THE BEE: OMAHA. THTRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1911. TT"1TT"T"I nTTTITT tTPIITfl raws itM rs n. sTlactrle fui-SiifHMrulM. Co-aacil ea Btttlmuoi SVoeu- TV city council Is ait t.:n today ea a board of qua'.lMUCQ t KlJ'JK special taxes Zlfkta for Aner-Ben a lerre tore ef electricians is at work lartaiUcf tha street '.lglits (or Ak-ar-Bea week. Aa ear'.y tart bu been made on this work, ao a'l would b la Medina whaa tka eei-nival epans up t.e lart of thia mont Ca Tickets for FapUa Certificate of tnroilnnl ara beine- issued to high acbool pupi'.s. These ara necessary la order that only students mar have the prrrflero f riding on h:rh achoot tickets. On account of tha double session arrangement, ticket will ta rood from 7 a m until 5 SO p. m . tnrad of ( a tn. until I p m . as before. X.evla la Confiding William Lavln had his pockets picked of fl whl.e sleeping In tha home of tha Volunteers of AmfTlri. Levin arrived In Omaha Tuesday night from Beatrice Ha was met by a t ranger at tha depot, who told him of a good place to rt a night's lodging. Levin awoka thta morn m j to find his pockets empty and hla oe--fo'jrd trend t'one Tesaiaoeian Appointed Onardiaa J. L Haminoaian waa afpotntad guardian for Ibrahim Musteffa by Judge Leslie In the county court Wednesday afternoon. Ha announced ha at onea will a art cult against tha Northwestern railroad for damages for tha shooting of Mustsffa by a eectsoo fore men. Mustsffa already haa settled with tha road for thia injury. Attend Wool B:angE. J. MeVana. manager of tha Commercial club traffic bureau, and J. M. Guild, eommiealoner, ara la Chicago attending tha first of a eer-tee of bearings bafora tha Istaratata Commeroa eommlaaioB oa wool ratea and everything pertsining to tha handling of western woola Tha proceedings la oca of Inquiry and Investigation Into tha method of transportation, charge and minimum weights and la the reault of aereral com. pUUcta made by tha wool growers of tha wcat against tha alleged exorbitant ratea and practicea of tha carrier. Heron is Back from His European Trip Studies Condition of the Working Classes in Serenl Foreign Countries T. W. Heron. president of the Royal In tfemnity company, haa returned from a trip to Europe, where he went to atudy tha "tVorkmen'a Compenaatloa Law." He laited England. Scotland. France. Oar- many, Belgium and Holland. "I waa highly pleased to Bote that Gov ernor AJdrtrh la considering workmen'! compensation la Nebraska, and that ha haa appointed a commission to Investigate It- I looked Into the operation of the laws and acta in force la tha oountrlea I visited and have changed my viewa somewhat since I have seen the great difference between labor conditions there and here. I did Dot know that aurh laws were ao absolutely necessary aa they really ara la foreign countries. "I ventured right iota the ho rase and hops of tha workers and saw with tny own eyes eights that I did aot know ex isted in a civilised world. Tha fellow that aid "Let the women do the work" most have viatted some of the working placea af Europe and tha British Ulee; women and girls making by hand everything from lace to heavy Iron chains, all piece work, and few earning mora thaa about UK) a week. ! "I was tied up with the strike in London and It was aa opportunity for me te gather snore real knaviedg of conditions. A strike cannot reault In but failure in England Be cause tha striken have so little with which to maintain themselves. The advance In tha price of food stuffs Is what brought aa the strike, and mora strikes will surely follow. There la a great feeling of unrest all over England and Scotland, and It la Just a nit tar of time when It will a-aln bubble up. London la a man's town. Paris Is a woman's town, and there is lots to see In both placea. Tet with all the glisten and splendor and eld cathedrals and ruins, the waving corn and the land of "room-enough la the beat of all for me. he declared. 'Married by Bishop Scannell I New Autumn Suits for Boys SHE TADGHT BISHOP ITALIAN Bishop Scumell Perfonnt Wedding Ceremony for Friendship Sake. BAXDOLPH COTTPLE MAKE US EXEI Bishop Had Taaght Bride te Talk Eagllsh Whra She Was a Little Girl Was a Teacher of Mwele. , Flgnora Perptna Muratort. whe as a 11-yesr-o'.d g- taught the Rt. Rev. Bishop Richard "cannell her native tongue. Italian, waa married to Howard P. Greeley of Ran dolph. Neb., by the bishop at hi a residence at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. The bride Is a daughter of Jloranl Mura tort and CsJsa Dl Oollnelll of Rome. Her father, now S3 years old. fought under Gul aeppe Garibaldi, the Italian patriot, and for this he waa excommunicated. Her mother la the daughter of an Italian count. Mrs Oreey rrecialixed In music as a ehild and went from her boma In Rome to New Tork City to study. There she met Blahop Scannell. A warm friendship be tween them sprung up. She taught him Italian and ha made simple for her the mysteries of the English tongue. Later ahe studied la the Chicago and Boston conaer eatorles of music, being awarded diplomas and gold medals for work of unusual excel lence in composition and harmony. Ehe rose rapidly In tha musical world and be came the author of several well received orka. She is tbs author of "Thou Art My Guide. My Joy and My Hope," "My Moth er's Song." and others. Four years ago Mrs. Greeley cams west and opened a studio la Cralghton. Neb. Two years ago she moved to Randolph, Mr. Greelay, who but recently had come from Atkinson, Neb., to engage In the realty and Investment business, met her. His efforts to make her life tn the new home pleasant won her love Mr. . Greeley Is a son of Peter Greeley of Halt county, pioneer ranchmaa and civil war veteran. He was bora and reared in Holt county. The marriage was Bishop BcaaneU's sixth eiaos hla consecration nineteen yeara ago. . A marriage ey a aiscop is a tar from usual event In the Roman Catholic church. Out of his warm friendship tor Mrs. Greeley the bishop consented to per form the ceremony. - . The wedding was simple. Mr. Greeley' I brother. Morton T. Greeley, of Atkinson, Neb., was tha only attendant. Hurled from Roof of Railway Coach While Stealing Bide Bale Smith ii Precipitated to Tracks Uncon scious. Tvelre Honrs. Being throws from the top of a moving Vnlon Psdfic passenger train la the yards at U a' clock Tuesday night. Dale Smith of Kansas City s now in the matron's room of the city Jail with a fractured skua Smith, according to hla own story, crawled on top of the passenger coach at Columbus Neb., and fell asleep. The next thing be knew he was lying la tha Union Pacific ysrds In Omaha. Going to the nearest yard office he was astonished te f:nd it was 11 o'clock the day following h.s trip. Smith then made his way to the police atatioa. where his wouads were dressed by Police Surgeon Peppers. As the train en which Smith was riding waa due at tha station at U o'clock. He must have been lying tn the yards unsconseious for about twelve hours. Diphtheria Attacks Detention Home Lad Donald Cole it Taken Down with the Disease, but Other Children Are Uot in Daager. IMphtherla has attacked Donald Cola, a -year-old bey, at the Detention home. The boy waa taken 111 twe days ago and taken to the county physician's office for ex amtaarion. Ha then was placed la the Detention home hospital and kept la a separate room, according to Matron Byrn. That his rase was ona of diphtheria was announced by County Physician MoCrana Wednesday. "The other children are la ao danger, said Mrs. Byrn. "The child has not been near them since he was taken 11L" Industrial Floats Being Constructed Mannfactiiren Are Asuxed of a Large and General Bepresentation in Pageant The special committee of the Omaha Manufacturers' ssaociation. which has charge of the details of the mammoth Manufactnrera' parade which is to be grrea on one of the Ak-6ar-Ben days. Is as sured that of the forty floats fourteen are now being constructed, and that others have submitted designs of their floats to Sir Knight Gus Reuse, who is superintend ing tha work. A huge tent has been erected adjacent to the Den and in this the manufacturers will be allowed to build their floats Advertising matter and sample of the products made by each firm will be thrown from the parade lice, but no advertising will be allowed to be painted on the floats. la tha last fsw days Chairman Keily haa bad several applications from manufac turing firms outside of Nabraaka who wish la enter floats, but all have been refused because of the Ironclad mada In Ne braska rule. At least twenty bands will be tn line durirg the parade. FINDS NOTHING BUT HOLE One Who Picks Up Paper of Family in , Flat Above Disappointed. STILL HOPE, EOWZVZB. FOB ALL; For The Bee, Evealest ss( Seeder, ! Will Be Mailed te Book lovers for 2o Cerata m Moslh, Aaeerlaa Pwssle Plevwi-ee te Tkesa. If you borrowed a copy of yesterday's Bee from the family upstairs and found an oblong hole cut Into the last page you knew that someone had been working on the Booklovers' puzxle picture and that you had to get another copy of the paper n order to learn what the picture was. Within that oblong hole, before the r-Pr reached you, was picture No. 22. Every family uprtalrs or downstairs taking The Bee Joined In the Booklovers rams, unique, fascinating and remunerative. If you with to be sure of getting the puzzle picture every day you should order a copy of The Bee sent to your address at once. The evening and Sunday Bee la now 25 cents a month for dty delivery. Tou get all the pictures at this price. Tou can enter the contest today and be on an equal footing with those who began with the first picture. The back coupons are ready at the business office of The Bee and will be mailed to you upon receipts of 1 cent for each picture. Cum Still Get Catalog-aee. Tou can buy one of the helpful title catalogues, too. which sell for 25 cents, or which will be sect to you by mail for SO cents. There win be aevanty-flva pictures In all In thia contest, representing the titles of seventy-five books. Follow the pictures day by day, and see If you can determine what titles are represented in the Illustra tions. Do not send in a partial Bet of the pictures. Tou must wait until the dose of tha gun and then send In ail of the pus sies. Read the rules below the picture la this paper. ' List ef All Prise. The prizes te be awarded are as follows: First A White Steamer automobile, a beautiful five-passenger car, celebrated tor Its durability and speed, valued at S2.00O, Second A ten-acre ranch In beautiful Tehama county. California; delightful cli mate, rich fruit land: value, IU50. Full in. formation concerning this land may be had at the office of Trowbridge-Bo liter com pany In the City National bank building, Omaha- Third A beautiful Krell Auto-Grand player piano (have the music of the mas tera In your own home): value, poo. Thia prise is exhibited at the Bennett store. Six teenth and Harney street. Fourth One lot tn the business district of Ralston, a lot ExlOO feet, on Maywood street; value. twTB- Full Information may be had at the offices of the Ralston Town- site company. SOS South Seventeenth street. Omaha. Fifth In the beautiful suburban town of Ralston, one lot In the residence portion. fcbcUO feet; this lot Is valued at S22S. Full Information may be had at the offices of the Ralston Towns! te company, 30 South Seventeenth street. Omaha. Sixth. 6eventh and Eighth Three set (twelve volumes) of Nelson's Looee-Leaf Encyclopedia, tha encyclopedia that cannot arrow old: each set valued at S91 The books are exhibited st the store of W. A. Hlxenbaugh at Co . in Bt. Marra avenue. Ninth and Tenth The Book of Knowl edge, or Child's Encyclopedia, a universal work for school children, twenty-four vol umes; each set, S3. These books are ex hibited at the store of W. A. Htxenbaugb & Co.. 1S11 St. Mary's avenue.1 Add to this forty-five cash prises, as follows: Five 0.00 prises, ten COS prises, ten SIM prises, twenty tXOO prises. EACHFall a boy is a new and dif ferent individual. He has devel oped, he has grown, he has matured. These varying conditions demand different clothing. "We show the greatest assortments of the new Fall cloth, ing for thrafo li'r boys. Complete as to the range of sizb, and complete as to the greatest possible variety from $2.00 upwards to $10.00, See These New Models in Our Boys' Store: THE NEW NORFOLK MODEL, THE NEW DOUBLE BREASTED MODEL, THE NEW RUSSIAN AND SAILOR BLOUSE MODEL, From $2.00 upwards to $10.00 I Bo Ttic Omaha Bcc Great olc lovers' Contest --T-. . IW'1 .-"-'. 11.1-.-'.-.. tr MORE ATHLETICS IN SCHOOLS Sa-ttrintendent Graff Sayo Sporti will Be Encouraged. MOVE lOS PHYSICAL CULTURE Cesspetltlve Spirit Will Xet Be Cel ttveted ae Xtck as tke Geaeral Beaeflts frosa OatAoor Exercises. A new spirit in athletics for the public schools Is expected te result from the ap pointment by the Board of Education of Raymond L. Cams as superintendent of athletics," said Superintendent Graff. "Mr. Cams baa been is charge of athletics In reneral la the high school for two years and has been unusually S'-iccet fful in handl. lnf boys on the field. He is a Dartmouth graduate and familiar with athletic train ing theories. "Under the new regime he will devote his time to encouraging athletic sports in all of the public schools. The competitive idea will not be made much of and the boys will be made to feel the general physical culture tendency. He will do all he can to get as many as possible of the boys In each acbool Interested, not only thoee who have a chance to excel In the final con tests of the yesr, to be held In the Audi torium, but every healthy boy. They will be encouraged to seek physical strength and health for their own sake rather thaa for honor In competition." Law Library to Be Installed in the New Court House Commissioner! Indicate They WiU j Accept Offer of the Library Association. Arrangements for the establishment of a law library in the new county building will be made by the Board of County Com missioners. The Douglas County Law (Li brary association Wednesday afternoon of fered to donate its splendid library to the county provided the county will keep it up to date by purchasing the new reports from time to time as they are published The offer was contained in a letter to the county commissioners. It was accompanied by a petition asking the commissioners to accept the offer, signed by the district judges. County Judge Leslie. County At torney English and President Weaver of the Ear association. The commiseionrs have indicated that they will take over the library If it caa be done without great expense to the county. Ton can enter the Booklovers' any time before its close. Contest A Poor Weak Woman As she is termed, will endure bravely sad patiently agonies which a stroag maa weuld give way under. Tbs (act is wooaea are more patient than they e-ifht to be under sacs troubles. Every womss ought to know that the saay obtaia the most experienced medical advice frtt chart and to mbflutt confidence nod privacy by writing to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., Presideat, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce has been chief eoBsultinf paysiciaa of the IavsJidi' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for maay years sod bat had a wider practical experieace ia the treatment of women's diseases than aay other physician in this His medicines ara world-famoua for their attoauahinf efficacy. The snost perfect remedy ever devised fpr weak ansl deli oate wemon is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. SICK WOMEN WEIL The maay and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are folly ant forth ia Plsia English ia the People's Medical Adviser (1008 aegea), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition, c.oth-bouad, will be sent oa receipt ol 31 ct-ot to pay cost of wrapping sod msiling Adoress aa above. Abernathy Youths Delayed by Storm Toon; Plainsmen Enroute from JTew York to Triaco Arme Here Thursday Morning. The Abernathy boys. Louis and Temple, who are la the saddle treat Kew Tork to 'Frisco, seat word Wednesday te Henry K laser of Bennett's beok department that they bad been delayed at Login by a rata storm and would reach Omaha at 1 11 Thursday morning, la time to meet the acbool children before the bell rings. The young plainsman were scbu!ed ta arrivs laern Wednesday. Scorchers Pay Fines for Excessive Speed Motorcycle Officer Buna Down Five Violator!, Who Appear Before Judg-e Crawford. The eity coffers were swelled by Wednesday morning when four speeders were brought before . Judge Crawford in police court and Cned tio and costs each. Five speeders were arrested Tuesdsy by Motorcycle Officer Emery, ail but ona ef which were exceeding the speed limit la the business district. Those srrested were Charles Howard. E C. Ryan. W. A. Gowan. W. F. Stoecker end Albert Seber son. The latter is a 15-yeer-o.d boy. who. it Is alleged, was going st the rste of twenty-five miles aa hour at Eighteenth and Famam streets. He did net appear tn polios court. LABORER TAKEN FOR FORGERY J. O. Caps-e 'resents Instrrnaaent te James Wfeelna ana tt te Pre nenne4 Begss. J. O- Cappe. a laborer, was arrested Wad nesday oa a warrant sworn out by James Whelsn. charging the former with forgery. Whelan claims Csppe paid a bJl with a check for Hi K. on the First National bank, which waa returned marked "forgery." How to "Shed" A Bad Complexion K mmmmv i..iiriiii ii 1,1 i , nnnn, A Telephone Shopping BlklM trans 14 by croup, coughs er eeids sre constantly relieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's Kew Discovery tate and li ft For sale by Beaten Xrug Ce. HAS MARRIED TWENTY THREE HUNDRED COUPLE stev. C W. Ssvidge performed his troth wedding ceremony Tuesday evening, when he married sitae Anna Wennlund. daughter af J oka Waenlund and Mr. Walter C Scott at the home ef the bride's parents. CI North Thirty-second street. The atten dants ware the bride's sister. Miss Clara WennJund. and Mr. Richard Hanaley. A wedding supper was served- a number of guests were present. It's foolish to attempt to cover op er hide a sallow complexion when you caa t ao east y remove the sallowress. or the complexion Itself Rouge anu the like on a brownish vkin. only emphasize the de fect. The better wsy Is to apply pure mereollsed wax the same as you would cold cream patting It oa at night, re moving It In tha morning with warm water and eoap. following with a dash of cold water. The effect ef a few applies. tiona Is simply marvelous The half dead cuticle is absorbed by the wax painlessly, gradually In tiny. Impercep tible revealing the beautiful velvety white new akia beneath. No eomea need have a sallow, blotchy, pimply or freckled complexion if she'll lust go to the druggist's, get some good mereolUed wax and use as suggested Women's Realm- A d v. A 'JTx this tremendous alcohol UXDOlCL It Iueson to yur doctor. . The dan ger is too great for you to dedde alone, Avar's Sarsararilla is a tonic, entirely free from alcohol. Take it or not as your doctor directs. The Bell Telephone has nude it poseible to shop with comfort, economy and despatch. I WITH COMFORT For by telephone you can buy aayttlcs from your home without Ions, tiresome shop ping trips. WITH EOONOM1 For a telephone saves you val uable time that you could devote to pleasure or to your housework. WITH DESPATCH For telephoning la much quicker than a personal trip, and; too, it comprehends both mees&ge and reply. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE GO. EGO. I tmammBmok i sTo. 83 Thursday, T, ltll. What Book Does This Picture Represent? Title Author Yoar Name Street and Number UI ke )iKtu( ta City or Town Write la title and author of book and 6AVS coupon and picture. Bend no coupon until finish of the contest 1 announced. Each picture represents a book Utle not a scene or character. Catalogues containing (,000 names on which all puzzle pictures are based the catalogue used by the contest editor are for sale at the Business Office at The Bee for 25 cents: by mail. 30 cents Roles ef the Contest ATI smusis ere ellctble te enter thta eeevsst exeapt empleyte et BMssbere af ttr taminaa. Sack fer. tor sct7-HT ai there T!m Sas a sioutrc etuch vUl iprt tea aasa at a bsoe. Bases wtil ba a blank tor taa contanant to till k tba uua a( tba book. Cat eat bote tka aictur ud tba bia ak aa fill ta tae mama mm eetaar et the seek .aae ada yoar aaiaa a&4 aadraae aaaUy aas siaini? ta tba apaaa srevieee. Ns rasunctioBa wiu ba placaa es tka r ia vbieh aaswars ta tka sieteres swy Tbs Sa. earad. Each elctare rwpraaaots osly aea title of aaa bacik. If roe ara aot aura of a tstle sad iah ta sesft la atora tfcaa eaa aaaw er ta eaek ritura, roe atr ea aa. SCT WOT MORE THAN rHI arCft TO ANT ONE FICTURS WiU. US FEJUUTTEO, U eerract aaawars s-ill mot ba countad actus st eoatastuta II eeneet sneeai Is else tftvaav store thaa aaa iDinr saoald sat ba put ea tea atma eaapoa. Bztra aeasaas akeals ba ard for extra aasean. All aoavers to tka saas aaatbar aboald ba kept tactaer vnea aaadlac la tba sat. OsJr eaa Hat stay ba susauttad br ona eonieatsat, Usees aay net tea bare five aaavars to each ytusie. To sumbar of coupons ai.a answers ye eieat be slats!- arrlttan en tae easssas et each SET sab-Bitted, bet ea eat arms each tateraatiaa ea tka aiaiets. Slna aot abaolotaly saosaamry. n la daatrabla that the atetaraa eboeM each ease ba aaru la vttk tba aava-ara, ta erear that ail assaars ke aallerm. Adaltiraeai sietare) ead e-ti-Ma star be ebtaisad at tba oRlea et Tba baa ka stall ar la saraoa. "Sbaa roe have ail aavestr-ftTe sutataa. faataa them toeathar ia a F"LT asanas eaS srtns ar mail thorn to Tba Omaha Ba. aadraaaad ta Baoklcmrs' Caetast Hlar. Mass will ba svaraad ta tha eoataetaata aaadlss la tba largest aaatbar et aecTeet ealatbssa la event et m or star a annus banns tha same aoKbar at uunaat solaUoaa, caa saraoa aalss tba amaiiar amber of extra oonpona is hla eat af aaavora anil ba Siniaral wear, In avast of two aareotu havtas tha una aarcbar ear-act aad eaias tka state aiisibar af a pooa. the paraoa wboaa eat ot answers ta Boat aeeUr prepared, la tha asm las et the tall tadgi as emuatttaa. will receive tha ftm prise. Cm) j aea list at aaawara roar ba snbeuoed by e eontastaat aad eaty eae seta -etB be swardad to sea family at one address. Tba eaa ef the coupons Is sot ebllcstorv apoa tae car titer, it, sss sn eebraitted la ear lecim aun-wr tha contestant star a. tart. Awards anil ba maoe atrlcti arrardtns to tba stent et each aerate Hat Tba name of rcore thaa one press Boat aot be writ tae apoa anr oa eeeaes. Tha awards wiu ba auda br tba Con teat Editor aad a ntatiimi at sana. wboaa names will ba aaaou-jed later Tba eonteat is limited ta tba tollowias tarrltarv: Nabraaka. Wyaeiraa taste sKUa et lows west et but aat laciuauis Mot aea. sa tast sicttaa et soata peseta the Black Hills TMnrtrt. FIRST PRIZE ygs;,. White Steamer Automobile A s-rassencer 1911 Model Wnite Steamer lourios Car olorlaa. ssnoketesn and DOiselese. No cranauns. no shiftics of sears, any desired speed. Whias fc learner aaies Increase each aucceedinj year. Has practically an eo torsemeal af lbs United States government, which and operates more Wn'te 6teaas ere toan all einar cara combined. Richiy upholatered. beauufully finUhed. un limited power, controlled speed. Tills car wUl ke ealUelted la Omnaa at t. lntef Sate- SECOND PRIZE Jfej to the soft, semi -tropic climatic sona, exvcndln ( north from San Dlero to Khaata County. California. Hee Tehama county, la which Is situated thia beau tiful little 10-acre ranch near the towa of had Bluff. Thia la fruit land "f a very fcifh order end Is part et the celebrated Lutheran colony which bad Ita incep tion with an Omaha clerg-yniaa. Literature deacrlb tns this property may be had at tha office of TOW. 8KXXOX-BOX.arTI CO, in the Uttj BsUoaal But SaUldlneT, Omaha. TUTDf- PDT717 Vtlai xxxxivi 1 1VJX.JL. sons The mas-nlfloent. .ancy walnut AUTO OatAsTD rrATXaV-riA VO which notts us csn excel. No other player-piano hee la the absolute the "human teach" ee desired by a muaical ear and so prlcevs by the mantsfeo turers. This Instrument will be exuus.le. a piained end played for anyone whe nlsass te ee it In the ware rwums (.a the third flees t THE BENNETT CO. FOURTH PRIZE Value 27i Ralston Is to be s ntf sultciurini city. Thr have a fine start with the Brjwn Trucai Hun lecturing Co.. he Rogers Mctor car Co . and ui Howard eitove Workx i:erytnine deairaole u cooiloriabie living may be found there- On one ot toe main busm-as atreets tna bee haa selected Ita fourua pnxe a business ivt XSslWv teeb aaJ valued at a87&. FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225 la the earns towa and wtui tna ame prospect of l--Tin-sment. the See ass selected a reaudence lul 60xia ft., and valued at 1225 Kaaton la on tne only uiterurbAn trolUy una ftiuui ewt ef Omaha. aeS en thin lorty minutes of tie Cm ara poSLoftite. Con.piste u.Iornation about tms property st the office ef the nVAXSTOsT rOWSkltl &OhLF AJIT, aoe Smith ITth St, Omaha. SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PRIZES This lngebious encyclopedia, ntuca la e os"e'rpi ntnt raunar Wan utiLuus. I t i ies its ouatsa lences u.e a.ue ot hunoxede of eUiturs r"- 1 1 ly cuiiped to maae one of tue sraataat anyclupe4ias etr complied. One o the atxocceet lecomuieada ncns lor tills wora Is t-iat it is irom the prees ef trie reiiSDle old house et Tat On. BSLSOI ft SOliS et Slew Tors. XVendon. laaUn na sViuaawXa'a. wntea aU lUUDUtU IO A,.. Thia encyclopedia of twelve which ls valued at a set, saay te seen et the Omaha office of W. A, BUxamhAash ft On, laid, as. Marx's aVeenne. NINTH AND TENTH PRIZES prizes consist of twenty-four volume cltth bound svete ef the rhese prizes consist of twenty-tour volume cltth bound svete ef the ""Bee ef Koowieds-e." sn encyclopedia made especLtuy lor cbiidrer. and eelA at lada eet. This work is written it- simp.e language and Is a "wobder beoS" In that It s&aaes sluipiet a.l hnowiese neceaaary to broad oducauon. There are handrwde ef culoied p.ates and tt,uuaanus in blade and wnite. This Is a fuiiy equiovwd encycupadia mace tor chiiorcn. and may be aeea at the Omaha efficea et w aT sXaXaChiABeat as laid fts, ntarrs Aveana. ., FORTY-FIVE CASH PRIZES Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Ten Prizes of $2. Twenty Prizes of $L WATCH FOR THE DAILY PICTURE IN THE BEE. t