Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
The Bee aims to prist piper
thst appeals to the intelligent,
set to us appetite for c.ards:
and sensstions.
Annual Conference of State Execu
tives to Be Held at Spring Lake.
N. J., September 12 to 16.
Addresi of Welcome to Be Delivered
by Governor Woodrow Wilson.
Executive of Nebraska and Missouri
Will Discuss Irtiamte Rates.
Lmrraor l kralarkt Will talk of
llir f-oaal Milt ire of taafereare
I it ( form lilivrrr l aw Mar
Br (aiitiirrrt.
.-r-H!i.; lake, n J Aug a
The pro- (
t, uii of ihe annual conference of the gov
ernors of tt. elates of the union to no;
held here (September 12 to IS. waa mad :
pubth today alter a consultation by Gov- j
11 nut Wilson of Nn .lerse, chairman of
the committee on arrangement, with otnrr
members of the committee.
Lmpl acts . .nhentanoe tax, rix-
iiili of tnira-atett rat", end public utilltie I
and jr-soii labor 1I1 be the principal topics I
discussed In th f,- dava rathrrin. It la
(M ted ibMt thinj -at-von govrrnora will
aitond. lm ii l four moro than the num
ber which atf n:-d the n,mn: caJid by
roiii-iit l'.uoHtvr'i in WOT ai the M"h;tr
tfi ttu o-nliiK day Governor Woodrow
M'llnon Wi.l makv an aJdrean to lnt-b G.v
ornor Jowcpb M. tarry of Wyoming will
1-Lxi.oiid. Uovt-mor Auruwtua E. Mliaon
. Kentucky will maKe the oponlnc d
dtfcriK n ' 'o:.Hiuuttie i,f the Governor'
Conference " Goetnor Edwin 1. Noma
of Muniatia and Governor Kmmett ONiml
of wiU diat-uaa otreriRt honing
me J'oer ot Knecjtivoa."
Cn M edti. nday the aub.iert of "Empioyerg
l-lubil ty and Working Men'a ( ompenna
tion will tie d.aunhed liy Governor Charlea S.
Iwrieen of iJiitiom and fcugena N. Fom of
, On 'J huiBt-ay Governor John A. tlx of
New 1 01 k ana Governor Edmond W. Noel
of Ivl.NHlum, .i will umruaa "The lnberliano
Stat.huoh and Stae tom.ty." "The R.ght
o; Uie Mate to fi intrmtata TrmXlic
flatec' wiil be the subject for Governor
Heibert S. Hadley or Juiaaourl and Chea
ter 11. Alurii h 01 Nebraaka.
'Ktate lontioi of rtllltloa" will
be the auli.rect of addrcfaea on Friday by
Governi-K Kraneia E. VloGovarn of Wla-i-onsin
anu leryi F. Carroll of Iowa. Sat
urday. Governor Crwald M eat of Oregon
i.nd Chatie E. Oaborn of Michigan will
talk on 'Probiemi" of Friaon Lbor." Tbe
mnfercnc will adjourn at noon on Satur
day. '1 litre la a poKilbility the subject of uni
form divorce lawa may be brought up dur
ing the con;ereni-e.
Wilson-Wiley Matter
Factor in Convention
Controversy Threatens to Divide As
sociation of State Pood and
Dairy Departments.
IU'LUTH. Minn., Aug. 2S A struggle In
the convention of the Association of State
and National Food Ialry departments
meeting here 1 expected to develop ever
the Wiley-Wilaon controversy.
Many effort of many delegate to keep
the matter down have proved uaeleaa, ao
cordlr.g to the friend of Tr. Wiley, and
the question will be threehed out In the
The Wiley men are arranging a tele
gram to be went to Ireldent Taft and Dr.
Wlle The contents of the messages are
being watched rlonely and every delegate
la being asked to sign it.
Lpclu H. Brown of Nashville, for whom
a quiet boom ha been started, ts expert e
10 be the nrxt president of the association.
The election probably will take place Fri
day next.
Ohio. Virginia and the state of Washing
ton are after the next convention.
Thia moming'a program Included discus
sions on "Standards In Their Relation to
the Enforcement of Food Law," fey Dr.
Charles D. Woods, executive food and drug
commlsaioner. Orono. Me , and Dr. M. E.
Jaffa, director food and drug laboratory
Berkeley. Cel., and "Sanitation tn the Man
ufacture and Kale of Food Produeta," by I
Dr. William . Woodward. District of Co
lumbia, and lr. H. E. Barnard. Indian
apolis. Ind.
The Weather.
eal Stecard.
lrci. 1111. imb. iwjs.
. 1 K 71
- W- 71 57
. C si' K M
Higtiest yesterday
Low net esteraay
Mean teniiK-reture
Temiwrature and precipitation denarture
from the normal .
Normal trmpoiature tj
Deficiency fur the day jii
Tina! exoens since March 1 7i
Normal precipitation IS inch
lwticunrv for the da' 18 im-h
Tatal rainfall since March 1 t On met. a
1 irrifieni-y aince March 1 II K inch
lficirncy for oor. period, 1C1...M ik im-hes
lficieucy for tor. period, lis... ; c inches
Hresrii fraai siatlaae at T P. M.
Station and Rtats Terns. Blgb- Rain-
leaiar-rai. ee at Oaaaa Teatrrday.
I 3 Hour. Teg
, t a. ni S
rrt rj m u
MP J 7 a m ES
I Sam to
JT a m
r iv 'u a. m 2
t, p. m..
r!?- tVS:::.":::::::::5
a p ra
of Weather. I p. m. eat tall.
Cheyenne, ram C .
Davenport, cloudy 7v
l4iver partly cloudy HI 7 .
De Moines, cloud v a gk m
IkHlr City, cloudy an .
lainoer. c-iaar 7t 74
North Plane, partly dandy r T
I Cloud) s S M
i.iebio. j'ui-ti cloudy u:
' ' 1ty rlouay hi T 1
' ukr Citv. s ii mi
. . '. tn:y cloudy 7i .M
.-iierldau rain 'M es .an
nioux CTlty, cloudy ft s t
Valentine cloudy 14 aa .Xi
T tudiiate trace of p red Dilation.
L. A, V, EL8H. Local t urecaater.
Officers Find No
Clue to Painting
Taken from Louvre
Pictuie Mar Have Betn Taken by Jfcu ;
messed use orurig-man vmio
v isits traiierv uriy in .uay. i
F .;!-. Kuu S. Louis Lepme
th pi
tec ,.i rk v
nn mi net kiti in rrga-fl to the disappear- ,, m- L..u,rr ..r u..inn i !
Vwii : mos: famous work, known general!
- 1 .,:.." i.ut T.i,t.uai-i aued bj .
Hit- litipiii "La Jo'-ntide " t
I"i to it. is af-crnoot, not a
t-aoe of th '
pn 1:111 or the thief I sd twen found
t it
! rally i-iiii' ' that een a dull per
, son unu'-d ha , e terre-ved the irrtiossihi;ity ,
of k(,:mj a " ork well known, irfl ac- 1
comI.hp'v pr-ycholof: ra' explanat ion of the
Btrarif;'' case are noupht
Tfie attendant? at the Salon Care. where
the paitititig liad the place of honor for
fne year. nw tli of hiviti wondered at 1
Uie rapt and loruiitig r trard given the por- 1
trait by a young man who during recent
p,.k, frequently vlaited the Louvre Hu
apjarance KucrnMed that he wa of a 1
northern race He wa blonde and bad blue
eyes He would paz wtrangety at tha dark
Italian beauty a though enthralled with
her "divine mi'e " Now the theorj- pre- ;
aented to M Hainard. of the French '
aeiret aervlce. la that thl man of disor
dered fancy ha abducted !nna LJaa" eo
that h may hae her alway near him.
Iacr, of the efanger are being '
distributed, in thin connection artiatu are
telling rtorie of Infatuation .with work
of art and the for atatue and por
trait of madmen who would plot to ob
tain poFefSion of works which they oould
not buy. The official belief wan expreaaed
today that the portrait wa taken by a
penon who. dinc-uiaed a a workman, en- !
tered the muxeum between 7 and I o'clock
yeaterday morning.
According to one of the finrt atone told
two maaon were pausing through the
salon at 7:S0 o'clock when one of them,
pointing to "Mom Llna," said to the other:
"That Is the finest picture In the '
Loux-re." j
An hour later an attendant mlaned the j
picture from It at-PUBtomed place, hut
suppoeed that It had been removed to per- ;
mlt of it being photographed and no did
not report the matter. The Louvre wa
cloned today.
Dr. Pecival, Ousted
From Chicago Place,
Former Nebraskan
Chicago Account Shou-s He Was Sum
marily Relieved from Dunning
Hospital is Cook County.
3. F. Pecival. whoae dismissal from the
Dunning insane hospital at Cfctcage has
been chronicled, waa superintendent of the ,
Norfolk state hospital for the Insane under '
the Phallenberger' administration. The fol- !
lowing from a Chicago papxr is the acoount
at Dr. Feoival difficulty wltb the Dunning i
Ir. J. T. Pecival, superintendent of the I
Dunning Institution, wa "fired" yesterday
br I'eier bartsen. Dreaident of the count v
! beard.
Lr. Fecival retires a a result of the 1
reeit exiKiRuree of crueflty to insane i
tatlents. The office 1 to be fi'.led tem
)Krarlly by the business manager, Henry 1
Lynch. j
Following a conference lat evening be- 1
tweeri the preaident and the new superin
tendent It waa announced that official at
the institution who have been basking in
the favor of Dr. FecJvaJ wouid go in a few
The utrintendent's "realgnBtlon" de--elopl
from a stormy sesBlon in Brtsen
office yesterday morning
"1 have resiKned Bartaen demanded It."
stated the superintendent as he lell the
county building.
"If Pecival want to say he wa fired I
will not deny it." was the manner in which
the count board chief explained the mat
ter, however.
lT. Pecival was appointed as superin
tendent at Dunning by Bartaen on Febru
ary . 111. He is a Chlcaaroan. but has
practiced medicine in Nebraska and Kanaa.
"1 knew one month alter 1 assumed the
office that Bartsen waa after me." aaid
Dr. Pecival last nisrht. "He did not like
It because I waa not hi appointee. I sup
poa if 1 was more- of a politician 1 could
have kept myself in the position, but I
have attended strictly to business. That
i not the kind of a man wanted for a
superintendent. It i a shame that such a
man aa Bartsen should be at the head of
trie county institutions
(TIB srvpryininic is omora,iixd at nunnlnc
nea have been reappointed and sent back
ts me. I had no authority. The evidence
--ey ano miss iwriiinnis
were dismiasnd wa positively laughable in
Its absurdity."
Bakers in Need of
Scientific Methods
KAKSAS CTTT, Ma.. Aug. 2a Education
in tbe sciences for bakers "that they may
knew the why as well as the how of the
bread making husinesa." was advocated ay
Prof Q. L. Teller of th Col urn bu labor
atories, Chicago, addressing the third day's
session of the .National Association of Mas
ter Baker here today. Prof. Taller pro
posed that technical education for bakers
be given in connection with college courses,
in the same way that agricultural courses
are given.
"The instruction of a course in bakliur
at ( should be founded on the best that can be
lener aaio: in no other lndustn
f 1 can InatrucUon of thl kind be given more
J , readily than In baking. The tendency in
uku j n umir lur me pupil to lollOW
la tha footstep ot tbe master, carrvinr
j out the same daiiy rouuna it u the great -
est o. o.essmgs inai in. apprentice syem I
of learning a trade baa ao largely gone!
out of ue " j
had Joint: built tbe playbouae. The latter, j
how ever, wa not permuted 10 aleep ther j KANSAS C1TT. Ang. S -Th increased
ou account of the chilly iud the 1 ,ric of meat which the packers prophs
Sapaon youngsters occupied th place alone ! would result from thl summer s
Litile Max aaa charred beyond recognition
when found and Herman, who was burped
tram head to foot, lived but a few houra
The fir started tn the vk:inity of the back
porch of the Lockart horn and damaged
nothing more than the adjoining play-
Stirfe rrwTiste-e af UakaHr la De-
PrwTtste af Laaaarir Sa
TMialrl ay at lad as
ROME. Aug Si Torrential rain, ac
companied by tuyh winds, have fallen for
twenty-four hours in Lomherdy, devastat
ing the rich province. Many houses have
sees blown down and some taialiuos have
resulted. Bmdges have been carried away
fey swsulkBa stream and enormous aamage
Autie ta vineyards.
Re Ire nth merit Orden Oveifcha.dom ed
by Development in Situation
Among- Trainmen,
Trainmen Voting to Decide Whether
War Against Roads Shll Start.
taction Jten uiscnarpett, lorces items;
Put on Winter Basil.
Rearkrl ("llamas aaa 1
Will Be Released
Tals Tlaae
I Local Interest relative to retrenchment
; by ths railroads ha become overshadow sd
by tb Illinois Central strike situation, ths
center of which is new hovering ever Chl
. cag-o, but Is rapidly extending out along ths
; lines to every point where a man is em
ployed In ths operating department of ths
1 Information come to Omaha that in and
I srout d Chicago and at all other point
where any l.rge number of men are em
ployed a vote is being taken on the question
of whether or not a strike shall be declared.
It Is said that not only are the men voting
on thi proposition, but are also voting on
the proposition of forever lemalning out
unless their organization are recognised
by the company.
! Illinois Central trainmen coming into
, Omaha are very reticent over the prospect
1 of a strike, maintaining that tn the event
' one Is orucred it will be of long duration.
If the men should go out. railroad officials
here express the opinion tnat it will not
extend to other Harriman lines, coniend
! lng that on them the greateat harmony
! between officials and men sow exists.
So far aa retrenchment ot the L'nion
Pacific is concerned, it 1 generally be
lieved that tbe end has been reacned. All
kind of storiea nave been in circulation aa
to the number of persons temporarily laid
off at the shops, luen employed there,
however, stale that Uie numuer will not
exceed lw and are aii men who arc
practically new in Uie set vice,
attenuon being paid to tbe seniority uf
service ruis 111 relieving the men.
(.ertlaa faaaae He area..
Persons coming from North Piatt state
that xruui tual uity eat 10 uuiana and at
least aa xar west aa bioney the Xoiuas on
the secuona have been reouoed to ins
winter uaaia, one anu xwo men being let
out on eacu aaiig. They, however, state
that the roaabea is in Uie beat cuaaiuun
of uie Union Pauillc ayatem ana Uiat there
la very l.tue to ou oat run over Uie una
and look axusr einergenciea la the avant
they shuuid occur. -
At the ouiah anops, aa well aa at other di
vision po.n.D ou the a stein, there are many
liiie eiifcUiea, yet tne percentage is but a
liacuuu greater than at the same dale
during pies lull years. bUlt, it Ik expected
tiiai moat of these will go into service dur
li.g the lien UiJty Cay a, hauling commod
lUKfc to market.
One reaaon for laying out freight train
is the tact that the run of grass ted catue
1 unusually late this year. the
early part of the summer Oie range was
extremely cry and the grass became pretty !
well burned out. Catue failed to lake on
fleah, but since the rain set in Uie range
has impro.ed until it is in prims oundiuon.
Caitle are fattening with woncienul ra
pidity and within tbe next thirty days there
will be tra.n loads of them coming to the
Omaha market.
Hi aw Price Aatlrlaatrd.
Again. This year the farmers, looking
forward In anticipation of much higher
prices, have been holding their wheat.
This fact has bad much to do with a let
ling down in ths freight business, causina
a corresponding tailing off in ths offices
where train movements and the movements
of tbe freight is handled. Now the wheat
it ia sa.d, has commenced to move at a
fairly lively rate, and this alone, it is pre
dicted, will give considerable impetus to
business. 1
The California fruit traffic has been much
Uter thD u"uaJ ltii tlc " rreat
measure has held eaatuound business from
th. Parific cuuit down to the maximum.
Now, though, the grape crop is ready to
move and the output of the central portion
! of the state, alone, is estimated at b.uhi
carloads, of which the Central and the
Vniun Pacific will handle L.IM) to the east.
At the Union station, where eight men
formerly looked after the care of the pas
senger trains, making temporary repairs,
six are bow doing the work, but they are
kept on the hustle all the time.
In the general office tbe people who
have been relieved tram duty have no iU
feelings against the company, realising
that business has been falling off during
the last six to eight months. At the same
time they realise that they have not bees
discharged, but are taking extended vaca
tions and expect to return to work when
business improves so that their services will
be required.
II UU1UOU1U J. 1. lutj
of Beef is Higher
" "
' Advance Predicted by the Packers on
AcCOUUt of the DTOUth is
drouth ha arrived and prices still are on
, the up grade. F. W. Robinson of the
, w holesale beef department of Armour
j plant said today he was unable ts leU
when the advances would stop,
! The wboleaal prioe or the best grade
I of beef ha umjied S cents in th last
' sixty days. Pork also is on the advance.
i MTU beef may be bought at about
I the same prloe aa sixty day ago, but th
packers aay there is light demand toi
the cheaper quality.
1 The average increase on tbe choice cut
of a carcaa ot beef at the packing houses
1 i oent pound. Good beef sold at
Good beef sold
retail at the Armour plant at 7 and t oent
June 1. The aaaie quality now ia bnntrig
i cent a pound. The retail prior Is increasing-
with the packers' price.
"The drouths which prevailed over the
feeding lands an summer caused ths ad
vance." said Mr. Kobineiin today.
Oraer. H.v. -i
"a. 1 '
, . A III
1 IJ .
-alar 1 . ' j. sV
11 vi-fi&
vrA 1 sri
1 v.
The Cleveland Plain Dea,er.
Relation of National City Bank to
Subsidiary Company Involved.
Attwraey Or era I llellevea Holdlaa; of
Mark la Other C'oiasiaales by Beak
Is lllrsral MeeVeagh Takes
Caatrarr View.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 23 Secretary Mac
Vearh will not make any derision at this
time upon Attorney General Wlckeraham
report, which holds that the relation of
the National City bank of New Tork and
the National City company mav be a trans
gresRlon of the national banking laws. Be
cause of what 1 believed to be a difference
of opinion between the two cabinet officers
all the paper tn the case will be sent to
President Taft at Beverly.
That President Taft would review the
case developed suddenly today as Secretary
MacVeagh was ready to make public the
attorney general's findings and his own
d eels. on. For that reason he declined to
give any intimation of hi position, but It
is known that nearly all his advisers feel
that If any definite attitude toward the
extension of the influence of national banks
Into trust companies and securities com
panies were announced at this time, the
whole question of financial legislation
might be entangled when it comes up at
the next session of congress with the mone
tary commission report.
Mr. Wlckersham's findings deal directly
only with the reported holding by the
National City bank of other bank stock
througt, the medium of the National City
company. The question of the interest of
national banks in trust companies arose
aa a consequence of three findings, and
i oireoieo to in u.r
I holdln of th Continental-Commercial
' N"-'-loJ nf Chicago. In the Conti-
Ileniai ana commercial a rust cuuipKiir
Attorney General Wlckersham takes the
position that centralisation of banking
companies might take place If national
banks were allowed to acquire the stock;
of other hanking Institutions. The Treas
ury department for about ten years has
been tacitly approving such relationship
with certain limitations. In order that the
national institutions might meet the com
petition of state banks, which usually
ojerate under very liberal provisions. Aside
from the question of the public policy,
Secretary MacVeagh's advices, it is said,
that no provision of the national bank act
has been violated.
Eagles WiU Elect
Their Officers Today
Figrht for Grand Presidency Between
John 7. Cusack end Frank E.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. . Joseph J
Cusack and Frank E. Herlng were named
as opposing candidates today tor grand
I president of the Fraternal Order of Eagle
I The election will be held tomorrow and
the delegates to the grand aerie are con
fronted by the most exciting contest for
officers in the history of the order.
William J. Brennon of Pittsburg, whe
is a candidate for grand vice president,
refused to become the Insurgent candidate
for president
John F. Maloney of Watertown, X. T..
arrived yesterday and announced himself
as an Insurgent candidate for grand secre
tary. Tli eld guard candidate is John S.
Parry of San Francisco.
The report of the grand treasurer, Fin
lay McRea. submitted today, show a cash
balance on hand of KX.223, an increase of
nearly IS.009 over last year. There are
time deposit amounting to SM). and in
tli yeui viio was transferred to the
'frneral fund. Total disbursements for the
maintenance of the grand aerie were f "9
The J el spate showed great enthusiasm
in adopting a resolution declanr.g that
Japanese comjietition on th Pacific coast
has retched "an alarm, tig stage, seriously
.leopard izing the livelihood of American em
ployer and workers."
. .
f the Orcaalaatlaa is (ki
by aa vei-a, belailag
DETROIT, Aug. 23. The orgaiuxation ele
ment in the Loyal Order of Moc-ae. now as
sembled her in annual convention, was
Heel". " rMjS.
1 m
election of supreme officers, according to. " r "'.'k"iwut
the results as given out officially todsy. ! Will Not Return to Waihinf
as follows: ton Until October.
Inctator, Arthur H Jones. Indianapolis; I WASHINGTON. Aug a. Secretary wii
vice dictator. Ralph W. E. Dongea. Cam- 'son left Wash.ngton today for a few week'
den, N. J.; prelate. Walter E. Iorn. ban rest and recreauon in the weal. Much of
Fraiiciaco: treasurer. D. F. Crawfurd. the time will 1 spent at h.s Iowa home
Pittsburg, aergeant-at-arma. E. L. Wail, i H probably wi.i not return to V ashliigton
New Orleans, trustee, J. J. Flnu. Jersey
City: member of Uie supreme council, Delos
R. Rogers. Louisville; inner guard, i. J.
j Keogh Vatiimors.
That Summer Vacation
v .
. '
; ,'N . 7T
Neig-hbor: Tes, Til Feed the Chickens.
Big Ransom Paid for
German Engineer
Held by Bandits
Dr. Edmund Richter Rescued After
Long; Captivity in Macedonia
Captive of Grek Society.
BERLIN. Aug. 23 A dispatch from
Salonika. Turkey, today states thst Dr
j Edmund PJchter. the German engineer who
was captured by Greek bandits and held
for a ransom of tZE..MP. ha been rescued
on the Greek frontier and Is returning to
Dr. Kichter was enfrared in mapping on
Mount Olympus, In the wild frontier region
between Turkey and Greece, under the
auspices of a German geographical society
w hen he fell Into the hands of the brigand
on May 25. The capture took pace Inside
Turkith territory and hi escort of Turkish
gendarmes was killed. Letter from La'.tos,
the bandit leader, demand. ng a ransom
were delivered by Turkish villagers.
The German government acted promptly
and a small army of Turkish soldiers was
sent in pursuit of the bandits. At the
same time representatives of the German
government and of the geographical so
ciety scoured the mountains, taking with
them the gold for the ransom of the doctor.
For weeks the search was without result.
Recently news dispatch es stated that the
pursuit had neen abandoned as It bad been
learned definitely that Richter was held
in Tiranovoe on Greek territory in the
bouse of one iHvyannis. The news dis
patches alto Insisted that the doctor, like
Miss Ellen Stone, the American missionary
who wa held by a Bulgarian band In 191
for IG6.O00. had been captured not by ordl
rary mountain brigands, but by the Greek
National society, the capture being or
ganized by Captain Strati, formerly a
Greek officer who once lived in America,
and that the affair was an incident of the
border warfare between detachments of
Greok and Bu'garians.
The ransom, it was assumed, wa destined
to further the parti sun warfare breaking
out anew In Macedonia.
Progress Toward
Settlement of the
Liverpool Strike
Number of Tramway Ken Who Had
Been Suspended Were Reinstated
Wednetdav Morning.
LONDON, Aug. 21 Progress toward set
tlement of the labor troubles at Liverpool
was made today when the chairman of the
tramway committee reinstated a number
of strikers on his own responsibility. The
dockmen are still out pending a settlement
with tramway men. but the railroad men
of Liverpool are resuming work in increas
ing numbers.
The trouble at Liverpool resulted from re
fusal of the municipality to reinstate 2S0
strikers. The employes who had remained
loyal throughout tbe strike threatened to
quit work if the S0 men were taken back.
Today's action of tbe chairman of tbe
tramway committee Is taking back some of
the strikers will lead. It is bansved. to an
early agreement by all parti re
The weakly traffic returns testify to th
enormous losses resulting to ths railway
companies from last week's strike. Ths
London and Northwestern railways report
alone shows a decrease of SUe.ttut ia re
ceipt for th week.
Valuable Portraits
Endangered by Fire
Oil Painting Worth Two Hundred
Thousand Carried from Burning
Building by Firemen.
CHICAGO, Aug. r-Oll portraits of
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson.
Frederick the Great, Napoleon. Dame!
Webster and Shakespeare, owned by Charles
E. Gunther and valued at more than
:i3 0 were endangered by fire todhy w hen
f.ames attacked the stx-story building at
lit State street, used a a retail candy
shop. Firemen reacued the valuable jialnt
iiiga. The i estimated at S46 uuq.
! Secretary Wilson
! Starts for the West
until some ume In Octoler.
Secretary af War Stlroaon this afternoon
will go te Long lsiand, . T.. for a fort
night's stay.
y !,
President Sees the Annual Parade of
tue Grand Army.
Eiertthe lakes Aateaaoalle Trip
O- City af Raeheaier aad 'Will
Make Addreae at the Cassa
PI re Taatgbt.
ROCHESTER N T., Aug 3 -The last pecul.nrly the wards of government as
fading ranks of the Grand Army ot the j represented In this convention, toe fre
Republic gathered In Rohester for the qurr-.tly has l-en the victim of lnconsclon-
forty.fifth national encampment passed
in review before President Taft thl morn
ing. A the veteran endeavored t keep
atop to the music, they presented a slrht
that stirred th heart of the thousand
of spectator to pity. Scores of the old
soldier could not stand the strain and
dropped out liefor the parade reached the ; hoiaers in t,ie future."
president's reviewing stand in Washington j The companies, whose examination waa
suuare. The parade halted at frequent ln- jthe ocras.on lor the report, follow:
terval to give the veteran an opportunity PtHndarfl Accidetit Insurance company,
to rest. About . men were in line. Detroit: I nfeei Sta.e- H-a th and AfC;t
. , , ' Insurance compatiy. sacmaw, Massa-
Preslcent Tart on arr.val was escorted r(nmf.,,s Ac, oent Insurance company,
by the Twenty-ninth fnlted State in- ,' Boston : Great Last em Casualty company,
fantry through the main street. Bomb, j . Vrk . VparBostorn
were fired at Intervals during the progress 1 Continental i asualty company Hammond,
of the presidential automobile. Those In lnd.-. North American Accident Insurance
the reviewing stand with tbe president. In- TTlTr iH?AZZ?.
eluded Adjutant General Verheck. State j Fa rlnaw ; General Accident. F. and L. i
Committeeman George Aldridge. Com- i sure nee corporation American Aauraiie
mander-tn-Chief Gllroan, Justice William
E. Werner. Governor Tteld of Vermont and
military staff and Congressman Ianfnrth
Alter reviewing the parade President
Taft was driven to th residence of former
Senator and State Treasurer Thomas B.
Dunn. Early plans for bis entertainment
included an automobile ride about the clty
at 4 p. m. He will later go to the east
avenue reaidenc of Henry A., Strong, where
be will be entertained at dinner with Sen
ator Dunn and a few other guests. He
will leave the Strong reBidenoe at 6;0
o clock for Convention hall to attend tn
campflre and address the veterans. At the
conclusion of the services at Convention
hall the preaident will go direct to bis car
at th New Tork Central station. He will
leavs Rochester at S.B6 p. m
The first business session of the national
encampment win o neia tomorrow when
the election of officer will be held. A
mild sensation w as cr eated by the charge
that General McElroy, candidate for com-
mander-ln chief, wa claiming the support 1
. P.IIUnl T. f, I. K - ,. .. ... . Ti . . !
brought prompt denial from Washington
that the president wa taking sides in the
election or had expressed any choice.
D. Mercer, a Grand Army veteran of El
dorado. Kan., was found dead in bed in a
rooming house today.
Congressman Latta
Submits to Operation
Largt Growth Removed from Colon
and Several Adhesions Remedied
Second Operation Necessary.
Telegram Congressman J. P. Lett of
Nebraska submitted to a surgical deration
at St. Mary hospital tin afternoon which,
while successful a far a It has gsne. will
require some time before the outcome will
be fully known.
The operation wa a very serious one and
the chances for recovery are about even,
according to Dr Luck ens. his family phy
sician, who was present during the ordeal.
A large growth was removed from the
colon and several adhesions were removed
A second operation will I necessary- after
the congressman ha fully recovered from
the effects of the present ordeal.
He was in good physlclal condition to
stand the strain and Is gradually recover
ing from the anesthetic.
First Violence in
the Smelter Strike
Two Workmen at Deering". Kan., At
tacked by Mob of Sixty Ken
and Badly Beaten.
DEERING Kan.. Aug. 25 -Tbe first
physical violence of the smelter strike in
progress her for several week cam to
day with th assault upon two workmen by
sixty striker. On wa beaten into un
eunsciouan. Neither wa injured fatally
it is believed. The assault oecu-refl on the
company's property and wa in violation
of an injunction recently Issued by the
federal court.
Daacbtrr af Farsarr Prealdeat Fa
S wares a waa af Prvf. isirr
Yt eat.
NEW TORK. Aug 2S-A dispatch from
Tan worth, N. 11 today state tint it h
reported ther that I.sther Clci eland, eld
eat daughter of be iar Presiacht Cleveland
is soon to marry Itandoli'tj D. West, son
of Prof. Andrew est of Princeton uni
versity. Miss Cleveland 1 about DO year
of aga
I Ircportaxt Leg-islation for Control of
Indastnal Ccmpaniet Propofced
by Coniniisrioners.
Nearly Two Thousand Settlements Di
: cussed and Criti;:sed.
I Only Two or Three Firms Are Found
I Above Eeproath.
1 weatl-l'asr Hr m meedatleas
larladtaa Proraael la Kaact
! tara 1erlal Health
aad n-itrt Palte
I MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug -Important
i leg.Kiaiion for the control o'. insurance
companies d.ntig sn liiciustiial health and
j accident bti'itriear- is proposed in th report
1 l tin speriii! committee of the Insuraace
j cor, mission t s of the Vntted State made
public at the session of the corventlon to
' cla .
J The basis for the irrislHtlon proposed is
'given in reports on the . xaniitiatlon of four
jtefti coni'i- in which near I v S.flOO settle
' nicnis :!et-T a ij 11
ments Ifertcd bj these companies are ais-
l:i discussing the set-
imp, the report says:
Of the specific claims examined, where
the amount Involved Is usually conslder-
claims is hlKh: indeed, very much too high
'to be explained by errot of Judgment or
; carelessness
Indeed, the committee feels
warranted In concluding thst when dealing
with companies doing an Industrial health
or accident business, the policy holding
public of the country, particularly thosa
who throtirh ignorance or poverty are un-
. ik.1,., . therefore.
' anie practices in , nr w..,.-
the companies rrltioisea in mis report.
Prom tare ot Raoagrh. of reformation made at the
heerinps are. therefore, not enough. This
convention should take action which w-111
guarantee the Just treatment of policy
lHllll'l . J ' " . t. . , . ......... - - - - -
Accident company. Ietrott; 'rmit Com
mercial Accident company. Philadelphla.
The report any of on company:
"It is impossible In language fitted to
an official document antlv to characterise
what seem to have been the practices and
methods cf the Industrial department of
thi corporation in settling with It policy
holders. It api-ear to have resorted to
every possible means, not merely to pro
tect Itself against Imposition, tor which It
could not be criticised, but also, and mora
particularly, to cut and shave down claims,
apparently without conscience, and cer
tainly without right."
Bad Practices Geseral.
The report further says that only two
or three of the companies examined have
v.eer. found tn he substantially undeserving
f My ,.,.H l(,iRm. "Three or four others
merrly show :n rttaaonahly Isolated case
either error in adjustments or thai tha
bad practices of competitors were some
times followed. About half the companies
examined show serious condition is their
i Claim ueparcuieuiB, (Ji nuuiabri in uia aw-
Jul tment of siilflr claim, of couslder
I able amount; whli In at least two ot such
companies these conditions are so shocking
as to call for immediate and emphatic re-
forms. '
The report concludes wltb twenty-four
recommendations, the must important of
which are:
That a standard Industrial health and
accident polcy provision law be enacted;
that prorating tor changes of occupation
should be permuted only when tha Insured
has actually chanted his occupation; that
the policy fee be abolished; thai all In
dustrial agents and collectors be licensed
by the state; that frequent examination.
' covering not only tinancial condition, but
a . so treatment of policy holders, be con
I ou ted either by the Individual states or
i ' committee of the convention, and that
publicity be given to ths results of all such,
(tlrkrr af t, Paal Ts
with Aaaaaltlai
as ts Cearsreel
CLEVELAND. Aug. JR. A warrant for
th arrest of Grover Land, former Cleve
land and Toledo catcher, now a member of
the St. Paul association team, charging
him with assault and battery', w-as sworn
out totlay by I". C. Folger, a ticket taker
at the local American league hall !ark.
Foigor accuse Land of striking and break
ing hi nose when on July I he refused to
pass a friend of Land I through the gate.
Round trip tickets
to Lake Manawa
Boies of O'Brien 'b Candy.
Base Ball Tickets.
Quart Brick of DalzelTt
Ice Cream.
All are rjien away frae to Uoo
who find their Lame 1st th waul
F.ead tb want ads every day.
your t-arne will appear sometime,
ma) be mort than one.
N puttie to aolv nor ails
cripiions to get just road th
w ant a da.
Turn to tbe want ad pages
there you find dearly every
busiiiesa houM ia tb city repra
aented. ,