12 nm BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1911. fy Store Opca Until t P,H, r-Z r - 1 Store Open Until 6. P. H. & g BASEMENT SPECIAL.' 1 nlTTlf fll rffrTi BASEMENT SPECIALS jg 41 III... Apron Checks, all J' WJ. H LV Yard wide, dark and light S r:ra sc n KraKllL i...6c Full pieces, closely wovon $ J, ... 4 Ti it1 toft finished bleached ( -TXS'ZlXXl v Printed Comfort Calicoes. yT 30 SlMlJHS ....3&C L . J M TUESDAY IJ OUR GREAT ifii If! jwpM 4fitw I 9 Sale of Fancy Linens Entire Surplus Stock of a Famous New York Ira. porter at Less Than Oae-Half Their Real Value. , Only the very highest grade French Renaissance in the very newest designs, also the very finest hand embroidered and drawn work linen pieces are included Here are scarfs of all sizes, center pieces, lunch cloths, pillow shams, etc., Every piece of linen is worth $3 or more Monday at, each Extraordinary Sales of Embroideries and Laces, Em- OE2,n a broidered Flouncings and Corset Coverings, at 50C Y 25c to & its, a ana j-incn line fowiss, namsook and cambric; choice new desijms in U -c 1 -i. e i it i T i .. .. ' . . English eyelet, floral, blind relief and combination effects. yard big bargain square at, yard Many worth 50c 27-Inch Fine Swiss and Batiste Embroidered ' Flouncing at 49c Yard Elegant new designs in Angleterre, floral, blind relief and combination effects in crochet, eyelet, etc.; also hemstitched and ruffled effects, baby patterns, etc. Many actually worth $1 a yard at, a yard , 49c All Over Laces at 29c-59c 18-inch floss eilk embroidered allovers, 18 inch Persian embroidered allovers, Ori ental, crochet and Venise allovers, floss silk embroidered panels, plain and metallic Per sian worth from 60o to $1.25 yard,at 29c-59c You'll Be Delighted With the Stunning New Styles We're Showing in Women's Fall Tailored Suits You can choose from one hundred authentic Btyles in Suits, made to your individual measure, from the choicest cloths andpatterns for this season. Made up by tailors who know how to ' v make a suit $49.00 to $75.00. CLEVER SUITS at $25 The most practical group that Brandels ever assembled at this price. The materials are finer, the tailoring more thorough, and the styles cleverer than you can find anywhere else for $25. SMART SUITS at $35. The graceful lines of these suits can be found nowhere else in suits selling for less than $50. We have never offered such high class tailored wear before at a medium price. Women's New Serge Dresses, at $15, $19 and $25. These street frocks are more popular thU fall than ever before. Pretty New Cloth and Voile Skirts at $5.00, $6.98 and $10. Every new front and back panel or side pleat effect included. The New "Rug Coats" at $17.50, $19 and $25. The new season's great favorite. They are as clever and practi cal as can be. Messaline Dresses Navl blues and blacks; the waists are embroidered, with high lace collar and yokes an extra special at . . . . S10 New Light Weight Fall Coats Cleverly made of serges, wor steds, etc., all new ideas, at $7.50, $10 and $12.50 New Tailored Waists Desirable Wash Waists, in new linen embroidered and tailored effect $1.98, $2.50, $2.98, $3.98 Voile and Chiffon Waists DreBster styles In various attrac tive shades for fall. latest models at $5-00, $7.50, $10. Children's Pretty New School Dresses at $2.98-$3.98-$5 ?; $12.50 Hero are the cleverest new girlish effects in Russian blouse, one-piece dresses, Peter Tompkins, etc. Pretty and practical for girls' school wear and every day street frocks. No such variety shown in dresses elsewhere in Omaha. BRANDEIS STORES mm V) ) V' ,v -J . IW Ji Store Closes at 6 O'clock. 10 P. 11. iiimI ar i, i a Saturdays at Anent Clothes Quality v -" ' ltf w mmW' . i Mlp: " 1 There tnuat be a great deal more In Bennett eulte lor women tban handaome fabrics and clever dealffnlng. Women's suits to be rlicht to be all that they should be--muet be tailored right The man who It In croae-leg- fashion with the garment In Ma lap le the force that really makes food clothes. Makers of the suits that come Into the Bennett store appreciate that fact fully. That's why Ben nett eulta are the best aults you can buy anywnere. Each garment Is tailored right wear and service and character la sewed Into It by the man with the needle. If you will but take the trouble to come and see for yourself, we are almost aure you will wear a Bennett suit this Fall and Winter. Prices begin at fifteen dollars. Closing Out a Few Suits, $750 A short time ago women were glad to get them at prices ranging up to $19.50. These suits are plain tail ored, made of high grade serges and lined with dur able satins quite the thing for early Fall wear. Choose from tans, greys, blues and black. School Supplies Tou will find school supplies of every description in our large book and stationery department the largest in the state. SPECIAL FOB TUESDAY Milton Bradley's and the Scott Forsman school paints, the box, at, 10c. A fine pen holder will be (riven FREE to all purchasers of school supplies to the amount of 10c or over. Greatest Rug Sale in Our Entire History BEGINS NEXT MONDAY, SEPT. 11 Entire stock of & well known Eastern manufacturer, v;ho needed ready money go bad ly that ho sold us every rug he had for less than it cost him to manufacture them. Room 8ixo Brussels Rugs, worth up to 518.00, will go at . . $30 Axminster and Wilton Velvet Rags, 9x12 sixe, will go at.... $7.98 $15!? Room Size Axminster Rugs, up to M Q98 9x12 size, worth to $25, at Highest Quality Seamless Wilton f)Q93 fl Rugs, worth up to $55, at $ upt$l,at ....IJ -0 X 3 5 K 6x9 Brussels Rugs, AO $3.50 Quality Axmin- 4f9 Bath Rugs, worth 7nc 410c W worthup to $9, at.vtiJO j -ster Rugs, will go at.vl up to $4, at . . I7 -i70 NEXT MONDAY, SEPT. 11, AT BRANDEIS STORES tCy CW QinJtttEf C1 OMAHA'S rUBC A S Bpeelala In oar rreah Trnlt and V Teye table Department. 100 Crates (4 baaketa) Heavy Pack Fancy frunes, tor puttliiK up, ench 91.10 Kaiwcy Ft-actiea, I'lunis. Grp, fi w 3 Now Is the Time To select a comfortable, well lighted, ventilated office or suite of rooms in which to transact your business. A con siderable portion of the business man's time is spent in his office and he should locate where the environment is most conducive to success. THE BEE BUILDING IS THE PLACE where inducements are offered to those seeking desirable quarters. New elevators have been installed at no little expense, enabling patrons and their clients to reach their destination in the building with the greatest amount of safety and speed. The lobby, court and corridors have received a thorough rejuvenation, and with their new coats, present a cheerful appearance. The offices throughout the building have never been permitted to look otherwise than clean and attractive. You pay of fice rent only. All the incidentals, such as janitor service, electric light and water, are included in the price of the office. Obtain satisfaction by renting one or more of the f 6)) owing: ROOMS 644-618 form a very good combination on the top floor facing the east. One room is 11-4x19-6, and the other 8-8x19-6. The . last mentioned having In connection a good sized vault with shelving. It is difficult to find offices vacant affording such con veniences and the rental price for both is, per month f 38.00 ROOM 048 la divided into three rooms by tile partitions, thus mak ing each office a private one. Two doctors could occupy this suite to advantage, using the reception room Jointly. There 1b a total of 670 square feet, which Includes the vault Rents for, per month $00.00 ROOMS 416, 418, OS, 407 and 619 are all small offices which range In price from $10.00 to 918.0O ROOM 623 la a good Inside room, 14x1 9, feet, with vault Price, per month $18.00 The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. LAflD lUFOUTlOU per batakel 85e U Liu. Htukel C'uukliitf Applee.&bc Large Square Baskets Tliompaon a fj Beotllasa Grapes 30c H Our Uvi Sweet Canteloupa, ean Jj ' at Sc. lOo, ISjO Jj Watermelona (Ice-cold. earh Uj at BSo to 460 v t Lara-e Plain Lettuce fio fj t Stalks Well Bleached Celery dt at 100 H 10 Gross H-Gul. M iui Jars. r Iff dox 650 4 QSWge &Lrr Qp&X&T QfS&Qi K K U I N F O K M A T I O H F R Ti K BUREAU LEARN WHERE IT IS BEST TO VFARM. Thinking about buying land! Want to know the soil and climste beat suited for certain farming? Our Land Bureau gives free Information about soil, climate, coadltlona In all parta of the country. We have gathered data and can teU you what you desire to leara. 1 Write the Land Information Bureau. The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neb., today and yor questions will get prompt attention. I N F O R M A T I O N Bee Booldover's Contest i i j i Value 15000.00 Th magnlficsnt. faaey walnnt nmmij AUTO GRAXD FtiAYER PTJlSO which nothing can exceJ. No other player-piano has In the abso lute tb "hnman touch' so desired by a musical ear and so p riled by the manufacturers. This Instru ment wOl b exhibited, explained and played for anyone who wishes to see it In the ware rooms on the third floor at Bennett's, Tuesday's Bargain Bulletin Store Open Till 6 P. M. Saturdays 10 P. M. IOCS Store Open Till 6 P. M. Saturdays 10 P. M. Sale of Lingerie Uaists Fine assortment of dainty new designs, all fH a sizes, excellent qualities, worth double and iiOC treble Tuesday 's sale price , Don't miss these bargains. They're truly exceptional. Seven Rousing Specials in the Rug Department Specials In the Furnl 'ture Department $9.60 solid oak Chiffonier, five drawers, French plate mirror, at 87.50 $10. SO solid oak Dressers, French plate mirror 88.50 $14.60 Couch, upholstered in the best grade velour, 30 Inches wid $10.85 $33.00 Leather Couch.. .$25.00 $26.00 Bed Davenport, imitation leather $18.50 $7.60 Go-Carts $5.05 $8.60 2-lnch continuous post V. M. Bed $5.75 Brass Beds, up from. . . .$11.85 $3.26 solid oak full box seat Din ing Chairs, upholstered in lea ther $2.50 Sanitary Couch Pads $2.05. $4.25. $5.05 Sanitary Couch Pads $2.50. $3.75. $4.25 Tuesday Specials in Domestic Rcom Edison Cotton Blankets, 12-4, gray with colored borders, always sold $2.60; on sale at, a pair $1.69 $1x90 Snowflake Sheets, extra good quality for 65c; Tuesday special 22.A0 Mitre Velvet Hags, extra heavy, 9x12 size $13.08 $18.00 Tapentry TtrnsHcls Hug, seamless, 9x12 size, at $12.08 925.00 Seamless Wilton Rnjrs, 9x12 size, on sale. .. .$17.75 922.SO Axminster Hugs, good as sortment, 8-3x10-6 size $10.98 60c Ingrain Carpets, half wool, very special; at. yard..... 39 Ingrain Carpet Samples, 1H yard long, worth, to 85c, at 29 30x00 Reversible Smyrna Rugs, $1.25 values, on sale 79 at 55 46x36 Parkvllle Cases, o-xr regular 16c case; Tuesday, each 12 Union Crochet Fringed Bed Spreads, full size, always sold $1.75; Tues day, each $1.20 Outing Flannel, .in good long lengths, good patterns, 12V4c grade at. a yard 8 At 10 A. M. -One case Lonsdale Muslin, genuine article 10 yards to a customer at, a yard 6tt At 2:80 P. M. One case of Indigo Blue Prints, 6c goods at, yd.2 SILKS Values Up to $1.50 Per Yard, on Oale 38c and 68c Over 3,000 yards of plain and novelty silks in this lot. including 27-inch all silk meBaalines, 36 lnch novelty silks, 20-inch satin barred plaids, 2 4 -Inch messallne raye; all new silks made for this season's selling at, per yard 88c and 08ct Silk Mixed Goods In all colors, goods worth 50c, yd. 35c Plain and Figured Marquisette 50c goods, at, yard. 39c Tuesday Will Be the Banner Peach, Pear and Plum Sale Day of the Season To do this, we have cut down all prlcea to the following: Utah Fancy Freestone Peaches, crate 95 ItaJlan Blue Plums, four baskets In crate $1.15 Uusltel Box Fancy 5-Tler Colorado Bartlett Pears $1.75 Flour Is Still Advancing Buy now while you have an opportunity at this price. 48-lb. sacks best high grade Diamond H Family Flour for $1.15 Uayden'a Great VrjprtabJo Market Makea the rricea that Keep Dora the Prices. flew Wool Suitings 48-lnch to 56-inch wide, values up to $2 per yard on sale t 48c, 68c and 98c Including 54-inch all wool chev iots, 48-lnch Herringbone and novelty suitings, shadow stripes and French worsteds, 5 6 -Inch all wool chalk line serges, values up to $2 per yard at 48c, 68c and 98c IS Vtat New Potatoes to Mm psci.JOo 8m that ro gC yar Tha law rulrc IU Fancy ax or Grma Beana, lb.... a 4 buncliaa fnoah Beets or Carrot. Smt Oura, per duaea lOe bUM-liea fresfti Radfetas ...Se 2 hea4a Hothouae Leltuoa Se tima Peppers tar e t heads freab Cabtwjre .....S t lbs. fancy Ripe ToixuUom loa Good CtoolclDff Apples, peril loa t bnochea ie9b iarmlejr. ...... t mnds frwa d4ery..............ae Saret Patatnes. lo ...........e Laran Kint Plants, earh e Fnxxrjr IVn-rrr Liallflow, lb 10a jVaaey Uxna Weans, per quart.. ....as DOWT FORGET Try IIAYDEH'S Rrsi IT PAYS Sterling Silver la the proper and acceptable Wedding Gift these daya. We have a beautiful atock to show you. Bpand a few minutes In our atore. Look for the' name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler ISIS D0VOI.A8 BTKSZT FOSTER A Shoe for a Pretty Foot In the case of a woman's foot, the shoe either em phasizes the attractiveness of the foot or entirely de stroys it. For women who are par ticular about their footwear, we direct their attention to our glove - fitting, easy walking, stylish Foster foot wear. Foster's name on a wo man's shoe is like Sterling on silver it is the standard of perfection. AVe always carry a com plete line in all styles and sizes of Foster shoes. $4.00 and $5.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. ! LADIES' TAILOR SUIT TALK Ladies' tailor suits can be made over to conform to the new styles and look almost Ilka new. We make a specialty of alter ing skirts and Jackets, putting In new linings, putting on col lars and cuffs, etc. We also have a button ma chine with which we make about thirty different sites and styles of buttons. Bring In your suit and we will quote you a price for cleaning, altering, relining and doing whatever 1b necessary to make it a stylish suit. Our prices are very reasonable and the work Is guaranteed first class in every respect. We have been doing this kind of work along with the cleaning and dyeing business for four teen years, and we think we do the finest work in Omaha you'll think so too after trying us once. The Pantorium "Ctood Cleaners end Dyers." 161S-15-1T Jonea at Phones S. 3( Znd. A -3168. , N. B. out f town buMneaa recelvea prompt attention. We pay expresa one way ira orders of 13.00 or more. Write for romplnti. p-lce Hat . OUT X.IOOSTT, Pres. Rollablo Dentistry Tad's oil flssOi FREE INFORMATION Everybody reads The Bee