Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Weiry Dmpwftainitl: MevMQ Prom CaBpaFD!!
Saturday, September 2d m
Seasonable Sale of
All discriminating buyers familiar with Kilpatriclcs methods watch and wait for this annual announcement. Sale starts at 8 A.
M. Many exceptional values, some lots limited. Early comers will be repaid. t ,
AAnAM nUI,ti Xot shoddy, but long, sta- i . , T Cotton filled at $2 65, $2.50, $2.25, $1.75,
Xot shoddy, but long, sta
ple cotton, insuring dura
bility; larger in size than the usual Cotton Blankets,
79c, 98c, $1.49, $1 59 and $1.98.
An enpecially choice number, well woven, fino
wool finish, 72x82, at $2.98
Plaid Blankets
Our careful selection the
harmonv in the colorings
in other words, the taste of the artist shown by our'
buyer in selecting tones that blend properly, the
beauty of texture, the quality of material -wrought
into the weaving, produces a blanket more and more
popular each year and deservedly so.
A Special
Small lot $3.00 quality will be closed
out at $2.35.
The early buyer will secure:
$3.00 Regular Blankets at $2.65
$3.25 Regular Blankets at $2.95
$4.25 Regular Blankets at $3.95
$6.50 Regular Blankets at .$5.75
$8.50 Regular Blankets at $7.50
$10.00 Regular Blankets at $895
Our Special Business Builderall wool, assorted
patterns, $5.00 per pair. .
Plirf llhlti here's where you will see your
I UlL wllilC profit through our experience
and expert knowledge. We'll tell you what enter
into the construction. Your ye will not clearness
of the white, the perfect finish and how different
from what is shown generally.
Saturday Savings
n e i mm v
"'""'-I '
.r ...
Look for this ticket the Hall mark of quality.
The 22-carat indicator of fineness used on our spe
cially superior selections white, gray and plaids
made for us exceptional colorings and border de
signs which are exclusive. Prices range from $6.50
to $25 00 a pair.
During September Sale, starting Saturday, ex
tra discount of 10 per cent.
Comfortable Comforters
Which Are Sanitary
If you could see as we have seen bed coverings
made, in foul workshops where the words hygiene
and sanitation are absolutely unknown, you would
appreciate the advantage in selecting from a stock
such as ours produced in sanitary eiwlighted fac
tories, pure fillings and the coverings selected with
an eye to the beautiful.
Every price quoted means a saving in this Sep
tember sale.
S1.59, $139 down to S9c.
Wool filled, $5 quality at $4.25.
$6.00 quality at $4.95.
Silk Covered, bordered, $7 value at $5.90.
You'll exclaim, what a beauty! when you see
the Laminated Comforters made from snow flake
cotton light as down Very Special $2.95 on
Baby specialties for cradle or
crib. Beauty Blankets 32x42 to
Mattress Pads bleached and
brown, single and double beds all
at September Sale prices.
$3.50 quality will be $2.95
$4.00 quality will be $3.50
$4.50 quality will be $3.95
30 pairs only - very
special, all wool,
w'th $6, at $4.25
'Exceptional" applies
to this lot, 3V2 lbs. 3
in, Bilk Binding ..$5
"Good as Gold" fitly named
12-4 Australian Wool; price
should be $12.50, Sat y. .$8.95
Pillows, the downy kind sleep
soothers. Many grades. Ask to sew
the $5.00 kind.
September Sale, Strong Suit, the
Sheetings, Sheets and Pillow Cases
Here you get full benefit of our mill connection
from the maker direct to you eaves to you all in
termediary profits of middleman.
Seven cents per yard reduction from prices ou
all leading lines of sheeting Saturday and during
September Sale.
Three cents per yard reduction from all Pillow
T. K. Special, Oceanic, Astoria and Waldorf
brands Specials in cases at 10c, 11V&C 12V&C
and 14c sizes, 42x36. ,
Specials in cases at 11c, 12V&C, 13V2C, 14VC
15VaC and 18V.C Sizes, 45x36.
Hemstitched, 17C Scalloped hem, 45c pair.
Embroidered, 75c per pair.
Seamed Sheets, 39c and 59c
fimiT" """"
I 1 - -
This cut ffin muchit's oar
on ticket -wgmrity to you of
accurate measurnnent,
perfection of flnlso., ex
cellence of naUrUls,
mad la plain bom and
Bemititcbed. 10c
off ry sheet.
Stye off very
pillow case.
61x90 full width Sheets
50c each.
Harvard, 51x90, splendid quality
very special, 69c
Ftica 81x99, at
A very handsome assortment of embroidered
Sheets and Cases; separate or in sets; initials or
special designs' and all at September Sale prices
"School days, school days,
Dear old golden rule days.
Reading and 'riting and rithmetic
Taught to the tune of a hickory stick."
Ah, Me! What memories the jingle awakens
how- we older ones would like to turn the wheels
back to the happy girlhood and boyhood days.
A truce to philosophisingthey're here again,
and outfits must be prepared.
Our Juvenile Section will be of great assistance
to you. All ready to be helpful DON'T OVERLOOK.
We are also ready to make skirts to measure.
New autumn models and new fall fabrics to choose
from. Order early for prompt delivery.
Nota Bene We are exclusive agents for what
we believe the best pattern made '"Hie Butterick."
This is one of our most important Annual Sales. We have made special preparations
' .
to give you prompt delivery, but if there should be a slight delay please bear with ua.
Thoinnias OTipaMeEx
111 m III
: -
II i 1 i i ii mini in I I II in I ii ii i II ii ii i ' i mi mini in ii i "TTMMWT! ' ' ' 1 ' " ' ' m-rr nr
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention.
Tb Council Bluff Office of
Th Omtt In 1 at IS Boot
Street. Bota rbonas 43.
Davis, drug.
Leifert , optician.
Have Morehoune embos it. ,
Corrigana. undertakers. Phone 141
For authority on watches see Leifert.
Lewi Cutler, funeral director. Phone 97.
Die ROSS H. RICE, bell phone only &27.
WooUrln UndartaklDg company. Tl. 360.
SCHOOL SUPPUE3 of all kind. Faubl
Art bop, m Broadway.
Get those photo taken at Kuhn' tudlo.
at So. Main St. Co. Uiutt. Open-Sunday.
GUuises that relieve lie&d&cn, nervous
. nee and Improve the vision are the kind
that we fit. Leifert . opticians.
Dr. M. V. O KeafL who hs been apend
lng the uxe war in Vleoaa, taking a pont-
raduate course in uiery, l expected
, home tomorrow.
Free wlta each set of asbestos sad Irons,
on small nickel plated child iron, bee
them In our window. P. C. LS Vol Hard
war Co., 604 Broadway.. -
Clean-cut lull line of new up-to-date pic
ture and frames now in stock at our store.
Carbonet. beautiful paKtels and a fine line
of bolleau. U. iiorwick. 211 . Mala St.
Eooampmunt No. b. Union Veteran
'Legion, will meet this afternoon at the
hail In the Danebo block for muster. The
Ladies' Relief corps will serve refresh
meat. Paper received from Oreat Falls, Mont.,
yesterday anaousoe that Mr. ajd Mrs. M.
Rolirer wuuld start tor houie on fiai
urday. Tb paper contain a half column
interview wlta Mr. Rohrer concernin his
lispressioQ of the Judith basins, where
lie bas been making extensive Investiga
tion. H. G. McOee, adavlnistrator of the ett
of r G. W. Paugiu, yektrruuy lilea an
Inventory of tb personal property, em
bracing only the furnishing in the imnl
tariuro or hosplU.1- 'Hie list of urAiciea
we three page long, and the statement
we made that the inventory was not com
Council Bluff tent No. 32. Kalght of
the Maocabeo. will not meet In Knucht
of Pythias ball, third floor of tb First
National bank building, today, as they
have leaed Fraternal hall. 2i PsatI street,
and reviews will be held hereafter on
Tuesday of eaoa week, commencing wltn
September 6.
Judge Woodruff yesterday entered a de
cree in tbe suit of C M Pennell against
Jennie and W. J. McKreman. C. II War
ner, Peter Swanson. Adriun b. Cronk. Rod
ney Earl and O W. Crook, awarding the
defeodant a default judgment (or iM 46,
, principal, and rvio interest. The suit grew
out of mortgage on lot , block t,
Hujrbea A Donipbaa' addition.
Blaaob SOUabeth Lap worth, aged
year, died yesterday at the home of ber
parent, Mr. and Mr. Cbarlr W. L
wortb. In Crescent, after a long Ulness
from kidney trouble. The funeral will
be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 3u o'clock
from the La-uer Dey baiots' church. Rev.
C fcVott of Lamonl. Ia., will be the of
ficiating clergyman. Burial will be in the
Crescent cemetery.
G. B. Sajtton. city elerk at VsJUsca, was
In the city yesterday for the purpos of
conferring with City Solicitor Kimball,
who 1 also the regularly appolntud attor
Bey for Valllaca. Mr. baxton spent some
tun looking into the Couaoll bluffs ye.
t mot keeping municipal account. He
ha held hi prevent position for more
than sixteen years, and in point of oun-
tlauou service la the oldvet city clerk in
A, M Bonham, who ha been In th
Battle Mountain sanitarium at Hot Springs
B. f since June M. returned horn ytir.
day greatly benefited by his rt sna
treatqient there. He peaks In hieliot
terms of Maise of the management of tn
sanitarium and Soldiers' home there,
which H really I A number of tb old
reldier from Council Bluff, including bol
Foster, there
Constable Humphrey week to Paetfie
Junction last evening and arretted Pet
Lan. charged with complicity la th lar
ceny of the cow that caused Arch Brown
to be beld to the grand jury by Justice
Joseph. It is asserted that he helped to
drive the stolen cow to Omaha one morn
ing about 4 o'clock. In company with six
pert bertechy Humphrey, made tbe trip to
the Junction, twenty miles away, and re
turn, In one hour and forty minutes. Tbe
journey was made in the officer' automo
bile. Council Bluff people axe to have a
chunue to see one stage of the first at
tempt to cros tbe American continent In
an aeropl&n. W. R. Hearst bas otiered
a puise of $j0,0ui to American aviators to
make the attemnt. and a number of Lhem
sue to make the attempt, leaving Saul
r rancisco aoout bepteraDer u. i ne course
mapped out follows the Union Pacific and
Council Jiufts 1 one of Uie registration
station. Mayor Maloney yesterday re
ceived a telerara from Hearst, asking bis
co-operation and that of the people o th
oily tn th work of the airmen, and ap
pointing him of tidal recorder.
Ed Larson, an employe of the Van Brunt
garage, who ran down and variously in
jured J. H. txock, th veteran collector,
denies that he attempted to escape re
sponslbility by speeding up hi auto and
escaping. He says he stopped as quickly
at h could after tb acaident. Whether
b will be prosecuted or not under th
new provision of the Iowa automobile road
law remain for future decision. A num
ber of witnesses to the accident hgv bn
found. Strock 1 ttlll oonfinid to hi bed.
but ha passed safely th point where hi
i&jorie caa be conaioaraa a ugerou.
Dr. and Mr. J. C. Deatkin -eturned ye
terday from pleasant uUn.' 1 Colorado.
They were accompanied by their three
children and a maid. Dr. Pcetlun leased
a furolshed cottage at 6tratton park,
which they used a the base for iruAay
excursions during a period of six week.
Btrtttoo park i located near Colorado
Spring, and 1 now equipped with per
maaent conveniences for tourists, includ
ing ready furnished cottages. The Deet
kin had also a tent which they took
with them on the short exclusions. Tney
were ia sight of snowy peaks during near
ly ail of th time they were away. All
returned creatly improved in health, with
the conviction that they had enjoyed on
of the most pleasant outing possible.
Tbe Growers' Canning company of Coua
oll Blutft yesterday applied for injunction
restraining two oc its tenants irora sell
ing th sugar corn and tomato crops grown
on land leased to them by the canning
compsay to any other purchaser than th
company. Th i rsi petition alleges that
on March 10, last, the" canning company
leased to John Stumpf a tract of land at
an annual rental of (260, with th written
agreement that it was all to be planted
In it.l rnrn mnA InmA-tnaB end that the
entire crop wa delivered to the eompany
for canning, the first deliver! to b con
sumed In paying th rental. Th agree
ment required twenty-ix acre of th tract
to be planted In evergreen weet earn md
fourteen acre had to be devoted to th
cultivation of Country Gentleman eorn,
with the remainder given over te tomato.
The company alleges that Biumpf has not
been hauling all of the crop to the can
ning factory, but ha been shipping a load
or two Into the Omaha and Council Bluffs
markets. They ask the court to tempor
arily and permanently restrain him from
Going tms. identically tne same allega
tions are made In the suit against Jamea
Hlokman. who took forty acre of land
on the timi term and who lu alleged to
have been doing tb same thing. The dry
weather and short crop has placed heavy
burden on market gardeners, and In many
instances those renting land have not bee
able to make th amount of th rental.
Board of Education Gives Location
of Instructors.
Same Coal Will Be t eed mm Laet Yer
High School Pupil to Meet
at Building Satur
day. ,
Tbe Board of Education held a special
meeting at th offlo of President Tlnley
at 6 o'clock last evening, for th purpose
of completing arrangement for tba open
ing of tbe city schools next week. This
Included the assignment of teacher to the
various rooms for th year and th award
lag of th contract for furnishing th coal
for tb winter.
Tbe half doien coal bid were submitted
at the special meeting on Monday evening
and referred to th ful committee for tab
ulaUo wr tgais presented with th re
port of the committee. Th report showed
that P- H. William wa the low bidder
on th Illinois coal used Ut winter with
uch good result. Kl price was M.14 per
too. There were other bids lower oa th
lUlaol coal, but son oa the sis desired
ad the contract wa awarded to Williams.
Superintendent Beverld announced that
all pup tit desiring to eater th High school
at th beginning of the term mutt be at
tb building tomorrow afternooa t 2:30
O'clock. Tbe superintendent and members
of th faculty will be thr to tell them
why. Tb announcement wa io mad
that this year th teachers war going U
teach how to teach. Th superintendent
reported th assignment of teachers, and
It was approved by th board. They will
be distributed a follow:
Uigb School.
claudle .8, JUce,
Willisana White,
Mlnni K. Way.
Jessie M. Alwort.
Ann M. Ash.
JUsbth Grave. .
Maude McAneney,
Leila C. Hayden,
Winifred Johnson,
Mr, a. A. biavely.
Mr. Ho p. Pusey,
Vera (petmaa,
Maud Meyer.
Mr. Adel O. Card.
Mrs. Bell Barclay,
Edith Sbugajt.
Margaret Alkeo,
Lulu Epetman,
Marl Peterson.
Ball Robinson.
Ave 8.
BadoUet, May Warner,
ftue L.
Vrlncleal. Bartley,
Jetsi V. McAneney,
Minnie Rupp.
Bernlce Elbert.
Ruth Vowg.
Emily Butler,
Dorothy Cook,
Ev Utterback.
Mlanl Johnson,
Ann MlkcseU,
Jull Hughes,
allegation of cruel and Inhuman trexaent
w th one successfully used.
Whll the woman were getting rid of
their troublesome husbands. another
worn, Mary Ocbora, mad start la th
am direction by filing her petition. Mrs.
Osborn allege that her husband. John F.
Osborn. has manifested such had conduct
toward her that it oome under th "
and 1." rule, only with out any . other
contributing features. Tbey were wedded
In Omaha and th was June bride Is
153 They oame over to Council Bluff
and lived here continuously with th ex-
caption of on brief period. Bbe asks th
court to compel John to pay her the mod'
est amount of $S weak alimony.
"Her Eye Are Blue for Tale.'.' the great
eoUeg song which 1 on of th many song
hits in th musical fantasy. "Th Prise
of Tonight." In which Henry Woodruff will
appear at th Doctor theater Sunday
night, 1 on of th most stirring as well
a tuneful number ever heard tn musical
comedy. Th chorus 1 accompanied by
tb various college yU of th prominent
utlverslUe, and each familiar yell is
generally echoed by com of th Auditors
who know by experience th joys of col
lege days. Mr. Woodruff himself 1
Tl graduate, and oddly enough, hi
greatest (uccesse hav always been In
role portraying college youth.
Amateur photographers wanting best re
sults get finishing don at Kuhn's studio.
.J 8 Main. Council biuff. open bunday
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. ft. Night L-XTOt
J. E. Marshall.
principal, ,
B. t Asquith. '
Emm X. Boeeche,
Doili P. Burgee,
Flora R. Cooper.
Edith Flicking er,
J. C. Grason.
C. A. Pierce,
MItti M. Pile.
Elmer V KedcUng.
K6e Reed,
WaaulrngtOB Avwaue
Mntle MaAgum,
Helen Ad Tylr,
IsatHJ Orris,
Caroline Bisk.
Mdtrle O. Phillips.
iary ivennejy,
Nellie M. Col.
Ruth E. Templln.
Hitel M Oooch,
Mlaa Converse,
Nannie M. Hardin.
Grace Thompson,
Mary Tidball,
Myrtle MoNutt.
Katherlne Morrl,
May Mahler.
Juli WaJger.
Twttk Awe.
Clara Meyer. EUtabeth Whit,
principal, Oraoe Riley,
Mamie Norene. Mary Coggeshall,
Charlotte Hennlngor, Sadie Barrett,
tvatheryn fuinsni, naxei lewi.
Jennie Q Rioo.
Pauline X. Rleth,
Ann z. boss.
Floyd E. Morgan,
Allen Bay lea.
Mary K. bhowklter,
Edna M. Eprague,
Jet Thrush.
Mary D Wallace,
Agne Pbeny. lt.
Margurit Graham.
Marti a Hetsvl,
Marl Dege,
Bnsl Howiette,
Mr. May Soott,
Mr. ElUabetb Ole-
ftulla Royer,
Cora G reiser, apecial,
Isla Baker.
AUo Walter.
lUbth Morrl.
Margaret Mcpherson.
rorothe Spetmsii.
Jan How,
Gertrude Pvnport.
tdith Joeeoh.
Elisabeth Croaker,
Hannah Bio.
Mr. Edith Prouty.
Mrs. M. J. Curti.
Ollv M. Harl.
Eunlc M. Qrsson,
rinrencs M. ttorr,
Ada Dsiley.
Clara Sptrle,
Dora Lyon.
Mrs. Ev Lyon,
Irsn Walker,
Myrtl Winter,
A! Id McFadden,
Mayrae Morris,
grv Converse,
ertrude Green.
Edna M. Oroavenor,
TMr Street.
Mr. M. B. Curti.
Likle M. Powers.
aalstant . m.
Maud Walker,
Mary OCo-utor.
Blanch Peck,
il bpetman.
Aurell R. Ttnley,
tbtih Parkinson,
TUirtreSoo4 Street.
Agne Drake, Ann Moule.
PiaoiDl. Pearl Coal,
lisle M. Power. Llda Voorbee.
Assistant P. M. Crystal Dingle,
Meragaret Fisher, Fraaco Wood.
Maud ttutiu,
Mlao Aveane.
May Sim. Principal. Edith B. Field,
Mary Johnson. Elaora Darnin.
Harrleo (treat.
Mjnnl Hanson, Nora Shea,
Principal. Bernlce WUllman,
Tbeoan Kendle, Kindergarten, A. M
Margaret Dea,
bUt Aveaue.
Kathleen Connor, Margaret McKsouvrs,
Principal. jatoia DaraiU,
Louis Carson, Kudrgxtea, P. M.
At K.
JoMpbia Clausen, loan wir.
Principal. Blanche Patterson.
Aiwa VauDufX,
Lliuaa Cberoi, Bernlce WlUlnun,
Principal. cOndergartaa. P. M.
Aan Weinberg,
Tiitimt MoffragB. Cor Joa.
Orao Barr, Music. Racbael Thorn,
Leroy Hutchlns, Drawing. Writing.
Manual Training.
household good, horse, cattle and all
chattel securities at a big discount of the
usual rate. Office over 330 West Broadway.
Youg Wo Aroused t VJelu
I Silent Ove Crr of Iaelt.
tS Seller Murder.
VAiaBKTIXV, Neb., fspt LerEunlo
Murphy has steadily refuted to see any
parson sav her jailer and attorney today.
h talks with her jailer on common topics,
but ha not touched on th crloa of In
citing tb murder of Charles Sellers in
any manner.
. it ha developed that th prosecution
will try to prov that bfor going to an
Omaha hospital to submit to an operation,
feller told Miss Murphy that his in
suranc and his property was left to her.
After his murder his brother ws found to
be the beneficiary. Th preliminary hear
ing will be Beptmber ft.
Get tbe
Original nd Genuine
Qcl&au Jmiiafi0t
The Food Drink for All Ages
Not in any Milk Trust
Insist oa ,IIORLICK,S,
w Take psokage bom
Cruel labume Treavtsaet
lee l MaJorltr of
Before Ju4g.
Freelng mlnmVd couple from th
obUgaUon assumed at tb vurlge aiUr
occupied part of th Urn of Judge Wood
ruff yesterday. Be entered decree la
even mor default caes, mating uteen
in the laat two days, to say nothing of
the number of oaee where th defendant
bristled up and showed fight by demanding
trial. In all of th oaaoa pd upon
yesterday wive were the plaintiff and
got th decision ia their tight tor lib
erty. Minnie Ahem wa relieved trout the
presence of her bubn4. Fred Ah ems
Fred, who 1 U years old, did ot think It
worth while te defend th charge that he
had become an habitual drunkard
The alleged cruel and Inhuman treatment
charge wa successfully urged against
James T. Edgar by Albert May Vdgar.
Almad Bollmler made good th am
oharge against her husband. Ferdinand.
Ella J. Hunt urged It lo against Cwoar
Hunt. trengtheae4 by th additional
oharge of habitual druna.
Laura May Terrell secured a decree by
bowing that $edwlck Terrell had coa
tr acted the habit of habitual drunkenness
since their marrlsg
John Byron, so years old. was tn court,
but did not offer any defeat of th eharge
preferred by hi wif that be had broken
bis marrlag vows H miled when th
decree' wa granted to her.
Josephine Forgaty Simmon drw th
last decree issued during th day, freeing
her from Albert X Simmons. Th stoak
& C
Saturday You May Buy
$30, $28, $25, $22.50, $20, and $18
This decisive and final cut on all broken lines of
medium weight, two and three piece suits is prompted by
one of this store's strongest policies "Never to carry garments
oyer from one season to another" so if the most perfectly tail
ored and dependable suits on the market today, such as
are made by Browning, King & Co., when offered at such a
ridiculously low price, proves the inducement it should
then every suit will be sold Saturday, and Monday morn
ing when the new Fall suits make their initial appearance,
our stock will be as usual at the opening of each season
absolutely free from any carried over garments.
Store Open Until 10 P. M. Saturday