Ai, - ft TIIE OMAHA STDAY BEE: SFPTEMBEB 3. mil. AMtEMrXT. .IWfllC 'I O JiGH T MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY tnciAS. KATiirsa koitbat (i.ABCm day) n wiDnwit. KOvVbANlt AND CLIFI OHO OFFKK A PLAY WITH A NATIONAL rTHPOSK A rOU ACT B&AXA IT S9WAXD OBX PRICES LOWER FLOOR 75k AND SO. BALCO XT 2 5 AND 5Q MATSSt4 AXP 50 ONE NIGHT OFILY THilRSDAf, SEPT. 7 BiLLY "SINGLE" CLIFFORD ( 'V 'lroE GIRLS r ft ' " ' I !' t1 ,-X1 -;v'.,:A . V.-" 'fl - 771 sssi ! S vt - -1 A lv i-J - s.-w 'tf'X v ' 1 1 n-kW IS - 'f .W'" : r r ; v 'f'v-.k. .Ik.: -ill On thieg to b 14 tor th klM wmn ''i.'-'"' 'jy J--' - -J-''' - f'i ' . 11 le etch other: they are never entered ' v' C-'V." , '- -y "7 '. 'i -W Ji-JL " . 'fJi ,h lo15 dietanc endurance conieet. Presents HIMSELF In tho Bewitchins Muirl Fantjuiy ' THE CIRLIE9T GIRLIE BEAUTY CHORUS. VEAV SOXGS.EV DAXCES XEW COSTUMES. FKJCLS: 25c. 50c. 75c tod $1.00. NO BIGUSa. The Girl, The itt, Game FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 and 9 KATUTBa KATTTBBAT. HENRY H. HARKIS PKESENTS rrRscT rtox I-IBIRTT THI1TBX w ew yon BEST COMEDY IX E.ARS CO UMTR 3 BOY If I GREAT CAST VIQXT FKICSSl COMPLETE PROMCTJOS x.owrm rx.0OB, ti.eo. tio; baxcovt. XATXirza. 35a, SCO. TSe Ud moo. A5c fiOo TSO. GRASS CAMEPGTT j&t Gie Opphjenaa LB- OCK OF. AGES."' the new play by Edvard.E. Roce, author of "The Rosary." and rrod'iced by RowUn2 end Clifford, will be preter.tod at the Brandei theater Tonight for the operUr.f offering of a four right' and a pe ciaj Labor day and Wednesday mat lneei. The theme of the atory. toid In four acta, u the white alave traf fic, with aa indictment of corrupt poi tics aa maJcmf the traffic, possible. The itory't Action arises mainly, from the character I of the female minuter. Rev. Bethel Martin, and portrayed by Miss Jessie Arnold, the featured member of the company, who hows a food woman's desperate conflict with the white slave traffic m an ulti mately successful attempt to save one tctlm from the fate to which she had been doomed because of knowing too much ef the gang's criminal operations. Bethel Martin's husband, also a minister, has al ready been a victim of this gang of crim inals, and he wanders through the play as A harmless sort of hermit much add.cted to playing "Rock of Ages." on a fiddle which seems to be his Inseparable com perton. In the final moments of the play he recovers his reason, recognizes his wife and saves the prospective victim of the white slavers from a, suicidal leap into the ocean waves that beat tt the foot of a big stone cross near which Is the hermit's lonely habitation. - At me Brandeis on ThnrsdAy - even tng The Girl. the Man and the Game," the starring vehicle of the clever comedian. Billy "Single" Clifford. wui be offered. This successful offering has a farcical foundation and interspersed throughout the action of the piece are BO leas than sixteen of the Utut anit caicmeei songs oi tne day. Trie cast in sup port Is beaded by Countess Marie Leontlne, whose success in vaudeville la this country was phenomenal; Miss Mae Collins, to whom the role of "The Girl" Is entrusted; Jack Trainor. now in his third season as principal male support to Mr. ClUford; Bud Bremen. In whet u termed "a rather thankless role." but essential. The remain, der of the east has been carefully selected and all are especially adapted to the vari ous characters they portray. Miss Grace Cameron will greet her Omaha friends at the Orpheum this week with some new songs and her winning smile. Many have aaid that Mies Cameron is doing the best work of her career this season. Jtobledlllo is a Cubaa alack wire walker, who created a furore during his circus engagements. William H. Maeart And Ethelynne Bradford bring a toblotd comedy drama they refer to as "A Legit imate Holdups" Five former soloists of the Boston Fadeties will be here as "The Muaikal Girls." They are Mary WUcsek, violinist, Lillian Pnngle. cellist; Eleanor Piper, eorcetist; Edith Swan-Corbett. trom bone, Eetelie M. 'ChurchilL pianist and vocalist. Joseph Hart a company ef players will be sees In "The LitUe Stranger." a story of a southern race track. George Pleroe. Percy Plunkett and Paul PullseU are in the cast. Gordon and Marx are Ger man dialect comedians with a bunch of queer arguments and witticism. Kramer and SpUlane have aa athletlo act in which some new ideas are presented, making the act quite diffeent from others of this claen. ' Ths opening bill st the American, where the Woodward Stock company will make Its hew next Saturday evening, will be -The Chaperone." a three-act comedy by Marion Fairfax, which has never been seen In Omaha. It was written for and played by Maxiae Elliott In New York C.!y. with much success. The leading role will be In the hands of Mies Eva Lang who cornea back after a summer of rest. Co-mix. Tanndeis snd who will be welcomed by her Omaha I .-ie-nd most Joyously. Miss Lanf will find tha part quite to her liking, for it is one of those bubbling comedy affairs she so enjoys. The company will be well intro duced by the comedy, which . will be staged by Mr. Woodward himself. Re hearsals will begin at once. Ipse smui.zosmz THmR,vm.cmp?r.ii -m &? MTrf . r-s ocas Some of the most successful plays ever presented on the stage are said to have been the elaboration of an incident picked up by a playwright and made into a dra matic vehicle that later attracted, world wide attention. It was in this manner that Edgar Selwyn's - rollicking comedy, "The Country Boy." which Henry t. Hsr- ri will present at ths Srandeia next Fri day and Saturday, was evolved. The inci dent on which "The Country Boy ' is based Is said to have been picked up by Mr. Selwyn when he was living in a little boarding house on Fifty-first street. New York. One day In this little typical New Tork boarding bouse something happenea that seemingly soon after was forgotten. Ten . years elapsed when he was called upon to contribute a one-act sketch to an entertainment that the Lambs, a society of actors, were planning to give In their club house. This incident was recalled by him and made Into a sketch that turned out to be one of the biggest successes ever produced at one of these events. Mr. Har ris witnessed its performance and immedi ately suggested to Selwyn that he elabor ate the sketch and make It into a play. He did this, and the piece was finally presented at the Lioerty theater. New Tork. where its sueceee was instantaneous. The engagement there continued for five months to the hbeolut capacity of the. play-house, and the comedy was consid ered one of the best plays of the season. This success was later repeated at Powers' theater, Chicago, where its reception was no less enthusiastic "The Country Boy will be presented here with the same at tention to detail that made its metropolis tan engagement so successful, and the carefully chosen cast Includes such well known c ernes as Alfred Cooper. Frank MoCormack. Doan Borup. Frank E. Jami son. George Schaeffer. Olive Templeton Elda rurry, Charlotte Langdon and Nellie Fillmore. The management of the Rome Summer Garden announces that Its outdoor vaude ville will be continued until October IS. Foi next week R L- McCormiek. Chicago's bisek face comedian, will bead the bill. John Smith will 'also be seen In fancy nT.e and revolver shooting. Alex Bart hold win sing popular ballade, operatic selections and a couple of new illustrated songs. The Rome orchestra will continue to- furnish popular musie at every performance- Four new photo-plays, dear and interesting, complete food program every evening. The subjects of these photo-plays are changed on Sundays. Mondays. Wednes days and FTiday. The vaudeville la now changed every Sunday and Thursday. As the days are becoming shorter, the photo plays are put on the program earlier and now start at I p. m. The vaudeville starts at T p. m. and the show runs continuously until U o'clock. Commencing with the usual Sunday matinee. Williams' Imperials will present the show at the Krug theater this season This company, fortified with all that Is best In musical comedy and burlesque, has been strengthened by the addition of clever as well as capable comedians, and is further augmented by a beauty chorus ef twenty shapely and fascinating damsels, vaude villisns and specialties. The company will present as a first part "A Lucky Fellow.' Following this Is an olio contributed by er Queen Mary I. John Knox. Robes Harry L. Cooper, in an up-to-date mono- ! Pierre and Moltke are examples. The Iron logue: Violet Hilson tn character dances.; Roene In classical poses; Wolfe and Lee. a talking and singing act of .nerit. Clavton Frye. character lmperso'cato-. and Pete Griffin, eccentric dancer, are also In the cast. The performance concludes 1 with a comedy innovation called "A Quiet Even ing." It -is said to e replete with sur prises and unique features. There will be th. usual dally matinees, v "Roee 6y deli's London Be:s" will be gin an engagement for a week at the Gay ety theater this afternoon at 2. The cam paay is the best that this organization haj ever employed and includes, besides trav esty. Rose Sydell, W. 6. Campbell and j Johnny Weber in a new act full of sur prises Introducing twenty beautiful models in living pictures: Davis. Bogard and Noc- j oil, three real singers; Susie Fifeher. Amer ica's greatest lady baritone; and the vaude- , vllle riot. Vlnme Hecshaw and Annie Mor ris, also the vaudeville act. "Stcinny's Af finity." Tomorrow (Labor Day) there win be a holiday matinee and a ladles' dime matinee each afternoon the balance of the week. Duke hi.x.self rarly, If ever, went beyond a grunt Strand Magazine. ' 'Seuflonver Phlloeophy, Living in a tent, as we understand it. Is rat if you don't have to. Preachers' jokes on each other have some trouble permuting our settee of hu mor. 'enen rrsiv rot Veep ferrets wei'. but AMI SEMEMS. Labor day at aianewe, as usual, ends trfe regular season. . Bail room, roller coaster, laughing gallery, roller skating rtnk and everything will be kept open t.ll the end ef the evening. The children who have to go back to school Tuesday ar? , Phones. Bong-. 494. XzuL Atl34- Week Starting Matinee Toda Matlne Every Day-2: IS; Everr Night 8:15. Devoted to Strictly High Grade Zxtravaganza and YaodevUle TWICE DAILY waelelk MAT. TODAY , Sunday Matinee, Curtain sA 8:00 Advanced Vaudeville -MISS GRADE CAMERON Tne Dainty Singer of Roiliekin; Songs. counting Manaws. upon a big time Monday at j Goedwal ttekerman returned August U from Chicago, where he conducted th largest and most successful summer school of any previous year. WHAT IT MEANS TO LAUGH A Scientific Kxplavastlea Sob tebles Who Never Smiled Lemdly. What is laughter? An American hu morist has called it an undur.if.ed widening of the human mouth, aocom nanied bv a noise resembling a cough in th effort tn avoid ewallewlnx a. chest- I nut." ' Laughter." says Prof. Sir Charles Bell, "is a convulsive action of the diaphragm. In this state the person draws a full , breath and throws it out In interrupted. . short and audible cachincatlona This ; convulsion ef the diaphragm is the prin cipal part of the physical manifestation ' of laughter. "But there are several accessories, espe- i cia-ly the sharp vocal utterances arising ! from the violent tension of the larynx and the vxpresslon of the features, this being a more Intense form of the smi.e. In extreme cases the eyes axe moistened by the effusion front the lachrymal 1 glands" There are some people who cannot ', laugh who are wholly unable to enjoy either the pbystes or the mental luxury1 of a laugh. Thu, ft was said of William i III that he was utterly at a loss to under- ' stand what could be got out of laughter I except loss of dignity. There are many j persons In history who have been, accord- I log to common report. Incapable of laugh- '1 Late Feature of Ringling Eros Circus RDSLEDILLO "The Cuban King of the Slack William H. Ethelynne HaCART AND BRADFORD Presenting ' a Tabloid Comedy Drama Entitled "A Legitimate ' Hold-Up." Music and. Beauty Combined THE MilSIKALGiRLS Five Former Soloists of the Bos ton Fadettes, Joseph Hart's THE LITTLE STRANGER By Frank Craven and Geo. B Hobart. Vobody denies the the Oeyvty well cranked up and toe levee- tbrown over to the last lnea dnrlng- our ipening week now ancient history. But we have a season's sapply of gse ellne snd fsnoltse; so come and ride ' this week with rXZ XMPEBXAX TMYXSTY BTAJt, ROSE SYDELL Aim ki L0I1B0H BELLES ' In the nonsensical Knsioel IJLn "Wanted: A Girl ' 50 Entertainers BVOSS ETBZI.X, (ZZ&SXsVPl. WILLIAM U. CAMPBELL and jOHirsrr wnts Dear aVealer: Vou'U certainly find that' The London Belles ring true and melo diously. And wardrobe I counted twenty-two distinct changes and then complained to Mr. Campbeil hat he had Invested too much In duds. He .laughed snd said: 'How about the scenery'" . L. jOflsTiOsT, Mgr. Geyety. day Mat. Tomorrow, (Labor Day) venln-s and Sunday Matinee l&o. tie, 60o and 76a. ZTr 15c & 25c 'sS Chew ram it yon like, but no smoking LADIES' -ff At Any Week TICKETS I WW Day Matinee. Next Week: The orijinal "Painting the Town" GORDON AND MARX Two Real Germans, KRAMER AND SPILLANE Secsaiion&l Atnlets COURTLAHO BEACH Bandagr la ths Large FavUlon to Lamp's Famous Orchestra BATBZXO. BOATZJTO. BOWXI'sTa, StOLLZS SZATISa. And Many Other amiieTre'i.te rree Moving Tictmrae Zvery Bvenlaf. Bid LAS OA BAY PTCTIO, MOJT9AY I?TZ)fES 4th. Se Oar rare Prom Any Pari of the City. SZABOB BVBS SEPTBMBBB 10th. KINODRQME Projecting tne Latest la Animated Photog rapny. ORPHEUM CONCERT ORCHESTRA 15 Talented Musicians 1S Prices Sngkt 10c 85c, SOo, TSe Vatlneea Best Seats SSc, except Xol- ldays. Satnrday and Sunday. Walter B. Graham i ...BARITONE... I Pmptl Prepared for Opera, Concert and I Chnroh Work. I Asslstsnce given in securing positions. STUDIO, SUITS 404-OS BOYD TXXATZB I im aveesxe stetson- Hiss Alice II. Fawcettl Teaches of Yoloe Announces the re-opemne of her studio. 201-2-1 Boyd s Tneeter. Tues day. September Fifth Studio Bays Tuesday and Friday. is3EataSSS TOO: TOE&Tui tasm One Week Commencing Matinee Today JUhTA KCAU BURLESQUE: SHOW H. W. AlND SIIVI WILLIAMS' IMPEMAI WITH HARRY L. COOPER (Mnppy Koine) Extra Attraction U-lLLLOiS' FICKAXTTVl' BAND. 50-PEOPLE IN THE CAST 50 EXTE A Complete returns over special wire of Gotch Hackenschmidt wrestling match will be read from the stage during regular performance Monday afternoon. eirt.wiwraiiiij L.mjexi t,w. .uasnjaj KRIEGERFEST NATIONAL SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY September 2d, 3d, 4th, at Omaha, Nebraska . OtTBDAY, BXPT. So, 10 .-00 A. M, a the " ft GERMAN HOME Solents aOffc Pleld Mass, conduct by Bev. Pathes- Inns. Chora ( SO j Tl30 P MOBDAY. SEPT. 4th, 10 UM A. M. GRAND STREET PARADE SO SOCZSTZXS, 8 BABBS, DBUM ABB TXTH COBPS. APTBBBOOV ABB BYZBXBO, at ths GERMAN HOME-RICrsJIC OBAJTB MXXZTABY COBCBBT KLlCilltery Potpourri, by Baro; Martial Music, Battle Plreworks, Etc AS MISSIOM as CEBTS. AMERICAN THEATRE LTl0At8ept.9 FilISS EUA LANG SUPPOKTED BY TUX Woodward Stock Co. la a Beeatiiul Produetlaa of THE GHAPEROn A Comedy to Threw Acts by Marion Fairfax. PRICES for ALlTeRFCSMAXCES 10c" and.- 25c Mats. Sun., Tues., Thurs and Sat. Sale of Seats Opens Thurs., Sept. 7. WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 17TH. THE BOAD TO YESTERDAY ROME SUMMER GARDEN Vaudeville and Photo Playj Dine Ont Doors ' COOLSIT PLAeB IB OHtXi IBCKXSTTBA ' nut SVSJtlBS) AAsalssloa 10 Cesu LAKE MAN AW A CLOSES MONDAY, LABOR DAY. AT 110 P. M. Last Chance to Dance is ths Beautiful New Ball Room THTS TZ1S. ,tf 'Mil1' I I ' i Mffaft'sBffl'llll! 1 j ' U 1 1 11 i I i CHICAGO r.lUSIGAL COLLEGE OR. r. UCCFCLD. raidet rounded IBS 7 F ORTY-SIXTII YEAR BEGINS SEPT. 11, 1911 A permanent educational inetifutioa. nulding the eame prominent poeiuon in Music ee the University of Chicago, the Art loMitute, the Academy ot Sucacce. and the Field Columbian Museum in their respective departments ot educa tional labor. "-CCO. t. LP TON. Thm All Brsaehee ef MUSIC school of senna SCHOOL OF Or Els SCHOOL OF EXFICSSIOI MOSEII LMfisACCS lew ttawt SVueiel Cewss SwUsi SZ4 a, sfcsiuass IsUessid Cataiaa aailaS tm apna rwut ta Satiatiwr CHtCACO MUSICAL COLLEGK ea a. SSIaeieaa SyHre CHicsae Frm aW Pmrtuil Sckotank Apptictiom wiH U uetspud ewtt Spumb 6lh. DICKERTwsAN Sehr'd voief"18 1S11V Bodge Street, phone Douglas 1S10. FALL IEKM SEPTEV1BER CS Preparation for PX.ATPOBM and 8TAOB, Drama. Opera and Concert. Public Partem a sees. All graduates last year now playing. IB H