Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    in: r.Ki-:. omaha, Thursday. Ariirsr 31, 1911.
Importance Given Krports on Passage
of Reciprocity Bill.
Warmer Weather In lae rlfcMt,
( oopled with More or Less Mejal
rtatloa, Drprriwi
'.MA H A. August
The northwest forecr.t was generally
warmer anil showery. tmpf ratyes ranting
' otn 41 to ly degree.
Some Importance mi tlim repot' on
n passu ue of the Canadian i Iprocity
i ute. statin iissshk almost in lain
generally ws considered bearish!
mid rHscimrsprcd lonirrf re el!tr.g on tlt j
f.tllur of ar.v advance on thi recent frost
rcHrls. Carrvlns chaises heavy,
stocks are against the advance anil prices I
r::ert off. !
Tli weaker roin market was due !ii1y ,
'. tl.i" decline in nal. At til" ssme time
more favorable r-i p pews 's eu Ting In,
which a'so ha a bearish effect. HhtppinR
mles Mr rnnrtd heave ami th foreign
lernand wilt have a b'lliish effect on any
'nir decline hi ir-iee-i.
Warmer weather It' the not III'.' est coupled j
with mote or less Iiiuid-.i in, a ilellievy i
lavs draw :,eae depress"! vlieat value to- .
ty. Ch w heot staid I'll V' lower.
The rash rum domain conttntien active, ,
nut favorable crop new and lower wheat"
p'lce fused II. e market. Cash corn sold
'tO lower.
Pr'mary Ml. mi receipt" were '.:i. 0t bu.
:t ii rl shipment uere 575 no" hn.. against re
'elpts In si tear of l.0.0i."i hti. an.l chlp
n i 1 i t ( o,' .'Coil t,a
Primary cor.i receipt were KSS.wn bn. and
ihlinijoi.ts vre ijiJ.ii bu.. agalnut re-
irt-maot oiiT.i'Oii bn.
I'learam ea were uoiie of oi n. $.041 bu. of
i at and bent and flour euiirtl tu f'd.Quo bu.
Liverpool -IuihmI ti.",d lower on wh.;at u.-ifhaiiKMl U Jd hiKher on corn.
I'h followiiiK aeh ;i!e were reported:
Wheat: No. :! Iiaid. 4 raia. ' . No. 2 hard,
1 car. S5ic; I . v;j-: No. ;i rnlxp4, 1 car.
Kxii-. Corn. No. 4 color. I iar. We: No.
2 yeilow, 3 vine. No. ' ellow, 2 rata,
rfe; No. J mixed, fi car)". .V'o. Oats: No. 1
white, ; cw. 4'4..
1 1 mi a Ik m 4 aali Trlee.
WUHAT No. 2 hard. (tS.c; No. 1 hard,
srSMc; No. 4 hard, Sift .'; rejected hard,
7-i1 -tjVe.
( OllN-No. 2 white, WtViVc; No. S whita,
:4tfftSe: No. 4 wlilte. r.HVe'ic; No. 3
color. rtf0!e: No. 2 yellow, olSS!ie; No.
yellow, fo"(a.'jPc, No. 4 yellow. 6S93SHc;
No. 2. vSraDhc; No. 3. Wt6!o; No. 4,
iniS1c ; no trade, i7Sif.f.
OATS -No. 2 white. 41Vac: aUndard,
41VS41V-: No- while. 4141Hc; No. 4
while. 404lc: No. 3 yellow, 404GrKc;
No. 4 yellow, 4O'iB40c.
BARL.WT No. i, $; No. 4, 96o)
II 06; No. 1 feed. 76et1.0; rejected, t07.
PiTE No. 2. fi37c; No. S. 86c.
Christ Beeelpta.
Whaat. Corn. Oata
Chicago 19 S7 mi
Mlnnpoll 2M
maha 21 15
Ouluth M
feat area of tare Tradls ttmA CloataaT
rrlrea Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Aug. 30. Wheat win liqui
dated beawtty on the Board of Trade today,
Hepteraber In partloular, and the cloae waa
's! to under yesterday. Corn and
oata found narrow marketa. but corn aold
off veTOte to 1Wr. Oata cloaed unchanged
to a eh.ide up. Provlmona suffered from
liquidation, closing from TVfcc to 10c lower in
lard and rlba to 62'4o for Bepteinber pork.
The liquidation la wheat waa led by Sep
tember Ion-a. who bad an eye on delivery
dy, next Friday, and did not want the
wheat. There waa aleo more ehort selling
in the pit than for a considerable period.
September at one time was off nearly ic
and cloaed with a los of 4rft4". This op
tion waa picked up by elevators and each
aouflea who hare sold December at 4c
premium. The Canadian northwest re
ported clear skies and warmer weather,
with harvesting in full blast. TJverpool
and Part were weak, but the other foreign
marketa ruled ateady. The eaah demand
was slow. December wheat touched bottom
at MHflWto and closed ygr. under yeeterday
at Wff3JV. May optlona at one time were
ft but the close showed a slight
recovery, 3(ale under yesterday, at 89Vi
Cath corn to the extent of SOO.OOO bu. was
old today, but the market for futures was
narrow and the tone easier. December
prices fluctuated within a range of ".4c and
the close waa Vrf"c off at iZt,lc. Sep
tember olosed SiPia down at e4VMf44c.
0Us were dull, the range of prices narrow
and the tone firm, although cash prices
were off '4c to tyc. Klevatora took Sep
tember and aold the deterred futures. ' De
cember Hold between 4tVc and 447c, closing
unchanged at 45-qH6'nC.
Cah trade In provision! was normal for
this part of the year, but futurea dropped
oft on liquidation and in sympathy with
wheat and lower hos. September pork at
one time broke Tlr. and closed 24c under
yesterday 'a S15.J6. January closed down
T.'Hc at SIIM. January lard cloned 10c
lower at lU.o? and January ribs 7tf10o
down at 8.00r..
Quotations were a follows:
Articles. Open. Hlh. Low. Cloae. ITes'y.
ecl 1 ootu A
Sept. . .
1 OOix
42', iSa, 4?iA
44 45d 45'
47ti 48 it
IS 55 15 75 16 37
IS 06 IS 10 IS 32H
20 S 25-7 37
9 K t 20-2H 4
S 96 02 U
t 85 S 82M, ( M
8 874'S 80-2H t ()
8 27'., 8 S7S30i S Hh
is 20
IS 20
1 37!,
IS 27'.
S 85-:
8 DO
8 i
3 90
Cash quotations were aa follows:
FLOV R Steady ; winter patents, 24.009
4 50; straights, S3.0Aitl.S0; spring straighU.
S4.XVtt4.S5: bakers. 5.j4.7ii.
It V E -No. 2. 8rW8.
BARLKY Feed or mixing, 7596c; fair to
choice malting, ft.lSitrl.22.
BEUns-No. 1 northwestern, tl.82; tim
othy. Sl2.60i&14.So; clover. 13.0O6'l.80.
TUOVISIONS Mens pork, per bbl., l.12Vi
!i1i.a. I.ard. per 1"0 lbs., SV titlH; short
ribs, sides, loose, Ji.S7j'.71.; short clear
sides, boxed. S.13iv.2u.
Total cleitram-ea of wheat and flour were
eiul to 73.0UO buiihels. I'rimary receipts
were 9S4.O0O bushels, compared with 1.280. 000
luithel the correHponding day a year ago
Ksilmuted ref..pts for tomorrow: Wheat,
"7 curs; corn, 31 cars; oats. 128 cars; hoga,
1.1 OK head.
Chirego Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red,
8'ijM",c; No. 3 red. (.; No. 2 hard win
ter, UUftfeflc; No. 2 hard winter. Strttijliic;
No. 1 northern spring. Jl.otkfll.OS; No. 2
northern siirlrig, SI.0'J I. Of.; No. 8 northern
apring, l?r.xJl.-': No. 2 ai'rlag, 7cfel.(a. No.
3 kpruis-. b3c$1.00: velvet chaff, 8893c;
durum, 8Stnc. Corn: No. 2, S4V34c; No.
2 white. K4(4&c; No. 2 yellow. 44ttpSo;
No. 2. 4Htic; No. 8 mhlte. 64H64C; No.
2 yellow, MVfcittMVc: No. 4. f34tw4tc; No. 4
ifllow, tliitl'c. Oats: No. 2 hlte, 42V0
43c; No. 2, 4lc; No. t white. 414r4i4c; No.
4 white, SOHrtMlVtc: stuitilard, 4itr42Vc
Rye: No. 2. Suinwic. Parley; 706ii2.
Timothy: 812.6ti 14. u0. Clover: 13.0b L 00.
BI'TTBR oleady ; creatnerlea, SucSSc;
dairies. Inr22c,
JciS oteady : receipts. S.805 cases; at
mark, raxea Included, 10) 4c; flraU, lc;
prime flreta, 17Se
CHBBnK Steady: daisies. iml.c:
twins. l2Mrl?c; young Americas, -13
13ic; long noma. J214fl2Ale.
P4TATOKS4 Steady; choice to fancy, $l.3
tjl fair to good. Sl.OMil.20.
POCLTRT Kaay, turkeys, old, 14c;
voting. 20c; chickens. U'M,e; springa. 12c. -
VEAL-Steady; SO to W Iba.j fcsiec; SO to
ti lbs. rMrlOV: 85 to 110 lbs., lie.
Daily movement of produce.
Article. Receipts. Shplment.
Ftour. bbla SS.OO SI
Wlu-at, bu STl.ofD t51
Corn, bu 7.iK) 4U.000
oata, bu 4i.0w' liT.tmo
Hy. bu l".t 70"
liarley, bu HU.wi H.uw
Carlot Rei-lpts-Whuit. 1 tars, with
of oontract grade; corn. 67 cars, with 2(7
of contract grade; oata. 271 cars. Total re
celpta of wheat at Chicago, aflnncapolla
and I'uluth today ware US) cars, compared
with 4M cars last week and 742 cara the
correspond!:: dity a year aau.
kaatal 4 lr Orwta aaal Prwvaalaaa.
chanaTtd lo la lower; No. 2 hard. lit. six.';
No. J, VOv4Hc: No. 2 red, ITovwWc; K. b. ai
c ; tieptetnber, Ko-c ; Deceniber, 81c;
Lay. Sc.
CuHN-tMeady; No. I mixed. 47c: No. J.
lWc; No. 2 wbiLa. SJW; No. S. fic; Sep-
temper. i13c; December, 66Ttjt0c; May,!
ATf4 Unchartered; No. 2 white. 4-i
No. 2 mixed. tff41e.
HTK Mirtv.
H AY Kteedy: choice timothy. jm.VOfi
! '0; choice prairie. Ill 1ii12..Vi.
HUTTKR Creamery. 25, firsts, iic; ae.:
onds. 21 1: packing stock. 18-rc.
EGGS Kxua. 21l?c: first. 18'c; see
ondi", i!c.
Receipt. Shipments.
Wheat, bu pOi t
orti, bit 14 ' XVI
Oats, bu 3.0")
4taotatlna of ike ar
r. I'JIVIV. 1. fi . r I v
.ipiiiilf paiteiii.o. a... l-cu Tv 4-J; winter mralghts.
U; winter putontit. SI.20W4.M. li1n
clears. 14 iwi4.;i.".; winier exlrati No. 1, I3.2S
'q:!.: winter extras N '. 2, S3.1.".2S; Kan-;
aiiK atraiahtit, 14 :'..it4.4... Hve f our, tniiet;
fair to good, 4i(?4W; choice to fancy,
U !" .'..1.
fonXMKAl.- Wirm: fine while and yel
low. Sl."bl.4Js; ciminr, llOol.t", kiln
WllKAT market easy; ncv No. 2
red. 9itc. elevator, and .Vc, f. n. b. afloat;
new No. 1 northern I 'ninth. ll.U'i. f. o. b.
afloat. Futures marki t wa easier under
uiiict liquidation und favorable crop ad-
and because of a divipiioltit!ug canh and
export drmnnd. cloning '-'n c lower,
fepteniher. W o-I'.'l'' if. cloned Hi K 7-lc,
Decrmhr. r.cfill "0 3-11. clon.'d at n!"C.
Ilecrlfit, H.4"K) bu.: liipment. '4.0"o bu.
it ilN fpot tnaiket barely xteady; No.
1 . orii. 7.1c. elev.'itor, domestic bnls. lo ar
rive, and 7:'c. f. o. b. afloat, export sraiio.
Kuture. mnrket ivhi without ti nnnactlon.
Kxport .'aicit amounted to l." lonrte; receipts.
S.oOO b.i.
OATH-.-'pot market ftrnl: new standard
white, 14', c; No. 2 white. 17c; No. 3. 4Hc:
No. 4. 4uc; natural white and clipped, 4-dj
4''c. rleccipt. 45.7.TO bu.
HAT-Hteadv; mime. lUVWl.l'1; No.
1, SI.SKl'dl.Sf.; No. 3. Ktffc.
iltjl'fi 8teai ; Mtatc, common to choice,
1!I0. KKpl-'c; 1J"!. 32'd 3ic; Pacific coa't, l'.U',
-j4; ITO, ;8i8lc.
HIDES Dull; Central America. -,0'2c;
BogoLa. ilVo-'to
IjHMniKHr-Steadi ; liemlo.-k first. 24'i
ijc; seconds, iS23tnj; third", re
jects, lie.
Pr.f)Vl.-roNs fork. Kteaily: meit, l.tXK.i
19.5: family, $l.7iH '! fhoit clears.
SiO.MWr LT.fiO. Beef. firm; rnees. $12.:i0r
13.0ii: family, $13.5081400: beef hams, fa'.iil
ftJin. Cut meats, firm; pickled belliee,
W to 14 pouudx. Iltl3'c: pickled hams.
t a a uradjii. mMdijt wpt nrime.
.kii'9.50J; refined, firmer; continent, I10O0;
. . . - a . a r.
jaoum AiiiKiica., .-uiiiiiuiiu. . xv
TALJOW Firm; prime city hoKheads,
64': country fi'iiHc.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery specials,
27c; extra. USc; Ihirde. D0V-11!; state
dairy, good to prime, 23'j24c; procoMs, spo
clala. 2Sc; firsts. 2C&':!lc: seconds, lSigiSc;
factory current make, firsts. 20tfJittc;
seconas. WkMS'.
CHEESE Steady; sklms. it.
K(KS8 Firm; fresh gathered extras,
Ka-24c; extra firsts, ld2Uc; firsts, J7
lc; seconda, K'n&ltc: thirds, 15c; fresh
gathered dirties. No. 1, UVxi'K'c; No. 2. 14c;
poor to fair. ll13c: fresh gathered checks,
good to prime, ISkJU'-jc:, poor to fair, per
caje, S2.jr3.S0: refrigerator firsts, season's
storage charges paid, 2031c; seconds. 18jt
lio; thirds. 15.17c; western gathered
whites, lWt23o.
POULTRY AJive generally fair, but no
prtcee settled on freight stock; chickens. 17
'Slide; fowbt, lsaiftvtc; dressed trade dull;
fowls firm; chickens steady; prices un
changed. Corn aad Wheat Itea;lon Bnllella.
Record for the twenty-four hours ending
at S a. m. Wednesday, August 30, 1911:
Temp. flaln
Stationa. Max. Min. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Neb.... SO 57 .00 Pt. cloudy
Auburn. Neb H 4ii .00 Clear
B ken Bow, Neb. 7S 50 .00 Cloudy
Columbus. Neb... 77 41 .W Cloudy
Ctilbertson, Neb. 84 ."4 .K Clear
Falrbury, Neb... 7 51) . Pt. cloudy
Fairmont. Neb... 7S M .00 Cloudy
Gr. Island, Neb. M !S . Cloudy
Hartlngton, Neh. 7S oO .00 Cloudy
Hastings, Neb... 7 49 .0 Cloudy
Holdrege, Neb... 7S 55 .00 Pt. cloudy
Lincoln. Neb 77 f .00 cloudy
No. Platte, Neb. 84 54 .00 Pt. cloudy
Oakdale, Neb.,... 78 i9 .00 Cloudy
Omaha. Neb 7S 54 .0i Cloudy
Tekamah, Neb... 78 53 .00 Cloudy
Valentine. Nb. 84 61 .00 Pt. cloudy
fltoux Citv, la... 74 "ii ,V! Cloudy
Alt. la 7S S2 .03 Raining
Carroll. la 74 It .) Pt. cloudy
Oarinda. la SO 50 .0 Clear
Sibley, la 75 60 .15 Cloudy
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. in.
No. of Temp Rain
District. Stations. Max. Mln. fall.
Columbus. 0 17 8 ii 1.50
Doulaville. Ky 20 7 vS M
Indianapolis, Ind. II 72 48 .00
Chicago, 111 2i 70 4S .00
St. Ixnils, Mo 2o 74 50 .0
Des Moinea, la.... 21 74 4S .i'O
Minneapolis, Minn. 30 70 4S .20
Kansas City, Mo. 24 7S M .i
Omaha, Neb IS 80 62 .00
The weather la warmer in all portions
of the corn and wheat region except th
extreme eastern districts. Light frosts oc
curred In Michigan. Slhowers occurred In
the Minneapolis and Des Moines districts
and heavy rains In the extreme eastern
districts. Parkersbure, W. Va., had l.
Inches, and Waverly, O., 120.
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
HI. I.oola lie a era I Market.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 30. WHF.AT-No. 2
red, SSijuSinc; No. 2 hard, Souj-jSo; Septem
ber, 86'!g.87c; December, 92c.
CORN-Iowor; track. No. 2. tatc; No.
2 whtt. 64c; September, 62 c; December,
a Ho.
OATS Higher: track. No. 2, 43c; No. 2
white, 46Hc; September, 43c.
RYK-Weak; S7c,
FIxJUR Steady; red winter patents, 24.10
(S4.60; extra fancy and straight, 43.904.10;
hard winter celars, S2.tKKf3.80.
SEED Timothy, tlS.1ay9io.OO.
BRAN Quiet; ascked, east track, 11.04
HAY-SIeady; timothy, fl.f22.0; prai
rie. 113. OWH. IX".
PROVIoIONM-PorV; lower; Jobbing,
$14.50. Lard, lower; prime sleam, S9.02V(
29.1241. Dry salt meats, unchanged: boxed,
extra shorts, 885; clear ribs. SS 25; short
clears, V.374. Bacon, unchanged: boxed
extra shorts, $10.26; clear rlba, $1.25; short
clears, 110 mi.
l"OULTRY Weak; chickens, 11c; springs,
13c: turkeys, Witltc; ducks, 9c; geese, 6c.
BUTTER Steady: creamery, l!22oC.
LOUS Steady, 17o.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbla 8,900 13,uu0
Wheat, bu 84. 'v i.S.udu
Corn, bu 3f.,W 42.000
Oats, bu il.M 34.0UO
Miaaeapolla Grata Market.
September, $l.s: December. $1.02'.i!i
l.oi-S; May, 1.0u'wL0o : No. 1 hard.
$1.04: No. 1 northern, $l.tC : No. 2
northern. 9Sc5 11.02; No. t, 93Sfi-sio.
A ii LK Y-Skni 1 1. 15.
CORN No. f yellow, mc
OATS No. i white. 41J4lc.
RYE No. 2, We:.
BHAN-i4j 21.00.
FLOUR First patents. $4.9c5.10: second
patents, 84.40.u4. 45; first clears, $3.2fya3.40;
second clears, 2.3&f 2.40.
Liverpool Grain Market.
easy; No. 1 and No. 2 Manitoba, unquoted;
No. S Manitoba, 7s8d. Futures, weak;
October, 7a Hd; December, 7a 3d; March,
7s 34d.
CORN Spot, firm; new American mixed,
Js7d; old American mixed, to lod, new
American kiln dried, 5a 'd. Futures, dull;
September, Ssd; October, 5a d.
v Mllwaakea Grala Market.
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 38. WH EAT No. 1
northern, $l ix-ol.v7: No. 3. nor(Jirn. 2J1.01
104; No. 2 hard winter, rxtytxlc; September.
8ic; Decciiuber. WHc
OATS Standard. 43'44t,c.
BARLEY Malting, $l.lwwllxi.
f-eorla Market.
PEORIA. Aug. 20.-CORN lower; No. 2
yellow, t)34c; No. 3 yellow, ;;; No. I
rnlxtd.. bJ'c; No. t mixed. t3',c; No. 4
mixed. SJitc; no grade, altpc.
OATS Lower: No. 2 wh'te. 12c; standard.
Hike; No. 4 white. IIVW 41V:.
Dalath lirala Market.
Ol'U'TH, Aur. SS.-WHKAT No 1 hard
$l.u&Vi: No. 1 nwthern, $1.0io; No. 2 north
ern, $l.oDl,Sl 0!V. September, fl.Sfli, hid
Docember. O 0t bid; May, $1854, nominal.
' Caflee Market.
NKW YORK. Aug. 10. 4"VFF EE Fu
turea cloaed suraJy. net 2 points higher to
I points lower; aaiaa, M.750 iMLgs; Auguat
and Scpteuibor, IK. 12t; October. lLTTc. No
terubor. U.oc: lnwinWr, iUfiCc; January,
11.3c; Fauruary, ll-Sk.-, March, April, May.
Juite ai'd Juiy, li.tie. Sut steady: No. 7
tUo. 134:; Nu. 4 fetanuak, lic. alild. quiet,
Cordova, l4!'c nominoX
Sharp Drive Carries Prices of Some
Issues to Lo v Point
Suae laflaeare Kaerled a eatlaaeat
by Belter trap rni aaal by
Favorable Railroad Hepwria
far Jelr.
NKW YORK. Aug -A uliarp drive at
slocks at the opemn of toilay s truli-ie
curried prices ol some Issues to the low
prices of the year. The movement, which
was regarded as n bear raid rather than a
renewal of liquidation, was checked by
bnyl.ig which torced bark prices to yes
terday's closing level and during tnc rest
of the Oi'.v lluct uuti'iiis v ere i.f small t.-i.n-seiuencs.
Another attempt to .veaken the
market n means of an sttsck on I.ehirn
Valley caustd thai stock to delln nearly
three points lale In the day, but had only
slight, eft let elsewhere and the session
ended with only small net changes among
the active issues.
Am. .nit tl.e railroad clocks I'nion raciftc.
Southern pacific. I.ehich Valley, MIssonH
'H"iii' iinrt t.'hesaiH'ake Ohio fell below
the previous bottom figures of th pres
ent depression, as did International llat
vester and several other less prominent
Some iuilueiice was exerted on sentini"nt
by better crop news and by the July rall
load returns, ailch as a, whole have been
unexpectedly favorable. The reports of
the ilarrinmn llnoti, howecr. revealed de
clines in net earnings of S-TiioOO for Union
Pacific nnd 5'4.:.i"") for Houtr.ern Pacitlc.
The effect of these returns and of furth.r
uncertainty as to the outcome of Ishor
difficulties was seen In the continued
weakness of the Hsiriman stock.
Reports of a threatened strike on a lart-e
euatern road increased aa to the general
labor situation.
On the "curb" Standard Oil lost two
thirds of yesterday s jump of nearly fifty
The bond market was irregular. Total
sales, par value. 81.S,000. United States
bonds were unchanged on call.
Number of sale and leading quotation,
on stocks today were as follows:
Satet. Luw. Cl.
Allia-Chalmera ptd
11. Iu (
17 Mi
; AiualKamated Copper
Amorlran Arrrtcultural
, Amoiiran Reel Bufar 1.100 4V,
lAniortnan Can -00 ft-
Amorlnsa c 4t F wio 4'4 Cotloo oil 409 01
American H. At L.. ptd
Am. loo Securities am 171
Amertran Unsee4 100 IS
American Locomotlro ..... 4e0 5I,
American 8. A K 7,400
Am. S R. ptd
Am. Stool Koutidrloa COO Si,
Am. Sugar Refining
Amertron T. T 4 ?M 15:
Amertran Tobacco pfd
American Woolon ...
47 '4
1 St
. ... 1I44
151', 1S1
Anaconda Mining Co
Atchtnon pfd
Atlantic Coast I.lno
Baltimore 4V Ohio
Bethlohem fltool
Brook I rn fUpid Tt
Canadian Pa. l(lo
Central Ijealhor
Control Leather pfd
Control of New .terr-ey
Chosopooko & Ohio
ChlrOKO ft Alton
Chicago O. W., now
Clii.'axo G. W. pfd
Chlcairo N. W
Chicago, M. & 8. F
C. C, C. oV 8t. I
Colorado . A I
Colorodo aV Bonthora
Consolidated Oaa
corn Producti
(telawore ft Hueoon
Denver ft Rio Oronde
Denver ft K. O. pfd
Ulatllloio' ocurltioo
.mo 101H loss ha
aoo i;it, 1211, 1204
kOO 100 100 100
eW) SSS 2S4 10
Wl (,', 71 76
. 4Km 274 SJS
400 14 21',
200 9'.V 5 M14
. I, JOS 71Ml 701, 71
400 ll4 17S II
soo :.v, mi, 7
. l.Pflrt 140V, US', 140
, s.xoo 11-1, in; ii2;
3(4 ti i; 274
. IM9 18t, 13-J 13.1
300 12S, l;i, 12H j
lt I
100 23 51 I
00 611, il inu I
. 1. 100 301, SO ID I
, l.iOO "x1, 37", :si,
ltO 4t, 4Hj 4 !
I'lO 40 40 40 1
310 15! lis IM14
. l.noo lsi i:n 1:1 i
tft! 44 . 41
WO m 17 137
200 1414 144 1114
Mo t 41 42S
7,700 1061, Hli ion
100 14 14 14V,
ID X3V, 2t, WU
204 I', It lt,
300 tt !7
4 ,
IIS) KM14 1044 104
ItiO 141 14 J4044 140,
100 97 117 17
100 lit 1.11 111
1.-0 J 21V, 2 ' 2Vi
1.400 40 SHi 40
100 l?4 12v 11014
toft 44 48 S 40
100 Tt 1 27 2714
1.000 101 102i ins
4)i4 nt SS
S04 lOt 1004 101 li
, i.ioo nv, ii44 us',
5u 24 27, 27,
3.200 1203, 120 12014
300 102 Vb 1024 10"'
, 1
200 II 17 U
I0 90 30 30
100 lf.t lolt4 144
100 to ao lav,
. 70,700 1414 14014 1404
. 1,40) 34 24',
100 K8H I-S vi
l.tOO i4, 2414 2414 I
10 4S 44 444
V0 404 40i, 40
. 14 000 10RI, 107Vt 10744
. i.iUO :S, 2 26
700 7'o 6si 87
100 31S 31', 21
100 23 23 2.114
S00 17 17 17
Jno sTo s
. M.000 i4 iri,, i4'4
100 ll ,1 41
in r e44
(141 17 S7 17
104 kiO 70 44 70' k
100 111 114 1144
. 1,100 42 42 42
. 1 noo 52 Bl 41
900 13 12 18
Don ia'( 2 20
flnO 47 64 17
4W 44 44 4
100 71 7 7i
100 i 2 2
. 15.500 161 1MV 1(7 V
n.n pi ....... .
Krle 24 ptd
lienerel Ktectrle
Great Northern pfd
Oreo! Northern Ore ctfe... Control
Intertwoufb Mot
Int. Met. ptd
International Harvester ...
Int. Marina pfd
International Paper
International Puma
Iowa Central
Kaneae Otr Southern
K. .'. So. pfd
Lacledo Gab
Iulavlllo ft Nantivtlle....
Minn, ft St. Louie
M . St. P. ft. H. . M
Mluourl. K ft T
t . K. ft T. pfd
Mlaonurl Pacific
National Blacult
National Leait
N. K. K. of II. id ptd....
New York Central
N. v.. O. ft W
Norfolk ft Woolen
North Amrrioaa
Xorthorn Pacific
Pacific Mall ,
People', Oaa
J P.. c, c. ft St. L
IPlttaburg Coal
.Preened Steel Car
; Pullman Palace Oar
iltallwer Stool Spring
jfiopabtlc 8toel
'Republic Steel pfd
jKock Inland Co
I Rock Island Co. pfd
St. L ft S F. M pfd
1st. Lonla 8. W
i St. U 8. W. pfd
, aioee-Shef field 8. ft I
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway
So. ruilway pfd
Tennessee Copper , .
Texas ft. Pacific
T., St. I ft W
T . St. U ft W. pfd
Union Pacific
I'nion Pacific pfd
rolled 81 a tea Realty
t'nlted States Rubber
t'nltod Sutoo Steel
V . Steel pfd
I tah Copper
Va. -Carolina Chemical ...
Waboab pfd
Western Maryland Electric ....
Western Cnton
Wheeling ft U B
Lohlsb Valley
Total aalaa for too day, 421,100 aharea.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK Aug. 20. MON KY (In call,
ateady at 2.'(i2 per cent; ruling rate, 2S.
per cent: closing bid, 2 per cent: offered
at 2 per cent. Time loans, easy; slxtv
days, 2Vy3 per cent; ninety days. ij'3V per
cent; six months. 34iti4 per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8375
for sixty-day bills and at $4 .8ti0o4i4.SiS10 for
demand: commercial bills, $4 83.
SILVER Bar, 52c; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing- quotations on bonds today were
s follows:
V. S. rot. S. rag... 1004 Int. M. M. 4s.....44
do coupon 100 Japan 4a (4
V. 8. o. reg 101 ed0 ,,
do coupon il K c so. lot la.... 74
V. 8. 4s. reg 1U f uob os 1M1. 3
do coupon 111 I. ft N. ual. 4s it
Allls-Clial. 1st la.... 44 K. ft T. lot 4o. 7
Araer. Ag. U 101 do 4, i
Am. T. ft T. c. 4a.. 106 "Mt. Pscltto 4s 74
Am. Tobacco 4o U'4 N. H. K. of M. 4a 91
do 4a 104 ej. y. c. , Vks.... 97
Armour ft Co. 4s. 92 do dob. 4s N,
Aichieoa gen. 4s 4s ejj y N H. ft H.
do cy. 4s. 104 cy. 4o 124
4o BY. is 107 eN ft w. lot c. 4a.. 97
A. O. U 1st 4s 98 do cy. 4s 103
Bel. ft Ohio 40 ke No. Pmolfle 4o 90
do is J do la 70
do g. W. e 90 0. S. L. rfilg. 4s ... 9S
Brook. Tr. cv. 4a V, penu. cy. a 19il.. H'm
feu. of Ga. 4s 104 ej0 coo. M nt
Con Leather 4s 97 Heading goa 40 97
C. ol N. J. g. la.. .110 at. jl, ft g p. Ig. 4, ao
CUeo. ft Ohio 4e....l0o do gen. ss 97
do rof. 6s 94 nt U g. W. c. 4s. . 74',
Cmcago ft A. I1,,.. n io 1 gold 4a.. 2w
C. B ft W- j. 40.... 94 a. A. U 4a 76
do gen 4 4 go. pac. col. 4o 91
C. M. ft i f 8 3s 91 do cv. 4s 9i
C R. 1. P. C. 4s. 71 do 1st ref. 4s. 94
do rfg 4s l 80. Railway H. 144
Colo. Ind. 64 51 do gen. os T7
Colo. Mid. 4s 42 In ion Parifte 4s laos:
'. : 8 r. ft a. 4s yt. do ,v. u
O. ft 11. cv. 4,.... 97 do 1st ft rof. la. MV
TI ft R. O. 4s 47 I'. 8 Rubber 4s 104
do ref. 60 V. 8 Steel id 00... im
IiiMlilers' os 73 Va -Car. Cham. 4. . . M
Krte p. 1. 4, 94 wabesh lot 6a. 107
do goa. 4o T do lot ft ox. 4a.... 41
do cv. s. sor. A.. 91 Western Md. 4s 17
ee aerloo B 14 West. Eloc. ev. 4a... 94
Oen. Sloe. it. 6a...li0 Wla. (emral 4s 93
III. Cen. 1st ref. 4a.. 94 Mo. Pac. cy. 4a SO
1st Met. 4 'tis 7 Panama it 10"
Sid. "touered
New York Mialaa Slo4'ka.
NEW YORK. Aug. 3u.-Cloalng quoutlotu
on mining stocks were:
All.o 10 Little Chief 1
Com. Tuaaol Mock.. 19 Mexicau 1
4o hauOM II Ontario l-
Coa. Col. ft Va St OpMr "1J1
llorm Silyor lo euadard 100
Iroa Sliver 90 Yellow Jacket u
ei.dvliro Coa 14
Maak lloarlage.
OMAHA. Aug 30 Omaha bank clearing,
today were $2.241.S3 and for the corre
sponding uay of la.vt year $2,447.85.
t ....
I.oaaua aloek Market.
Aug. 3U. Aiuenean oveurlnes
moved irregu ar uurmg the fu-at tour today.
The opening was steaJv aid u frnctlor
ihiihcr, hut Inter niiist of the list suld erf
j under realizing. At noon the tone w is
easy end prh es ranged from ttlmvp to "
ueujw eit"ii e . e w i iiih 1:1111,.
lunion rlninr stock quotations
C'HiiriM. m.inr .. . Ti tsnlttt.ll H .t lii
Ua atrouiit I
Amal ropptr
do pftl
Raltlmar A Ohio.
Canadian pflfl"
I !iaapealte A (hi .
tlil. Oreat . extern .
( hi , Mil. St. r
L B'n
benyer Ac Itio 0.
o aid
ds lit pM
d JJ pl.t
Oran4 Trunk
Illiunla t'eotral . .
t-U Wn., kn. a- :'S'
u w Yort inirl t'S,.4
' Norfolk c Wmsru..liJ
la.y, dn put . 9,14
101 Onirt.j A W rjttm.. S!
tut Pnn It ania dl
--n'i H.rn) Minwi 7
751 Heartlnc 72 i
it't Southern Railway .. 7:'-
iii a sfd
. 17li SD'!lllrt1 f'd.'tfit
. :t t'nlon F'ariric
. t.4 do ptd
. f. s steel
. do pfd ........
.. l Wl.fh
. ?7 do ptd
steady at 24d per ounce.
hhk V 1' ii is, per cent
The rote of discount In the open market
for short bills Is "'a per cent; for thi8
niotitha' bills. 2r,tu per rent.
Boston Moral aad BoaUa.
B(TON. Ana. 4 'losing quotations on
cto. k were as follows:
Alkutet Mnliawk t
Anval. Topper . 67', Tala Con 17
A. X. L. t M NtslaaiRK Mines 7
Artrima Com 1Ti Nonti llutto
B. : C i S. M 4V, .North ik i
Itiitto Coalition t1 Old t'omlnlon ti",
I l. Ariaona 4, (Vweola 7',
Cat. Hoi la 4(l Itrrntt 9. ft C
t'ontonntal Rl, Qtlincv 4H
l op. ttango C C.... 6ta Hhaunoa t
Kaat Butte CM HA, auserinr tt
l iankllii 7S Superior A H M . :l ,
litroiti Coil 4 Tmarat'h i.1
Uranhj- Con !T l. S. S R. M ... 3!H
Grano Cananfa do pf-l 4N
lale Koral Copper.. 11 Itah (on lit,
Kerr Lk 13 14 I tah Copper o 4St
lke i "upper Winona 5
l,a Salle Copper IS olTerli.o 1
Miami Copper II1
BUTTER No 1. 1-lb. carton. 2fc; No.
1, In ttMb. tubs, 27c; No. A 2.jc; packing.
CHEESE Imported Swiss. 32c: American
Swiss, 21c; block Swiss, lsc; twins, loo;
triplet. 16c; daisies, 16c; younit America,
lsc; blue label brick, 16c; llmbitrger t2-lb.,
18c: limburger (1-lb.). lc.
POULTRY-Virollers, lsc per lb.; hens.
13c: cockN, Vc: ducks, Pk-; geese, 15c; tur
keys, 24c; pigeons, per dux , $1.50. Alive:
Broilers, lZloc; hens. 9Vc; old roosters und
stags, 5c; old ducks, full feathered, P'c;
geese, full feathered, lie; turkeys, 5c;
guinea fuwls. 15c each: piaeun.'. per doz.,
.is:: homers, per doz., $2.-i.'; 'uuhs. No. 1,
FISH-Pickerel. 10c; white. 15c ; pike. He;
trout, 15e; laree crappies, lutflot; Kpnnish
mackerel, IHc; eel. lSc; haddock, Uc; floun
ders, 13c: Rreen catfish. )'; roe eliad, II. mj
each: shad roe. per pair. One; salmon, 15c;
halibut. Sc; yellow perch, Sc; buffalo, 8c;
bullheads, 14c.
VEGETABLES Rcans. string arid wax,
par markfct basket. Wc. Cabbage, home
grown, per lb.. 2c. Cucumbers, home
.-rowii. lVa and 2 dox. in banket, per basket.
00. tt-Kg piani, iancy r lorioa. per aox.,
$1.50. Garlic, extra fancy, while, per lb.,
12c. Lettuce, extra fancy luf, per dor.,
lOn. Onions, home grown, white, per crate,
11.75; yellow, per crate. $1.6'; California, In
kackl, per lb.. 2V Parsley, fancy home
grown,, per doz, bunches. 46c, Potatoes,
California white stock, in 'sack, per bu.,
$1.80; Minnesota, per bu.. $1.251.35. Sweet
potatoes, Virginia, per bbl.. $4.00; per bu.
basket, $1.50. Tofstoes, home gouwn. per
market basket, 75c.
BEEF CUTS Ribs. No. I. 17c; No. 2. 13o;
No. S. c. Loin: No. 1, lc; No. 2, 14c; No.
I, 1040. Chuck: No. 1, ;c; No. 2, Sc; No.
S, 8c. Round: No. 1, 10c; No. 2, 8o; No.
3, 8c. Plata: No. 1, 4tc; No. 2, 4lc;
So. I, 3c.
FRUITS Apples- wealthy, per bbl., $2.76
H-3.H; per bu. basket, $1.00. Bananas, fancy
select, pel bunch, $2.264t2.50; Jutubo, bunub,
t2.i&'tfS.7&. Cantaloupeit, Cal.fuinla, etaud
ard. 46 count. $2.50 per crate; pony crates,
44 count, $1.15; Jumbo, 27 ii aize, $2.0u. Dates,
anchor brand, new, 30 1-10. packages In
boxea, per box, $2.00. Grapes, concords,
home grown, per 7-1 b. basket, 2L(q:,c.
Grapes, California Malagas, per 4-baaket
crate, 11.76. Lemons, Lluioneira brand,
extra fancy, J0u-3tk) sizes, per box, 16. W,
Lotna Lltuonelra. fancy, Hm-Wi, per
box, $5.50; 240 and 4k sixes. per box
less. Oranges, Niagara Rcdlands Valnti
clas, $0-124 alios, per box, $4 26; 150-i;C-2 v-2i)
alses, per box, $4.76. Peaches, California,
tier box, $1.00; Colorado, per box. H.tHrv1.10.
Plums, California, large red varictlea, per
urate, $1.85. Prunes, ttagety, per 4-basket
crate, $1.85. Pears. California, per Jo-iu.
box, $2 00; lots of 10 boxes or more, per
box, $1.9V; Colorado tanoy Hart let 1 pears.
6-tler, per box, $1.85. In 10-box lota, per
box. $1.75; Colorado fancy I'ienilst beauty
canning Pears, per box,; in Itj-box
lot, per box, $1.65. N aloiiueious, (Juoria
and Florida, per lb.. lc.
MISCELLANEOUS California ift shell,
per lb.. 2uc; in sack lots. Jr less. Braz.l
lints, per lb.. 13c; In sack lots, lo less.
.Filberts, per lb.. Ho; In sack lots, lo less.
Peanuts, roasted, per lb., iPtc; raw, pr lb.,
7c. Pecans, large, per lb.. lOo: in sank
.lots, 1c less. Walnuts, California, per lb.,
18u; In sack lota, lo less. Honey, ;,, 24
frames, $3.72.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 30. MKTALS Stand
ard copper, weak; spot, August, September
and October, $13.0O4j12.1&: Loudon, market
dull; spot, 38; futures, 15(1 12s fid. Custom
hoime returns show exports of 24,2:11 tons
ao far this month; lake copper, $12.t2Vd
12.87't; eletrolytlc, $12.5C12.ii2'.4; casting
$12.2512.50. Tin easy; upot and August,
$42.5Oii42.70; September, 4L50rft" 42.00; October,
$41.12j'641.37H; November, $4l.Outf41.26: In
don, market dull; spot, fl.i 5s; futures,
l!tti 15s. Ijad, dull; $4.4i4.55. New York;
$4.304,4.40, East St. Louis; London. 14 s 3d.
Spelter, dull; $5.bH5.95, New York; $.1.7Va;
$5.80, East St. Ixiula; Ixindon. 127 17s lid.
Antimony, dull; Cookson's, $!.3Xj8.60. Iron,
4a PJHd In London, Ixjc;illy Iron was
steady; No. 1 foundry northern. $10.5oy18.00;
No. 2, $": No. 1 southern and No. 1
southern soft, $15.0015.60.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. SO. M ETA LS Lead,
steady, at $4.22V. Spelter, dull, at $0.85.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails.
APPLES Quiet and barely steady; on ihe
jpont rather poor quality, lvtfloy,o, n
bags, and lOHiHc, In boxes.
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet and
rather Irregular; quotations range from
c to 16o for Callfornlas Up to S-Mlis
and nominal for Oregons. Apricots, quiet
and barely steady on reports of easier
market on the coast; oholce, 1Mi'u.C;
extra choice, 16sl6So: fancy, 17(tflkc,
Peaches, dull and prices are largely nom
inal; choice, lltfimo: extra choice, I2ir
12c; fancy, 12Hc Raisins, qulot and fea
tureletis; loose mtiscatels, t4j7c; choice to
fancy seeded. 8ft')4o; seedless, C7c; Lon.
don layers, $l.Kgi.46.
Dry Goods Mnrket.
Trading In fluluned cotton goods was rather
quiet during the day. Values were firmly
held, in one case the discount on bleached
goods was withdrawn. Print cloths were
in steady demand and full prices were paid
for all of the goods that changed hands.
Business in worsted yarns was rhiKgish.
lotion Market.
NKW YORK. Auir. 50. COTTON Sjrot.
quiet at 4 points lower: middling uplands,
13c; middling gulf. 12 25c. Ha'es. lis bales.
Futures closed steady. Closing bids: Au
gust. 11.75c; September, H.lWc: Oetobor,
11.29c; November. 1127c; December. 11 3;
January. ll.SOc; March, 11. lie; May, 11.62c;
July. 11.53c,
Omaha Prod ace Market.
BUTTER Creamery' 24c; packing stock,
EGOS No. 1. 15Hc; No. 2. 11c.
POULTRY Broilers. U'Hc; springs, 11c;
roosters, 4c; bens, 9c; ducks, 10c; gocse,
Kxksuic o ( lose Today,
NEW YORK. Aug. 30 The board of gov
ernors of the Stock exchange today decided
to cloae the exchange on the Saturday be
fore Labor day, enabling the brokers and
their employes to have a triple holiday.
Oils and Roala.
Flrm: 5ot51e.
ROSIN Firm; type F, $o.5ijtiti0; type G,
Ousaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. Aug. 30 HAY No. 1. $13.00: No.
2. $12.00; course, $1100; packing stock, .ouy
$10.00; aifalta, I14.U0. Straw: Wheat. JC.oo.
rye and oats. $4.i.
(raaalaled lagar Is Hlarr.
NEW YORK. Aug. 30. Standard franu
lated and coarse aranulated auksrs were
advanced 5 cents a hundred puuiids tcuay.
' Kuatar Market
NEW YORK, Aug. is). SI GAR Raw.
centrifugal, 98 test, 61oc; muhcovado. 43
tcet, 4c; inolaiises, 89 teat, i'-.c: refined
V4 no I Market.
otf lH'iS. Aug. 30. WOol,- Slow; ter
ritory and w.-atern iiiediuns. Uij'JOc; tine
mediums, l7i lo..-
title, i:jlis;.
Cattle Steady to len Cents or More
beep Receipts Too l.arae wllh Prices
steady lo Kaaler, anal I.aanba Fif
teen In Twealy-Flve Tenia
SOUTH OMAHA Auc. 30. 111.
Receipt were. Cattle liogs ftieep.
tiffi.-lal Mondav S..MN 2 if 42.:?4
Official Tueedsv s.l7 30.7I!
Kstimate Wednesday ..U.44: fi.7"0 ffl.ssi
Three days this week . .77.0M
fame days last week 77,to
Same days 2 weeks aKO ""n.Ut
S.ime days 3 weeks aeo.2n :.V
Same days 4 weeks aKo.1"'l
Kmiin Have Last vcue Mll'i
V 407
10" Jo
lit 211
41 ,t;7
40. M'
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hoars and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, aa compared with last
year: 1911. 1910. Inc.
Cattle 6."0.5'-3 7 419 20 104
Hons 1,7177. Sri 1.440.911 82U.940
Sheep 1.204.!-) 1.212,-tW 7.WW
Dts re;l"e.
The following table emows the average
prices of hok at South Omaha for the
last several days, witn comparisons:
Dates, j lull. j1i10.19U0.il9ti8.1197.lUC.liKio.
An g.
25... 1
7 27
7 241
I 7 41 C Z3 i 52, 6 951 6 84
8 54 j I 6 32 5 65 1 i 9l J 84
1 It 8 eVu 7 l!5
7 IsiVe, 8 b4, 7 h., S 32 1 t . 5 T.
1 lOUi 8 KM 7 711 Ii 34, I 6 8i'
6 f:
6 89
ll-ki 8 t... 7 t 3k 5 77!
6 87
Auu. 2;... I 8 o 7 tsl; 41 5 77 5 85j
Ana. 2...; 7 12tt, 1 7 tiJj b 4'j, 5 7.5 6 M)j 5 80
AuK. 2u... 7 14'sl $911 I 4,: 6 6S; 5 70; o 3
Aug. 30... I I 9 01 7 T3l I 5 71 5 6 5 77
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the. Union stock yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. Tues
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. II r s.
C. M. St. P Ry. ..5 3
Wabash K. It 1
Mo. 'aolfte K'- i
I nlnn Pacific R. fi... 51 18 5S
C. cS N. W. Ry.. hMSt 1
C. t N W., West.. 221 37 .9 2
C. St. P. M. di O Ry. 1 9
C, B. . Q. Ry., East. 1 2
C. II. & W. Rv., West 9k 18 23
C. R. 1. Or P., F.ast.. 3 7
C. R. 1. & P., West 8
C. G. W. Ry 7 2
Total receipts 398 84 110 11
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packlnir Co. .. 57
1 844
Swtit & company 1.2HI
Cuauhy Packing Ce. ..1,122
Armour & Co not
;viart-Iyoien Co
f'.nker, Jones & Smith
V. ti. Vansitnt Co
Benton vansant. .- l.ush
hill & Son
F. B. Iewis
Huston & Company
J. B. Root c Co
J. H. Bulla
L. i . Hues
L. Wolf
AicCreary At Carey
B. Wertneimcr
M. F. Hamilton
Lee Roinschi'd
Mo. & Kan. Cult Co
Cnne ac c uristv
2nj '.,
Other buyers 1.292
Totals 7,931 6.ift 29,Ht;
CATTLE -Receipts of cattle were the
largest today of the week thus tar and
the largest of any wednesoay thus tar tnis
season, still the total tor the tnree day
toots up 2i,"94 head, which is about the
name aa for the correspondics tnree days
last week and (-matter than a year ago by
ti.iwi heud.
With such a llnersl supply of cattle on
hand this late In Uie week and with ad
vices from otner Benin., points very dis
couraging buyers 01 all classes of cattle
were slow in getting down to Business and
the forenoon was wen advanced betore
enoutjn cattio had changed nanus to reany
make a market. The general tendency on
even tho best beet steers was weak to l"c
lower, on tne otner hand the common and
Inferior trash, of which there waa a large
supply today, waa very hard to move, at
prices thai were lOo or more lower than
Cows ami heifers were also slow and while
possibly sonic ot the most desirable moved
very close to yesterday's figures the gen
eral tendency of the market was around
luo lower than yesterday.
Strictly fcood fceuora were In moderate
supply ana some salesmen who happened
to have something that just suited the
buyers thought that they got out at about
steady prices. On the. other hand the
medium and inferior grades were more or
leos neglected and sately 10'ylo lower.
vuotuiions oi. uative ciine; uuotl to
choice beef steers, $7.57.86; fair to good
beef sleets, u. 40.1,20; common to lair beef
aieera, k4. 754.40; gcod 10 choice heifers,
5.oora,6.7'i; good to choice cows. $!.bc(ti.ij;
lair to good cowa, J3 soijjt.fiO, common to
lair cows, $2.0062.80; veal calves, IH.0ou-6.yi.
Quotations on range cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, lii.wyt6.50; fair to good
beef ateets, $5.2&4e5.90; common to fair beef
steers, $4.6ka6.2A; good to choice heifers, $5.00
(U. 60; good to choice cows, 4.4ij5.10; fair
to good cows, JI.tt54f4.2o; good to choice
stockers and feeders, $.00'5.i5; fair to good
etockera and feeders. $4.40-yi6.oo; common to
fair atockers and feeders, li.T584.4o, etocli
heifers, $3.2554.40; bulls, stage, etc., U.ii
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pt. No. Ay. Pr.
12 ll'U 8 00 38 IWi 1 11
19 Ilia 9 76 ii 799 7 24
It 1W7 7 26
2 440 1 75 1 74 S 40
19 647 I 90 1 940 8 (6
944 1 90 4 445 8 44
9 i 06 19 1010 1 so
9 81 9 16 4 906 1 90
10 73 1 26 1 lino 4 00
1 96 3 SO 8 960 4 16
4 907 1 30 14 960 4 24
7 97 I 36 1 11S4 4 44
10 714 i 36 12 1161 4 7
10 90S 1 35 ill 1U I 10
9 7s6 I 40
1 7K5 3 76 1 717 4 04
19 643 I 76 1 743 4 19
9 fwO I 7a 6 640 4 24
7 646 3 60 4 742 4 14
11 640 I 6 1 904 4 26
11 9:0 I HO 4 646 4 26
6 &. 1 96 Iv 71? 4 64
4 it 7 4 00
i 337 4 00 1 250 8 74
3(2 4 63 1 114 00
1 170 4 96 . 8 177 4 26
6 313 6 00 1 270 6 60
I It 6 2. 1 140 76
6 Ia9 8 60 1 160 I 76
1 1110 I 35 2 12C4 5J
1 1073 1 60 4 1120 8 0
2... 1410 4 t.o 1 11.0 3 6
1 lo.ili 1 il
4 00
4 2o
4 3D
4 S
4 40
4 4.1
4 64
4 45
4 lit
. 124
4 60
10 steers.. ..1015
17 heifers... (124
11 suers..,.103o
11 heifers... W0
8 cows 1218
17 cowa h33
10 steers.. ..1094
14 feeders.. 8H4
13 calves... 243
21 feedi rs.. 751
31 t.n-s....!190
17 cows Wl
40 steers... 995
21 steers.... 9k2
4 25
4 20
10 heifers..
19 feeders.
12 heifers..
11 feeders.
8 calves..
783 4 30
823 4 65
Wo 4 30
7m 4 55
2'4 5 75
938 3 00
4 95
4 20
4 80
5 25
6 40
4 55
6 75
4 30
6 15
4 35
4 65
4 50
8 cows....
9 cows
..1U13 3 7u
.. 873 4 15
18 cows
19 feeders.. 940 4 45
14 cows 7'J1 4 25
28 feeders.. 1241 -6 15
15 feeders.. I'i62 4 75
25 steers.
4 65
4 55
30 steers..
31 steers. ... 94
4 55
Wilson BroB. Wyoiiiinf.
38 calves
f feeders..
4 70
4 50
3 40
4 00
5 75
4 65
lii fei der .
79 heifers.
15 heiters
5 calves. .
:t cows. ..
11 stt er.4. .
9 8 4 70
490 4 JO
72d 4 09
-M feeders.
6T cows. ..
7 cow s. . .
14 4
15 calves.
R. Whltaker-Wyoming.
lo44 5 10 23 cows 941
1210 S 75
S. Hamilton Wyomlnt.
11 feeders. .12i
45 steers. ...12U9
4 oi ni reeuers.. lull
5 40 Kl fender.. 821
4 46
4 55
4 50
10 feedeis..l!i'7 4 50
12) fK-.lers..llu3
8 cows :..- 3 50
M Quealy Wyoming.
55 Steers.. ..1238 ( 00 34 steers. .. 1243 S vO
Marvel Horsey k Co. Wyoming.
22 feeders.. 989 4 40 37 feeders., oun 4 10
12 steers. 1214 4 40
W. R. Ricketts-Wyomlng.
13 cowa 856 4 25 10 steers. ...1154 4 44
22 feeders.. 9d7 4 40
G. Crane Wyoming.
30 feeders.. 9s0 6 it,
Watson J Wyo.
46 steers.. ..1068 4 25 32 stockers 792 1 00
11. 1 arthlng Wyo.
1 cow s-hf .1010
4 40 22 steers. ...125H S 15
L A.
W i icd w ar J W yo.
15 steers.. ..1390
8 feeders.. Ml;
Son 6 steers.. ..138t! S 00
4 :5 i iKifrrs... 470 2 lu
8 i-tet r. ...H-V .
Kendrlck Vi yo.
JO 2 cow s 87 4
H steers IPC 6 0 4 steet . .. V 185
.1 J. Underwood A Son Win.
11 heifers... 954 6 '4) cows PH2 4 50
J. Wilde-Wyo.
65 heifers... 924 4 85
,1 J. Sullivan Wyo.
7 steers. ... 1077 6 5 Scows 1 Hrt 4 75
22 cowa H'lrt 4 75 12 steers. ...It(j a 5
Wilson Bros Wyo.
U feeders.. 41 4 TO ralves... 275 5 7:.
4 cows 3 40 72 feeder.. 543 4 70
11 feders.. Nt 4 70 M heifers... Ml 4 Mt
?s feeders.. Tl'l 4 SO IS cows 778 3 10
17 heifers. . 706, 4 tn)
14 feeders.. llto 5 15 ?8 feeders. .10-. 6 10
119 feelers.. SiJ 4 tv". 18 cows 897 4 00
j '.I heifers... W 4 W 2! cows V 1 3
netrers... .42 0 -i 1.1 reeoers. . iu- o ...i
8 cows 970 4 20
Csrd Bros. Nebraska.
14 feede-s..HK 5 00 4 heifers... 840 4 441
4 cows ? 4 25 7 feeders. 1095 6
Renfo Bros. Nebraska.
4 feeders.. 99" 4 90 3 heifers... 971 4
A. Preston .Nebraska.
7 heifers... 7' 4 40 6 cows 1015 4 25
6 feeder-.. 91; 4 05
L C. Ballng-er Nebraska.
13 steers. .1232 5 40 52 fe.-dcrs. .pl7 4 90
W. Fuchser Nebraska.
15 heifers... 90 4 W " feeders . ?.Vt i 40
Newman Weiatad - Nob. '
IS heifers... 875 4 00 15 cows 10i S 50
22 heifers... s3 S 75
Swan Peterson Neb.
19 feeders.. 741 4 3 heifers... 700 $ 7i
7 cows 942 2 20 '
Stockey Bros. Neb.
14 cows 1015 3 9i 7 heifers... 6.72 2 75
4 bulls 1017 3 0
L. A. Anderson Neb.
13 feeders. 1011 4 90 1 enwa 920 4 10
.1. I.. Sanford Nehraskit.
130 steers ..1375 8 70
N ERR Aflv A.
38 feeders.. 1702 5 15 1K steers. ...1 120 4 :0
: feeders.. 1 Kil 5 15 37 feeders.. 973 4 75
II calves... 2S 6 50 54 cows hi0 4 50
97 feeders.. 101 5(4) 20 feeders. . 703 4 55
11 cows 941 3 85
14 feeders.. 812 4 35 8 cows 941 4 15
6 cows 920 4 15 2 calves... 105 6 50
14 feedera.. 947 4 30 21 cows 741 3 40
24) feeders.. 905 4 13 heifers... 747 3 75
12 feeders, .into 4 90 9 feeders. .14115 4 40
Walter I .ambertson s. D.
11 con s 7 4 00 7 Con s S28 3 2
7 calves... 407 4 76
P. A. Ye.t-S. D.
19 cows Ifti3 4 40
J. C. Underwood Mont.
24 feeders. .1114 5 00 23 feeders.. 1120 5 10
W. A. Morris Mont.
12 feeders.. S75 4 80 17 cows 1084 4 SO
7 steers. ...lim) 5 25
HOOS-Packws' attitude In hog trade was
slightly bearish and a 'reaction'' developed
that was just about large enough to wipe
out the advance of a few pcnnlnes allowed
during the last few riavs. Since last Friday,
It will be noted the market hs "improved"
at thc.rutn of about a cent each duy. so that
tuuay's weakness lends some beliaf that
buyers consider recent strength unwar
ranted. Bulk of moderate supply changed hands at
figures barely a nickel lower, with move
ment quiet rroni the start. About 105 loads
made up the total receipts, ordinary butch
ers being the rule and smooth bacon offer
ings the exception. Shippers furnished fair
support, buying about II per cent of the
supply. Selections on outside orders con
sisted largely of qualitv hogs of all weights.
1 ii aratico at 10.30 o cluck found all uui a
few scattered loads In second hands.
Long strings ranged from $7.05l8v7.1o and
best bacon weights made a creditable top
or 81.40. The high price was paid only lor
fancy animals weighing less than 2x0
! pounds.
No. Ar. 98. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
. j ::l 11X1 7 06 42 29 90 7 17
il 3114 ... I0O 44 275 140 7 07
71 ti MO 1 00 71 231 40 7 07',
71 .' 90 7 05 Si 227 1 40 7 07',
94 ill to 7 00 70 2l ... 7 10
67 1.3 ... 7 05 91 lit 40 7 10
c:t 288 ... 7 05 92 27 . 80 7 14
41 101 120 1 05 4 264 90 7 10
244 ... 7 US 79 234 ... 1 IV
14 27 lit T 0. 4 270 ... 7 10
48. ...rf... Jflfc ... 7 95 SI M 244 7 10
fco 2J ... 7 05 92 239 ll 7 10
In 0 140 t OS 41 2fi4 210 7 SO
4 217 ... 7 05 U 24 99 7 14
t:' ti ... 7 05 72 176 90 7 10
41 29'J ... 7 05 4 254 ... 7 10
Si 2 ... J 05 4. -. 27 ... 7 10
23 279 ... J 01 63 127 TOO 7 10
12 294 ... t 00 W 244 320 7 10
43 574 ... 1 i'6 10 236 60 7 10
If 223 ... 7 05 t 27S ... 7 10
67 903 ... T 07 26 270 ... J 10
67 2ko ... 7 07 91 214 120 f 11
12 14k ... 7 07 71 Ill 110 7 12',
t7 2') 90 1 07 77 2J9 fO 1 17
51 23.1 40 7 07', 44 241 SO 7 12',
41 :i04 HW 7 07 72 222 90 7 16
72 f7 90 7 07 1? 204 49 7 1J
69 ii! ... 7 07-, 79 194 ICO 7 II
45 210 ... 7 07 K) 224 '... 7 14
67 275 ... 7 07 72 24 ... 7 li
17 231 40 7 07 19 272 ... 7 16
64 21 lt0 7 07 7 214 140 7 15
60 2S4 ... 7 47 59 214 90 7 14
64 30 ... 7 07 94 223 ... 7 17
81 248 40 T 07 24 240 ... 7 20
71 24J 120 7 07 60 219 90 7 20
40 271 90 T 47 71 2S1 10 1 20
69 271 ... 7 07 64 229 ... 7 22
74 232 40 7 07 64 in 40 7 26
94 20 ... 7 07 21 191 ... I 30
47, 243 ... 7 07 40 .'.179 ... 7 10
44 279 140 7 07 82 107 ... 7 30
66 296 90 7 07 92 190 120 7 10
3 277 90 7 07 71 194 ... 7 10
64 2!1 ... 7 47 41 217 ... 7 12
47 241 140 7 07 M 177 ... 7 36
64 244 10 1 07 12 19 ... 7 44
53 211 ... 7 47
SHEEP Market for lambs showed plenty
of symptonn of indigestion today, the fresh
supply being too large tor Immediate re
quirements. It was estimated at an odd
30,0u0 bead, bringing the three days' total
up to something Like 1C3,(hi head. Yester
day's receipts were well cleaned up, how
ever, the clearance leaving a comparatively
open field for today's offerings.. Accord
ing to packers' tab, about 63 per cent of
yesterday n run moved on country and
speculative orders, the aggregate purchase
being 19,000 head.
Lambs made up the heavy portion of
today's supply, a condition that has fea
tured all recent receipts, and feeders easily
predominated. Despite this fact it was
evident that packers need a breathing spell
and very little business was trasacted until
well along toward noon. Prices finally
settled to levels aoout 1FvY25c lower, bulk
of good to fat lambs landing below the $5.00
mark. Aa a top quotation the $6.00 figure
was still recognized, but nothing elicited
a bid ot this kind early and prospects on
the close were anything but promising.
Movement througnoui the session was
was slow and draggy.
Fat sheep Were well sustained tn most
Instances, but tone to demand waa rather
feeble in sympathy with the semi-demoralized
condition of the lamb market. De
sirable killing ewes, wethers, etc., generally
changed hands at prices very nearly steady
to possibly a little lower In spots.
Feeder trade was a mean affair from the
start, getting poor support from country
buyers, etc. Clearance was doubtful, aa
yard tradtrs still have a big accumulation
from Monday's and Tuesday s runs to work
oft. All classes of thin and in-between
stock had to be forced down to a bargain
basis, involving declines ranging from a
dime to a Quarter. The belter classes of
thrifty lambs suffered almost as severely
as common grades, selling around $4.90? 5.00.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
gcod to choice, $5.G6u.u.0t); lambs, fair to
good, 15.:i5'.(5.ti5; lambs, culls, $4.75q5.35;
lambs, feeders, $4.6ofe5.lO; yearlings, fair lo
choice. S4.0O64.40; yearlings, feeders, $3.85y
4.3s: wethers, handy, $o.303.50; wether,
heavy, $3. 15 vi 3. 40; western feeders. 83.0HOJI
3.35; ewes, good to choice. $3.0uig.25; ewes,
fair to good, $2.75413.00; ewes, breeders, $3.2S
414.00; ewea, feeders, $2,364,3-90; ear eg, culls,
$1.30412.23. V ,
Representative sales:
8S7 Wyoming ewes 108 3 15
312 Wyoming ewes 96 3 10
635 Idaho lambs 80 & 85
10 Idaho lambs, culls 68 4 26
3H4 Wyoming lambs 74 S 25
227 Wyoming lambs 72 S 60
541 Wyoming lambs 72 S 00
BM Idaho ewes 95 2 7i
221 Wyoming ewes, feeders 101 2 76
ii Idaho lambs, feeders 60 6 20
3iti Idaho iambs, feeders 68 I 00
96 Idaho lambs, feeders, culls.... 61 4 60
419 Wycming lambs, feeders 61 6 20
182 Wyoming iambs, feeders 60 6 20
223 Wyoming lambs, feeders 69 t 20
33 Wyoming ewes, culls 96 2 26
46 Wyoming ewea lOti $ 15
35 Wyoming lambs, feeders .... 63 4 00
411 Wyoming lambs, feeders .... 62 6 20
281 Wyoming lambs, feeders 62 6 20
344 Wyoming lambs, feeders .... 64 6 20
15 native lambs 63 6 76
61 native Iambs, culls 60 4 60
11 native ewes 1'4 3 no
44 native ewes, feeders 92 2 25
473 Wyoming lambs 72 6 SO
40 Wyoming yearlings 99 4 15
85 Idaho yearlings 85 4 15
56 Wyoming lambs, feeders 80 $80
90 Wyoming lainhs, feeders .... 65 6 15
334 lhado lambs, feeders 59 6 15
H Idaho lambs, feeders 81 6 IS
724 Wyoming lambs, feeders .... 59 6 oO
116 Wyomlnn; lambs, feeders .... 68 6 10
147 Wyoming lambs, feeders 49 4
23 Wyoming lambs, feeders,
culls 34 S00
1S5 Wyoming lambs, feeders .... 64 6 20
341 Wyoming lambs, feeders .... 62 6 Ou
12U Wvouiitm lumiis, feeders ....61 5(H)
225 Wyoming ewes, feeders .... 9i 2 76
57 Wyoming ewes, f eerie 1 a .... 87 2 26
125 Wyoming ewea, feeders .... 92 2 76
101 Wyoming lambs .....05 i 81)
251 Wyoming iambs 6.1 6 80
88 Wyoming yearlings 82 4 il
679 Wyoming lambs, feeders .... 65 6 20
47 S yonilng lambs, feeders .... 54 S 30
117 Wyoming lambs, feedera,
culls 43 4 75
SJ Wyoming ewes M, 3 jj
135 Wyoming eweh IV, 3 lo
f,'H Idaho lambs 1 , H5
42 Idaho lumbs wt ,
116 Idaho lambs 71 a 75
!) Idaho ewes 'A j,
. RS
. 71
. 84
. M
. 55
. 59
. PI
. 59
. 0
. 69
. 3t
. 38
. 91
. S
. 4
. HO
. 80
. tVi
. 94
5 10
5 :-5
6 35
6 30
6 V.
2 .V.
4 Oil
2 75
6 10
6 W.
6 ft
8 So
3 90
1 727 Nevada lambs
St. rsevaun minnn. ir"ini,
Set I tah lambs, feeders
"M Utah lambs, feeder
Utah lambs, feeders
67'i Idaho wethers
181 Idaho wethers
tllll'At.n 1.1VK. JlTfHK M 4.HKF.T
Desna od lor lloaa aad hfp Slow
Cattle loner.
CHICAGO, Auf. 30.-CATTLE Receipts,
22.000 head; market. 55JKV lower; beeves,
t5.0tafrS.i6; Texas steers. $4 40?.S6: western
steers, $4.25417.10; stockers and feeder.
$30136.60; cows and heifers. $2.JMff6.."5;
calves, $i;00fa900.
HOOS-Receipts. 25,000 bead; market,
slow at eurlv prices; light. $7.15i".i5;
mixed, tT.05"7.70; heavy. $6 .7 W.i rough.
$8.85417.10; choice h-avy, $7 PtfT S0; pit:,
$5 O.i7 00: bulk of wiles. $7 KVii7 45.
hesd; market, weak; native. $2.l54j3.7o:
western. S2.6t'.f 2.75: yearlings.
native lambs. $4 W-ir6 70; w estern, $4. 75m 6.89.
4t. I.oals Live stock Market.
STWIjOUIS, Amr. 30 CATTLE-Receipts,
4. 70ii "bead. Including l.2o Texans: nmiket.
steadv; native shipping and export rteers.
$5. 77-rix. lfi. ; dressed beef nnd butcher steers.
$5.7.Vi7.00; steers tiniler l.nuO pound. .Cf(t
8.15; stockers and feedeiA. $;-..t.Tr5 f 5 : cows
and heifers. t3.00fi7.0: csnners, $4.0vVii7.(.
hulls. $2 75tj5.26;.calves. $4 (.7.4.00:. Texas
and Indian steers, S4.091i5.25; cows and
heifers. $3 0psi84.
HOGS-Receipts. 10.000 head: market,
steady: pigs and lights. $45ru7.65; packers.
$7.!t5'jifiG; butchers and best heavy. $7.4)
SHEEP AND I, AM BS -Receipts. (;.4o
head: market, steady; native muttons. SWt.l
4t3.75: lambs. $4 oOfc e 50 culls and bucks,
$1,214! 2.75; stockers. $150(12.75.
Kanasm City I.l.e Stork Market.
KANSAS CITY. Aug ,T -CATTI.F-Re-cclpts.
13.300 head. Includlnir 1.500 south
erns: market, steady; dressed beef and ex
port steers. Jti.7f.aS00; fair to good. $5.1"54f
0.75: western steers. ti.OltT.M; stockers and
feeders. tl.Onytl.OA: southern steers. tS.OMi'
5.6o: southern cows. t2.ra04.tVI;'.vc cows,
$2.rtf!5.8"; native heifers. $4.irCD.50; bulls.
$.1,000.14 M; celves. $4 7567.25.
HOGS Receipts. c.OW head: market,
sleitilv: bulk of sales. $7.1,Va7.ii5: heart .
t7.1Oto7.90: packers and butchers. $7.2tvu 7. 40;
lights. $7.15ri7.:.-..
SHEKP AND I. V.MBS-Recelpts 9.0 0
head:, marl ct. steady; lambs, $5.25iil ;
j eai lliigfi. J3.75ii4.50: wethers $.l.flntfc 2. 7
ewes. $2.75ft;;.oH; stockers and fcetWs, $2.75
clock In Slatat.
Receipts of live stock at the five prlnrt-
140 Idaho wethers
lo; Wyoming wethers
.113 Idaho yearlings
173 Idaho lanils". feeders
4S7 Idaho lambs, feeders
71 Idaho lambs, feeders
12. Idaho lnmhs. feeders
173 ldalrh lambs, feeders
STW Idaho lambs, feeders
MM Wyoming lambs, feelols
tv? WymMlng lambs, feeders ..
65 Wyoming lambs, teeners ,,
Wyoming lambs, feeders. . .
o46 Wyoming wethers, feeders
81 Wvomlng lambs feelers ..
VI Idaho ewes, feedera
494 Nevada lambs
Hogs. ftheeP,
6.700 29 H
4.000 fi 000
6 000 9. (HO
JO Oik) 6.4i0
25.000 30.0 0
61.700 S0.700
Sotith Omaha 10.409
St. Joseph
Kansas .Citv 13.500
St. Iritis 4.700
Chicago 22,000
Totals 53,200
St. Joseph I. Ire Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. SO. -CATTLE -Receipts.
2,800 head; market slow to lower:
steerr. $4.75ir7.f: cows and heifers, $3.00f
7.00: calves. tn.20'tf7.S5.
HOOS Receipts, 4.000 ha.i: market stead .
to 5c lower; top, $7.45; mu'U of gales, $7,161)
SHEEP AND LAMBA Receipts. 6,0W
head; market steady: lambs, $4.5u(g4i.20.
Lawyer Chops Wood,
Raises Garden Sass
Edson Rich Returns from Vacation
Spent Close to Nature in Wis
consin Woods.
Edson Rich Is homo from his summer
outing, spent In the Wisconsin woods, in
the vicinity of Shell lake. H,v returns as
brown ts an Indian and as strong as an
ox In addition to fishing, Mr. Rich did
some other things, lie donned a suit of
working clothes and went out into the
forest, where day aftor day lie chopped
cord and fire wood, living most of the time
011 corn bi ead and bacon.
To vary his occupation, he cultivated a
batch of cucumbers for an aged widow,
keeping iown the weeds and marketing the
crop. While doing this he arose at 6
o'clock In the mornihg, picked the cucum
bers, dumped them Into a light wagon, to
which he attached an old horse, and then
set out for tho town, three miles away,
getting his truck onto the market when
the stores opened.
Not only did Attorney Rich work, but ha
found considerable time for sport, such aa
fishing and shooting pheasant! and quail.
During his fishing expeditions he whipped
Shell lake to a finish, landing creel after
creel of black baas and pike, and then In
the creeks in the woods, day after day, ha
caught the limit of trout.
He Would Restrain
Knights of Pythias
George W. Covell Asks that Order
Creating: Fifth Class of Mem
bers Be Annulled.
The legislation of 1900, by which the
supreme lodge of Knights of Pythles estab
lished a new membership class In Its en
dowment' rank, received another airing In
United States district court Wednesday
morning when Judge W. H. Munger heard
arguments 011 an application for a tem
porary injunction against the collection of
insurance premiums which George W.
Covell, the plaintiff, claims this legislation
lias rendered excessive.
The case started originally In the state
courts by Covell on behalf of himself and
others similarly affected against Che su
preme lodge of the order, Is based on tho
allegation that the now legislation, by re
moving the new blood among the order's
Insured men to the fifth class, has worked
a hardship on the older members, who are
left In the fourth class.
The original petition asked that the or
der's legislation be declared null and void.
Wednesday's hearing had to do only with
the temporary injunction and objections
to the defendant's answer. Judge Munger
handed down no riecree, taking the case
under advisement fur a time.
Ranisdell, W II I la. Waaffli aad V4 laaer
of ebeier.Pelers Match Are
lo Compete.
Beinl-f inula remain to be played in the
Happy Hollow club championship tourna
ment, ail of the third round matches In
the play fur the senpSflnals having been
completed except the match between Jack
Webster and Reed Peters, which will be
run off this afternoon.
Ernest Ranisdell, W. Hillls. T. J. Waugli
and the winner of the Weuater-Pelel
match are the four contestants lu the semi
finals. v
Juck Webster lias won the Happy Hol
low tournament for three years und is evi
dently out after It again tlili seusuu. The
other players of the club will give him
better tussle for it this year, however,
although Webster is the strongest player
in the club.
The matches In the third rcutid complete 1
were aa follows:
E. Ramsdell heal E. 'abriskl, S-2 4-4
W. Hillis bt at J. T. Hroo nl. e 4-g, .,.4 a.j
T. J Waugli brat E. Ltepard, 6-1. 11