! WANT ADS Want tuin rrrr-lrrd at any tlrm, but td Insure pr,er rlatlflralln must b errs n ten lwfire 12 o'rlork m. for the evening rtlttlnn and before) 7:30 for morning ati'l HuriiluT r-dltlons. Want ads rerHv r-ol after surh hour will liave their flrM Insertion nnder the hearting, "Too Late to ria-sifjr." CASH UATFH KOK WANT APS. tirxil LAM C liASKlFK ATION On Insertion 1 H rents per word and 1 rent per word for eaii subsequent In aertlon. Karh Insertion made on odd days Mi renta per word. fl.BO per line per month. Rate apply to either The 7sily or tanrisy lie. Always count l word to a line. Want ada for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug store one la your "rorner druggist" they are all hrnnrh offlrea for The Bee and yonr ad will be Inserted Just aa iromptly and on the same rate aa at I he main office In The lice building, Heventecnfh and Karanm streets: Alnarh. W. V. 40th and Farnam. paum Drug Co.. Kill N. V.th Bt. Reranek, B. A.. 140J S IMh St ftntixiti Pharmerv. Bntmn, Neb tlemla Park Pharmary. SSd anil Cumrng. Btake-Brsdlnh. 05 Sherman Ave. nifton Hill Pharmacy, rsa Mimr taughlln, C. R, 47a Leavenworth. rlsey Pharmacy, 24th anil Lake. Cooney Pharmary, xca n. iwn . ftrmak. Kmll 1&4 8 B. 18th Bt. thler A Co., 2S02 Leavenworth. foster A Arnoldl, 213 N. IMh Bt. reytag. J. J . l!t N 4th Bt. Florence Drug comreny, Florence, Neb. Hreen s Pharmary, Park Ave and Pacific. Lrreenougn at -o., lvy " r"' ?reenougb A Co., 10th and Hickory, toidman Pharmacy. 24th and l.aven- snrth. Johanaon Prug Co., 4th and Ppauldlng. Johnson Pharmacy, 2600 Farnam Hans.om Park Pharmary. 1S01 S. Wh Ave. Hlnterlung Drug Co., 31at Ave. and Far ram St. ilolst, John, 8?4 N. Hth ft. luff, A. L.. 2914 Leavenworth. Clna, H. H . 24th and Farnam Countxe Place Pharmary, 2302 N. 24th Bt. athrop Pharmacy, 24th and Hamilton, lares, Fred I. 20l Central Blvd. ionmouth Phsrmacy, 33d und Cuming, "atrlrk Drug Co.. 162 N. 24th Bt. eratoga Drug- Co., 24th and Amen Ava pihsefer's Cut Irloe store. 16th A Chicago. Wslnut Hill Pharmary, 40th and Cuming. Walton 1'harmacy. 20th and Grace. LODGE. NOTICE'. ATTENTION FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. Halla for rent, fourth floor Continental building. 15th and Douglas, for lodge meet ings, card parties, dances, eto., afternoon! and evenings. Inquire Room 1. Continental Building. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN am balm sr. 1614 Chicago Bt UNDER TAKKK, D. 1668. B-lkes. UEAFEY & HKAFEVT rrdertakere, have moved to their new building, 26U Farnam 81 Phone Harney &, Lid. A-i. MONEY TO LOAN LOW urns to Bldg. j a. sdh. UN1UIS UIAH t-O. FOR case of Blats Beer Tel. Doug. 1T r r rrl discount on framing. Nsw lot of framed pictures suitable for home 't'and den deoorations at reduced prises. Omaha Art A Frame Co.. 707 8. 14th. GALVANIZED steel and wood lawn wings. Challenge Co., &14 Farnam BL Tel. Tyler lti&4- MYER8' news stand removed from ltio to 1411 Farnam. MOVING picture machines; supplies. Nebraska Film Co., U1S Farnam. M. F. Morrill, ohlna decorator, US Bran dels Theater. Cinders Free Call at 2uth & Center Omaha Gas Co, FT") ROTH KRY SchllU AUaa. Full cigars. Cafe in connevUon, HI A. uib Be FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mrs. J. B. Blouse, 2901 Dewey Ave., will come to The Bee oftlce within ihree days we will lve her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. THE B. Q. RUFFNER TAILORING CO. WILL BE LOCATED AFTER SEPT. 1ST AT It PAXTON BLOCK. LOMATCH, tools, blacksmlthlng, ith and Leavenworth. CENTRAL Pharmacy. Pure drugs, oool oaone and refreshing drinks. US 8. 14th Su OMAHA SILVER CO.. S14 Bo. 14th. COOL and pleasant evenings at Roma Vineyard. OUR LETTER duplicating work Is unex celled. A trial will convince you. Both phooes. Western Duplicating Co., 400 Bee Bldg. Missouri Filter Mfg. Co.. 112 g. 14. D. 4711 BLEND-O-BEef. tuo cettee, at Urano Union Tea t. UPHOL8TERINO, plaao. Furn. Rep. IW4 .'arnam. liEAFKI A HEAFET moved to UU Far nam. WHIN your safety rasor blades n,i larpenlng. remember the KuLrlte Co., iM ,amge uui(. DOUOLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 4M1 BARGAINS, meats and gTocerlea 210 N. loth Bt. OFFICE STATIONEJtY iCOTER A A LEAHY CO. Tel. Douglas 1S60. .sew aaarens. ,i e. uin oi. 1M4) LETTER HRAP8 tgood bond tiDer I.OOU bllllieaile. 1.000 business cards, 1 6o per l.00. K.Mtlr.iate and samples fumlHhed. Hher prlntinn. Tliaid Printing Co., Omiht ..'on. i hi. iiiag., lain ana farnam. Red frtktf. OMAHA Ice Cream Cone Co.. D. CdOI. Linotype composition for trade. Doug. 142& Misa Bolen, ladles' tailor. 302 Boston store. FBNNER. artificial limbs. U Douglas 31k. 1'WENTY per cent lees than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Vwenty-fnurih aud L six,. South Omaha. MAGOARD Van A Storage. Pack, move, .tore and ship H. H. goods. D. 1404: B-IOS. ELASTIC stockings. supporters and bandages, stock always new, because we ell so many. Trusses fitted; everything Kuaranteed. W. G. Cleveland Drug t'o.. the largest surgical supply house. 1410-1! Harney St. FROST, manufactures and repairs ve hicles. 1408-1412 Leavenworth. FULLER A JOHNSON, gasoline engines, UU Farnam. STENOGRAPHY. Anna Redmond, Her urauu noiul. NATIONAL Metal Polish Distribution Co Silverware, mlrrois, cut glass. 208 Brandels neater. Johnson Pharmacy, purs drugs. 2Kb and Farnam. BOILEK HEPAlKSf'1 h." Omaha Structural Bteel Works. W. B. lieatoa. American turnarea, H. SMa. Wtddlng announcoments. Douglas Print. Co. YOU'LL alwavs be harpy If your wedding ring roniea from l'nnitaanl i, m a. lets at. At ths sign ot the uvea. ANNOUNCEMENTS (ConUnud. COI.KAX WATER 2 rtae; ginger ala, root ter. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. NKBKASKA gEKD CO., 12nS Jonea St.. Hofh phonw. J. K. O 1eary tor SIIOE.. 413 N. 24. So. O. ALBEKT CAHN BHIIITB TO MKAHURE. 1322 FAfvNAM ST. Painting, paperhanglng. Prlntol. B. 130. EMIL GANZ CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Ml Brown Block. T: oug. 74M. TAKF a boat ride at I-ak Manawa. We will give a pair of round trip tlrketa to Anna Hotchklnx. 8t. Mary Ave., If he will come to The Bee offloe wtthln three day a. 6tevenion. carpel ter, eootractor. Both Fh'a. , Pfelffer. Carrlaga. Painting A Repairing. Weetern Umbrella Co.. U22 Farnam. DK8T bracer for men. Oray s Nerve Food Pins, 1 er Dox. prepaid, nhe.-maa A- Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. B. H. Cola Mm Co. D. t7i. UK Farnam. AL.ABAUOH, Taldrmlt. 1701 Leaver worth. I. 3221. BARTON'S laundry; cleaning and press ing, lhju Capitol avsnue. BPHAEFER'S Cut Pries Drug Store, agents Penalar iamUy Remedies. 16th and Doaglaa. O. Wtig A Bon, Furnace. Tel. D. IM1. EDIBON phonographs aad reoorda. Sholta Bros., 1401 Farnam. MONSON. MS Park Are. H. US. A. MIL $30 8. ltth Flrat-claaa shavs aad haircut. OOLD AND SILVER PLATINO, gas (xiures, brass beds, stove trimmings and tableware replated aa new. , OMAHA PLATING CO., Established list. Doug. 2&46, 1220 Harney. IZAKD A NEL8UN, sclentlllo horse shoeri), lill Davenport. Flour, $1.10 per sack. Wagner. Ml N. lfth. GKT your diamonds at Brodegaard'a. Casady Co., B. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa, 15 U X AXWJ DrjujjWr1M (lf inaurKnoa. L. kNKBTER, Lad lea' Tailor, We So. Kith. D. ut. C)fP COSTELLO B Omaha Cut EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO ARK INS. 81 8. 16th. UP8TAJRB. Omaha Furniture Repair Works. D. 481. AUTOMOBILES HON KHv"H0NK HLKK'H illt 1JE8T PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND, Utu and Harney s)ta. NEW and slightly BlK. Call eM Braadels TIRES OMAHA RUBBER COM PANY. Everything la rubber. Automatic Phono Bus's. V; residence, H Murphy Did It Si FOR BALE OR TRADE White Bteamar runabout. Wltaschek, !Ullt Leavenworth lit. BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND ALTTOMfmTT.iro., Waverly 1 860 velie aw Pope Toledo 760 Htoudaid Dayton 760 Htoduard Dayton LaiO Utoddard Dayton I,2i0 Btoddard Dayton (hid Stoddard Dayton son Locomobile 2.200 Stoddard limousine 2.200 J. J. DERIGHT & CO. 1812 Faroara Bt. NEW and Xd-hand autoa. Derlght, Omaha. KUNDE. 711 So. 16th. repairs auto radi. tors and lamps. SEE the Lyon. 414 Brandels Bldg. AUTO LAMPS repaired and plated. Omaha Silver Co. SECOND-HAND automobiles, -passenger Rambler. A-No. 1 shape, f0; must be sold at once. 111 Harney street. HAVE 26-H. P. 6-passenger automobile In good condition; priced right. Iim boutA 28th St. TOURINO car, 1910 model, practically new, 30-horsepower. fully equipped; run only l.Ooo miles; price, $760; owner must sell. tee Drummond. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of business, call oa GANGS IE AD. 444 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 3347. Automatic Phone Bus's. (2; rssldenca, fl HOTEL In lively town; good country. (l,6uo; easy terms. N. V. Anderson, Cowlee, eLister county, Nebraska. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because he has made Omaha famous. If Mrs. Talbley. 813 No. 26th St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. BLATZ Private Stock Beer. Tel. D. 101! DENTiST, DOCTOR. A good dentist, also a good physician, wou'.d do well to locate in new "Pullman Uulldlni;," next to Burlington station; very desirable location for south of viaduct bus iness, imperial Investment Co., fullnuul bldg., Tel. Douglas ltUa, FOR SALE or trade. A small restaurant doing a good busineea; would trade for a rooming house. HI health the reaaon for selling. Address Y lu6, cars of Bee. GROCERY and meat market; good loca tion. 11 127. Bee. PARTNER with 16.0(4 cash to put into a big paying legitimate business in good mountain town; best reference. Address V 43. Bee. FOR SALE Cigar, confectionery and stationery store in live eastern Nebraska town ot ,uw. uargain it soia at once. Address Y Uk. Pee. A Tu Dollar Note for a Flyer will carry s at-wtr4 lusltl4 A4. 1st s sUlllss lH use time tsar la sntlre Hat: Boates Herald. Uultslo Kxprsaa, baluniors News, Itocheatsr Deiaocntt. yracuee Herald, Omaha Bee, Plltaburf Ulepatch. Providence Trtbv.se, Saw HaTea Loader, Clavaland Leader, t. UuU Ulubo-lXa.. la Moluoa H. A Loader Waahluatoll Pwat. LlauTar Kapubllcaa. Mllwaukon Free Praai. Saa KrmDclaco Cbronlola, CtnclauaLl Kuuulrae, Atlanta OmatUutios, IdlBoaaaolta Tribune, Dallas News, tj.iroii fro Proaa, bluae Recsr4-Haral4. ladlanaaolls News, Kanaaa City Joornsl. Orvg THIS LIST S TRIAL. Pocket Ouldo Froe. Kudolph Uuenthcr, m.m2ilZJt Reference Any publication on this list. 14TH BT. BUSINESS and REAL ES TATE EXCHANGE CO., Hardware, Oro ceis. iloiei. k1 Hootiis. Harber Snop. Sa loons, etc., for sale. Soma good bargains In real estate. Ill South 14th BU, Id liour, rjoms 1 and 4. Ibd itothery. Pres. HOTEL In Blair for rent to good party: also offer same for sale or eichanae for laud. What have you to offer f S. Kemp, Blair. Neb. DEPARTMENT STORE FOR SALE In one ot the large cities ot Iowa; stock about fc00i; splendid fixtures; dry goods, no tions, ladles' furnishings, ladles' suits. cloaka, etc.. In doubts store; men's clothliig. furnishings and shoes in single store; will sell cheap, as parties owning same deslrs to discontinue business. Address 8. 8. WEINMAN, care GRAND HOTEL, COUN CIL BLUFFS. IA., for further Information. PEST paying moving picture show In Omens-sold mine: bear Investigation. John i. r renser. i.-.tn ana Dodge Sts Confection' y A lunch room. 40 A Cum. 11.6131 BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. I AN OPBNINO FOR A VAR1KTT BTORK. If you think of starting a etnre I can help you, aa I make It my bulnes to know the different loratlons, where new retail atorea are nele1. 1 know about towna. Indimtrle. population, etc.. In many part of the country. 1 know many places where new stores ran start with a small capital with popular-prtred goods pay a profit from the , beginning poselbhltles limited by your own ambition and capacity. No chaiga for Information, Including free 3io-page hook telling how to run a retail store. Address K Bee. QROCKRT and neat mara'.t. 44 Bran dele. A RPt,E"fDID ovportunlty for young man with limited capital to get Into a safe re tall business. Write for our plan. T. H. Brloe, 6M Pazton Bldg.. Omaha. FOR CASH aa emeepUonally fine stork of grocerlea. Doing very prosperous busi ness. Ixwated In best business town In state. Must sol) account health. E. L Drewtng, 440 W. Sth Bt., Fremont, Neb. WANTED partner, good business aad Investment. LM Farnam. RESTAURANT for aale, or will trade for team or small automobile or runabout; It's a bargain. Address "T," Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. BLACKSMITH shop, with stock tools, two acres ground, new house, barn, wood shed, chicken house; all fenced; located in rirh settlement; reason for selling, on ac count of death. Address Mrs. Andrew Johnson, Herman, Neb., Routs 1. FTR8T-CTI.AS8 moving ptoture Show, oontplote, doing good bualneas; good build ing, long lease and cheap rent. 'Phone Douglas n1. WANTKTDMan and lady as partner for the road; money roajutrj 600 per oant profit. Address Omaha Boa, L 147. A SPLENDID aovortwnltjr for rooag I with limited capital to get Into a sale re tail bualneas. Write for our plan. T. H. Bride, (31 ParUm Bldg., Omaha. FOR BAIJ5. All or one-half interest In established, well located real estate and Insurance busi ness. Reasons for selling Is other business. Answer today. Address P lbl, Bee. RooaalasT Howaes. MODERN, li-room, rooming house, cheap; In desirable part of city. Close In. Phone Doug-. 4440. 12-ROOM house for sale; nicely furnished, all modern. Douglas 4440. BEAUTIFULLY furnished I-room house apartment; splendid location; walking dis tance. Phone Red 6024. - BUSINESS PERSONALS Arteslaa Wells. U K. NEBEROALL, ltU-U City Nat'L Atoraeys. Geo. W. Shields, attorney S26 Brandels Th. Bag; Bfaaafaetarers. BEMI8 OMAHA BAQ CO. Omaha. Neb. Bagasse amd Taxlcabs. THE ONLY WAT. Baggage checked to destination. Taxi cabs anl touring cars. Tel. Doug. 296. Boxes aad Paokagrc sf aaafaetarers. WOODEN BOX A PACKAGE CO., 1647 North lth. Bnllalagr aad Ldsa Assoclattoaa. NEBRASKA Savings A Loan Association has never paid less than ti per cent divi dends. Investments from II to 6,000 re ceived. 1606 Farnam St., Omaha. Baataeaa Bteaosrrapkers. KELLETS stenographers. Brandels The ater Bldg. Doug. faa Chiropodist. MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Blc, . tax Clothing;. DRESS well, we trust you, 11 per week on suit Rldgley Clothing. SPECIAL bargains, ladles furnishings. J17 8. 16th. H PRICE olethlng sals. Helphand, 114 N. 1U. Coal Dealera. POWERS-HEAFEY COAL CO. Tel. D. in. JENSEN, coal and feed. 260$ Leaven, worth. COAL At eut prices. ALL ninua. we save you 600 to 11.60 Der ton. "The Home of uuauty joai." ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO.. 1223 NICHOLAS ST. BOTH 'PHONES. UPDIKE "Quality Yard." 46th and Dodge. H. 75. REEDER COOKINO COAL. 16.60. Charles A. Westerfleld. both Phonos, Colleetloa Asjeacles. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO. First National bank. Tel. D. t4L Sl-23 Creasae-rles aad Baapllea. DOUG Co. Milk Producers' Ass n. D. 1411. URLAU A CO.. wholesale Imported cheese. Both phones. FAIRMONTS Diadem butter. Always good DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Daaetag Aradaatles. PROF. MACKIE, from the east, win a dancing academy In Fraternity hall, ith and Harney, September 4; all ballroom and society dancing taugni. or further In formation see ib pruieasor at nail. Deattsta. BAILEY, ths Dentist.. 70S City Natl. D.256 Taft's dental rooms. 1617 Douglaa. D. list- MACH A MACH. Id floor Paxton. D. less. DR. KLOPP, ltth and Locust W. 1471 Dr. Albert A. Crandall. tXl Boo. Doug. 4IM3. Dr. Clark, painless dentistry. 104 Paxton, DR. H. A. FOSTER, lth and Douglas. DCteotlToa. a. . . it A E.fr.l Aotrvlnot T)ot ,-H v. . inc.. bunued. Paxton Blk. D. 1311). A-llii CAPT. T. OORMACK. 617 KAMUACU ilia. fcACK ELLIS. Both phones. 104 Neville blk. JAS. ALLAN. Nevllls Blk, Tsl. Tyler lilT Dreuasklsg. DRESSMAKING and plain sswlng. 80 So. 21st St. MettieoaT Modiste. Doug. 440X 2410 S. lota. LADIES' Tailoring. Eng. Tell. Co. 14ot DRESSMAKING. 21C4 Farnam. Harney Ull. WOLFF, ladles' tailoring. 630 bH Bos Bldg. Dressmaking flrsi-class; reasonable. H. 4171 M. E. Nsplnsky, gowna. 404 Paxton Blk. Tarry s Dressmaking C'!-ga Mth A Far. 'FIRST-CLASS dresaiuaking. 648 S. M Ava Everything; ElectricaL a JOHNSTON ELECTRIC CO. 411 So. lOth. Tel. 406. POTH ELECTRIC CO.. repairing dyna- T it .nx tail V II. iJ7. rnos awu -- hroN. expert electricians, me- chlnists. bv. ..a a ,,k HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 6281; 816 S. 14th. reed Stills aad Stores. FEED, all kinds, "uieucoe Mills, S52 Isard. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) Florists. A. DONAHUE. 107 Farnam. D. 101. A-l HESS A KWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. La HENDERSON. Ul Farnam. D. 126ft. CHAS. EDERER. Bristol. W. 17K. Florist, tout and Floor Mad la Osaaha. UTTIKES Prlds of Omaha Flour. Psrsseei aad stove) Reaalra. NEW FURNACES KJ.r;,, furnace, steam or hot water heater la readiness for fall use. Omaha Stove Re pair Works, 1106-12 Douglaa St. Tel. IX M. A-18S. Furnaces set. repaired. Haberstroh. H.S71 Oreesrs, . OB ,o,-lt Y TT A W Jt 1 sack very beart flour, 11. SB; 11 Iba. rraau latod sugar, L with each ti puxohase sf aiwviivo. mu an. raiuaui. VI7.ZAKD groceries and meats. SOU Man dnrson. SELOREN, groceries and meats, 4601-4 N. loth. Chapman's Meat Market. 2401 Cuming. Uarsess, adlery, Leather 43eods. J. F. flOQER. hsmeeunBaa. Keg Leaves worth. KetabUsbaM UU. XINNBT A ION harness dealers. work dona by hand, ail N. 14th L HARNESS and leather. Block. Yards Sad dlery CO., Hi N. aMh. WICHERT. kinssj and leather gseda. CM S. Uth. Hat rave-tort ea. FAT.T. hats now readr. Hlcn grade. tL Omaha Hat Factory, Ui-U So. ISth. Hospitals. SWKDI9H MISSION HOSPITAL. Both phones, tldt N. 24th St. WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, 34th and Harney. BETHANY HOSPITAL, Dr. Nystrom. surgeon. Both phones. Isasrsaee, H. B. BTRNE, surety bonds, tnsuranes. Tel. D. 1120, Ind. A-150S. 601 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JOHN DALE A BON, general insurance). 110 Ramga Bldg. J. A. ANDERSON. Life Ins.. MS MeCagus, Millinery. PENNELL, Millinery, R. 1. Paxton Block. MOURNING hats and veils for rent. U a day. Mrs. H. M. Eck, 174 Leavenworth St D. WX. LATEST fall millinery. Mayms Raubor. 1424 So. 11th. Monuments. J. F. Bloom A Co. Monuments, 17th and Cuming Sts. Mirrors aad MItercd Glass. Nelson-Ryder Glass Co., 108 Cuming. Moving;, Btoraare aad Cleaalngw EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mor ula: furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office, 216 S. 17th. Doug. 34; Ind. B-1M. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO.. Oleans your carpets on your floors; electrlo vacuum cleaners, sot . loin; aw b. uia. uoug. uu. Cola Express A Btorsge Co. lSli Capitol Ave. Both phones. VERNOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., fireproof storage, household goode, pianos and baggage moved, packed and shipped. Warehouse, 1606 Burt St. Tyler 1118. Office, 7th and Leavenworth. D. 2168. Twin City Express, 1314 Howard. Both Tsl. Music, Art and I.aagraacea. LUCT M. MILLER, solo violinist, teacher. Web. 1246. Music lessons. 2824 Farnam. Phone H. 1817. ALV1N E. POOLE, violinist, U6f Farnam. ROGERS blf hit dance. Orchestra prices. Reasonabls. Douglas 6649 or R-4628. H. J. BOCK, singing and plans. Dav Idge Blk. Optlclaaa. GREGG OPTICAL CO.. 1711 Douglas Bt. Tire-Not lenses for weary eyes. B. F. WURN. syeglass repairing. 441 Brandels Bldg. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, tOB-t Brandels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 4S4-6 Brandela Theater. Pa teats. WILIARD EDDT. Solicitor. 1EM City Nat'L Bank. Tyler -1630; Ind. A-1864. . oTnnnirt) n.t.nt liwvar aas . dels' Theater. Phone Doug. 146s. p. o. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red-7117. Photographers. LUMIERB Studio. ll-21 South 16th. D. M4. R1NEHART, photograpnsr. 11th A Farnam. Physicians. Dr. e. Lawrence, 711 O. Nat. Bank. P-lftU. Dr. O. Wilkinson, aye, ear. throat. Crelghtoa rlenahtas;. V GOOD PLUMBING CO. D. Itls. Red HT7. PLUMBING & HEATING" REPAIR WORK. 1701 Jackson St. D. 1477. H. B. Miller, mod. plumbing. Uth A Lake. Bevoruess A Ohye. practical plumbers. Phones Tyler 1177. A-1826. DUNDEE Plumbing Co., 40th aad Far. nam. rrlatlas;. CARD and Index cooking receipts. See them st Corey A McKenxie Printing Co., printers, stationers and offloe supplies. 1407 Harney. Tel. Douglas 2644. " HARRY LEDYARpTprtntar. 118 8. lWh. T TTT P.V Pn'ntao Talephoaa UC t , iwuvif a lluci Douglas 1018. BEE BLDG., ENTRANCE ON COURT. PHONE IND. A-M- for good printing. Lyngstau: Printing Co., loth A Capitol Ava R1E8-HALL, Ptg. Cex. lot 8. 14th. Ind. A-14 TIMES Printing Co.. 8M S. 11th. D. tm. ftcstaaraats. Hamilton Cafe. Mrs. Fullaway. M A Far. CHOP Suey, Chinese and American dlshea Tel. Ind. A-1164. UU Douglas. U. 8. RESTAURANT, best 16s aad Ms meals prepared. 1610 Dodge. KUENNES BAKERY lunch room, too block. U. S. restaurant. Best meals. 1610 Dodge. GET THE HABIT. Est at Uneeda, Capitol Ate. Belmont quality A quantity. 1614 Dodge. DRINKS and fins lunches. 728 South 8th Si LUNCHES and drinks. W. C. Kann. lue r arnam. WHITE HOUSE CAFE, first-class, popu lar prices. N. Koch. Prop. 311 So. 14th. B AVER'S CAFE, best In city. 218 8. 18th, viiL-pirmT PAKE, under new manoirai. meat; best meal. l-'O 8. 18th Sb BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) TONT ROR8ITTO. shoe repaJrlag. and Cuming-. F. HANSEN, shoemaker. 2816 Leaven worth. First-class repairing. LADIES and gents' shine parlor, XM & Uth St. Tailoring. FOR fall suits see A. Kodym. 1411 Harney. R. A. Williams, clothes altered. 14 A Lake Ladles', gents' tailoring. Prosier, 2804 Far. SAMUEL A RICH LIN, tailors, 112 So. ltth. Both phones. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit. Teats aad Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 882 Douglaa. Twrklsh Baths. TURKISH BATHS Men and women at tendants. 16th and Douglas. Wig Maaafacturers. D. S. GRIFFITH, wig manufacturer, 11 r renser Blk. Wines and Lie BLATZ PRIVATE STOCK battled beer pronounced by experts purest beer in America. Tel. D. lesx J. F. BOND, faaer drinks, home cooking, a S. 18th Su ua CACKXJCT BROeX, wines and liquors. CUSTOK BROS.. Liquors and elgara. IfUl IkU BUrTJEll, fins liquors, elgara. CHARLES A. LEWIS, Orpheura Buffet. 1M8 Harney. T. J. HART, liquors and curars. 602 N. 11th St. CHARLES LOFTMAN, 4-year-old whisky 10c a drink. WILLOW SPRINGS beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. ALEX JETES, 1302 Douglaa. EDELWEIS beer, choice liquors and cigars. Ind. tel., 8326. S. G. Munson, 802 N. Uth. EDUCATIONAL Night School Opens Sept. 11 Business, mercantile, literary and professional courses. Booklet free. Come In aad talk It over now while we can give you all ths time you need. Office hours, t a. m. to p. m. T. M. C. A. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COL LEGE Fine new building; all buslneas branchee taught. Our graduates are In de snend. Enter at any time. Oet our catalog. MOSHER A LAMPMAN, I7th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. T. M. C. A. night school opens Sept. 1L OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening aesslons sll the year. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Zartman, Pres., 19th. and Farnam. THE FALL TERM OF B0YLES COLLEGE opens MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. DAT AND NIGHT. Complete courses In Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue is ready and free for the asking. Call, write or phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boyles, president, Boyles College Building, Omaha, Neb. TUTORING First to eighth grade. H. 3644 MORAND'B, Uth A Harney. Dancing les sons Monday and Friday, I p.m. Both phones ST. BERCHMAN S DAY ACADEMY for young ladles. 27th and St. Mary's Ave. I- FOR A dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mrs. Byers, 1112 S. loth St., wKl come to The Bee offloe within three days we will give her an order tor a quart brick of this fine ice cream. EVERYTHING FUR WOMEN LOOK Berlin cleaning and pressing. 2211 Harney. ECLISPE HAND LAUNDRY 1621 North 24th. Phone Web. 4337. All work strictly done by hand. WILLOW PLUMES made from your old r new feathers. iiUS S. Uth. D. lot WILLOW PLUMES mads from old and pew feathers. 1H63 S. Uth. R. Sokolof. ICE Cream, 80s quart. 41st and Hamlltoa 6ta. NEW fsll line millinery. Felt bats, 60c and 76o up. Uchadell A Co., 1622 Douglas- L. LIEFF, 8138 Farnam. Harney 6410. Ladies' Tailor. Now ready for fall season. T . A TTNTVRY EiPe't shirt and waist lron LiA u er. 2206 N. 25th. Web. 8sr;6. RUBBER goods. Ths Ball Drug Co. 1214 Farnam. M. SELICOW. 2866 Famam. Harney 2047. SWITCHES from combings. Katherine Olblln. 628 City National bank. TTTRTATNSL a u N D E it e d. atu VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THE WARDROBE, 2014 FARNAM. Doug. 17. DEFIANCE STARCH has no equal. TAKE a boat ride at Lake Manawa. We will give a pair of round trip tickets to O. H. Meyer. 214 So. 17th St., If he will come to The Bee office within three days. HELP WANTED . EMALE Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Must be good In office; light work; will pay 84 to 88 per week. 8. E. Wait, 617 Bee Bldg. PHYSICIAN wants office Isdy. some ex perience with typewriter; state age. salary and experience. Auaress u itt, nee. -I LEARN BMOHTllAM) I.N SIX WEEKS. Private instruction 86. Text book for home study 26c Unigrapb Co.. 1607 Farnam. Passers' aaS Trades. GIRLS wanted to learn halrdreaalng. Prices reasonabls. Oppenheim Parlors. HssMkeisen aad Doaaestles. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Tbs Bee will run your Do mesne Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the teslred results. Bring your sd to TSe bee office or telephone Tyler luOO. GOOD girl for general housework: must be good cook: no washing or ironing. 4H27 Davenport. Harney 2134. WANTED A girl or women for general housework. 610 8. 2tth Ave. WANTED A good girl for second work; good wsges. 8C16 Farnam St. WANTED Competent 'ul for general housework. 8640 Harney St Call mornings. Fhone Harney 4670. WANTED Competent 8il for general housework: laundress etupl lyed. 411 S. 3stn. Harney 66tB. WANTED Oood girl tot general house work, small family, good wages, li-'o S. (Ota Ave. H. t-VL HELP WANTED FEMALE Henoekeenere and Demeitlea -Tsst'4 WANTED Competent second girl. Mrs. J. L. Webster. 618 S. 86th Ave. OIRT., wanted for general housework, two . in family. Call at 714 N. lth St. WANTED Housemaid. 610 N. th. Dun dee. Phone Harney 1!X WANTED Oood strong girl for general housework; no washing nor cooking: good wages. 2423 Csss St. Phone Douglas 302T. U1K1, for general housework. 11. ZZli. ViS&l 1'avenport. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1623 N. 20th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; family of three. Enquire 216 Vlns street. Council Bluffs. WANTED Reliable first clsss white women couk. Must be A-l. Address, "The Irving," 2102 Iavenworth St. WANTED A girl for general housework, 138 N. S8th Bt. Harney 8212. WANTED A girl fnr general house work. Mrs. W. J. Coad. 2"J2 8. 87th St. Harney 2192. WANTfiP-A arlrl for general housework, one who is a good cook. Apply 418 8. SXth St. Harney aao. WANTED-Nloe girl to assist with housework; good wsges. 2408 Cass Bt. WANTED A good girl for general house work, family of three; good pay. 10 N. 84th St. Harney 1S4. MIDDLEAC1ED woman for general housework; small family and small wages. 8818 Dewey Ave. GIRL for general housework. 619 S. 86th Are. WANHED Assistant housekeeper, one with hotel experience and references. Ap ply to housekeeper. Hotel Rome. GIRL wonted for general housework; two In family. 1120 S. 28th St. GOOD !ady clothes lroner; good wages; steady work. 2W7 Leavenworth. WANTED Girl for general housework. 401 So. 42d St. WANTED Neat, competent girl for housework; no washing. Apply at Mrs. E. W. Getten s. 8403 Harney. A GIRL for general housework; no cooking-. 1918 Farnam. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apartment No. 27, Rollln Apartments. 18th and Yates. Take Sherman Ave. car. W ANTE D Good (German srlrl for general housework: no washing; small family. Tel. Harney 1602. WANTED A girl for genera housework; small family; good wages. 1326 S. 80th Avs. Harney 2201. GOOD girl for general housework, small family, rood waves. 1014 Park Ava. WANTED Girl or woman for reneral housework In small family, no children. 814 N. S3d St. Tel. Harney 5061. GIRL for general housework; good home for party. 116 S. 42d St. Tel. Harney 2704. " 1 wabteu-a young gin to assist with housework and children. 2010 S. Central Blvd. Douglas 6467. WANTED A girl for general housework small family; good wages. 606 Park Ave. M Iscella seeei, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places sr otherwise asaisied. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. MIDDLE-AGED lady wanted for plain sewing; after learning business. 310 per week and board and also traveling ex penses. Job only open until Monday, Au-g-uat 28. Address B. H. Armour, Avoca, la. WANTED Two lady demonstrators to take orders; select proposition; experience unnecessary; salary and expenses paid. Call at 1716 Leavenworth. O'BRIEN'S chocolates sre famous every where because they are the best. If Mrs. Durkes, 21i0t So. 82d St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 80-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED MALE- A(sti, Salesmen aad elloltors. WANTED Young man for traveling and city salesman by tent and awning manu facturers in Denver, Colo. Must have had experience. Permanent position to the rUht party. Give full particulars as to age, ex perience, references, married or single, sal ary expected, etc. Address P. C. S., 1421 Larimer St., Denver, Colo. SALESMEN WANTED For full particu lars write. Ths Union Pacific Tea Co.. Omaha. Neb. WANT to gret In touch with an excert. enced salesmen married, total absta.ner who is ambitious to build up a business of his own. Large corporation has a fine opportunity for a man to establish a branch bualne.-B on liberal commissions. Must be a bright, clever salesman able to carry himseti until Duoinees Define to proauce. Only expense low office rent and telephone. Answer in confidence Immediately. E 840, Bee. WHY work for wages when you can make rrum ' to ira a wee seiung tne New Era Rope Machine, makes stronger snd belter rope, out of binding twine at lesa man m i" ru tu ouy it ror at the store. Omaha Sales A Supply Co., Sole Agents. liH Brandela Theaer Bldg.. WANTED, a stock salesman. K 8r7, Bee. lx rLin"-1'". tniiHc man to act as traveling salesman and Invest 6SO0 to 31 uuo in established wholesale business. 907-609 Brandels Theater Bldg. 'Phone Uougiaa s,o. BOOK salesman. W. A. Hlxenbaugh A Co.. 1814 St. Mary's Avs. Tel. D. 82SW. CALIFORNIA FRUIT FARMS. Agents wanted In every town to sell oar contracts. Big commissions. Easy to sell. Write at once for full Information. Mo Keever A Tucker, 210 S. Uth, Omaha, Neb. AN answer to this ad will make you money. Bartlett Supply Co., Brews Blk., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Experienced clothing sales man. References required. Raphael-Pred. Co. 13tb and Farnam Sts. WANTED Furnishing and shoe sales man who can trim windows. Steady posi tion. Reference required. Rapueal-Pred. Uth and Farnam .Sis. A SALESMAN of ability that can show a selling record Is wanted by sn automobile company In Omaha. Automobile experi ence not necessary. Address M 148, Bee. I WANT a man to sell an old 11ns life Insurance special policy In Iowa. Salary and cummlsHlon. The Western Mutual Life Insurance company. Horns office: Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa. Beys. BOY wanted to make himself generally useful: must come well recommended. Sol. Bergman Jewelry Co.. 408 S. 16th St. Clerical and Office. WANTED Offloe clerk for new cloe rooms Apply by mail to C. O. McDonald. 616 Brandels Bldg. Fseiory asd T ranee. LEARN barber trade. Tuition 11604 pectel class. Westers Barber Institute. Uth and Dodge. trug atoreeienape) Jobs. Knleet. Bee Bid) WANT I1D Six good brlcklsysrs at enoe. Zack Eyres. j Mars, la. . . . II V" ka.h., triril till, Inn K V - - olal class. Western Barber Institute, 14th and Lodge. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien la because he has made Omaha famous witn hiH canity, it Mrs. A. M. itawitx. 3u4 Gold St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an or. ,1,-r for a 60c tit box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED MALE tContinued.) Miscellaneous. FOUNT Fsultnees Cleaning works rtlte team pressed. etc Ill S. 16th. D. 884. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; largeet and best equipped Shops. Nat I Auto Training Ass n. Omaha, Neb. Automatic Phone Bus's. $2; residence, $1. WANTED Mall clerks, carriers, clerks In government offices at Washington. Omaha. Neh . examinations during Septem ber, le month. Annual vacations. Thou sands of appointments coming. Candida's coached tree. Franklla Institute, Dept. ill H. Rochester, N. Y. O 8110 MONTH AUTOINO. .3- AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA. NF3T4. ""' LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE. WANTED Collector: good future for light party. Call at 401 Omaha Nat. bank. TRI-C1TY BARBER COiX.Et.1 E Men to learn barber trade. Tuition, fla. 8u So. Uth St RELIABLE Employment sasncy, hotel and restaurant help. 1610 Davenport. Coffee John, I and 10c meals. 1404 Dodge. MANWEILLER'8 employment office farm hands. 13th and Dodga. WANTED FOR U. t. ARMT Ablehodled unmarried men between ages of 18 und ,V cltlsens of United States, of good rharer. ter and temperate habits, who can speak reed end write the English language. For Information apply to Rex-rultlng officer Uth and Douglaa Sts., Omshs, Neb ; fii 4th St.. Sioux City, la.; 130 N. ltth St., Llnooln, Nsb. WANTED Young men to learn the bar ber trade. Commission paid for bringing students. Harbors maks more meaey now than ever before on account of the manv added money making facilities. Our course saves years of apprenticeship. Graduates come to us for help. We place our men on trains, steamships, office buildings, private barbers and vtlns. Positions always w-a.lt- iii loon sivrii. au or writs. Moler Barber College. 110 So. ltth St. BLATZ Wiener. Tel. Doug. 1081 for esse CUR investors have all mads moner tv ars now forming a new syndicate that will make more money than any of the previous ones and make It quicker. If you hnve any money to Invest drop us a postal and we will send you full Information. Addrees N 87, Bee EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for a young man to become Identified with mi old established firm. Must bo able to take care of a set of books and to mske a reasonable Investment In the company. Address II 32. Bee. AN energetic man, capuble of hHndling an agency force and hHvlnr a few thou sand dollars to Invest can xonure a life position with an old established house. Address G 49, Bee. HELP WANTED 11ALK Olt HCMALE. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may barn steady Income corresponding for nnwsp.-i. pers. Experience unnecessary. Address Press Corresponding Bureau, Washington, LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship your stock to South Omalm; uta milpajre) and shrlnkaarei; rnnp ..mi- slfrnments receive prompt and careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byers Bros. A Co. Strong and responsible WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Blk. Great Western Com. Co., Omaha & Denver. The Standard Com. Co., 116 Exchange Bldg. W. R SMITH A SON just handle sheep. W. T. DENNY A CO.. 233 Exchange Bldg. TAQG BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheep. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg. Donahue A Randell Co.. 202 Exchunge Bl. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to us. BURKE-RICKLY CO.. 201 Exchange Uld. L E. ROBERTS A CO., 228 Exchange U.dg Allen Dudley A Co., 236-37 Exchunge Ulan. RALSTON A FONDA. Live stock and commission meronanta. FARMERS Live Stock Commission Co., 200-11 exchange. wfAClT nrATAIlAl otf ohtnmAn.a I U E.. . .... .. j n Stock Yards Nst. Bank, ths only bank at tbs yards. Cox A Jonas Com. Co., a bunch of hustlers. WINN Bros. A Co.. Exchange bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hera re aad Vehicles. WKINLEY. horse trainer; ride, drive single or double. Bring In your kickers, runaways snd outlaws. Satisfaction guai anteed. 421 N. 2&ta St., South Omaha. ...... . T IT All kltlfle Of tnnri Hnr... IIS N. list SU 'Phone Douglaa 6su. HORSE and stanhope. Windsor Stablest HORSE, buggy and h N. 28th Avs. Ind. B-1380 harness snap. 3311 crmND-HAND surrey, very cheap. S7t Leavenworth. A. L. VAN GORDON, hospital for horses and dogs, .m it arnrlr hnr... fn. u 1 cheap. Tel. A-2068. 1317 So. 27th. FOR BALE CHEAP A nloe spotted mere ai,.ii.nd oonv. cart xnd harness. B. AS dsrsoa, 2412 M St., So. Omshs. CARRIAGE MAN'S SNAPS Fins 1600 closed csrrlags for 164 Fine coupe for 836. jf) candy waon for 1.6. I) phaeton for 176. Other good buggy snaps. DRUMMOND Eighteenth and Harris-. Livery aad Hoarding. Melcher, Livery. Feed. 1611 Leavcnworta LOST AND FOUND TEDDY BEAR cleaners and dyers; bom phones. LOST vA Prestollte gas tank from auto mobile Saturday afternoon bom Ken Omaha and West Dodk St. No. 2M.44,'. Up turn to III do. mn ana secure reward. BLATZ private stock beer. 'i'ul. D. 1USL LOST A handsome monogram watch. Re turn to Bee office. Reward. LOST In Owl drug store, small bid' k coin purse containing U. Can lied imuj. Reward. PERSONS having lost some article w,ia do weil to cell up the offive ot the Uiuiha A Council Bluffa Street ivuilway toinpanj lo ascertain whether the left It lu to. street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore tliem ti ins r'.giitiui owner. Call IHiuglas 44. OMAUA A COUNCIL BLUr Kb SiitEE f RAILWAY CO 61 PAN a'. LOST A handsoms monegreai watch Return to Bee olfice. Reward. LOST Monday afternoon, a heavy silvei necklace, either on llariecom park car line or downtown. Reward for return to Bur lington ticket office, or telephone I;e -uuid, Harney lsw. LOST One pair nose glasses with chain In case between 24th and Burt str.. and Miller park pavilion, on car or struct -one dollar reward. 844 Bee Bidg. FOUND-Package on Howard Ht.; call any time about 6 o'clock lu niorulug ua Slairs, 2908 No. 14th St. ,2 r t I I A