Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Pretty Girls Join Ranks of Pedagogues
ine ueer. n;S
Attorney Gtneril KeJim They Seed
Sot Be Believed by State Basks.
Home TolKs Ni
i ; g v
t Bill
mill A re Made v er1 a s
State Feeds m Desalt Is State
Beaks rlr
Resaala la Far.
r( From a Staff CorreTorideiit t
le".s"i.y 'el tee gnv ng hi opinloa nn f!ffr
eat phases of tr,e rv hack K . e.e
Soett law. Attorney Gererai Oraat ilart'a
hM towrd that as far as tax-as not under
that U are concerned th :d depository
law to ta f-jll force and effect exd that tor
funds decoetrl witn natiocal rank In
tats state the teie treajrer ra require
eerwrtty In the share of bods and that
as caa depos t In do bank mora than la per J
cee.t of the smcuat of the capital swk of
that bank.
further. Attutrrr c;rerei Martin M t
at hoed given IiT the seiJrily of public
ludi cannot be re e-ae-3 t any public
of f-laJ. therefore verto- r-.a'r basks tilth
tan such bonds for the security of mat?
funds la tbetr posnstlon l.r or ts tbe going
la te effect of tb bank ( uar n i r act must
coetlnse ta keep ruck bonds alive until
ther legei tersrrlnatka at least.
Ib tats connection A ttortfr Oenerel Mar
Via ssj s:
Surety bond and other dinf of secur- j
ttias were tax en by the state for the - !
posit of Its funds prior to the tae of j
the preeeal law. which provide that m j
additional securities etel2 ee rmuirea. but i
the back guaranty fund stall t-e deemed ,
lumrKsi imn;t lor totri puonc ana
private funds. lnder otner provision of
lb bank guaranty act tbe ii!t ci public
fiutds ss secured were e xj-f-f- . 7 exempted
from wwwmfiiu lor the g-uaraaty
It fol)ows that tfee bank which hare on
epoMt atat f anda, and bavs firm mrvtr
boikds tbvrcfor bar not, up to tais time,
boaa oosnpvJkvd to pay acjr amessmcct
M tb UMKint of stats drpctits. t"onc-
unUr ttr hare not saftrrd br rsaoa
f fearinc paid tba premiums on ruretr
betMla. Laul such time as aa assxument
has bean made which ooT-ers tbe ainount of
tbaso stato deposits tJ--ey would bare no
ciauais for coaiplsJot asd oouid sot expect
ts bo resaeurae4 for a&r part of prenuuma
t It ts paawtbta that the courts might bod
' thaJtt bem surety bonds arv rnwni by
l-tperaUoa of law. but the boods UicsieiTco
bjooid not be surreodn-ed. but must remsa
P xa ni wtia the proper state offloer. A
aborts or 4falcaUa mutbt hare takes
pises between the time wtwti the bonds
were given aid the present time, and the
bssd la tntesded to cover such loss. If
say, tor such period of ttms.
I know of no way by which tbe bond
Could be released by earnest of tbe parues.
Tbs bsaka. tbe surety coTr.paslea, It stale
artd those interested in the a-uaracty furd.
jVCts to law and equity, rrowiag out of
' ke boad esntrmrt. It is doubtful whether
mxy af-eot of the stats woujd bare a lawful
rbt ts eonsest 'o a release of the bond
aad svea tbouch be did so consent to
cases! tbe bond and surrender It. it is also
euseasnaMs whether said act would be
buMUhf spon tbe stats ana tnose inter
ested m tbe g-isaranty fund.
As 1 slew tbe law. reu new have the
rla-bt b d posit state funds tn any bank
wb!c has compiled altk the bask stoat -asvr
Is, ts tbs extent of not exceedicf
per cent sf us capital stock, and tn so
dotkf you are not required to demand from
any sack bamk any further secarttles tn
the way of surety soods or real estate
aaaeaes, etc as provided by tbe de
soeHerjr taw. Of course, the deposltorr
lav ta stUl m full ofrce and effect so far
ma Waks set under tbe ruaresty act are
There are I'd pretty youn school teach
ers from ETkborm. Ber.soo, Irritttos and
other pofr ts In ol1 -fiai county attendinc
the county tree ben' Institute beim beid
at the Omaha Ueh school this week. Most
of them have taught but a short time.
Others wi;i being their careers as school
ma'ams next month.
The classes of the f-rst three days of
the Institute were bid especuvHy for theiri
benefit. On TKursjar tbe excerienced
teachers will come in for tbe last two J
days for the more advanced work.
County Superintendent W. A. Toder has
charge of the Institute and Emily
Wood, teacher ts Lone school, is lnsvructof
Among the mnre prominent instruct on
la the accom pan ring group are: Seated,
left to right: F. O. Garrett of rrerrtor.t,
who spoke on ""Conservation asd the Pub
He Schools" WriocFftT He his ajteaded
both former natior.a". cfrrvsiin con
gresses and will represent Nebraska at
the one tn Kansas City rext month. Miss
Kate McHugh, principal of tbe Omaha
High school, who will rie tbe closjRg
address of tbe Institute Friday morning.
Mi Martma Anthony, ward rrinclpal at
Red Oak. Is... who is cne cf the most ex
lertenced leaefcers at the Inrtttute. sir
Tudrr, who was Miss Arthony s prise pupil
m tbe littJe country school !n Phejby
county. Iowa. M:as Emily 'Wood, who Is
teaching clarses Mr Rose Parker of
Har!an. county superintendent, one of tfc
visitors at tbe sessions.
Husenetter Says He
uannot serve Asain
sa Oct ewer Elckteewtk Will
Be Is Crsre sf rmd
TOM. Neb . Aug. -(peiaX) October
U ts tbe ray set for Cn dedication of tbe
RM.M Odd rrlkows" nome ta this dty. The
grand lodge meets la Lincoln on October
17 asd will adjourn on that date until Oc
tober for the purpose of taking part ta
the dedicatory services. Special tralna vUl
oarry tbe members ef tbe grand ledge to
and trsca this dty. Arrangements are also
hetng made for special trains ee ail roads
scaring tbe ctty ts carry members sf tbe
order and Resekaha. who may wish to be
Chiirmu of Republican State Com
mittee Isiues Call for Session
Kext Monday Erenuv.".
log his borne with grantfparerts In PWer.
The check which he passed vti rtfred
wnth the name of Georre X. Andrews and
was cashed by A. D. 8totts. A few min
utes afterward gtotts disoovered the check
was worthless.
BrskeEsn Wsnu $25,000 for Aliena
tion of Wife's Affections.
e Detached Serf see Ordered j It Is Charged that Defc-sdsst Far
lreeeed ts Fsrt Crwssi j aUr irrmry It eery for Mrs.
fee Teet. j Besisssls Bedsua te fteesre
Dlesrre frsss Hassetsd.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LJNCOLX. Neb. Aug. 16. (Special Tel
egram In a statement which he issued
here tonight Wtllsam Husenetter. chair
man 01 ,ae repuoaou. s v " reo . Aug , H R Gering. bead of tbe Henry R.
mittee for over year past, nas announcru , KlJor j-j,u, a Penn. Twejrth U.Ixnuy.
that under no circumstance, will be again J C. 8. A-. who Is o. detached duty In- corner TJ
pt the place. He bad alrely mil- Lruetor of the Nebraska Nation g-.ard. j club ar.d 'bJ .'tf"f
te4 this might be Ms dechuon. i has recved novice te proceed to Fort Crook for 1" "
From a Ftaff Correrpci.dent. )
LINCOLN. Neb . Aug Ja.-Special. -
At the same time be announced that a1 and undergo the anirual teet nde on horse-
meeting of that body would be held tn this! tack tvented by ex-President Roosevelt ;
city Monday evening. September . Let- for the officers of the army. The date ot
ters wrre sent out te tbe members of the j tbe test and the route has not been ordered.
new stats committee today, and doe ts
the fact that the meetine; Is te be held
during state fair week as snusnally Urge
attendance la looked for by tbe offJcors
Cblef ta the list sf business ts be trans
acted hi the election of a complete roster
of committee officials and a planning of
the comic g fall campaign with the suc
cessful party nominee of the late primary
The following are the members ef the
sew state committee as selected at the
state coBveatioa held In this dty July S:
First district. Ed Feraeau' of Auburn;
Second. M. T. Harrison of Dunbar; Third,
B. E. Hendricks of Wahoo; Fourth. M. L
Lesraed. A W. Jeff ens. A- C Putcosst.
Prank A. batwell. E. O. Brailey. aJ! of
Omaha: Filth. C R Gurney of Fremont;
gixtti. E. D. Wrtoo of Lyocj: ScTecth. J.
C McNish ef Wisner: Eighth. W. H. Need-
of Bjoomneld; Ninth. George Coup-
bet It must be a ride of ninety mliea. or
thirty miles each day for three days. Ka
far as knewa he to tbe only detached officer
ef the army who has received notice that
be must make the test.
Just Issued by eperiatendent Gardner of
this county show that there are IS MS chil
dren of school age in the county at the
reseat time. There are to be employed la
the school of the county dunng the coming
land of Ufm. Tenth. George V. ertx of .-, The l.'ier are te be te-
&cbuyler: Eleventh. Carl Kramer of Co- male teachers. Tbe laaer are te c ac
lumbus: Twelfth. F. A. Marsh of fcward; corded a yearly wage on the average of
Thirteenth, a W. Buroham and F. Ev j jsnet, while the female pedagogies are te
Edrerton ef Lincoln; Fourteenth, A. B. . .. T(-
Spencer of BarnesFion: Fifteenth. F. Wll- PM tb of f1-" TB
cox of HubbeU; Sixteenth. Anton Predla total receipts of tbe office for the last year
of Crete: fcevesleenth. W. J. Farley o were SCSJOW.
Aurora: Eighteenth. C. R. Heutssr.ger of
Grand Island: Nineteenth. H G. Thomas n-s- t. Frs.kJIs.
sf Harvard: Twentieth. G-orge Lyons of j f!?. "
Nelsoa: Twectyrst. C. W. MeConoughy j PLOOMINGTON. Neb.. Aug. Ss-fSpe-of
Holdrege; Tmenty-second. N. P. Mc- j cia.) The Frank Un County Automobile as
Donald of Kearney; Twenty-third. T. T ' eortation which new has a membership
JotoT7 oY rlrV.irrwt O- L-i. Uto, u the matt- of
via f North Platte: TwentT-sixth. J making food roads to connect all tbe
R. McCarl of McCook; Twenty-evec'.h. J.
M. Lj-nch of Bridgeport; Twenty -e.ghth.
E. H. Boyd of Alliance.
a w:res axrecnons by en;amin lucmaa.
a Burlington railroad brakeman. Bring at
Twenty-fourth ar.d Lake streets. The peti
tion was filed in district court Wednesday
The petition, filed by MeKenxie. Howell
at Cox. Redman's aitorceya. charges that
tn about July. EOT. Gerlng becsa to lay
plana for alienating Mrs. Redcsac's affec
tlona. ail parties at the time living ta
PLattamouth. Not until a Tear later did
LANCASTER SCHOOL CHILDREN ! Redman discover what bad been done, be
J says, the alleged discovery resulting, ac
Cwanty anpertstesdeeit Gsrdser Be- j cording to tbecnarge. from the accidental
eelees Resorts kawla( eaaber j uterception of a lore missive.
X:mr-T Hlsa. J It further is charged that Mr. Oerlnc etn-
i ployed an attorney to secure a divorce
(From a Staff Correspondent-) j Rdmiu and that O-tng aad
jm. nnmaa bi inr wnc vi tunc idv
s-iit were occupying' the sum bouse. It Is
further charged that Gerlng is continuing
ts keep Mrs. Redman away from her hus
band and nome.
of West Point Cen
wa Schawls Arrests re
alties la Soath
WEST POINT. Neb.. Aug It .t Special r
Prof. Albrecht. who for some years has
keen priadpal of tbe German Lutheran
parochial schools tn West Point, baa left
for Alma. Kan., with his family. He has
bees employed as principal of the parochial
schools at that place.
The bar docket for tbe forthcoming fall
tern sf the district court of Cuming couciy.
which convenes on September U. contains
thirty-four cn il and one criminal case.
The Scribber boosters to the cumber of
ever traveling tn tseaty-five automo
biles were ka West Point Tuesday morning
advertising the attractions cf tee stock
w billed to take place In that city Sep
tember IX. 14 and IS
A marriage license ha been granted to
Bernard Baumert and X! Gertrude tralt
snaa of Aloya. la this couxity.
The concrete foundation for the new
auditorium Is finathed ar.d the laicg of
brick teas begun. Amardcs Cwrr has the
contract tor tbe brkk work and Al Hart
line for the carpenter work. Tbe wall
will be of Sergeant Bluffs brWk. with a
nusb of Omaha prowed brick and Hooper
brick for rilling The ir.i work a til be
famished by tbe Krrmot-t foundry ar.d the
lamber by tbe Nye-Sinneider-Fcwler cum
paay. all betr.g inier competitive bid. Tt-
structure is guaranteed te be u -cer roof by
Lwcember L
The death is announced of Henry Moscow,
a former resident tf West Puict fur many
years, a veteran of the Grand Army ef the
Republic and a member of the local I V is
Crawford p.t. Mr ilu ma a meirber
sf Company G. I'iret Iowa in'aniry. atr!
served tbe time ef bis enlistment. He
ageia ee listed a a member of Corr.rn C.
Light teeth Missouri ir.far.try. and served
tbe Lime req-iired and yet again reer.'tte-1
la tbe asrne re-g irtent. ten tag therein until
lb rlos of the war. He was T7 years of
age. His d-aik onurred at Iuret. His
military record was exceptionally honorable.
M. M. Moras la Coavteted of sellta
Lie wee at Illegal
KEARNET. Neb.. Aug V (Special H
The city ooucdl hAs revoked the saloon
liorose of M. M. Moran. who was coo
ncted ta tbe lower courts of having sold
intoxicating liquor to the base ba21 players
after the legal hours for closing. The case
has been appealed to the diMriet court,
but the saloon is closed la the meantime.
For the first time since tbe law of IKe.
! providing that examination papers for t
I county teachers' certificates should be j
j graded by the state superintendent In- j The Board of County Commissioners Is
! stead of the county superintendent, went asked to help boost for an Interstate road
I into effect Buffalo county bas more school j from Omaha to Denver and Cheyenne in
All schools la tta a letter recetveo v eanesoay irew
fcurg. Colo . Commercial dub. - U.
towns of the county- The County Board of
Supervisors have annropnated S1.0W. which
will be bandied by the officers ef tbe aa
sociaUoa for this purpose.
Owe lee Is Cosassaee sf sevrstees
Players sad the Other Has
Mielrea Mea.
Members of the Omaha. Grain exchange
are planning a base ball game for Thurs
day afternoon on one of the local diamtdt.
Tbe list ef the member sof each team bas
been announced and yust nineteen mea have
been asked to play on one team. The other
"nine" Is composed of seventeen members.
-V only expect some of them to last
one Inning." said Mr. If J nee, "so are
preparing for emergencies"
Belldtac Peraalts.
ft D Mercer company and Kate Bird
n-i. ; Curtis. M Fartam street, brick garage.
rTiaaaere e'aar. v-- jaa vw
GENEVA, Neb.. Aug- Ik (topeaal Be- 1 ,Tenue. frame dwelling. Oeorg
tween fortr and automobiles left tiwn Doug ss W. txrus avenue, frame dweli-
jreetrrday morning tor a trip ever the eoun
try boosting tbe county fair.
. ! ing, O
County Help Asked
on Interstate Road
Colorado and Sebraska Ken Hold a
Meeting aid Boost Platte Val
ley Highway Project.
i teacners actiotMa-
j county have been taken and there are see
j era! applicants who cannot be given work,
j Tord received here today from Bexton-
; vV.le. Ark.. cor.f:rmed tbe rumor of the i
! very serious illness ef Isaac Henthom. i represent
Parker. Jr, secretao' of the club and of
the board of managers of the road, asks
that the county board appoint a man to
the county on the board of
The commissioners also are re-
. (nrl a reavlet of Ksretv and ens n managers
the first men ever nominated In Nebraska I Quested to do wkat they tan to hav. one
'on a popa!tt ticket Mr. Henthom ran rood road running through the country
for secretary of state on tbe fret ticket l be a part of the Interstate road
j nominated by the populi-s and -cured J, Wopoed road tin through the
rot of bout . j Platte vaiy ana .ce
John D. Meu. a well known resident off hope it will be mad. a part of tne
this city, and M as Ruby Reason were : -Uob1 highway. A meeting tai at
On n ina rrraiy l.l. "tw-n
Mr. Meta is U year. o,d and hU reported that exceJent progre. ha. keen
male am iwiv w- -i j i v iv v-m. iti.
ntarried by the county Judge yesterday aft
bride is
1 Proeeeos Will Be Esaeaded la Is.
sravlag Hekasl Bslldls sad
I . Grenada.
Grip Thieves Sent
to the Rock Pile
Police BelieTe Ttey Haie Broken Up
an Organised Gan? that Worked
for Fie Weeks.
Jim Crandail. E F. Wiison and S PI
Elli. who were arrested Monday night by
t pTinri-eJ. Lucr Hoasrd. grammar: Alice special omrers w i o ow rvu.c ir
I Jones. IntermelUte: Came Swe-eey. sec-1 stealing grips and suit c- were given
j P.IV.MIVGTON. Neh.. Aut. iSpe
. eial 1 At a recent school election the
Blootntrtston district. No. L voted C !
. l-onds f -r the im ttx- enrols on tbe build
' Inr and grounds, iadudg a new beat
jinx plsnt
j The srrools will oren Septeenber 4 with
'the f 1'oslr.g teachers Joy E. M-rgan..
soirsterdent: Alice Pomeroy. principal
; rcn sciooi: is'jmta cjm.
that the Interstate W.3 be favored ever
other roads between Omaha and Denver.
The commissioners will consider the mat
ter Friday afternoon.
Every womia's heart responds to
tbe charm and swectaess of a babv s
vo;c, because nature i&teaded her for
mothcLcKxl. Bet even the lovicg;
CAtare of a taother chrints frcta tie
orJeal because such a tisas is re?ard
cl is a period of stiCe-is? zri
Vi'orsen who ne Mother's Friend Are
iavt-d much disco cafort acd s-ferii?,
their STSteaas. beinj thcrocjhly
r rtparrd ty this freat rexiy, are
ia a heI;!:y conditioa to ait the
liaie with the least post :Me saf eria?
tnd daarer. Moth-"s Friend is
rxcntiaendwi oc3y for the relief ard
comfort of expectant mothers ; it is ia
eo ses?e a remedy fr varic-r.s is,
tt its maar years of success, ad
tbe thcasrds of endorse-Eects re
ceived froa won; en who have used it
t?e a frrjarant'.'e of the bexeSt to be
derived from its us. This remedy
cots rot accors7:is.h wonders tt siin
T'.y assists nature to perfect its wrwk.
lio'.her's Friead allars naasa, tre-
" CiS CitlEg CI
tje breasts, aad
:a everv war
contrite, to rViflj
rtroaS. healthy AHtJllll
r:othcrhood. Mother's Friend is gold
ct crcg stores. Write for our free
bork for expectant mothers.
Marie Red art sea la
Kaaeae to l.laeola
la Rffeee.
Tariff frees
Are Near
1 ond primary; Mabel Mocre. prtmarv.
As addiuonal t-acher will be added a
as the tmprovvoienis have bees cor-
J pletel. Prnlrtoa ifinnj an eocred-
ited iweHe grade school aad has aa es
1 ceUen: s-hOi4 Si4rlt-
(Prom a tff Coi respoddent
LINtX'LN. Aug a (-Marked
redui-uoaa ta tbe ra.lroad rates on f -el
uil from Kansas to Linro-s ard s hie a ate
te shortly become effective were announced
teday. The redottoa will amount sub
stantially ts cests per gtlloo asd te
isrg raastisners ef the er.Kle pndu"t the
a ah will senses a roaMdeeabie smoviac
teass Parser teal Is Reforms fteaoet.
j KAIRBTRT. Neb.. Aug m i -Special I
(Ui strkey of Iuller was taken to the
ret.rm eraotri at Kearney Tuesday by
;t?.rtf James t'hirnsice. having received
'a entence frvra t'ounly Judge . C. IVt le
I for paaa4n a forged che-k e a busiiMsa
t mai- a. MlK-r. About a we ago be
j -d sttreecaf ily a f rgew rbe k for Sf?.
1 The U' Is aa orpbaa and ass beta, snak-
ninety days each on the rock p;e.
Tbe police and railway orrViats believe
that In tbe arrest ef tbe three men an
organised lr g ef grip thtetes has been
broken up. Within the last month oer
ftfty grips snd salt esses nave been stolen,
and not one was ever recovered- Tbe men
arrested and sentenced sre suprxsed to be
members of s gar.g of thieves who worked
tbe depots la kacui "iiy until thing '
became too h'-t for thera there
St. Andrew's School
4 1st aad Cbarles St.
Third Year Small Cle, Individ
ual Attention.
Fall Terra Btgics Sept. 1. 111.
RKV. V. It. HeaJmjuJcr."
3H Charles Kt.
In the
the u
Uai(ei Sersery
abdominal region is pretested by
of Dr. K eg s New Ljr Pill, t purifiers,
ling Co.
For sale
Aa ostooer Tatortal Scaosl la the
Wisconsin Weeea.
wTsrrrm mo me. jab-oast to a pari. ;
la. AT BIXOXL btlAa, Oat TU 6-010
insnnui! inrruriio&, loeal rose it CS
S-Af f
Often people call for ligrtt teer triinVm, to avoid I .
vn excessive heavy bitter taste tnat is unpieasanx. w
i would please them. Tke Pabst process
li . makes it a rich, wholesome beer, not
il heavy, and with a delicate ap-
smb a , awaj r R w
petizin flavor found in
no otKer I rew.
Order a case today.
, . .'. ; 'y.'s .
' ''". ' ''.''.:.
tr- as. .-:rr
-r tav naj wim g?
7L I
i rS.A.M7S
SJ Beaton fo' rf butl-Jtr and prical deei- J .
jopment. For rataig ad4rrs
J James H. Kecdngan, box 1. Mercer, w la. j
Telling Men
to Make M
The Advertising
Advertisin; adrtswrs, in the year
1911 must b mora than most men
This business, called advertising,
really involve the whole science of
niaJrirur money.
Thejs isn't m step from the factory
to the home which the advertisinf
sponsor dare to overlook.
And the qualified man should know
every rriancurcr eoled in all business
Mere sulvertisirtg today, without all
the actreseories, is sirrjply inexcusable
Agent of Today
cost and result, we have learned the
best way to meet any condition.
A single piece of advice, founded on
this experience, has, again and again
won a fortune.
The reasonable way to learn these
things is through other men's esrperi-
All this has resolved itself into a
science, called Strategy in Advertising.
It is the digested result of a myriad
clever maneuvers.
It points the best way the quickest,
surest, cheapest way to accomplish
each selling purpose.
Strategy has revolutionized, adver
tising in our institution. It has formed
the foundation of all our recent
One can hardly conceive of a selling
Id which somebody hasn't worked
out to the finish.
Your problem have all been solved
somewhere. Your possible pitfalls
have all been diacoeeted. And there
Isn't a road to PserclvsUiuistTig success
which sxxTsebody hasn't traveled.
There lies the rahs of qualified ad
visers. A valise that sjnsunU to ne
cessity. Their live have been lived in vor
tex of experiments utterry unknown to
you. They have learned what you need
to know. '
For uetarac. Lord ic. Thomas.
W have been the advisers of a thou
sand corbcerns, all leaders in their line.
We know ail of their problems, and how
they were solved. We know all their
successes, and to what they were due.
We know their mistakes, and how you
can avoid them.
By comparing all methods, their
It has given new products national
sale in a month. It has made them
immediately profitable. It has taken
from advertising about all its uncer
tainties. We have tf these discoveries down
in a book the most valuable book ever
written on advertising. It reveals, for
the first time, our most valuable secrets.
It cites examples of profitable proce
dure. It will also give you a new respect for
the men who wrote it. That's why we
send it out.
Cut out this reminder; put it in your
pocket. Then, when convenient, writs
us for the book.
A Reminder
to write Lord & Thomas,
Trade Building, Chicago, for
their latest book; "Real
Z90 FsftJi A
132 North Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO
Chic ago -Nebraska
6:08 Every Evening
Arrives at
La Salle
In the Heart of
II I lsV"i' airaaaiiiliii r , m.rawsvea, .aiml' awPW lawsi S tJ ns-ns. i - . t u ,
S 1 I I I LfXjj il. ('"' ' 1 ' 1 ilium mem limiliriii MWin il ilium ,
P ielm?) I
the Cii
Carries drawing-room and observation
sleeping cars and free reclining chair.
Steel equipment; electric lighted
throughout Superb dining carservice.
Provides all comforts and conveniences
of modern railway travel.
Tkketi. rtaen :ujch. etc.. ai ci:v
J. S. McXAI.I.Y. liiion Hinester fat
TICkKT Or HOC: 13" Faraaia Mree-t