The Omaha Daily Bee. Looking Backward This Day In Omaha Tail wiy Tea Tmh age Mltaalaa Pare e4 Baa hn TTTATHER FOR FC AST Fair VOL. XLI. XO. 62. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1911 -TEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TAFT WILL SPEND SUNDAY IN OMAHA President SecrttaxY Senis Telegram iiMUtug Plan for His West, era Trip.. wm XX HEBE OCTOIEE FIRST Trail WOl Arrive Shortly Before 8 O'Clock. DLTAETTJB NEXT MORNTNO May Not Be Able to Take Part in the Ak-Sar-Ben Festiritiea. STOPS AT LINCOLN AND HASTINGS laa Is ftaead Tim Hears at Capital I 117 BBS B.Tril.1 '"- " la ceaatr "eat ' Adnata. eat President Taft will be In Omaha Sunday. October 1, and remain over until 10: Mon day morning. That Information l con veyed In a telegram to Victor Rowitr of The Bee from Secretary Hlllee. advla tni him of the definite fixing of thle data with a view to having tha local detalla per fectad. The train achedule provialonally outlined bring the presidents train Into Omaha at 7:40 Sunday morning and makea It depart t 10:30 the next morning. Junt what kind of a program la daalrad for the entertainment of tha preaident and hia party la yet to be Indicated. An In vitation had been extended net long ago by President Flckena of the Ak-Sar-Ben Hoard of Oovemora with tha expectation of making him a gueat of that organlia tlon during the fall festivities. But the presumption la that, aa the preaident la here on a Sunday, It will be Impossible for him to taka part In any of the regular Ak-Sar-Ben act. vl ties, which will be at ..their height later In the week. If the ) president wishes to attend rellgioue ser vl' 'ps he will probably make a selection of the church himself, at least that la what Nlie In understood to have done In other places In slrni"ar circumstances. When In Omaha laat time he waa put up at tha Omaha club, which will doubtless be again available. Word cornea alao by telephone from Sen ator Brown, who la at Kearney, that the president' tour of Nebraska Will Include ("."tops at Lincoln and Hastings. Leaving Omaha Monday' morning the president M party will arrive at Lincoln about noon, remaining until 2:30, and will put fh two Jioura at Heatings between 4 and ( o'clock, proceeding thence westward over the Bur lington. "toes at Llacola Bad Hastlaa-e. LINCOLN, Neb.. Aug. 28-Speclal Tele gram.) Senator Brown received a telegram from Charles D. 1111 lea. secretary to Presi dent Taft, this morning saying that the president will reach Omaha. Sunday morn ing. October L at 7. o'clock and, that he will atay until 10.30 o'clock. Monday .morn ing, when he'wlll leave for Lincoln. The president will reach Lincoln at noon, where he will atay until 2:30 o'clock, when he will tart for Hastings, where the party will stop from 4 to I o'clock. Will Visit TweatyKoar States. BEVERLY, Mass., Aug. 28. Twenty four states will be vtalted by President Taft on the swing around the circuit, ac cording to hia partly completed schedule. He will start September 15 and will pass through these states: Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wy oming, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Idahc, Montana, South Da kota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Mary land. Among the big towns and cities that the president will visit are Syracuse, Erie, Detroit. Chicago St. Louis, Omaha, Kan sas City, Denver, Cheyenne, Salt Lake City, Lob Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Portland, Ore.; Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane, vtaiiace, icano.; Butte and Billings, Mont.; D-adwood. Aberdeen and Pierre, 8. D.; St. I'aul. burgh, Minnetpolla, Milwaukee and Pitta. THIOSIDK.NT'S IOWA 1TI.NKRAHY fcrcretary Hltlea Deads Ward of Taft's Hawkeye Trio. DKS MOINES, la.. Aug. 18.-A telegram today from C. D. miles, private secretary to President Taft, to Oovernor Carroll, an nounces the Iowa itinerary of ttie president. The tentative schedule is: Council Bluffs. September 28, (1:10 a. m., leave 7:20 a. m.; arrive at Fort Dodge, 11:05, leave 11.20; arrive Waterloo. 1:65 p. m,, leave 2:15 p. m. for Des Moines. Ieava Iea Moines next morning for Ottuntwa, laat atop in Iowa. The Weather. FOR NKBRASKA Fair. I'OR JOWA-Falr. Temperatui at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Dee:. .... 0 . i .... a.' .... 54 .... 67 , .... ! .... (1 .... .... ' .... s .... 70 .... 70 .... W .... 7 .... 5 S a. a. T a. S a. t a. 10 a. 11 a. 12 m. 1 P ra... m... m... m... m... m... m... m... m... m... ni... m... m... m... m... IK.' V. 1 I ! aLons. Teaiperatar at Omaha Yesterday. Comparative Loral Record, 19U. 1910. 1309. 19v. Highest yesterday 70 0 77 84 Lowest yesterday AH tU ft) ug Mean temperature M 71 tig ;g Precipitation: 01 1.81 x T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature -j Deficiency for the day 1J Total emeus since March 1 "htj Normal preclultatlon n jnc'n Deficiency fr the day 10 Inch Total rainfall since March 1. ... 0.; Inches lvflciency since March I 12. M Inches IefU'inry for cor. period. 1IU. .14 la inches Deficiency fur cor. period. 1.. 8. OX Inches Station and State Temp. High- Rain of Weather. 7 p. in. eat. ta t t'heyenno. clear 74 ;s ftj Davenport, clear to 7j I'riiver. part cloudy .;s m t I'esMoines, clear tf. ;ti . liodse City, clear ix 7i jj 1-ander. clear M M .. North Platte, pavi tlcudy . .t'4 7- .Oil "nialia. near 7 70 . I'ueblo, part cloujy 72 70 . 00 Haiil.l City, clear J 6t ion s'nlt I ak I'itv. cloudy M M no anta Ke, clear. M 70 .ox Hieridiin. clear 78 M ux 'lty, clear 4 M .00 Valentine, clear as ie .uo Man Who Threw Girl Into Lake Michigan Will Not Eat or Drink Charlei Hopper, Who Murdered Daisy Watts of Chicago, Attempting Suicide by Starvation. GRAND - RAPIDS. Mich., Aug. 18 De termined, he saya. to cheat Imprisonment, Charles Hopper of Chicago, who on Satur day night murdered Daisy Watta. aJso known as Grace Lyons, of Chicago by throwing her off a steamer In Lake Mich igan, baa abaolutely refused to touch food or drink offered to him In the county jail at Grand Haven. The tragedy la one of the few murdere committed on government Inland waters lu several years and the charge of murder will be placed against Hopper In the Grand Rapids federal court. It will be the first case of Its kind started here. The murder brought to life the tragio end of the misspent Ufa In Chlneae reaorta in Chicago of tha daughter of a prominent Grand Raplda family, acordlng to the con fession Hopper made. He declared he committed tbe crime te prevent the woman from returning to the life ef the under world. The girl, however, was apparently fleeing from Hopper to return to her rela tives in Michigan. Hopper said he first met the woman about three years ago and fell In love with her but aha refuaed to marry him and they aeparated. Six months ago, he said, he met bar In a Halstead street Chinese resort. According to his story, she then accepted his offer of marriage and he took her from the place and they lived together until recently. A week ago she disappeared and he traced her to the same Chinese resort, where he found her smok ing opium with ten Ch.nese, he said. She left tbe place with h.m, but they quarreled soon afterward and on Saturday she left. He traced her to the boat and boarded It, Another scene resulted and tbe crime was committed. "I am glad I did It," said Hopper, con cluding his confession. "Now I know where she is. Those Chinese devils can never get their clutches on her again." Maniman's Balloon Shipped to Seacoast Akron, 0., Man Will Attempt to Cross Atlantic in Largest Dirigible Ever Built in America. AKRON, O., Aug. 28. Melvin Maniman's balloon, with which he and five others will attempt to fly across the Atlantic ocean October 22, will be shipped from Akron to Atlantic City today having just been com pleted In a local rubber factory. As soon as the frame work of steel tubing is at tached and the balloon Inflated In the mammoth hangar, the airship will be christened the "Akron." The "Akron" Is the only dirigible of the first-class ever bunt this side of the At lantic. It Is Mt feet long, or about .30 feet longer than tbe "America" which was lost In the ocean aa a sequel to tbe Wal ter Wellman expedition last year. Filled with pure hydrogen, It will have an at mosphere displacement of 350,000 cubic feet and a gross lifting power of 20,000 pounds. With the car and engines attached. It will have a net capacity of 12.000 pounds or about 80 persons. The "Akron" Is made of 2,200 pieces of tough fabric. The propellers each will be driven by a gasoline engine of a hundred horse power. The gas bag is cigar-shaped with an extreme diameter of 46 feet. Admiral Count Togo Spends Day in Seattle Japanese Hero is Guest of Chamber of Commerce at Luncheon Will . Sail for Home Tuesday. SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 28. Admiral Cnunt Togo arrived here early today from Vancouver. B. C. to pay his farewell visit In the United States before sailing to Japan. He waa informally welcomed at the atatlon by committeea from the civic organisations and hurried with his party directly to a hotel to breakfast In private. The only opportunity the public had to see tbe Japanese naval hero was during his trip to the city hall to call on Mayor DUllng. The admiral's countrymen took ad vantage of the chance and the streets were lined with Seattle Japanese residents. Admiral Togo lunched as the guest of the Chamber of Commerce and tonight will attend a banquet in his honor. Owing to his continued Indisposition the scheduled address to hist countrymen was abandoned at the admiral's request. He did not wish to overtax hia strength. Admiral Togo will sail for Japan tomor row morning. Spain Prepares to Send Troops to Morocco MADRID. Aug. M.-DIapatchea received here today from Laa P til mas, Canary la :ands, say that 600 Spanish soldiers ara making reparations to embark" tomorrow on the transport A I nil rale Lobo. to occupy Same Croix la M.neuro,.on the Moroccan coast to the south of Agadir. where the ar rival last July of the Germnn warship Panther stirred up the present iritertu t onal dispute over Morocco. The news reporting the movement of a Spanish force to southern Morocco has not yet been elucidated, but should It be con lirmed It would tend to complicate the Moroccan prob.ems. over which negotia tions are In progress between Jules Cam bon, the French ambassador at Berlin, and Herr Von Klder.m-Waechler, th Car man foreign secretary. MAX G. SECKENDORF IS DEAD Well Kaon a Newspaper ( orrrtposd. eat aad Writer Dies la l,rrn, WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. -Count Max (J. feckenderf f, a well known newspaper cor respondent and writer, died today at the home of relatives at FTunkfort-On-Yh-Maln, Germany, at the age of 68 year, according to cable nienages received here today. He was the representative In this country of the Wolff Continental New Agency of Germany and was for a number Of years the head of the New York Tri bune bureau in this city. He was born In Hnissells, Pelglum. and served in the German army during the Franco-Prussian war. The news f his death came as a urptse as he went abroad recently on a pleasure and buairesa trip. His wife and a daughter were with him. STORM ON SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST Charleston Has Been Isolated Since Sunday Night and City it Be ported Flooded. WIND SEVENTY MILES AN H0UB Water is the Highest Sinoe the Tidal Ware of 1886. STORM PASSES SAVANNAH, OA. Trees Blown Down and Street Car Service is Suspended. COTTON CB0P IS DAMAGED Na Lass of Life Tet ReaeHea, bat It la Feared 1 a saber at Ifegreee la Islaads Aleaaj Ceaat Were Drawaai, COLUMBIA, S. C. Aug. 28 The severe storm which struck Charleston and Sa vannah last night seems to be centering In the same locality today. Indications are that it Is moving northward. Both cities were completely cut off from com munication with the outside world today and It waa therefore Impossible to ascer tain the extent of the damage wrought by tbe storm. A message this afternoon from Branch ville, aeventy mllea from Charleston, states there Is three feet of water In the Charles ton Union station, partially confirming earlier reports that Charleston was menaced by a flood. The message also says that no trains have left Charleston since o'clock laat night. At 11 o'clock Southern railway officials were advised over a wire from Summer cllle, twenty miles north of Charleston, that was secured for a few minutes, that water had flood e the Charleston union station. The Atlantic Coast Una has no tele graphic communication with Charleston, but doea not expect a train from there before five or six hours at tbe earliest, storia Passes Sav-aaaah. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Aug 28. Via Oessup, Ga. The storm which began early last night along the south Atlantic coast spent its fury soon after daybreak and had passed about 9 o'clock this morning. Great dam age was dona within the city, but ap parently little harm was done to shipping In Savannah harbor, ample warning of the storm s approach having been given ship masters by the weather bureau to make their vessels safe. The streets are filled with debris con sisting principally ef uprooted trees. Street car service is tied up. As far as known there has been no loss of life In this vicinity due to the storm. Reports are mlsBlng from the low lying Islands adjacent to Savannah, which are Inhabited principally by negroes. The cotton crop within a radius of fifty miles of Savannah undoubtedly has suf fered severe damage. Reports from Tybe beach indicate thai everything there la safe. Wlad Seveaty Mllea aa Hear. AUGUSTA, Ga., Aug. 28. A telephone message from Ridgeville, thirty-one miles from Charleston says the wind In Charles ton at 11 o'clock this morning was blow ing between sixty and seventy miles an hour and considerable damage had been done along the water front, but no loss of life was reported. Persons on the Isle of Palms and Sul livan's Island were warned In time yester day afternoon to escape. Along the harbor front In Charleston, the water la the highest seen there since the tidal wave in 1886. WASHINGTON, Aug. 28. No word has reached the Navy department today from Charleston. S. C, and it is believed here that wireless communication has been cut off. The department has instructed the coast stations to endeavor to get In touch with the Charleston navy yard. There are a number of naval vessels In Charleston harbor Including a collier, four subma rines, two destroyers and fourteen reserve torpedo boats. No reports were available at the weather bureau as to tbe Intensity of the direction of movement of the storm that broke on the South Carolina coast yesterday. Up to noon today the weather bureau officials had been unable to get In touch either with Charleston or Savannah. The most recent reports Indicate that the storm Is still central over South Caro lina near the coast line. " Storm warnings were ordered displayed on the Atlantic coast from Fort Monroe, Va., to Jacksonville, Fla. Alleged Head of Arson Trust is Arraigned Case of David Korshank of Chicago is Continued Police Still Looking for Benjamin F. Fink. CHICAGO, Aug. 28. David Korahank, alleged head of an arson ring, which la aald to have set fire to fifty buildinga in Chicago during the last year, causing a property Iobs of Jl.OOO.OO1), waa arialgned before Municipal Judge Dicker charged with arson and conspiracy today and the case continued until September 16. Max Kelschmldt, Israel Schaeffner and Kills Dubensteln, charted with union In connection with the alleged con iracv, also were arraigned and their ta . yet for hearing September 14. The police are still searching for Uenja mln P. Fink, said to be an official of the Northwestern Can company, and a former policeman, who are alleged to have been Implicated in an Incendiary fire, causing a VMtr of t'.ui'.ooi). Durel Perry. a brother-in-law of Charles Uloom, recently arrested in con nection with a fire which destroyed his store In touth State street, surrendered hlmae'f to the police trday. Seven men have been arrested thus far on Information given the police by David Korshak and others. POPE RECEIVES TWO VISITORS (arrilual Vaaatelll aad Blsfcoa of Itrmai tall t'poa Hia Hollars. KUMK, Aug. Pope Plua this morning received In audience Cardinal Seraphln Vannutellt, grand plenipotentiary of the llolv Catholic church, and alto the Most Rev. Martin Trltschler y Cordova, arch bishop of Yucatan. Cardinal Merry Del Vsl., the papal sec retary of state, who delayed his vacation during the recent illnea of the pope, today went to Mortemarlo. where tie will atay for the remainder of the maim.r. Mavhe .V . . 'le.WAfn' From Jianapolls News. PROMINENT ATTORNEY DEAD Charles J. Greene Dies of Bright' Disease in New York. JUST RETURNED FROM EUROPE Had a Wide Circle of Kneads la Oaaaaa aad Nebraska aad Was In Great Dexaaaad as a Speaker at Pablle Kveats. Charles J. Greene, ot the law firm of Greene A Breckenridge, one of the most prominent of Omaha's attorneys, died In New York at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The body will arrive In Omaha Wednesday, and services will be performed Thursday. Mr. Greene bad Just returned from a three-months', trip to Europe, which waa taken primarily that - lie-tntajht poaslbly be benefited In health. While In London he waa taken seriously 111 with Blight's disease and reports sent here Indicated that It was doubtful if he would be able to leave London for some time. He Improved sufficiently a week ago Sunday to come to the United States, but on landing bere was taken at once to Dr. Lambert's hos pital. He arrived in New York Friday. The news of his deatn did not come aa a surprise to his many Omaha friends, as It was known hs was in a precarious con dition. A Native of New York. Mr. Greene was born In Eaton, Madi son County, New York, July 4, 184, and studied law under Judge Ewing of St. Louis, Emory A. Storrs of Chicago, and A. B. Coons of Marengo, 111., being ad mitted to the Illinois bar In 171. In 1873 he came to Nebraska, was admitted to the bar and began practice at Lincoln, re moving to Omaha a year later. He was married In 187( to Miss Mary C. Davis. Ills wife was with him in New York when he died. They have no child ren. The career ot tha brilliant lawyer is full of Interesting history. He waa a member of Company K, One Hundred and Forty first Illinois regiment, when still a boy, and many are the tales told of his soldier days. His cheery word and brilliant wit were wel comed at many assemblages in Omaha, and he waa rated aa one of the best orators that ever spoke hare. At the time of the Millard and Dietrich campaign Mr. Greene was popularly spoken of as one of the possible candidates, and he was a delegate to the National repub lican convention. He ran tor county at torney once.- Railroad Solicitor. For many years he was an attorney for the Burlington railroad and was also a partner of General Manderson. The firm of Greene,' Breckenridge ft Crofoot waa lator formed. Mr. Breckenridge, his partner, is now in the east, but will probably return In time for tbe funeral. T. W. Blackburn, one of Mr. Greene's personal friends, voiced the opinion ot many when be said, regarding his death: "Charles J Greene was one of the kind liest men 1 ever knew. Possessing excep tional ability as a lawyer, he waa also u philosopher, a student and a genuine gen tleman. ills life waa an active one, begin ning as a boy-soldier and ending as on.' of the leaders ot the Omaha bar. Every nifiii who knew him will feel a personal g: . in the thouKht that he has passed over to the great beyond." MAYOR OF MILWAUKEE SUED ircalt Jndsje Wauts Fifty Thousand from Socialist 'txeoativr for Aliened blaader. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 28. Circuit Judge F. C. Kschwlcler today liCKiin a suit f r $".Oa), aKulnst Mayor K.nll Sehlel, in which he alleges the mayor slandered him in remarks made duiing a speech at Bayvlrw in the last Judicial campaign. Judge Kschwklt-r refers in his Complaint to a decision in which he held the appoint ment of a certain city hall official tu be Illegal. The suit is baed on the mayor's crltlcsm of his derision. THOMAS W. LAWS ON FINED topper Klaaarirr la Fouad t.allly of foadartluar Lottery at Fair. PLYMOl'TH, Muiw., . Auk. . Thomas W. Lawson, the Boston financier. was found guilty of conducting u lottery at the Marshfleld fair Inst v,ek, when Riven a hearing In the district court here today, and was fined SUX). Mr. La son appealed to the superior court. a Few Days Off Would 1 J W M OMAHA ATTORNEY DIES IN NEW YORK CITY. CHARLES J. GREENE. July 4, 1849August 17. 1911. Throws Himself from the Rialto Building W. L. Goin of Leavenworth Commits Suicide in Sensational Manner in Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. Aug. J8-Plunglng from the top floor of the twelve-atory Rialto building here today, W. L. Goln of Leav enworth. Kansas, met death on the pave ment 200 feet below. The falling body missed a woman passing In the street by two feet. That the leap was made with suicidal Intent was evident from the testi mony of a workman employed In the build ing, who said he saw Go b climb to the window sill, pause a moment, then leap Into the air. No cause for the deed was apparent. ( LEAVENWORTH. Kan. Aug. S.-E. L. Goln, who committed suicide in Kansas City today, was a traveling salesman of this city. He la survived by a widow and two young sons. Mrs. Goln Is prostrated. She could give no cause for the deed. Goln left for Kansas City this morning. Two Seamen Killed on the Battleship Ohio W. A. Creech and W. D. Mickey Meet Death as Result of Accident to the Anchor Gear. WASHINGTON, Aug. 2S. Word reached the Navy department today that two sea nen. William A. Creech, 86 years old, and A'llson D. Mickey, aged 29 years, had been killed on board the battleship .Ohio as the tesult ot an accident to the anchor gear. The Ohio Is In Tangier sound, Chesapeak lay, preparatory to participating in tiu target practice of the Atlantic fleet. Tho official report gave no details ol the accident. Creech was a native of Ilarn well, 8. ('., and had been in the naval service a little more than four years. Ills father, Itlchard It. Creech, Uvea at Kline 8. C. Mickey was from Milroy. Pa., and had Leen connected with lh navy tight years. His father, Harry I." Mickey, Uvea lu Pittsburgh. MISS ELAINE GCLDING SWIMS FIFTEEN MILES IN SIX HOURS NEW YORK, Aug. ST.-Elaine Cioldtng of Bath heach Sunday swam from the Pst iry In New York to Conley Island, fif teen miles. Miss Oolding Is S years old and weighs 190 pounds. She has won many championships ut short and rclddie dis tances, hut thi was hT flrsi effort at long distance, ller time, one minute more than six hours, is regarded as c V"itin:il. as a heavy rain fell a'l the time, and the sea whs choppy. Three women started. Mr Arthur Hoii ton save up. exhausted, hulf wny, while Lillian Howard finiahe-l an hour later than Mls-i Goldlng. An hour utter the women's rare, fourtet-n men started over the same course, but only one finished. Y va il '. 'fh. " -i , ' f Help SURPRISE FOR H. C. BEATTIE Alleged Murderer is Confronted by Mother of His Dead Wife. SAYS DAUGHTER WAS UNHAPPY IWlKht of the Marder She Had Caa tloned Mrs. Seattle Not to Go Oat with Her Hasbaad Alone. CHESTERFIELD COURT HOUSE, Vs., Aug. 28. Suddenly, and without the faint est intimation hitherto, the prosecution today confronted Henry Clay Beattie. Jr., with Mrs. R. V. , Owen, mother of the woman he la alleged to have murdered. In a taxlcab, whose arrival was arranged to coincide exactly with the moment Sher iff GUI exhibited the' clothing worn by Beattie on the night of the murder, Mrs. Owen, came to Chesterfield her presence In this vicinity having been a well kept secret by the prosecution. Quickly and without the usual perfunc tory questions Incident to the Introduction of a new witness, Prosecutor Wendenburg questioned the woman aa to her knowledge of the domestic life of the Beattles and brought to the surface a point Intended as relevant to alleged motive for the murder, namely, that Seattle's physical condition, due to dissipation, had caused much un happlness to his wife. The witness said that on the night of the murder she had cautioned Mrs. Beattie not to go out alone with her husband. The prosecution's Idea for today appar ently was to prove that Beattie killed his wife because of his fear that his father might learn of his condition and cut him off from the family. The testimony of Mrs. Owen took Judge Watson, as well as the crowd In the court house, by surprise, and Immediately the court suggested a recess and a conference with counsel for both sides, Jury and pris oner, to discuss furths rtestlmony along this line. Mrs. Owen had coma from Dover, Del., laat night with her husband, who accom panied her to the court room. When she took the witness stand the prisoner raised his head In surprise, recognised the woman, and his head drooped. At first he endeav ored not to look In her direction, but she spoke so feebly that he found It necessary to Join the row of projecting heads on the bench to hear her testimony. Once he nervously whispered to Lawyer Smith beside him: "Ask her to apeak louder; I can't hear." Mrs. Owen la aald to have been her daughter's confidant and Is believed to have known of Beattle s relations with ths Blnford girl. On the stsnd Mis. Owen told how she arrived at the beattie home on May 22, of the birth of the Beattie child on May 31 and hinted at the tribula tions of her daughter, caused by Beattle's relations with the blnford girl. It was learned that the prosecution ex pected Mra. Owen to testify on direct ex amination late today that from Henry Clay Beattie, Jr.'a, actions when he brought his dead wife home ane suspected him ut mur- i der. Outside the court room It was rumored I ihat Mrs. Owen eveu asked young beattie, j practically, If he did not commit the deed. Drtcctlie Is First Witness. 'he prisoner arrived at the court luuse' . jin Hi. hmond at 10 o't.ock and was : t ought into the court room at 10:3.'. wl '.i Jie day's session was beKun. The accused ias attired in a tie., su.t tuiiuy and ..,.incd refreshed after his rest in a commodious .eil In Richmond over Sunday. Detective L. L. Scherer immediately took the stand. Hill Carter beginning the cross, i lamination for the defense. "You have examined or talked with nearly all tho witnesses for the prosecu tion and have been practically in charge of gathering the evidence for th com monwealth since the murder occurred, have you not?" asked .Mr. Carter of the defense. "I have," answered Scherer. "Two of the witnesses have been In jail since tha coroner'a Imjuest hflve they not?" "Yes, Heulah Blnford and Paul Beattie." "Have ;ou had interviews with those two witnesses?" "Yes, I have discussed the case Itself with I'aul twiie, hut with lieulah Blnford quite frequently." "About how many times have you been tu see Bculah I II ) lord since ahe has been ,n .'all?" "I cau('t aay, but i,uite frequently per haps twenty tj tentv-ftv times." Count-! for the defense continued jue .lontnK Sioux this line with tho apparent purpose of developing whet he;- or not '(Continued on Second Page.) ' MEN OF CENTiML BEADY TO fcTKlKE Late Conference with Railway Heads in Chicago Decides Whether One Shall Follow. STRIKE VOTE FAVORS ACTION Unless Road Grants Concessions Board Will Call It PARK CONFERRING WITH MEN Recognition of Federation Will Be Insisted Upon. HEADS OF UNIONS START WEST Five Iateraatlonal rrealdeata ef Rati, way Kmaloyes Bodlea Leare Kit bbs City to Coafer wlta Krattarfcaltt. CHICAGO, Aug. 2S. Whether thousands of ehopmen employed by the Illinois Cen eral railroad will atrlke or remain at work will be forecasted. It la said, by the out come of a conference scheduled to be held late today between the railroad officials and a committee representing the feder ated shop employes. President McCleary and a committee rep resenting the employes' organisation ar rived In the city and prepared to hold a series ot conferences with Vice President Tark and General Manager Foley of the Illinois Central. The labor leaders say they will Insist that the rallioada recognlxe the recently or ganized federated body of shopmen, which Includes every craft In the mechanical de partment. The railroad officials have been dealing with the Individual unions and do not desire to change this method of confer i nee. Mea Are Valted. At the recent rote of the shopmen on the question It Is said that 90 per cent of the workmen went on record as being in favor of demanding that the railroad rec ognise the federated body. The result of this vote will be presented to the railroad offllcals at the conferences to be held. , President McCleary was accompanied by representatives of the different crafts In volved In the labor controversy. The labor men opened headquarters In a south sldt hotel and conferred at length relative tu the demands of the shopmen. Arrange ments were completed to submit their sldo of ths dispute to tha railroad officials. President McCleary later conferred with, several Chicago labor leaders. General Manager Foley of the Illinois Central railroad today aald: "I have not heard from the representa tive of our shopmen, but I am Informed they were In the city and will call on the officials of the railroad later. "There are no new developments in the situation thus far and I do not expect any until after we have conferred with the representatives of the union." V - Eiaaowered to Call Strike. President McCleary of the Federation ot Railroad employes of the Illinois Central railroad said: "We have Just come from Paducah, Ky., where a strike vote was taken. While I will not give out the figures , aa the vote Is a secret ballot. I will aay that It waa satisfactory to all concerned and our. visit to Chicago to demand a conference with the railroad officials Is the result. We have as members of our executive commit tee three grand lodge officers, and by vir tue of this we are empowered to call a strike Bhould no agreement be reached In our conference with the Illinois Central officials." W. J. Kramer, general secretary and treasurer ot the International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers, disagreed with President McCIearn on the right of the executive board to order a strike with out the sanction of all the International presidents. "If Vice President Park and other offi cials of the railroad refuse to recognlxe the federal body, the International! presi dents of the different trades Involved will make a final appeal for a settlement be fore a strike Is called." said Mr. Kramer, Heads ot Vnioaa Start West. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 28.-The five international presidents of the railway unions involved In the difficulties with, the Harriman lines will meet Julius Kruttsch nltt In San Francisco Friday and en- deavor to reach an agreement. There will be no conference in Kansas City. J. A. Franklin, president of the Boiler makers, and M. T. Ryan, president of the Carmen, will leave for the west tonight. They will be Joined by the other presi dents tonight. Mr. Kruttachnltt will be re quested to Instruct the officers of the vari ous roads to treat with a federated com mittee from each line. The demands will be the same as those already granted by many ot the eastern roads. Local l.euders Avoid Krattsrhattt. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 28 President B. L. Reug n of the Federation of Shop Em ployes ot the Harriman lines, said today that all negotiations with Julius Krutl schnttt, the genera, manager of these lines, now in the city have been passld up to the ollicer of the International unions, who are expected to arrive hcia toinoirow. Inasmuch as Mr. Krnttschnitt has t-aid that he would treat w.tli the Individual unions. Ke'jj; a said that he would not co-1. pin-ate t-H situnlron by calling of on Mr. Kruitrnnitt at this thno. The International l.'mon olficcra of the fve Round trip tickets to lakc lYianawa lJoxea of U'li rit-n's C'audy. Uase iiall Tickets. luait bricks of Dulzell's ice Creuin. All are tivtu away free to those wbo iiuu ttiBir iiauitg m th waul aus. Head the want ads every day. your lianie will appear uouietlnje, luayhu wore than ooca. .So puzzles to solve nor sub acrii'tlons to net jubl read tbf waut ads. Turn, to tbe want ad paces there ou wilt find nearly every business bouse to tbe city rep re seoted.