Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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a r-
U J- '
Announces an event of
most unusual interest to
out-of-town customers.
It certainly will pay you
to make a special trip Jio
Omaha to get your share of .
the bargains in their great
nn s
I 1 I 1 I fm
: .1
which starts next
. . 'Brandeis has held great Rug Sales in the past,- but
th:s will positively be the greatest sale of rugs ever
t held by any store anywhere;
Room Size Brussels Rugs, worth up to $18, at $7.98
$30 Aiminster and Wilton Velvet Rugs at .. .$15.98
Room 6ize Axminster Rugs, worth to $25, at $12.98
Seamless "Wilton Rugs, worth up to $55, at $29.98
36x72 Axminster Rugs, worth $4, at .......... .$2,59
Reversible Bath Rugs, at ...... . .... ,79c and 98c
Make your plans now.
Gome to Omaha Monday
and attend this wonderful
Rug sale at
Brandeis Stores
Declares it to Be Scheme of Promoters
to Tool Citizens.
Mr. Craig Said TUU Will Be Contiuard
with Materlul lor 51ndne
Street Pm-viuk I'utll Stand
rd la Heaobed.
Protean against the brick .-. paving on
Sanderson atreet are characterized by City
Engineer Craig aa the underhanded effort
et paving brick promoter to fool the tax
,' payers. At the meeting of the city council
k Tuesday night a protest u received from
Chrla Jewel In which he stated that the
testa were being made with pigtron shot,
1 when they ihould be made with sciap iron,
and that he would contes the paving taxes
If the testa made by the engineer were not
more thoroughly made or soma other brick
than Buffalo be substituted.
'I do not know Mr. Jewel," said Mr.
Craig, "and he may be as he says, a prop
erty owner on Manderson street. I do
know that the paving promoters are prob
ably back of his protest, because of the
way It la worded. The law says nothing
at all about what sort of iron should be
ubed and the shot we use are regular
foundry shot, part pig and part scrap iron,
hard aa anything could be. Ve have
already condemned carload after carload
of the Buffalo brick submitted for Mander
eon street and we will continue to condemn
via. but if it does come up to standard It
will be used regardless of what measures
the promotera of other kinds of brick
may resort to In order to harass me and
hold up the work. The Buffalo brick was
specified by the petition of the property
owners and I have no choice In 'he matter
as long as it fulfills the condttlona.
Surprise is Given
Byron R. Hastings
by His Many Friends
Old Neighbors ia All Sorts of
Costumes and Warm the '
New Home.
Friends of Mr. and lira. Byron R. Hast,
inss gave them a party in their new home
at 3604 Hawthorne avenue Tuesday. evening.
The party was in the form of a surprise
to . the Hastings. " they not knowing that
their old . neighbors Intended dropping in
to see them. AH were out in dress uniform,
representing .characters, from the head
waiter In the Rome hotel to the tiller of
the soil. These people, who live In the
neighborhood of Thirty-third and Harney
streets, are the same that held the safe
and sane Fourth celebration there last
July. ' . '
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Belden. Mr. and Mrs. George Mlckel, Mr.
and Mrs. Philip Swarti, Mr, and Mrs. I. A.
Medlar, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Plainer,
Mr. and Mrs MorlU Meyer, Mr. and Mrs.
P. H .Piehl. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gettln,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen White. Mr- and i Mrs.
F. J. Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilcox,
Mr. and Mra. F. E. Clark and Mr. and Mra.
Byron R. Hastings.
Conaterfelt Dollars
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys
rr. King's New Life Pills, for constipation.
malaria and jaundice. For sale by Beaton
rrug Co. .1 -
t i-wvin f firkin Bros. Is home tram
the esst. where he purchased a bill of
goods for the coming season's atock.
. - - .v lTAnnA.1v HNlmlninl RAW
paper man In the state of Washington, la
vumintf ni oromw. -uib -.
George Kennedy, this week. Mr. Kennedy
obbxves there h been jz&ny chin-goi la
.. i VI lad s1 -il e 4 rt 1 KAA
TyM Air IILJi Ji N
I I The Larirest and Most Reasonably Priced Line If
of Brhool Supplies In the State at This Store. ; Vx
Some Interesting School Suit News
for Particular Boys and Parents
This news is a little belated because some suits we have had on
order did not arrive In time for last Saturday's special selling.
'. However, they are here now and ready for your approval and
purcba-e. '
The Very Latest Styles With
Two Pairs of Pants to Match
which make them specially desirable for the boy
who is rather hard on his clothes. They were
tailored from the finest all wool fabrics, for Fall
and Winter wear, by tailors who know how to
put style and service into boys' clothes. You
will find them to be the rarest suit bargains you
have ever known at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 ac
cording to the grade of finishing.
A few light and medium .weight
suits, suitable for school wear, which
formerly sold at. $5.00 are now priced
at S2.75. Possibly they are the very
kind you are looking for.
And besides boys' suits and top coats we are
splendidly ready to serve you in boys' furnish
ings specially adapted to school, wear. For ex
ample Thursday you can get boys' 35c blouse
waists for 23S boys' hats In new styles -at
50 to $2.00; etc. ;
A One Day's Sale Black Silks
There is extra quality in every thread and they are silks
that find a ready welcome in the wardrobe of any season
Thursday only will these prices prevail.
$1.00 36-lnch black messaline
that are fully guaranteed; have a
beautiful, soft, lustrous finish;
Thursday, 69 the yard.
10-inch black pean de cygnes,
regularly sold at 75c the yard;
Thursday, 40.
Black taffetas that are unex
celled for petticoats, linings, etc ;
full 36 Inches wide and guaran
teed to give satisfactory wear;'. the
$1.35 grade, Thursday, 98 tnS
yard. '
Black satin duchess for fine
coats, suits and dresses; full 36
inches wide, regularly $1.75 the
yard, Thursday, $1.29.
Ostrich Plume Opening
Friday and Saturday
For complete particulars of the
unusual attraction, see our next
Tree Demonstration of
The Universal Seasoner.
Tuesday's Menu Olive Sandwiches
Fruit Specials Thursday Only
Extra fancy Colorado Elberta free-stone peaches, the box. 08
Extra fancy Italian prunes; heavy pack, 'per crate. ........ .$1. 15
Fancy Colorado Bartlett pears, Thursday, the box..
Two large heads of plain lettuce, Thursday "5
Fancy tomatoes, a full market basket. Thursday only.. 30
Man Accused of Embrsslement Shows
that He la Not Guilt? of the
, . crime rnargta. .
Albert Monheit,' arrested Tuesday morn-
Ins on a warrant charging him with em
ibeizlement, sworn out by J. Slpsburg, Jr.
was discharged In police court ednesday
morning. According to Elosburg, Monheit
collected tXfi rent from tenants In the
Douglas block during the month of
of .August. On August n Slosburg became
suspicious of his collector and demanded
the money, which Monheit claimed he did
not have.
Monheit testified that he had entered into
an agreement wth Sloaburg by which he
was to have the uae of the money until the
first day of the following month. The de
mand for the $307 was made Auguat ti. and
Judge Crawford held that the plaintiff did
not have a case against Monheit.
Johnny Wise Insists that the merchant
who doea aot adverUee baa not Vbe goods
to deilvet.
- I'll I! I
Yourself and
Your Family
Stylishly and Well
But Inexpensively
by the use of
if? p tsn
So. 4210 Ladles' Over-Blonsa
Ho. 4004 Ladles' Tunio Bklrt
Price 18 Cents
A very practical and up-to-date
model ia here effectively
, developed in eatln with lace
band trimmings and yoke of
allover net.
They are so sample
and easy to use that
you will have no dif
ficulty in making gar
ments from them
which will fit and
look just like the pic
ture. No guide charts
or. complicated in
structions to puzzle
you. All seams are
allowed, thus saving
Send for the latest Fash
ion Sheet it's free.
236 West 37th St., New York, N. Y.
Toronto, Can.
San Francisco.
for Ihe man wbols continually on
his feet a shoe that Is comfort
personified and will wear like
Iron especially designed.
For Policemen
and Wailcarriers
We have customers who get
from 12 to 18 months' steady
service from these shoes.
"Diamond T"
is what we call them and they
are made of plump glazed kid of
the best quality.. Double soled to
heel with double steel shanks,
solo guaranteed waterproof; $10
shoe values for
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam Straat.
C5m cwvi q&mp&
a '-rf vi 1 ns rut n 1 iv
tffffffffillHflimil 11M iU If '"li'TO
Store Open
TiU 6 P. M.
Till 10 P. M.
r- r
Store Open
Till 10 P. M.
New Fall Garment Style
In Our Tresh rrolt and Vefetable
Department v
200 Boxes Salt Lake Elberta
Peaches, per box $1.00
50, 4 Basket Crates Blue Plums,
Heavy Pack, per crate $1.10
3 Stalks Well Bleached Celery. lOe
2 Large Plain Lettuce So
Market Baskets Nutmeg Melons
at 500
Fancy Peaches and Pears, per bas.
ket 350
Seckel Pears, per box $1.35
60c Jars Queen Olives 35o
Stuffed Olives in Glas, Assorted
at lOo, 15c, S5c
1 5c Imported Sardines 90
2 Pksrs. Shredded Wheat 85o
10 Cakes Beat 'Em All Soap. .35c
I on Cai Dress
Where to tied The Be: in
New York City, N. Y.
Arthur Hotaling. Grand Central Depot
News Stand, Astor House.
Harry J. Schuirc, Grand Central
. biauon. as
Tyson Co's News Stands, including H
Hot. Knickerbocker. Horrmia House.
Hotel Manhttua. HolUni Hotel. .
Imperial Hot!. HoUl B.lmoot.
Murray Hotel. Wldorf-Atorl.
Grand Union Hotel.
A display which represents the very best style features
for fall and winter 1911 and 1912, from the leading modistes
of Paris, Berlin and New York.
JaCi? Distinctiveness in design is a
fects. as well as in the semi and
t2.. PtframA nnToltv snit rrontifins.
. ....
a. Extremely low prices prevail
y as an inducement to earlv buv-
Crown Jewol
Suits at $25
combine superior quality in fabric
and workmanship with assortment
of style ideas that leave nothing to
be desired, surpassing in every way
l snv nt.her suit. Known on tliA AAT
market at so low a price . .
. Ladies New Fall Dresses A represen
tation of the new ideas not eo.ualled in
Omaha, including some very special values,
Thursday in Dainty Chiffon Gowns, in
evening shades, at, choice $1850
Serge Street Dresses in new fall colorings,
at $18.50
Fine Broadcloth Dresses at $25.00
New Fall and Winter Coats Almost un
limited assortment at prices ranging
from ...S10.00 to $75.00
Children's Fall and Winter Coats Shown in all the new
v est styles, fabrics and colorings,-from $1.98 to $10 00
Specials in Wash Goods Dept. for Thursday
Dress Ginghams ln fancy plaids and stripes, all new patterns at,
yard- 12 W
36-inch Percales, light and dark colors, neat patterns, yard. .UJHJ
36-inch Flannelettes, all new patterns at, yard.'. 12H
German Eiderdown, good colors and patterns at, yard 128
Poplins and Repp, in all the newest shades at, yard 25?
Galica De Laine, neat patterns with fanry borders at, yard. . . 15
ti J,
1 YUWllG.
I ti',
a YmivUl
U I C! 4 1!0 I I i Illir -
1 iiyp
f Dontistrv
Tafi's Oental Roims
-ept. S-6-7
Cars Leave 16th and rarnam at 3:30
Ladies' and Children's Furnishing Bargains
- A few of many special offerings that you'll find un
matched at the price elsewhere in Omaha.
Children's M. Ivnlt Waists, regular
25c Values, in all sizes, 4 to 14
years 9
Ladies' 85c Jersey Ribbed Vests or
Pants, all sizes; on sale at, gar
ment i5i
Men's Fleece Lined Shirts or
Drawers, good heavy quality;
snap at 35
Ladies' Muslin Gowns, Skirts and
Combination Suits, values up to'
$2 50, at $)8
Ladies' Embroidered Silk Stock
ings, in black and colors, 75c
values; at, pair. . 35
Ladies', Men's and Children's Hose
to 25c values ia three lots.
at 7S 10 and 12W.
BOYS' BLOISE WAISTS AND SHTKTS All new colors, values to
$1.25, at 49 and 25
f : ;
Extra Specials for Thursday in Famous Domestic Room
Outing Flannelthe genuine Amoskeag, nothing"" else 'Just as
good" 100 styles, yard 10
Other Outing Flannels, yard, 8 He, 7Kc, 6Mc and. 5h
Flannelettes Pacific, Dermer, Ar mure and . other makes worth
up to 15c; on sale Thursday at, yard 10t
Other grades, yard - and 5
Extra Heavy Mottled Outing Flannel for underwear, etc 8Hc
Heavy Unbleached Shaker Flannel, 12 He, 10c, 8 He and 7lt
Heavy Bleached Shaker Flannel, 15c, 12 He, 10c and 8
Anuagansett 72x90 Sheets, round thread, linen finish G3C
Snowflake 81x90 Sheets, round thread, linen finish 53!
Parkhill 42x36 Pillow Slips, heavy round thread 15
Onawa 4 2x26 Pillow Slips, heavy round thread 10
At 10:80 A. M. One case of Fruit of the Loom, genuine article;
regular price 10c yard 5i
At 2 P. M One case of Edison 12-4 Gray Cotton Blankets, regular
price is $2.25 (4 pair limit); at, pair .96c
At 8 P. M. One case Amoskeag Check Ginghams, genuine article,
all colors; at, yard J
At 4 P. M. One case of No. 205 Huck Towels, union linen, regular
price 15c each (6 pairs limit); at, each 10
Five extra specials announced on the floor during the day.
This is Peach, Pear and Plum Canning Week
Matinee livery Day 8:16; Every Wight
This weeK: Mlbs Grace Cameron;
Bobledillle; William H. MaeCart and
Ethelynne Bradford; The Muslkal
Girls; "The Little titranger;'" Gordon
and .jarx- Kramer and Splllane; Kin
odrome; Orpheum Concert Orchestra.
Prices, Wig-lit lOo, 8 So, 60c, 76o. Mat
inee, best Meats 95o, eacept holidays,
a inrinai nf extra fancy Colorado
Elberta . Freestone Peaches for
Thursday; this is fancy fruit; open
ing sale price, per crate 85o
600 crates fancy Italian Blue Plums,
packed four baskets to the crat
weighing from 25 to 30 lbs. per
crate $1.00
Colorado Bartlett Pears for Preserves
Bushel boxes, fancy 5-tier Colo
rado Rnrtlett Pears, per box.- Sl.75
I,arge Market Baskets Kipe Tomatoes
for 25o
It Pays to Trade at Harden'.
4 8-1 b aack Best High Grade Diamond
H Family Flour; nothing finer for
family use. sack $1.15
10 bars Beat Km AH or Diamond C
Soap for 3 So
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello..74c
6 lbs. good Japan Rice 25c
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice. 10c quality,
for 25c
Corn Flakes Breakfast Food, pk. 6Hc
urape-iut8, pkg lOc
Oil or Mustard Sardines, can 4o
Skinner's Macaroni pkg 10c
Gallon cans Table Syrup 55c
M4KKET Makes the Prices that
Keep Down the Prices.
Green Peppers, market basket. . .250
Wew Potatoes, 15 lbs to the peck, at,
per peck 30c
Kee that you tet your weight. The
law requires it
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb... 6c
4 bunches fresh Beets or Carrots.. 60
Sweet Corn, per dozen
6 bunches Flesh Radishes
2 heads Fresh Hothouse Lettuce.
6 Green Peppers for
2 heads Frosh Cabbage 4..
2 heads Fresh Celery
Sweet Potatoes, lb
Large Egg Plants each
Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb..,
Fancy Lima Beans, per quart...
, ..5c
, ..6c
.. .6c
Try (MYDEN'S First
Season Starting Sat. Night, Kept. 9,
and the Woodward Stock Company in
eat Sal Opens Thursday morning,
Sept. 7th. ' Price 85 Cents.
. XEXT Will
The Stnbbornesa of Oeraldlne.
Egs.. 15-85-S0-75C
Bally Mat., 15-S5-600
The Imptnal Travesty Star
ana Her Vamous London Belles.
A Koitiiiie in raruije and Scenery.
Ladles' Dime Matinee Every Week Bay.
SUN. The original Painting the Town."
Measure The Bee against other local papers in
respect of quality as ell as quantity of timely
news and interesting articles from day to, day
and TheBee's superiority will he demonstrated
Best Seats hllUU 8aat BMW
Tonight Only
the bewitching Musical Comedy TBI
35 PEOPLE -- as
00, 6O0, 75o and $1.00.
Fri. and Sat. THE COUWTXY BOY.
Free Land Inf ormation
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information has gathered and
compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc
How to get irrigation lands location of projects,
laws governing same, etc.
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, iNebrasKa
Mr , r
Si w