Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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if ha
mm MNN
H Hit it
Serges, fancy homespuns, mannish mixtures, chiffon broadcloth and
a stunning new corduroy velvet.
Lengths 34 to 89 Inches.
. Prices $5.05 ,to $14.75.
The new Middy Blouse Slrirt. of all-wool navy blue aerge. is de
serving of special mention very popular for school wear.
' Sites 22 to 26.
Price $5.50.
1 S 1 Tit yjr m
ill fOaTltn
Foxiolm, N. D., Man Gets Bie Prize in
Berthold Reservation.
Thousands of Laadaeekers Brave the
Heairy Rata to Attend Draw
tftat 1 Held at'Mtnot,
North Dakota'.
MJNOT, 8. D.. Sept. 6 B. E: Glyck of
Foxholm. N. D.. drew homestead No. 1 in
the Berthold Indian reservation today.
xThe nama of the winner was announced
by Judge Jamas W. Wltten today to the
thousand of landseekers who assembled
here from every corner of the United
States and braved a heavy rain to attend
the drawing.
The claim drawn by the winner, who
haa hla first choice of the 160,000 acrea of
fertile soil. Is valued at from 1.10.000 to
J 15,000.
Promptly at Ten O'clock.
According to the plans of Judge Wltten,
who la In charge of the drawing, Robert
Hanna, young aon of Congressman Henna,
walked blindfolded to the center of the
huge platform strewn with envelopes
promptly at 10 o'clock and picked up an
Douglas Devlne. son of former Governor
J. M. Devlne. will draw No. I and then
the boys will alternate In picking up envel
opes. The drawing will continue three
Mr. Olyck, who drew cli.lm No. 1, Is 23
years of age and owns 13) acres of land
two mile from roxholm, N. D.
He la an American and came to North
Dakota aeveral year ago. In 1909 tie mar
ried Miss Clara Clifford of Illinois. Mr.
G)yck Is in Wisconsin and left no addreea
when he departed." ''' '
No. 1 waa drawn 'by John Wolden of
Dllworth. Minn.,' nd No. S by Edwin A.
Duvall of Mlnot, N. D. Of the first seventy-three
names, drawn- fifty-four ware
those of North Dakota residents and ten
from Minnesota.
The lucky onee from other states than
North Dakota In today's drawing were:
No. 4. F. N. Blenkshoft, Mount Idaho.
No. S, Anna Dodge. Tlmberlake. 8. D.
No. 11. Matt Simons, Grand Rapids. Mich.
No. 23, Thomas W. Whide, 810 Indiana
avenue, Dea Moines.
No., 3, Hugh MoCaffery, Watertown.
8. D.
No. 2. Myrtle, Williams, Owasco. la.
Membership of Body that Will Pre.
seat State's Side of Case In High
Tribaaal Announced.
(Trora a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. 6ept. 6. (Special Tele
gramsCommissioner H. J. Wtnnett of
the Nebraska Railway commission has
appointed George A. Henshaw of the
Oklahoma Railway commission, Henry T.
Clarke of the Nebraska commission and
Attorney John M. Marshall of the Kansas
commission as members of a committee
to prepare a brief and present It to the
supreme court of the United States In the
Minnesota passenger rate case. The a p.
potatoes were recommended by their re
spective commissions.
Iowa, and South Dakota have not yet
chosen their committeemen. Mr. TVlnnett
announces that the committee Is to select
its own chairman.
A. J'. Vlerling of Omaha haa Informed
Governor Aldrlch that a press of business
duties will prevent him from serving on
the committee appointed by the governor
to draft an employers' liability bill to
present to the next legislature.
Two Cavalry Stables Destroyed and
One Set of Quarters la Badly
Reports were received Tuesday morning
at .the headquarters of the Department of
the Missouri of a disastrous fire which
ocourred Monday afternoon at Fort Des
Moines. Damage to the amount of (50.000
Waa Incurred. Two cavalry atables were
completely destroyed and one set of quar.
tars waa bidly damaged.
Fair sized shipment of
received this week.
On sale TODAY.
210 bouth hixteenth Hu
1402 Farnam St.
; First Glimpse of
(he New Fall
You will find our Skirt de
partment a fashion center In
Itself every new idea In style
. and fabric la being shown.
Authoritative fall styles are
a trifle wider, but still retain
the graceful straight line ef
fect. Plain panel front and
back, some with side pleats.
m, Empire waist , is predominate.
A chic and charming style is
obtained In the use of many
buttons in trimming.
Rush of Settlers
Going to Dakota
Filings for Mellette and Bennett
County Land Greater in Number
Than at Bonesteel.
1 -
The Northwestern offices In Omaha are
in receipt of reports indicating that the
rush of settlers to Mellette and Bennett
counties In South Dakota, soon to be
thrown open to settlement is likely to be
much greater than that which"' occurred
some years ago when the Bonesteel country
went upon- the market.
i In view of the probable rush to the new
agricultural section of South Dakota the
Northweatern haa. arranged , to place 175
coaches In the service to handle the crowds
going to Dallas and Gregory, where regis
tration will begin October 2.
While registration will be at Dallas and
Gregory, it Is expected that most of the
prospective settlers will go on to'. Winner,
the last town on the western extension of
the Northweatern. This town, while in
Tripp county, is but one-half mile from
the Mellette county line, and Mellette Is
one of the counties In which the free land
la located. .The next town west la In Mel
lette county and la without a railroad.
though It haa a population of 300. It haa
been named Carter and gives promise of
becoming the seat of government aa toon
as the county seat Is located..
Half Section Advances Thonaaad a.
Year for Fifteen
8IOTJX FALLS. 6. D.. Befit .-Bpoclal.)
A good Illustration, of bow South Dakota
farm ' land has advanced ia value during
the last twelve or fifteen years Is furnished
by the sale a day or two ago of what la
known aa the John McDonnell, half section
farm ' near the village of ' Montrose, Mo
Cook county, west of Sioux Falls. The
farm was sold to Frederick McNeil tor
V'2.M per acre, Or an aggregate of $18,900
for the 320 acrea. The halt section was
purchased ' by ' McDonnell about fifteen
years ago for a sum less than $2,000, so
that during the fifteen years he was the
owner of the tract the land Increased at
the rate of about $1,000 per year. In addi
tion to profetting from this great increase
in the value of the land McDonnell each
season during the fifteen years raised good
crops on the farm, the crops alone having
paid for the land many times over.
State Senator at Fort Doda-e Likely to
Enter Contest for Governor
Next Election Time.
FORT DODGE. Ia.. Sept. 6. (Special
Telegram ) State Senator Fredrick Larra
bee. Interviewed today concerning a re
port be will run for governor at the next
election, said: "I have given the matter
no serious thought, but friends are urging
me and I may have something to say
later on."
8T. LOUIS. Sept (Special Telegram. )
The Interior department at Washington
yesterday notified the Business Men's
league that proposals for Indian supplies
would be received at 8t. Louis and Chicago
this autumn Instead of Chicsgo and Omaha.
In the past the Interior department re
ceived bids at St. Louis. New York, Chi
csgo and San Francisco. Bids tor articles
which St. Louis can sell cheapest will be
served here and similar consideration will
be accorded Chicago. Merchants of other
cities can, and probably will, enter the
competition at both St. Loyls and Chicago.
Mra. Mary MeVer.
Funeral services tor Mrs. Mary McVey
mill be conducted Thursday morning at T
! o'clock at St. John's church. Twenty-fifth
and California streets, and the body will
be taken to Plattsmouth for burial. Mrs.
McVey died early Tuesday morning at her
residence. I77S Burt street. She was 6
years old, and died of paralysis. The
McVey family came to this city from
Plattsmouth about eleven years age.
Italian ii Arretted in Connection with
Explosions in New York.
Police Hope to Connect Hint with He
rent Outrages Can Bo Given
Seren Years for Mavtis
Bomb In Possession.
NEW TORK. Sept. 1 Tvrth a dapper
young Italian, believed to be one of the
country's master criminals, la their hands,
the police today spread their nets for the
gang of bomb throwers blackmailera and
kidnapers that have terrorised the Italian
settlement here for the laat four years.
Giuseppe Castablle, who was arrested yes
terday with a dynamite bomb under his
coat, will be arraigned today under the
new law which makes the mere possession
of a deadly weapon a felony, but the po
lice hope to prove against him far more
serious crimes.
"In many ways Csstabile is the most Im
portant prisoner we have ever enter
tained," said Police Inspector Hughes.
"There have been seventeen bomb ex
plosions in the Italian Quarters In the last
month; how many of these Castablle, who
was known as 'The Fox," and hla subordi
nates are responsible for, I don't know, but.
we hope to fasten enough on him to re.
move him from the scene of operations for
some time."
The detention of Castablle in 110,000 ball
has proved the value of the "new deadly
weapon," law; and for the mere possession
of a bomb "The Fox" may be sent to
prison for seven years. This law was
passed particularly to aaslst the police
against elusive Italian criminals, whom It
Is difficult to convict because their victims
are afraid to teatlfy against them.
Harrison County
Ministers Organize
Preachers from Different Towns Form
Federation to Discuss Matters of
Mutual Interest.
LOGAN. Ia.. Sept. . (Special.) A Min
laterlal federation waa organised here yes
terday by the ministers of Harrison
Rev. J. Thompson Saker. Presbyterian
church of Logan was elected president;
Rev. Clarence A. Miller, Christian church
of Modale, vice president, and Rev. W. A.
Gardner, Congregational church of Dunlap,
secretary and treasurer.
The meeting will be held in the different
towns in the county on the first Monday
each odd month, Mondamln being selected
for the next place of meeting.
The organization haa tor lta object the
discussion of questions of special Interest
to the clergymen, aoclal and religious fel
lowship and the transaction of business
that may warrant the co-operation of the
Rev. A. O. Broyles of the Baptist church
of Logan, Rev. Mr. Aukerman, Presbyte
rian church at, Woodbine, and Rev. C.
8. Lylera of the Methodist church of
Logan were appoltned a committee on con
stitution and bylaws.
Wrestler at Fraser, Ia., Caanot Com
trol Gaa Ba? aad la Carried
Hlsrk late Air.
BOONE, Ia-. Sept. , . (Special.) Kid
Ross, a wrestler of Roann, Ind., who was
on for an exhibition wrestling match at the
Labor day celebration in Fraser got a
ride in a runaway balloon which carried
him 2.000 feet In ' the air and ' two miles
over the Des Moines river toward Ogden.
Ross had. never before taken, a .ride and
jokingly asked the balloonist If he could
not go up Instead of the regular man.
Being told yes, the youngster got on the
trapese and waa off. In going up the bal
loon caught on a clump of trees and in
swinging around the ropes caught on the
parachute and tied, the same in a knot.
Ross bad nothing to do but hang on end
await death, as he thought. However,
after the baloon had sailed up the distance
mentioned the gases cooled and the balloon
gradually drifted back to earth, with Rosa
unhurt but frightened.
Cltlseae Bead Oat More Than Fifteen
Tkeuaal AdvertUtac
the Town.
IOWA FALLS. Ia.. Sept . pCtal.
Thla city's first "Post Card day" was a big
success and thousands of post cards were
sent broadcast all over the country by
citizens of Iowa Falls, calling attention to
the beauties and opportunities of the city
as a place tor a home ana business, ii is
estimated by Postmaster W. E. Wolden
that over 15,000 post cards were mailed on
"Post Card day." The details of the day
were arranged by the Commercial club and
a systematic canvass made of the city In
the sale of the cards and as the majority
of those solicited responded the occasion
naturally waa very successful. On the
basis of 15.000 approximately $300 was spent
in making the day a success.
Hill Speeding; Mar Be Fatal.
NEW SHARON. Ia.. Sept (Special.)
While speeding a car down a steep hill to
test it Montgomery Powers, a chauffeur
and mechanician received Injuries from
which he lies at the point of deah at an
Oekaloosa hospital. The car becoming un
manageable ran into a ditch and turned
ever twice, llghtin gon lta wheels.
Store at Grlaaell Robtx-d.
GRINNELL. Ia.. Sept .-6peclal
Thieves broke into the Leader store last
night and carried away 700 worth of silks
and furs. The same night a atore was en
tered at Evert a small town near here,
the aafe blown open and 35 stolen.
Heavy Itala to Soath Dakota.
6IOrX CITT. Ia.. Sept. .-Dlspatches
from South Dakota report heavy rainfall,
one to two inches, over a large part of
that state laat night and today.
Several Others Plead Wet Gmlltr
Waea Arrelaa4 ta Crlrn
iaal Coart.
Morris Nicholson, a l-y ear-eld boy.
charged with wife and child abanddonment.
was so sick he hardly could stand up be
fore Judge Estelle when he was arraigned
in criminal court Wednesday. He pleaded
not guilty and begged to be sent to the
county hospital. His request was granted.
He ia threatened with appendicitis.
Charles Madden pleaded not guilty to a
charge of grand larceny trim an Illlnola
Central railroad ear. Dan Hulln pleaded not
guilty to a charge of breaking and entrlng
the home of Dan Lynch and stealing eoroe
. , i.uh nn nlaaded not guilty to
a charge of assaulting Antonio Domengula
with Intent to rob.
Persistent Advertising la the Road t Big
Civic Questions
on League Program
Executive Committee of Municipal
Organization Lays Puns for
Meeting in Omaha.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. 6. Tentative plans for
the annual meeting of the Nebrdaske
League of Municipalities In Omaha No
vember 15 and 17. have been made by
Councilman LojIs Berka of Omaha, Ed
Lehmkuhl of Wahoo and City Clerk Oiman
of Lincoln, membera of the executive com
mittee of the league. Final arrangements
depend upon the approval of President R.
P. Starr of Loup City and Mayor Miles of
Hastings, other members of the committee
who have not yet arrived In Lincoln.
The tentative program includea addresses
by State Fire Warden Johnson on "Pre
vention of Fires;" Prof. Crowley of
Creighton university on "Purification of
Water;" Chief Donahue of Omaha, on "The
Bertillon System;" ex-Mayor Don L. Love
of Lincoln, on "Municipal Ownership of
Publio Utilities."
The third day of the session will be given
over to discussions on uniform systems
of accounting, paving, repaving and grad
ing, and the methods of assessing the cost
of such improvements. City Engineers
ttobaon of Lincoln and Craig of Omaha
will lead In the latter discussions.
X umber of Mea Alleged to Have Been
IaTOlTed la Separating Him
Yrom His Money.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Keb., Sept . (Special.)
Seeking to recover H.tSO which she alleges
her husband lost In two gambling houses
in Grand Island, Mrs. Marie Bayne today
brought two 'suits In the Lancaster county
district court against twenty-four alleged
gamblers. Wlllerd C. Bayne is the hus
band who is said to have been fleeced.
The first suit Is brought sgalnst Frank
Phillips, James Durham and Fred Latham,
said to be gambling house proprietors, and
against Harvey Thompson, Ed Hart, John
Brltt, Fred Palmer, Ed Morenlc. Warren
Kennedy, Clinton Brumley, Henry Peck,
F. H. Dugsn and Ell Decker, whom Mrs.
Bayne declares were "steerers" for the
establishment. In this place she claims
that her husband lost 11,350 In nine games
between October 22 and December S.
In the second suit, .William L. Bownman,
Harvey Thompson and Harry C. Roll are
charged with doing the active work in
separating Bayne from his coin. Nells
Neilson, William Wilson, Ed Harte, Ed
Morenlc, Henry Peck, Clinton Brumley,
Richard McMullln, F. H. Dugan, Fred
Latham, Fred Palmer, Warren Kennedy,
John Sullivan, Jacob Sullivan, Dan Sulli
van. Richard Fueater and Charlea Bchwet
ger are charged with officiating as "steer
ers." This company la said to have se
cured 12,896 from Bayne.
In case Bayne ever won any of the
games In which he participated, his wife
falls -to mention the fact In her petitions
to the court. ;She states that Bayne has
assigned to her all his claims in the mat
Revocation of Permit of the Kearney
EaJooa Keper .la Recon- ...
' KEARNEY. "Neb.. Sep. . (Special.)
Martin M. Moran, saloonkeeper, charged
with violating the- Slocumb law, convicted
in police court and freed by a jury Jn dis
trict court, was granted a new license by
the city council after a sharp fight, the
vote standing four to two, some ' of the
members of the council being absent. City
Attorney 8. C. Calkins was called before
the council before the reconsideration of
the revocation' of the license was begun
and the matter discussed with him. The
cbuncll wss at first disposed to keep Moran
shut out because the district Judge did
not decree that a new license should be
granted, but the city attorney held it would
be legal .although the precedent for such
a case has been set by the courts or Is
provided for by statute, for the council to
take the initiative tin the matter. Moran
was represented before the oouncll by his
Attorney (or Rock Island Seeks to
Show Rates Cannot Be Baaed
on Physical Valaea.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. 6. (Special.) W.
W. McHugh of Omaha, representing the
Rock Island railroad company at today'a
hearing before the state railway commis
slon on the physical valuation of that road
and the Burlington, secured the admission
as evidence of letter issued by Chief En
gineer Hurd of the physlcl valuation de
partment to his assistants. The letter was
an interpretation of various terms used by
engineers, and indicates that Mr. Hurd In
cludes in his scheme of valuation the in
tangible value of the road. It lsunder
stood that the roads secured the lntroduc
tioa of this evidence in order to prove that
rates cannot be based on a strictly physi
cal valuation, other factors being required.
Arkansas Farmer Hart la Wreck at
Tnioa Wants Twenty Thousand.
NEBRASKA, City. Neb., Sept. .-8pe-c
Lai.) Anson A. Hubbard of Salado, Ark.,
haa filed a suit In the district court here
against the Missouri Pacific railway for
120,000 for injuries received In a railway
wreck at Union on October 10, 1310. He
claima to have boarded the main line train
at Omaha and went to sleeep in one of the
chair cars and while at Union In the
switching of the cars there was a collision
and the plaintiff claims he waa rendered
unconscious and remained that way until
be reached Kansas City and has not been
able to work any since that time. He Is a
farmer and had been up north in quest of
land and waa returning heme when the ac
cident occurred, but as yet haa no clear
recollection of how it happened or what he
did after he wss Injured and today all of
that time la a blank.
Hlldreth School Principal III.
HILDRETH. Neb.. Sept. . tSpeolal )
the public schol opened today, a day late,
with Miss Anna Eggenberger In charge of
the following corps of teachers: MUs
Mooney, assistant principal; Miss Pearl
O'Neal, grammar department; Mrs. Jennie
Pool, third and fourth grades; Mlss'Velma
Satchel, first and second gradea. and Miss
Elsie Cuderkirk. primary. Mr. August Eg
genberger. principal. Is convalescing from
aa attack of typhoid fever, and hla sister
has taken charge of the school until he is
able to enter the work.
Mrs. Aaaaada Popejoy.
POPEJOT, la., Sept. (Special.) Mrs.
Amanda Popejoy, aged 81. the widow of
the late J. I. Popejoy, the founder of this
town, died last night at her borne here.
Mrs. Popejoy was born in New Hampshire
In l&JS. She and her husband settled In
low in UtK
r ' ;.',''.' " .. 'w ".". am
' Beer ihi Mk
mm0m Women LiKe '
mn'MMm OFTEN you will hear a woman WMM$
W&M Pm. y "I just cant drink lrit ttWlpfP
wm i .mm 4 WW wife
118twii Pabst fli
jyl?W.iJR would prove a revelation to Ker, flliMW
Wm. r MXA vor of the hops but not the Mffi, ,
VA ,ifel';i i. i W(;w I
IIP p-gfi m excessive bitter that is yVVW
Tji IrV ; co-unpleasant. m4i$T0
BJci' llMJN. Orier a case eyM
A. . ,JVVr. rfZj Leaven wth, Omahs fyf,
msMMtt?7rzw rCMk t.-.. ,
Democratic and Republican Candi
dates for Railway Commissioner
w Introduced at Fair Grounds.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 6.-(Special.)-C. E.
Herman and' T. L. Hall, democratic and
republican candidates for state railway
commissioner, met each other for the first
time today. The two would-be commission
ers were at the state fair grounds when
a mutual friend introduced them.
"You're a big, slim fellow, aren't you?"
waa Herman's greeting to his rival.
"Yes, and you're a 'little, stubby msn,"
retorted Hall.
The two candidates visited together sev
eral minutes. Joking each other as to the
dire results which the election would bring
forth for one or the other.
One-Fourth of Cases at Lincoln Re
ported aa Typhoid Were
Not This Dlaeaae.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., 6ept. . (Special.) One-
fourth of the typhoid fever cases reported
in Lincoln since August 24 are mistaken
diagnoses, according to Special Health
Physician H. H. Waits, who has been com
missioned by the city council to Investi
gate the causes of the typhoid epidemic in
northeast Lincoln. Twenty-five per cent
of the cases so reported are now com
pletely recovered, according to Dr. Walte's
investigation. This would be impossible if
the disease were true typhoid.
AUBURN. Neb., Sept. . (Special.) Miss
Myrtle Bastlsn wss married to Richard L.
Merrick at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Baatlan. The marriage
service was read by Rev. R. W. Pearson of
(7 r
Contagious Blood Poison manifests itself in the most loathsome
symptoms, such as ulcerated mouth and throat, copper-colored spots,
and even sores and ulcers on different portions of the body. The
toison causes the hair to fall but, and sometimes the glandular system
is attacked. No medicine can cure Contagious Blood Poison which
does not rid the. circulation of every particle of the insidious virus.
S.S.S. is the real and certain cure for Contagious Blood Poison; It
eoes into the circulation, and by removing every oarticle of the poison,
Ind adding rich, healthy qualities to the blood, forever cures this
twwerful disorder. All who suffer with this disease may cure themselves
by using 5. S. S. and following instructions contained In our Home
Treatment Book, which we will send, together with any medical advice
dotted, tree of chargs. y.
Fall Suits and Overcoats .
to Order $20.00
Special Attention Given to School Suits.
Order your Full Dress Suit now for delivery before the
Ak-Sar-Ben Ball.
First class Full Dress Suits to order, $50.00 and up.
Every garment guaranteed perfect in fit and style.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
304-306 South 16th St.
TlD r- Most
J ""V gri Tip Top bread la by far the biggest seller
t J In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs
m today. With our Immense plant and dellv-
I 4T ssM ery system, no grocer la allowed to offer
mj - i for aale except when absolutely fresh.
Jf Tip Top bread is being Imitated In style
, of package not In e.ullty.
Dread. . . 5c at all grocers
VOST-High Grade FURS
Jl Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone Douglas 8040.
- Sfc. .J '
Everything u to-date. Let me examine your
Consultation free.
" .mmt .
the Methodist church. The blrde'e wedding
gown wss white satin. About twenty-five
guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Mer
rick, after spending a short honeymoon
in Kansas, will be at home in Auburn.
Dawson Man May Lose Slant.
DAWSON, Neb., Sept. 6. (Speclal.)
Frank Raven, a tenant on the Miles rsnch
south of Dawson, met with an accident
that cost him the sight of one eye and the
possible loss of the other. He wss driving
nails when a piece of steel flew off. strik
ing his eyes. Mr. Raven was taken to
Omaha for treatment.
. Olympic
. Vnud States .
. Ormanla
. Mlnnawaaka. . .
K. wiibalm II
K W der droaaaj
r Island
Simple Home Remedy.
For Wrinkled F?ces
(From Popular Monthly.)
Thousands of women are spending for
tunes in their frantic eftorta to remove
the signs of premature age from their
facea. When in this state of mind a wo
man will apend almost any amount of
money on worthless wrinkle removers, of
which there are many.
If these women only knew It, the most
effective remedy imaginable la a simple,
harmless face wssh which can be made
up at home In less than a minute. They
have only to get an ounce of powdered
saxollte and half a pint of witch hazel at
the drug store and mix the two. Apply
this daily as a refreshing lotion. The ef
fect Is almost magical. Even after the
first treatment' a marked improvement is
noticed and the face has a amug, firm
feeing that is most pleasing. Adv.
Five Steps South of Farnam
Popular Bread Today
Omaha's Reliable Dentist.
The very best in dentistry is what I try to give my patrons.
leetu. I
Shctcct 1eiMc$!
Get the Original and Genuine
MALTED ftl. Lit
Th Food-drink for AlUges.
For Infants, Invalids,anrl Growing children
PureNutritkm,up building the whole body.
Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged.
Rich milk, mailed grain, in powder form..
A quick lunch prepared fa a minute.
Take no substitute. Ask for HORUCK'S.
Not in Aeiy ffiifk Trust
noniiiif ill Toolh
There are liut lew no have
them. Good teeth everyone mlht have
If they would gu to Dr. Uniibury The
quickest, easiest and least painful are
ire only rnijioeJ i-v on. and
hundreda of our patients, both In and
jut of the city will slidiy tell you about
the good dental work an t ou.-
ay of doing things. Ciowiu and bridge
work from fli.00 ier tooth. Plates that
tlon of teeth. Nerves of teeth remove.
without hurting you work warranted
no DDMnDiiQV Ttir rchtict
tin. uiirtwuwm, iiil. winiii
17 Tears Same Location.
1506 rarnem St Phone S. 1780
Silver of Utility
The gift buyer should look to
another side from that of beauty. The
artistic, of course, should be In every
gift, but then the utility side should
not be overlooked. Tho recipient of a
beautiful gift wants one that can be
put to service. For this reasoa we,
suggest that you visit the Edholm
atore before buying gifts. The beauty
and the artistic are both considered
here, so that one may find silverware
of high atlstic merit and everyday
utility. Such gilts commend them'
selves to the pemon of practical mind.
They are priced so low that none ne4
healtate about buylni;, for they meet "
the uemanda of the most molest
pocketbook. .. . . .
Don't Merely Boy Invest.
Sixteenth and Harney. ' '
Old-Time Remedy
Darkens the Hair
Gives Color, Lustre to Faded
and Gray HairDandruff
Quickly Removed
From time immemorial, sage and sul
ana sui-
phur have oeen used for the
scalp. Almost everyone knows
s of the
i Harkssri.
value ( f such a combination for darken
ing the hair, for curing dandruff, and
falling hair, end for making the hair
In olden times the only way to get a
hair tonle of this sort was to brew it )n
the home fireplace, a method which was
troublesome and not always satisfactory. '
Nowadays almost every up-to-date drug
gist can supply his patrons with a ready- '
to-use product, skillfully compounded in
perfectly equipped laboratories. The
Wyeth Chemical Company of New York
put up an Ideal remedy of this sort. -called
Wyeth'a Saga and Sulphur Hair
Remedy.' and authorize druggists to sell
it under guarantee that the money will '
be refunded If It fails to do exactly as
If you have dandruff, or If your hair
is .turning gray or coming out, don t
delay, but get a bottle of t hie remedy
today and see what a few days' treat
ment will do for you.
This preparation is offered to the pub.
lia at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recom
mended and sold by. all druggists.
Special Agents: feherman McConnell
Drug Co. 16th and Podge Bta.; Owl
Drug Co.. ICth and Harney Bta
Formerly Paxtva Blsw
New City Natl. Baaas.
facial Aaaraat Prloeai
Bridge Teeth, $Q50
Set of Teeth, UT
Ke charge for eiaml
aatluu. atUdle-Ased Operators.
704-10 City National Bank
tel DoG. scee.
cut this out roH aucrKauuicaa.
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