12 titp: btte: omaha; tttuesdat. auotjrt nr. lwr. -n r 5 m - n i ' Jt; Mi) in i i n .....m Begin ning Fritter , fight al Close ' r. m. Xacept aiuriwi Most Extraordinary Sale of Allover Laces & Bands i Values From 75c to $1.50 Yard at 59c and 29c Yd 42-inch Crystal Dewdrop Mousseline de Soie. 18-inch Fine Floss' Silk f Embroidered Allovers. 18-in. fine Crochet, Venise and Oriental Allovers. Kich Silk Embroidered Bands, up to 12 inches wide, some in Metallic and Persian effects. All new and correct styles for this fall. Black, white and new fall and evening shades. Suitable for dresses, waists, yokes, sleeves, etc. ON TWO BIQ BARGAIN SQUARES 2c-6 C Yd. Actually Worth From 75c to $1.50 Yard. Great Sale of French Challis t 75c strictly all wool French Challies, the most extraordi nary offer in years. All the newest ideas in bordered TriArirai Affarfa nTlfl All ftizps nf rlnts arid s. fancy stripes two bargain squares; main floor; at, yard 29c l On 2d loor New Fall Walking Dresses J Made of Fine Black and Navy Serges. Most popular dresses in the east at the present time They are practically made fall dresses of French serges, at lney are preiniy inmmea or piam laiiorea. xne prices are $12.50, $13.85, $15, $17.50, $19 and $25. Women's Fall Tailored Suits $15 Made of heavy materials, wide braid or satin trimming, new cut backs; skirts with panel effects. Two O .G JS, pretty styles, in five colors, at New Mixture Worsted Walking Skirt, cor rect fall atylc $5 and $6.98 W o m e n's Wash Waists, new stylet for (all, worth up at!f:6.0: 98c New Mescaline Dresses just re ceived T?. $10 Icxt Saturday is a Great Sale Jewelry A New York Importer's and Jobber's Entire Stock Bought at Less Than Half Price. Hundreds of pieces of Novelty Jewelry, including pins, brooches, bracelets, hat pins, etc A wonderful assort ment Saturday at 25c, 39c and 50c Great Sale of Rogers and Hamilton Silverware Saturday. Greatest Kid Glove Sale Ever Held Thousands of Fairs of Long and Short Kid Gloves Black, white and colors worth up to $3 pair CQ QQp On sale next Saturday at, pair wJC"ij(jC Thuroday is Chocolate Day Those delicious bitter sweet chocolates with soft, creamy centers, pure fruit and crushed nut tlavors OC Thursday only, per pound. BRANDEIS STORES 2d Floor, Old Store. Him Old Store, . 2d Floor. (& SEE THAT YOUR t$ SCHOOL IS CLOSE AT HAND. BOY IS DRESSED AS WELL AS THE OTHERS BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS Mothers will find muoh larger vari eties here and prices are lower than elsewhere. Double Breasted Coat Suits With Two Fairs Knickerbocker Pants. Medium weight, made of dark colored cheviots, made to sell regu- Ci QQ larly at $2.50 and $3.00, at.'. .91JO In Our Basement Boys' Combination Suits Two Pairs Knickerbocker Pants (lood quality wool fabrics, well and strongly made all sizes splendid .4. suns ror school; second (Ptl QQ J floor, old store, at V&0 -JJ boys' Blue Serge Suits two pair of pants $5.50 BLOUSE SCHOOL SUITS FOR SMALLER BOYS The suits in this group are all samples from a prominent manufacturer. They are in practical, up-to-date styles and were made to sell as high as $4.00 second ?fl AD floor, old store, at $LvO Beginning Sept. 1, Stores Close 6 P. M. Except Saturday. lwM j jy at in niifii Beginning Sept. 1st, this store will close 6 o'clock-Saturdays at 10:00 p. m. s Buy your boy's school suit Thursday. There are only, four shopping days between now and the day school begins-a very short time in which to attend to the clothing needs of the average school boy. These lessened prices will help you greatly. In fact, this 1b our final summer clearance of all boys' light and medium weight suits In all of the newest styles and fabrics for boys from six to sixteen years of i age. It will continue throughout the remainder of this week. These t re the prices you will be asked to pay All $6.00 to $10.00 Suits, now, at $4.75 All $4.00 to $5.00 Suits, now, at $2.75 50 Suits worth up to $3.50 now $1.75 Sale of School Dresses at 89c We are splendidly prepared to take care of the girls' school needs, too. Blouses, dresses, coats it matters not whatyou will find all of them here and they are as good as they are reasonably priced. For Thursday's special selling- One lot of Girls' gingham and percale dresses in a variety of pretty colorings and patterns; long sleeve styles trimmed with bias folds and pipings; age3 6 to 14 years; regular $1.25 and $1.60 values, Thurs., 89c Girls' $1.50 Middy Blouses made of fine quality mater ials and finished with blue, red or black trimmings; sizes 12 to 36; Thursday only, half price or 75c each. Our children s shoe store has been greatly enlargedenlarged In space and variety of qualities and Btyles adapted to children's wear. Special attention Is directed to the new, high top Pony and Jockey Boots as being stylUh and comfortable for growing feet. Then there are shoes of patent colt and dull leathers, shoes with patent colt body and red tops, etc., etc. every kind that could please a boy or girl and the parents. They are priced, according to the size, at $1.00 to $3.50 the Pair. The children's shoes are warranted to give satisfaction just the same as those we Bell to the grown-up-folks. So, if you cannot come to the store, send the children and let us fit them suject to your approval.' Heat and Fish Bargains Thursday and Friday Porterhouse Steak . . 17X4c Baby Halibut 12VaC No. 1 Hams .' 15C I Fresh Oysters, can 35c Natty Stylos In Young Men's Fall Shoes. The chilly, frosty days are here again and so is the big gest, best and most exclusive line of Young Men's Fall Shoes ever shown in Omaha. "We refer to our fall line of Young Men's $3.50 Shoes They are the best values we ever saw. We have them in Gun Metal aud Russia Calf, Button and Blucher, in both Black and Tan. Button style will be most popular this fall. Drop in and see if they are not all we claim for them. IB 111 I Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. 1 V3&r& C11! en w U roon omu ' Specials in our Fresh Fruit and Vege- J table Dept. Small Baskets Fancy Pears. 2Sc , Small Baskets Fancy Elberta 1 Peaches 8Sc s Basket Assorted Fruits jf 25c 8Sc, 60c V Bu. Basket Apples 25c j H Bu. Basket Cantaloupes. 40c V Potatoes, per pk 80c ( 2 Plain Lettuce 5c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per qt. at 5c i Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb. at 5c O Home Orown Blue Grapes, per basket 20c Casgk ssrangk cwonk (s5Rpq Reliable Dentistry AT Tail's Dental Roims AMISKMKMJ, AHtsmEirri. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR LINCOLN, SEPTEMBER 4-8, 19 lL The State's Best Products in Live Stock, Agriculture, Horticulture, Educational, Dairy, Apiary, Domestic Products, Textiles, Fine Arts and Machinery. The Only Game and Fish Exhibit Shown In the State. 118,000 For Speed Three Harness and Three Running Races each day. TWO Wright Bros. Aeroplanes, In charge of Aviators P. O. Pannelee and Clifford Turpin, In Four Flights each day. Llberatl's Concert Band and Grand Opera Concert Company, Sixty-one People In Classical Selections and Whole Acts From the World's Best Operas. prraBti Royal Italian Guards Band, Wllber Band, Fairbury Band, Hebron Band. The Great Patterson Carnival Company. Seven Free Vaudeville Numbers Afternoon and Evening. Running, Hippodrome and Roman Chariot Races, Concerts, Opera and Stupendous Display of Fireworks Each Evening. Among the Noted Speakers Will be Heard: Hon. James Wilson, Sec retary of Agriculture; Hon. George W. Norris, M. C; Governor C. H. Aldrlch, Clyde J. Wright. Li. O. Jones, and others. BRANDEIS THEATER OPExnoro or axasow TOKIOHT AVO TXXDAT Mor S. Blnrr PrMnta HARRY BULGER la the Sladam of Musical ComadlM THE rLIBTIKO WWCZSB" lowir rioor $1.00 and gl.BO Balcony flSo, 6O0, 75o BUM DAT . BOCK Or AOE8 ouaia'i rm CXWTEB." Evgs.. 1B-85-50-7SO DM1 7 Mat., 15-8S-600 tib classy. iroir-orrsirsrvE Musical FrivoUty XXTmAVAOAXZA AMD TADDSVULB Juat Off BroaUway With An All-8tr Cat and th Honeymoon express. xa&Im' Sim Katlnee Every Wk Say. Ihe College Girls Home If ni lkTwoFroUcs of Folly I i ft KJ VlnaUy TODAT TOHIOXT WASHINGTON SOCIETY GIBXS with aiadrs Scan ana Biwafka Models BUaltt Boot Frlooai ais-ht. Boat Baata BOe; Mat. S&o Matlnaa Every Say 9:10. Bvary Blent 8115. ADVAICID AVSBTII.JC.B Thla Wk: Johnny and Kiuma Hy; The Marvelous Mllleca; Loja Troupe; Coakley, Hanvey and Uunlevy: Lynch and Zaller; Brent Hayea; Martini Broa. Kinodroine; Or(jiiura Concert Orchestra. Prloea, Wifhta lOo, 8 So 6O0 and 75o. Matlnaaa, Beat Baata S60. Bacapt Bat. and San. IIEWEST I LEAS III FALL F.llLliriERY s.a:'i;;:.,., white felts mo $io Qualities Always Detter at Each Price Store Closes at 5 P. M. Until Sept. 1st. an y j B'J" t Store Closes at 5 P. M. Until Sept. 1st. conn i vv.uu kawud iiiuiasuay. rur luru osiuy A grcnt general clearance sale of all kinds of Lace Bands, Galloons, Appliques, etc., at a fraction of actual cost $1.00 to $3.00 a yard values; two lots, 2Qq gflj QQq These Prices for One Day Thursday Only. Big Sale of Lingerie Waists a An immense shipment just received." Close outs from several of New York's most prominent manufacturers, so cured by our buyer at a small fraction of actual worth. Beautiful designs, al most unlimited assortments; on sale in two great lots at Waists worth to $2.00, at 79c Waists worth to $4.00, at $1.45 Silk Dresses at $10.00 Big special purchase of sample silk dresses; ouly one of a kind; messalines, taffetas; all most approved styles, at. . . .$10.00 f 15.00 Fall Coats 99.90 Good variety of serges and a few broadcloths, in wanted color and correct styles; values to $15.00; on sale at $9.00 9 10.O0 Press BklrU at f 1.9 Large assortment of newest models In serges, voiles, mo hairs, brlUlantines, etc; all colors and sizes; $6.00 up to $10.00 values, at $4. OS New Fall Suit Styles at $25.00 up to $75.00. Trie most complete and attractive showing of correct models tor fall we've ever shown so early in the season; beginning with the fav orite of all, CROWN JKWEL SUITS at 35.00 and continuing through out the line from $29.76 up to $76.00. You'll find the qualities, styles, fabrics and finish unequaled In any other store at our prices. Eitra Size Fall Jacket 40 to 46 bust measure, in good black serge, semi-fitted, lined throughout with Skinner satin, at 912.50 Clearance of Wash Dresses Values to $6.00, at. . . .$1.3K Values to $6.60. at $1.03 Values to $8.00. at $3.08 Splendid assortment for selection. Thursday's Specials in Domestic Room ISO Plaid Blankets Good and heavy, always sell $4.00; Thursday, at $3.25 Australian O. Q. Cotton Blankets, full size; always sell $1.98; Thurs day at, a pair 61K Comforts full size, extra good value $1.60; Thursday, ea. $1.10 Outing Flannels good patterns to select from; at, yard 10J 36-lnch Percales light and dark colors, neat patterns; at, yard, Good 81-90 Sheets extra good value for 59c; Thursday, each...48 Parkville Pillow Cases 45-36 15c cases; Thursday, each 12 Six Rousing Slug Bargains Thursday Some early season specials that you'll not find sur passed at any time. New Fall Patterns at Bargain Prices. Body Brussels Hugs 5-frame quality, 9x12 size; choice of 20 patterns at $25.00 8-3x10-6 size, choice of 15 pat terns at $22.50 945.00 Wilton Rugs, in 9x12 size; big assortment $35.00 Heavy Axminster Bugs $30.00 values, 9x12 size, 26 patterns for selection $22.50 $25.00 values, 9x12 size; big range of patterns. . .$18.08 $'JO.OO Tapestry BrusHelx Bugs 9x12 size, 10-wire quality, at siins Linoleums, quality 1), 4 yds. wide; special, sq. yd., 69c Linoleums, quality D, 2 yds. wide; special, sq. yd., 59c Linoleums, quality C, 2 yds. wide; special, sq. yd., 49c f It Pays to Trade at (layden's VS Thay maka tha prlcas that kaap down tba falg-h eoat of living. Ifl bars Beat 'Err. All or Diamond C" Soap 48 lb. sack beat high grade Diamond "H" Family flour, per aack . . 1.1S 10 :ba. beat white or yellow Cornmcal for ' 16o f lbs. good Japan Hloe 360 4 lbs. fancy head Klce 83a Campbell's Soups, any kind, per can at JHo Corn Flake, pkg aVo The beat hod or Oyster Crackers. lb Tha beat oiiap Pretzels, lb So The beat erlap Gtnser Bnapa. lb. So Skinner's Macaroni, the great Omaha Droduct. pki iva Oil or Mustard Sardlnea, can. O.ll.n tana Table Syrup .... iMTgo bottlea Worceater Sauce, Plckiaa or pur xomato vainup, ti, per bottle The beat Tea Sifting, lb. .... lBUo Golden Santoa Coffee, lb loo VJFX VT YOVB B1BTL1TT nail low. The season for thla delicious fruit wtll soon cloaa Thursday: Bushel sexes Colorado Bartiatt Pears at ', '. .36o Bushel boxes California Hnrtlt Pears . n.i Fancy California Klberta Peachen, at. bo Sl.00 Rlpa Grapes, for table, basket 17Uo Fancy ripe Tomatoex. baket .... .loo Ripe Plums, for jelly, banket.... 300 Co-icord Jiape, for Jelly .... 17'o Haydan'a Great Vegetable Marks Stakes the Prloes That Keep Down tha Ftioea. m ids. iNew i-oiatden to the peck 3oo a; Hea that you get your weight. The a law requlrea it. 9 Fancy Wax or Green Ueans. lb... fie f 4 bunches frenh lieeta or Carrots So Swoet i-'orn. per do;en 8 bunchea freah ItadlKliea 2 heads frewli Hotliouau Lettuce. 6 Green I'eppeia for t heada fruah Cabhage 3 Iba. fancy ripe Tomatoes 10a 60 So Bo So iua Good Cooking Applea, peck 1 Duncnea rreen l araiey Sa 2 leads freah Celery g0 Bweet Potatoes, lb So Large Egg Plants, each Bo Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb. . . lOo Fancy Lima Beans, per quart ...Bo DON'T FORGET Try MYDEN'S First IT PAYS Admission: A 60 Cent Coin. After J P. M.. a 26 Cent Ticket LAKE MAN AW A CLOSES MONDAY, LABOR DAY. AT 11:00 P. M. Zast Chanoa to Danoe la tka Beautiful New Ball Room this ream. LAHD l.F0nr..ATI0n BUREAU LEARN WHERE IT IS BEST TO FARM OPENINGS f ;.1orand's Dancing School BRANDEIS STORES 1 Bee tlie Best iir COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure The Bee against other loco) pavers m respect of quality as urell as quantity of timely news and interesting articles from dmy to day and TheBee superiority will be demonstrated iaaaei """ "' laaaeai.a-aaaaaiiaaaaasiaiasa-,-. Friday, Sept. 1 (Adulta) 8 P. M. Oreatly Badooad Frioaa Opealag Bflg-ht. Call at 10th and Harney. Open foiu 9 A. M. V I P. M., or ue either phone. ROUE SUMMER GARDEN Vau1evill and Photo Plays Dine Oat Doors eatiEST rukcm tw omiu jtcasiTM itiif svBataa AAjBlaaloa 10 Casta r K K N F K M A T 1 O K Thinking about buying, land? Want to know ths soil and climate best suited tor certain farming? Our Land Bureau gives tree information about soil, climate, conditions In all parts of the country. W have gathered data and can tell yeu what you desire to learn. Write the Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb., today and your questions will get prompt attention. v I. K I X V o K M A T 1 O N FREE IIMFORtVIAXIO 2 b-v- C SaTjagp, gSu. mi il