Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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10 CUSTER CO. farms Just on market,
lib up; easy terms. Walker Co., Mi Bran
deli Thrater.
GOOD eastern Neb. farm land. $71 par
era. tM Hrandaia btdg.
$10 err buys ! Mm that will rent for IS
acre cash ff-nt. C. t. Hayden. Farnam, Neb.
THE easiest war to "nd a buyer for
your farm Is to Insert a small want ad
In the les Moines Capital. Largest ctrcula-
. . . . . ... tAaHa 1. i . i .t 1 1 rri..
lion in in nimiv m -.,wv . in
Capital Is read by and believed In by the
at md natters of Iowa, who simply refuse to
Jirrmit any other paper In their homes,
tales 1 rent a word a day; )1.2s per line
per month; count six ordinary words to the
Ti n Addreu Des Moines CaDitaL Des
Muines. la.
10 A. t'FLAND farm, Vi miles from
rnunty seat town; 135 A. In crops, balance
pasture, with running water. House,
rooms; barn, 24x36; double corn crib and
other buildings; small orchard. Price, tte.w
acre. Kasy terms; a snap. Box 2)1, ix
gan. Is.
100 ACRES H-mlle north of city of Perry
on main road. J. M. Laird, owner, Perry,
8EJS the Bender Itealty and Development
Co., Blessing, Tex., or Merchants hotel,
Omaha, for booklet, orange and fig tar ma,
TEXAS lands. IIP Bee Bids. D. 1133.
WANTUD-City loans and warrants. W.
rarnam Bmlth k Co.. 1330 Farnam Bt.
OARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. T. Life. foOt
to l(M,0iM on Improved property. Mo delay.
OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands.
3013 New Omaha National Bank Building.
LOANS to home owners and noma build
era, with privilege of making partial pay
snonta semi-annually. W. ti. TUOMA3, Ml
k'trst atlotial Bank Bids.
MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Ce.
WANT2D City loans, 'stars Trust Co.
100 to $10,000 made promptly. r. IX
Vnd, WeaU lsldg., iith auu rariitm Bts.
tUi-ill Biaudela Theater Bids.
vestment Company, Omaha.
6& fiVo00 c,tJr na trm Property. W.
Ov tiyaCH. MEIXLE. Sua Ha-nige Bid.
LIST your exchanges wlla J on as, tU
Braudels Theater.
I HANDLE exchangee everywhere. For
results see me. Daan, 617 Bee Bids. iX ma.
KQL'ITY In 4,000 acres Colorado Irrigated
land for Income. J. O. Button, Millard
hotel, Omahu, Neb.
FOR SALE Houses and lots in Iowa
City, la.; educational center of Iowa; State
university; will exchange for Omaha resi
dence, store, vacant or acreage property.
V. H. Spevacek, Iowa City, la.
TRADES If you have anything to trade.
write me. B. K. Walt, 17 Bee Bldg.
2(0 acres Improved land, $9,800.00, for gen
eral merchandise, clear. Address Joseph
blobodny, Ureeley, Neb.
DANDY K-aedtlon Bo. Dak. land, value
$4,000, cleat- property or touring car. H IHk
WE exchange properties of merit C. W.
Welsh. m-U O. N. B. Bldg. Douglas 78wS.
National Investment Co. trades everything.
$le,u00 real estate for farm. Owners; re
ply K SOS. Be.
WANTED Cash or active general mer
chandise stock for Texas ranch of 6.U0
acres. Priced worth the money. Addresa
owner, O. M. Brown, Artesia, New Mexico.
REMEMBER It takes out a few strokes
f the pea to state that you aaw the "ad."
In The Be. The advertiser wants to know.
BEST price paid for 3d baud furniture,
carpets, ulotnuig anu shoes, 'tel. L). 3WX.
WANTED to buy, a phonograph; must be
heasonaule, but In fine condition. Address
F-ltf. care Bee.
A PHYSICIAN wants to buy a slightly
used gasoline runaoout auto in good con
Ultlon. Cheap for cash. Address U 1D2. Bee.
INVALID wheel chair. Must be cheap.
write Description, in lis). Dee.
BE A BOOSTER for the national game
of base ball. If N. O. Kates, 2S11 Bristol
St.. will come to The Bee office within
three days we will give him a ticket to the
base ball game at ttourke park.
WANTED Desk room In modern office
with reliable firm, by manufacturer!
agent; only small space for samples es'
kentlal. Address W-lu&, care Bee.
WANTED Furnished house or two or
three rooms with modern conveniences,
furnished or partly furnished and heated
suitable for light housekeeping. Must be
in easy reach of car line to school for the
deaf. Address Mrs. John S. Reed, V31 C
sit., Lincoln. Neb.
FIRST- CLASS bookkeeper employed
through day, wishes to keep small set of
books evenings or spare time for resonable
compensation, W. B. t'ralt, ana lies.
WANTED-Situatlon of night clerk in
botul or first class rooming house by a
middle age, single man. can make bona,
Address, N. li Bee.
WOMAN desires a ' position as house'
keeper or day work. CS.U at or phone
Douglas KUU.
COLOHKD woman wants work; any kind.
cotter 2413.
WANTED Bundle washing and day
Work. Harney us.
WANTED Situation as housekeeper. Call
at ait s. utn bt.
WANTED Student wants place to work
for board unu room; experienced waiter.
B M, Bee.
Tour opportunity to talk over a course
with the teacher. Don't hesitate. He will
make you welcome.
Mr. Kelster Bookkeeping, Penmanship.
naay, i to .
Mr. Morton nuxlness Kngllsh. Correspon
dence, spelling. W ednesday, 7 to .
Mr. McMillan Arithmetic.' Electricity.
vveanesday, 7 to t.
Mr. Camhlln Architectural and Mechanl-
cal Drawing. Thursday, 7 to 9.
Mr. Rothery Art School. Friday, 7 to .
Mr. Linn Shorthand, Typewriting. Wed-
nesaay, 7 to .
Puslness. Mercantile. Lltemrv and Pro
fessional Courses. Booklet Free.
Men teachers.
Classes for men of all ages.
Boys' classes.
Individual instruction largely.
Take one or more suhpecta.
Come one or more nlshts per week.
Choice of many subjects.
Practical, thorough teaching.
Low cost of tuition and supplies.
Conducted to help men help themselves.
Y. M. C A.
WRIGHT. Commissioner to the Five Civ
ilised Tribes, Muskogee, Oklahoma, August
1, mi.
Bids will be received until four o'clock on
Saturday. September 1, 1!H, at the office
of the Secretary of the Board of Regents,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, for the
construction of a hollow brick dwelling
house, to cost approximately $7,000, on the
Kxperiment Station farm near North
Platte, according to plans and specifications
now on file In the office of the Superin
tendent of Construction. Room 30. Admin
istration Building. University of Nebraska.
Bids must be Sealed and marked with the
bidder's name, and the words "Bids for
dwelling house. Experiment Station. North
natte written plainly on the outside.
Sealed bide will b received at the' office
f th seoretarv nf at a t a . I i n t
. , -. . uiiitum, Ne
braska, until noon. September 1911 for
ciiwiruuiiun ui i wo nospiiai pulldlngs
the Insane at Lincoln asylum. Plans
aned float Inns . .
office of the secretary of state, commis
sioner of public lands and buildings, Lin
coln, uni mini r. iuuier, Kranaeis theater
building. Omaha. ADDISON WAIT.
A2-d-llt. Secretary of State.
No, 2665.
Report of Condition of
at Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, at
the close of business September 1, Uttls
Loans and discounts... I Ktmn
Overdrafts, secured
ana unsecured 1,641.7$
U. S. bonds to secure
circulation 200,000.00
U. S. bonds to secure
U. S. deDosits irjinmnn
Premiums on U. S.
bonds R7n "U
Bonds, securities, etc.. 20,ail.51
Banking house, furni
ture, and fixtures Momon
Other real estate
owned ki r.i
Due from national
banks (not reserve
agents) $143,002.94
Due from state and
private banks and
bankers, trust com
panies and savings
banks 43.296.99
Due from approved re
serve agents 666,296.04
Checks and other cash
Items 25.469.B7
Exchanges for clear
ing house 21.317.64
Notes of other na
tional banks $.600.00
Fractional paper cur-'
rency, nickels, and
cents 637.40
Lawful money reserve
In bank, vix:
Specie 125.765.00
Legal-tender notes .... 40,500.00 1,076,975.4$
Redemption fund with
U. S. treasurer t5 per
cent of circulation).. 10,000.04
Arrested on Adultery Charge and Re
turned to Mitchell, S. D.
Lather Plotter's Aetloas Drive Wife
to Self Destruction and He Hans
Away with Another Before
Wife la Barled.
Kate Qulnn's husband committed suicide;
so did L. W. Plotner's wife. A bond of
sympathy developed between the living
swains, and while Plotner's wife was lying
cold In death St their home In Mitchell,
D., he hunted up his affinity and the
two hurried to Omaha. They have been
arrested for adultery and are being taken
back by Sheriff Berry, who came here
Wednesday morning for them. A lively
reception probably awaits them in Mitchell.
In fact Platner would have been handled
roughly Saturday If his fellow cltltens
could have laid hands on him, according to
Sheriff Berry.
They were arrested Tuesday evening at
Fifteenth and Farnam streets by Detective
Fleming, who recognised them on descrip
tions sent from Mitchell. They were held
at the station as suspicious characters.
and as soon as the sheriff arrived and
Identified them a charge of adultery was
lodged against the couple.
MITCHELL, S. D., Sept. 5. (Special Tel
egram.) Crazed with fear that her husband
had eloped with Mrs. Kate Qulnn, Mrs.
Luther Plotner committed suicide here Sun
day. Her body was not found until today.
Plotner and Mrs. Qulnn are missing and
acquaintances of the two tay they bcltcvo
they have gone to Omaha to be inarrlod.
Mrs. Plotner had suspected her husband
for several months and intimate friends
said fear that he was being led away from
her by Mrs. Qulnn caun?d her to worry
herself Into a condition of Irresponsibility.
, $2,621,938. St
Canltal stock Da Id In 3 2OO.O0O.O4
Surplus fund 60,000.04
Undivided profits, less ,
expenses ana taxes
naM fifl
KaHnnnl hank notes
nutnt&nriinir 200.000.04
Due to other na
tional banks $ 3i4.iM.7V
Due to state and pri
vate nanxs ana
k.nli,n . 82.918.83
Due to trust com
panies and savings
h.nir. 20.458.92
Individual d e posits
hiot in ohM-k 1.2&9.S60.11
Demand certificates
of deposit 11,736.4$
Time certificates of
deposit 164.206.72
Certified check 2,968.88
Cashier's cnecks out
standing ,
United States deposits 89,230.18
T a n a nil. nf IT H AUm
kr.inir nfriuri ... 69.985.37 2.016.492.67
Reserved for taxes.... 626.94
Total $2,521,938,30
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as:
I, W, E. Shepard, cashier of the above
lianlr ,1,, rklmnlv that the
above statement Is true to the best of my
knowieage ana mnti.
Subscribed and aworn to before me this
6th day or ueptemoer, imi.
Notary Public
Correct Attest :
YOUNG man wants a chance to learn
automobile trude; willing worker; 24 years
of ate; handy with tools. J-1U9, care Bee.
r 1
POSITION In shop In small town by an
all-around harnessmaker; capable of tak
ing chaise If dmlred; can cut or run ma
chine; married; strictly sober; must be per
manent. Audress Y ltM, care Bee.
WANTED A position with some good
firm or corporation, good education, ciuun
bttblta, of Hi and bumnesa experience, will
tug to work. Address J 165. Omaha Bee.
O'BRIEN'S chocolates are famous ever
where because they are the best. If Mrs.
lpiay, ltf No. 40th St., will come to The
Bee office within three days we will give
' ber an order for a 0-cent box of O'Brien's
candy free.
Oii'aha Uraln Exchange, wholesale doalers
(lain, hay. chop feed. Ill Brandeim.
ROBERTS DRAIN CO.. grata consign
ments kollciteu. gram bou tit to arrive,
lik Brandeia
WEEKS GRAIN CO, grain merchants;
oualKumtnts solicited- 'M Brandets.
THE Updike Oraln Co. Consignment
carefully bandied. OmaSa, Neb.
Ignuienla aolioliad. 417 brands!, Bota
(nan wbo U4s irled us."
Absolute Title Given The unallotted
lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Na
tions of the rive Civilised Tribes In Okla
homa, and not including the coal and tim
ber segregations, will be sold at publlo
auction tu the highest bidder at the fol
lowing terms, times and places at not less
than the minimum price stated In the ad
vertisement: Urady county, Chlckasha, 6t8
tracts, Si, 600 acres, November H, 8, 4. Ste
phens county, Duncan,- 7 tracts, 69.300
acres, November e, 7, 8; Jefferson county,
Ryan, 702 tracts, 49,400 acres, November 9.
10. 11; Love county. Marietta. 864 tracts.
75,600 acres, November 13, 14, 16, 16; Carter
county. Ardmore. 1.178 tracts. 93.300 acre,
November 17, 18, 2o, 21, &!. 23; Murray
county, Sulphur, 853 tracts, 26,000 acres,
November 24. 2a; Garvin county. Pauls Val
ley, 621 tracts, 39,du0 acres, November 27,
23, 29; McClaln county, Purcell, 255 tracts.
n.bou acres, uecember 1. 2; pontotoo county
Ada, jit) tracts, 45,300 acres, December 4,
6, 6: Johnson county, Tishomingo, 6t4 tracts,
39,200 acres, December 7, 8, ; Marshall
county, Madlll, 279 tracts, 18,600 acres, De
cember 11; Bryan county, Durant, 608
tracts, 26,100 acres, December 12, 13; Atoka
county. Atoka, 1,309 tracts, 124,000 acres.
December 14. 15. lt. 18. 19; Coal county.
Coalgate, 6ttt tracts, 64,600 acres, December
20, 21, 2.'; Hughes county, Calvin, 437 tracts.
50,700 acres, December 26. 27; Pittsburg
county, MoAlexter, 1,630 tracts, 167,100 acres.
December 28, a, 90, mil, January l, l; Has
kell county. Stlgler, 418 tracts, 30, auu acres,
January 8. 4; Latimer county. Wllburton,
111 u acts. 15.000 acres. January 6; Leflore
county, Poleau, 275 tracts, 21.800 acres, Jan
uary 6; Pushmataha county, Antlers, 641
tracts. 62.OU0 acres. Junuaiy 8, V. 10; Choc,
taw county. Hugo, 661 tracts. $7,600 acres
January 11, 12, 13; McCurtain county, Idabel
778 tracts. 64.600 acres. January 16. 16. 17
18. 1H12. Not more than 160 acres of agri
cultural and 640 acres of other lands will
be sold to one person in any one nation.
Agricultural lands are those having a mm
lmum valuation of $8.00 or more per acre.
Terms are 25 per cent at the time of sale.
26 per cent In twelve months and 60 per
cent in two years, witn per cent inter
est. Payments must be made In the form
of draft or certified check, payable to J
G. Wright, commissioner. Upon full pay
ment bring made at any time deed will
Issue. Immediately after approval of sale
certificate of purchase will Issue and poe-
sesvion be given, but cutting of timber or
dt'UUiiK or mining for minerals thereon
will not be Permitted until full payment of
; purchase price. Right Is reservea to re
ject any or all bids. For information ap
ply to the Commissioner to the Vive uivn
ized Tribes. Muskogee, Oklahoma, or any
of the District Aseuts aa to lands within
their respective districts. Lists of these
lands have been prepared by counties.
showing the terms of sale, the description
of the various tracts and minimum price
It will be impracticable to furnish each In
qulrer all of these lists and it Is suggested
that persons desiring such Information
specify the locality in wnicn tney are in
terested. Blueprints of the vsrlous coun
ties, showing the location of the land
to be sold, will be rurnisnea upon appiica
tlon to the undersigned upon the pay
ment of $.60 for each oounty. '.n the form
of draft or postal money eraer. J. u
Five Hundred More Enroll Than on
First Day La$t Year.
Congestion May noon Be Relieved by
the Opening of Borne Additions
Whlrh Are Now Being
viv hundrA more school children at
tended classes In Omaha yesterday than
were counted present on the first school
day of 1910. In all the schools counting
the high school there were 16,386. The fig
ures for 1910 were 15,833. At the high school
1,418 of the more than 1.000 students were
Only In the north part of the city are the
Hn.ia Mtinaifd and In those districts
.HitiAn. in helnn built. Lothrop and
Saratoga are the two worst crowded schools
and there seems to be no chance or reuei
asima nuDlls are transferred. In
Monmouth park district the pressure will
soon be relieved by the opening of a new
addltldn of eight rooms. The only school
hi the south part of the city which Is
badly crowded Is Windsor and that win
also have s new addition within a few
Many Woald Change Schools.
Th. rn. of the auoerlntendent of In
struction has been besieged for several
days by anxious parents and big brothers
and sisters who want their little ones
changed from one district to another. Many
a fond mother asserts with some asperity
tt her 4-vear-old la as smart as any
6-year-old and the Idea, that she should not
be sent to schoool (out of the way) Is pre
posterous. The limit of 6 years holds, how
ever, and children of 4 years are not ad
mitted to the kindergartens.
Real Estate Deal
Checked by Court
Joseph W. Plouzek Brings Action
Against Stephen A. Wait, Secur
ing an Injunction.
Frln ha was about to lote $1,600 In
vested In Texas real estate and profits of
$6,000 for the sale of the land, Joseph W.
Plousek started suit against Stephen E.
Wait, a real estate dealer, in district court
Wednesday. Judge George A. Day Issued
a temporary writ restraining Wait from
disposing of any property involved In the
deal or from filling out and disposing of
any blank deeds which he Is said to have
Induced Plousek to sign.
According to Plousek's petition, Walt sold
him a one-third Interest In 2,000 acres of
Texas land for $1,500 and then Induced him
to let him be agent and sell the property
at a profit. Plouzek said he signed a lot
of blank deeds and turned them over to
Walt. who. he believes, Is selling the prop
erty. Walt refuses to pay him his share
of the proceeds, he charges. He asks an,
The case will come up for hearing Mon
State Bankers Are
Planning Program
Successful Meeting Anticipated, with
Several Prominent Speakers
Date is Sept. 18 and 19.
Plans for the annual convention of the
Nebraska Bankers' association, which Is
to be held here on September 18 and 19, are
rapidly becoming shaped up. M. P. Barlow,
president of the local bankers' organiza
tion, held a consultation with Publicity
Manager Parrish of the Commercial club
and both will use every possible effort to
make the convention the most successful
of any ever held by the state bankers'
association. A number of prominent per
sons throughout the state have been asked
to speak and several of national promi
nence have already accepted.
Colonol Fred Farrsworth of New Tork,
who is general secretary of the National
Association of Bankers, will make an ad
dress and Virgil Harris of St. Louis has
also signified his Intention of coming. One
of the features of the convention will be a
speech by Attorney E. M. Martin, counsel
for the State Bankers' association, who will
choose for his subject, "The Banker and
the Married Woman." The subject Mr.
Harris will take will be "Eschew the
Gold, Silver and Bronse for the Win
ners ta the Interseholastle
Medals for, the Omaha high school boys
who took places In the lnterscholastlo meet
of last spring, arrived from the designer In
the east Wednesday. They are of a simple
and exceedingly pretty design and will
be priced by the athletes who won them.
Robert Wood gets two gold medals for
winning first in the 100-yard and 220-yard
dashes, and Vergil Rector gets a gold
medal for first In the pole vault.
The second class medals of silver go to
Dow, shot put; Rowley, 220-yard hurdles;
Wood, running broad jump; Rector, 'high
jump, and Millard. 440-yard run. The third
class bronze medals are for Colin, 440-yard
run; Lavldge, 120-yard hurdles, and Lud
wig, half mile run. The meet was held at
Lincoln May 19.
Althoagh Complete Flgnres Are Not
la, It la Expeetea Total Will
Reach Eight Thonannd.
Reaching a figure much higher than was
at first expected, the first new registra
tion Tuesday put about $.000 votes on the
list to start with. The books and records
are not all In yet, but In some districts
the registration was unusually heavy and
the average of the precinct records turned
In Is about 160: In the Fifth ward, which
Is complete, one district listed 270 men,
and the whole ward listed 972,
Man Shot la Jaw Will Be Cared for li
Jail Vatll Well Exploits
Are Many.
The police Informed Cpunty Attorney
English Wednesday morning that Piper Is
wanted at Elk Point. 8. D.. for cracking
a Wells-Fsrgo Express company ssfe and
for other crimes in Fort Dodge and Sioux
City. On account of Piper's condition the
county attorney said he believed he should
be cared for In the county hospital here
and kept under guard. If he were In good
health Mr. English said he should be tint
to Elk Point to face the safe-cracking
Railroad Mam Home After the Com'
pletloa of II in Task in the
Will McCune, son of J. W. McCune, laU
Blnney street, has returned to Omaha after
a stay of almost four years In Alaska,
where he has been employed as assistant
auditor in the construction of the Copper
River & Northwestern railroad, running
from Cordova to the Bonanza copper mine.
The road has been completed and opened
for traffic and the larger number of those
who were employed In its construction have
returned to the states. Mr. McCune pre
vious to taking the Alaska position was in
the auditing department of the Union Pa
cific headquarters here and for a year and
a half previous to going north was engaged
In the operation of a shingle mill in Wash
ington. He expects to relocate In Omaha
after a rest of a month or two.
Bishop Tihen is to
Speak in Omaha at
Prison Conference
Right Rev. J Henry Tihen, bishop of
Lincoln, will address the mass meeting of
the annual convention of the American
Prison association In Omaha the afternoon
of October 16. ' The bishop's acceptance
of the Invitation was received Wednesday
by Judge Lee 8. Estelle, chairman of the
committee of 100 to make preliminary ar
rangements for the prison convention,
which opens October 14. Bishop Tihen
thanks the committee for the honor of the
Invitation and says he accepts It gladly.
Tou can enter the Mooklovers' Contest
any time before Its close.
Wakefield' ti
D lack berry Balsam
Quickly it opt Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Cholera Infantum and all bowel trou
bles without constipation. No opium
nor other habit forming drugs. Accept
only Wakefield's. It cure after other
remedies fast. 8 So or a bottles for
$1.00. Everywhere.
The Excelsior Broke Both 3 and 5 Ilile
World's Records at Chicago on August 19th
I.' v
rr EE iltcJaiT Art
1 Cjtrsa lcaw
ill tthcT wtgtrT&
far behind. A I w a y I
foremost In quality, It
Is now the first high
prado machine to be
Dr. Lyon';
Tooth Powder
cleanses, preserves and beau
bfies the teeth and imparts
purity and fragrance to the
breath. Mothers should teach
the little ones its daily use.
Three In Less Than a Week and Two
Bays with None Is the
The dynasty of mayors of Omaha la In
a very chaotic stale. Saturday It was
James C. Dahlman who sat In the chair;
Sunday and Monday there was no mayor;
Tuesday W. S. Sheldon occupied the seat
of honor; Wednesday Judge Louts Berks
sat and smiled. Judge Berks, as president
of the city council, will probably bold the
job until Mayor Jim gets back from Poca-tello.
Cigar Merchant Meets with Accident
n Leave nwerth Street.
a Cohen, a cigar merchant living at 1208
North Twenty-fourth street, was hurled
Into the air for a distance of twenty feet
at o'clock this morning when a westbound
Leavenworth car crashed Into his wagon
at the 'intersection of Twenty-second
street. His left arm was dislocated and he
received injuries about the head which
might prove serious. He was taken In
charge by Dr. F. J. Schlerer. Tha delivery
wagon In which he was riding was demolished.
Til V, rrt. ..Jl .
"'b"1 fjmi. woman s nap.
piness is reached only through moth
erhood, in the clasping of her child
within her arms. Vet the mother-to-be
is often fearful of nature's ordeal
and shrinks from the suffering; inci
dent to its consummation. But for
nature's ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, and in Mother's
Friend is to be found a medicine of
great value to every expectant mother.
It is an oily emulsion for external
application, composed of ingredients
which act with beneficial snd sooth
ing effect on those portions of the
system Involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, in great part, the suffer
ing through which the mother usually
passes. The regular use of Mother's
Friend will repay any mother in the
comfort it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health and strength
it brings about after baby comes.
is for sale at
drur stores.
Write for our
ers which contains much valuable
Information, and many suggestions
f a helpful nature.
BXADfllU) UCUUT0 CO., Adnata, Ce-
jXrirt 1 "' sold at these remark-
Kty ; -l-iJL '' -flirl 9 1 2 model with all
'?r-JV ' '" -rj 'H-Cv Improvements and ex
I - s -r. &xiyyX. clU8lve Auto-Cycle fea-
tures for leas than you
could buy a 1911
model. And Excelsior
duality remains' undi
minished supreme as
S25 to S60 Below Former Prices
nansshSnBaBnasasssaan anvssssBSsa Bsnnansjasjaanssnsaaa BBSBsaBBBBSsSBBBBSBBnBBwnl (aBssnaBanBnBSsBnnBasssnsnsan ansasBBBsssSBsaBsssBBaBBma
Full value at Us former prices, the Excelsior is now the sensa
tion of the motorcycling world. Speedy and strong, it will stand all
sorts of wear and tear. It Is ever ready to go, In any weather, over
any sort of roads. And think of these reductions:
Excelsior Twin Cylinder, Magneto Model, formerly $810, now $230.
Excelsior Single Cylinder, Majrncto Model, formerly $2ft0, now $22.1.
Excelsior Single Cylinder, Unttery Model, formerly $223, now $200.
Exclusive 1912 Features
Low, comfortable saddle position. Low
engine position, giving low center of
gravity. Perfect carburatlon.. Au
tomatic oiling system. Shock absorb
ing spring fork. Vlbratlonless, silent
motor. Long wheel base. Perfect
belt transmission. Complete grip con
trol Large gasoline and oil capa
city In copper tanks. Perfect bal
ance. Any make of tires you want.
These are only a few exclusive Excel
sior features. Send today for full
Go for a Real Joy Ride
Go for a whizzing spin out Into the
fresh green country that will make
every bit of you tlnglo .with vim.
seat and joy.. Take your vacation
every dny and hit home feathers at
niKht. Take your wife, too, or Her.
As cheap to run as a bicycle as easy
to operate aa your fork and knife.
Taboo the street car with Its swel
tering mob get to work In a Jiffy.
Kvenings and Sundsys become one
glad Inrk. Be among the first to ride
a 1912 model own a machine thnt
will make you the envy of everyone.
Write today for Excelsior literature.
702 W. 22d St. EXCELSIOR SUPPLY CO. Chicago, Illinois,
Reliable Agents Wanted In All Open Territory.
A Piano for Everybody
Plain talk, plain terms and plain contracts that's what
you get when you come to the Hospe store. For many days
we haveibeen telling you about these used pianos, which to
all Intents and purposes are practically as good as new.
Our truthful talks have been Belling these pianos, and we have had to replenish our stock. Now
we offer some slightly-used instruments that are In every sense the best piano bargains In the
city. We want you to come see these pianos and to learn how low we are pricing them. We
know that you will agree with us that there are no such bargains anywhere in this state. Tou
have youngsters who need a musical training. Get one of these pianos for them and let them
thump it until they have mastered the primary detaflo. - Return the piano then and we will
give you full credit on a new piano for all yctT payments. Nothing that ytra buy here be
comes a burden; every pocketbook no matter how small can afford Hoepe pianos. There
ere pianos here, too, for rent, with scarf and stool, for $3.00 per month.
1813-1515 Douglas Street, Omaha. Branch Store 407 Broadway, Council Blnffs, I.
Western Representatives "Wcndertone" Mason as Hamlin Pianos.
Distilled From Advertising Experience
To our every client our business ad-
vice is the most valuable service we
render. ,
Many can point to some single idea
which has proved itself worth more
than all our commissions.
And a single suggestion, quite a num
ber of times, has netted some client
over one million dollars.
This business of ours, while called
merely advertising, really involves the
whole science of making money.
And our lives are too short to learn
all this without gleaning from others'
Our ability to warn, to suggest and
accomplish, results from a rare experi
ence. For a good many years we have been
selling advisers to leaders in a thousand
With them we have met the count
less problems of selling. We have seen
them solved, both rightly and wrongly,
in good many different ways.
We have watched the outcome of
every solution. Every mistake and sue-.
cess has been analyzed.
Where most men learn from one busi
ness experience we have learned from a
thousand. And the lessons are all re
corded. For about every selling question that
ever comes up, the very best answer
men ever obtained is found in our
Books of Experience.
From our wealth of experience we've
evolved a new science, called Strategy
in Advertising. It consists of countless
ideas which men have found profitable,
distilled into accurate rules.
It solves the best way to get wide dis
tribution, to avoid substitution, to
meet hard competition.
It shows how to do quickly what once
took years how to do cheaply, what
once was expensive how to do safely
what once involved risk.
It has made an exact science of ad
vertising, as nearly as seems to' be pos
sible. It has formed the foundation rf
all our recent successes.
We have now, for the first time, put
these ideas into print. And the book
that results is our greatest contribu
tion to advertising.
No bright man can read it without
adding to his powers.
Any man with a selling problem is
welcome to this book. And every such
man should have it. Our benefit will
lie in the higher conception it conveys
of this Agency's efficiency.
Cut out this reminder j put it in your
pocket. Then, when convenient, write
us for the book.
There lies the value the utter need
of efficient help in selling.
Mere advertising mere force of at
tack rarely wins out under modern
conditions. It can never win out
gainst Strategy.
Advertising must be. aided by many
clever maneuvers. It must be backed
by right methods and policies.
A Reminder
to write Lord & Thomas,.
Trude Building, Chicago, for
their latest book, "Real
290 Fifth Avenue. NEW YORK
132 North Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO