Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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V'ft.nlei Overcome by Third Prize in
Bee Booklorrn' Contest.
Interest la Caatest IJrowi aad Sal mt
I. Mile rataleeeee la Larger Thaa
Rtrr Befare, Breaking
All Hrettri:
The player piano baa within the laJrt few
yearn reached a high plana of exrwllenea.
ObataclM hare been overcome, improve
tnrnU made, that would astound tha pio
neer In the Industry. And. mora than
that, tha player piano haa established It
self In the homes of the massoa aa well as
of the olassea.
No longer a luxury. It has become an al
most Indispensable adjunct wheroror the
refining Influence of muslo la appreciated.
Its educational value In making the works
of the masters common property Is equaled
only by Its usefulness aa a meant of enter
Indeed, so great hare been tha advances
In player mechanism of lata that tha player
plana Is rapidly succeeding tha parlor vir
tuoso. Tha highest type of player haa come
to be reroentsed as not a toy. but a If git 1
mate and worthy method of musical pro
duction. Broadly speaking, player pianos
may bo dtrtded Into three olassea, "pneu
matte." "electric" and "mechanical," ac
cording to the means employed to operate.
Tha moot Important are tha "pneumatlo"
players, of which the Krrtl Auto-Grand,
third arise In Tha Bee's Booklovers' con
teat, la tha highest type. They depend for
power production on tha tension of a vac
Tha pneumatic principle was known be
fore It was employed in player pianos.
Pipe organs had been supplied with pneu
matlo actions and the fact demonstrated
that they oould ba operated by tha force
of air.
Met af Prises.
The prises to ba awarded are as follows:
First A White Steamer automobile, a
beautiful flva-passsnger car, oelebrated for
its durability and speed, valued at $2,000.
Second A ten-acre ranch in beautiful
Tehama county, California; delightful cli
mate, rich fruit land; value. H,tS0. Full in
formation concerning this land may be had
at tha office of Trowbrldge-Bolster oora
puny In tha City National bank building,
Third A beautiful Krell Auto-Grand
player piano (have the muslo of tha mas
ters In your own home); value, 900. This
prise la exhibited at the Bennett store. Six
teenth and Harney streets.
Fourth One lot In the business district
of Ralston, a lot 25x100 feet, on May wood
street! value, $276. Full Information may
be had at the offices of the Ralston Town
site company, 80 South Seventeenth street,
Flfth In the beautiful suburban town of
Ralston, one lot In the residence portion,
30x1 feet; this lot Is valued at 1228. Full
Information may be had at tha offices of
the Ralston Townslte company, $09 South
Seventeenth street, Omaha.
Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Three sets
(twelve volumes) of Nelson's Loose-Leaf
Encyclopedia, the encyclopedia that cannot
grow old: each set valued at $91 These
books are exhibited at tha store of W. A.
HUenbaugh 4c Co.. 1814 St. Mary's avenne.
Ninth and Tenth Tha Book of Knowl
edge, or Child's Encyclopedia, a universal
work for school children, twenty-four vol
umes; each set, $3$. These books are ex
hibited at the store of W. A. Hlxenbaugh
at Co., UM St. Mary's avenue.
Add to this forty-five cash prises, as
follows: Five J10.0 prises, ten $5 00 prizes,
ten $3.00 prises, twenty $1.09 prises.
Democratic County
Committee Chosen
Executive Body for Democrats Chosen
from Among; Dahlman's Lieuten
ants and Supporters.
With the appointment of an executive
committee of seven the fall campaign Is on
in earnest among the democrats. Judge
Ben 8. Baker, republican chairman, Is out
of the city, and the active work of tha re
publicans will not ba begun until he re
turns. The democratlo committee aa named
by the new chairman, Louis Plattl, Is no
ticeably a Dahlman organization, and tha
resuscitated Jacksonlons have evidently no
place In the calculations of the chairman.
The men named are Charles H. Fanning,
Mayer James C. Dahlman, M. R. Murphy,
Joseph P. Butler and Frank B. Johnson of
Omaha, Joe Plvonka of South Omaha and
Charles Orau of Bennington.
Canvassing Board
Completes Count
Both Hoye and Ure Are Left with
Substantial Pluralities Orer
Canvass of the returns of the general
primary election was completed by tha
eleotlon canvassing board Monday after
noon and the board started the second ad
dition of the figures to make sure that
there are no errors in adding. Until this
Is done the board will not give out figures
The totals of the republican nomination
for treasurer are: Vr, l,8; Betas, 1,861;
Ure's plurality, UT. Totals on the repub
lican nomination for sheriff are: Hoye.
$.718; Hummel, S.I5S; Hoye'e plurality, MO,
Aalaaal Iadaetry tCerts frwsa Waafc.
laartoai atadrlac C'wmdltloma
Aaaeaat S I pe re aad Raada.
Jamea E. Downing and W. F. Ward of
Washington, D. C, representatives of the
bureau of animal Industry, were making
the rounds of the railroad offices Monday
seeking official Information upon a sub
ject that has worried stockmen all their
Tbe government officials are seeking to
ascertain Just how much hogs, cattle and
sheep shrink In transit from the shipping
point to tbe destination. They propose to
learn the why, the normal amount of
shrinkage under both favorable and un
favorable conditions of shipment, and then
after submitting their report, wUl seek to
figure out a remedy. If one Is possible.
a m in an .I
for lllg
-i ho'l
Tuesday's Special Sales
Hundreds of Manufacturers' Samples
Women's Fine Neckwear
WORTH 25c, 35e and 1P
UP TO 50c EACH, at. . . 1 OC
Fancy ribbon, beaded and jeweled stock
collars, all colors; jetted stock and real
Princess lace collars, fancy lace jabots
hundreds of them to select jfi
irom. Actually worm up
to 50c each; big bargain
square, at, each
Women's 50c Lisle Gloves at 15c Pair
16-button Elbow Length or Short Two-Clasp Gloves
These are fine Imported French Lisle Gloves the elbow
lengths are in blacks and tans and the short efl
gloves are blacks, whites and tans. They are
worth up to 40c and 50c a pair; at, pair jLJr
Medium and wide embroidery edgings, widths up to
9 inches and worth as high as I2V2C a yard, at, yd OC
27-inch embroidered flouncings, 24-inch waist frontings,
also wide embroidered bands and panels; worth QA
up to $1.00 a yard; at, yard 05C
In Our Basement
Extra Heavy Wool Nap Blankets Full 12-4 size, the larg
est blanket made. In white, gray and tan with fancy bor
ders. Sells everywhere at $3.00 and $3.50 $ t .98
at, per pair .... 1-
Fine All Wool Double Blankets Full 11-4 and 12-4 size,
in plain white, gray and plaids. Well worth 9Q.30
$5.00 special Tuesday at . . O
All Clean Feather Filled Pil-! White Infant Crib Blankets
lows Fancy art tick cover
ings, size 18x25; $1.50 $4
and $2 quality, pair 1
With pretty fancy, bor
ders; 25c quality 1g
at, each ItIC
Wednesday Will Be Our Great Special Sale
of Hand Embroidered Pillow Slips
Hundreds of these beautiful hand embroidered slips; all fin
ished complete with back and ruffle. Many are $ .69
worth $5, $6.50, $7.50' and up to $10; Wednesday. . . 1
fa J A I Vi hi AA
n' to Jj fi vi
I J 1
J, .irsvT
tsfjiMtirf tfi mil
Ueglni-irig Sept. 1st, thii store will close
at 6 o'clock-Saturdays at 10:00 p. m.
Smart Clothes
for Boys
Let us tell you about our school and
dress suits.
They are remarkable, first of all, be
cause of their perfect tailoring; second, be
cause of the clever styles shown In them;
third, because of the rich fabrics from which
they are made; and fourth, because of their
rare fitting qualities.
We know that such suits were never
before shown In Omaha, or even in Nebraska
at the prices. The men who made them boys
clothing artlnts of the highest order put
their best efforts into tbe designing, cutting
and finishing. The result comes astonish
ingly near to clothing perfection.
There is another important point
that should be mentioned an.l it Is this the
variety Is so broad and satisfying that you
who come will wonder where so many smart
garments came from. There are different
colors, patterns, weights and designs almost
without end to sell at costs ranging from
$2 to $7.50 the Suit
These suits will fit boys from six to seventeen years of
age and the prices are based on the qualities. No better school suits
anywhere. Every suit all wool In every thread, every seam sewn to
hold and erery button put on to stay. Investigate Tor your own satisfaction.
Omaha Girl Falls
Down Four Stories
Miss Cecilia Donahoe Sustains In
juries to Back, but it is Thought
She Will Recover.
Cecilia, tha 8-year-old daughter of A. J.
Donahoe of 2209 Sherman avenue, who, with
her mother, Is visiting In Detroit. Mich.,
fell four stories down the elevator shaft
Saturday night at the hotel where they are
stopping, sustaining an Injury to tha spine
and a broken leg. Word waa received Mon
day from tha father, who Immediately went
to Detroit, that unless complications set
In hopes are held for her complete re
'Died of rinoili"
Is never written of those who cure coughs,
and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Guaranteed. 60c and 11.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Railroad Reports Shaw Laweat Teas,
rralarr at Lea ltr aad No
DiMi't lwne.
. According to reporia received at tha rail
road offices, frost did not visit Nebraska
Sunday night Loup City reported the
lowest temperature, SS degrees. At most
points out In the western part of the state
and In tha aand hill country tho tempera
tures ranged from "0 down to 45 degree.
With the railroad weather reports came
Other reports. Indicating that corn Is ma
turing rapidly, and tnat all that Is now
needed Is dry and hot weather.
While It looked much like rain Sunday
afternoon and night, no place In Nrbiaska
gut wore Uttut vw ugnt shunars.
Women who bear children and re
main healthy are those who prepare
their systems in advance of baby's
coming. Unless the mother aids
nature in its pre-natal work the crisis
finds her system unequal to the de
mands made upon it, and she la often
left with weakened health or chronic
ailment. No remedy is bo truly a
help to nature as Mother's Friend,
and no expectant mother should fail
to use it. It relieves the pain and
discomfort caused by the strain on
the ligaments, makea pliant and elas
tic those fibres and muscles which
nature Is expanding-, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast glands. The system
being thus prepared by Mother's
Friend dispels the fear that the crisis
may not be safely met Mother's
Friend assures a speedy and complete
recovery for the mother, and she is
left a healthy woman to enjoy the
rearing of her
child. Mother's fffmTfTTfVC
Friend is sold at frill lilMlO
drug stores. migiiTTl
Write for our free Ffi IK f JD
book for expect- AXVllillU
ant mothers which contains much
Valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
Beautiful Teeth
There are tut taw peop.ea who bate
thein. Good teeth everyone might have
It they ould au to Dr. Uraltui Tns
quickest, easiest and le&st painful are
it iiiv metiui is euiiiiiyed y us a 'id
hundreds of our patients, both tti'an.l
out of the city will sUdly tell you about
the good dental murk and vur up-to-date
aays of doing thtpss. Crown snd bridge
ork from S.0 per tooth. I'latea that
fit from 14 00 tn 111 SO. Pain ess extrac
tion of teeth. Kervea of teeth removed
without hurting you. Work warranted
ten years.
IT Yftr Xtettoa.
"School Days"
Are Here.
Is the Boy
Tbe most important thine 'n
the boy's outftt is his shoes. His
shoes must fit well and should
have a neat appearance. No ordi
nary boy's shoe can meet these
requirements. We have a boy's
shoe that will outwear the boy
he will grow out of them, and we
know how to fit them for a
neat, dressy shoe they have no
1 to $2.00
10V4 to 13H $1.75
Hisses' and Children's
School Shoes.
Our Misses' and Children's
School Shoes have no equal tor
style or wearing qualities. Prices
range, according to size, from
$1.50 to $2,50
Round Trip, Daily Until September 30
$QC8. 38.8C and 39.10
00 Saratoga Spg$r
w Montreal
and 46.00
i Hew York City
Jl'ltO ind 44.50
$OC00 and 26.00
$9QG. 32.00 and 34.00
&v Toronto
$ Oft 00 and 34.00
Atlantic City
Sfltott and 48.35
& Portland
Niagara Falls
$ ft AOO an1 34.00
d& Buffalo
JyjnGO, 41X0 and 45.00
Fast tra'mt at unvtn'unt hurt make direct connections in Chicaft
witn ail lines east. Liberal return limits and
favorable stopover privileges.
You travel in luxurv anu eniov
1401-1403 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
y. Tour watch stopped while away. Let us put it In order
jt tor you. W'e have only the best workmen.
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler
The State's Best Products in Live Stock, Agriculture,
Horticulture, Educational, Dairy, Apiary, Domestic
Products, Textiles, Fine Arts and Machinery.
The Only Game and Fish Exhibit Shown In the State.
113,000 For Speed Three Harness and Three Running Races each day.
Two Wright Bros. Aeroplanes, In charge of Aviators P. O. Parmelee
and Clifford Turpln, In Four Flights each day.
Literati's Concert Band and Grand Opera Concert Company, Sixty-one
People in Classical Selections and Whole Acts From
tbe World's Best Operas.
Ferrauti Royal Italian Guards Band, Wilber Band, Fairbury Band,
Hebron Band.
Tbe Great Patterson Carnival Company.
Seven Free Vaudeville Numbers Afternoon and Evening.
Running, Hippodrome and Roman Chariot Races, Concerts, Opera and
Stupendous Display of Fireworks Each Evening.
Among the Noted Speakers Will be Heard: Hon. James Wilson, Sec
retary of Agriculture; Hon. George W. Norrls, M. C;
Governor C. H. Aldrich, Clyde J. Wright,
L. O. Jones, and others.
Admission: A 60 Cent Coin.
Drexel Shoe Co,
1410 Fainam Strtst.
I- : j
OFEariKO or seasow
n.v.,iv hui.g -n
in the Best of Musical Comedies
lower rioor 100 ana $160
Balcony SSo, 6Qo. 75o
Matinee Bvery Bay Bil6. Xrery Wlrnt
lift. A.OViJlvBi VAUrii.I.ia
This Week: Johnny and Kiiinm Hay;
The Marveloua Millers; Loja Trou,;
Coak ey, lianxey and Dunlevy: Lynch
and feller; Wient Hayes; Martini
Bros. lClnodronie; Oriheum Concert
Orchestra. Prioes, Klffhts lOe. 850
DOo ana TSo. Matjieea, Best Seats SSo.
Exceot gat, and Sun.
After 6 P. M.. a 25 Cent Ticket.
Free loving Pictures, Change Ever) Evening
beat1 irxrr. hew ball koom
DitiaarrcL musio
BOATIVO, OLX.ra CO.'StEA aad Kan
Other Aattraccions.
rkoas 9. XTM
for tha Safety of Torn Valuables
Our Tli aad Borflar Proof Taolta.
No stairs to climb take street level
entrance to vault, lit Farnam bt.
I frlvaie dates rsnt irota snuu up
wards yearly.
1 Storage tor Trunks and Packages
I ! l.uo monthly.
let our aUendant show you tha
jrlcely ocated safe today.
: Omaha Safe Deposit & Trust
Mat lO-aS-SOo
Txa classy. mow-orrsBsiva
M usual
oUmt Utf iiroadway With An All-aiar
Cast and tne itoneymoon Kxpreas.
XAdles Xlms bUUsm Bvary Week Bay.
. he College Girls
s read by people who waats cold tacts
a iaS WUat is BtWS,
Home If O I I Two Frolics
of h oll
Gladys Saara aad Braas-ka Models
Btsattt a Boott
rneasi BVt Saats Oe Mat. SSe
Vaudeville and Photo Playj
Dine Out Doors
COOLCtr tLaCI 1ST UafaatA
i&CalBaTaVA IKaf Ai.i.mj
ASmiailca lb Caals
riorand's Dancing School
Friday, Sept. 1 (Adults) 8 P. M.
Oreatlr Baaoad Blrlcas Onealnv m ry I
Call at 15th and Harney. Open fom I
A. M. to t P. M., or uaa ehhar phone.
t$?s Rollablo
: u Dentistry
W Tali's Dental R010&
'I lie in Dec Great
Booklovers' Contest
atf 111,
sr TL
m si r aaaaaai
I (
1 si
m mm m a
tv.V,y'r W . Mir4
v wifa w " rvci-1 jjm a a
)Y 4 yassa 1
Ho. 1 Tuesday, Ang-nst 89, 1911.
What Book Does This Picture Represent?
l our Mame
Street and Number
City or Town
Write in title and author of book and 8AVK coupon and picture.
Send no coupon until finish of tbe contest is announced. Each picture
represents a book title not a1 scene or a character. Catalogues containing
6,000 names on which all puzzle pictures are based tbe catalogue used
by tbe contest editor are for Bale at the Business Office at The Bee for
2f. cir- bv mall. SO cents
Rule of tho Contest
All persona are eltftbte te enter tale eoctait except employes ef the Omana Bee sad
utmhera of tkalr families. Baca day. tar aeianty-liTe (Urn. there will ba publlabad la
Tha m a picture which will rapraeaat tha same ot a book, baueala each picture there
will ba a blank tor tha contestant to (111 In tbe title ef tha book.
Cut out both the ploiure and tha blank and till In tha name and author of the book
snd add your name ana aadroaa neatly and plainly la tha pace preTldad.
No mtrlctlona will ba placed on the way In which antwan to tha pictures may he
' cured. Bach picture uproeaats only eae title ot oaa book. II yea an not nure ot a title
and wish to aaod la mora than one tuw er to each picture, yoa may do ao. BUT NOT
correct anawers will sot bo counted against eoateatanta It correct aniwer la alao siren.
Mora than one anpwer should not be put os the ammo coupon. Bztra coupon! should be
ueed for extra anawers. All an we re to tha same number should be kept together when
sending la the net. Only ana list may be submitted by one eooteetasi. though aay list may
have flTe answers te each pusila
The number of coupons used answer glrsn must be plslnly written en the outside et
each 8KT submitted, but do sot write such Information oa the wrapper.
Whlla not abeolutely necessary. It la desirable that the pictures should ' each ease
be sent Is with tha answer. Is order that all answers be uniform. Additional ptcturae
aad coupons may be obtained at the office ef The Bee by mall er la person.
When yoa haTa all seTenty-rWe plctuses, fasten them together la a KLAT package aad
bring or mall thsa to The Omaha Be, aadrasacd to Book lore- Contest Bdltor. Prises
will be awarded to the contestants sending la the largest number ef eorreot solutions, la
OTent of two or more persoas having tha same number ef correct solutions, tha person
sslng the smaller number of extra coupons In his set of answers will be declared winner. Is
event of two persons having the aame somber eorreot and using the name aumber ot eoe
pons. the person whose set of answers Is moot seatiy prepared. In the opinion of the roll
Judging committee, will receive the first prise.
Only one list of answers may ba submitted by a contestant and only oaa arias will be
awarded to one family at one address.
The use ot the coupons la not obligatory apes tha eenteatant, sad as a newer may ba
submitted In any legible meaner the contestant may select.
Awards will ba made strictly accenting to tha merit of each eeearate list.
The sum ot more than one person must net be wrltbns upon any one ooapoa.
Tbe awards will be suds by the Contest Editor aad a committee at wsll-ksewaj eJU
aens, whess names will be announced later.
The contest la limited to the following territory: Nebraska. Wyoming, that aortlea ef
Iowa west of but not Inoludlng Das Moines, aad that asoUoa ef South Dakota known as
the Black Hills District.
White Steamer Automobile
A o-passeng-er 1911 Model White Steamer Touring Car odorless, smokeless
snd noiseless. No cranking, no shifting of Rears; any desired speed. White
Steamer sales Increase each succeeding year. Has practically an endorsement
if the United States government, which owns and operates mora White Hteaon
ers than all other cars combined. Klchly upholstered, beautifully finished, un
limited power, controlled speed. This oar will be eJthiblted la Oxaaaa at a lataa
In tha soft, semi-troplo. climatic sons, extending
north from Ban Diego to (Shasta County, California,
lies Tehama county. In which la situated this beau
tiful little 10-acre ranch near tha town of ked Bluff.
This Is fruit land f a very high order and la part of
the celebrated Lutheran colony which bad Its incep
tion with an Omaha clergyman. Literature describ
ing this property may be had st the office of TOW-BBIIaB-BOX.BT
CO In tbe Olt Bstloaal Baas
Building, Omaha.
The magnificent, fancy walnut UZLL
AUTO CrBAWD lr,ATXKlIABO which noth
ing can excel. No other player-piano has la
the absolute the "human touch" ao daalred by
a musical ear and so prised by the manufac
turers. This Instrument will ba exhibited, ex
plained and played for anyone who wlahea to
see it In the ware rooms en the third (lee of
Kalston Is to be s manulaciurina city. They
have a fine start with the Bnwn Truck Manu
laclurlng Co., 'he Rogers Meter Car Co., and the
Howard htove Works. Everything desirable to
tuniUiriatile living may ba found there. On one of
tie main bu.ilii.aa streets tlw liee nae selected It
luunu lirue a business lot ZLxlUO leeU and
va.ued at eaa.
("1?" "'.L't 1!.:! l.i! "" f "'"".a
, FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225
la the same town aiidUti tiie same :rucpect uf auvancement, the Bee
has e etted a residence lot buxliju ft-, and valued at 9335
liaiaton Is tu His only Inteiuruan trolley line ruuiuug out of Omaha, and
wltbtu lurty minutes of the Omana poelofflce.
Cumpieta Intonnation about this property at tha Office of the aVAXSTOS
TOWslsa'AJi COsaArAJiX. oOd Boots. 17th St., Omaha.
This inge.uuus ancyviopeuia, vniiui is a ueveiop
nient rather wan invention, a as beaiuea us conven
iences lue ta.ue of hundreds of editors mentally
CHUifped to niaae one of the greatest a.icyclupeUlas
ttrr coinpilt-U. una uf the atrouest lecoimuenUa
lima Icr this v.t,rk la that it is in. in die preas or
i he relluble old liouae ot 'A'atOA. RIUOM i LOUB,
cf Bsw Vork, Irfiadoo, xtabiut aud Auiaoujgu, wuiva
1S III I l .70.
This encyclopedia of twelve voli-mes. which Is vslued at l a set. may ha
seen at the umalia office of W. A. Klaaabauga at Co, ISM Bt. Mary's Avenue.
These prlxa tunalst of twenty-foui vuiuj.e ciotn buuuu sets of the "Book
ef Kimv. leuge," in encyclopedia made especially tor children and sold at tin a
aat. Vina work Is written tr simple laiiauae and Is a "wonder book" In tnat It
makea simple e l knowledge necesaary iu bioad education. There are hundrede
of coloieU piates and tiiouaarios In black snd whlla inla la a fully squlpDed
eucycwpedia ruaus for chiiuien, snd ma be aaou at tbe Omaha ofticea of w. a.
jtXa.a.aiAUUja at ISIS Hfc. Mary's Avsuue.
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Ten Prizes of $2.
Twenty Prizes of $1.