II THK BKR: OMAHA. TllrHSDAT. AUOrRT 24. 1011. ICITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Beenlotinn Afifintert OrrtrinlT roads to Build Viaduct MANDAMUS SUIT AGAINST BO ttlrmpl to Hf Marto Ilte Over the Mae of Water Mala to ihr and Himti lastltate. A resolution ordering that a mandamu suit lie stared to compel the railroads concrrnrd to build the viaduc t on Nicholas urcct. a Introduced at the counc il ml ing Tuesday night 1V J. H. Hummel and adopted. The viaduct has been th sub ject nf lltiRatlon and contention Tor time ami ih" tallroada have not n-m-k nn it althouKh p:ans were arei ley the engineer. The loads which will ba mat defendants In the suit are: Tha I'n toti I'ac'lflc-, Missouri raelflo, Hlou City & Nebraska. Omaha & Northern Nebraska. .Minneapolis & Omaha. Omaha Bridge anit Terminal l'o.. Omaha Pelt Line and Illi nois Central. The viaduct propoaed will extend from Sixteenth street to Thirteenth street over Nlcholaa. REAL ESTATE I' II 11 Ml ,. ( n I.IMI FOR 9AI.K REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HIM II I.A.XII HCt SAI.K I on a t nnt laaed. I'l.VM Ml-Ai I1K TRACT Ice iii i irx of business, t miles of car line, all good, smooth upland, with beau- , tiful building site; on one of beat roadj j out of city. we haven t time 10 an -how Inn land that won t suit, therefore do not want, to misrepi esent. and do not in nMnt this I one of the prettlet 20-aeie ttacts ncr the city, tid chenp at the orli . !'. : I "i cash, balance long time at i Iti tent. N ill divide If you want. 10 icif" M OKK HI". A I. KSTATB CO., 105 Pearl M . Council bluff. REAL tSTATE FAH.V AKD RANCH I. A ft D FOR SALE I THE easiest way to find a buyer fo jour fano is 10 insert a small want ad in tree Dee Moines Capital, Largest circula tion in ti.e stale of Iowa. U,0nj daily. The capital is lead by and believed in by the (tandpatters ol Iowa, who simply refuse le i.e. r. iii any other paper in their homes Kales t cent a word a day: $1. per line per nionlii, count tlx ordinary words to the line. Address Lies Moines Capital. Lies aluiiiea, la. Idaho. CHOICE DEEDED LANDS. WITH PRJ VATK WATER RIGHTS, IS bNAKK Kl V'tK VAL LEY. IDAHO. Slock ranch, iM acres, udjoimng open iant:e; good buildings, fences and bearing ci chard. im per acre, worth $100. Stock ranch, 240 acres; water (or all year. other bargains In stock and fruit lands, relinquishments and locations. For full intorrriatlon address p O. lio No 131, Glenna Ferry. Idaho Kaasaa. FARMS- cV.OOU to 110.000 buy fine 160. Well improved t. ex.ooti; Xl harn to heat. I15.0HU; well improved 80, 14.600; good 240. IS. (100; fine 441), train Hnd stork farm, $37 n0 per acre; 7"0 ai res, well improved, 115. For best farms, any size, write KHAWUO REALTY CO.vl I'ANY, Emporia, Kan. I HAVE lands from IB to $126 per acre, ) always have the bargains at the lowest price; write or come and see me and I assure courteous treatment; also the, best of referencea. L. L. Webster, Wellington, Kan. l.oalalaaa. VERNON parish. La.; the land ot sun thine, soli, climate, markets, water, heath, good prices, cheap; writ Leesvllle Real i. slate and Improvement Co.. at. Mo Farland. bec'y.. leesvllle. La. LOUISIANA farm and timber lands; t.ood tor truck, corn, cattle, etc., on ac louni of cotton peat, cheapest landa on market. Hall, Eider 4k lie nclt. Monroe i install. FOR SALE 62,000 acres wet landa, Terra, bonne l'arlsli, La. Can be reclaimed at tiom $18 to tiO per acre. Fine truck, orn and fruit lands. Reclaimed lands now sell ing at $100 Her acre. Will sell this tract now for jjulck turn at M per acre; liberal leims. E. P. Brady, Macheca Bldg.. New ii leans. I-a. atlaaeaota. FINE farm home, 120 acres. 1 miles from rood town; black loam soil. AH fenced, large frame dwelling. barn, granary, machine sheds, etc., 160 acres In field, 40 acres timber, balance clover and timothy und meadow. Ideal dairy farm, 135 per acre; one-third cash, balance eaay terms, at. J. Kolb, Fosston, Mian. MINNESOTA LANDS In Stevens and Grunt counties, good crops of all kinds; tine rainfall; can handle a few exchanges. W. I Truag. Wagner, S. D. MINNESOTA! MEADOW LANDS AND FLOOD WOOD SETTLEMENTS. ST. Lot' 18 COUNTY. NEAR DULUTH l'armers, gardeners and dairymen wanted. Ideal climate, rich soil, abundant rainfall, treat crops. Home of red clover on our own line frequent train service. Best markets In America. Prices low. Terms easv. Homeseekers assisted. Illustrated literature free. Write LAND COMR., D. 1. R. R. R., 199 Wolvln Bldg., Duluth, Minn. FARM. SNAP 230. acres level prairie land. 300 In crop, balance pasture and meadow; good buildings. $75 acre. Morbart & Atchison, Mankato. Minn. I HAVE a farm at t2 acres ZH miles from good town, M miles from Minneapolis, 108 acres under cultivation; about 80 acres meadow, balance timber; can all be opened up; rich soil, good bouse, barn and other building. Price $3 per acre. Alao 80-acre farm two miles from good town; 40 acres under plow, 16 acres timber, good rich soli, l-room house, two barns and other out buildings, windmill, fine natural grove, or chard just commencing to bear. Price, $.1,600; easy terms. Write owner. Cbarlea E. Swanson. Elk River, Mina. EVERY peraon knows who D. J. O'Brien 1,1 because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. David Cole, 1X12 Wirt Ht., will come to The Be office within three daya we will give her an order for a 60-cent bos free. Mlaaoarl. SI OP! Don't go a step farther thaa Douglas county, down In the beautiful Oiaiks, raise anything; corn 30 to mi bush els per acn, all other crops in proportion; cheapest good land on earth, $5 to 'JO per acre. Free Information. Bros Real Estate to.. Ava. Mo. SO-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine bouse, bam, fences, first-class condition; fine spring water; 2 miles from town; 7 miles Horn raiaiMtd. Southeast Missouri Immi gration Co , Piedmont. Mo. CONNOLLY. Land, $( up. 1619 Dodga. MISSOURI farm. Xo0 acres; 8-room houses barn; 100 acres wheat, 200 acres corn; level, black dirt; 4 miles railroad, $& acre. Cbaa. E. Huckstep Realty Co.. Elaberry. Mo. FOR SALE 65 farms, large and small, between Mississippi and Missouri rivers, average Mo per acre. Write for big price list. William Crews. Wright City, Mo. MISSOURI FARMS Nona better ea earth; highly improved 180 acrea; raises anything, N. - Other decided bargains. Write us. Gilliam Realty Co.. Ulltlam. Mo.- FOR BALE Finest farm In Leaven woitn county. Broaddus farm of ltxu acres, 1M miles from Fort Leavenworth. t6,vu0 bricK residence, SOU 46-year-old walnuta, luo augar maple trees, natural gaa two telephones free delivery, 1" miles from banta Fe sta tion; examine premises and write Mra. J L. aurby, UU Felix bt. Ut. Joaepo. Mo. Maataaa. WHOLESALE TRACTS II MONTANA, tbe coming farm state, (U.H to $20 , per aore. Write for description. Shaw dr. Clara Land Co.. Hackney Bldg., BL Paul. Minn. FOR BALE Bitter Root Valley, 330 acrea fine fruit land; old water right; beat see tloa of tbe valley; fina proposition tor sub division; fair buildings; eaay terms. Ad dress owner. K O. Lewis, Mtevenavliia. Mont. &0-ACRE homestead relinquishment for sale; also one hotel; on bakery; una gen et al atore; one saloon; one feed store. Ad dress Cluulua F. Brown. Oaljtta, Moot. Ntkrasks, CUSTER COUNTY, NEB. The great county which has nrodn.e.l more corn, wheat, oata and alfalfa during the year 1!11 than any other four couiilltl In the state of Nebraska. Custer county, Nebraska, Is the place to ooj came ii y,,u want it lor speculation lor farming, or for stock raising. Look aiotmd the "dry country" In eastern Ne braska and Iowa and notice the PA8 TCttEri and the cornfields, then o to Custer county and see the blue-stem grass waist high and as greon as it was In 'May and juuae ior ourseir. we nave about 4.ISJ0 ac iea of choice tarm. hay and grass land left out of the 11.000 acres that we placed ou the market some time ago. located both noithweat and south of Broken How (the county seat!, which we are selling very coeap ana on irrina nitiiin ine reach of all Any slue farm you want from 80 to Ml) acres, improved and unimproved. Do not delay if you want a farm that will dotitile in alue in a short time. Write us fui pi Ices and terms. F. T. WALKER & CO., 3-ti Brandels Theater Bldg., 6mah. VINE 40 acre ranch. U ml las from town. I quarters tame hay. balance wl.d bay and ski ore. o acres level, balance slightly lolling; heavy black soil; two flowing wells, t-room bouse, barn, granary aad rhlrken house: telephone; mile to school. This la an exceptionally fine ranch and a snap. II jeil on eaay terms. yOcorge E. Collins, owner. Atkinson. Neb- FINE EAST NEB. FARM. Ki'M per acre. Addreaa HI Chamber of tierce. Omaha. Mebraska oatlaaed. EASTERN "nT:BRASKA RARdAINS S A R V Y C O U N T Y l.'5 acres .'l1 miles from mtock yards, very higiil Improved; arrcs a'falla. Jo acres' pasture, t.lHnc In cultivation. Improve ments cons st of an 8-room house, modern, escept iifchts. but Is wired for electricity and piped for kbs. bnrn for X horses and c j tfins htv; dalrv barn for 1.0 cows; cow sheds, corrals and all necessary buildings j for an A No. 1 stock, dairy or grain farm, j Must be seen to be appreciated. Price. .'.O00. kO acrea tm-n ttillna frnin Hnilfh lltiialis nice Improvements. 12 acres alfalfa. I'll acres prairie hay. f acres pasture, balance I In cultivation; land lavs gently rolling, and Is one of the best farms in the county, i Has good 6-room house, barn for S horses ! and lo cows, with loft almve for hay. corn cftb, hog house, fine large cave and small orchard IS Jl'ST RIGHT for fine farm home. Price. $18,000. 80 acres. 8 mites from South Omaha and 2 mllna from inleriirhan -Hr line: acres ' aifalfa. 15 acres rlover and timothy, 7 acres pasture, balance in cultivation; 7-room house, barn for 8 horses and ;!5 tons of hav; hog house, cow harn. stone cave and nice large orchard all hearing. PRICE. $12,400. 1!7 acres. 4 miles from stock varus: im provements are old. but land Is just right for a stock and grain farm; about Ut acres alfalfa. 40 acres pasture, balance in cul tivation; fine large apple orchard, all hear ing; Rl'NMNU water In pasture; some nice timber along creek. Price $150 per acre. 170 acres, a miles from South Omaha and i miles from Interurhan car line, very highly Improved; S." acres alfalfa, 60 acres pasture and hay. balance In cultivation. Several acres of all kinds of hearing fruit. Improvements consist of a large modern house, bain 40x80 feet with full basement, arsre hoe house, machine sheds. Ice house, chicken house, etc. Could not duplicate improvements for less than $12,000. Price, $1.') per acre. 2 acres, 2 mlli irom South Omaha, witn two sets of improvements; some aifalfa. running water and some timber In pasture; is an ideal place for handling stock or for anyone wanting lo farm on a small scale. AVItl divide this place and sell 7 acres at $21:5 per acre, or 19 acres at $J30 per acre. Each place has Improvements. 320 acres. 5 miles from South Omaha and only one mile from Interurban car line; 72 acres pasture, balance in cultivation; con sist of an 8-room house, harn for 8 horses. corn crib for 10.000 bushels, hog house and other outbuildings; two good wells and water system. This Is all good land and Is priced very cheap at $.15,000. Reasonable terms. 1.1 acres unimproved truck farm. 6 miles from Sooth Omaha, one mile from Inter urhan car Hue. Bargain If taken at once. Price. J1.7B0. WASHINGTON COUNTY ISO acres. 2H miles from good town, 16 miles from Omaha; 18 acres alfalfa, 90 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and hay; 8-room two-story house, large base ment, barn, corn crib, granary, tool house. hog house, plenty of bearing fruit, and is one of the best and best improved all around stock and grain farms In the county. Price, $125 per acre. CASS COUNTY 80 acres, 1 mile from town on R. I. and B. A M. R. R.; gently rolling land, all tillable; Improvemeats consist of a 6-room house, barn for S horses, corn crib, gran ary, buggy shed, cob house, cave, well and windmill, all new; t6 acres In cultivation, 10 acres pasture, 6 acres prairie hay, small young orchard. Price $100 per acre. 80 acres. 14 miles from town of 2.6O0 peo ple, about 20 acres In cultivation, balance In pasture, but can all be farmed but about 20 acres, which Is In timber; land lays roll ing, but Is good soil. Price, $5,000. 80 acres. 3 miles from town, fair Improve ments; about 30 acres timber, 60 acres In cultivation, which lays fine; good pasture In timber; 15 acres fenced hog tight; small young orchard. Price $7,000, $4,000 cash, balance 8 years at 8 per cent. 160 acres, miles from Ashland. Neb., all heavy land; small Improvements; 60 acrea fine hay land, 110 aores in cultivation. A snap at $80 per acre. 273 acrea with fair Improvements. S miles from Greenwood, Neb., about 30 acres tim ber, balance In cultivation. This Is extra good land and Is priced much cheaper than surrounding farms, as the owner is an old man not able to do active work, and wants to close out his business. Price $80 per acre. C. R. Combs SOU Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phones Doug. 391S A3711. ."forth Dakota f'oatlnard. ONE of the nnei-t farms tn Richland county, consisting of M6 acrea of good, productive Isnd. Joining Wyndmere. Fine large buildings. lots of fruit, nice grove and never-falling flowing well. Price $.i7 n0 per acre and eaiy terms. Malt a Is ilson Land Co.. Wyndmere, North Da kota. Oklahoma. FOR PALE Or trade, lit acres In Story eoon'. v: all in cultivation; owi:er has moved away and must sell Address Willara, John, MusKogee. OKI. Ortgas. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued EXCHANGE for what ou want. Shopen tc Co., Ltitinra Expert. 1'axlon Bik. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued Improved 80 Acres Douglas County Eighty acres, five miles from Urctna, well improved, good house, barn, crib, chicken houses, etc.; 40 acrea cultivated. 10 acres hay, 6 acres alfalfa, balance In pasture with about 15 acres timbered. A good chance for a bargain, tfO per acre. J. H. Dumont & Son FREE, a home in the wonderful Harney valley, homestead lands on desert claims tn centrnl Oregon. For Information phone Harney 3M. P. P. Oiblin, 3016 California St., Omaha, Neb. 1C0 acres J'.j miles rruiu town; new, mod ern house, barn, tenement; 3." pear prune, tearing; 1.500 ;'oung trees, LOW) grape vines. ood water; wood. Or will sell SO acres tilth all improvements, tnvestigstion so licited. C. ii. Webster, The IJalles, Ore- Phone Douglas 690. 1006 Earn a in St. 160 Acres, $65 Per A. UNTIL SEPTEiUBER 1ST ONLY. 1U0-ACRE UPLAND farm, well located, handy to small town and good school, and within 26 miles of South Omaha, S. W. The cultivated land., 90 acres, lays well; in fact, far better than the average farm; balance wooded land, one-half of which also lies well. The improvements are small, consisting of 6-room house, atone founda tion, double granary and corncrtb, barn for six head, good well, small bearing orchard, etc. The soil Is good. The larm is a bar gain for $66 per acre; well worth 25 per cent more. Only one-third cash, balance five years, only 5 per cent. This should also go this week. Delaya are dangerous. ORIN S. MERRILL CO., Rooms 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. A Snap In Way of a Farm If you have $6,000 to tlO.OOo cash, come around and see me at once. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY. Rooms 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. 100 ACRES In Chaau county. NeDraaka; 12 miles south of Elsie; It taken soon will take $17.60 an aore; this Ms a good quarter section and can all be farmed; will take a good imO or 1911 automobile on the deal and carry the baluuce. F. A. Garland, Chariton. la. FOR BALE 320-acre well Improved stock farm, 28 miles southwest of Hastings. E a. Bee. 1.100-AC RE farm 7 miles southeast Baa sett, Rock county, Nebraska; 200 acrea In corn this year, large acreage In timothy and clover; good set of improvement Price. cV-'ibO per acre; one-third caah, bal ance easy terms at per cent CARL TENNIS. Z20 F. L. ft T. Bldg.. Sioux City, la. GOOD eastern Neb. farm land, $76 per acre, m Brandeis Bldg. HOMESTEAD aim acrea for $160 In cash; about 20 miles out; rich farm land; not sand. . Anot.ier 320 for $175 cash or In pay ments. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. 1.080 acres, 800 meadow; lakes; well im proved; near town; half trade. Walker & Co , 210 Brandeis Theater Bldg. I If art k Dakota. FOR SALE An exceptionally fine 180, 1 miles of elevator, six miles of Wyndmere, good, heavy, black soli. Wild Rica river through pasture. Fine new buildings, well of excellent water, windmill, etc.; $ii per aero 'this la a snap. Lock Box 11 Wyndmere, North Dakota. BUY AT scYEUATE. MONT. There's an honest opportunity for you to DOUBLE YOUR MONEY in a few years uy buying our Muaselahell vailey lands at RY Eel ATE. MONT, others aa making big money wny not youT 20.000 acres sold aince laiu aod over i.luo acrea since Febru ary. 16,000 acres to choose from at $10 to lit per acre. One-third down, balance in five equal annual installments at I per cent INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. Low fares on 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Illustrated folder free. 8end for It. Live local agents wanted In Iowa. Lib oral commissions to hustlers. Agency as plications solicited. Write us today WHEELOCK WHEELoCK Land Owners. Room O, Watklus Bldg.. Fargo. N. d.- INVF.iSTORS' OPPORTUNITY ashlng ton. Fine body land; close Portland. Lewis liver vailey. Pargain price Write for Information quickly. MacDuffee ei Wild. WJS Belmont. Portland. Ore. loath Carolina. LANDS-IjOO per acre made growing figs for preserves on the Islands. Orchards on easy monthly paymqpts. Eea Island Or chard Company, Charleston. S. C Wl.'l.t. ..SI a Iwl. l,r.rl i-uf' fin. rivttirew! fine locution; doing splendid business and a M.in.ut I . i a L a T- l n.iia. nua I . t Mur lnl.rMl. demanding his attention. Vtould consiaer traac roi eu improveu lana. i nie proposi tion will bear close Investigation. ecu i i & 11 1 1.1. Phone Douglas KM 5. i7 McCague Bldg. goatk Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA UNI) FOR SALE. We have a llfct of Edmunds county land (or sale at from $19 and up per acre. If Intel eted write us for particulurs and we will rend our prices and pocket map. If iou cm Ihiki in South Dakota, list it wait us. Our motto is "A Square Deal to Buyer and Seller." Olve us a chance to prove uur statement. Hasvold Land Co., Mlna. Edmunds county. South Dakota. WILL exchange choice farm land near Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, tor good Iowa or Nebraska land. What have you to offer? West Land Co., Pteii. S D.- 00-ACRE corn farm, out from Hloux Falls, excellent Improvements, large groi'i and fruit; all In cultivation; price for quick sale. $85: easy terms; also 24o well Im pioved. catty terms, and 160 acres unim proved. Thse are bargains for quick saia R. A. Silvlus. owner. Sioux Falls. 8. D.- JS0 ACRES IN DEUEL CO.. 8. D. Clo-e to the Mlnneaota line; heavy black toil: clay subsoil; lies very level and all under cultivation. Must be sold within 31 days to clore an estate. Halt of this year i crop goes with the price, $3e per acre, easy terms; .;,uo0 will handle it and it I a snap. No gravel, no stones, no foul weeds Address W. F. McOet. Lake Preston, Ji D. ONE-FOURTH SECTION FIVE MILEJ FROM TOWN. Fair Improvement. Price, $5,600. Equity. 12.400. Alask Real Estate Co.. Alaska, b. D. FOR SALE Section good raw land, all fenced; good flowing well; 8 miles from Plankiiigton, S. D. For particulars wrae J. K. OMalley, Philip. S. U- ' Texas. SPECIAL snaps In Texas Gulf Coast land. loin Ay res Land Co., Braiide.a Theatre. FORCED SALE To close partnership; TOO acres hardwood timber land; living water; 400 acres second boU:iu land; 75 acres cultivated. Ues on both sides of Cotton Belt Ry., Hfc miles from Malakoff. Tex. Railway switch 'n mile. A bargain at $26; price, $15 per acre. 11. C. Vanda veer, Athens, Tex. SEE the Bender Realty and Development Co., B. easing, Tex., or Merchants hotel, f I... l.n f , .r- knnlflal r. f r a n H i rr ,..... wan.,.!., i.vumi... w -' am FOR SALE Slxteen-acre improved (arm at Aldlne, Tex., 12 miles lrom Houston, tiuod roads. All under cultivation. Fins tig and orunge land. Mrs. M. B. Stafto-u, owner, Aldlne, 'iex. TEXAS landa. 210 Bee Bldg. D. 1123. TEXAS LANDS I have somo wonder fully attractive prices for home-seekers anl Investors. 1 handle bargains omy. Write yuur exact wants. D. E. Ulrica. lleid, Waro. 'lex. 10 ACRii FRUIT and truck farms, $16 caaii, balance monthly; no intereat; no taxes. W. S. Jones, 416 Brandeis liieatra. Washington. IRRIGATED WASHINGTON FRUIT LANDS. Raw alfalfa and orchard tracts; w-ter now on land, with permanent water rlnt; lju pe acre; easy terms; wr;te Ma.ej Lake Land and Irrigation Co., M'- Le.ii Hiug., beat lie. Wash. Wromlsi, WRITE this company for information about Cokeville and western Wyoming op portunities. 11 tali XT REAL ESTATE CO.. Cokeville. Wyo. S20 acres fine level bluck land In the Panhanuie ol Texas, ant Omaha prop erly or acreage. Price i.i.(i0 per sere. -room license and .' lots in South Omaha. Price. 2.5o".m). incumbrance $1,000.00. Want weMcrn .anu or mcii hanulse, 4ii acres in Deiu county Mjourl. Price, Jimoj per acie, tin umorance t.TOii.uO. Want Income property or merchandise. a ace highly unproved ngnt in Omaha, close to car line. Price. io,tc0oj incum btaiicc .',tKiO.il0 Want income property or l a i in land. 160 ac res In Minnesota, clear. Price. $25.00 per acre. NX ant income property or mer ehanuise. uooo work horse, weighs about 1.050 pin. nils; on net wants to ucal tor good u.ilch cow. v e have a largo list of good deals al wajs on hand. Call or write. FARMERS LAND CO., I 1014 City National Hank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. COLORED girl wants position as laun dress. Douglas 503X SITUATION WANTEK-lly a reliable chauffeur; 4 vrars' experience. Rest of Inference. Address K-50. Bee. OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET CAVERS ELEVATOR CO.. members Oivatia -irsin Exchange, wholesale otal.rj grain, hay, chop teed. 731 Bratideta. ROBERTS GRAIN CO.. grain consign ments .-ollclte.i. grain bought to arrive i28 Bandeis. WEEKS GRAIN CO.. grain merchants; consignments solicited. 7t3 Brandeis. THE Updike drain Co. Consignments carefully handled. Omaha, Neb. GEO. A. ROBERTS IRA IN CO.. con signments solicited. 617 brandeis. Bota phones $16,1X4) real estate .for farm. Owners; re ply n, 0f Hoe. REAL ESTA I LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1120 larnani St. GARVLs BROS.. d floor N. Y. Life. $50u to li,uAi on improved property. No delay. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Landa 1018 NtiA oinaha National Bank Kuildlng. LOANS to home owners and noma build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments tem.-aniiually. W. 11. THOMAS, Wl kuai National uanK Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. WANTZD City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F.' l. Vtcad, iiwu ilag., iMh i.iu t'arnam Si. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBKRG. CO, $16-212 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WANTED-FARM LOANS. Kloka In vestment Company, Omaha. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. 5 2, tlArt.on cit) and farm property. W. "96 7a?tR. MEIK.LE. 206 Ramge Bldg. first Trust Co., farm city loans. W8.U TAILORING FOR fall suits see A. Kodym. 1411 Harney. R. A. WUUama, clothe altered. 34 eV. Lake. Ladies', gents' tailoring. Pregler, 2908 Far. CLEANING, preaslng, etc. Miller, 817 Ns 40th. WAislbQ TO qOKhuwV CAPITAL for lumber business. Whole sale here or retail country yard. Will put my time against your money and split profits or pay 8 to 10 per cent interest. Ten years' experience retail lumber. Ad ores B 42, Bee. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 271. WANTED TO RENT RAILROAD LANDS UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COM PANY has Just placed on the market a large tract of land in Wyoming. These lands have heretofore been reserved from sale. This is the first chance to buy direct from the Union Pacific. Only 1-10 cash, 10 years' time on balance. CARBON COUNTY, WYOMING. Part of Price per Section. Sec. Twp. Rge. Acres. Acre. All 13 UN 83W 610.00 $4.00 All 15. 17, 21 21 84 1.H13.84 2.50 1 All 19. 29, 31 21 84 1,917 .62 2.50 1 (Will sell above 6 sections in 1 con tract at $2.25 per acre.) All 25 21 84 684.7. $3.50 All 3 and set; II 22 84 795.82 2.50 All 1, 3, 6, 7, 9 21 89 3.202.76 2.25 All 21 18 91 640.60 .'..,0 All 27 IS 91 640.00 2.50 WANTED TO KENT SMALL cottage, partly modern; must be in good condition; convenient to school and car line. Do not object to going pret ty well out. F 905, care Bee. WANTED To rent by man and wife, 1 or 2 unfurnished or partly furnished rooms in modern house, near Walnut Hill, N. 24th or Sherman Ave. car line. O 38, Bee. We have a large demand for houses and flats. List your vacant property Ivlth us. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. YOUNG married couple wish 4 unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping In good neighborhood, in private family pre ferred. Not too close in. can weDsier 1251. WANTED SITUATIONS LADY with child wants housccleanlng or work of any kind. 1' 996. Bee. WANTED A cook; no washing. 3811 Jackson St. Phone Harney 1166. All All All All All All All All 5 7 9 17 19 21 29 31 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 ADVERTISING managers attention: Man with 18 years' business experience, being well advanced in 1. C. 8. course of com plete advertising with grade of over 95 per cent, desires ad writing to ao In spare tune in older to procure practical experience with a view to taking position when found to be competent. Address B-26, care Bee. aA.NUl man about the house, wants steady position. Reference furnished. A 41. Bee. MAN wants day work. Douglas 4621. Call ior U in. Walker. 63G.69 2.50 618. 92 2.50 610.00 2.50 840.00 2.50 6"8..16 2 ..VI I 84O.0O 2.50 640.00 2.50 634.64 2.50 (3 sections in one contract $2.25 Per acre, or entire 8 sections at $2.00 per acre.) SWEETWATER COUNTY. Bett. 21. aJMtt, 27-29-31-33-35 20 93 3.971.43 2.25 All 21 and 29 21 90 1,280.00 $2.25 All 21 22 93 640.00 2.50 All 29 22 93 640.00 2.60 All .11 22 93 631.12 2.50 All a B 11 640.00 2.50 NO. 01 K. K. 6 19 94 87.50 2.50 All 1 , 20 94 411.20 2.25 All 7 20 4 646.12 2.25 All 11 20 94 640.00 2.25 All 13 20 94 640.00 2.26 All 19 20 94 648.65 2.25 aii 3 ana zi i and all 33 22 96 ( 1,920.56 1.75 Apply to J. A. GRIFFITH, Itnd Commis sioner V. P. R. R. Co., 224 Brandela Theatre Building, Omaha. Nebraska. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FINE TEXAS LAND 30 acrt., fine country, three miles from town, for sale or trade for city property; good reasons for selling. 4oJ-4 oinaha Nat I Bank. WE exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver, 812-13 O. N. B. Bldg Douglas 7846. LIST your exchanges wltb Jones, 4U Brandeis Theater. DANDY Vsectlon So. Dak. land, value $4,000, clear property or touring car. H 979, Bee. 1 HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For reaults see me. Dean. (17 Bee Bldg. D. 13UI. WILL trade six-room house and lot for 1911 five-passenger auto. W. O. Jensen. 04 Ware Block. FOR EXCHANGE Clear Omaha prop erty for southern California. Give full par ticolars In first latter. Box 84. San Gibriel, Cal. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WANT TO trade 3-room house and H-acre of ground worth $'oo, or a blacksmith shop and lot worth $400, In Mondamin, la., for horses and cattle. Call or address N. R. Ewlug, 201-5 N. tut St., Omaha, Neb. WANTED By elderly man, position as night watchman; old resident of city; temperate and responsible. Call Tel. Har ney 24;t8. COAL YARD MANAGER Last three years with large firm and over 10 years' experience clsow here, will consider a change. Strictly temperate and reliable. Al references; good salary expected. M 929, Bee. TWO neat colored girls want work. Call Webster 6036. PAPER RULER, 22 years old, with two years' experience, wants to finish trade; out-of-town considered. What have you to otter? A 26, Bee. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell's Ice cream. If Mrs. Homan, 1016 No. 29th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this flue Ice cream.' GERMAN wants work of any. kind. W 117, Bee. GOOD, sober colored man wants porter work. Phone 4990. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper employed dur ing the day wishes to keep small aet of books evenings or spare time for reason able compensation. F 84L car Be. SUCCESSFUL SALESMAN, clean record, employed, anxious to leave road, desires city selling or office work. M 36, Bee. A LADY with 3-year-old child wants position as housekeeper in some respect able home; can give good referencea. Ad dress D 23, Bee. LAUNDRY day work, Monday, Tueaday and Friday. Call B 2008. Ask for Laura. EXPERIENCED commercial traveler; five best of references and will tackle any ob; Interview Saturday or Sunday. Ad dress D 44 Bee. MIDDLE-AGED MAN. experienced as merchandise clerk. collections and aa as sistant bookkeeper, good In figures and penmanship; excellent references. Address H 46. Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOVERNMENT SALE INDIAN UNHS Absolute Title Given The unallotted lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, and not including the coal and timber segrega tions, will be sold at public auction to the hlKhest bidder at the following terms, times nnd places at not less than the minimum price stated In the advertisement: Orady county, Chlokasha. 5V8 tracts. ::7,."ifl0 acres. November 2. 3. 4; Stephens countv. Duncan. 730 tracts, 89.300 acres; November 6, 7. 8; Jefferson rounty, Ryan. 702 tracts, 49.4CA HCtes. Nov-mber 9, 10, 11; Love county. Marietta, tracts, vs. sen nt'res. November 13. 14. 15. 16; Carter countv. Ardmore. 1 178 tracts, 9.1.300 acres. November 17, 18. 20, 21, 22, 23; Murray county, Sulphur. 352 tracts, 26.000 acres, November 24. 21: Garvin countv, Pauls Valley, 621 tracts. 39.500 acres. No vember 27, 28. 29; McClain county, Pureed, 28i tracts, 14.600 acres, December 1. 2; Pon totoc county, Ada, 699 tracts, 45,200 acres, December 4. 5. 6; .Johnson county, Tisho mingo, 564 tracts. 39.200 acres. December 7. 8, 9; Marshall county, Madlll, 279 tracts, is.doo acres, uecemner it; Hryan countv, Durant. 508 tracts, 26.100 acres. December 12, 13; Atoka county, Atoka, 1,309 tracts, 121,000 acres. Deeember 14. 5. lg. jv. ii; i:OH county, Coalgate. 609 tracts, 54.6oo acres December 20. 21, 22; nuijlies county, Calvin. 487 tracts. 60,700 acres. December 28. 27; Pittsburg county, MeAlester. 1.630 tracts 157.100 acres, December 28, 29. 30, 1911, Janu ary I. 2: Haskell county. Stlgler, 418 tracts 20.3X acres, January 3, 4; Latimer countv Wllburton. 191 tracts, 16.000 acres. .Tanuarv 6; Leflore county. Poteao. 275 tracts, 21.80J acres, January , r-usnmatana countv, Antlers, 641 tracts. 62.000 acres. Janttarv 8 9. 10; Choctaw county, Hugo, 581 tracts' 37.600 acres. January 11. 12. 13: MeCurtsin county, Idabel, 778 tracts, 64,iW, acres, Janu ary 15, ir. ii, is. ihiz. rvot more than ICS acres of agricultural and 64C seres of other lands will be sold to one person In any on nation. Agricultural lands are those huv Ing a minimum valuation of $8.00 or more per acre. Terms are 25 per cent at the time of sale. 25 per cent In twelve months and 60 per cent In two years, with 6 per cent Interest. Payments must be made In the form of draft or certified checs, pay able to J. G. Wright. Commissioner. Upon full payment being made a- any time deed will Issue. Immediately after approval of sale certificate of purcnaae will Ifsue and possession be given, but cutting of timber or drilling or mining for minorals thereon will not be permitted until full payment of purchase price. Right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. For information apply to the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, Muskogee, Oklahoma, or any of the District Agents as to lands within their respective districts. Lists of these lands have been prepared bv coun ties, showing the terms of sale, the de scription of the various tracts and mini mum price. U will be impracticable to furnish each Inquirer all of these lists and It Is suggested that persons desiring suen Information specify the locality In which they are Interested. Rlue prints of the various counties, showing the location of the land to be sold, will be furnished upon application to the undersigned upon the payment of $60 for each county. In the form of draft or postal monev order. J. G. WRIGHT, Commissioner to the Five Civilised Tribes. Muskogee, Oklahoma, Au gust 1. 1911. RAILWAY TIME CARD "" NORTHBOUND. Twin Citv Express a 7:45 am Sioux City lAH-al a 3 "V. put Minn. Dakota rrx a 7 00 pin Twin City Limited . . . .a 8 .4., pm Minnesota l;nntes LASTBOUN I . Carroll Loral i i vlnm Daylight Chicago a , .4c ni Clilcaao Local alJ iM pm Colorado-Chicago a 4:10 pm t hicKuci Special a 6:"2 pm Pacific Coast-Clilcago. .a g.;t pm Los Angeles Limited ..a S 50 pm Overland Limited a T V. pm Carroll Local i 4:: pm Fast Mail a 8:30 pm Cedar Rapids. Sioux City Omaha Centennial State '.lii.. I" 0 mn WESTBOUND. 1ng Pine a 8 i am Norfolk-Dalas ' a 8:00 am loop tMne-Llneoln a 2:15 pm Hastltips-Superlor b 2:13 pm Deacnvood-llot Springs. a ::5." pm Casper-Lander a ,1:5". ntn Fremont-Albion b 6:S0 pm thlcNKo t.reat Western Chicago Limited a 8 ;15 pm Twin City Limited a 8:4. pm Twin City Express a 8.00 am Chicago Express Local Pas3enr a 6:16 pm Illinois Central- aio a .1 a 9 a 7 all: a 6 a 10 ,t a al: a 9 a 10 a 3 11 16 all a 10 a 5 b 5 a 5 nil b 1 Chicago Express Chicago Limited Minn. -St. Paul Ex... Minn. -St. Paul Ltd.. tklrsgs, Rock . .a 7:00 am ..a 6:no nm ..b 7:00 am ..a 8:00 nm A Par a 3 a 8 pm pm H :n am am pni I m pm I in ii ni pni (',, am am pm pm pm am" pm pm pm pm pni pm am pm Pm pm am Island EAST. Rocky Mountain Uiu. ,al2:3R am i no Mountaineer a 6.45 am Omaha Day Express Chicago 1ocai rasa bl0 :t6 am Chicago Express a 4:i0 pin Dea Moines Local Pns.-c.a. 4 pni Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a 6:V pin WEST. The Mountaineer a S 01 am locai 1'ass to Lincoln. a H li, Hm Colo. -Cal. Express a 1:15 pm tiki. & Tex. Express, .a 5:00 pm Chi. -Neb Ltd. Lincoln Rocky Mountain Lld..alO:45 pm Ihlrago, Milwaukee v t. Pa 8:00 am If Ic- alO a ? a 4: bin. a 1: i: pm am pm pm I'm pin in a 6:40 am n 4 all Overland Limited Omana-Chicago Ex.., rerry Local Colo. -C at. Express.... t olorado bpecial Perry Local W abash Omaha-St. Louis Ex. Mall and Express sianb y Lei .from C.BJb 6:oo pm Missouri Paclllc K. C. & St. L. Ex a 9:20 am K. C. & St L. Ex all:16 pm pm am pm am ...a 7:60 pm ...b 7:15 am ...a 6:.ib am ...a 8:ou pm ...a 7:42 am ...b 6:lj pm .a 6 JO pm CO.: am 912 am a 9 all bio Pm Pm am Pin in pin am am pis Darlington Station loth and Masoa. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION 'it-nth and Mason. tnlos Pacific Depart. Arrive. San Fran. Overland L..a 9:45 am a 7:40 pm China and Japan F. M.a 4:05 pm a 5:45 pm Atlantic Express a 6:45 am Oregon Express 811:35 pm a 5:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. .al2:45 pm a 8:30 pm Denver Special a 7.04 am a 7:27 am Centennial State Spec'!. all ::0 pm a 12: 25 am Colorado Express a 3:30 pm a 4:50 pni Oregon-Wash. Limited. al2:50 pm a 8:20 pm North Platte Local ....a 8:15 am a 4:45 pm Grand Island Local ...a 6:30 pm al0:30 am Stromburg Local bl2:41 pm b 1:20 pm Chicago A Northwestern Burlington Depart. Denver & California... a 4:10 pm Puget Sound Express. ..a 4:10 pm Nebraska points a 6:20 am Black Mills HM:10 pm Lincoln Mail b 1-20 pm Northwest Express all :35 pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am Nebraska Express a 9:16 am Lincoln Local bchuyler-Plattsmouth ..b 3:06 pm Lincoln Local a 7:25 pm Plattsmouth-low a 9:18 am Beilevue-Plattsmouth ..al2:20 pm Chicago Special a 7:15 am Denver Special all:35 pm Chicago Express .'...a 4:20 pm Cnicabo Fast Express. .a 6:jo pm Iowa Local a 9:15 am ureston ila.l Local b 3:30 pm St Louis Express a 4:30 pm K. C. & St. Joseph alO:45 pm K. C. At St. Joseph a 9:15 am K. C. t St. Joseph a 4:30 pm Arrive. a 3:45pm a 3:4opm a 8:10 pm a 3:45 pm al2:16 pm a 7:00 am a 8:10 pm a 6. 10 pm b 9 os am b!0:2O am a 7:50 pm a 8:uo am a 2:40 pm all:15 pm a 7:00 im a 3:65 pni a 6.00 am ul0:30 am hiu:45 am all:45 am a 6:5 am a 6:10 pm 11 1 Ids iav nil" a long bet ii n reel-toft To Settler Dlspate. Desiring. If possible, to settle T 11.... IF nn. h . tn I TIM niHTIUlV , ...... n I pi.hib. I ,nn liriwceil inr pinm i . v -a i -. v. . , ,i ,.. Ill' Slid miuoiOMr woo tut- . ivj -i!,, . grtid to the specifications of the new water main to the Deaf institute, the council authorized Engineer Craig to go to Lin coln for a conference. The engineer In sists that a larger main must be put In than the hoard seems willing to pay for. The city engineer was authorised to atop the construction of a dock above the aide walk on Jones street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. The dock Is planned by Samuel Katx, a wholesaler, who has a dock there now for facility In loading. He wants to put In one of concrete. The Ar mour Packing company and the Ctidahy Packing company, which own the build ings on cither Bide of the Kats property, are the protesters and before th' con struction is allowed the whole matter will be Investigated. The expenditure of $50 was authorized for safety appliances to be used by window washers. The mayor was ordered to' xe cute the contract with the gas company which was offered to the council two weeks ag'j for approval. Resolutions were adopted on the death of Mrs. Rrucker. wife of Councilman O. F. Brucker. Webster Station 15th and Webster. Missouri Pacif ice Auburn Local CblcaKO, St. Pa Omaha Sioux City Express.. Omaha Local Sioux City Pass Twin City i'uss Emerson Local (b) daily, except only, lai dally Arrive Depart ....b 1:60 pm hll:.r5 am al, Minneapolis dt Depart. ..b 2:25 pm Arrive. bl2:06 pm c 6:25 pm c 9.25 pm u a.CA . . .v x.uv jmi. v ,.lv HTIl Sunday, (c) Sunday .b 6:45 am .b 5:65 pm Opinm Trade Restricted. LONDON, Aug. 22. A dispatch to the Times from Peking says the Chinese gov ernment, with the assistance of the BritiBh government, is taking measures to restrict Hie Importation of opium. The entry of uncertified Indian opium through Hong Kong is permitted only In limited quanti ties, and after January 7. 1912. Persian opium will be excluded. No Indian opium Is permitted to enter Manchuria or the provinces of Shamil or Szechuan. POLICE GET BACK MUCH PELF Arreat W alter lloyd, Who Has la Vie Possession Many Missing; Art Idea. The police believe they have In custody an originator of a new Idea in thieving a professional ransacker from a place thought to he Ransackervllle. His name he gave as Walter Boyd and his bat Is hung in a new location every day, so he has no address, unless it's the above tloned city. Officers Fahey and Morgan answet-ed the call of an irate landlord at 1922 Dottge street at 9 o'clock last night and at it ate persons reouest gave inr. noya s night's lodging at the city prison. He was charged aa a suspicious character because his grip contained sundry articles reported-tnli-slng from the rooming house of T. t.'. Pattlns, 2224 Howard street, and from 1922 Dodge street. Mr. Hoyd had boarded at that place for one day, and the next It was found that he and a number of safety razor:, rings and other things belonging to residents of the house, had gone. nxen- V Hetty ;re-e-n Most Par Tnxee. CHICAGO, Aug. 22 Mrs. Hetty Green. America's wealthiest woman, today failed to get a reduction on the assessed valua tion of her Chicago property, despite the vigorous protests of her lawyers before the board of review. Mrs. Green's lawyers declared the property belonging to her and assessed nt $185,000. was not worth more than $140,000. OMAHA BOOKLOVEE'S CONTEST Ey-" "T3 "SSM If Mlsta WANTED A position as housekeeper In small family. Address G 47, Bee. TRADE Eastern Nebraska farms for Omaha Income property. Nicholas. 4li Brandela Theatre. National Investment Co. trades everything. F1R8T-CLAS.S bookkeeper, emploved dur ing the day. wishes to keep small TT of books evenings or spare time for reason able compensation. F 841. care Bee. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN desires a posi tion as housekeeper or day work. 'Phone Red 6168. WANTED Situation as housekeeper In rooming house or hotel; experienced. Call at 190 Farnam St. Automobile $2,000 10 Acre Ranch $1,250 Player Piano . . $900 . ) Suburban Lot $275 Suburban Lot $225, Encyclopaedia $96 Encyclopaedia $96 ! Encyclopaedia -$96 Child's Encyclopaedia $36 Child's Encyclopaedia $36 5 Prizes of $10 Cash... $50 10 Prizes of $5 Cash . $50 v 10 Prizes of 2 Cash 320 20 Prizes of $1 Cash $20 TOTAL $5,150 aTl a I m . mm A Al m. catalogues on which ruzzic piciures a based the one from which the Contest Editor makes the pictures are on sale at The Bee busi ness office. Sla 30c--Cata!ogues--25c om )