I'cifia .
W Mr. U B l'
' Lehif a VtllfT 11
Total mif tat ue ear. m
i Very Little Change Shown ia Pncei'
for Cattle.
i 4 . I
' hogs are nrrxi:? cms lower j
2 ! Literal neel.t. at .e a4 L.asba. !
kat Deaisa la RmmmMt &4M4
aad 4 heat Steady Prtrcw
It Tlaiatalaed.
t,-irTH OMAHA. S-ePt 4. '."U.
Receipts were. Catr'a Hogs ShP ,
Cf::c:al Monday 9 7 i.l T
r f-:.-ii T io.- 7 1H1 4t4'
Estimate Wfanfsdiif ... .iw 7.'.M 1 '
s!1 Trar'e-T ;nmel -bar-wl1' T rr
t."e h..un and it was we,. , vmh
aid mid da v before Clearance waa '
wins movement was slow at s:i times.
It waa plain pacuera kept pretty ciose
lib on moid ial purchase aa the marxet
progreeaed. a trade f:kn lhat Milon
aneans no' kin t.lvpera Mircca.ed ia
than 1 per ient at me enure supply on
outside orler. fieii m ija.ity !
of!r:nirs. riardie5 of we. a: hi. j
Spreads remalnnl smail. Kgt.4 bung
the big end of the ran Anything that !
had to move under the maxx was not
very respectable. Btst baron aaima.a on
saie drofped to 27. tha lowest top on
record since J-ily.
head rrark"t ft-i -it .
u , fc. vearlir.i f 5 1 v
! 7
r. am'..
wt '.e'.
H ; . I e
feeders Clr!
York Usaer Market.
VTTW TORK. Sept. . MONET On call.
stead v. at lVJI per cent: ruang rate.
cent, closing bid. T- per cant. onred ;
at 2 par cent. Tima loans steady: sixty
days. J per cent: nmenr davs per
cent, fctx months. V per cent.
per cent
actual business in bankers bills at 14 $J
for sixtylav bills snd at M.iwlO for de
mand, commercial b:Ks. $4 Si
SILVER Bar. aiT-c. Mexican dollar 4be.
BOXIS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations an bonds today were
as follows:
O. ra av ra - :"- tru X M 4H. kr
4s oanpva Jkpan
V. a. M. ra ii-a 1
as enapn ""t S 4c KZ ft
C 4 M. raa U L. X. uai 4a
4 etipoa l: K AT lat 4a W
A.11-7bal. 'at 4s . an wn 4H
ia -ratirw a
I Three days this week
j Same dav last ws;..
, iinw days 2 weeks a" 2
a.xe das 2 weeKs a-o..J
ame oavs 4 waeas uo..l
3 1W1
15 113
-b 7H
'.i 47
IS 11
17. -47
l'T" '64
14 V4
4 :il
.3 .-"17
H'l .4;
The tollawuig tivo.e snows tha receipts of
cattle, hogs and aoevp at south On.-pa or
the yer to date, aa compare wim
:i"U. lslo inc.
7s rr 734 3ii
X.-H&..H4 1411IB S.7 ...
Li-1J4B Lii7
Cattle ...
Hga ....
The following table enows the awaraga
pncea of hoi;s at feoutn Omaha for tha
.ast several days, witn coiupaxiaona.
.iai0..1JC.,l..2s7..1..Uki. I a
Aug. is...
Aj(. ia...
Aug. JO .
Aug cX..
pt. 1..
rtn. i..
Wm, ! 7 4, S Tai
amt A as
ta . T at T c
Aia. Titacta
Annoar 0
Aicaias SW-
ia cr. 4a ...
4a..i a N. R. R. n( K 4,a J
t-a X V C. 4V ia...
: a a 4o aeb as SI
1 " T . X HAH
.1 I 14'
. 7 L 1 3 Oli 7 73 is
., 7 MS & . 7 57 iS, a
.1 7 g 7; 7 Sii 4 4 1
.. 1 L i 4 M 7 i. a j.
rta I Srpt. 3...i 1 I , T ST i 5 5 i
7 -j:-, SI. s 5' 5 7
i its. t 17. 7 7 1 a kL S
10. i ,
i ii i ?!
, a 7, i I
I i aai i aij
jt-pt. a.
iept. 6..
i 44
Few tares af the Traaliaug aad Clawtaisj
Prices oat Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Sept. Wet weather m the
to 3!c T;.a outccma
waa ljc on to b.-ic up.
Wheat was buhiknly affectsd, not only
by tha rains northwest, but on account uf
m luivtui 01 wuie in unii-fc. bvtciiuii iuoia-11' 1
products ratrered dlt-iee. No I
' 'resn watnerea tnichi"
Allla-iTialmers pffl
AmajeainateS Cocvper ..
Aniancaa Ai-m M urai .
Anmifu Beat itU. . .
iaer.iio u . .
Aian-a C At F
Amertraa OttaB Oil. .
Anenras HAL. pf4.
Am. ica 5ecanti
Amenraa Lpiniaad
American locm&t3n
Aisancaa B A R
Aa S A R ptd
An Steel Ftindrlas
ACD. Sussx Helming....
Anattru T AT
Anwi.M Ttw pfd..
Amanraa wrKien
and tomorrow. Bes-ldes there were reports
1:. NA X. 14-714-,.
e"od to prime. lar (Anaconda attains O-
4ic noor to fair C 403 per ca": re- i'.ii'i
ytirei-ator flrnts seasons tforare cnarsres 111311 pia
PT:d. I'oU'jric: western gathered arhlte. 20
f frost across the line in Saskatchewan. I BUTTER Pmr creamery specials -.c.
Aa for Russia, word came that ' per cent I f.ra. Dm-, firsts. 24125c: seconds. t?-.
ot tha southwestern crop Is stiU tn thelt'tirds. 2fV-i?lH: rtat dairy flnet T
fields and that rains were lowering the CStc:. process special. Sc. extras. JI2lc;
juaUirv of the gra.n to a serious extent. ! t rsts. "illc: factory, current make flrsta.
An advance in prices at Berlin further in- j 3"c
c lined trailers here to tae uia ouu sine.
Atlantic Coast Lim
: Bait-.tnore A OS10. .
1 BilibIB Steel
At no time dur.ruj tne day was thexe any
decided setback to prices. December
rarged from &nc to '"""'aC and closed firm,
1"a1hc up. at H4i'i3c.
Reputes that Txaa was sgain buy lag
corn helped to strengthen that cereal. It
was also asserted tnat Minneapolis had
aoia corn tor 10 uenver i-nriii- .
bsr ran between 6ic and litjc. closing .
firm at 4c, a net gain of c. ' asn
CHFEPF r.rra. skims. lDHllc.
Pi"i',iTRT- rt-essed. irreiruiar. western
hroilfcis. lsric. fowls. 1417c: spring; tur
kevs. selected. 253V. others. lt91ic.
No. 2 yellow 1 EiA-.iQn.
Ainiana. .
Corn aad Warat Resrloa sJallatla.
Record for tha twenty-four hours ending
at 8 p. m. Wednesday. SeptemDer 6. ISii;
Temp Rain-
grades wera in fair demand
was quoted At i.V-re.
Oats followed the upward trail with corn
aad wheat. High and low points lor De
cember proved to be 4t'-c and 4s"c. with
the close "aSSc net higher at tic
Tha market for hog products waa unsot-
nea. 1 u lilts axiu puia ai - "1 . tjo jc
up. lard tha same as laat night to 5yj"-c
higher and nba unchanijed to an increase
of 2Sc
Quotations wera as fxuUrws:
Aruclaa.1 Opsn. I H'gh. Low. J Close. jTsary.
WheeU j 1 J
Seat..-! i ES.
Dec. . . 5p 3 - X "2S
Jty...,l '-'lS-tj X tKs
Corn- , 1 (
Fept... M'J'io2 atjsjni
Doc j3-i t4-
iiay . . . ,t V.o Dfn
Oal j J - -
Sept. . . aSfl-aS1! S S
Dec... I 401 46-Hi
MAy...,4fiVai 4H.
ork .1 I 1
x 01-1 1 i--s 1 oiv-
1 01 1 vti aVi uli ,
i"H3-S, s
SS. -4,, t3
a86'-4-i a
- - 1 f
Ta 42S55. Ti
46 4tA 45"i jj 4a
4V , isSa.afc-asiSi
t so I
40 1
Ja...i IS 2a 1 IS S7 1 17U 16 27a IS
Lrd I - I
. Sept... & 42H
. Oct... 4r-j
Jan..-, i-ni
R-b-a I I
(JCT-.J S ":
& I
Jan.... X7S 4ZSo,
k 37H.
i 50
57li S 5;i,
S 40 ;S rrv5
9 10
8 .-, 8 40
Cash ocotations were as follows:
FLOURftteady. winter patents. Kl'-ft
A5u. straights. 1 of ).". "pi lag etra.g. its.
bakers. S3iig4.;i
RTE No. 2. ia'-sajwe.
BARLEY Feed or mx.r.g. tasoc. fair
to choice malting, SLOT 'tl. lt
6EEDS. Timothy, ti.jtvg 14.3V. clover.
$13 1? .
PR&nSIONS Mess pork, per bbl . 215 73
C15.S7S- Lard, per lot) ib . 29 io Short
b ... .7
Auburn. Neb . .. 4
t ken bow Xeo.
Coiumbua, Neo... 4
Cuibertson, Neb. i
Fairbury, Neb... i
Fairmont. Neb... St
Gr. laiand. Neb. !4
Hartlngton. Neb. 78
haungs. Neb... 54
Hoidrege. Neb... 9!
Lincoln. Neb 91
No. .Platta. Neb. X
Oakdale, Neb 77
Omana- Neb o
TekaniAh. Neb... S(7 a.
'a.entina. Neb. 7 hi
Sioux City, lav... 7S 5S
A.ta. Ia W
CarroU. Ia si &
Clannda. Ia M )
Sibley, la 6 64
Minimum . tsmperatura
period- ending- at 8 a. m.
- " No. of Tamp -
D strict. StAiionA
Columbus, O 17
Louisviile. Ky 30
1 Indianapol s. tnd. 11
Chicago. Ill 3
I St. Louis. Mo Jo
! Des Moines, Ia. 1
j M'.nneapoiis.Mtnn. ft
I Kansas City. Mo.. 1
' omAha. Neb IS
. M
nba. aides (Loose. t .0ii.o0: short cieax ilm
aides tboxedi. lb ll:1 aS-S. 1
Total ciearanca of wheat and nour wera
qual to i7sA bu. Primary re.e:pts wre 1
LaA'.'w bu., cumpatvd with 1.IL.vajo
The weal her Is much cooler in all except
the extreme southern portion ot the corn
and wheal region. Hams occurred in a..
diistrJits and were hea-y m the Dakotas
and the Ohio s..ley Rains of one inch or
more occurrsd :n ths following stations:
In South Dakota. Huron. I.JO: Aberdeen. ;
L In. North Daatota.. Dickinson. 1.4c In ,
Nebraska. Vaienune. X. In lii.nois: Cairo, j
1.14. In Indiana: Vincennes. i. Ia Ohio. 1
Cncinnati, 3-Ju; Dayton. L10: Granvuia. 1
Bror.klva Hri Tr
Caoadiaa Pkifie
Catitrml Leathar
Central Laattlt-r pf4
. tntra! of N.w .larsey
jCeaaaaaaa A Okio
1 C!ur A A itos
iCllicaaio G. W., new ,
Chirajoa G. XT. p!4
Chlto A X. W
iiagtj. M ft St r
!C. C . C t at L
'c oloraiSo F & I
Colorado A Soatbara
Ctir.fcoiicatea Gas
Cora Proiucr
(D-la-war A Hndana
Int-T A Klo Grande
! Pw-r A R G p4
r.rtillr Secartf.a
fcri It tld
; Ens M pta
' GenaraJ Ettrlr .
'Great Vor-bera pfS
! Gnat Nortliera Ore rtta . .
I nilnoia Ce-traJ
J Intarhorovixn Met
i lot Met rftl
I International Rarraatar ...
Int Manne pta
IntamattonaJ Paear
1 Internal local Puma
I !iara Central
' Kaaaas ltr SestherB
1 K- C 9o pf4
' Lacla4a Gaa
ILaanavilla Xaatrrtlle. ...
! Mm A St Ijonla
, M ?t p A S S M
Miaaourt. K. AT
Pt. coudy M K T Pt4
-.... MiaaoAirt Facinc
iXTrt NatMaal Blaralt
Cloudy r
tweiva-hour I n r. R. at- m m afd....
lNt Tor Central
1 T . O AW
"i a ar twn. .......
Vnrt b Atnertcan
Nortnam Panfle
Patatlc Maal
Paosta'a Oas
P C . r A St. U
PntaCmrx t"al
p..i Steal Car
P-illman Paiaat (Tar
Raalwar Staal Scrag
Rpjbl:c 9el
Rrtrabilr 8tel pfd
Rof k lind (o
1M" 104 i
QlM. '
:4 !
i7 .
M j
:pi-j ,
.(J !
2e4 i
7,va i
Cl I. 1st as...
Bai. A Oaia 4a
IS ...
n I. W. -a
Bronat- Tr. cr 4a...
Cats, of la. 4
Ca- Laatbar aa
r, of Si J g ha.
Caaa A Onut 4-a.
io pal. aa
CSunaso A A.
C. B Q 1 as...
4o gan a
n H. A P
c. a. i. p.
4a rig a...
rlo. ic as.
1M aj a w la. a. 4a
Vta 00 - 4a
a-a No. Pay 1 tic 4S
4-t do Aa .
?! O 1 rfdg. as .
HS Pens, ca IS 111.
J4 to xaa. aa.
Id n1la sea aa
A L A I F la. 4
i!l 4 aaa !a
lt'l St. u S W. a ..
:'- le 1st gal a
-i A L aa.
l4- S PC col as
a Mo cr a
g 1S J a 4e 1st ret. 41
e. as. r: Bo. Railwar 4a
f 4o aan. 4a
TT XTcictn Partlle 4
-oo 4114 aa... 1 4o
C. A S r A a. 4 V Ha 1st A ret. 4a .
3 A H- rr 4a. t "T" S Rvibbw 4a .
D A R O a aa r g g,, .4 s
do ret is s y -Car (.lani 4
Dla'.lirs 5s TJ'-, Wabarti la !.
E.r.a p 1. 4 44 do ia A ex. 4
40 kts. 4S Waatarn MA 4 ...
Hi rt arr. A . . $2 Wt- Cue. cr. 4 .
4o aana B "S eairal 4
iasi rr. as li4 - Mo Pic ct. S. . .
111. "an 11 ral 4s 'H Panama la
Im Mat. 4H
BiA "Wjltara
Receipts and dJ portion of Uve stock At
trie Union stock yards, south Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending At P- m.
yr CAti-lA Hog Sheep. li r a.
!C. M St. P i i
! vAabasn i
Mo. Fac J
Ln.on Pacific 44
CAN. W. feavst;.. 4
C. At N W cwesti L4
C. 61. P. M. 1 O.. 1
C. . at Q leAsi) ... X
rr-i C. B. at Q. (est . so
i(x- C. R. 1. at P. ieast 2
it 1 C R. L a- P. iwesu ..
Illinois Central 1
G. W X
"f-"a .
. at
.10- I
!' I
C . G. W
lo. a " f. Pt ISe. a. Ba. Pr.
r an 4 "i 4i m . 4 :4
u f"4 aa a aa ai a n-a
JA 21 1 4 Tl 114 W 4 Mv,
a U aa ith a4 ij I 1
ST 3 us a aa ti ; aa 4 .-
i4 . ID M IH US 4
a ; 4 ! I'.t 4Ci
S4 -a y 4 ! J jas 4
aa 1 a 4 s 4 -t u .-J'.,
S 4 SU 4a A h: ... 4
4 1 ... IS at ..;1 .. 4
4. m . e ; t 4 n
41 .T14 4 4 as 9 irr . . 4
47 Si l 1 .-bi a 4 4
4S VI 4 4 "4 3: 14 I H
U Tl UK M J . 44
u 4 h 4 f Jan ia
il 4 at, 174 tl 4
3 ! Tl Ml U4 4 K
U 4 Jan 44 . 4 4 44
41 ( 4 a ia . . a.
1 4 M 1 K 4 44
3 JH a 4 4 r4 . 4R
;i r ie 4 .. .m 4
a4 M US 4 41 ....:' - 4
s: sin . . v. tj ;t i 4
r . . :i 14 ..... si .. s at
SX! ur 4 aj :T) aa w
rT 4 a Tl. I4T 4 4
! i4 1W 4 40 .4 . 4
t r i t" a: . 4 14
s rar i :4 4 4
42 KM US 4 as 47 r Ml 4 W
IT .-SI . 4 aa a ;sa
d rA at4 4 TTJ 444
44 ... . ; 14 -4 : i 4
4 .t-i 4 - 1 ai .
U 734 U 4 44.. TTi 4 44
1 1. 4... .
' rrr its 4 ti &a . 4 ti
4 r-4 : 4 " s r4 e 4 "H
44 D- T4 4 iJ 4
i4 S 4 fi t T4 "4 .. T
T :44 Mf 4 i C .-i . T
4 lii ? t iu. tl -J T
U rr 4 4 ;v, -a in a 7
44 ft . . s -4 ;n i
41 :n a 4 r-, 4 ll ... T 04
44....... E7 44 4 :-,
. Lewis Live a-k "arkat.
?T LOUIS So -'ATTI.F.-F etpt a,
4 head inciti.i t .N" T-Mitt mark.-t
s'esdv. native sb:pping and export steeis,
" ".5!"i. dtsed net sod butcher twi.
SX -i 7 i-, terrs .inlnr 1 pftnds. (4 ' t
t.a stockers pd toiera r;'! cow a.
and hfe-a t : a 7. cnrne $1'"517'-.; C'VfTi-. calves ti :! ,V; Texas
and Indian a'eera 4 .v.'v cows and
he fcra '?" SO
H(7 Receipts heed, market. !no
to lower, pirs and lish'! 44
packer 17 '(7 4e. butchers and best hea' v.
7 ?-. "" 4
head, market, steady, native mu''on V. J
?" "i sml.s cul'.s and hiii-na.
i.i-4r2 7E. st.x kers snd feeders, IL2:7.S.
St well la eight.
Pecetpts of live atock st 'he five pr'n
rlpal western markers veterdv
SouiS Omaha . ; . 7 :r
5t Joepn .. i -rt4 ,v(0 4 tan
Kansas City .' ::
St. Urt'lin 4 4 XI 2..
Chicago l.4m r ' 4
Totals 41. 1 ooa v va
Pt. coudy ;
S44 ' Omaha Packing Con-.pany
Swifr and Corr.rsny
' Cudahy Packing Company
! Armour and Company
' j Murphey
baiter. Jones A Smith
I W. B. Vansant Company..
Benton Vansant & Lush---.
Hill Son
F B Lew-is .
Cattle. Hogn. Sheen.
M AX- MlS. lavd.
74 M 7
78 . a -tw
78 Si -aw
a) .
e S4 34
S3 as i
Mi 4 OS
92 1
3 It
4.7n T4 T?H "4
20 1 14-4 1!H
T1 144 !40 14S-4
4.11 114 H U5H
1.3SS jaa issH jjsi,
MS 11H U'i !Ti
lit, 3V, zs
: is a tin
1 Kli, 3H '- 1
tM t: ska
41 ;
vo 1S3 Ul"-4j lil 1
14 U't, una 1
"on 44 44 4H,
in 1S.I ISS14 Wt
.5o 14 144 tfH
..K. W14 44 1 k -4
t. lOl-H llfi, 1ST
m us u :s
1 oh
4n ssv, nvi 1114
! 14 l
304 3S 244 hH
10 10,14 ion, 104
- - 14TH
se 4IH at l
13 in ir vi
104 4H '
1.40 41H 4 4Wi j
ins 12) 12S 174
TO 304 3JH
1.11 Kt4-a IN liS4i
in js4 tn,
in - - as
4 o" llitj 114 114
srt rtH 3i r4
i.- l-st iti in
.94 im inH I'tH
iw n 41
11 lfl. It, lf4
a n n
a U4 1M 145H
. . II
a x i"S 14H i-m
o !4 I 3
n M 2 5
tee 34
Usdra !tok Market.
LONDON. Sept American securities
were quiet and steady during the first hour ' Huston iad Conipanv
iimiv -o. nuou i-ria i V. 7 J. B. Root and Comauy
higher than yesterday s New York cioa- y j. Bulla" . .. ....
mg. i j F. Husx-
London closing stock quotations: j v wolf
Conaol money . T7 u-14 betutmi A Na''. :4 i McCrearv Caxej'..
4o .... 77 -4 . Kan T.i. g Wertheimer
Ami. Coppar Near York O-Mrai ..hT. R p Ham,ittjn
ai(iiiaB - a i-
d !(" - ontart A Waatar
ria.un vre A Ohio. .141 PnnTt,"4r.l ...
C r' 'u Pacific . ..i"i Band Mtae
Ch'aaiax A Oslo.. "4 Reading
Ctii Waaterii.. ' Soi.tbtm Rallwty
"i-l Mil A St. t'.lla 4 - r'e -
Da Bim : fu-' rrs PaclTle .
Lwr A Rio G - ! - . nios Plclllc
3S.S7S i
da 1 ptd
do Id p!4
Gjand Trues
nilseia Cantral
MONEY l-a.311 per cent
:-.'4 t
1-4 4t I id
: , i;u
.T do vlA ...
at 74
u. 1 Lee
at vt Mo. t Kan. Calf Company
'CUne A Christie 7
"4t I McConaaghey "5
- j Other buyer 172i
lH,; Total - Ui
a," -jA iJ.-caiLie receipt or
.atk era; toaay. in iact aisappuuiungiy s:aii
uiere being ouiy a
i."4 : a.4111 w aeu a ooa nuavay wore exiecung
ua over At) cars to avrriva in tne yaiun. Ihe
l.jia. iweiDia tor uie uuee ueva shows a
2-ifid per I ladling oil ox over A.! noad as compared
ita aeeai aula me amavie&i ox any
aiuiiix period siuca uii ee u go auivi
44 m ... 4 4
SHEEP Fresh receipts of shwep snd
lambs amounted tu about In. '100 head, mak
ing a three days total of approximately
7 0O bevad. Se.ieis cleared the markwt
very fair shape yesterday, despite forced
movement '.ats in the session, so that the
new supply found a demand that couid ct
po.nt out stAie oiicnngi as a bearish argu
ment. Business wu slow In starring, but
all early oaltrs indicated a trade quoiAbly
sleadv in ail Its branches.
Lambs made up the big bulk of the run,
but this does not mean tliai extra good
Classes were plentiful. On the contrary,
shipments at pre, nt are heavily burdened
with feeders and prime high-dressing stull
la the exception. Yesteraav a lop on A
bunch of choice tat iambs waa fc V and
next hih paid for whole strings,
was omv ii Ji The tt article earned
good (1'iAJitj, but they were nothing to
brag about. Packers have been getting
plenty of in between lambs lately, of coursu
and as. their res-rve pens are pretty wed
filled la aoubtfui if pieference lor loppy
offerinaTk would admit of A limit beiier
than Vn.jO pack:ng orders for fit lambs
toaay were executed in leisurely lasniou.
BUTTER No i. Mb cartel. Iv- Ni. X
U lh tub JTc . No. . V . pat'kli'.a. '.'''tc.
I CHEESE lmporte.1 swifa .i.'c. Amcrf-an
I Swiks. bl.irk Swiss, lsc. tains, lfc,
: triplets, lsc. daisies. l': young Amcr-ca.
'15c. blue latel brick, loc. Umburger '.-lb )
'Lsc. :imtiurser "1-lb.i. lc.
POULTRY Broners. ISc. sprtntrs. 14-rO
i per lb. htans. lie; corks. Sc. ducks. ISc;
' peese. 15c: turkeva. 4c. plgeitns. per dtx ,
(1 ji A.ive Broilers. 17V' hens "-tc oil
roosters and stacs. .V old durxs. f-iil feath
i ered. loc: gi-vse. fxl tAthKred lOr. t trr
I keys. lit . gum-A fuwis. lt oach; rt;e.i.t
! per dor. 7V: home- per dot. Ilia1: aquabs.
No l. 1 ,V: No. 2 ..
KISH-Pickerel. l"c. white. Xtc: pike. 14o:
'trout, lie; iarpe crxprles. L'.'JISc. Spanlsa
1 mackerel. lic. eel. ISc: haddock, lie. tloun
dcrs. Lie. green catii.h. Inc. roe shad. C "0
I each, shad roe, per pair. SM: laimim. Uc;
Ihaubut. lac; yellow percn. sc. buffalo, ac;
bullheads. X4c
No 2. V; No.
No 2. 14Sc: No a.
No. i, 'V: No- 2.
No. i. No
-c Loins: No.
10c Chuck
.Vv Round
L iic:
No. X. THc;
No X. lie;
No. U liSe;
No 2. 4c. No x. 4c
FRUITo Apples W earthy, per bbl., C.7S
:5j3. pet- ou. oak.. 11 Bananaa: Finer
! select, per luncn 8ii:-Ji5'; .tumoo. bunch.
iTiHja.7b. Cantaloupes: California, stand
ard. 4S counl. L75 per craie. pony cratea.
4 count. 21t. Jumbo. J7-aa sise. ILjO.
i Dates Anchor brand, new. l-ib. pags.
m boxes, per box. Grapes Con-
coros. home grown, per 7-lb. bak . 18c ;
California Maiseaa. per 4-hg crate. fLfai;
CailtomiA Tokay. pe" 4-hstt. crate. JLM.
Lemons Llmoneira briand. extra fancy.
,a-so sites, per box, 2o: Loma Llmoneira,
iincv. aise. per bcx. 2S :: 70 and 411
aixes. c per box less. Oranges: Nlarara
ReAilands Valencia. 3-ir slrea. per box.
44 S. Xi-I75-2.-21ft-a site, per box, 4-7fc.
i reaches. California and Wahlngton. per
box. ascwSlW: Colorado, per box. tl.tfl.
' P'.um California, large red varieties, pes
tit sr.eeo trade preserved the same even i-ai.. Prunes Italian. Per 4-bak.
keei thai nas teat ured buains on an recent CIt(, jj 5 Pears: California, per 50-lb.
daya. Good ewes were wanted at box, 12 lots of 10 boxes or more, per
ij, ana r.anuy etnt.n are box 11 .: Colorado rancy nartiett. -tier.
around J3.3i-d330- Yearlings have n ; T box IX. S5. In 10-box lots, per box. 8X75;
rmatlveiy scarce, out are selling m coil."" 1 Colorado
. pears.
fancy Flemist Beautv
per box. 11-3. In lo-box lots.
per box.
.emavnu tor loraen 1 nami." ,h
m. . mir -'x.l tha mi-kt la faklnsT On ! . 1
gorgt! APPCArance Packers' tab last
n-ijr.t nowa an aggresaie t-o nan pi
$1 5S Watermelons. Georgia and Florida.
The rate of discount n the open market smauier uian a yr ago by aunosi Io.iaw
for short bills 1s 3 per cent;
months' bills, 3fi3't per cent.
tor three
Wear TTirx "1 1 r ii at 4ttelu.
N KV YORK. Sept. S- Closing quotations
n mininsT stocks were:
Alio U Littl Ckief ..
Com. Tunnel avock.. i Mexican
do boso 14 Ontario
Cos. Cai. fa 44 Ornir . .
Horn Stlaar 1 t.ndrl
iron Sllaar Tail oar Jacket .,
ladTlIl Coa.
Dry Goadi Market.
The cotton goods markets are steadier
with A drift toward greater firmness.
Pieces for the new season waa priced dur
ing the day at a reduction of half a cent
a yard on the finer grades. Lat year's
price held on the coarser grades. Worsted
vsrns are more active There ia a better
trade In seasonable underwear. Cutters of j beer
.iiira ar more active and lobbers are doinz ! beef
a fair house trade.
'mere was a pAir demand for beef sieexs
and as rexeipia were not overiy burden
some tne teeiing was generady steady witn
yesiera&y. wita tae traae res w.nao.y ac
uve on tne good ainds interior graaes were
ratner slow and mead.
i-owa and heifexa were alow and buyers
seemed reuctant to geL sLaVrted. ottU tne
mauavet on aeairiaoia Ji.a wm in very
laur Bhape and generally aAaavay wiu ea
ter day.
Ihe demand for feeders was reasonably
on ana aesurabie kinas weie 4uite tree
seuers at steany to auxins" prices.
Atfuuuauona tu jtatve , Good la
Choice oeex steers. 4i.Au7..e, tair to good
Peel steers, common to f"ir oeet
sioeis. a..o.ia.i, nouu tu choice neuera,
46.143 a. so: good to choice cows, U-miq ,
iur to ;ova uits, .,ar-a.v; comuion to
iar cows. 4jUyj..J
VEGETABLES Bear.s: String and wax.
per rokt bak..-:" ,arjbage Homegrown,
i v. i ii-, itn Kr Hnma ffman
chase of About 0.otv head, r.vtng emphaais ,e' - ,r htk pr bglt Kr(f
to tne fact that It is a run of feders at 'l a "Fancv F.onda. dot., n V.
present instead . of mutton. Thnfty J-eder . Evtra fan.-v. white, per lb.. lTc.
tk.0., i iarnba are seUlng up to 4o i. out st w f,-,-v ro- dm
tew uver jm cars in J;",,,, lh. B1- oi.iK F.we are au.nat baca . Le"u" Ex.ra re, pe. dot.. 40c.
m)o The TcouVtry l--m dowiw "0 tZVhr'U obsTper
Its, !
I 40: ewes, gcod to choice. tT-f 'ij 15: 49 Tomatoes Home frown, per mkt. hsk 75c.
f,.. , ,w4 t--.LV,-,' a.- .we. 4.' I MICELLA N EOL S-A.monds : California
Z 39; swea, culia isott sneu. per m.. .-. . ''
Hrazll U13. Irer m.. m iuib, io
S3 K. ewes, feeders. 82 3532 .:
Representative sales.
No. Av.
7J0 Wyoming lambr. feeders 40
u7 Wyoming lambA feeders, culls 40
1?1 lambs, teed era. culls...
i-2-.: yoming lambs, feeders.
Ira: Idaho lambs
los Idaho lambs, cuils.
w Idaho iambs
2i Wvomina" iambs
52 Wyoming wethars
ti Wyoming wethers
7 Wyoming ewes, feeders ...
2:4 Wyommg ewes, feeders
211 Idano ewes
6as Wyoming ewes
ats Idana yearllnkjS
Dun's Report of Bank Clearings
veai vaives. liMi.
uuotauons uu ruuute l ati.e uooa tj ,2 Trioo vuirlinca
choice beet steers. Lair lo good i J Idaho vearlinais. cuiks
suerA 4o commuu io taur i jb Idaho ewes, lenders...
sur. ii.m. gooa to choice Ueif. i 24 losna ewes feeders..
ers. ai-awa-. oou io cnoice cows. 84.4UJ : 176 ioano lambs ,
iu. taa io gooa cows, t-isnui . notiu to' tHal, .mt
li Iduho ewes
Loral Forecaster.
Weather Burtau.
Kaaaaa City ftrala aad Prealalona.
bu.. the corresponding day A year agol The 1 imchanged to c higher. No. 2 hard Sli5
world a visible auppiy. -s snown by Braa- tV :. i 2 rd- j
arreat . decreased ijatku bu. Xtsumsted
recaipts for tomorow. Wheat, Le cisis:
corn. 444 cars; oats, 772 cars. hogs.
C in Ago Caah Pn ces Wueat . No 2 red.
l'-s'i)ii-ic; No. 2 red. HiV-inlrrc; No. 2 hard j
winter, BojT!7c: No. 3 hard winter, 3i'24c: I
Ko.- 1 nortnern spring. l.ol : No. 1
northern spring. 81 t4"ii.C5. o. 3 northern!
spring. 31 00.. I 7 . .o 2 spring. sfl4X 'li: !
No. a npnruj. StsCotl.tS. No. 4 spring, .aciS ;
81(0.' velvet chat:, wail durum. 9ica !
(1 1. Corn: No. 1 ' dtjC : .No. 1 white.
-i5"Jkc; No. 2 yellow. r)-,3's1c. No S.
6.g nr'jc ; No. 3 while, ta4-c. No. 3 yel
low. avitri-rC No. A 'jac : No. 4 Wheat bu
rate, tojwc; No. 4 yeilow. iiag-ii-4c. I orn bu..
Oais: No. 1 white, 4itg4;'-c: No. i w hue. J Gets, bu
4 -v 'i 44ac, No. 4 white. 4.i4A2"tc. standard, I
A4Vn3 4SC
Aon ChKAro Cash Prices
Rye: No. 1 v.j.vh. Barley OcI'llS.
Clover: . $13 &:?. . Tinaotav: Jlli-.'iiM jO.
BUTTER Firm, cifammra. ai7t;,
davriea. lij
iSTi-c: September c. Decern ier. 4H !
4c: May. if-tiiK'ie.
CORN ic higher No. 2 mixed. 'iSc; No.
J. uHiuSc. No. i white. 2r: o i. oT-jm?
3c: September. Ss-dBJ2 ; December, oj-ac.
' Iflf. -aC.
OATS eteadv: No. 1 white. aSigAtc. No.
'l mixed, -H'-filSc.
I RTE 4 v.
HAY Steady to hue higher, choice timo
thy ,1(. j-ii 14--a. choice pi aine. ll'.imgl
BUTTER Creamery. ic. first. -..
seconds. 21c: pacKins stocn. l-.c
EGGS Extra. 21 ti. first, loni: seconds.
Rei.ptt. ahipmer.ts.
i'ri...i ai1'"-
11. tM ' 5-4 "
io.'Xo i'.'.'j;
Available aapitlr of Oral
NEW TOR. Sept Special cable and
teiearaphic ccc.municitu ns rrceived bv
Bradstreet s shove the foiiowinr c.-.arges .a
asilaljte a compared w:th pre-
LGGS-eteauv . iecetpi. 144.I4S asses, at I yioua account. " . ' . h - - .-4.
1VNI lea. . i. . - i - ..... . - . . . . .
.4 created I.0"4'.aat bushels, total I'nited
Lljli. flrsta. 17
mark, cases mcludod.
, .,.. ......
- - . - . , -. .( , .iM-ru-Ml , -ft .1 ll Kn
C H this Lv. daisies, uy: t:ru. --- . . --
li'Ss.-V veins Americas. ICV.!. long ' kla Afloat for and in Europe. ,n
JT.,, ?ti,il2i. -creased 14". bushels: total American and
POTATUES etdv: choice to fancy. JlttJ r.uni-n ui.j.... i-
EO(xl si A.oni. ( nitaai J L - a::u v . i . v
gtl. J. fair to goixl. 'b'2w.
POULTRY Unsettled . turkeys
chickens. 12V lVt-
V E-Aii oieany . io to-ib wts., issre
C6 to o-lb. wts . '3iv-ic, S3 to 110-.b. is
Sc. -
Reef :pts.
Flour, bbls lSi
Wheat, bu ..It-.""
Corn, bu 1 Ai
Oats bu t"1
fv4. bu "
Barter, bu . 1E2.'
rariot Recespts Wheat. 274 cars, with lfl
of contract grade: co n. i cars, witn
af contra t giade: oata 34 cars.
Shipment ? '
4 40
vl !
21a (4
1 '
af" . buelieis. oats Lmted states snd
Canada. increaFed l.Vv bushels. The
itadirg increase and decreases repoi-ted
th:. w.ek follow Increases. Lincoln and
victnt'v. .o bushels Manitowoc. '.24 oJ
bukiieis; Louisviile. 7 " bushels De-
crea Minttoba. ?i4 ("W bushels. New-,
port N"ew 72. busr.ela
Mlaaaaaalla &rwta Market.
tember 81 oJ1. December. nHc; Mir
(1 W jx Oa- No I hard. (1 '. No I
northern. SI UV5 1 6SaC . No. 2 northers.
$l'V'i.1104--4. No. 3. SoVSilOIHc.
FL.4X-42 57.
B,A P.LE Y TJicftT! I
CORN No. 3 veilow HrVi,c.
OATS No. 3 while. a.'Vuaa-aC
RYE No 2. "tv1c.-
B RA N tl 3d 21 i4A
FLOUR First patamts. $4 "tad's 10- second
patents. $4i4 . first cteara. t-2i-il iJ.
set-on d rieavrs. $2-72:44.
Peeria Markrl. !
PEORIA ?vpt . CORN Hijher: No. !
white, -vi'-rc : No 4 wnite vc: No- 2 Vl
low. i c. No 3 yeilow, tV-c. No 4 yellow
M'-ci, N... 2 mixed. No. 3 mixed, oi-jc: ;
No. 4 mixed, tarc. sample lVc.
OATS Unci-.arged. No. 2 wuite. ai-ic.
standard. 44tc. No. 3 whits. c. No. 4
white 42V- - i
Boa (or ktarki aaT UaaaS. .
Baak eiearlcr PT taat osoatb af Anfns, si i aim to tbs state nmnt caaapited by S. ft.
XXw A Cx, wttKA tavindea renu-na from 1X2 leadlas earner. at:grecs 3124771.324. aa
tnutiaaa of 47 par esBt, as oeaa pared mrltki tsa sm scon-h !ut year, but a aWraaas of 8.7
per aaat, saw Bar I with lortat, laws. Tbla ta maea tae be eomparises wttk laat rear
for aaay m4rte, aad while rbsra it a atnnuuiiaig kass eoaipared wlta two rears ago. It la
dns alsaoac amdrwly to rbe tavaUar total at New Tark Cltr, (bod gain bei-x reporrad by the
aaajortsj at oataiiio that eeaasr. At aaaay taapartaat eivies the totals repui lad are
asaca larxar laaa a year ago, the rsias ba aaaaeaalry aaoaf scrorr at New York, rvomtsu.
, Wear Orisaaa aad setae ocamt ata la taa East, aon'ii ai.i Central Wast, ekavriy
bsorerlnc oocdlfons ta taoes sasaoaa, la the Kew Eigiand Staata, alswhy
tiaiisaaliic aetanay, aa In.' '.rasa by a larger rotaata of bask etthaogaa. Is aaaarext,
aaai rraafr gum are aasda by Bsissa. SpnnirSeld, Woreassar, Eartfori. Looted
aad Eaijaka. Taa oanpanaoB at aaaat petals antk 190 ta also very sacs factory.
Waala 4sasa. som pared wlta laat year, are still aaowa at a Bomber of cues is taa
atiaaita btsasa. thsra la atacb orltsaaeo cf lmerorement. taa asrrsaiiai ia soearal
ast beLag qatse as nroaonaesd as a while aaro, :! auaterotta saosii gains
, aotaasy at Ptpiaiaslpkia, FlUaOaxgh. Soraasoa, BaffalA Albany, Rochaaaar aad
Blaghssswia. aad aaoat rine reparrt gains awar lSOt. Taa largo atajonry af tbs eiOaa
la tAxa aWaitti Bsatae a4sta ataako a fararable eempansoa wlta both years aad tbs
tW kssasa taat are rssinrtsit are more tavaa offset by is faiaa, so last tbs total akin a
ktrgo ta rains ii awar beak laat year aaat 1KU9. Sraran; tee eMet re port S4 galas are Barttsvora,
ninhaiaad, WUnilagtom. K. C, Allan ia. Saramaaa. Maeaa aad JaeasoariUo. Ia tba sUdkis
fWnib gaaasrally prnaaaroas esaalrflntis an rwflieiiad ia tae iarawr reearaa tsaa either laat
year or lsM at Baay Uaiiirg paanle. aeaabiy at. Leals. New Or leas. sWatpaia, NaaArlue,
Castxaaeega. salaatoa aad Lafiie Eoak, Tbs exhibit by lbs citae ia tbs Ctkatral btatas la
tbs bast tor a eoasadentbls panad, so inly evtng to iba improved tbowiae by Chirago aad a
few st her Important point, and faias are soli mass erer beta Tara by taa majority of
atriea lnoiadad ta ths total far taat seer, on. Ameag taaaa are Clrsiraart. Detroit, Mil
wauAsa, Toiedo, Akron, Tottna-swata, Casio a. Fort Warns. Peerta aad Qalaoy. Ia ttsa
Wast n n sat i HI euadiuons are leneetad la do eon traded roiiuao of bask exrhaage at suck
starilnj usaian as Minneapolis, St, Paol, Omavaa, h anaas City aad Dearer, inn lisnn gea
aralty ta tbs sm iiiji tribsiAry to tbue points swatting mora de&nl's aasoraeae aa to tbs
an teem af tbs erof a bat thia aasstlsf aetory atrssuoa is paruaiiy efftel by ttia fsrarable staua
ataata mads by St. avoaopb, Dae avotaea. Dawaopart, Caaiar tavpsa, Lmrrta. Trpisa and
Paablo. Oa tbe Paatfw Ssoaas tbs iwraras are favorable, tbs toLal being imasaini largwr
taaa attber prerteaa year. Taero ta seme ti ladiwatny. bat asaat at! las kiar'iBS etHaa report
galas, a rang tbem has Pranrfea, Lao sstjaasa, Oailaail, Partaaad aad Beat Leas City.
Tbs eemparlaoa la atada below of beak axraangaa by aartinai avavanng years; rr
the dally average Agares by moatbi tar US year to dees :
cnoice Blockers and teed ore. o.iigi.j; fair
u eood aiocsers avau teedera. Vi.2ii.i..,
common -o lair stocaers ana leeders. 4 .-y
44-, sloe a neifers. w,.4..a. ouiia, tUfj,
tie, 4-MAiA.JO
Xe. At Pr. No.
IT TTH I a4 aa
iA Ill 4 ta i
f 14 4 4 td
a lauS a 44 U
CO av
4 4 It j
11' 4 IS 11
11. aa a .4 i
li 1 jS 4
a arsj A I
S2 404 I 10 4
4 an 4 14
4 ti
1 00
T 51
.. ?T4
. .lia
.iuaa 4 Jm
I w
I an
4 u4
7. .
1. .
i .
1 M
4 id
4 S
4 44
"tl 4
Tut 4 a4
Trl 4
441 4 44
al 4
1 ....
t Hi
4 IM
T 00
0 tecdert. Ii4
, buna Ua
. 17 loeoers.. i-l
, -4 ujad A4J
i 2 steers.. ..Uu
7 sit-ers loi-
il learra L'J2
. CJti M&
i.eiteli ... ,2
' Coffve
4 ST ) 4 44
"i mc t s
- 4 .
- .-nl V)
t M( 4
g Is e-nR.4iift
i pit 6 coal . . ; i i -,i
3 is 12 cjws .... a" a J
it feeders it 4 w
71 cow ... , 4 1JB
s7 Btesis ...i.t v
11 steers.
4 m
4 70
3 JU
t 0
4 iXt
1 ki
2 io
At Tlnnen Nebraska
.j leeuer uo o ao
A E. M-i
as feeders. L; i Do
OOpcT Cstlil
.4 steers.
3 steers..
14 steers. .
17 steers
11 foeuexs
i can ..
4 Slaters. .
s N atur&aaA.
UU 4 85
, a.o
.0 j
. jk-.i
Co. NebrasA.
i- 4 cow.. . 435
Mtnewg Wyoming.
... 54
... a
... 46
... 70
... 70
... 9
... StS
... 98
... 91
... 2
... 79
... 73
... 73
... i7
.. lij
... 79
... a
4 HO
il cows. .
' 12 caives. .
1 'jt ateeis . trala Maravet.
noi-tr.ern. al-w-l. No 2 t.ort.iom 21
trials. No. 2 hard winter. ai Septem
ber. -'V. Decern oer. Swtc
OATS 44544V-
BAfiLEX-auuung. U-XfCUO-
Ta vd.
mixed. 4a:
LWariaal 4rati
l.n'XRPOOL. Sept a-WHEAT-Spot.
Besunai. futures easy: October,
ricoewioer, 7a ad. March. 7a id.
mRN foot. firm. American
futuiwa. assy; October, ia ltvd-
Laata 4WmeraU
it LOCTS. Sept. WHFAT Cash
I red, fc-Hle
r.-rm: travck
fca.i81 u2;
lrnoV-Hlgtiar; track No. 1 44V
1 waive. fce. Decsesber ?. Mar
CAATs otroax, tracs o- 8,
2 hard
BOSTON. Sept Closing quotations on
storks were as follows
A.iow rr Moaawk 41
deal Coprae Nevada IT"-
A L L 1 SaS .!! Mlaas ... f A
anion Com 14 Xart BU't 14'
B A C. C A M 4-t Xartb La -1
Butt Cuailtioa 144 Old Bonaiea 4
ri A dittoaa,. . a oaueal Sfc
Cal A Haaia, 414 Parrcaa A A C I
Oatenuiai - - Wuir 4
Cp BAe C C . . . HA baa nans t
Eaat But C M .... 11 Supaoav ... W
rUOiM " ost-nor AB M... S
Gireux Cna- 4 TaauratA -
Gfwr -- nw c a A M tr
uian Ounasa 4 Aa ptd 44
I.a alwfai sip.. 14 t 'a i a
Earr Las t Ft C-SW Oa a.-,
Lad v"var AA a, U10S . -. I
Is aalia Capsar...... 4 aivnae 134
k anil Oajw U
44ea a iiaiisd
auaiau . .
4 '
A i aiasi daatTl
Ja.r .li,.
Maara .
8a-iary -
laix, iOlA P. C 199.
B-3;oJ24 4KLa44AT4 ' -r 0.4 -ll,illlt s.O.a'a.ied -e IS a 7a4. iJ
uJllaS Ioje-.4i -.i- itif-t?
ea.i-aaiaO 4att,eall I t '1 5aXS3X.7M
1A17.712. 4 l.eea.(.'4l -4 S.d lAaa.anA.4UI
allii..A eWT.7JT is aeaKd JS
4aS i Ml. AAAs:ad -a- AA 2,mao4l
oda 31.721 ad.T9.dd4l -e i.7 4.7T J.a-a
74eli.3u8 .4MaHJt7 -elA3 aaeA7ao4
4U7STjr4 BllsiaJUds -r a.T a..44AJI7avswa
asaa.riaAMM -4- at sdiT one
B.aUdA.U") S.0 H&.70-i ,
4;jTjja 47iiRM . u A 4Uie:iul
tiSAALuU) luiellffl Is
aol. c.m too., it .i vj 6a-.l
4r2J"4 OlO t.'l WiMl 10 4 dt.4i-.u0
- 4i5.ai7 Oat klr4.40Ull is 84S..aa,'tJ
t.A.'inwi taaaaM las kawaliaa
j 2w feedsra
! Is ateera. .
a cows . .
12 cows . .
cows .
17 feeders
a cows . .
H Smith Wyo.
125 A JO 22 Cows. ..
240 5 uu j& steers
.. sio 4 JO
John Mohler Wyo.
. . lin 4 OH 7 Corns ..
Mavry Taylor Vo.
. -Xlia a 30 4 co (v s . . .
W. S. Miller aVvo.
..l'l 4 So liicow ..
. 1 i s 2i lo ft-edrrs
. a.o
. K22
. 3S
2 4k
A -
3 at
3 M
4 4u
3 46
4 0
4 40
Nnmerea leading cams ta tbs W
4ra. ewtag laTpart a
tber is assse Waa ta las total, but
4- u4
j 2 cows.
12 steers.
( 4 calvea. - 2.ti jt
! L M. C7ajton Wyo.
72 feeders 1175 6 t) si steer
I J siet-rs. .11 a -
j R. S. Tj-iAe Wyo.
: 77 steers Lie 5 25 li. ateei....
' St ct-aa ie; i o 27 n:I.-rs ...
H Scfcoonmaker AS'yo.
4 00
4 S
3 40
lb loan o ewea -
274 ldmo yearhngs. feeders
Ta Idano lambs, feeders
6 luaho lambs, feeuera
.-42 Idaho lamba. culls
Sil South Daatota lambs, feeders 51
417 aoutn Danota lamb, ieeders 46
2ul South Dakota twes. feeders...
t4 .tdiutn Dakota ewes, teeuers..
2Ji south Dakota ewea. feeders.. 83
- yimiMK tambv. teeders -
,j" Wyoming lamoe. feeders til
721 Wyoming lambs, feeders ii
lo4 Wvoming iambs, feeders 4i
129 Wyommg lambs, feeders '
140 Utah iambs, feeders "4
!'. Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 71
149 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 72
is W omitig ewes, feeuers 90
2Ss Wvomuij ewes, feeders.. 4
2 Wyoming ewea. feeders.
44 Wvoming ewes, feeders.
27" Idaho iambs
il U'aui iambs
2".o Wynminj ewes
4 Utah ewea
tia Idaho ewes, feeders
117 laano ewes
2 U'ah year!lnrs
4-t" Wvoming wethers
1T77 Wyoming wethers
i2 Wyoming ewes, wethers ..
Ii4 Wyoming ewes, feeders
1 HI Wvoming lambs, feeders
rr tViomcs lamoA fee.icts
;vi Wvomina; laTr.hs. feeders
2ol Wyoming lambs feeder .
,".47 Wvoming yearlings, leedef"
-.vt: Tynrn'M lambs
410 Utah lambs
AS Idaho iambs
ju ldano lambs, culls
127 Colorado lambs
Ml Utah iambs, feeders ..
S4! Utah lambs, feeders
& Utah lambs, feeders
19i Utah yeaning!"
jTtC nii n ado yearling?
I 4 foiorado wethers .. ..
1 29d Colorado yearlings, feeders
1 12 Colorado yenriinas. feeders.
3a Wyoming rtcs. leedera
n Wvoming lamhs. feeders
7 Wyoming lambs, feeders....
374 Wyoming iambs, feeders
, Wvomlr.g iambs, feed -rs
ewes, feeders
1T2 48
4 78
3 a)
li Wyoming
299 Wyoming
. S2,
. ?a
. 42
. 70
. 2
. M
. So
. IM
. i"'
'. M
. nS
. w
4 t
4 JO
3 0
3 23
4 Ki
4 2i
4 70
i 25
3 50
1 5.J
2 50
2 40
2 75
2 9
3 M
3 SO
a 15
5 IL
3 ')
3 10
3 C
4 w
4 s6
2 .a
5 00
4 79
1 :
Z 9
2 9f
4 u
5 "i
4 40
4 75
4 90
4 00
1 75
2 nO
S 1
4 A.
2 40
2 r.
2 4
5 "0
f. '
? V'
5 25
4 i
5 25
8 iS
f. .at
4 M
3 75
1 25
3 '
t Hi
: 45
4 f
5 1
5 10
5 10
4 10
3 40
3 40
less Fllbertsi rer in., nc: in sacs: iota,
lc les Peanuts: Roasted, per lb.. SV;
raw. per !b.. 7c. Pecans: Larse. per lb.,
XOc: In sock lots. Ic less Wainuts: Cad
fomia. per ib. llc. In sack lots, le leaa.
Honey: New. 2 frames. $1.78.
Metal Market.
ard copper, duil. spot. September October,
November and December. 812 0OT12. IS.
London, stesdv spot. ?So. futures. UA X5a
9d Lake copper 312 n 12 S7H ; electro-h-tic
8i;..Vtfil2.2S: casung. $12-3&"il25.
T'n; firm. spot. $42."Oi futures. $40 5i3 4L 50.
Lntidon. spot llfT: futures ls5 5 M. Lead,
dull: Sd.tfwi$.. New York: $4 34 55. East
St. Louis. London. 14 ss d Spelter, dull;
$5 53i.i4;.. New York; $o-si?5sa. East St.
Louis. London. t27 12a 'A Antimony,
quiet: rockron . $?y75e Iron. Cleve
!snd warrants. 4 9d. in London. Locallir
iron wn quiet. No. 1 foundry northern,
815 25:5 15 77.; No 2. $:5.35S15.5.': No. 1 souih
ern and No. 1 southern soft I75'515 50.
ST LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. METALS Lead
quiet at 84.37t. spelter, qaiet at $8 trt.
Cottoa Market.
closed quiet; middhri? uplands. XI. t: mid
dling gull. IX sic: sales. 77 haies: ritures
opened steady. September 11 30c bid: Oo
tober 11 29c; December IX. Joe: January,
U.ilc: March. !1.4.!c: Ma- U 54c: July, li-il
3 11 .'4c.
Cotton future- closd firm. Closing bids;
September. Xliic: A"ctnber. lLSac; Novem
ber. Xl-aoc, December. 11 ifc. Januao'. 11.44c;
l- .... , .. il VI .ri-n ' i -.1 A 1 1 n 1 . XUibcl
(May. lX.iyic; June. ILtic: Julv. 11 tc
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Spet . -COFFEE Futures
i closed stead-, at net advance of 2 Ut
noir.'.s Sales fs oini- r-e,neuiovi
October 12. "4c. November 11 sic: Deceni
t er 1177c. January ll.t'r. Febmarv. USlc;
Marcri. April. May and June. 11 52c; July
and August. 11.51c Spot coffee, f.rm. No.
7 Rio. 12:c No 4 Ssn'os. H'.c Mild, quaet,
Cordo'-a. 14t1'ic nomir.a'
Oils and
Firm: :-1h2c.
P.OF1N Firm. tTe F,
$ 15 .50; J. S. 41
; 17 coa a
; a steers.
' 29 feeders
! 12 feedei
lv ateers .. XJH $ 4
4 25
T Davis Neb.
$ an
CHHA Seot. I-Qnau bass: elaavrfrjrs
BU;' were,f.n. and for uie carres-
avr last year waa atiJ-TA.
. fsaaaba Bar Mivrtvet.
CMAHA. Sert HAY Xo X. tTJUS- No. !
f ooarao. tlLik!. pacamg otock, 0 T J
MVikr, a'Taira, Ct-ti.
!S-arW YOHJC. BaWt- 4. TTrjABV Raw.
taat. I -lc:
i f test. 8 a . mnlssna. a tdet, AaIc
rantaed, atracsV
4is 1 1 NtiaW s
l 4-l
t--mx s tr
laasaasaart . .
I aihaf aia
K mat Hay
Am Pass
a ernes
catenas still re peart lota O'tiM"! artta a ' - '
merra-ats readiaAt tbe eroo Miioaasr. asd
tvAAe gadbs evaa .91 4, aad isare are awed la-
Ffge sad rsaada. Taa a-uss ba
ASTl. 44ns r O. isaa, POL
gr4:u,nt aat.n t.-t ia ate.; oai elAA
to . -ii; I'll 14 a--'T .-K id
1SJA,A SAS.OJTt 4 41 l.lf -eaas
s ASs kiwt.aal IS dl.VA -a
dal.l7 deoaad 04 4.TT3A1 aSSS
Caf ASi'2-aa -14 A-AI .ai
l4Tillii XI je.J SO ISA T
ja oJV lot ataaljnrd a. A t.lAalead -4-AS 4
41flll4 .- 4S M.tun ii
Ijiiiil lsaawrt as l.taij-1 . T-7
J-t Xa4 lielaaT 4- tS 4il.T-. 1 yIUO
Kirj.l s.r.r Al IlA-vsn ,Ui
o,- 4 av7jwa etXA 417st all
a a Ta eel 7-.17 It 8v..M.T9d -ell
e-aa tjstaT id ia.Loa aa
W'J0 laaa.M il j4 e AO
Ssldsaa 8saa.;d 8XA Udsl 4- SA
Ml titslAtd 4wsauarL!aT AA aiitsoajaj e AJ
L2X steels.
IX cows
a caives
Rush Creed
33 cows Sirt i l
8 cows Si 3 t
2 beifera... 74 3 oi
U foadera.
I 7 feedei.
Ed Sules Neb.
75 4 12 cows SAO
M C. Hubbeil Neb.
i 8 4 ti . steers I's
J P N0.A0 Xeb.
9s7 2 41') 12 Cow .... 9-2)
X: 3 7
cattle Co. Neb
10 cows lata
3 caives . . 240
2 caives . . La
t. eaaaoa Xeb.
lei 4 ii 4 cows 17
. 1J 4 7 U leeoera. -itAl
A E- Forney Neo.
I 4 feeders, lfc-c 4 78 2 iteera. ...123
Z. H Tally x o.
88 feeders. -122k i A .8 Keera..HPO
i Ik steers..- las 4
E. A. beckwekl Ndb.
T Blears 127 4 u 8 beifara s
HOio siulAvorAhia ad rices tram
c.o an daataswnere 4 nor ted tna uottoia
i aut of tne hog trade luts-ly. balk ot a
moderate supply aeing 01 lower. A
awinuiixur asi-44mg dettLauad and the
1 lab report on prorsica otossa. ual
: auad. were olber fAstcars LLSt
I uctio af)'"- tu aiis ng
t 4
4 88
4 'JO
3 $
5 2k
7 IA
4 25
4 :
5 Is
Desaaad for Cattle Steady Hgs flaw
sheep Vtak.
CHICAGO. Sept- 8 CATTLE Receipts.
t6'rt( head, market, stesdv: beeves. fc.."4
419: Texas steers. $4 A: western steers.
84 0017.00: siocxera and teeders tiotViSjO:
cows and heifers. $2.2M3o: caives. 8" 29
9 oO
HOCHs Receipts. T. rj head: market,
slow and lac lower: llttnt. $ Sj7 40: mixed.
8t 7:-.37.'. heavv-. S tirT.Jo: murn. Si 9
A Vr. good to c.ioire heaT. 8 !7 0: pigs.
84 TtimT 5- bulk of kales 36 si?7 15
head; marke'. wean. native tlorviw ;
weetem. t2'"S si. vear lngs. 8S fi4 SO: sv
t:ve lambs 84 f IS: western. 84 253 24).
ilefiue.l A.-ar Aaal tdaanaMfd.
NEW YORIC. Sept. All grides of re
fined sucar wr-rf aj nr.ceti cents a hun
dred pounds T.jday.
Wtn Market.
ST. LOt-ls. 2J.1-. Sept. 4 WOO I F'.rrn;
territory and ee.tem mediums lTt-rJClar;
fine m-diums. 17 8 lie: firs. 1X3 15c.
St. Jeerpkt Lira Stack Marked.
ceiptA !.' head, maraet slow: steers. 84-i
;7" cows and beifera. $72 3-0- csivea.
85 .757 75.
HkS Receipts 4 OBn head: market IDs
lower top. T3. bulk of sa.ea. B'dtjTX".
head, maraet steady; lambs. SA4w6e.
Knau City Live Btasrk Mas-last.
ceipta. neAd. Including LOia) aoutn
arns: maraet. steady to strong: dressed
beef and export steers. $7 IkarrkoO-. fair o
good. Si.ot-ui si. western steers. $4.ov17 2t .
stocsers and feedrra. C V-ni. 78. southern
Meters. $4 '.tarjS 50: southern cows 871 t!I -4
native cows. 82 7Tr4 7!. natlva belters $4 2$
jT50: bull. $3 'q4-54t; cslres. $4 SA37 A
HOGS Receipts. 1 000 head, market,
owar; buik of saisa, p.tnC7 30, beary. 7 00
Haptin.izs Girl Who
Wins Scholarsliip
Miss Cecile Howard Grta Two-Yr
Course at Brownell Hall in
M7fcs Cee'io Howard, daughter of Mrs.
Mary A. Howard of Hastings Neb., ia the
winner of tbs Brownell Hs'.l acholarshia
offered by tha Nebraska Federation of
Women's dubs. The acbolarahlp ia tuition
for two years and la given by the hall to
tha daughter of a member of a f-derated
woman s club of the st ate. who pasaea
examinations with tha highest average.
Tba selection of tha candidate la made by
aire. F H Cola, chairman of the scholar,
ship committee of tha Nebraska Federation
of Women's clobs; Bishop A, L. Williams,
president of the Brownell Hall board of
trusteaa. and Mss E uphemia Johnaon. prin
cipal of the hall.
Miss Howard won a bait year scholar
ship at the hall last year before complet
ing her course at tha Hastings High school
and bad such marked success in bet
studies, especially In work In Eokliah thsA
sha studied Ail summer ta prepare for ex
aminations required for entrance to tba
junior year of tha college prepar Aiir
course Sha will taks ths junior and senior
years at tha hAil, continuing bar work
from last yaar.
Tha teachers at tha ball will asaetnbia
September IS aad olssses will beana Sep.
tambar 2a.
Oiariea Grunia. 1)J-1B Harne-.- a::,
brick store. SXiatA; w-Ulism r-hrlctrn
Castellar street, frame dwelling. $2,auA. J.
W sturaaen. 9.t Rout a Thirty -eiattb etreel.
trams d eaulinA. $2.j0.