Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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    711T, m:K: OMAHA. TUESDAY. AUGUST 20. mil.
'ii.tin rami. ti"r Omaha, must aall at
once. wIM g.e soin one a bargain. 1611
i nutria Et. Douala 7473.
Vl'ICK sale. e)4fl-a. Improved ranch, 17
:nl north of North Plaits, Neb., fS per
mie. Address V 151, t are ilea.
U M MSTK a'-res for $159 In cash;
shout 2 nili out; rich farm land; not
and. Anol.ier 3Ji for $17j cash or In pay
ments. J. A Trac . Kimball. Neb.
tr.: u per acre. Addrcaa 331 Chambar of
i nmme.-ce. urailn.
POK BAItE 320-arra well Improved atock
farm. 21 mile southwaat of Hasting. E
:V""0 acres. MO meadow; lake; well lm
, iovd. near town; half trade. Walker &
o. 2(1 lirandel Theater Bldg.
GOOD eastern Neb. farm land. 7t per
acre. KM Urandr-is UH.
FOR SALE flO-acr ranch, about 20
miles from North Platte. Neb.; all fenred.
well, wind mill and other Improvements;
."11 '0 per acre If tnken soon; term. I .nek
"raver No. 37. Johnson, Neb.
IMF'HOVKIi 210 ui-res fiplit uiliee from
Beatrice, mile from Ft. R. station, a splen
.lid fnrm home, Ideal for stock or dairy.
Thin farm, known as the "Bare" farm. Is
ordered sold to close an estate; $S5 wlli
i.iy It. One-third cash.
'.41 Paton Blk. Tel. Douglas 671.
$0 tvre buys land that will rent for 15 acre
cash rent. C. D. Hayden, Farnam, Neb.
Berth Dakota.
ONE of the finest farms in Richland
county, consisting of 265 acren of good,
productive land, Joining Wycdm. Fine
large building, lota of fruit. nl: grove
and never-falling flowing well. Price
tj;.K per acre and eaty terma. Vtartla
Paulson Land Co., Wyndmere, North Da
kota. Oklakeaaa.
The eastern part (Indian Territory) l the
best corn, wheat and hav land to be found
anywhere; a beautiful prairie country and
no winters; close to railroad towns; write
me at once and arrange to go with me
aad see the enormoua corn crop there.
Kound trip from Omaha only $15. Lock
Hex 3Wf. Omaha.
FREE, a home In the wonderful Harney
'.alley, homestead lands on desert claim
In central Oregon. For Information phone
Harney 3S41. P. P. Olblin, 3016 California
St., Omaha, Neb.
eat) Carolina.
LAND-$500 per acre fr.ade growing tig
preserves on the Inlands. Orchard! oo
easy monthly payments. Sea Island Or
chard Company, Charleston. S. t.
sooth Dakota.
SOUTH DAKOTA farms. James river
aney and clay county, Minnesota, Hod i:ey tarma to exchange lor Ne
hiaaka or lout lands, Income property or
Merchandise stocks, 124.000: atock and
building central Nebraska, $,i5,t; slock and
uuiidins, eastern couth Dakota, $16,000;
mock and building, central south Dakota.
l,4uO-acre Improveu stock ranch, central
NeDraaka, tw, tor small laim, Income
Tujiety or merchandise.
iiiur mill, 12o-bbi., and 60,000 bu. elevator,
Nebraska, and uO-bbi. dour mill, oouib Da
kuis; want land.
these deals are direct from owners and
ail nave merit. Write us what you have
io exchange.
P. O. Box HM. Omaha, Neb.'
FOU bALli eectlon good raw land, ail
Itncou; aitod liuwiuaj well; a mho f roxa
i'lankliifiiou, a). D. Kor particular writ
j. E. OMailvy, Philip, at. D.
8PE ;JAL snaps u x
Gulf Coast
land. loin Ayioa Laua
'i healr.
Co.. iirauaei
6EK ta Bonder Realty and Development
Co., B leasing, 'lei, or Merchant hotel,
Omaha, lvr booklet, orange and fig farms.
TEXAS lands. SM be Bldg. D. iW.
M ACKal FRUIT and truck farms, l
tuan, balance niuuthiy; no inlarsst, uo
taxea. W. a). Jonaa, 4ia sranaia Aboatro.
W E exchange properties ot merit U. H.
Culver, O. N. U. Bldg Douglas 7,
UdT your exchanges with joaea, iu
i,iandeU Theater.
I HANDLE oxenangea everywhere. For
results see ue. Jau. 1J lia blag. IX
No. 1 S40 acre, central western Neb., 1m
liuveu, all koou nard null.
No. lbO acres, jveiin county. Neb., un
improved, all tine land.
No. U ili acres, N. D., level, good soil,
Pari in cuitlvaiion.
No. 4-6-1 oom modern cottage, new, 2 lots,
III Cllj.
No. o Fine Improved Ml acres, eastern
.no. u -Manufacturing business, stock and
patient right.
Ail of me above are choice propositions
uud will stand the closest Investigation,
leil mo what you Have and what you want,
i can get you a good deal, ti. iu. Walt, ell
dcu mug.
FOR BAl-K-170 acres of well Improved
land lie hi at the euge of Archie, Missouri,
u.j ut b miles south ot Kansas City. This
lanu has good soli and lays fine. If you
want a larm to live on nothing could suit
ou hotter; If you want a place for specula
tion, you can't beat this, for it Is sura to
increase. In value. Price $70 per acre. 1
will carry a good portion of this back on
Hie land. Aduress, H 108, Bee.
INCUBATOR stock, machinery. U. 8. and
Canadian patents, etc. Price, 13,000. Will
nadM for Income property or western land.
Address, Y 1.S4. care Bee.
BLACKSMITH shop, with stock toola,
two acres ground, new house, barn, wood
shed, chicken house; all fenced; located In
rich settlement; reason for selling, on ac
count of death. Addreaa Mrs. Andrew
Johnson, Herman, Neb., Rout 1.
trad J-room house and Vk-aore of ground
worth 00, or a blacksmith shop and lot
worth 13U0, In Mondamln, la., for hora
and cattle. Call or address N. H. Ewlag
MA N. Ust St.. Omaha. Nab.
DANDT K-secllon So. Dak. land, valu
4 000. clea- property or touring car. H 7.
TRADES, TRADES If you hav any.
thing to trade, write m. s. E. Walt, tit
lie Bldg.
FOR EXCHANGE-CIr'Omaha prop,
erty for southern California. Giv full par
ui'lara in first' latter. Box C ban GbrieL
TRADE Eastern Nebraska farms for
Omaha Income property. Nicholas. Hi
l.randels Theatre.
National Investment Co. trades everything.
EXCHANGE for what you want. Hhopen
Co.. Exchange Experts. Paxton Bik.
tl(,o00 real estate for farm. Owners: re-
l.y tl SUj. Ueo.
ou. In exchange for nice billiard table
and barber ahop fixtures, wm retire. Good
bui-Lneiss, 1,700 year income. Wildes, Lu
xerne, la.
WANTED City loans and warraota, W
Farnam bm'th 4k Co., 10 Farnam Bt.
GARVIN BROS.. Hd floor N. Y. Llf. $.,o
to sWO.ous on iniprovod property. No daisy.
OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lacda
Kit Nw Omaha National Bank hulldln
LOANS to home owner and nom build
ers, with privilege of snaking partial pay
nivut seuii-annuaily. W. H. THOMASi. Ul
l iri,i National Bank Bldg.
VI ON EI TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
'WANTSD ity loan. Fetors Trust Co.
100 to SM.OuO mad promptly. F. u.
ad. vveau iHo... i-lli ,.u r
.yV MATES. HLMlS-CAl;LlitliU Co.,
' -i Li"""a fiissier illug.
(i:ontinued )
WANTED -KAKJi :-i,.-.
vestment Company. Onmha.
Klcke li
CITT ond farm. JOHN N. FRK.N7.F.K.
at 1.M" r'' and farm property. W.
J Ow t2tR mkUm.E. -v.. K.iiik B:d
Flnt Trust Co.. farm city loans, so: S. 11
VVAi.'i u i0 BOnnOif
CAPITAL for " business. Wholo
salo hre tr rei.ill com. try yard. Will put
my time uftainst oui money and split
profits nr pav 1 io l'J tier cent Interest.
Ten yearn experience re'a.l lumber. Ad
1,1 si i, ... iiee. ,
WANTED TO HORI'.OW, i.'.7i0 for five
teais at h er cent n r .-lde:icc property
valued at fc.oiW. AV-M. Uee.
FOR a dainty rleaseit une Dalsell's Ice
cream. If Mrs. Duiker, :':i4 8. 3Cd. will
(ome to The llee office within three dnys
we will (tlve her an order for '.rt brick
of this fine Ice cream.
. . 4
A8 TOIJ read thin ail. so will thotmande
read your want ad. If It la In The Re.
lltb'l price paid tor d hand furniture,
carpels. .;lotiiiu iiiki riuxx l ei. I . y. t
VACANT lot near Fainam and I6th Sts.
P. O. Box 293.
WANTED To rent by man and wife. 1
or 1 unfurnished or partly furnished rooms
In modern house, near Walnut Hill, -N.
.'4th or Sherman Ave. car line. O 8S, Bee.
WANTED Addresses of parties having
rooms to rent to Hoyles College ntudents
at $1.00 p-T week eai h iwo or more in a
room, 'ielepliones, Douglas 19s4 and A-1WS4.
LADY wants room und board; private.
A H1, Bee.
WANTED By youiiB married couple, two
or three modern lurnlshed rooms with light
housekeeping privileges. West Farnam or
Dundee, section preferred. Address D 104,
ONE OR TWO llKht hoiiHekeepina- rooms
by couple; must be reasonable. Close in. B
lL'l. Bee.
BY young married couple, B-room modern
cottage; munt be In good condition. Ad
dress L 130, Bee.
WANTED, by young couple with small
baby, room and board In private family;
mu.t be good neighborhood. K 34, Bee.
LADY employed, desires room and board
In quiet family. U 132, Bee.
WANTED Names and addresses of pri
vate families that will take Bovles College
students to room and board at 14 per week.
REFINED young couple want good board
and room in private family. Tel. Red 6024.
REFINED young lady wants room and
board for being company at night while
attending school, beginning September 12.
P 134. Bee.
YOUNG married couple wish 4 unfur
nished rooms for light housekeeping In
good neighborhood, in private family pre
ferred. Not too olose In. Call Webster
O'BRIEN'S chocolates are famous every
where because they are the best. If Mrs.
C Stlger, Benson, will come to The Bee
office within three days we will give her
an order for a 60-cent box of O Brien's
TWO, three or four furnished room for
housekeeping. Private family. Reference
exchanged. Address D 141 Bee.
REMEMBER it take Du: a few strokes
ot the pen to state that you saw th "ad."
la Th Be. The advertiser wants to knvw.
WANTED A position as housekeeper in
small lamliy. Address G 47, Boo.
F1R8T-CLAS8 bookkeeper, employed dur
ing tna day, wishes to keep smau Set of
books evenings or spar tune tor reason
able compensation. ' Ml, care Bee.
MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN desire a posi
tion as housekeeper or day work. 'Phone
Red tloi.
WANTED Situation as housekeeper In
rooming house or hotel; experienced. Call
at iws carnarn t.
COLORED girt wants position as laun
iress. Douglaa VOi.
chauffeur! 4 years' experience, best of
reference. Address K-6u, Bee.
WANTED Situation by young man, of
fice work and typewriting; have had sev
eral years of experience. Call A. a.,
Douglaa 143.
WANT washing by dav Web. 233.
WANTED Position In hotel as house
painter, by man capable of doing all kinds
of decorating, paperhanglng, shade mak
ing, upholstering and general repairing;
has been seven years In present place. Ad
dress C 122, Bee.
POSITION by lady, 36 years, as house
keeper to lady or gentleman; beat of refer
ences. Address X 139, Be.
WHITE lady wishes day work, neat,
capable. Phone Red 78a6 before Aug. 31. 1911.
WANTED Office work by an experienced
bookkeeper. Most of the time in lumber;
would not object to some outside work.
References. Address, Y-ln8, Bee.
PARTIES desiring young men to work
for their board this winter while go ng
to school, please telephone Boyles College
this week. Douglas 1984. A-1984.
WANTED A position by exDerienr.rf
clerk, either in wholesale or retail house.
Address. IS ltt. care ee.
COLORED girl wants position a cook or
general housework. Phone Doug. 6033.
WANTED Situation, registered pharma
ceutist; experience 12 years; good! sales
man. Address W 138, car Bee.
EXPERIENCED house cleaner; refer
ences; wants employment. S 136, Bee.
WILL keep books evenings. T 137, Be.
WOMAN of 38 wlsnes to help with house
work and sewing In refined famllv. where
she will be treated as one of family. B 139
care Bee.
RELIABLE whit woman wants day
work. Harney 473.
TAKE a boat ride at Lake Manawa. w
will give a pair of round trip tickets to
Mrs. Btine. 310 Vinton St., If she will come
to The Bee office within three davs.
LADY without encumbrance wishes posi
tion as housekeeper for widower; must be
in city. Call 618 So. 20th St. .
BOY. 18, wants work of any kind,
ater 2678.
DTwimDinilrn u i i
n, ..... i li... I...', n ,,u .I... iiao exper
ience und is willing to work wants position
with chances for advancement; reasonable
salary to begin with. A. 3765. H. 4637. Ad
dress G :n, Bee.
C: l." tt l k NT a iiH li.,!"!, nh.riuL 1.
......."-.- . ....... . uun ,b Open
or club bouse; first-class work guaranteed:
Etiaie price, jtuureva r ij, nee.
about two months in this country wlehes to
get position as bar porter or kitchen helper,
or would take place of any kind of work'
slate price, .duress r, n:, nee.
FIRST class laundress. 4213 8. 10th St.
Omaha Urain Exchange holeale ucairrs
grain, hay. chop feed. JS1 brandeia.
ROBERTS GRAIN CO.. grain cuneign
menu solicited, grain bought to arm.
l.'S U-andeis.
WEEKS GRAIN CO.. grain merchants;
consignments elicited. lU Brand.ia
THE Updike Grain Co. Consignments
carefully handled. Oina'ta. Neb.
s'gmtienta solicit id U7 Uiaudei. Bute
Ask t
man nun nas tried us.
Authorities Agree that Wheat Harvest
Will Be 65O.0CO.00O BUSHELS
Recent I. arse Miplna a!ea of torn
Has Left the (ommrrrlsl Peti
tion of ThU t eresl Very
"t ronit.
At one when the t-prlnn wheat crop
... . . ........... . .... ttu.lA a a tiu-
, WM, 1111,1 ll Mill,'! IIV H in..- ,1-...- " "
uiing on muixmiii luieiiela ns a po.-s.oillty
llhiaear. Neny all am horit.e. agree
I that the total hHrrii now wil not exreeil
Wi.inKi.Ooii liusheiM. and din inn this change
In tho crop outlook prices have piaeticalif
Semained unchang'd. i he tr,i'le continues
I very litht and nothing more than a iscalp
I Inn market ). prrdirt: (I.
Koeerit large Fhipnln; sales or corn nin
left the commercial pisitlon of thl" cereal
very strong. A inrae country movement
couul be v.ell alisorlied.
Bull leailTH ate emfldcnl cf their posi
tion and there is verv little aggreBslvo
uciion on the bear side.
Whrat rulixl rather dull nt HliRhtlv higher
levels, due to firm cables and frost predic
tions in Canada. Cash wheat was Uc to
'.ic higher.
The corn market wa fairly active, re
ceipts were fairly libernl and the cash and
shipping demand good, t'aih corn was ,ic
to '-o higher.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.4iX).OlX) bu.
and shipments were niuXM bu.. against re
ceipts last year of l.TUl.OtiO bu. and ship
ments of 7r),o00 bu.
I'limary corn receipts were 9.i2.0O0 bu. and
shipments were 3M,0 bu., against receipts
ihm jeiw ot ii'iMi uu. mm suipments j bu.
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to 47.VHJO I'll.
Liverpool closed U'&M higher on wheat
a:ui ij'aid higher on corn.
The following chhh were reported:
Wheat No. 2 hard. I ear. 01c; 1 car. !lc;
4 cars, HOM-c; 4 car. SHk-; No. 3 hard, 1 car.
Hoc; 2 cars S9'tc: I car. Siic: No. 4 hard.
1 car, SK'ic'; No. 2 mixed, 1 car. S.c; No. 4
mixed, 1 car, 8Sc; 1 car. S7c. Corn No. 3
white, 2 cars. S'.t-c; No. 3 yellow. 2 cars.
ol'c; No. 3' mixed. 7 cms. fHtic; No. 4
mixed. 1 car. r.9c. oats Standard, 2 cars,
42'tc: No. 2 white, 2 cars. 42e; No. 4 wTilte.
3 ears. 414c; 1 car, 41'?c; no grade. 1
car, 41c.
Omaha t'nsb Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 83'UnMVic: No. 3
hard. Sn'.i(&92Hc: No. 4 hard. 87(991c; re
jected hard, i.VS4c.
CORN No. white, rin'4jffir,9c: No. 3
white. ,".9'.ra5!V: No. 4 white. riSHOUe;
No. 3 color. 5b'aS9Vtc; No. 2 yellow. 59V(
5!'Hc: No. 3 vellow. .".!"h .'V.c ; No. 4 yellow,
R'nogc; No. 2. 5Vi5!'ie! No. 3, 59igrV4c;
No. 4. iWSifti.4!k'; no giade, SSS.'JS'-jc.
OATS No. 2 white, 42'-ia42ac: standard,
4'i(t42',c; No. 3 white, 413ifM2c; No. 4 white.
41Vff41c; No. 3 yellow, 4H-ti6'41c; No. 4
yellow. 4l'i414c.
BARLEY No. 3. WaW.r: No. 4, 7sr0S:)c; No.
1 feed. S8ffj78c; rejected. BSiiSc.
RYE No. 2. S6rp87c; No. 3, 5igSbc.
Cnrlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago M 362 148
Minneapolis 540 ... ...
Omaha 71 6-' 23
Duluth 44
Feat area of the Trading; and Cloalna;
Price on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. 28. AlthoURh reports to
that portion of the Canadian crop not yet
harvested lent a firmer tone t' the wheat
market today an advance of Sc over Satur
day, brought out an ample supply and the
close was only 'jfa'c to 4ij,c bettr than
the previous close. Corn and oats were
strong, the former advancing Vt'o'c and
the latter ((Cbc to i Final fleures on
provisions were a shade down to 5c higher.
While news of Interest In the wheat 7lt
wan comparatively bullish it was Insuffi
ciently startling to maintain any material
price advances. The trado conceded that
some damnge has been done the late Ca
rmdlan crop by the frosts which followed
recent rains, but Is assumed that the
damage) will prove to have been to the
Quality of the cereal rather than to the
quantity. A Minot. N. !.. private dispatch
declared that frost has hit the country
hard from Canada to South Dakota, hurt
ing all late crops. A sale of 1J5.000 bu. of
No. 2 hard winter wheat afloat was made
here at 3tc over September. The market
for futures opened nervous, opening prices
ranging over a half cent. At this point De
cember sold at the top, 6c, but old off
to .r)C and closed at 95'ic Cable were
higher, both from Liverpool and the conti
nent. The corn market was strong and closed at
the top. With the exception of the north
west, where frosts were reported, weather
In the corn belt was excellent. September
sold between 64c and SS'r. closing at the
latter figure, while the December range
was from 624c to 62c. with the close at
the top.
oats were fairly active and the tone
strong. Cash sales were 1R,",000 bu. De
cember sold between 45c (Hid tft'c, closing
at the latter figure.
The provisions trade centered in lard,
mostly for January delivery, wlih-h was
bought by commission house". .Imimry
pork closed 2ljc up at $16.40. January lard
fie up at 9 12li and January ribs a shade
down at $8.40.
Quotations were as follows:
Artlcles.l Open. High. 1aw. Close.) Sat'y.
Wheat-I i j ( j '
Sept...80W(HH 91 90,1 WH.Vili
Dec... 95H 'u I 95,1 95 9f.j94'093
May...l OKft'iil 1 014 1 00-Sl 101 I 0i,i
Corn- I I I
Sept...! 6tVp'iI 6:.'4 64l 661, 64
Dec....62V4WSI K 62'4 62. 62
May...4Ha4i 64', 4 64 64i
Oats- I I
Spt...l42V(T;il 42 42' 42 2(a
Dec... 4Mim 4".V 45 45',, 4'i
May... 48jj 4S 48 48 47
Pork I
Jan.... 16 45 116 15 16 324 16 40 16 37',.
Sept... 9 37'j;3 42V45 9 37' 9 424 9 37'.
flct.... 9 42H 9 47V.50 8 40 9 47'4 9 42'
Jan.... 9 06-7Mil 15 9 05 9 12 S O.i
Ribs- y
Sept... 8 95 I 9 02'i R 9o 9 00-2H 8 97',i
Oct... 9 00-'2m 9 10 9 00 19 OTHIO 9 02'
Jan.... 8 42HI 8 42418 37 401 8 40 $ (.,
Cash quotations were as follows;
FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $4,110
450: atraights. $3.HiVu4.30; spring straights,
$4.:fi4.35: bakers, J:!.ffg4.70.
RYE No. 2. 85fti:)C.
BARLEY Feed or mixing. $1.0561.10; fair
to choice malting, $1.1M1.22.
SEEDS Timothy, $12.50)4.50. Clover.
$13.0ij 19.00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.50
16.75. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $9.35,'i!).40. Short
ribs, sides (loose). s C'VfrO.oo. Short clear
sides (boxed), $9.12Vo9.2fi.
Total clearances ,4 ,. neat and flour were
ennui to 473,XX bu. Primary receipt were
1.400.000 bu.. compared with 1.791.000 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago. The visible
supply of wheat in the United States In
creased 616,000 bu. for the week. The
amount of breadstuff and ocean passage
Increased 1.272.000.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
241 cars: corn. cars; oats, 308 rars;
hogs. 13.000 head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
90,Ji9)V4e: No. 3 red. 90i90c; No. 2 hard,
83diH6c: No. 3 hard. 92fri 93Sc ; No. 1 north
ern spring. $1.07fit.l0; 'No. 2 northern
spring. $l.u-i&1.07; No. 3 northern spring,
97cih$l.03: No. 2 spring. $l.(0'ci1.05; No. 3
spring. 96c4i$1.05; No. 4 spring. 8t.'p964e;
velvet chaff. 92efnt1.0O; dtirtims, 8S'n9So.
Corn: No. 2. 4Va4,r: No. 2 white, 64,-rr
toe; No. 2 yellow. 64:Vn65o; No. 8, M',
6tu.c; No. 3 white, 64'ynMV No. I yellow,
64'iilt)IV': No. 4 white, 6tr(jl'.4; No. 4 yel
low. 64ift64i4. Oats: No 2. 41c; No. 2
white, 42ti43c; No. 3 ahlte. 414?i-;
No. 4 white, 40H4i4ISc; standard, 42rp42,c.
Rve; No. 2. 85(n6c. Barley: 70ci&'$l.23.
Timothy: $12. Ufa 14.50. Clover. $13.00fll9 00.
BUTTER Firm; creameries, 20j26c;
da ir es. WiC.!.-.
KltUS Steady; receipts. 5,774 cases; at
mark, eases included. 10?14e; firsts, 15c;
prime firsts, 17c -
CHEESE Steady; daUles. 13Hii34;c;
twins. l;'Vai-; young Americas, 13VtHaai ;
long horns t3Vi 13.
POTATOES Firm; choice to fancv, $1.23
ul 30: fair to good. $l.aV(il.20.
POULTRY Steady ; turkeys, old. He,
vouiik. 20-: chickens. 13c: springs. 14c.
VEAI. Steady ; 5ti to 60 lb. wts.. 84iOc;
60 to 85 lb. wts., 9'j!f!lOV; 80 to 110 lb. wis.,
Receints. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 16 o"0 25.0110
Wheat bu 211.0HA 246.000
Corn, bu r-woio 179.00i)
Oata, bu 487 0.10 388.O11O
Rye. bu 9 5m) 1.900
Barley, b'j 90. Om) 17,000
Dalath Grain Market.
DULUTH Aug. 28.-WHrlAT-No. 1 haid.
$1.07': No. 1 northern. $1 OKI,; . No. 2 north
ern. 11 02418 1 03'; September. 11 Of. 4 asked;
December. $1.04' asked; May, f 1 .t7 v. nonii
pal. OATS Cc.
' - T
Liverpool Grain Market.
IJVElaPOOl Aug 29. WHEAT Spot.
No. 1 Msnitoba. Ts ltd: No. 2 Manitoba, un
o.otfd. No. 3 Manitoba, 7s 8.1; futures, J
stead v; October. Tm 2"d ; iTrember. 7s il ,
Ai ."-rii. 7s 4-Vd.
'i i It N Spot, film; n w Arnerhsn mlxe;l,
7rt. old American nvlxed. 5s Wd; new
American kiln dried, ait "'id: futures, firm;
Eipttnihcr. 8d; (ictobe!-. .".s 9t.
KL nt Winter patent", 28" 3d.
((notations of Ihv Day on arloaa
NEW YfnK. Aug. 28. KM MR Firm ;
.firing patents. tV I'Vi.Vtn; winter atraights,
1 .iseji 4. winter patents. 14.211 t.fsi; spring
ileara. t4.oiKi4.3; winter extras No. 1, .l.;tj
i.l..s; winter extras No. A SX.iiV.i3.2S; Kan
sas straights. 4awi45. t:ye. Hour, uu.ct;
fair to good, i4.6tyn4.!0; choice to fancy,
14 IMI .-..10.
t'ljtt.NMKAI. Firm: fine white and yel
low. 1 4Hi.l.42V4; coarse, $1.364t 1.40; kiln
dried. I3.5A.
v it KA i StKit market firm; new, No. 3
red. itoSc elevator, and 4. f. o. b.,
atloal; new. No. 1 northern Diiluth. II.H't.
f. o. h., afloat. Futures niHrket itened
tirm on cables and frosts In the America
Canadian northwest, easing off in ab.-ence
of outside support, ra iled late on reports
of poor yields of Inferior finality In ihe
northwest, closing " n t lower to "i.e net
higher. September, wi.'i! . closed at
Hi 3-lik'; December, $l.i.lul.u-, closed at
l.ul'i. Receipts. 7N.0J0 bu.; shipments,
Nt.ltK bu.
i o It N Spot market firm; No. 2. 73'tC,
elevator, domestic basis to arrive and iic,
f. o. b.. afloat export grade. Futures mar
ket was wlihout transaction. exporters
took .:) loads. Receipts. 7.B.3 bu.
OATS Steady: new standard white. 4i1ic;
No. 2. 4;c: No. 3, Am-: No. 4, H(44ic; natural
white clipped, 444I4XIJC Futures market
vias without transaction. Receipts. J16,DJj
HAY Steady: prime. 1.3o"iii(1.40; No.
1, 1.3.i4ll.3f.; No. 3. MiSitc.
HOPS Dull; etate. common to choice,
linn. Mru-I:c; l!, 3yi3jc; Pacllic coast.' 1910,
4o(i4:'c: im. :',:ic. '
HIDES yulet. Central America, 2'Vtc;
Bogota, ,:'ail"ic.
LEATHER Market steady; hemlock
firsts. 24Vi27c; seconds, KitiSSHc; thirds,
lS!tr2oc; rejects. 15c.
PROVISIONS Pot k. firm; mess. JlS.OOffl
lfl.oO: family. li(.7od).0il: short clears.
rl6.u04i17.all. Beef. steady: mess, VZ.M
m 12.50; family, 113.0013.50; beef hams, S'-'fl.SO
p 12.00. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies,
10 to 14' pounds, ll'ii ll'.'jc; pickled hams,
14lie. lrd. firm; middle west prime,
SD.4uifi9.oi; reflnded firmer; continent, $10.00;
South America. $10.75; , compound, 7't'7!c.
TALIJW Firm; prime city hogneaus,
6c; country, 6aiic.
llt'T'1'k.K I'nheiued; creamery specials,
27i-2SVic; extras, v3c: firsts, 24ci2oc; state
dairy, finest. 'iii2jsc: good to prime, ZiV
2l'i.c; common to fair, llkm'IVic; process,
special, 2323!c; extras, i'l't&i-nc; factory,
current make, firsts. i0'r asked.
CHEESE Unsettled; skims. l'sfriUc.
EOttS Irregular: fresh gathered extras.
22ift'24c; extra firsts, 2iKiCJ1c; firsts, 16(i
17'fc; seconds. 15tyrl6c; thirds, 15c; fresh
gathered tllrties. No. 1. H'.-A! l."c ; No. 'i, 14c;
poor to fair, H'i13c:, fresh gnthcred checks,
good to prime, Wa 13V4c:, poor to fair, per
case. $2.403.6n; refrigerator firsts, season's
storage charges paid, 20!:'lc; seconds, lsg;
l!lc: thirds. l;fj)17c;
whites, WnL'Sc.
POl'LTRY Dressed
chickens, 19c; fowls,
western gathered
Irregular; western
134gl6c; turkeys,
t orn and Wheat Rearlen Bulletin.
Record for the twenty-four hours ending
at 8 a. m. Monday. August 28, 1911:
Temp. Rain-
Stations. Max Mm. tail
Ashland, Neb.... 66 43 .00 Clear
Auburn. Neb 75 4S .00 Clear
H'ken Bow, Neb. 6S 37 .00 clear
Columbus. Neb... 63 42 .00 Clear
tOilb'tson, Neb.. .. 36 .00 Clear
I'njrbury, Neb... 73 46 14 Clear
Fairmont. Neb... 61 42 .'1 Clear
Or. Island, Neb. 64 42 .10 Clear
tH tlngton, Neb. 65 40 . 00 Clear
Hastings, Neb... 61 41 .17 Clear
Holdrege, Neb... 6fi 45 .19 Clear
Lincoln. Neb 66 45 .03 Clear
No. Platte, Neb. 70 40 . 00 Clear
tOakdalc, Neb... 62 37 .02 Clear
Omaha. Neb 65 4K .01 Clear
Tekamah, Neb... 63 42 .15 Clear
Valentine. Neb. 58 36 .04 Pt. cloudy
Sioux City, Io... 60 44 .00 Clear
Alta. la 65 42 . 05 Clear
Carroll. Ia.. 66 4R Oil Pt. cloudy
Clarlnda, la 77 46 . 00 Clear
Sibley, In 63 39 .00 Clear
Minimum temperature for twefve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m. tNot included in
averages. '
District. Statl
Columbus, 0 17
Louisville. Ky 20
Inidanapolis, Ind. 11
Chicago, 111 25
St. Louis. Mo 25
I es Moines, la.... 21
Minneapolis, Minn. 30
Kansas City, Mo.. 24
Omaha. Neb 18
Temp. Rain
Mas. Mln. fall.
m 70 .50
H6 6$ .60
S6 64 .40
81 n .60
86 B2 .20
76 41 , .00
62 38 .20
4 56 .40
66 42 .10
Unseasonably cool weather prevails in
the northern and western portions of the
j corn and wheat region. Freezing weather
Is reported at four stations In the Minne
apolis district, and heavy frosts were gen
eral In the Dakoras. Rains were general
In all except the Des Moines district, and
were heavy at points in Illinois and In
diana. Falls of 2.10 Inches occurred at Ran
toul, 111., and 1.02 at Evansvllle, Ind.
Local Forecaster; Weather Bureau.
St. I.oola General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 28 WHEAT
Cash, firm; track, No. 2 red. SSMBOOc; No.
2 hard. 904ctr$l.00: September, firm; 88V3.
NS-V; December, ft!Vh!3t..
CORN-lIlgher; track. No. 2, 63'i63V4c ;
No. 3 white, 64'c; September, 634c; De
cember, Ol'nc.
OATS Higher; track. No. 2, 41(4c; No. 2
white, 4tc; September, 42?ta424c; December,
45'nc. v
RYE Unchanged; SSc. A
FLOUR Firm red winter patents. $4 10
1(4.1.0; extra fancy and straight, $3.9H4f'4.10;
hard winter clears, $2.90Jr3.30.
SEED Timothy. $13.0014 75.
( ORNMEA1. $12.90.
BRAN-Firm; sacked, east track.
HAY-Weak; timothy, $18.00322.00;
rle. $12.0016.00.
PROVISIONS Pork. unchanged; Job
bing. $17.00. l-ard, unchanged: prime
st'ain, $9.17lVfr9.27li. Dry salt meats, un
changed: boxed, extra shorts, $9.25; clear
ribs. $9 25; short clears. $9.37',. Bacon, un
changed: boxed, extra shorts. $10.25; clear
ribs. $10.25: short clears, $10.374.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens. 11c; spring".
HHc; turkeys. liV(fl7c; ducks. '4c; geese, 5c.
BUTTER Weak: creamery, 194r25c.
EGGS-Steady; 17c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 11.000 9.000
Wheat, bu M.OO 46.0i0
Corn, bu 17,000 47.000
Oats, bu 4.000 31,000
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
changed; No. 2 hard, 91.-fi97c; No. 3, 6'96V4c;
No. i red, 89tr90e; No. 3. 87X80; Septem
ber, 90'c; December, 93c; May, 91 Vji1 V-
CORN I'nchanged; No. 2 mixed, UVxtttiSc:
No. 8. 6Kg61ic; No. 2 white, 61Hc; No. 3.
lV614c; September, 61tBc; December, 60
OATS-IInchanged; No. 2 white. 4343'c;
No. 2 mixed. 41,xir42ViC.
R Y E 82'd 83c.
HAY Weak; choice timothy, $18.0O18.6O;
choice prairie, $12.0012.50.
HPTTEK-Creamery. 25c; firsts, 25c; sec
onds, 2tc; packing stock, I.e.
EGOS Extra, 2H4C.; firsts,
onds, 11c. '
18',,c; sec-
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, du asi.tmo
Corn, bu 47.0no
Oats, bu 54.(810
kaiui City Grain aad Provisions.
ceipts, 17.500 head, Including 3,000 southerns;
market steady to strong; dressed beef and
export steers, $7.00Ta8.00; fair to good, $5.20
titiHO; western steera, $5.00ftj7.5O; stockers
and feeders, $3.75$o.7a; southern steers,
$4.0O'n6. 15; southern cows, $3.Oii4.50; native
cows. $2.75CrtS.3i; native heifers. $4.0u!j'7.00;
bulls. $3.0iii4.5O; calves. $4.0O'n7.26.
HOiJS Receipts. 3.J00 head; market
steadv; bulk of aales, $7.25ti 7.35; heavy.
$7,101.17.35; packer and butchers, $7.26'r7.45;
liKhts. $7.20m7 40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rec.lpts, 19..A)
IkjiI. market l.")irc lower; lambs, $5(kMi
6.2.; yearlings. $3.i."io.25; wethers, $:.(K),(
7.50; ewes, $3.2.Vo4.00; stockers and feeders,
lallilr sapply of Urala.
NEW YORK, Aug. 28. The visible supply
of grain for the week ending August 26
as complied by the New York Produce ex
change was as follows: Wheat. 48.247.000
bu.. increased 605.000 bu. Corn, 6 045,000 bu.,
Increased, l.t02.J bu. Oat. 18 938,000 bu.,
Increased 1.743,000 bu. Rve, 144.000 bu.. in
creased 48 000 bu. Barley. 8Mt,o0O bu., in
creased 196.000 bu. The visible supply of
wheat in Canada last Saturday. August
26. a as 3.408.0(4) bu.. a decrease of 673.0UO bu.
Prarla S!.-rket.
PEORIA. Auk. S-ro:i.V-.o 2 white.
CSV; No. 2 wliiie. 634c: No. 2 yellow, sc;
No. 3 vellow, 6ivtc; No. 4 yellow. 62',yj:
No. 2 mixed. 3Wc; No. 3 mixed, 63c; No.
4 er-.i.-ed. 62'y:. .
OATS No. 3 white. 41c.
! Cattle Receipts Considenbly Lighter
j Ihan a Week Ago.
I l argest Sheep ntul l.amh Receipts
since. Last Kail rrlcea na Prac-
tlrally All Kinds Are
j 'hnrplj Lower.
i SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 2S, 1!U.
j Iteceipts w. re; Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
I Estimate .Monday M"0 2,.i0
arne uay last week 11,403 '-,-7i
I Mm day Z weeks ago.. t,.61 .,414
13. ;o4
i-ame uay u necks UrO. .I.'.it . ..'.'
atlle day 4 weeks ajii nil 4.i-'3
Same day last year 11.S16 X.1JK
'i lie luiij.. ... uu... bi.o.- " :ie o.
CMtile, iio.o ami sheep at outn Omaha for
li... eur to .Ir.te Mb e. n.iaco ...l.i ln.
year: 19M. 1910. Inc.
Callle 67d,42 65i,i;4 22,2o3
Hogs 1.7."5.iS2 1.4:ti.ii44 342.3;
Sheep 1,143,604 1.1M.947 11,443
The following table shows the average
prices ot hogs at South Omaha for the
last several days, witn compar.sons:
Dates. I 19U.J 1191O.19J0. 19W8. 11907. 11908. 190.
Au8. ;7... 7 16! 8 30: 7 67 6 44 $ 741 I 9)1 6 M
Au. lit ... I 7 17 1 I 24 7 72i 4U !W 5 S4
Aug. is... I t il4 M V M Ul i 70, I 6 89
Ai.a. .. 1 ), oi 1 5.. 1 ;n' 6 62 6 03;
Auh. 7 27 1 1 1 49J 6 3J a o.i 6 9o 5 k4
Aug. li... 1 7 24'ii 8 54j 1 (i ii 6 io i 91 5 84
Aug. 7 H'-,i 8 7 6, 1 ik 6 85' 6 i
Auh. 24... 1 1 Ob',! Mi I 6.', 6 32 6, 1 u twj A W
Auk. -ft... 1 7 Pjv,! s 70 7 'il 6 o4j I 6 K I 8
A li. 26... 7 8 h'M 1 mil 0 3S 5 77i I 6 87
Aug. 27... I 1 8 69 7 63, 6 41 o 77 1 5 85
,u. 29... 1 7 12 'k 1 V 6J1 h tii 4 to, o W 80
Receipts and disposition of live :,tock at
the Union stock yards, Mouth Omana, lot
twenty-tour hours enuing at 4 p 111. -dou-oay
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. M. (t St. P
w abash
Jussouil Pacific...
l nion Pacinc
C. & N. v., east...
C. 6: N. W., west..
C, St. 1'., M. v 0.
C, 11. & g., east...
C, H. at y., wesi.,
C, R. 1. At P.T east
.. 2
.. 1
.. II
.. 1
C, It. 1. At P., west.
Chicago Ot. Western ..
Total reccjpts 309 36 1j lu
Cattle, ilosia. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 481 ;,.rt 2.ufsi
Swltt Ac to km 311s 2
(.'udany Packing Co 10O km z.hj
Mm our iV Co iM 2.1)01
Mcnwartz-Boien Co 6i) ....
vt . B. V ansant t.'o M
rientuii, Vansant at Lusn lss
Hill & Son... 4i6
K. B. Lewis i41
Huston i CO 9J
J. B. Root Ac Co 1 .8
J. it. etuila 2.'4
L. b'. Hubs li4
L. Wolf lh)
AicCrcary At Carey iUJ
ri. Werthelmer ah)
ti. F. Hamilton lift,
Millivan tiros 41 .... ....
Otiit-r buyers ....1.802 .... 21,011
Total 7,;i72
t!A'l"x iE While receipts of
the smallest of any Monday
weeks ago and smaller than a year ago ny
almost 4,00o head, still receipts were veiy
liberal, a total of U" cara uemg reported
in. As they were practically an westerns
it followed that there was tne usual soil
ing to be done and a good share ot toe
forenoon was consumed m getting the cat
lie In shape ready to be shown. As a re
sult the trade opened very siow and ami
witn very utile business doing until well
along toward midday.
The tact that receipts of cattle were
smaller than expected for a Monaay, and
that other market points were amo ralner
moderately suppl.ed for the fust oi tne
week, gave tne market a better tone than
might otherwise have been tne case. Oood
beef steers were fully eteady with last
week's' close, and In the end practically
everything was cleaned up. ') ne better
grades of cows and heifers were firm, with
the general market iuliy sieady.
There was a fair demand for stock cattle
and feeders, and the market was about
steady with last week's lower 'close.
vuoiatlons ui, naiivn catiu: uoofi to
choice beef Kteurs. $7.2si.siJ; fair to good
beef steers, $6.40g.7.25; common io fair beef
sleers, )4.i.)4tf.4u; good io choice heiters,
)5.tio$o.75; good to choice cow. $l.6tl5.U;
tair to good cows, y3.80.ij4.6v. common to
fair -cows. $2.&0$3.SO; veal calves, $3.0046. 50.
Quotations mi range cattle: Oood to
choice beef Mesrs. 5.90g4.50: fair to good
beef steers. $."..255.90; common to fair beef
steers, $4,504)5.25; good to choice heifers, $6.00
(d.60; Rood to choice cows, 4. 405.10; fair
to good cows, $3.65&4.25; good la chol: e
stockers and feedors, $5.O0(!f5 76; fall to good
t-tockers and feeders, $4.406.O0; common to
fair stockers and feeders, $3. 75 4. ID; stoc!(
heifers, $3.254.40; bulls, stage, etc., U-Si
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. No. At. Tr.
t l:U 7 30 20 i.;o 1 in
1 1030 .1 00 4 1010 I M
10 ,1316 4 50 31...: 1107 4 60
Ml to 11 610 4 ii
10 761 4 00
1 110 tO i US 71
1 100 H
14 487 -4 00 - Ill 4 IS
7 4 10 I T 4 S
11 til 34 1 -....11W 4 t
15 feeders..
6 feeders: .
6 cows
3 feeders..
33 cows
19 feeders..
4 40
23 steers. ...1170
8 calves... 306
8 heifers... 606
23 cows 942
13 cows 979
6 00
6 00
3 80
8 90
4 86
4 00
3 40
4 40
4 20
4 50
Swan Land and Live Stock Co. Neb.
61 feeders.. 612 4 90 51 feeders.. 816 4 80
31 feeders.
780 4 90 22 cow 907 8 60
799 4 65 2 feeder.. 798 3 75
1125 5 00 12 heifers... 741 i 90
60 feeders..
11 feeders..
17 feeders.. 614 4 30 6 calves... 224 6 75
HOUS Nothing disturbed the placid ap
pearance of iiog trade today, not even a
bupply of seml-lamine stie. Meager otter
ing had no visible influence upon the de
mand and prices ruled generally steady.
Clearance was made in very good season,
but an early close was due to short re
ceipts rather than free movement. Orders
from all quarters were filled at leisure.
Only thirty-five loads were received in
all and quality on an average was season
ably common. Toppy animals of any
weight were very scarce and ordinary
butcher stutf proved the rule. Shippers
and speculators picked out a full a oxen
loads of the smoother grades of stock, this
purchase amounting to about 37 per cent
of the total.
Bulk of business was done at a narrow
spread of $I.10iU7.15, anything bringing less
man $7.10 having plenty of welgnt. Best
bucon animals on sale made a top of 17.40,
as compared with Saturday's lofty limit
of $7.56. '
Representative sales:
No. . A. 8h Pr. No. At. Sk. Pr.
IS SZi b.l) 1 vi'i to 117 10 1 lit
4 i0 III T 14 14 Ill 40 1 1I-,
4 HI ... 1 4 ,7 U0 1 UVa
17 ... Hi M Zit frU I 111)
it f'f .. 7 .li . tu IM I lit)
IM IU 1(0 1 Uf1! t MI ... 7 u
it US So 1 0714 I W Ul 1 LI
46 :i 4M J lil'i J Hi ... 7 11V
to ni ... I 10 w nt y.t 1 it
4 fit M 1 111 1 HI ... 7 la
tl 2i M) t 10 12 2JI it 7 la
SI 246 ... 7 10 5 Ill ... 7 IS
a !it kO 7 10 '! Ul it J 17
17 it 40 7 lu 17 U lit 1 17
21 :S4 to 1 10 tO 217 ... 7 20
14o W I 10 77 ... 7 2a
it. M 111 aa in! It 111
ti un 1 1 1 10 17 io . . j to
bHEEP The eM.maie called for 165 loud,
fully 4l.u0u head, and while it ia a record
aupply 1 litis tar this season, train service,
yard handling and barn room easily enme
up to requirements. Movement througn
alley was free and easy, everything get
ting proper distribution at an early hour in
the, morning Sorting also progressed In
unhampered fashion and did not seriously
"delay the game" at any time.
It required considerable work, of course,
to shape up such a large run In selling
form, resulting in a market that did not
ahow very much actual business until well
along toward the dinner hour. Bearish
feeling in buying circles- also tended to
make the main market an afternoon affair.
Trading finally started at prices soma
lower all along the line, lambs grttin
(uoraet treatment. Fully 80 per rent of
teceipt cunnisttd of thW class of slock,
condition raining from choice fat to cull
iceoeri. Poaslbly two-thirds of entire of
ferings lacked proper finish for killing pur
poses. The better kinds of fat lamb
landed around $6.(Xt4.26, indkating an av-
iciage decline of about 15c. Good fat sheep
I Mitteroti nine change, ruling steady to a
itlle lower In sods.
! Feeder trade was
; latnrs. but prices had
well supported by
orders and specu
to be cheapened In
of early sales car
most instances. Hulk
ried figures UKfl.'ic off. with prospects on
j close dull and weaker. Feeder lambs had
, latitat....- lu .run r ..iii.w Hon
feeder sheep met with healthier Inquiry,
felling largely under th $3 mark. Feeder
yearlings were hard to find and 2-year-old
ethrs were also scare.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice. $6.0Otiw.2.); lambs, fair to
good. ...50ii.00; lambs, culls. $4.7.Vd-5.S0;
lambs, feeders, 14 6.Vff5.40; yearlings, fair to
choice. $4.1.Vtr4.n; yearlings, feeders. $4.(t)
Hi 4 50; wethers, handy, $3.40ffS.; wethers,
heavy. 3.1."-ti3.40; wethers, feeders. S3.00.J
3.30; ewes, good to choice, $3 OQrd3 ea-es.
fair to good. $2.7ott3.00; ewes, breeders, 13.25
1i4.00; ewes, feeders, $2.S5r3.00; ewes, culls
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
:.ST Montana wethers 121 3 40
12i! Montana wethera V.H s 411
25 Montana wethers, culls ijo 2 75
5t.7 Wyoming lambs, feeders 59 5 10
. 121
. 120
. 120
. 59
. 93
. 7
. 73
. 51
. .'.
. 90
. 91
. 125
. 107
. 100
. 86
. 44
. 30
Hi w vmnlnrc feeders, ewes....
251 Wyoming lambs ,
167 Idaho lambs
51 Idaho lambs, feeders, culls.
70 Idaho lambs
25.1 Idaho ewes, feeders
6 75
6 9o
4 15
6 0
2 60
1 50
3 25
3 10
.1 10
4 10
4 75
3 00
28 Idaho ewes.
21 Idaho ewes
117 Idaho ewes
202 Idaho ewes
104 Idaho yearllnps
3s3 Nebraska lambs, feedes.
54 lambs, feeders, culls
Demand for tattle and Hoar teod
Sheep Weak.
rMlliA.ll- OV PITT! 11 Re.tAlntS
Ol flAA I. . lnn.L.. V, .a . A,Ar
wi.w .0 kv lower- h v.. 15 in. K oo': Temi
steers. $4.4ii6.40; western steers, $4.2Sft.90;
. . . . j ii .Ah u. ....
hair... .i "-.i.e 5ft- , alvas tfi oos 7i
n.wqs. .0.
HOGS-Iteceipts. 34.0nO bead; market
steady; light. $7.2TviT7.0; mixed $7.0Vf 7.75;
heavv, $H.9ffi7.65: rough. $6.90fi'7.10; good to
choice heavv. $7.1 Or. n 65; plqs, $4.857.60.
bulk of sales. $7.20(7.50.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Pecelpts. 30.000
head: market weak to 10c lower; natives.
$2.1513.70; westerns. $2.60(?r3.6o; yearlings.
$2..iOd.YlO; native lambs, $4.00'(i60; west
erns. $4.76'ji6.75.
it. I.oala I. lvr Mork Market.
T. LOUIS, Aug. 28. CATTLE Receipts.
6.300 head, including 2.900 Texans; market
stead v; native shipping and export steers.
$6.75lt 8. !5; dressed beef and butcher steers.
$5. 751 7.00: steers under l.OiO pounds. $4.00&
8.15: stockers and feeders. $3.0OW7.25: cows
and heifers. $3.OOSf7.O0; canners. $4.O0W8.25;
bulls. $2755.25: calves. $40O'd8O"i; Tx
and Indian steers. $4.00Kf.25; cows and
heifers. $1.00fa8.00.
HOGS Receipts. 5.600 hesd: market
stead v; pigs and lights. $5.00jr7.80: packers.
$7.407.65; butchers nd best heavy. $7.40$
SHEEP AND UMBS- Receipt. 1.500
l A. ... ...a.i... n.l,.A mnllnnB ti 1V
1.1-r.u, 1 1 1 c i ni 1 ' ' " . 1 . " ' ' ..............
ti.iK. i.k. liWhCill- e.,11. and hocks.
$1.252.75; stockers and' feeders. $l.DOifi2.75.
8t. Joseph l.lrr Stock Market.
ceipts, $,800 head; market slow; steers, $5.00
tiiS.00; cows and heifers, $3.00g'7.00; calves,
HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head; market
steadv to strong; top, $7.50; built of sales,
SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 6.000
head; market 10gl5c lower; lambs, $6.60
Ktock la Slaht
Receipts of live stock at the five principal
western markets yesterday.
South Omaha 8.000
St. Joseph 3.800
Kansas City 17.500
St. Louis 6.300
Hogs. Sheep.
2.300 41,000
, 3.000
a rtlrt
.o -j
Chicago .
.24 OK)
.59.600 48.200
NEW YORK. Aug. 28 METALS - Stand -
ard copper, dull; spot. August. September,
rulnk.r ..H MmrjniKar tl"flofl!! tin -
don market steady; spot. 4:66 Is 3d; futures,
56 15s. Arrivals at New York today, 450
tons, custom nouse returns snow exports
of 23.353 tons so far this season. I.aki
copper, $12.62H?12.8714: electrolytic, $I2.6X'
12.624; csstlng, $12.2o4t'12.50. Tin. quirt;
(.4 U a,,0-,.al ti'. ftO'Y At A ' wl,n.
BWl, w.w-l-..-, . M . - - - -
teniber. $41.tfif4J.23j . October. $41.40dJ'42.00;
AOVfmDCr, lo. I V(J 4 I . t O. IJOII1IU1I lllltlACI
firm; spot. 190 6s; futures. 187 10s. Lead,
easy: $4-466)4.66. New York: $4.30 hid. East
St. Louis. London -market quoted at 14
5s. Spelter, weak; $5.865.95. New York;
$5.65tt5.76. East St. Iuls. Indon market
quoted at 27 17s 6d. Antimony, dull;
rwimn'i 19 Iron. Cleveland war-
- " - -
rants, 47s md in london. locally Iron
was steady; No. 1 foundry, northern,
,16.00; No. 2, $15.26S15.75; No. 1 southern
and No. 1 southern, soft, $16.00i16.50.
f Boston Stork and Honda.
BOSTON, Aug. 28. Closing quotations on
on mining stocks were:
21 Mohawk
Amal. Oopper
. . 6la Nevada tVn
. . 22 Nlplaelng Mlnea ..
11 t-l North Hutte
. . 4 North tdke
., U"t Old Dominion ....
, . 41 Oaceola
..411 Parrott 8. ft C...
. . 7 Quincy
. . SPa Rhannon
. . I Superior
7 Huparior A B. M.
. 4'i Tamarack
. V. 8. 8. It. ft M.
6 do pfd
A. .. L ft. 8..
Ariiona Com. ,
p. c. V. ft C.
. 23
. in
. M
. It
. t
. 221,
II "a
45 4
. 121,
I 'Rutin Coallllon
I t at. ft Arizona.
Cal. ft Hecla...
I I'entennlal
I'ip. Han go C. C...
I F.aal Butte C. M
Giroux lon
dranby Con
Greene Cananoa
tile Koyale Copper..
12 Utah
Kerr lAke
4 I II t'lah Copper Co..
Lake Copper . .
Miami eviper
23 """Winona
ll'i Wolverine
Aaked. Bid.
Coffer Market.
YORK, Aug. 28. COKKEK-Ku-
tures closed a shade off from the best
under realizing but steady at a net ad
vance of 11 to 18 points. Aside from the
sharp gains reported in the European mar
kets, there seemed to be no fresh item In
the day's news to account for the upward
movement, but the near month short Inter
est seemed to be very nervous, owing to
the steadiness of the spot situation, and
the continued firmness of Brazilian mar
kets. Sales. 105,250 bags. August and Sep
tember, 12.00c: Octotier. 11.67c; November,
11.60e: December. 11.44c; January. 11.34c;
February, 11.27c; March, April, May. June
end Julv. 11.23c. Spot coffee, steady: No.
7 Rio. 13Ve,313 5-16c; No. 4 Santos. 14S14Vc
nominal. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 14T1(c nom
inal. Minneapolis Oraln Market.
tember, 11.02 V,; December, $1.04; May,
$1.074: No. 1 hard, $1.07; No. 1 northern,
$1.04rH 06i; No. 2 northern, 9VfC4($104W:
No. 3. 96c4i$ '
SEED Flax. $2 30.
BARLEY-75c(h$l 12.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 6le.
OATS No. 3 white. 41c.
RYE No. 2. 79VaS0c.
FI)l'R First patentu
patenta. $4.504.76: first
second clears. $2.36&2.60.
$5.0fVr6.2): second
clears, $3.S5'd3.55;
Philadelphia Prod ace Market.
steady; extra western creamery, 29c;
nearby print. 81c.
EM1S Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby first, f. c. $6.30 per case; current
receipts,, f. c, $6.00 per case; western
firsts, f. c, $6.30 per rase; current re
ceipts, f. c. $6.554j6.00 per case.
CHEESE Firm:. New York full creams
fancy, Uc: fair to good. 13fjtl3Vkc
Dry Oood a Market.
Standard prints at 4'ic are evidently con
sidered cheap, for some large orders were
placed by jobbers during the day. The
discount on theae goods was shortened
fllulillv. Ijoeal drv goods Jobbers did a
good house trade. The demand for woolen
and worsted dress goods showed consider
able Improvement for fall delivery.
Milwaukee- Urala Market.
northern. $1 .Ova 1.08; No. 2 northern. $l.05l
1.08V: No. 2 hard winter. 93if!)6c; Septem
ber. 90Tc: December. 96'4e.
OATS Standard. 4ao"43A,o.
BARLEY Malting, $1.091-19.
Haarar Market.
NEW YORK. Aug 28.-SUUA R-Raw.
Higher; muscovado, 89 test. $4.&a2i4 62Vc;
centrifugal. 96 test 5 OO&; molasses
sugar. 89 teat, 4.25i4.37c. Refined, firm:
crushed, 6.65c; granulated. 6.95c; powdered,
Weol Market.
ST. IXll'18. Aug. 28-WOOIy-Firm;
ritory and western mediums. 17fet20c;
medium. Klkc; fine 11'tfljc.
flne Elala Hatter Market.
ELGIN. III.. Aug. 28. BUTTER Firm at
24c; rale. 839.800 pound.
1 f
Tendency Toward Higher Plain
pite Irrefulftx Trading.
Itallrnad Official Will Report (not
Aggregate Mcresiest of Frelabt
I kat Hiisktly la Eire
f l.aat ear.
NEW TOR K, Aug. Th rur!tla
market was released today from th
pressure which has been lowering prices
of stocks almost without Interruption dur
ing the last month. The market was ir
regular and uncertain, but the tendency
toward a higher level was unmlstasble.
After several temporary setbacks price,
grew tlrm. the end of the day ahowtpt
numerous gains of 1 to 2 points among Die
leading Issues. 1
The strength of the market was aacMhed
to the operations of traders. Much of the
strength of the market wa apparently due
to short covering. Reading. Union Pacific
and United States Pteel which bore the
brunt of the heavy selling during the last
frw weeks were In the lead of the up-
I ward movement. Heavy selling of Canadian
Pacific, which t mi) time showed a loss
of 8 points was due primarily to preaure
from foreign markets, principally Berlin.
Bear traders took advantage of th move
ment to check the advance In the general
list, hut were only temporarily successful
and the stock recovered a large part of
Its losses.
Advices from the west stated that traffic
over western railroads showed Utile
chance from the trend which has charac
terised It during recent weeks. Railroad
I OfticlSlS StH
report that the aggr-gate
i movement of freight Is hut slightly In ex-
i 'l'? lt 'm.. J -,-,.?iI5r.fc.!".
1 cess of the rame
I peaceful settlement of the labor troubles
I nil Ik. 1 1 a prim m n lln. mlffhl r,o ttm,-tA
. r-iroiiKer n i ' pes wnir rniei imiiru ihbi
A sharp upturn In Erie first preferred
followed publication of the preliminary
statement of the road's earnings for the
fiscal venr ended June SO. Gross earnings
increased $1,786,000 and there was a gain of
$n03.(X In net Income.
The bond market was irregular. Total
soles, par value. $1,430,000. United States
bonds were unchanged on call.
Number of sales and leadintt quotations
on stocks today were as follows:
Salei. Hlfh. Low. CIom.
Alllt Ctialmera pfd ...
Amalgamated tapper .
American Agricultural
Amarlran Iimi Sugar. ,
American ln
American ft K.
Amrl.n t otion Oil
American H. I. pfd
Am. 1.-0 securltle
American l.lnweed
American Locomotive .
American 8. A: it
Am. s 4V R pfd
Am. Steel Foundries....
Am. Sugar Keflnlng
American T. & T
American Tobacco nfd..
! American woolen
, . a - , . j ,
I Anaconda Mining Co
Atchison pfd
Atlantic Coast Un.,.,
Haltlmora Ohio
Bethlehem Steel
Brooklyn Haptd Tr
Canadian Paclflo
lntral. leather
Onlral Leather pfd....
rentral ol New Jereoy..
tiOHapenke AV Ohio
Tlicngu Allon
Chicago A'-, now....
(tilcago ... W. pit
Chlcaso , .V W
Chicago. M. & St. P...
I'.. ('.. C. ft St. L
4.000 794 71
100 It 16
oo IIH .
1O0 911k ITV
401 I4'l' 140
1,100 113 111
"sod fii'ij' 'ii'
i'.im Hi" Hi'
1,(00 13 124
! Colorado T. ft I
U'oloradfl ft Southern...
Iconaoitdated oa
iCorn rYodnote
Itielawara ft Hudnnn, ex-dlv
jjnver ft Rio Ornd
I a. t. ti. ..u
ilil.tllleni' securities
. Kr'e
Krlo 11 pfd
I Krle d p(d
I (leneral Klectrlc
' 'ioo
47 V,
lurvai N.ii-thern efd
(.real Northern Oro etfa.
Illtnola lenlral
Intertiorough Met.
1 Inierborough Met. pfd
I International Harreeter ....
l'nt. Marina pfd
i!"!! 1
.n,l . . .
Kansas Clly Southern...
K. C. So. pfd
Laclede Uas
I.ounvllle ft NaahTllle.
Minn, ft 81. Louis
fit. P. ft S. A. M..
aaourl. K. ft T
M., K. ft T. pfd
Mlaeourl Pacific
National Hl.rull
National Lead
N R R. of M. 14 pfd..
New York Ontral
N. V., O. ft W
Norfolk ft Western
Nort hern Pacirio ...
North American
Pacific Mall
People's Gas
I P., I'.. 0. ft 8t L
jplilHburg eVial
. Preened 81 eel Car
Tollman Palace r
I rtailsay Steel Spring
I Tteadlng
I Republic Steel
7A tteptiDiic steel prn
noes. iiana i
4tock Taland C. pfd ,
81. L. A- ?. P. M pfd
st. Louis f4. W. ..
SI L. 8. W. pfd
Sloaa-Rhefrtetd 8. ft I..,,
Soul hern Pacific ,
Southern Rallaay
So. Railway pfd
Tenneeeoe e'opper
Texaa ft Pacific
T.. St. L. ft W
T , 81 L ft W. pfd
I'm ion Pacific
t'nlon raclflc prd
I'nlted atatee Really
1 nlled Slates Rubber
I'nlted Btatea Steel
I . 8. 8teel pfd
t'tah Copper
Va.-e'aroilua Chemical ....
Wabaah pfd
Wentern Maryland
Weettnghou Eleetlie ....
Western Union
Wheeling ft. L. R
lhleh valley
17,201) 11 ill
Total aalea for the day. 441. Jo shares.
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
V. 8. ref. la. rag. ..1004, Int. It. M. 4a...
do coupon 10 Japan 4a
II. 8. 3a. reg 141 do 4 We
do coupon 101 K. I". Ho. tat la.
V i. 41. reg 111 L. 8. deb. 4a IMI.
M l
do coupon Ill-la L ft N. unl. 4a.... hi.
Allla-l'hal. let (I ... 17 M. k. ft T. let 4a.. Ti7
Amer. Ag. ta 101 't do gen. 4a aM,
Am. T. ft T. e. 4a. .104 Mo. Pacific 4a 77'.
Am. Tobacco 4a I N. It R. of M. 4. in.
104 N. Y. C. g. Ia 74,
2 do deb 4a ... !',
I N. V.. N. II. ft H.
104 CT. to 121
lOt'i N ft w. lat e. 4a.. 174,
ft do pt. 4a. 103
11 No Pacific 4s at
Armour ft Co. 4a.
Atchiaon gen. 4a
do cv. 4e
do cv. ta
A. C. L. lat 4
Bil. ft Ohio 4a
do la
do 8. W. aa
Brook. Tr. ct. 4a...
Cen. of (la ta
4 'en: Leather ta
I- of N. J. g. Ka...
Chaa. ft Ohio I'll..
2 do la
O .8. L. rfdg. 4a..
u Penn. ct. 3e lilt
10 do con. 4a
: Heading gen 4a . .,
.. 71
.. 13
...'. 17
4t W
... 17
170 St. L. ft 8. K. ff.
101 do gen.
do ref. ta...
hlcago ft A.
C. B. ft Q. j.
do ges. 4a..
C. M. ft 8 P.
do col. 4a. . .
do rfg 4a
Colo. Ind. Ka
Colo. Mid. 4a
(' ft 8. r. ft
l. ft H ct.
1 it L. 8. W e. (a
do lat gold 4a....
M 8 A. L 4a
.. 71
.. 2
: Jt
.. n
.. u
.. 4
.. 71
. . t
.. 11
.. 14
. . M
.. 12
.. M
M So. Pae. col. la .,
g ISl do cv. 4a
72'4 do lat ref. 4a
M 8o. Rallsar la
73 do gen. 4a
12 t'nlon Paclflo 4a....
i. 4Sa do ct. 4a
4a .... as do 1st ft ref. 4a
II I'. 8. Rubber la
II V. 8. Steel 2d 6a...
14 Va -I'ar. i hem. ia.
H Wabaah lat ta
P. ft R. O. 4a
do ref. ta
Plat I Hera' ta
Krle p. I. 4a
do gen. ...
do cv. 4a, aer. A.
do aerlea B
tlen. Klec. cv. ta
III. t en. lat ref. 4a
Int. Met. 4a
Bid. "Ottered
77 do lat ft . 4a...
12 Weitern Md. 4a...
74 Weat Bio,-, ct. it..
1(4 Wla. Otntral 4a,..
Wl Mo. Pac. cv. ka ...
71 Panama It
rv York Meter Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 28.-MONEY-On call,
steady, at 2'vri2 per cent; ruling rat. 2V,
ter cent: closing bid, 2 p-r; offered at
2 per cent; time loan, steady; sixty days,
21ii3 per cent; ninety days, 3&34 per cent;
six months. 3f,irj37t per cent.
actual business In banker' bills at $4.M,5
for sixty-day bills and at $4.8615 for de
mand: commercial bills. 44.8'i1.
SILVER Bar, u2'c; Mexican dollars. 4-
BONDS Government, steady; rallroa
New York Mlalsg Stacka.
NEW YORK. Auk- 28, Closing quotation
stocks were aa follows:
Alice .' 1 Little Olef I
I cm. Tunnel atock.. II Meilcaa 10
do honde II tiniatlo H
Cos Cal. ft Vt 16 Oplilr 17o
Hum silver le laodard It
lrot Sllrer Yellow Jarktt I
UatTlllt Cea II 'offered.
Hank t le-.-lags.
OMAHA. Aug. 28. -Omaha bank clearing
today were s.i4 49. and ror th corr
spondlng day of last yar $2,444,573.