iY THE HKE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST ,10. 191!. 1 i 1 1 Stored Olnee BlOO P. C TTBtU Slept. 1. Three Deye Mori. mm A REMARKABLE SPECIAL SALE OF Hand Embroidered Pillow Slips ( Complete with Back and Ruffle ) , C CtC worth to $8.00 and even $10.00, at VlV(7 ItfoisnnMiim Finished with satin ruffles, cords and fringes, in row, poppy, vio let, daisy, chrysanthemum and conventional and designs, all hand embroidered in very elaborate patterns. Hundreds have ad mired the display in the 16th St. window. They range in value from $5 to $10, at $169 Special Purchase Manufacturer's Samples Traveling Bags and Suit Cases High grade Traveling Bags and KSUa V VU'"w mA- mm way m, u a a cut sewed frame, edges and corners 17 and 18 inch Traveling Bags, values up to $10, in A A r one lot, Wednesday V ' All the Fine Cowhide Suit Cases Solid brass lock and ciitches, straps all around, linen lined, values up to $10 in two lots Wednesday, at At New Arrivals in Women's Fall Apparel Are New Being Admired on Our Second Floor. New Fall In messahnes and taffetas, Afternoon blacks and navies, embroid Dresses ered fronta with lace CVf A yokes, exceptional values at Vv FALL Including all the most attrac SUITS tive new style feat- $j0 ures for fall, at S17.50 and . -wW Hlf -f i New Fall All the new fall materials, em- SKIRTS broidered panamas, voiles, grey and mixture worsteds. . V Children's New Serge Dresses For school wear. Popular Peter Tompkins; also the little one-piece dress effects at $3.08, $5, $6.08 and $8.08 18 Inch and 27 Inch Swiss Nainsook and Cambric Embroidered Flouncings Corset coverings, also galloons and galloon headings, eyelet, floral and blind relief effects values actually up to 50c yard, at, yard French and German Val. Laces and Inser tions, also neat crochet, cluny and Arme nian effects, pure linen torchons, T etc., values up to I2V2C, at, yd OC 25c 1 3? Ill Lr Boys' Double Breasted Suits or Norfolk Suits for School Wear. (Two pairs knickerbocker pants) In tweeds and cheviots, ages 6 to 16 yrs., $4 values, at $2.!! Boys' All Wool Blue Serge Suits Double breasted or Norfolk style with two pairs of pants, fully lined, reinforced seams, cut full peg top. A sea 6 to 16 years. 17. 50 values at Boys' Knickerbocker Suits All wool fancy cheviots and tweeds. Two pairs vi panis; xuiiy nnea; 7.50 values, at $5.50 $5.98 ran . Wt- Bale)! 'A. Bands T at 8o, Tkira- eay. Try Our School Shoes Tbe boys and Klrls can now dust up their books, sharpen their pencils and get ready for school. There's one thing sure very one of them will want a pair of school shoes. We anticipate their wants and are ready for tbe rush with the best school shoes that are made. For Boys Bos Calf, Vic!, Gun Metal Calf. Velour Calf. $1.75 to 52.50 For Girls Vicl Kid, Patent Colt, Gun Metal Calf. etc. BUTTON, LACE OR MACHER. FRY SHOE GO THE 8H0ERS 16th and Douglas Streets ABOVE ALL III QUALITY BRANDEIS STORES M For Home Consumers -PHONE- Doug. 119; lnd.A-2119 I'Jm. J. Boekhoff Retail Dealer. Office, 803 So. 7th jJl . As, jj I m J J Beginning Sept. 1st, this store will close II JJ at 6 o'clock-Saturdays at 10:00 p. m. I f V vrwis wsw ew mr All St. 33&3 QWSSfgJk C35 CSiA f ra, . a . .. rooii czxtsb 3 n T i. aneciais in our rresno Fruit and Vege table Dept. Largest Variety of Selected Fruits in the City 200 boxes "aney Peaches, per box J1-10 100 boxes Eastern Bartlett Peaia, per box 86 8 .talks Fancy Table Celery lOo 100 Lozen Plain lettuce, 2 for Bo i bu. Basket Cooking Apples 30o Home Grown Grupes, at, per basket Strictly fresh Eggs, per dot 86o Our best country butter (In sani tary jars), per lb .vn 30o Imported frwiss t neenc, pr n. d Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb. B6o f 60c Jar Queen Ollvei 35o Dili Pickles, per dozen ..ISO, SOe Bauer Kraut, per Qt 10c &dcsO vfltamftQ JW2fiO QavsoftQ the collectors of S. & H. Oreen Trading Stamps iu Omaha and the surrounding territory are invited to bring all their books to our Premium Parlor, Balcony, Main Floor, Wednesday and get one set of ten August. "Red Letter Day" stamps FREE for every book. TheBe "Red Letter Day" stamp are FREE to everybody entirely, Inde pendent of and in addition to stamps that accompany purchases. But you must bring your books with you if you expect to get them. Twenty stamps are given FREE on this day to new customers only. Now for Fall Suits "Used to be that it required a frost to ripen nuts. Now nut trees are improved and frost is needed only to cure hay fever and ripen persimmons." Used to be that women wore summer clothes until they- were "sick ana urea- oi them. Now Bennett's make t easy to step into something new and the apparel one has tired of is hung away until another season. For example, here are some New Blue and Black Serge Suits for $15.00 Plain tailored models in four-button, three-quarter length coat styles with skirts that are paneled front and back. And such llniugs we have never before seen in $10.00 BUits. We mention that point to ahow what care has been taken of the vital parts of the garment. But the quality throughout , Is In perfect harmony not skimped or slighted in any detail. They are now being displayed in our 16th street windows. Those who desire suits of a still higher grade are directed to our line at $36.00 as being of an exceptionally high order. Choose from broadcloths, serges, fancy worsteds and rough suitings in black, grays, blues, Coronation purple, greens, tans and mixtures of various shades. Some of them are plain tailored and others are elabor ately trimmed with velvets, satins and silk braids. Styles for every fancy. For Wednesday's Notion Sale 15a Nainsook Dress Shields 80 Women's and Children' 16c "pln-on" Hos Supporters, all colors i..8e 6o card of two gold plated Beauty Pins, lo 10c fancy Hat Plus Bo 16c bolt of three yards of Embroidery Kdglng, all colors 10c 25c package of five different widths Linen Tape for lOo Extra large size Hair Nets ..J...S for 10c Black or white Hook and Eyes, all sizes. 3 oardi for Bo Ironing Wax, each lo Grocery Store Attraction! for Wednesday and Thursday Lowest Rates of the Year On Sale Sept. 15th to Oct, 15th, 1911 To Arizona California Old Mexico New Mexico For Fall loforsnation axidraH or call Thos. F. Godfrey, Passenger and Ticket Agent City Ticket Orrlce. 14 2 3 Farnam Street Depot Union Station DRS. MACH & MACH pimiTi Vaoooafcora to BAILEY a MACH Neatest equipped dental office in Omaha. Highest grade dentistry at reasonable prices. Porcelain filling, juat like ihe tooth. All lnatrumen'.a carefully sterilized after each opera tion. Cor. lth and Taraam Ste. TXXKD TX.OO MXTOa BLOCK COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure The Dee against other local papers in respect of quality as well as quantity of timely news and interesting articles from day to day and TheBee's superiority will he demonstrated Why Do They Make It So Good? r-Htiitnl Baklna Powder and iO stamp' Mil 0 10 bars Bennett's Bargain Boap . .800 8 bars Feis" Naphtha Boap 8Bo Buttermilk or Witch Haael Toilet Soap, cake 2-lb. can BreakfaBt Coffee and 40 stamps for Mo Assorted Teas and 40 stamps, lb. 480 Pkg. Tea F.if tings and 10 stamps. ISO Bennett's Capitol Coffee and 20 stamps, lb 300 Can Capitol Pepper and E stamp 10c 2 Jars Nutlet, Peanut Butter and 10 stamps 80o 40u )ar Tea Garden Figs In syrup 30o H-lb. can B. C. Baking Powder and 16 stamps 10 Bottle Ualllard'a Pure Olive Oil and 20 stamps Boo Gallon can Oalllard's Pure Olive Oil for 88.75 14-lb. sack Diamond Crystal Salt and 20 stamps for ..8So 8-lb. box Gloss Starch and 10 stamps for 830 Can Brockport sliced or grated Pine apple and 6 stamps for 10c Wednesday Meat Bargains Best Sirloin Steak 15 Shoulder Steak 2 pounds for 15 Small Bacon 11 H Lamb Stew 4Ht AMCSEMHUTS. THE BEER YOU LIKE pi iriTT OoaaaaeTO BliMkrtmi Ma Niltlcr. 3224 St 24 k S: . Omit tni Chws, 2-24 0 SL. SMlk OaaU C. hw, Qpaed BUb, bit ii n Ml III c cu rii Run Lw. 113 ii:.'.. jucssaiicazaiiigaray . E I Bj PpjLBmni ri I LEW EABER V J 1 BIl 8LOO. ?m 3Katrauc oa Cout i J Tal. D. 1018 Ik iTfraTrlu.Ul NEBRASKA STATE FAIR LINCOLN, SEPTEMBER 4-8, 1911. The State's Best Products in Live Stock, Agriculture, Horticulture, Educational, Dairy, Apiary, Domestic Products, Textiles, Fine Arts and Machinery. The Only Game and Fish Exhibit Shown in tbe State. $13,000 For Speed Threo Harness and Three Running Races each day. Two Wright Bros. Aeroplanes, In charge of Aviators P." O. Parmslee and Clifford Turpin, in Four Flights each day. Liberates Concert Band and Grand Opera Concert Company, Slxty-ona People In Classical Selections and Whole Acta From the World's Best Operas. Ferranti Royal Italian Guards Band, Wllber Band, Falrbnry Band, Hebron Band. Tbe Great Patterson Carnival Company. Seven Free Vaudeville Numbers Afternoon and Evening. Running, Hippodrome and Roman Chariot Races, Concerts, Opera and Stupendous Display of Fireworks Each Evening. Among the Noted Speakers Will be Heard: Hon. James Wilson, Sec retary of Agriculture; Hon. George W. Norris, M. C; Governor C. H. Aldrich, Clyde J. Wright, I,. O. Jones, and others. Admission; A 50 Cent Coin. Store Closes at 5 P. M. Until Sept. 1st. Store Closes 11 at5P.M.y Until f Sept. 1st. Ladios' Muslin and Cam brio Gowns, Combination Suits, Skirts Beautifully trimmed, $2.00 to $3.00 values, at .". .98c Special Wednesday Bargains Underwear and Hosiery Ladies' Silk Hose, 50c quality, gauze weight 2C Ladies' 75c Silk Embroidered Hose, black and colors at, pair ....35c Three pairs for JJJl.OO Ladies' Esco Silk Hose, $1.00 quality, 'blat-k only, at 49c Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns Best qualities, values to . $.'5.00; on sale Wednesday at $1.45, OSC and 75c In Do mastic Room Wednesday St. Cloud Cotton Blankets, heavy, full size, sells always at $1.75, at, only 31.15 No." 90 Wool Nap Blankets, full Blse, fancy plaids, sold for 14.50, at. per pair ; -33.40 No. 18 Comforts, full size, sell for 11.75, at, each 8 No. 6226 Pillow Cases, regular 16c case, Wednesday, each 11 72-90 Sterling Sheets, our regular 50c sheet, Wednesday, each 4U Bleached Muslin, one yard wide, 8V4c quality, at, a yard . - 5H Unbleached Muslin, one yard wide, 7ftc quality, at, yard 5 Wash Goods Department 27-inch Poplins in all the newest shades, at a yard 39 ui1 -5? Plain and Figured SHU Mixed Goods, worth USc, Wednesday, at, per yard 125c German Eiderdown, all new pat terns, at, yard 29? Glacia Delaine, with fancy bor ders, sells for lite, Wednesday, for ..v 15? A new line of fall Ginghams, fancy plalJs and stripeH, at. ucr yrd 13 Closing out all Summer Wash Goods at Sweeping 1'iico Reductions. 1 WE HAVE JUST THE STYLE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR IN THE NEW WHITE FELT HAT SHAPES Not $10.00 values for $5.00, but the very best values shown iri any store at 98c to $10.00 All Millinery Marked in Plain Figures. PUT UP YOUR BARTLETT PEARS THIS WEEK ' The balnnce of our car of fancy Colorado ftartlett Pears will be closed out YVednaaday. Thla ia the cheap est fruit you can buy for preserving. While the car lasts we will continue to Bell them, per box 91.73 Jelly Grapes, baaket 17 Ho Klpe Graces, for table uae, basket 20c Whitney Crab Apples for Jelly, at, Mr basket too Wild Plums, for Jelly, banket ....S0c Kaydea's Make the Oroeerr rrloes That Keep Dowa the KXgk Cost of XJTiag-i IT lbs bent Granulated Hukt ..$1.00 8-lb. sack Diamond H Family Flour, made Irani the bant selected wheat, per sack . : J 1.1 5 10 bars Beat 'Km All or Diamond C Soap for 2Sc 10 'be. best White or Yellow Corn- meaJ ?or 1 6u 7 lbs. .best bulk Laundry Htarch . .3fio t lbs. beat Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal for iac Bromanirelon, Jelly con, or Jello, at, per package 7Hc Grape Nuts, per packMK.e I0i 1-Ib. cans CampbeM s nouns I any kind) for 7 'bo 4 lbs. fancy Japan Kice ttue Corn Flakes, package 6-c C lbs. Choice Japan Kice -oc Xadea's Oreat Teretable Market cakea the Frloes That Keep Sows the rrioesi IS lbs. New Potatoes to the peck 30s See that you get your weight, the law requires It. Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. ...(a 4 bunches Fresh Beets or Carrots, o Sweet Corn, per dozen lOo 6 bunches Fresh Radishes 2 heads fresh hothouse Lettuc 8 Green Peppers for 2 heads Frnflh CabbaKu bo 3 lbs. fancy Ripe Tomatoes lOo Good Cookina- Apples, peck luo 3 bunches fresh Parsley 6a 2 heads fresh Celery So Sweet Potatoes, lb tQ I.arge Kgt Plant, each 6o Fancy Denver Oaullf lower, lb lOo Fancy Lima, Beans, pur quart . . . . 4o I a oo i . ; ice . . bo J s r . Extra Special for Wednesday A CARLOAD OF EXTRA FANCY CALIFORNIA EL BERTA PEACHES ON SALE M Af) Dav Pfy WEDNESDAY All You Want. tjll.UU Ttl VldlU Try (MYDEN'S First DON'T FORGET IT PAYS wfitiwnvtiBijaii GREASY, VtLVtl tULLMS! Kind of goes against you when you at a man with a greaay, frayed velvet coat coLar. does it not? Lot's put a NEW velvet collar on YOUR coat. Let's fix the linings and dry clean and press the coat, too. Let's do it NOW for winter. Phone Tyler 1300 or Auto A-222S. Leave work st Dresner The Tailor's, 1616 Farnam St., or at uptown receiving station in Pompelan Hoom of The Brandels K tores. Sxprens paid one way on shipments of work amounting to 13.00 or over. DRESHER BROTHERS 2211-2213 FARNAM STREET. 4 I JMBllljWjjppiaiiaaBaaaaBjs J I Nebraska I State Fair J at LINCOLN Home of Kolly ICRUG Two rTolifs Dully TOOAT TOIIQIT WASHINGTON hOt'lETY G1HLS With Gladys Sea.a and Brenrks' Models Blssltt S Soott Frlcaa: xri-ht, Beat Beat SOe; Mat. SSe After 5 P. M., a 25 Cent Ticket. DRANDEIS THEATER ovbotijtq or BBAsoar Tomorrow aTlfht and Friday hiui Biri.au la the Best of Musical Comedies THE TLlMTlSti PBIWCBSS" Xrfwer Floor Sl.OO and $1.00 Balcony . Sao, 60o, 7 So SUNDAY BOOK Or aOIl ICktfxee Btstt S:ll . arevry snfUt sua. aiiTuvjiw w w w 'Ibis Week: Jotnny and Umiua Kay; The Marvelous Uiilers; lxJa Troupe; Cak-ey, Hanvey and Dunlevy; Lynch and Zeller; brant Hayes; Martini broa. Klnodrome: Orpheum Concert Orchestra-, rrtcea. Blg-hU lOo, S6 SOe and 75c Matlaaes, Beat Beats Boa. insert eid tu. LAKE MAN AW A CX.OSES MONDAY, LABOR DAY. AT 11:00 f. M. ' Iast Oaance to Panco la the Beautiful New Ball Room THTSJ Tlla. "OMABA'B rUX OIITtA" BTfm., 1S-BB-5O-7B0 VaUy Hut, lS-BS-Mo mi CLASBT, VOsT-orrBsrarra Musical Frivolity KXTmATAOABBA AMD TAUDBTXT.X.B Juat "If HmaJway With An All-fciar (t and the Honeymoon Express. Ladles' Dim Matinee Bvery Week Bay. The College Girls Sept. 4th to 8th Rook Island Lines will sell, at all stations in Nebraska, on September 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th round-trip tickets at fare and one-half rate. Keturn limit September 11th. TRAIN SERVICE Leave Omaha 7:45 a. m., 8:01 a. m., 9:46 a. m., 1:15 p. m., 5:00 p. m. Arrive Lincoln 9:45 a. m., 9:40 a. m., 11:40 a. m., 3:05 p. ra., 6:55 p. m. Returning, Leave Lincoln 4:58 a. m., 9:40 a. m., 2:10 p. m., 4:15 p. m., 8:00 p. ra. Stptember 5th, 6th and 7th only. For further particulars inquire CITY TICKET OFFICE vj el AAA ! X A. xozz xaxnam Direct, or UNION STATION. ROME SUMMER GARDEN Vaudeville and Photo Plays Dine Out Doors COOLXBT VXvACB IsT OKtVt IICIUTSt STIST BVKM1B9 AAs&laalaa 10 Casta ill SS1BMSMMSSJJ OPEHIHG! Morand's Dancing School Friday, Sept. 1 (Adulta) 8 P. M. Oreatly Bdaoe Frleos Opeaiaff Blht. CU at anl Uaroef. Open f am A, AL U a P. iL, or sltoor yhono. If you believe that the women I of this couimuDlty have self ra- - I spct and Intelligence you must . I V admit that most of them road To Omaha Be. J ) J ,1 ! ! i rsS-. i i i , -j ) ? T .V J 1 1 V