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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1911)
WANT ADS Want ad received aw any time, but to Insure proper classification W be presented before 12 o'clwk m. for tins evening edition and before 7:30 for morning and Sunday edition Want ada received after such hour will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Claaelf J- CASH HATKfl FOB WANT AI. ItEilLAIt CLASSIFICATION Insertion 1 f rrnu per word and 1 cent per word for each, subeq-ent In sertion Fat li Insci -on made on, oaa 1 4 cenU per word. hue p. r month. Hatva apply to either Th "7 or Sunday Ike. Always count sU "oras to a Uue. Want ads for The Bee may l" at an or the following drag Jor.n one la your "corner drug"' are ail branch ulllces for -! 'w your ad will be Inserted Just a promptly anl on Uie same r" .? the mam ,,l)ke iu The Wee building. beveiit utli aud Fainaiu street Aluacii, ey. C, Win and l'an.-in. v Damn urug Co., 1' N. Wth s Beranek. b. A., 14 s. urn . ensoti Pnarinacy, Hanson, Nen. ,,in Bernls Park Pharmacy. 81 and Cuming. Biaks-Brauiah, awl bharman At Cimun mil pharmacy, 3-8 Military v Caughlln. C. K , 47 Leavenworth B. Crlseey pharmacy, 34th and l-'at Cooney Pharmacy, 28 South Ui Cormak. mil. 04-4 Bouth lath Bt fctiler e Co., lOM Leavenworth Bt Foster A Arnoidl. 218 N. 26th t Freytag, J. J., UU4 N. 8th Bt Fregger lrug Co., UtUB N. 16th Bt Florence Drug Co.. Floronce, Nap. M Green a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paci-w. Oreenougti A Co., 1026 a loth Bt Greenougn A Co., 10th and Hickory. Uoiammi Pharmacy, 4th au -eavenwon Johanson Drug Co., 24-.n and spaming. Jonnson pnai inacy, 2H20 Farnam st lianscom Park Pharmacy. A Huiteilong Drug Co., 31st Ave, A Uarnam. Hum, jonn, t-4 N. ltih st Huff. A. L., 2t4 Leavenworth. King, M. b., 24in and Fariiam. Kountie Place pharmacy, 23U2 N. 24th tl Lathr, Pnaiiuacy, 24th and Hamilton. Mare.. 1- red L iUl'J Central Hlvd. Moim.outn Pnannacy, llll Cuming. Patrick Drug- Co., Hi02 N. 24th Bt. baiaiobH Ijiub Co., J4th and Amei Ave. Bchaeter ( Cut Price store, lbth Chicago. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. CAHD OF T1IANOS. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanki to our friends and neighbors for their kind asaiatunce and liynipathy during our re cent bereavement. Also to express our sincere appreciation of the beautiful floral """'""JOHN J. KING AND BISTKRS. We hereby wish to tender our thanka to our frlendu and neighbors for their kind ness and expreHBion of sympathy during our recent bereavement In the death of our beloved son and brother, Frank Bamuel aon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Samuelson and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ham uelson. BIRTHS AM) TIHAT1IS. TJirthf A. H. ORden, boy; Rasmus O. Nel son, ;U3B CurtiH otreet, boy; John W. KHhant, 241B Port street, boy; Albert lyon, 221(1 North Porty-first street, n'rl; Kred Kalrchlld, Port c:rook, Klrl; Bam Uai th, 102 Bouth Thirty-sixth slreet. girl; Henry Chap man, 1ii5 Bouth Thirty-elKiith avenue, boy; Ixmn Kush, 2Jil7 South Twelfth street, girl; Harry 11. Bmith, ii'iti Pierce Htreet, boy; Kussell K. Klrkhnm, 112 Miami street, boy; A. A. McMahlll. .1C12 Orand avenue, boy; J. Trultt Maxwell, boy. Deaths Florence F. Taylor, 14, Hastings; John Hovervign, 47, 407 I'lne street; Amelia K. Uaker, 2. 2u08 South Forty-third street; James Paulsen, 38; Thomas Mulcahey, 6, 8i!t Leavenworth street; Mary I.a Page, 4, Fortieth and Poppleton avenue; Harry li. Itunsleker. 41, 220i Douglas street. Th following were reported yesterday: Births Wm. R. Wall, Florence, girl; Ranmu . Clleson. 4324 Seward street, Klrl; Peter Christiansen, 4019 Miami street, girl; Charles El Bancroft, lti liurdelte street, girl; Paolo Poscarlno, i)19 North Twelfth street, bov; Arthur Itu.kner, 131fi Pierce, street, girl; J. F. Binder, girl; Paul Barnes, boy. Deaths John Hwerlnger, 26 years, 407 Pine street; 1,1111a Freybal, 3 yearn. 1911 8. Twenty-first street; Oeorge P. Brown, M years. 2G14 Bpenoer street; Raynert Ornnbet'k, :.0 yeaia. ll fcmni! Kign eemh street; Ernest Parslaw. 30 years; Lewis Plant, 70 years. Fourth and Wlllltt street; Andrew Paulson, 76 years, 4229 Ohio street; Henry Meyer, 2S years. I'nadllla, and Mary llolza. 27 years, i'raque, Neb. Announcements J. A. GENTLEMAN TJNDKR TAKER. mbulmer. 1014 Chicago 6t. D. 1G6V. 13-lboS. IlEAFEY & LLEAFEY Undertakers, have moved to their new building. 2ill Farnam bt. Phone Harney 26S, Ind. A-3266. MONEY W TO LOAN LOW RATE, in sums to D10 Bee li da. Phone Duua. 2joi UNION LOAN CO. FOR case of Blata Beer Tel. Doug. 10SL HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit. f"yf discount on framliiK. New Mot of XjSV) rained pictures suitable for home and den decorations at reduced prices. Urn alia Art Ac Frame Co.. 707 8. ltith GALVANIZED steel and wood lawn wIuks. t'hallenKe Co., K14 Farnam Si Tel. Tyler ltv4. MYERS' news stand removed from ltiio to 1411 Farnam. POWERS-HE A FEY COAL CO. ass. Tel. D. PENNELL, Millinery, R. S. Paxton Block. MOURN I Nil hats and veils for rent II aday. Mrs. 11. M. Kck, 17iW Leavenworth MOVINU picture machines; supplies Nebraska Film Co.. 131S Farnam. Cinders Free Call at 20th & Center Omaha Gas Co, Dr. E. l.swrence, 712 O. Nat. Bank. D-103. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., lo.' 1 at 1 am. ind. A-.l, i lulas i ov. We do picture r'raiiung a,id Glaaiua. SPECIAL IUm OL'.N I' tins month on Paint. Glass, ai iu In s ami V ail I'-tper. Pfelffer, Carriage, Painting & Repairing FDR()TilERY Atias. "f"ui" cigars. Cate in connection, 111 n. lull bt. Vl.ZARD groceries ana inca;j 2018 Man aerson. BELGREN, groceries and meata 4602-t N. uih. WILLOW SPRINGS beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. ALEX jETtS, Lie.' Douglas. 4- TAKE a boat ride at I.ako Manawa. v will give a pair of round trip tickets to Harry I .a Mont. 24i;9 Cumlnt? St., if he will come to The iie office within three daya . P. HANSEN, shoemsker. IsXj Leaven worth. KliBl-clas repairing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 411. BARGAINS, meats and grocsrlea 110 N. l'jtli fi. OMAHA lec Cream Cone Co.. D. 6002. DI N DEE P.umblng Co.. Mil and Far, Hun.. Wedding ani.oun annuls, Diug aa Print. C. LI uii c .oiino-ltl li for l:ade. I'oug. 2l.i TWK.Vj v mi ni l (us i 1.1-nnha pric lUMfc Ft'ltMTI RE CO.. Twiuij-iviiu atas L eu, bouih Omaha ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Mia Polen, ladlea' tailor. Wl Boston store. 1.000 letterheads lioM bond paper), . Fetlmata and sample furnished. Other ; printing. Tlsard Printing Co., Omaha Cm. Colics Bldg . lth and Farnam. Red Dm. Johnson Pharmacy, pura drugs. 2th and Farnam. W. 8. Heat on. American turnacaa. U. ! OMAHA Furnttura Repair Works. D. tm. COOL, and plaaaant avenlDg at Roma vineyard. Ot'R L.ETTFR duplicating work la unei- eelled. A trial will convince you. Both phones, Bldg. Western Duplicating Co., 40 Be I R. E WELCH, Pure Foods. No. 1 is-lb. sack very best Tour, tl.X; n Iba. "ruu lated sugar, II, with each 16 purchase of groceries. 24th and Farnam. Missouri Filter Mfg. Co.. Ill a. 14. D. 4714. SCHMARHE. hat factory, cleaning, re pairing. 1620 California St. BLEND-O-BEWT, 80o coffee. Union Tea Co. at Orand ITPHOLflTERINO, piano, Furn. Rep. 2S04 Farnam. HEAFEY St HEAFET moved to ISU Far nam. BARTON'S laundry; cleaning and press ing. 1820 Capitol avenue. RLNBHART, photograpnor. Uth Farnam. BPXCIAXi bargalna. C7 8. Uth. ladlaa furnlahlaga. Bavameaa aV Ohye, practical plumbers. Phones Tyler 1177, A-U2B. O. WUg Bon, rurnaoaa. TaL D. K4X EDIHON phonographa aad raoorda. Bhnlta Bros., 1408 Farnam. J. F. BEOER, harnessmaa. BW Leaven worth. EstabllNhed 182. liATKST tall millinery. Maym Raubar, 1424 Bo. 16th. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 883 Douglaa. MONSON. W3 Park Av. H. 290. A.14K1. 120 8. 13th First-class shave and haircut. GOLD AND SILVER P LATINO, gas fxtures, brass beds, stove trimmings said taDiewsre repisieu ss new. OMAHA P LATINO CO.. Established lt8. Doug. 2536. 1220 Harney. Flour, $1.10 per sack. Waener. 801 N. lth. Cisterns Cleaned IXX Get ready for winter. Web. 0076. GET your diamonds at Brodeg aard's. Casady Co., S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa 1U1 1 ' oiJixajWrite fire Insurance. L. KNEKTER, Ladles' Tailor, lfith. l.Wi 60S So. FUC'HS. SON & ULIND, painting, deco rating, lioth phones. DR. 8. N. HOYT announces his new loca tion. C27-30 City National Bank Building. SMOKE COSTELLO S Omaha Plug. 5W N. 18th St. Cut J. F. O'Leary for SHOES. 413 N. 24. 8o. O. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING ARKI.NS. aid S. 15th. UPSTAIRS. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNG ATE, china firing. 670 lira lid els Bldg. Tel. Webster 875. MAGGARD Van & Storage. Pack, move, store and shl 11. H. goods. D. 1408: B-2428. FROST, manufactures and repairs va hides. 1408-1412 Leavenworth. LUMIERE Studio. D. 4. 318-20-22 South 16th. FULLER & JOHNSON, gasoline engines, 1115 Farnam. STENOGRAPHY. Anna Redmond, Her UiMiiU hotel. TONY ROSHITTO, shoe repairing, and Cuming. 40th UPDIKE "Quality Yard," 46th and Dodge.' 1J NATIONAL Metal Polish Distribution Co. Silverware, mirrors, cut glass. 20H Urundeis theater. ?!AKE boat rlde at I'ke Manawa. We . mi bm. u pair oi rouna trip ticKets to E. W. Freellng, 77 N. 27th Ave.. If he will come to The Bee office within three days. BOILER REPAIRS Shel Iron an1 ! tank work. Omaha Structural Steel Works. EMIL GANZ CERTIFIED PUBLIC Ul Brown i-loi k. ACCOUNTANT. T: Vsue. 7 4a i GOOD PLUMBING CO. D. 1U18, Red 2177. Stevenson, carpenter, contractor. Both Pn's, B. F. WI.'RN. eyegiass rt pairing. 44 liiauuois l'.lriK. PLUMBING & HEATING" REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477. Western Umbrella Co., 1822 Farnam, Mrs Morrill, china decorator, 833 Brandeis Theater. B. Miller, mod. plumbing, 24th & Lake. BEAUTIFUL Concordi, a park. Wih and (-enter. BEfa'l bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pun., 1 jut iiox, in , j,iiu. hhtrtimn & Mo Ci nnell Jrug Co., Omaha, Neb. a li. Coin mgn Co. D. I76R. LSiu Farnam. ALAUAUOH, Taxidermist, 1701 Leaven worth. D. 3221. Plumbing A hardware, Q. A. Hill, til N. 40. YOU'LL alwavs be Aarpy If your Wedding ring comes iroiu troueiia a, iu b. isis bt. At the Sign of tue ci,wo SCHAEFER'8 Cut Price Drug Store Setnts Penslur i-amily Reinedies. 16th and KINNEY & SON harness dealera Ail work Gone by hand, b-i N. 14m til. WIEMER, hardware, paints, glass, wall paper, panning and uecuiating. Far- 1 am. LADIES' anu gents' shine parlor, 2J0 H. Utli bt. FENXEK. artificial limbs. 63 Douglaa ! hlK. FOR food pictures visit the Jewel thea ter. lteus cool. 1611 Douglas St. I LO .MATCH, tools, blacksmlthlng, 6th and Lea eu oilh. OMAHA SILVER CO., 314 80. 14th. CENTRAL Pharmacy. Pure drugs, cool clone and refreshing drinks. 218 S. 14th 61. 1 WICllKRT, harness and leather gooaa. , o.x' a. Uth. rei:dkr .cooking coal. 16.30. Charles A. esterfluld. both Phoues. I J K.N SEN, coal and feed". 2xoS Leaven j worth. D. . G. Wilkinson, eye, ear, throat. Crelghton ! I UK call of the song, (iieatest motion picture put slionu. Jewel Theatre, 1611 I I'uuniuii M- OFFICE STATIONERY Designs. KO i ii. .r.AltV CO. Tel. Douglaa 1S10. .ScW uiUIr, loin bt. S. E. Waters, cement cont. 1615 N. 20th St. COLFAX WATER, 12 case: gtnger ale. root beer. alnut Hill Pharmacy. NEBRASKA SEED CO.. I2ug Jones bt.. Both phone.". ALBERT CAIIN SHIRTS TO MEASURE. 1KI FARNAM 8T. LOOK Peiiln. cleaning, pressing. ! Harney. 2118 !JT0Mn"!'.rs NEW and slight y usetL Call 4M brandsks Blk, The Bee want ads are gaining more rapidly than any other publication in the west The following letter explains itself: F. T. WALKER & COMPANY, Texas Gulf Coast Fruit and Farm Lands Omaha, Neb. August 21et, 1911. Bee Publishing Company, Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: Enclosed check in payment for ad, RANCH FOR SALE. From the numerous replies, we feel sure the ranch is sold. Please discontinue ad and oblige. Yours Truly, F. T. Walker & Co., Per D. Linahan. RESULTS, AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) 8M Bohaot runabout for tatj flao aao- dltlon. L.8M RaofcUr toortng oar for IMl White Steamer oar, ooat C2,7M, for tLIW; finest condition. DRUMM0ND, 18th and Harney Bta. honk:honk HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND, 18th and Harney Bta. WRITE for list of second-hand auto mobiles. Some exceptional bargains In run abouts and five-passenger care. MITCHELL MOTOB CO. TIRES OMAHA PANT. rubber. RUBBER COM Everything In Automatio Phone Bus'a, 2; residence, tl Murphy Did It REPAIRING. PAINTING. TRIMMING. FOR SALE OR TRADE White Bteamer runabout. W itaschek, 2219 Leavenworth St. NEW and 2d-nand autoa Derlght, Omaha. KUNDE, 711 So. 16th, repairs auto radi ators and lamps. NEW ERA auto cycle; five H. P.; nearly new, for bale cheap. Address Box 66, Madi son, Neb. SEE the Lyon, 434 Brandeis Bldg. FOUR first class autos, cheap; 715 South Ninth. AUTO LAMPS repaired and plated. Omaha Silver Co. I SECOND-HAND automobiles, C-pasBenger Rambler, A-No. 1 shape, i-'M; must be sold at once. 1M2 Harney Htreet. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on GANOslEAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 331. WANTED partner, good Investment. 1203 Farnam, business and Automatic Phone Bus's, $2; residence, tl AN energetla man, capable of handling an agency torce and having a tew thousand dollars to invest can secure a life position with an old established house. Address 404 City National Bank Bldg. i- EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for a young man to become lilrntlfied with an old established firm. Must be able to take care of a set of books and to make rcasonablo investment In the company. Address 4u4 City National Bank Bldg OUR Investors have all made money. We are now forming a new syndicate that will make more money than any of the previous one and make It quicker. If you nave any money to Invest drop us a postal and we will send you full Information. Address 404 City National Bank Blag. HOTEL in lively town; good country, tl.ouu; oasy terms. N. V. Anderson, Cowiea, euster comity, Nebraska. BLATZ Private Stock Beer. TeL D. 1USL Vi.uOo DRUG stock in 1,600 population ceunal ftebrttska town; 12,uvu ycany busi ness. No uaue coiis.UereU. iou I wine uuiuss yua uicaa bus.uus. Adures. V ium. bee. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell'a lco cream. If 1' iuience Aiexanuer, 1114 Georgia Ave., will coinu to J lie ttee ottice wilnin Uireo days we will give her an order for a quart brick of una line ice cream. DENTIST, DOCTOR, A good dentist, aiso a good physician, wou.u do wen to locale in new "Pullman Buuuina," next to uuruhlou btatiou; viy baaiiaula locauou lor souiu of viaduct bus uiwa. AUienai iuvebUiieul Co., iunuiau liiug., lei. luugiaa Idio. 6,uuu SllAREb V yommg Consolidated As bestos stock. Address iux i. camper, W'yo. FOR SALE CHEAP Two chair barber stiuy, goou iraue, good locauou. n ilm K. W. cituin, ia W, 2U U, Uiaud lsiaua, 4eb.' GKOCERI SA,d meat market. 434 Bran- UfciS. FOR SALE 100 shares United Wireless Teleg.aph. preferred . block ; guaianteeu; traust table, toi il per 11 are. l 0. Box kuu, Denver, Colo. Contection'y & lunch room. 40 & Cum. 11.6238 FOR HALE Restaurant, confectionery and rooming house in good railroad Junc tion point; good reason lor selling. Adureae Lock Box 21t, Oxloid, Neb. FOR SALE Good clean up-to-date stock of general mercnandise and building, block win invoice about V.iaai. Will sell at L per cent discount tor cab 11. No trauea cunaid eied. ti. 1'ieper. Lellllllg. Neb. 14TH ST. BUSINESS and REAL ES TATE EXCHANGE Co., Hardware, Gro- leia. lit. el, i'ool l.i.oin.-., ttai del a,, op, oa- loons, etc., for sale. Soma good bargains lu real estate. Ill bourn i4ta bu, 3d Hooi, rouuis i and i. t-a ivutUeiy, Pica NEW TOWN on Union Pacific exten sion, in rich irrigated country; good open ing fur merchants in all lines. Address Castle Rock Land Co.. McGrew via Mlna tare P. O., Scott's Blutf County, Nebraska. DRUG STORE FOR SALE. In a large, lively county seat town of 1.600 Inhabitants, up-to-date fountain and fu tures. Stock all new. Trade good. One other store In town. Bad health reason for selling. Community Bohemian and German. Address y I4i, care Bee. FOR SALE Blacksmith stock and tools doing a goou ou.iii't-n und goou, brick shop for rent. Address J. F. Kinney, Tama, la. FOR SALE, good plumbing and heating business, have other business, can t attend to both. Addreas N VM Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Automobile salesroom, of fice and garage. Best location in Lincoln, Nsb. Address F. D. Eager, Lincoln, Neb. RESPtlNSlBLE capable business man wanted to open Onialia office for estab llhed Chicago corporation manufacturing a new retaU merchants specialty. Must be alne to carry stock of to 11.000 from which to fill securing orders, also furnish A-l references. Arrangement permanent; good for 3.0ii0 to J6,uiu flret year. Tele phone Manager Charles B. Blessing, Rome Hotel, Tuesday for Interview. WATER POWER BONDS. First Mortgage. 6 per cent Water Bond with a large bonus In a safe attractive investment. See D. II. Inicram st Room i1" Omaha National Bauk illdg ut Kovnu ! Hsitauaw Melsi. That's It, BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) 14, so STOCK of hardware, furn) tore. mieanawara, paint, etc, in amall town an main 11ns of Burlington, In oontral braska; no oompeUtion; sales t,M0 to (L2.000 yearly; must bo cash. Don't writ unless you mean business. Address T 1A0, Bee. Roosalagr Besses for gals. FOR SALS7 1 rooming nouses; ons tran sient house; good business; oheap If taken by ths 1st. C17 8. 18th. Tel. Doug. 27i. 11-ROOM rooming house full of roomers, all modern, til N. 18th. BUSINESS PERSONALS Artesian WeJla. ti. B. NBBERGALL, 1011-U City NafL E. ROWS, WELL BORING. Benson Ml Attorney a. Geo. W. Shields, attorney 826 Brandeis Th. Cklropodlst. dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk Clothlmsjr. DRES well, we trust you. on suit. Rldgley Clothing. d per week Creameries and Supplies. DOUG Co. Milk Producers' Asa'n. D. MU. URLAU aV CO., wholesale Imported cheese. Both phones. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Hospitals. WISE MEMORIAL, hospital, and Harney. Mth Ava Ioanrsnce. H. S. BYRNE, surety bonds, Insurance. Tel. I. 1320, lnd. A-1603. 602 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. A FIRE, tornado, liability, plate glass steam boilers, personal, accident and health and burglary insurance. Fell A Plnkerton Co., 213 Board of Trade Bldg. J. A. ANDERSON. Life Ins., SOS McCagua Re Hamilton Cafe. Mrs. Fullaway, 14 A Far. New England bakery. Best lunch. HI N II CHOP Suey, Chinese and American dlshea Tel. lnd. A-1352. 1318 Douglas. U. S. RESTAURANT, best 16o and Wo meals prepared. 1&10 Dodge. KUENNE.S BAKERY, lunch room, 600 block. GET THE HABIT. Eat at Uneeda, Capitol Ave. Belmont quality & quantity. 1616 Dodge. BAUER'S CAFE, best In city, tit 8. Uth. VINCENT CAFE Best 26o meal, extra Sunday dinner. 320 S. 18th. DRINKS and fine lunches. 723 South fth St. DOUGLAS CAFE. 106 S. 14. beat 20o msaL LUNCHES and drinks. W. C. Rann, Vjjh Farnam. WHITE HOUSE CAFE, first-class, dodu- lar prices. N. Koch, Prop. 313 So. 16th. Wines and Liquors. BLATZ PRIVATE STOCK bottled beer pronounced by experts purest beer 111 America. Tel. D. 1081. CACKLEY BROS., wines and liquors. CtJSICK BROS., SOth and Ames. Liquors and clgara C. ENOELLANDER. fine liquors, clgara 1512 Dodge. Wlnea and Llqoors C'OBttaoed. CHARLES A. LEWIS. Ornhoura Buffet. 150D Harney. T. J. HART, liquors and cigars. 603 N. r - .. - I Stenographer t6 DANCING ACADEMIES stno- T'pll,t . " lu Music Demonstrator (Roadl-Sal. A Exp. MORAND'S. 15th and Harney, private THE CANO AGENCY. 0 Bes Bldg. and class lessons; now open; hours, i i. in "1 . J , . , ,.... to 8 p. m. Tel. Douglas 24. Ind. A 2343. Lady pianist. Interested studio work. H.6623 ' ' BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER, DETECTIVES . CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., OMAHA Secret Set vies Detective agency, 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. inc., bonded. 438- Paxton Blk. D. 1318, A-UU ' Factory aad TraSes. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 KAKBACH BIS, . . ; . 1 GIRLS wsnted to learn halrdresslng. ZACK ELLIS. Both phones. 806 Neville blk. Prices reasonable. Oppenhelm Parlors. JAS. ALLAN. Nsvllls Blk. Tsl. Tyler 1136. WANTED Sewing girls to work on over- ' alia Apply at once to Byrne A Hammer nPrJTIQTQ LTV Goods Co. Factory, 26th and N 8ta Uu' MH South Omaha BAILEY, the Dentist. 706 City Natl. D.2i ""waNTED Sewing girls to work on over- Taff. dental rooma 1617 P. 218a cto'r'y.'am! "hTwT MAC11 & MACH, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1086. " DR. KLOPP, lth and Locust W. 1471 KOR danty d"sert J?1""!' ' 'c cream. If Susan Ream, 2S16 No. 81st St., Dr. Albert A. Crandall. 612 Bes. Doug. 4842. will come to The Bee office within three r days we will give her an order for a quart Dr. Clark, painless dentistry. 304 Paxton. brick of this fine ice cream. DR. H. A. FOSTER, 16th and Douglas. GOOD tallorees wanted for coat and skirt. - , 606 So. 16th, upstairs. DRESSMAKING y Hoi d SoDf?8e?AlCINU n1 P'"n "W'E, TWO good dlnlnTToom girls; 20 'per , month, room and board. Hotel Monroe, ' Mattison. Modlsta Doug. 4t3. 2410 8. iota! Ur'nnell, la. LADIES' Tailoring. Eng. Tail. Co. ltut Hoaackeepera aad Domestics. No. 24lh. i THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM DRESSMAKING, 2824 Farnam. Harney SOLVED The Bes will run your Demesne 1817. Help Wanted ad FREE uutil you get lb desired results. Bring your ad lu 'IB WOLFF, ladies' tailoring. (20-623 Bos Bldg. De office or telephone Tyler 1000. Diessmaklng first-class; reasonable. H. 4171 COMPETENT girl for general house- work; no other need apply; no washing. M. E. Neplnsky, gowna 6u8 Paxton Big, So. 22d. D. 8274. Terry's Drsasmaklng Collega 80th A Far WANTED A girl for second work. 8618 , I Farnam. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 648 8. M Ava ' . WANTED A kind, reliable, middle-aged DRESSMAKING Plain and fancy, woman as housekeeper; references. Call 'Phone Webster 1742. 1001 8. 17th. r-rllrTinll WANTED Reliable girl for general tUUUA I lUiliAL houaework. family of two, references re- . quired. Call So. 35th Ave. LEGE F:ne new hulld'aw: all bnliisi branches taught Our graduates are In d uiaud. Er.ier at any time Get our catalog. IsOSIIKH A LAMPMAN litt au4 j'ai&au sis., Omaha. RESULTS! EDUCATIONAL (OaatlntMd.) TBI VAUL, TERM OF B0YLES COLLEGE opens MONDAY, EPTEMBER 4. DAT AND NIGHT. Complete ooorsss In Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogus Is ready and free for ths asking. Call, writs or phono for It at ones. Address H. B. Boyles, president, Boyles College Building, Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day. and evening sessions all ths year. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agrloulture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Zartman, Pres., lftb and Farnam. GIRLS learn to be a stenographer; private leesona. prices reasonable. Reply, B 837, cars Bes. TUTORING First to eighth grads. IL 3M4 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL JOHNSTON ELECTRIC CO. 411 Bo. 10OL Tel. 466. POTH ELECTRIC CO., repairing dyna mos and motors a specialty. D. 6837. IjE BRON, chlulsts, 318 So. XT electricians, ma- HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 6203; SIB a 14th. EVERYTHING FUR WOMEN LOOK Berlin cleaning and pressing. 2218 Harney. ECLIPSE HAND LAUDRY 1623 North 24th. Phono Web. 6337. All work strictly dons by hand. WILLOW PLUMES mads from sr new feathers. 2326 8. Uth. D. our old WILLOW PLUMES made from old and new feathers. 1863 S. Uth. R. Sokolof. L. LIEFF, 8139 Farnam. Harney 6410. Ladles' tailor. Now ready for fall season. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR U THE WARDROBE. Suit FARNAM. Doug. 1728. ICE Cream, lOo quart 41st and Hamilton Bta M. SELICOW. 2866 Farnam. Harney 2047. NEW fall line millinery. Felt hats, 60c and 75c up. Schadell A Co., 1S22 Douglas. RUBBER goods. Farnam. The Bell Drug Co. 1216 SWITCHES from combings. Glblin. 828 City National bank., Katherlne fTTT?TATNSL aundered. 25 LUIVlAili3n(w9y Ave. Tel H. 118. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001, A-1W1. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 161 Farnam.. D. 1258. CHAS. EDERER. Bristol. W. 1786. Florist 80th and FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS NEW FURNACES furnace, ateam or hot water heater in readiness for fall use. Omaha Stovs Re pair Works, 1206-1206 Douglas St Tel. D. M0. A-8621. Furnaces set. repaired. Haberatroh. H.2971 WHEN you spend your money spend it for the best there Is. If Mrs. Arthur Mets, 628 8. 20th St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Off too. LEARN UNIGRAPH SHORTHAND IN SIX WEEKS. Text-book, 25c. Personal instruction, 86. 09, Unigraph Co., 107 Farnam Bt, Omaha. Neb. NEAT girl for general housework. 420 8. 42d. H. 6210. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. A, U. PUUarioe. iiot Laiaysu Ay HELP WANTED FEMALE Hasekeesera aad homestlra 'at'. WANTED Olrl for general housework; referenr-s. Mrs. R. C. Hayes, 11J H. 80tb Ave. Tel. Hsrnev 4?7. WANTED At once, an eierlenced cook. Mrs. N. H. rptltke. Phone Harney SM4. WANTED Kxierleneed girl for general housework. Hmatl family, good wages. No washing. Harney 1H02. WANTED General housework girl: good wages. Doualaa 4816. 'Phona Harney 622. t WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. H. J, Root, Phone H. 83. 1034 Bo. 30th Ave. WANTED Two good German girls, oook and houeemald; three In family. 1M2 8. S2d Ave. and 102S 8. 82d St. Harney 7748. GIRL for general housework at one. H. 2fc. WANTED Two neat and capable girls to do hall work at the Nebraska School for the Deaf, Omaha, Neb., 4fith and Bedford Ave. Apply In person at once, matron. GIRL for general house work; highest wages paid. Call at 1234 So. 10th St WANTED A good housemaid, ence Blvd. Web. 870. 4828 Flor- r- WANTF.D Experienced girl for genera housework. 224 N. lMh. Phons Douglaa 62. WANTED A kind, reliable, middle-aged woman as housekeeper. Refersnoes. 1004 8, 17th St v GIRL to do M work and assist with oars of 6-y r-old ohlld, uarnsy 8 ft. 1041 B. 80th A Te ar mps In fam 114 North SOth. WANTED -Young girl for light hoiiaa- work; mall family: small houae; good boms. 882D No. 30th. Tel. Web. 1063. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 116 jn. win Ave. Harney 2733. WANTED A girl for general housework; man ramiiy. K3 . zmn Ave. Doug, si no. WANTED A good house maid; also ex. perienced nurse girl. 426 N. 38th St M laoellaneoas. TOTJNO women coming to Omaha as strangers ars Invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian association building al 8t Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at ths Union station. MIDDLE-AGED lady wanted for plain sewing; after learning buatnesa 210 per week and board and also traveling ex penses. Job only open until Monday, Au gust 28. Address B. H. Armour, Avoca, la WANTED A competent lady clerk for cloak department; also capable of alter ing. Call at Rome hotel August 24 after 2 p. m. BE A TRAINED NURSE. Study at home. Earn 826 weekly. Thousands want ed. Free Information. Rochester Nurses' Institute, llf. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTEDMALE- Agents, Salesmen aad Solicitors. WANTED Young man for traveling and city salesman by tent and awning manu facturers In Denver, Colo. Must have 'had experience. Permanent position to the right party. Give full particulars as to ags, ex perience, references, married or single, sal ary expected, etc. Address P. U. 8., 1431 Larimer St., Denver, Colo. WHY work for wages when you can make from 176 to $100 a week selling ths New Era Rope Machine, makes stronger and belter rope, out of binding twins at lens than A ths pries you can buy It for at the store. Omaha Sales A Supply Co., Sole Agents, 738 Brandeis Theaer Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Salesmen for best and most complete line of calendars, leather goods and novelties In the west, for 1811 and Ua CHd established house; salary or commis sion. Write us for particulars. Western Ad vertising Co., Lincoln, Neb. CALIFORNIA FRUIT FARMS. Agents wanted In every town to sell our contracts. Big commissions. Easy to sell. Write at once for full Information. Mo Keever & Tucker, 210 8. 14th, Omaha, Neb. I WANT a man to sell an old line life Insurance special policy In Iowa Salary and commission, Ths Western Mutual Life Insurance company, Home office; Coun cil Bluffs, laws. AN answer to this ad will roako you money. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha. Neb. SALESMEN WANTED For fullpartlou-lai-s write Ths Union Pacific Tea Co., Omaha, Neb. WANTED A stock salesman. K (27, Be. WANTED A few good solicitors for city and surrounding towns. Salary and commission. Reeves, 1814 Dodge St PHARMACEUTICAL. SALESMEN FOR A GREAT SIDE) LINE. 25 per cent commission. Wo want to oover every Inch of ths union. Write at onca Pardridge Mfg. Co., 61 University Bldg., Detroit Mich. EVERY person knows who D. J. O' Brian Is because he has made Omaha famous. If I 'an Nicholson, 1317 Douglas St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a 60-oent bos free. , Clerical and Offloo. OUR BUSINESS Is placing competent heln In touch with good office positions. Call and look over our complete Hat of vacancies and learn our practical and up- to-date method of placing HIGH GRADE help. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. rsotwry aaa m LEARN barber trade. Tuition U.0t. Special class. Westera Barber Institute, ltin ana oage. t Drug Btorestsnssl.Joba Knlsst Bes BkdA WANTED Competent motor man. good address, capable of developing business. Electrical Construction Co., Sioux City, la ' WANTED A good Jeweler at a good salary or can work on good commission. Must be a good and experienced workman or need not apply. Address Y 148. Bee. WANTED A man to drive grocery wagon; must be steady, responsible and able to furnish reference; prefer ons who haa had some experience. Call at stors be tween 6 and 6.30 p. m. Sunday. 8. H, Buf fett A Bon. 315 S. 14th St. STEAM fitter wanted, 108 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs. Mlscellaaeoas. FOUND Faultness Cleaning works, suits steam pressed, 6oc. 118 S. 15th. D. 884. WANTED A Japanese boy to do house work and take care of small yard. 316 8. 87th St. Harney 4246. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile ouslneks; largeat and best equipped hops. Nat'l Auto Training Ass n. Omaha Neb. Automatic Phone Bus's. 12; residence. It RELIABLE Employment agency, hotel and atreet help. ItilO Davenport. LAND salesmen wanted: only eiperl anced men with a record need apply. 404 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Mall clerks, carriers, clerks In government offices st Washington. Omaha. Neb., examinations during Septem ber. 1a0 month. Annual vacations. Thou sands of appointments coming. Candidates coached free. Franklin institute, Dept 111 li. Rochester, N. Y. GOOD collector wsnted on collection agency work. 328 Board of Trade. Un 11O0 MONTH AUTOINO. S AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA. NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE BOY WANTED-Mustbe well mended. Albert Kclliolm, Jeweler. rscom- WANTElv Collector: good future for right perty. C:i at 4".1 Omaha Nat. bank. TRI-CITY BARBER CO, .LEG K-Men to learn barber Uedo. Tuition. 8u M Ho. HELP WANTED MALE Mlscellaaeoas Coatlaaed. lTXPITRIFNCED butcher wanted Sunday morning. 2704 Lake. fot BLATZ Wiener. Tsl. Doug. 11 for caa W ANTE I Men to learn ths barber trade. Thousands have become successful shop owners by our system and eond to tie for barbers. We must sirpply them. larn now and accept a Job that pays well. Clean. Inside work. Few weeks completes. No dull season no strikes cash every Sat urday night. See the want column for barbers needed. Tools given. Csn earn wages while learning. Diplomas granted. Particulars mailed to distant applicants. Call If possible. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 3tiarry la borers; steady work; good wages. Apply National stone Company, Louisville, Neb. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Ablebodled unmarried men between ages of IN snd .V; cltli.-ns of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write ths English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; H07 4th St.. Sioux City, la; 130 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. i UKB MANAWA Is ths coolest plere to be found. If Joe Kobal. fcH Klni St.. will come to The Hee office within three days we will give him a pair of round trip tickets to I.ake Manawa. RESlONSlHIC capable business man wanted to open Omaha office for estab lished Chloago corporation manufacturing' a new retail merchants specialty. Must bo able to carry stock of two to 21.000 from which to fill aecurtng orders; also furnish A-l reference. Arrangement permanent; good for 23.000 to $6 000 first year. Twlo- hons Manager Charles B, pleasing, Rome Lotnl, Tuesday for interview. MAN to work In offloo and dining room of Hotel Monroe, Orlnnsll, la.; per month, room and board. LIBRARIES Publl library and museum. 12 snd Harney. LIVERY AND BOARDING A. Meloher. Livery. Feed. 1M6 Leaven worts LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship your stock to South Omalia; save mileage and shrinkage; your con signmenta receive prompt and careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byers Broa A Co. Strong; and responsible. WOOD BROS,, 234-88 Exchange Blk. Great Western Com. Co., Omaha A Denver. The Standard Com. Co., 116 Exchange Bldg. W. R. BMITH A SON Just handle sheep. W. F. DENNY A CO., 231 Exchange Bldg. TAOG BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheep. CLIFTON Com. Co., 223 Exchange Bldg. Donanue A Randell Co., 202 Exchange Bl. Interstate Co. Batter results. Ship to us. BURKE-RICKLY CO., 201 Exchange Bldg. L E. ROBERTS A CO., 228 Exchange Bldg Allen Dudley A Co., 236-87 Exchange Bldg. u i a-rriN . FriNnA u v u-i, , , commission merchants. FARMERS Live Stock Commission Co., 200-11 Exc hangs. DEPOSIT proceeds of shipments In Stock Yards Nat Bank, ths only bank at ths yards. Cox A Jones Com. Co- a bunch of hustlers. WINN Bros. A Co., Exchange bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harssa aad Vealolea. M" KIN LET, horse trainer; rids, drive Single or double. Bring In your kickers, runaways and outlaws. Satisfaction guar anteed. 421 N. 26th Bt, South Omaha. FOR SALE All kinds of good horssa til N. 21st Bt 'Phons Douglaa Mud. HORSE, buggy and harness snap. 8311 N. 28th Ava lnd. B-1380. SECOND-HAND surrey, vary ebsap. 2708 Leavenworth. A. L. VAN GORDON, hospital for horses and dogs. roR BAX-D Thirty good Angora aosta. H. G. Jensen, R 6, Council Bluffs. CARRIAGE MAN'S SNAPS Fins 8600 closed carriage for Mi. Fins coups for 26. A0 candy wagon for 876, fctOQ phaeton for 276. Other good buggy snapa DRUMM0ND Eighteenth and Harney. FOR BALE First-class polled Durham milk oow. Just fresh. 'Phons South 80 or lnd. F-1816. HARNESS and leather. Stock Yards Sad dlery Co., 814 N. 2bth. GOOD team of work horses for sale, oheap. TaL A-2Q63. 1817 Bo. 27th. L SEVEN HEAD of horses and ponies; al so single and double harness, for sale. Ind B-6674. - HORBE I and stanhopa Windsor Stables. LOST AND FOUND TEDDY BEAR cleaners and dyers; both pboaea PERSONS having lost some article would do wsll to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it lu the sireet cars. Many artlclea each day are turned In and ths company Is anxious to restore them to U rightful owner. Call Douglas 46. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ii'i KKET RAILWAY COMPANY. BLATZ private stock beer. Tel. D. 1081. LOST Fox terrier pup, shout 6 months old; brown head, brown ears and three brown spots on side. Finder please return to owner, 2'i02 8. 13th. and receive reward. FOUND A heifer calf about six months old. Owner may have same by calling H. 6lst St. I1ST Near 29th and leaver. worth, two rings, one diamond and one emerald; vary liberal reward. 821 So. 2uth St. Phons Har ney i7. ' I.OBT Pocketbook containing high school cards and street car tickets at bass ball park Sunday. Finder pleaas leave at Bee business office. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. N0TICET0 ALL If you were positive that our rates and terms were the best in ths city, wouldn't it pay you to see us when you need money ' A comparison of our rates with those of other companies will convluce you that tins Is ths place to borrow. 1.20 Is ths weekly payment on a M loan for fifty weeks. Other payments In ths same pro portion, if you peed money wilts or phons State Mortgage Loan Co. R-12 Arlington Block. 1611ft Dodgs 8t Phones Douglas 2460. Ind. A-246a. MONEY TO LOAN Ws have organised our company to loan money to people who may not have credit at a bank or to those who do not wisli to ask their friends for a favor. We make loans quickly and privately ,n furniture, pianos or teams. Phone D. lil.V JIOMK LOAN COMPANY, Room I Pattsrspa Blk, W Fsras-i U. i v. L I