if' WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to insure proper rlaBlflratlon mast prr(ntel heforn 12 o'clock tn. for th evening edition and before 7:30 for morn ntf and Sunday editions. Want arts rereUed after such hours will hare their first Insertion under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." pakh rtATFS ron WANT ADS. REGt'LAR CLASSIFICATION' One InMrtJnn I U renia ner WOM ana 1 cent per word for each subsequent In tertlon. Each Insertion made on odd day 14 renu per word. $1.60 per line per month. Rates apply to either The Dally or Sunday Bee. Alwaya count tlx word to a line. Want ada for The Bee may be left t any of the following drng stores one la your "corner druiritlst" they are all branch office for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Bee building, Seventeenth and Karnam streets: Alnseh. W. C , 40th and Fsrnsm. Bn'im Drug Co., 231 N. loth bt. Beranek S. A., 1402 S Itth Bt Penson Phsrmscy. Benson. Ne" Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming, i Btsk-BnHlh. '-""2 Sherman Ave. I Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Ceughlln C. K . 47.6 Lea venworth. Cnsm-v Pharrr.acv, ?4'h and Lake. ' Cooney Phsrmacv. H. lth 6t. Cermak. F.mll. 12M-8 8 13th St. ; Ehler & Co.. 2 Leavenworth. Foiter A Arnold!. 21S N. 2Rth i Bt ! Freytss:. J. J . 1914 N 24th Pt. , FreKjter Drug Co.. 1W2 N. 16th St Florence Drug enmpanv. "lnrenre. pien. ! Green Pharmary. Park Ave,, and Pacific. Greenouph A Co.. 1Kb 8 10th bt-. r;reerouKh A Co , Kth and Hickory. Co'dman pharmacy. 241 h ami Leaven j worth. . .lohancon Drue Co. 21th and Spauldlng. Hanscnm Paik Pharmacy, 1501 8. 29th Ave. Mir.Urloric L'ru' Co.. 31st Ave. and Far Bam St Knlfl. .Foh'i. .'.'4 N. ICth St. Huff, A. Li. 2924 Leavenworth. Kin. H. P.. 24 th nnd Farnam. Hon.lzo Place Pharmacy. 2 02 N. -Iln St ! illiri". Pharmacy, 24th and Hamilton. Vai.. Kred L. 2ul1 Central Blvd ' (. nn.iuth Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming Pan irk Drug Co., 102 N. 24th ft. Saratoga Druu Co.. 24(h and Ames Ava 8f heeler's Cut Price store, ifith & Chicago. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. LOOGB NOTICE. All members of Union Pacific lodge No 17 are requested to attend the funeral of Brother John McMillan, who died Septem ber 2 1911. Funeral from his home.- llo3 North Nineteenth street.. Minday Tying. September 4. at 8:30. Services ai Holy Family church. Eighteenth and Izard, at a m. Burial will be In St. Marys cemetery. P. H. GUIRK. C. H. RILEY, Master Workman. Recorder. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, takSr", cmbainier. 1S14 ChicagS Bt. D. 16o!. B-loia. HEAFEY & HE. A KEY Undertaktro. have niovu to tneir new building, 2oll Fainam bt. I'bouo Harney Zo5, Inu. A-2i. MONEY 5 TO LOAN LOW KAliu, la sums to Ult. 810 Bee BldK. Phone Doug. zwi. LNiu. LOAN CO. FOR caaa of BlaU Beer Tel. Doug. 10(0. n r- i discount on framing. New lot at y StY, framed pictures suitable tor home v nd 'aen aeoorauona at reduced pi Icum. umaha Art A Frame Co.. 707 B. Ibta. GALVANIZED steel and wood lawn swings. Challenge CO., i tarnam 8u Tel. Tyler loot. MYERS' news stand removed from 1610 to lill Farnam. MOVING picture machines; auppliea. Nebraska Film Co., uis farnam. M. F. Morrill, china decorator, 33 Bran dcis Theater. Cinders Free Call; at 2vih& Center Omaha Gas Co. VII ( ITH K.riV bchliu AUas. Full cigars. Cafe In connection, ill a. li.a bb ' LOMATCH, tools, blackemllhing, 6tn and L venworth. WE are now located at 2U6 Paxton block. G. Ruffner Tailoring Co. RS. Chambers, China Painting. 815 City ..aa.onai. 6EL1COW, Ladles' Tailor. H. 2047. 2S66 Farnam. COOL and pleasant evenlnga at Rome vineyard. OFFICE STATIONERY fir 'KOTEKA 6i LEARV CO. Tel. Douaia 1660. 'No uurebs. ilti 6. ta bt. Missouri Filter Mfg. Co., Ut S. 14. D. 4714. BLEND-O-BSbX, 100 cotlM, at Urana Union lea Co. ! UPHOLbTEKlNG. plaao, Furn. Rep. m4 ,Iu nun. .' 1 1 I WHEN your safety rsjor blades need ' Jetarpnlng. remember the Kutrlte Co 'M J jl.imga Bldg. 1! DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas (U. BARGAINS. N. loin 6L meats and arocerlea 310 '. AMERICAN SELF RENOVATING CO. H. 3 .43 i 1.000 LETTER HEADS (good bond paper), aud billheads. l.UU) business cards, 31.o0 per il.CiuO. Estimate and samples furnished. ither printing. Tltard Printing Co.. Omaha oni. Cot. Bldg.. lth and Farnam. Red 6668. SEE Belohlavek for new Jewelry. 3412 bt. SEE Wolfe's Jewelry first. City Natl an. OMAHA Ice Cream Cone Co.. D. a03. Linotype composition for trade. Doug. 2lii Miss Bolen, ladles' tailor. 303 Boston store. .TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HUMt f UHMl UKB CO.. waaty-ftfurth aiid L 8U.. bouth Omaha. FR08T, manufactures and repairs ve loles. 1408-1413 Leavenworth. FULLER A JOHNSON, gasoline enzinea 1114 Farnam. ! NATIONAL Metal Polish Distribution Co. silverware, mirrors, cut glass, it Urandsia ! heater. Jf.hfiaan Phirmiuv. Dura druci- 2JMh nA ' .'"arnam. BOILER REPAIRS f.h "maha Structural Steel Work a W. a. Heaton. American furnaces. H. 1644. Veddmg announcaments, Douglas Print. Co. , YOU'LL alwaya be happy If your waaaing leg comee front Brodeaaard s. Us a. lata H. At the a-ga of tbe aul MAGOARD Van A Btorage. Pack, movn, tor Jd ship M. H. good". D. lo. B-3sa. COLFAX WATER. 12 esse; ginger ala oot bear. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. ' GCHAEFER'3) Cut Price Drug Store, ig an is Penaiar family Kauiediea. 16th an J Jcjiaiaa. ; NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1303 Jones bt.. t doth phones. 1. F. O Leary for SHOES. 413 N. 21 So. O. Painting, pa per hanging. Bristol. 8. 1308. ANNOUNCEMENTS Continued.) Etevcnson, carpenter, contractor. Both Ph's ALBERT CAIIN 6HinT6 TO MEASURE. 1322 FA UK AM ST. Weitern Umbrella Co.. 1S22 Farnam. 6. H. Cole Sign Co. D. Kl 1311 Farnam. C. Wllg A Eon. Furnaces. Tel. D. 3661. EDISON phonographs and records. Sbulu Bros., 1408 Farnam. MON6GN. W3 Park Ave. H. 6230. A. 141. 120 6. 13th First-class shave and haircut GOLD AND SILVER PLATING, gas fxtures, brass bed stove trimmings and tableware replated a new. OMAHA P LATINO CO.. Established WWi. Doug. 2636. Harney. IZARD A NELSON, scientific horse hoera, 1511. Davenport GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. Ceaady Co.. 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, SMOKE COSTELLO'8 Omaha Cut Plug. M N. 16th eL STAMMERING institute. Julia, Vaughn, Ramge Bldg. Omaha Furniture Repair Works. D. 1481. EVERY person knows who D. J. O Br.en Is because he has made Omaha famous with his canay. If Mrs. Anna Fitch. 40t N. 21.st St win come to The Bee office within three days t will give her an order for a eu-cent box of O Brien 8 candy free. AUTOMOBILES NEW and alight. y need. Call M Braadeia Bik. AutomaUo Phone Bus's. 12; residence. 81 KUNDE. 711 bo- Mth. repairs auta radi- slots auu lamps. bEE Hie i-yon, 434 UrandeU Bldg. Pffl'or Aut- earrings painting, Repair IT lelltei .,. Ltavenworth Street ivJU'ri repaired, piated. Omaha bi.ver Co. HVji passenger Maxwell touring car, tUM. lei. Douglas oi-a, Demeen s ana l l m. nia reduction In prices on new and used motorcycles. Fletcher Motorcycle co. TAKE me out to the ball game! If J Kiel, 3171 So. 13th St., will come to The tsea office within three flays we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. BUSINESS CHANCES to liET in or out of buaineasv eui na GANGsitt-Ai. 0t xteo iilug. Atu. L. 3W1. AutomaUo Phone Bus's, Ui residence, U tiKOCEttl' a.a mvai intu-aet, u Bran- deis. FOR SALE or trade. A amall restaurant doing a good oumnea; wouia traae lor a rooming iiouse. in 11eu.11.11 ins reason lor selling. AOdreeS V Xm. care of iieo. GROCERY and meat market; good loca tion. H 127, Bee. Conlection'y A lunch room. 40 A Cum. H.6238 PARTNER with 85.0H0 cash to nut Into a big paying legitimate business in good mountain town; best reference. Address C 43, Bee. FOR CASH an exceptionally fine stock; of groceries. Doing very prosperous busi ness. Located tn nest business town la state. Must sell account health. E. Lt, Drawing, 440 W. 8th bt., 1'remont. Nab. BLATZ Private Stock Beer. Tel. D. lulu. FOR SALE Lease and furniture Paolflo hotel, juarysvnio. Omu. Aaaress jaiues Henry, Prop. 14TH BT. . BUSINESS and REAL E8 TATtt EXCHANGE CO., Hardware. Gro cers, rlotui. rooi rvuoms, Baroer buou. oa- loons, etc., xor saie. eomt gooa bargains in rea eataia. iii stouta iu tu ga lioo,, r joins i and . Eu tioihety, sTea. FOR SALE. One of the best saloon businesses and two-story frame building, situated on the corner of Pine and Front streets. Grand Island, Neb., size of lot 2ox71. This build ing lias been used and la now as a saloon tor the pant in years, saloon fixtures with large sate and cash register Included with the building, iso tair oner refused. Possession given to purchaser May 1, Apply to JAMES CLEART, Agent. Grand Island, Neb., or WM. KEARNEY, Owner, 40 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago, 111. RESTAURANT for sale, or will trade for team or small automobile or runabout; It's a bargain. Address "T." Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. CLOTHING and furnishing store for sale, 2523 j bt., boutn Omaha, or Helphard, 314 N. loth. FIRST-CLASS moving picture show, complete, doing good business; good build ing, long leata and cheap rent. 'Pboue Douglas 33U1. FOR SALE. All or one-half Interest In established, well located real estate and Insurance busi ness. Reasons for selling Is other business. Answer today. Address P 151, Bee. GOOD location for doctor at Ceres co. Neb.; Swede preferred; terms easy. Dr. R. C. Christie, Ceresco, Neb. WANTED A territory salesman for the best proposition In the land. None but a top-notcher need apply. C 163, Bee. i i FOR SALE The only hardware business in town ot Proaser. Neb. Invoices aouui I3.20o.00. Reasonable discount for quick tale. Purchaser can either buy or rent store building. Address Mrs. L. Moore, PiOfcser, Neb. 86.600.00 Implement stock, N. E. Nebraska, no trades. Address Y loS, Omaha Bee. 80 ACRES good, clear land and cash tor a good cigar store or pool hall. Box 476, City. PARTNER WANTED Lady or gentle- xxAa with a small capital to invest in an educational-proieelonal enterprise under reputable direction. In Omaha. References given and required. H L7, Bee. WANTED to buy, cigar store or pool hall In good location. Box 476, City. WANTED A young man who has 11.000 to Sl.auO to invest in a good paying ousmes and can devote hi time to same on a good salary as assistant In office. E 194. Bee. Hsonlsg Hoaaea. MODERN, 13-room. rooming nouse, cheap; In desirable part of city. Close in. Phone Doug. 4440. BEAUTIFULLY furnished l-room house apartment; splendid location; walking dis tance. Phone Red 6034. FOR SALE Transient rooming house. Doing good business. Must sell account sickness. 617 So. lath. Tel. D-6224. TAKE a boat ride at Lake Manawa. We will give a pair ef round trip tickets to F Fogarty, 2007 Binney St. if he will come to The Be office within three days. BUSINESS PERSONALS Amusements. STAR roller skating under big tent; moat popular amusement; 22d and Paul; maple floor; Richardson skates; instructor tor ladies; evening aeasion, 7.30 to 10.30; ladies free, gents. l'c admission; skates 26c; good order and music. Architects. ARCHITECT H. A. RAAPKE. 1323 City Nat 1 Bank. Artesian Welle. L. E. NEBERGALL. 1011-U City Nat V Attorneys. Geo. W. Shields, attorney. .327 B. of Trade. LISTON L. HALL. LAWYER, 426. Bee Bag Mannfactnrara. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO, Omaha, Neb. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued ) THE ONLT WAV Baa-rag checked to destination Taxi- cabs anl touring oars. Tel. Luug. 295. Boxes and Package Miiatartirrn, WOODEN BOX A PACKAGE CO.. 1647 North 16th. Butldlasr aa4 Loam Associations. NEBRASKA Savings A Loan Association has never paid lea than s per cent divi dends. Investments from $1 to 16.000 re ceived. 1606 Farnam Bt.. Omaha. Boelnoes Stenographers. KELLET'8 steno. Brandels The. D. Msl STENOGRAPHY. Anna Redmond, liar Grand hotel. - Cklronodlst, lanlcurmr. dresalng. hair goods. City Nau Bk.. D. 2331 Clothlngr. DRE8B well, we trust you. C per week on suit. Ridgley Clothing. SPECIAL bargains, ladles furnishings. tn s. ibta. H PRICE clothing sale. N. 16th. Helphand, 314 Coal Dealer. ' POWERS-HI ATET COAX. Ca Tel. D. s. JENSEN, coal and teed. fcOg Leavenworth. COAL At cut prices. ALL KINDS. We save you 60c to $1.60 per ton. "The Horns of uuamv urnai ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO.. 1J23 NICHOLAS BT. BOTH 'PHONES. SUTTER Feed A Coal Co. 2S62 Farnam. II. 64s. UPDIKE "Quality Tard." 46U and Dodge. H. 737. REEDER COOKING COAL. M.80. Charles A. Weaterfield. both Phonos. Collection Agencies. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO. First National bank. Tel. D. 3ML KU-23 Creameries and Sappllea. DOUG Co. Milk Producers' Ass'n. D. 3415. URLAU A CO.. wholesale imported cheese, ooia pnuuu. FAIRMONTS Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO MP ANT. Daaelag Academies. PSOT. MACKIE. from the east, will nrmn a dancing academy In Fraternity hall. Utij and Haruey, oopiemunr , an utturoom and society dancing taught. For further In. formation aee uie yruieasur nan. unttlND'B, 15th A Harney. Danolne tons Monday and Friday, 8 p.m. Both phones Dentists. BAILEY, tha Dentist.. 708 City Natl. D 3564 Tatt's dental rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2181 MACH A MACH, 8d floor Paxton. D. 10ai DR FICKE8. 724-6 City Nat l Bank Bldg. DR. H- A. FOSTER. 16th and Douglas. DR. DAILEY. 601 Brandels Bldg. D. 3725. DR. HAYES GSANTNER, over Mer chant' 0 Drug store. DR. ELSTER. 602 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Detectives. OMAHA Secret Service Detective aa-ancy. too., bonded. a-S Paxton Blk. D. uu, A.-1313 CAPT. T. CORMACK, 817 KARBACU Ulg, JAS. ALLAN. NavlUa Blk. Tel. Tylar Lx Dressmaking;. DRESSMAklNG and plain gawlas. 80 So. zist Bt. LULU SCOTT, 3937 Franklin. W. 4553 B-3JS1 WOLFF, ladles' tailoring. 620-23 Bee Bldg. Mattlaon, Modiste. Doug. 4603. 3410 8. 10th. LADIES' Tailoring. Eng. Tall. Co. 1401 Mo. X4tn. MISS GUS8IE PETERSON, alteration of ladies suns. oubiuu otore tfidg. Druggists. REX drug store. 16th and California. Everything Electrical. Johnston Electric Co., 411 S. loth. r. 456. POTH ELECTRIC CO.. repairing dyna mos ana iuolui - u. obsi. LE BRON, expert chiiiists. 413 So. Llth. electriclana. HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 8393; 815 8. 14th. CENTRAL Electric Co.; newest fixtures D. 2368. reed Mills nnd Stores. FEED, all kinds. Glencoe Mills. 233 Isard Florists. A. DONAHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. A-100L JENSEN. FLORIST. 4613 Leavenworth, HEbS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam bL L. HENDERSON, 161 Farnam. D. 1368. STEWART'S. Florist A Seedmen. 16th St. 11 N. CHAS. EDERER. Bristol. W 1796. Florist. SOta and Floor Mad tn Omaha. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Flour. Flour, 31-10 per sack. Wagnsr. 801 N. ISth. Fnrnaoaa and Steve Repairs, IS YOURFURNACE Steam pr Hot Water Heater ready? Tele- pnone us tor tree inspection. Mew fur naces, Tank Heaters and Thermostats. ljougias nu. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. A-36U. Uu-13us Douglas SL Pan, WESTERN FUR Co.. repairs, remodel ing, um yernara. Groeera. VI ZZARD groceries and meats. 301 Man. aorson. AHA MO COFFEE lib. tins Sue Ask your grocer. SELGREN, groceries: and meats. 4603-4 N. 80th. Chapman s Meat Market. 3408 Cuming. Harneee, Saddlery, Leather Goods. KINNEY A SON harness dealer. A work done by hand. 33 N. 14th 6k HANDMADE harness, reduced price for fall trade. Frank cuber, guo cumlng. WICHERT, harness and leather goods. 120 8. lain. Harness, Saddlery, Leather Goods. HARNESS and leather. 8tock Yards Sad dlery Co . 314 N. 2atb. FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Cor nteh A Co.. 1210 Farnam. Write for cata logue. Hat Factories. FALL hats now ready. High grade. IX Omaha Hat ractory. ui-ua bo. ma. Hospitals. SWEDISH MISSION HOSPITAL, phones. 37u N. 3ilh SL Both BUSINESS PERSONALS Hospitals C WIFE MEMORIAL mtlnaed. HOSPITAL. 24th and Harney. BETHANY HOSPITAL, Dr. Nystrom. surgeon. Both phones. laiarasfe, H. S. BYRNE, surety bonds. Insurance. Tel. D. 1320, Ind. A-1503. 6 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. ALF. C. KENNEDY. Fire and Tornado Insurance. 209 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Dougi laa 732. JOHN DALE I SON. general lnsuranoa. 810 Ramge Bldg. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. GET your bargains at Reynolds' Cut Rate Jewelry Store. W6 So. 16th. Lanndrlee. BARTONS. 1820 Capitol avenue, ortum, suits 600. cleaned 31. Press- FRENCH HAND LAUNDRY. Tel. (34. H. Lumber. H. GROSS Lumber A Wrecking Co. Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam fitting. 21st and Paul. Webster 2&4. Millinery. PENNELL. Millinery. R 3. Paxton Block. MOURNING hats and veils for rent 31 a day. Mrs. H. U. Eck. 1760 Leavenworth 8t D. 6024. LATEST fall millinery. May me Rauber, 1424 So. 16th. LATEST styla millinery. 630 8. 16th. Monuments. I 3. F. Bloom A Co. Monuments. 17th and Cuming Sts. Mirrors nnd Mltered Glaaa. Nelson-Ryder Glass Co.. 1606 Cuming. Moving;, Storage and Cleaning. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; lurnlture packing; fireproof storage. City office, 316 6. 17th. Doug. 3m; Ind. B-134. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO.. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 8. 16th; 303 S. 17th. Doug. 4161. Cole Express A Storsge Co. 1518 Capitol Ave. Both phones. Twin City Express. 1314 Howard. Both Tel. VERNOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co., fireproof storage, household goods, pianoa end baggage moved, packed and shipped. Warehouse, 1508 Burt St., Tyler 1118. Office 7th and Leavenworth. D. 215S. Ma sic. Art nnd Lasgaagcs, LUCY M. MILLER, solo violinist, teacher. Web. 1346. ROGERS big hit dance. Orchestra prices. Reasonable. JLI Douglas 66 in or R-462a. H. J. BOCK, singing and piano. Dav- ldge Blk. Opticians, GREGG OPTICAL CO., 1711 Doua-laa St Tire-Not lenses for weary eyes. B. F. WURN, eyeglaas repalrlna. ui Brandels Bldg. i Oateopnthy. Alice Johnson. SOS- Brandels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nlkolaa. 634-6 Brandela Theater. ' v Patents. HIRAM A. STURGES, patent lawyer. United States and foreign patents, trade marks and copyrights. 26 years' experience. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 349. 4 D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tab Red-7117. wil.LARD EDDY. U. 8. Pat. Offlu r,r. clal solicitor. 1630 City Nat. Bank. Tyler 1530. Photographers. LUMIERE Studio. 818-20-23 South ISth. D. 3004. RINEHART. photograpner. 13th A Farnam. REMBRANDT Studio, portrait artist". 20th and Farnam. Physicians. Dr. E. Lawrence, 713 O. Nat. Bank. D1083. Dr. Q. Wilkinson, eye, ear, throat. Crelghton Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 314 So. 14th. Plumbing. GOOD PLUMBING CO. D. ms. Red an. OMAHA Plumbing Co., 2613 Sherman Ave, PLUMBING. Call Wessman. H. 30M1, A-so27 PLUMBING & HEATINGF'ch REPAIR WORK. 708 Jackson SL D. 1477, H. B. Miller, mod, plumbing, 34th A Lake. ....r,,ss a Ohye. Practical i.ii,,. Pbonea 'lyler 1377. A-1SJ6. r tr PXI.PE. plumbing and hearing in Howard ei. " a-siu. DUNDEE Plumbing Co.. 40th and Far. nam. Printing. f a zrt n& Index cooking recelnta Em them at Corey A McKensie Printing Co., printers, siauoiieis uu vno supplies, Harney, iei. XM. Printing Co., 2304 Cuming. D. 6847, HARRY LEDYARD. Printer, 318 8. 19th. Lew W. Raber, Printer dXTux BEE BUKi., t.N i rtAINln. UN COURT. PHONE IND. A-2620 for good printing Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th A Capitol Ava R1EB-HALL Ptg Co.. 10 S. 14th. Ind. A-JM4 TIMES Printing Co.. 330 S. 19th. D. Ilit Keetaaurante. crrtmrvRER 16TH tho Chesapeake Res. taura.nL l&ue-li Howard St., will be changed - ' nil .n'. a , a . (J Ue,U10 V - -.- 1 ... , manugemenu Popular prices. Headquarters for the theatrical proisjuu. VINCENT CAFE, under new manage ment; best DO meei. ow a. cruu DL EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING ARXINb- sis' S. ltfUi. UPSXAIRa. U & RESTAURANT, best 16o and 3oo meala prepared. 1610 Podge. KUENNE'S BAKERY lunch room, too block. GET THE HABIT. Eat at Uneeda, Capitol Ave. Belmont quality A quantity. 161S Dodge. DRINKS and tine lunches. 733 South sth St BAXTER'S fins quick lunch. 1615 Farnam. NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. Best lunch. 212 North 16th sireet. THE MODEL restaurant; best service. 160b Howard St LUNCHES and drink a w. C UOs Farnam. Reno. WHITE HOUSE CAFE, first -class, popu lar prices. N. Koch. Prop. 313 So. 16th. BAUER' 8 CAFE, best In city. 114 B. lath. DOUGLAS CAFE. 108 8. 14. Best 30c meal. YOKOHAMA Restaurant; best 15c meal. C7 N. 16th 6t DREXEL Cafe. Popular priced meala. 630 N. loth. BALTIMORE CAFE; every thing tn sea son; beat service; good cooking. 714 N. loth. HOME cooking: restaurant 103 8. 13th. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued) Srkool Supplies. PTOTT STATIONERY CO. school sup plis. 417 No. 24th, South Omsha. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 107 Farnam. Books bought, sold, exchanged. 313 So 14th Shoemakers and attain Parlor. TONY ROSSITTO, shoe repairing. 40th and Cuming. F. HANSEN, shoemsker. 3813 Leaven worth. First-class repairing. LADIES' ana gents' shine parlor, 320 & Utb St. tore and Offloe rixtnree. T. H. WEIRICK Fixture Co.. high (Trade mill work. Web. f77. 1308-17 N. 24th St. Tailoring. FOR fall suits sea A. Kodym. 1C1 Harnty. R. A. Williams, clothes altered. 2 A Lake CLEANING, repairing miaflt adits. 312 50, 211H 8. 14th. Ladles', genu' tailoring. Pregler. 3908 Far. SAMUEL A RICHLIN. tailors. 113 So. 14th. Both phones. HAVE Tailor Beck maka your fall suit. Tents nnd Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 883 Douglas. Trunks, Snltcaaes, Leather Goods. Factory prices, Frellng A Steinle, lSt3 Far. Turkish Baths. TURKISH BATHS Men and women at tendants. 16th and Douglas. Umbrellas. WESTERN Umbrella Co., 1822 Farnam. Wig Mannfactnrera. D S. GRIFFITH, wig manufacturer, Frenzer Bik. 13 Wines and Liquors. CACKLEY BROS., wines and liquors. BLATZ PRIVATE STOCK bottled beer pronounced by experts purest beer In America. Tel. D. lOiL SPECIAL offer: "American Gold," de licious oM whisky; reegular 3126 qt., toe; express paid on 4 qts. Hiller Liquor Co., IJMt Farnam. FINE liquors and lunches, 8th and Leav enworth Sts. MAY. A CO., family liquors, 1303 Douglas. J. P. BOND, fancy drinks, home cooking. 623 8. 13tb St. CTT6ICK BROS.. lOtn and Amen, Liquors and cigars. C. ENGELLANDER, fine liquors, cigars. 1613 Dodge. CHARLES A. LEWIS. Orpheum Buffet 1609 Harney. T. J. HART, liquors and cigars. 603 N. 16th 6t. CHARLES LOFTMAN, 6-year-old whisky 10c a drink. WTT T tWtT COOTVTflO k.es IIaiiah l0aea sandwiches. ALalX JETES. 1303 Douglas. EDELWEIS beer, choice liquors and cigars. Ind. tel., 3325. & G. Munson, 3o2 N. Wth. EVERY Derson knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because h has made Omaha- famous with his candy. If Mrs. W. O. Jensen, 2721 Spauldlng St., will coma to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. EDUCATIONAL ST. JOHN BERCHMAN'S ACADEMY A DAY SCHOOL. YT.J-. . k A I h. B1,,A, rtf XCffV-V. offers strong courses of study In prepara tory, Intermediate and academic depart ments. To satisfy the demands of patrons tin excellent ftiuuciKaucu i. .uwfu- Language, Art, Muaio, Fancy Work and Elocution receive special attention. Boys under io years are aamutre. Term opens September 5. 1911. For further Information apply to tha DIRECTRESS, 27th and St. Mary's Ave., Omaha. Nab. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WE8T." Day and evening sessions all the year. Rhnrthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping. Agriculture. Civil 8ervlce, Salesmanship. 2. a. zartman, xres.. .imn ana r arnsm. THE FALL TERM OF B0YLES COLLEGE opens MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. DAY AND NIGHT. complete com t-- ., Ing, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmansnip. mi ixniusui is reauy and free for the asking. Call, write or phone for lt at once. Address H. U. Boyles. president. Boylea College Building, Omaha, Neb. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL Shorthand, typewriting, business prac tice; everything a stenograhper should know, lone C. Duffy, Proprietor: Elizabeth Van Sant, Principal, Corner Eighteenth and Farnam Streets. Omaha. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COL LEGE Fine new building; all business branches taught. Our graduates are in de numd. Enter at' any time. Get our catalog, MOSHER A LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Sis.. Omaha. Y. M. C. A. night school opens Sept 11. TUTORING First to eighth grade. H. 3644 6T. BERCHMAN'S DAY ACADEMY for young ladiea. 27th and St Mary's Ave. BE A BOOSTER for the national game of base ball. It Emil Thompson, 1&23 Leavenworth St, will come to The Bee ottice within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball gams at Rourke park. EVERYTHING FUR WOMEN NOVELTIES. pleaUng. colored button 300 Douglas Blk. LOOK Berlin cleaning and pressing. 3313 Harney. ' ECLISPE HAND LAUNDRY 1623 North 34th. Phone Web. 4337. All work strictly done by hand. WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new feathers. aj a. UOl D. Vjg. T 4 TMTTS1 white hata cleaned and block' LiAUlXAJ ed, Ramser, Hatter. 2i0 8. 14ih L LIEFF, S1S9 Farnam. Harney 6410. Ladiea' Tailor. Now ready for fall season. T ATTnYRYExPrt h"-t and waist Iron JiA U iN LX A M- ju6 N. 36lh. Web. W7o RUBBER goods. The Bell Drug Co. 1318 Farnam 6WITCHES from combings. Katharine Glblln. 828 City National bank. PTTTfTATNSL aundered. atu VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THE WARDROBE. 3016 FARNAM. Doug. 172s. DEFIANCE STARCH has no equal. FIRST CLASS '?. TAKE a boat ride at Laks Manawa. We will give a pair of round trip tickets to Mary Clark. 1910 So 19th St . upstairs. If sne win coma to Tne Bee oince within three daya HELP WANTEDFEMALE Clerical nnd Office. STENOGRAPHER, one with office ex perience Good salary Address In own handwriting, stating expenenca. D-183, care see. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Offleo Cont a. STENOGRAPHER, $50.00. Bookkeeper and Stenographer, $5.00. Co-Operative Reference Co., 1015 City National Bank Bldg. Factory and Traaea. GOOD tailoress for coat a and skirts. V S. lth St., upstairs. FIFEEN girls at once to work In Bag Departments. Benus Omaha Bag Co., 11th A Jones Sts. WANTFD SEWING GIRLS TO WORK ON" OVERALLS APPLY AT ONCE TO BYRNE HAMMER D O. CO. FAC TORY, 9TH AND HOWARD STS. WANTED SEWING GIRLS TO WORK ON OVERALLS APPLY AT ONCE TO BYRNE gr HAMMER D O. CO. FAC TORY 35TH AND N 8T-. SOUTH OMAHA Uoasekeepere and Domestics THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM FOLVED The bee will run your Jomesue Help Wsnted ad FREE until you gat ta desired results. Bring our ad lu 'hi bee utfice or televnou lyler W WANTED A girl or an elderly woman. 610 8. 36th Ave. GIRL wanted for general housework; two In family. 1120 8. 28th 6t. GOOD lady clothes lroner; good wages; steady work. 2907 Leavenworth WANTED Girl for general bouaework- 401 So. 42d St. WANTED Neat, competent girl for housework; no washing. Apply at Mrs. E. W. Getten's, 3403 Harney. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework In small family, no children. S14 N. S3d St Tel. Harney 5061. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apartment No. 27. Rollln Apartments, 16th and Yates. Take Sherman Ave. car. YOUNG girl wanted to help with house work; small family; apply at once. 2719 Davenport. A GIRL about 15 years of age to assist with housework. 603 N. 31st. WANTED Good German girl for general housework; no wsshing; small fsmlly. Tel. Harney 1602. WANTED A girl for general houfework; mall family; good wages. 1328 S. 30th Ave. Harney 320L A GIRL for general housework; no cook ing. 1918 Farnam. GOOD girl for general housework, amall family, good wages. 1024 Park Ave. GIRL for general housework; good home for party. 116 6. 42d St. Tel. Harney 2704. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework and ohlldren. 2010 S. Central Blvd. Douglas 6467. WANTED A girl for general housework: small family; good wages. 606 Park Ave. small family. Mrs. J. Rayman, 624 N. 22d bt- DOUglaS 4917. WANTED An expenenced second girl. 403 So. 38th Ave. AN experienced white sirl for second work. Mrs. Miller, 4823 Florence Blvd. WANTED An experienced girl for sren- eral housework. Apply Mrs. T. P. Red mond. 1021 8a 30th Ave. WANTED A girl that Is well acquainted In the city, and Is a good talker, to dis tribute samples and solicit customers., 631 Psxton Blk. , WANTED A a-ood. reliable, exnerieneed woman as second cook. Apply In person at once, tiw in en. scnooi lor tne Dear, 46th ana Beaiora Ave. MIDDLE-AGED woman to assist ' In household and take care of two old people; a good home for the right person. Apply by postal card, stating expectations and refer ence, to 8 163, Bee office. GIRL for general housework; no wash ing. 608 a 29th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family; good wages. 304 S. 38th St. GIRL or elderly woman for general housework. 610 to- 36th Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 3868 Harney. Phone Harney 137L GIRL for general housework. 614 N. 18th 6t., So. Omaha. Telphone South 1060. WANTED A maid with good reference for general housework: family of two. Mrs. F. E. .Wilhetm. 3S63 Harney. Har ney 2248. WANTEJO 3f woman for general house wor.r: "Tamily. Good pay and r and dress perm anent ,.:: yigbt party. Add A 167 Bee. ft WANTED Housekeeper on fruit farm; family of four; good wages; steady em ployment Route 2. Box 71, Columbus, Neb. COMPETENT girl for general house work! small family. Mrs. F. Walters, S31S Harney. v WANTED A neat housekeeper. Harney 477a 4806 Burt. Call WANTED A girl for general housework. Tel. Harney 4K31. WANTED Girl to do 2d work and as sist with care of 6-year-old child. Harney 3165. 1043 S. 30th Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework: ,io children; good waxes. 3123 Cass St Harney 4690. WANTED A housemaid; reference re quired. Mrs. Dixon. 426 N. 38th St WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family. 623 8. 36th Ava D. 3130. YOUNG girl who would like a good home while attending school to assist with house work and children. Call Harney 263L GOOD girl or middle-aged woman for general housework. 123 N. 30th. WANTED A good girl for general housework. 407 8. 38th St. WANTED Young girl housework. Call at 22u7 I to assist with 8. 82d street after 6unday. WANTED A girl, ona that can cook. 2006 St Mary's Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Harney 4043, Gn6 Park Ave. WANTED A maid to do second work Mrs. Victor B Caldwell, 630 8. 30th St. Omaha, pnone u. aui. WANTED Capable girl for housework. 3226 Webster 6t general WANTED A second gorl. Hall, 3224 Farnam. Mrs. R. a GIRL who csn go home nights to help take car ot baby. 2616 Capital Ave. WANTED A good cook. 2423 Caas 6t WANTED A second glrL Mrs. Miller 4823 Florence Boulevard. CAPABLE girl for general housework, no washing. Small family and good wages. Tel. Harney W3- Befela nnd Rewsnamale. DTNTNO room girl and chamber girl 330 00 per month, board and room. Hotel Monroe, Grinnell. la. WANTED Lady cook, ona who Is able to look after ana tans care or tne aitcnen. Hotel feeds 10 to 35 at a meal. Room to self. Wages 40 per month- Hotel Turner. Can tervllle. 8. D GIRL to work In boardtnr bouse. Red 473. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; five in lamuy; gooa wages. Mrs. Charles R Sherman. 133 N. 38th Ave. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages; small family, ue N. sstn Ave. Phone Harney 2733. WANTED Middle-aged lady to take care of baby and help little tn bouse. Apply Mrs. Wolf, 2114 California. HELP WANTED FEMALE Hotels and Restaaranla. GOOD girl for general housework. Apply st once. 418 P 38th Pt. Mlecella YOUNG women coming to Omaha as ftrengers are Invit'd to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at fit. Maiy s Ave. and 17th gt., where thsf e, til be directed to suitable boarding plaice er otherwiae a.aisid. lHk for uur uav tiers' aid at the Un.on elation. MIDDLE-AGED lady wanted for plain sewing, after learning bi.sinrss. io per week snd board and also traveling t . nnses Job only open until Monday. An. ufl .3. Aaaress o. ii. Armour, avocs. WANTED Two lady demonstrstors to take orders; select proposition; experience unnecessary; salary and expenses paid. Call at 1715 Leavenworth. ONE experienced white laundress. Apply 1M7 Burt. WANTED Finishers on coats, skirts and flresfes. Apply Cloak Dept., Hayden Bros. WANTED A capable woman to taka charge of laundry at the Child Saving in stitute. Phone, Harney dtll or call at tho Institute 42nd anl Jackson Sts. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he hs made Omaha famous w,th his randv. If M.ss Lela Galloway, 2;22 N ilth St.. will come to The Bee office within three dsys we will give her an order for a 60-ce.nt box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED MALE Agents. Salesmen nnd Solicitor. A SALESMAN of ability that can show a selling record is wanted by an automobile company In Omaha. Automobile experi ence not necessary. Address M 148, Bee. BOOK salesman. W. A. Hlxenbaugh A Co., 1814 St. Mary's Ave. Tel. D. 3297. . WAN'I ED Young man tor traveling and city salesman by tent and aw-ning manu facturers in Denver, Colo. Miut have had experience. Permanent position to the right petty, uive iuii particulars as to age, ex perience, references, married or single, sal ary expected, etc. Address P. C. 8 1421 i-arlmer St., Denver. Colo. CALIFORNIA FRUIT FARMS. Agents wanted in every town to sell our contracts. Big commissions. Easy to sell. w rite at once for full information. Mo Keever A Tucker. 210 S. luh. Omaha, Neb. WE HAVE open territory for live vniinv man and women selling Mannlx National Trade Regulator and Antl Mail Order proposition, to the retail merchants. We now have representatives msklng from 40 to 860. a week clear. For further In formation write. E. J. Mannlx. Commer cial News, Sioux Falls, 8. D. BIGGEST and best 10c meals. 1310 Dodge. WANTED, AGENT A money maker. 1308 N. 24th. upstairs. AN answer to this ad will make you money. Rartlett Bupply Co., Brown Blk.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED A stock salesman. K 927. Bee. Clerical nnd Offleo. YOUNG man about 20 years for shipping clerk in wholesale house; fine chance to work up. Address D lfiO, Bee. -i ACCOUNTANT, must be first- class, $85.00. Stenographer and Bookkeeper, $65.00. Co-Opera tive Reference Co., 1015-16 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bore. WANTED Several trustworthy boys. Good wages. W. U. Tel. Co., 213 8. 13th St BOY wanted to deliver groceries. 921 Douglas. gseiery nnd Trssca, Drug Btores(snapaJ.Jobs).' Knlest Bee BMg. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Positions waiting. In addition to xood salary, commission and tips amount to more than most men earn. Our copyrighted charts and diagrams with free practice savea years. Call or write, Moler Barber College. 110 So. 14th St. WANTED Two tinners, must be ood on furnace work. Meuller A Johnson. 1B14-U Cass St Mtsoellaweoua. Steam pressed. 60c. 113 a 15th. D. 884. MUSICIANS WANTED Can place two double drummers; also violin that doubles brass. Address or call on Vic Esllck Bandmaster of Parker Shows, Council Blurts, week beginning Sept 4. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; largest and best equipped shops. Nat'l Auto Training Ass n. umaha. Neb. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine corps, between the ages of 18 and 36. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay, 816 to 8t. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years' service can retire with 73 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, 1406 Farnam St, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Collector; good future for right party. Call at 403 Omaha Nat bank. WANTED Mall clerks, carriers, clerks In government offices at Washington, Omaha, Neb., examinations during Septem ber. 3a0 month, Annual vacatlona Thou sands of appointments coming. Candidates coached tree. Franklin Institute, Dept 318 H. liochesler, N. z". XT O 10 MONTH AUTOINO. I I N AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA, NEB. "' LARGEST AND BEdT. WRITE. Automatlo Phone Bus's, 32; residence. $L RELIABLE Employment agency, hotel and restaurant help. li10 Davenport Coffee John, 6 and 10c meals. 1404 Dodge. MAN WEILLER'S employment farm bauds. Utb and Dodge. offloe WANTED FOR U. B. ARMY Ablebodied unmarried men between e ot Is and 38; citizens of United Siatea. of good charac ter and temperate haults, who can speak, read and write the .Qgliah language. For lntormauon appiy to Reciruiung Officer, 13th and Douuas Sts., Omaha. Neb.; 607 4th St., 61oux City, la.; Liu N. 10th Bt. Lincoln, Neb. YOUNO MEN. STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening sessions only. Further Information address secre tary. 7ul Om. Nat'l Bank. Tel. Douglaa 867. WANTED Young men to learn the bar ber trade. Commission paid for bringing students. Barbers make more money now than ever before on account of the many added money making lacilltiee. Our course saves yesrs of apprenticeship. Graduates come to us for help. We plate our men c- trains, steamships, office buildings, private barbers and valets. Positions always wan ing. Tools given. Call or write. Muler Barber Coiletie. 110 So. 14th St RELIABLE Employment agency, hotel and restaurant r.eip. ltilo Davenport. BLATZ Wiener. Tel. Doug, losl fur case WANTED At once, engineer for motor boat who can make good, ciandy Scott, t Edward. Neb. DRUG CLERK A reliable man.- wuh references, experienced in country business and knowledge of jewe.ry much desired. Need not be registered drusgist. Good pay, steady position. Write or phone at once, A. R. Hoke a. Tekamah. Keb. TRI CITY BARBER COi-LLoE Men to learn barber Uade. Tuition. 3iA uv So. Uin St WHY work for wages when you can make from $76 to Sk a week sailing the New Era Rope Machine, makes stronger and batter rope, out of b.nding twine at less than t the price you can buy it for at the store. Omsha Sales A Supply To , Sols Agents. 7liH Brandos Theater Bldj., Omaha, Neb. BE A BOOSTER for the national gsme of base ball. If L. A. Cofron, H17 So 17th St , will come to The Bee ofdre within three days we will give him a ticket to the base ball game at Rourke park. 7