Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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,Advice$ from Northweit GiTe No In-
uicauon 01 I roil.
In otering til Ik Bl C mm "Mate
nce- the Rerent Raise lefrte
(Ulm toasldernnle t.ala
la trap OitUtk,
UMAHA. A US. 22. 11 1.
Advice from the northwet gave no hint
of damage hy frost and predictions were
tur higher temperatures following. An-
mcf a -urday in Wlulpeg w ere overdone
and rflti:g values were 4tj'ac lower.
I he trade Is left now to at upon the
hreshlng an J harvesting reports In the
spring wheat beit an the frost feature is
cllmlnat-d lor the time Mi. and a fairly
active m 1 1 1 . lij market In predicted.
in covering al, the big corn states since
tiie recent tains reports claim considerable
ua.n In the crop outlook particularly the
late planting. While a J vie s et ill come In
of poor filling from many sections, sellng
has been heavy on the mora favorable
weather aud larger rece:p:a.
u heat opened 'uwer In face of higher
tables. The advance yesterday was overdone
and longs were tree -e.t rs on lark of frost
teport. i li w heat was unchanged.
I'orn -agited lower and sellers continue
ggrtauve op better crop reports and
weatiier conditions whlih Is bringing out
country reserves. Cash corn waj 48'i,3
Primary wheat receipts were 741,000 bush
els and shipments were 8.4.000 bushel,
against receipts last year of 1.147,004 bushels
and shipments of tf.3l.0fl0 bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 705."" bushels
ai.d shipments were 4J5.0H) bushels, against
re eipts last year of 5i.000 bushels and ship
ments of 314.000 bushels.
Clearances were 124.000 bushe's of corn.
355 bushels 'if oats and wheat and flour
eu,ual to 454.000 bushels.
Liverpool closed 1.U'U higher on wheal
and unchanged on com.
The following cash prices were reported;
WHEAT-No. 2 hard, 2 cars. WV; 1 car.
89c: No. a hard, 1 car (dark). Me: No. 4
hard. 1 car, "c; No. ! mixed. 1 car, 91 Vic;
1 car. 894c; No 3 mixed, 1 car, Wc.
CORN No. 3 white. 1 car, 5Sc; No. :
yellow, 2 cars, in'4c: No. 3 mixed, 2
earn. "Ac.
OATS No 3 white, 1 car. 41c; No. 4
u Mte. 1 enr, lie.
Omaha I ash Prices.
WHEAT-No. 3 hard. 8':.4i"3V,c; No. 1
iiard, 87N'ij2c; No. 4 hard, MW(9lc; rejected
l:ard, 778 4c.
CORN No. 2 white, &K'l8r19c: No. 1 white.
f.4 u54e: No. 4 white, &". ijM.c; No. 2
; eilow, 5.-a4r; -0- a yellow, 754c; No.
4 yellow, 6;4TT!c; No. 2. 67i'ic; No. 3,
OATS No. 2 wiilte. 41ti4ivi". standard,
", -i 114: No. 3 whit". 4"Vnlie: No. 4
white. 4u4i4'c: No. 3 yellow, 4o4'(404c; No.
4 vcllnw, i"tr.
HA RLE V No. 3. xvoMc: No. 4. 7"i$3c;
N 1 feed. nv r 7t-: rejected. p'l7ic.
RYE No Hn7c, No. 2, S.Vumc.
Cnrl-it Heerlpta.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
I'hicugo ; DO 3J7 315
Minneapolis 207
Omaha 2" 17 15
Duluth .' 3H
t eeassedlllee.
NEW TOP.K. A-is? r -FI-OT'R StenJtv .
Kansas straishts. l4A'4fi: sprrig patents.
$!' 40; winter straights. Siu4 10; win
ter patents, MSfM.V: sri-lne- clears. $4
4.35: winter extras No. L VtJi. winter
extrss. No. 2, 8U.j1."5. Rye flour, unlet;
fair to good. $4i'i4; choice to fancy,
ft tr". 1.
COttNM KAIy-rirm. fine white and el-
low. 11 -ul 4J: care. tl JC31.40. kiln
dried. t3.fV '
W H HAT Spot. Irregular: No 2 red. Mc.
elevator, and Sc, f. o. b. afloat, No. 1
nortnern lu!nth, new. 11.13V f- -.
ailcat. The futures market was sharplv
easier at first, under general selling In
absence of severe frosts In Canada, and
after a rally on covering and liberal clear
ances, scud off asaln under predictions of
warmer weather in the northwest and- on
weakness at Winnipeg, closing iic net
lower, .xepmnibcr. ! -l'Vf7Sc closed at
'll-liic; December, 1 ,i 9 1 'l -c. closed at
$.'e'". Receipts, H.' bu.; hiptnetfl.
2;H .t7 bu.
'ORN Bpot. easy: No. 2. 71i elevator,
domesilo basis, vj arrive, and 71c for ex
port No. J. f o. b.. afloat. The futures
market was without trannactlons. Ship
ments, l.fO bu.
OATS-Spot, firm, new standard white.
4: No. 2 white. 454c; No. 3. 44'.,c; No. 4.
3Se: natural white and white clipped.
tlVf'. The futures market was without
transactions Receipts. V.ifTi bu. .
HAV-tasy; prime. ll.3,Vtl, No. 1, $1
1. .'.; No. 2. l.Val.4.l; No. 3. IMiH0c.
HI DEi Steady; Central America. IWiC;
Bogota. !14'u22i(-.
LEATHER yulet: hemlock firsts. 24
27c; se onus, 2Ju--tC. thirds. 12t)c; re
ject. i.V.
PRO ISION8 Pork, steady; mess. I'l.Sii
jU.i'; family, IU.tval3.5i); beef hams. .
u330. Cut meats, steady: pli kled bellies. W
to It lbs.. ;0. 757 1:1.54); rlckled hams. $!4 2.V
Lard, easy; middle went, prime. f!i.3fU9 4fi;
refined, firm: continent. .70: bouth Amer
ica. $10.50; comjound, J7 2.-p7.50.
TALLOW fteady; prime city, hhds.,
10.37Mi: countrj, $5.75o.50.
Bl'TTEH-Steady on tp grades; creamery
specials. 2Xc; extras. 27c; firsts, 24&:5lc;
dairy finest. 2015; good to prime, iiflp
;4'rj; factory, current make first, 20Vw
ilc , seconds l&MJ0c.
CHKKit-Steady; skims. m4510c.
UtOU-lrregular. freh gathered extras,
22u24c; extra firsts, 13712!c; f.rsts, 17'81Hc;
refilgator. flists. season s storage paid. 2lc;
seconds, seanon'e storage paid, l'a'Jic;
stale dairy finest, V-ifX: g'od to prime.
2:(ii4tic; factory, current make first. ."O'yis
state Jyennsylanla and nearby hennery
white faii'-y iaige new laid. 2Sf(3V;
hennery white, fair to good, :fii.7c; wsst
em gathered white, Ufy'Uc.
P 'I'LTRY liresed. irregular: western
broilers, 14al7c; fowls, lltiliic; turkeys, 12
torn and Wheal Resrlow -lletla.
Record for the twenty-four hours ending
at 3 a. m. Tu.s.lay, Ausuil 22. 1911:
Temp. Rain
Station Max. Mm. fall
features of the TrirdlsK and Closing
Prices n Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. 22. Yesterday s bulge In
v.heai, occasioned in part by predictions
oi weather iiurnlcai to the crop was more
mun uni louay wnet the
iailed ot f inilument. December
.: oed ;'lc lowtr. (l.Kid weatner sent corn
uuwn. Ovcemtier iiiiisnlng su down. Tne
clofe In uhu waM Vue to Sc under ye
tetuay ana tlie uei.lne in provisions
lunged trom V In January lard to ioc In
bCfieiubc-r pork.
lempeiHtuies at the freezing point, even
two uegre under mat. were reported in
various pans ot Mamtona and remaicne
n today, out It oil nut cneck the decline
in wheat, 'tonight trost is predicted tor
Aortli uakota and tne lowlands of Minne
sota a'la vvmcoiilfi, hut warmer weather
id i ronused tor Canada. 'I no uicream ol
Z stw.vOw bushels In the world s visible sup
ply was due to the tvuropeun
increae ot 2.00.Uno bustieis. leceniner
sold betvevn Jif and tHftC anil closed a:
I.i,e: receipts, slow cajh demand ami
fivoisole wcaiher were sufficient to de
press corn, the market being heavy most
of the session, t-pol corn so.d at We un
oer yesterday tor lii.ODO bushels. A rali
loail estimate of the crup In Nebraska
tuaaes the condition ,i per cent of normal
as compared with iJO per cent two weeks
uo. i 'e' t'liber ranged between ttlGOHjo
i.nd 6I'c.
i. ats .-taited firm, but weakened under
the influence of decline.! In neighboring
p.ts. selling being heavy for a tun. De
cember so.d between 46c and 444C and
clutseu. a shade over the bottom.
September pork sold heavily today and
at uioi time it was a fu.l dollar under
lis.eiday a close. 'I he final figures today
weie i.,c down at Ho.iO. January pork
clc.ed JJ sc lower at Sli.37.a : January lard
c down at tA.iu and January libs 7W"jl0c
i-eiiresslon at fi.j7S4j4.40. Packers were
. teis on the Decline.
Closing quotations were as follows:
Artlcies.l Ojien. High. Low. Close. ITes y.
Wheat I
1 iec. .
S. pt..
1 eC. .
jua. ..
Ribs- i I i
hept... 10 10 I
fKt.... T4; 074
Jan.... a 46 & 4a
I "V
1 uo'l; 1 Ol'il
i'lSw .61S(I
Mt(l:V '-!
ftSSflS'' 4.'Sl
i.t.u4, 4. I
,Mr4i;t 4 !
W SO 16 w
lis fc-e0 lo 56
I 27 9 27 i
!7iS6 02SI
IM's,4S'ril W.H
l oO' x i uoy l oi it
Cl 614Jwl 1
bs 3iai4 tWj-u-
41 '42S6K1 4?",
44 4SS 44s446
J7-H 4.'4i i:4J'5s
Ashland, Neb.... K5
Auburn, Nub 83
H ken How, Neb. 7
Columbus. Neb... S3
Culbertwm. Neb. (1
rairbury. Neb... W
Fairmont. Neb..
Gr. Island. Neb.
Hartington. Neb
Hastings. Neb..
H.ildrege. Neb... SI
Ijncolli. Neb S3
No. Platte, Neb
Oakrtale. Neb
i unaha. Neb
Tekamah. Neb..
VHlentlne, Neb.
'Mom Cltv. la.
Alta. la
I'arroll. Ia
Clarlnila. (a
SLbley. Ia
'Minimum teni erature
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of
District. Station
Columbu. O ... 17
lAusvllle. Ky 21
lnuianapolis. 4nd. 11
Ch.cago, lil i"
ISt. liule. Mo i'
1 es Moines, la 21
Minneapolis, lilnn. 30
Kansas Cltv, Mo. 21
Omaha. Neb II
A very decided fall In temperature oc
curred last nlghv In the upper valleys and
upper lake region, and the weather is muc.i in Minnesota, the Dakotas, Ne
braska? Kansas, fowa and Missouri. Heavy
froct occurred in northwent North Dakota.
Rains occurred wlmln the last twenty-four
houis in all except tie extreme eastern
ulstriets of tha corn and wheat region, and
' .00
Pt. cloudy
Union Pacific Ledi Lilt ia Erratic
i;. Kim rr is . .lie 'wis. ( eairsi to
lit 1-1 I rf 4s. fr. f l v,
lot Mm I1 T; Panama It li
Eatiaaates laalleate Hage laerease la
ork Daksts warat 4 ro aa
Compared wltk tkat (
Last Year.
NEW TORK. Aug. .-Today's operation
on stock exi harige opened with a number
or sunsti'ntial recessions In which in Ion
Pacific took its now familiar place as
leader. In Us early losses the list simply
followed the course of London, where all
Americans, particularly the Harriman's
were under pressure.
London a depression and the resultant
break here were generally atrlbuted to de
velopments aboard and advices from Pang
and London indicating that another rup
ture had occurred In the Franco-Moroccan
Further detaMs concerning the proposed
retrenchment of the Harrtman railroads
were forthcoming, all tending to show that
this Important system purposes carrying
out its avowed policy with little delav. The
labor situation on the Illinois Central,
which owes allegiance to the Ilarrlcan
lines, also was reported to hare become
After th market's first slump, in which
many stocks jold under yesterday, the list
crawled slowly upward on very moderate
volume of business, I'nlon Taclflc leading
the advance as it had the decline, liy
midday prices were substantially over the
preceding day s, but again fell away with
trading at a standstill.
Weakness in Canadian Pacific, which had
Its origin in Berlin and which followed by
a loss of almost five points here, precipi
tated an Incipient selling movement In the
later session. The earnest support accorded
I'nlon raciflc. resulted in a rv'.ly. but prices
were not fully restored and the market
took on Its accustomed languor. Baltimore
A Ohio was distinctly weak, selling off
to par. a loss of two points notwithstand
ing a fairly good statement of earnings
for July.
There was more animation In the noon
hour and a considerable degree of under
lying strength was noted with free adsorp
tion of steel and I'nlon Pacific, the former
mounting to its best price of the day.
Dullness once more ensued and prices
shaded as Invarlablly done recently on my
increase of activity, but net gains were
general In th active group at the close.
An estimate of the North Dakota wheat
crop places the probab'v harvest at 40.000.flno
bushels, aaralnst :i.0oo) bushels tact year.
Dispatches from Oregon, Montana? Idaho
and Washington point to enormous yields
in those sta'es.
Bonds were steady. Total sales, par
value, $1.21.0otV I'nited States govern
ment bonds were unchanged on call.
Number of sale and leading quotations
on stocks today were as follows.
ealss. High. Low. Clnss.
. 14.S0U
Temp. Rain
Max. Min. tall.
M M .00
as 50 .00
SI M .')
S4 60 .40
re rti .40
W Ui
76 44 .50
ISS Hi 1.00
Kl 52 .30
Allla-Oialmrs pM
Amalgamated Cnpper ...
Amarit-an Agrlrultural ..
Amerlran llaet Sugar
American ean
Amsrleaa V. 4k F
American Cotton Oil
Amaru-aa H. 4k L. ptl..
Am. Ire Serurittea
Ainertran Llneeed
American IxconiutlVf ...
Ameri'an z 4k K
Am. ft A Ft. PM
Am Stew rouB'irle
Am. Sugar Refining
American T r
Anierlrun Tnba.-ro pM...
American W.joien
Aiia(nnla Mining Co
Au-ntaon pfl
Atlantic Coaat Lino
'Baltimore Oliin
Bethlehem Kteel
Urrxililjn fiapia Tr
Canadian Pacific
Central Leaher
Central Leather pfd
Central of New Jersey..
Cheaapeaks A Ohio
Chhago at. Alton
Chicago u. W , new
Chicago O. W. vtt
Chl.ago 4s N. W
Chicago. M St. P....
C. C , O. A St. lr.
Colorado F. A I
Colorado St Southera....
Oneiilidated Oaa
Corn Froduct9
Delaware ft Hudaon
penser it Klo Grande
6 .'i ill. t
M', do V"
M Mia
34S 34 3
71s, 1d 71
4110 M6 105 104V
2t) It 13 34
no m m iu
9.X) 1 Wis
rm so
1.7m) lu loT-s
SWI mi v 11 v
280 U 122
s,;ko luis lio
31 10 1
W 7i Vit
li.urt M4 tJiiw
100 :4i !4t
mo m
I eaalea toek Market.
LONDON. Aug 22. AnierU an s. uritls
Opened qu'et todaT. Trading Was light
during the first hour and prices moved
Irregularly At noon the market was easv
and from V above to H below yesterday s
New York closing
London closing stock nuglations:
Consols, sionej ....74 1 11 looisville Nah t"4
So sCMtit . .....?! I- II Mo , Ran Tetaa. 1T
Amal Cbpper New Tof4i Centrml 1:
Asaconda 7n Norfolk at Weetem. iniW
At-kwoa 1"S do pfd !
do pfd ,...ia Ontario Westers., sot,
Waltlmors ft lWa..lM Pennarianls 4?'4
t ansdlaa Fa-tfte .. .! Rend Mums
HwiMll ft OMs.. 7 Iteadlns
Chi. ureal Weetorn.. M go'ilhers Rallaf .. :S
Chi.. Mil. ft St. P.HJH f
De Besrr 117 Southern Pa.tllc ....Ill's
Denver ft Rio O. ... f I'nlon Pacific 174V,
do pfd do sfd 4
Eds "i I'. ""el 74i
do let p'd W do pfd H
do id pfd 42 Wahaah 14S,
Grand Trusk 27' do pfd 1
llKnoia Central 144
SILVEK Bar. steady at 24'd per ounce.
MONEY IS per cent.
Th rate of discount In th open market
for short bills Is 2S per cent; for three
months' bills. 2 per cent.
Bos tea ttoeka awtl Bowels.
BOSTON. Aug. 22. Closing quotations on
stocks were as follows:
Allouei 13 Mohawk '
Ajnal Copper SO Nerada Con 17V
A Z. L- ft g w Nlpisalns Mines .. 1 11-14
Artaons Com Iw North Butts :'
B ft I C. ft 8. M. 4 North Lake I'
Butt Coalition 1 Old Itenisioa J"1
CaJ. ft Arlaona " aceola 0
Cal ft Herla 41 Psrrott g. ft C W
On'ennlal Otilnce 4'4
Cep. Hangs C. C U Shannon
Eaat Butts C. M lot Superior "
Franklin t Buparlor ft B M 4
Otroux Con 47 Tamarack
Oranhr s l. S. S R. U ... I3t
Oreeno rsnsnea do pfd .. 4's
leis Korals Copper., lan ftah Co. H
Kerr Lake 4i t'tah Copper Co 44S
Lake Opper K v Winona S
La Balls topper t Wolvsiine We
Miami Copper lit, .
Ex-I1t. "Asses.
2.514) 74 73 1 74
209 1S 1H It's
100 If 4 IMS 10
1.300 1I1S 114V,
t 4s
13ei 13
12 124,
some heavy runs occurred In Miou m Seci. ":::
iw a
tot so
w us
ltt leT,
300 it
Z.tiu, and Springfield,
Local Forecaster,
Weather bureau.
lit 20 11 JO 14 90
1 3a I 1 37 ,
9 17SU I7tfJi
dl-l 1 34) j
8 05 i ? 05 I
00r02 9 02'i
Cash quotatlonh were as follows:
FLOL'ft r trm; winter patents, t3.Sfwi4.ot);
guitar straights, ft a-4 ju : spring straunts,
;4.Uiw4.4r. baKers, IXT.'o 4 .
K K No .', eSnc.
BARLEY Feed or mlxlnt, 7'i:K-; fair
tu choice malting,
ffc;fc.D-Tlniottiy. 12.514 0U; clover, llj-tw
,11 50.
1-KOVlSIONd Mess porlt. per bbl., 17.0
i,(i7.25. Lard, per too lbs . $a li.J2S. -hort
ubs, sides iloosei, 13 ;tr U; snort clear
aides tbuxedi. f..lJT
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
oul to 4s4.0uo bu. Primary receipts wvre
.4i.At bu., compared W1L& 1. IK, Ouo bu. the
corresponding cUy a year ago. The Wirld s
visible supply as shown by Bradslrect ,
increased 2.uC,(Ai b- Estimated receipts
for tomorrow: Wheat. Zdi cars: corn. 173
cars; oats. car", hogs, 4.uo0 head.
I'hlcago Cash P: Icea w heat: No. 2 red,
eVS4l. No- J 'ed, ss-jaSc: Nr. 2 haid
wtuler. -i;auc; No. 1 hard winter, !'.Vjc.
No. 1 hard spring, old. ll.Lijl ;d-. No. 1
nui'lbern spring, old. fl lfctjl.U,; No. i north
i rn spring, livol lu; No. 2 northt-m spring,
a id. i"uyl.ll. No. 2 northern spring, iluv
105, No. J northern spring, vid. iuc l.t;
No. J noil.taru spring, ;c;eilXJ; No. 2
Mning. Wc iil'..ulS; No. I spring. 5Wit!.o0;
velvet chaff, ..: II "0. durum, oac.
Corn: No. 2. S3'4' 5,'4c : No. 2 unite. JVi)
i'4Sc; No. 2 yeiluM. ei'sc; No. 3. 63',4i
;iHc; No. S wliUek t!c: No. 2 yellow.
e.iMc; No. 4. 'J4i63.; No. 4 white,
i..l,c; No. 4 )lluf. oTwioi'c. Oau. No
40c: No. 2 whf.?. 41"j4JJc: No. 2 white,'
i; j41Sc; No. 4 white. 4w.)HSc. standard,
41 11 So. Hye: No 2 4 Barley:
.-iJll. Timoiliy $!2.5wH.ia). t lover:
l".i" 1..V.
lU'TTER Steady ; creatneiics. 20625c;
tai'1's. Itf2ic.
Kt'.i.iS Steadv. at mark, cases Included.
'oaiMc; receipts. 9.9H cased; firsts, liVgc;
Jol;tie fltS'S. 17c.
CHEESE Firm: daisies, 1:'.H131.-: twins,
j.'V12-": voung America;. !3'-t3:34aC; long
iioina. ISJlS'v.
rOTATCif.S Firm; choice to fancy, Jer
rv. H .val JS; fair to good, Oi.ios, fl.lo
1 15.
VEAt: Firm: 50 to t-lo weights, 4o;
'- to sC-lb. weights. sStlOSc; 15 to liO-IU
weiahts. 11c.
J-OCLTRY Firm; turkeys. 14c; chickens.
:c: spilngs. lesc
I'u.i) a.oveuiciit of prcaluc:
Articles. Receli'ts 8hlpments
Ilour, bb!s... ssoia) S2.)
Vhest. bu :ri..ks 1".3
a. n. bu 4") :7,
t'ai, bu eTJ") ?7ti0i
')e. bu 1 wJ JlS4
l-arley. bu 74.10 25.ia
Cariof Kecelpts Wheat: 210 cars, with 2
f contract arade Corn: U7 cars, wltii
I of con i. -art grane. Oats: Sij cars.
Total leceujts of wheat at Chicago, Minne
a'olia and Iu.ut!i toda were 4u5 cars,
ouiupared with iJt care last week and j
cars the torreipondir.s day ft car ago.
t. I.oals General Market.
ST. LOCV3. Mo.. Aug. 22. WHEAT
Cash, higher; track. No. 2 red, SwvtfiKie;
No. 2 hard. slcytU'l; September. 7''3sc;
Lectmber. W-vliWimC.
CORN SteaJy; track. No. 2, 3c: No. 1
white. Wvjc, aeptember, B5Hc; Lecember,
OATS Steady ; track. No. 2, 404c; No. i
whke. 42c; September, 41HC.
RYE Unchanged: syc.
FLOCK Viuiet; red winter patents, $4 10
-.; extra fancy and. straights, 13-Wff
4.10; hard winter clears. fcl-iMiXJO.
hEEli Timothy, 12.5Wfirl4.00.
I.UKNM EA L $2.90.
BHAN Weak, sacked east track, $l.or
fc It.
HAT Firm; timothy, $18.0022.oi); prai
rie. $11 5c&l.0t.
BROV1ION Pork. lower; Jobtlrtg,
$17.00. Lard, lower; prime, $H.SCS' So. Lry
sait meats, unchanged; boxed extra short.
4c; clear ribs. Hc; short clears, 9-c;
short clears. lrc. Bacon, onchanjfel;
boxed extra shorts, lOc; clear ribs, luc;
hort elesis. lOSc.
POULTRY r u m; chickens, 11c; springs.
13c: turkeys, Itic; ducks. Sc; Teese. ic.
BUTTER Dull; creamery, 20j25c.
EGOA Firm; lc.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 12.04)
Wreat bu 3S.i 5-.0O
Corn, bu 82.000 52 W
OaU. bu 4.'JOO M.OOO
Ens lt ptd
Srte id pM
General Llectrte
Great Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore ctfs. ...
Illinois Central
Interborough Met.
Inlerbnrough Met. pfd
International Harvester ...
hit Marine pfd
International Paper
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kaiuaa City southern
K c. go. pfd
Laclede Gat,
Louisville ft Narhelll
Minn, ft St. Louie
M . St P ft 3. M
Miaaourl. K. ft T
M . K. ft T pfd
Mleenurt Pacific
National Biscuit
National Lead
24. R. R. of M M ptd.. .
New Yok Central
N. Y . O. ft W
Norfolk ft Westers
North American
Northern Pa. Iflc
Pacific Mall
People's Use
P.. C. C. ft St. L
PitlsbsrgB CosJ
Pressed steel Car
Pullman Palace car
Railway Steel Spring
Kepuhllo Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Kock laland Co
' Rock lalasd (w pfd
1U 143 S
14 i4m
14 434a. 131
314 11 31
30 'i ! t9
ii" 414 4Va
1M 153 UI 1M
I ) 134 4 1131 lt
bH 474 474 47
304 140
l.M 144
4'M 4:s
1.004 1U
1404 134
14 144
414 4
1144 1144
r4 4
100 104 1044 104 Mj
SOI 1434 141 S 143
luD 33 31 33
tOO 133 4 133
Il0 114 314
ISO 4Si, 4
l.e 414 404
l.toH IO44 1M 14
ISO 40 34 4
7 101 m 10:4
100 TO 79 14
T.100 1114 1144 Ill's
ine 24 IS 14
4.4v 1314 1104 1K4
tos 1034 1034 1034
100 4 4 43
Jon 14 1 114
100 33 33 114
7 M 1444 1414 1444
1.000 It 24 M
New York Mining etaeks.
NEW TORK, Aug. 22. Closing" quotations
on mining stocks were:
Alice 14S Little Chief
Com. Tsnnel stack.. II Meslcsa 40S
do bonds II Oman i"0
Con Cal. ft Va 71 "phlr -l7B
Horn Sllesr 10 'Standard loo
Iron BllTor I 0 Tellow Jacket It
ladelll Con. 1
uttered. -
flank 1'learlnaa.
OMAHA. Aug. 22. Omaha bank clearings
todav were $1.413 and tor tbe correspond
ing day of last year, $2.06,33.
BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. carton, 2$c; No.
L in 0-lb. tubs, 27c; No. 2, 25c; packing, 17c;
CHEESE Imported Swiss, 32c; American
Swiss. 22c; block Swiss, lo; twins, IShin.
triplets, lHc; daisies, lc; young America,
lc; biue label brick, lsc; limburger U lb.)
18c. llmburijer tl lb.), 19c.
POULTRY Broilers, 20c per lb.j hens,
13c; cocks, c; ducks, 18c; geese, Lc; tur
keys, 24c, pigeons, per doz., $1.20. Alive:
Broilers, 12 '--; hens, c old roosters and
stags, 44c; old ducks, full feathered, 10c;
geese, full feathered. &c; turkeys, 124c;
guinea fowls. 15c each; pigeons, per do.,
75c; homers, per dos., $2.50; squabs No. 1,
,ys 15c-
F1SH Pickerel 10c; white, 15c; pike, 14c;
trout, 15c; large crappies, frji20c; Spanish
mackerel, 19c; eel, lsc; haddock, 13c;
flounders, i:c; creen catfish, lsc; roe shad,
$1.00 each; shad roe, per pair, sOc; salmon,
15c; halibut, 10c; yellow perch, 9c; buffalo,
Ik;, 14a.
Bhtf' It I'S Ribs. No. 1. 17c; No. 2. 13c;
No. A, Sc. Loin: No. 1. l!c; No. 2. 144c; No.
3, 104c. Chuck: No. 1. ic; No. 2, b4''; No.
I. 54c. Round: No. 1, loc; No. 2. &4c; No.
3. s4c. Plate: No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 44c;
No. 4. 34''.
FRUITt Apples, wealths'. Pr bbl., $2.75
tij.25; per bu. b.tsket. $l.t"J. Bananas, fancy
select, per bunch. $2.2tVjj2.50; Jumbo, bunch,
$2.75i3.i5. t:antaloupes, California, stand
ard. 45 count. Ix.dtt per crate; pony crates.
54 count, $175; Jumbo, 27-33 slae, $2.00. Dates,
anchor brand, new. 30 1-lb. packages In
boxes, per box, $2.00. Grapes, concords,
home grown, per 7-lb. backet, 25J7c.
Grapes, California Malagas, per 4-baaket
crate, $1.75. Lemons, Llmoneira brand,
extra fancy. 300-300 sizes, per box. $.0o;
Loma IJmonelra, fancy, JtA'i-3) sizes, per
box. $5.50; 240 and 420 sizes. 50c per box
less, oranges. Niagara Redlands Valen
cia. I-1U sizes, per box. $4.25: 15-170-2oO-250
sizes, per box, $4.75. Peaches, Caliiomia,
per box, $1.00; Colorado, per box, $1.00,1.10.
Plums, California, large red varieties, per
crate, $1.6. Prunes, tragety. per 4-baaket
crste, ll.ho. Peaia, California, per 50-lb.
box. $-00, lots of 10 boxes or more, per
box. $1.90; Colorado fancy Bartlett pears.
$-tier, per box. $1.S5. in 10-box lots, per
box. $1.75; Colorado fancy Flemist beauty
canning pears, per box. $165; In 10-box
lots, per box. $1.55. Watermelons, Georgia
and Florida, per lb.. 14c.
VEGETABLES Beans, string and wax,
per market basket. Wc. Cabbage, ho'me
grown, per lb., 24c. Cucumbers, home
grown, 14 and 2 doz. In basket, per basket,
Sue. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz.,
$1.60. Garlic, extra, fancy, white, per lb.,
1-c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doz.,
40c. Onions, home grown, white, per crate,
II. 75: yellow, per crate. $1.90; California, In
sacks, per lb., 240. Parsley, fancy home
grown, per doz, bunches. 45c. Potatoes,
California white stock, in sacks, per bu.,
$1.80: Minnesota, per bu., $1.25 1.35. Sweet
potatoes. Virginia, per bbl., $4.00; per bu.
basket, $1.(0. Tomatoes, home g"wiu per
market basket, 75c.
MISCELLANEOUS California soft shell
per lb., Ioc; in sack lots, lc less. Brazil
nuts, per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lc less.
Filberts, per lb., 14V; In sack lots, lc less.
Peanuts, roasted, per lb., 84c; raw, per lb.,
7c. Pecans, large, per lb , loc; In sack,
lots, lc less. Walnuts. California, per lb.,
lc; In sack lots, lc less. Honey, new, 24
frames, $3.73.
No Tery Great Chungt ia Yalnei of
Fat hees aid I .a sake Me-atly Test
feats Lejsser. wltk Peeellag Mwck
All Ike War frstsm Steady
I Tew I. ewer.
Pecelpts were: CaTt'e. Hog Bheef.
Offiolel Mondsv 11.40$
Estimate Tuesday 7.100
Two days this week....l.54i3
Same das last week....l5.7
Fame days t weeks ago. .14.070
Same days $ weeks sgo.. 13.14
Came days 4 weeks ago..ll.H62
Same days last vear 1S.L2
The following table shows the receipts ot
rattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha tor
the year t Sate as compared wltk l4
year: ml. 110. Ino.
Cattle SW.237 3I7 .
Hogs 1 729 834 1.3!.5Tb $30.2!w
Sheep 1,070.613 l.OM.SW
The following tails riissi th aeerags
erlcse ot bogs at Booth Omaht fee Iks
last serveral days, witk cnmpaiisensl
Dates, j mi. l14).ilsxs).lw.riVf.l3.l3t.
' 13 heifers... H J SO 10 feeders.. r 4 55
15 feeder I'.M I
Emll Millberg South Dakota
IS cows W 3 IC
A. J. Abott Nebraska.
S3 steers.. ..1235 $ 5 3 steers . ..111! 4 75
1 77S it
gSOV U.04
hTto C?.7
LUX) 2
M3 n.t
1J.440 .5
15..VT7 21"3J
I.S57 TO.Mg
Aug. 1$.
7 27
$ OS, I 4J7i 22! I Mi M .
J 4 17, I 74, $ M( $ M
I 11 $0, 72 Ml J
$ $4j T H I tl J M
T 7l 44 I 74. I M
4i 7 7'li 4li (HiSH
I a 7 Ml 111 t TO, I $
I Tl 7 Mi 37 ! 8
7 41 si u, ( ; I 4
.1 I 4i j I 12) i ttl I li M
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union stock yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock, p. m.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C, M. Bt- F 1
Wabash 1
Missouri Pacific $
Union Pacific 5o
C. ox N. W east....
N. W., west.... 61
St. P., M. 4 O ... S
B. & Q., east.... 2
B. Q., west. ...162
R. I. at P., east.. 2
R. L P., west.. 1
Illinois Central 1
c. a. w 1
3 1..
ii '4
48 41
20 11 1
S 4
137 134 7
Total receipts 23
Cattle Hogs. Bheep.
.1M t an 21 steers.... S7
.1OV0 $ t". 15 feeders.. ?70
.104 $ 0 30 cows
i2 $ tt 4 rows J0
. ! 4 5 14 steers... .104w
J B. Kendri. k Wye
.liS i (t U steers. ...UI
.100S 4 $6
o. Broaddua-Wyo.
11 feeders.. e to t heifers... Ml 4 0
11 heifers... W 4
T. w. Ms 1 news wyo.
.IOC 4 o 14) steers.... St
. S44 4 es 1 steers.. ..1m
. M 4 o II steers.. ,.lr
..44 l t costs $
.. M ITS
W. J. Monnett Wyo.
.. $ 4 W 1 steers.. ..MSI ( 4)
B. Beard Wyo.
?2 steers.
17 steers.
16 feeders.
24 steers...
T steers...
11 steers...
7 steers...
13 steers...
2 rows....
14 steers...
11 steers. ..
I steers..,
12 heifer.
( 2S
I f-
4 U
1 .
s to
4 !
4 0
4 0
23 steers
Jg cows..
2t steers.
90 steers.
U cs Ikhfrs. 4PT
1 cows K2
1 0
I 16
1 00
I fwws
14 feeders..
1 steers. ...
I calves...
4 cows
1 W
4 50
$ IS
i 25
4 54
Beaver Creek Cattle Co. Wyoming".
61 feeders.. 92 S 24) IS cs hfrs. Ik 4 fl
14 Steers... 12T3 I 25 steers. ...U?7 5 2S
B. B. Brooks Wvomlng.
I cows lr 6 IS 11 steers. .1137 IK)
McDonald Arnold Wyoming.
I steers... 119 I 14 I feeders.. Ml I M
R. Tlsdale Wyoming.
V steers.... 11 4 $45' 45 heifers... Ni 111
O. K. Later Wyoming.
24 feeder.. W8 B 40
C W. Marquis Wyoming.
11 feeders. .114 4
H T. Smith-Wyoming
S Steers... KM S 16 14 steers. ...1fl(tJ I IS
Fiigelklng Bros. Wyoming
17 feeders. . 55 S steers. ...loS 4 S3
Wllllsm Richardson Wyoming.
11 feeders. 11 I 00
Wilson Bros. Montana.
II feeders.. 96 IW I feeders.. Ml 110
21 calves... ITS
10 calves... 137
I cows
10 stk. hfrs. 46
41 feeders.. 571
1 w
4 26
4 70
24 calves... 24
11 cows 70
41 stk. hfrs, 47
47 feeders.. SM
I w
4 6
4 70
Omaha Packing Co sis
bwlft and Company L4M
Cudahy Packing Co l.344
Kansas Cl4g Grata aad Provisions.
Cash, steady; No. 2 hard. Knjitfc; No. 3,
SS'uisic". No. 2 red. 474tiSc; No. 1 IS-lj-gc;
September. e4'dS4c; December. S.'4ir.'2aC.
CORN Market 4c higher; No. 1 mixed,
4040; No. 3. woe. No. 1 white. 60c; No. i,
;54BtfcV; September. 04c; December, 5Sac;
May. 3.i'sc.
OATS Market 4c higher; No. J white.
4J434c; No. 2 mixed. 41't0 4JV-c.
HAY Steady to weak; choice timothy,
UH.OJr&l 50; choice rralrle. I12.504jl3.0u.
HI TTER Creamery. 25c; firsts. 23c; sec
onds. 21c; packing stock. 17c.
rH 4H Extras. 21c; firsts, lx:; seconds
10' ic.
Receipts, ghipmentt.
Wheat, bu i.o0 .tt
Corn, bu U.'4 22,t4)
Oats, bu ' "
Vlalkle Sapnly of Grata.
NEW TORK. Aug. 25. Special cable and
telegraphic communication received by
Bradstreet's show the following changes In
available supplies as compared with pre
vioua account: Wheat. I'mtiHi Stales ea.t
RiKkles. decreases. 33KO bu. Canada, rlc
creaaed l.4f3,isj bu. Total United Sia!es
and Canada, decreaie.! 1. bu. Afloat
for and Europe iicreased 4.i4).0w' bu.
Totl American and European surplv m
creaueil :.w'.4.oi."i bu. Corn. United S.sies
and t'anarta. decreased uiet.Oi bu. oats,
l-nited Elites add Canada, increased l.nlo.-
0t) btu Th leading dei-renses and Increases
reported this week roiiow: increases:
Nashvllie. 147.000 bu; Akron. JG.rts) bu. I'e
creases: Manitoba. ZZ.'..M bu; Louisville,
74tjO. Fort Vorth, 50v4) bu.
j .
Minneapolis Grain Market.
September closed at 11.02V. le-ilKT, I1.1M4
WI0.H4: May. $l.r,al'j;4: No. I hard.
$lo74; No. 1 northern, $1.04411.07: No. i
northern. KO'iClalU; No. J. Se4cp$l OJ'--
FLAX -12 50
CORN No. yellow. n
OATS No. J white. 41-54j41i,c.
RTE No. 3. 7h4j:c.
BR.4N-4M 30&2H.
I'LOl'R-First patents. $5.4a5..'i; -ecoril
patents. $4.5isd.75 . first clears. IC.. '."j '..ii;
second clears. 12 O44:
, . 1
I l-rrpeMtt lirala Mafkel.
UV"RPl'JL Aug. 2 -WHEAT-Ppot. 1
dull: No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 104d; No. 2 Manl-i
toba. unquoted: No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 7d; fu-,
turee. strady; October. 7a 14d; December, i
7 3d: March. 7s 34d. '
CORN 4-pot. flrr.i; new American mixed, 1
Fis S4d: old American miied. 5s d; caw
American, kiln dried. .' 7d: futures, dull;!
September. 5s d, October, 5a 74d.
. ailntikre Graiai Market.
rortbern. ll.vesjMS; No. t nortUrrn. Ilt.'u
1 44: No, 2 bard, winter, i:t'V, Septem
ber. SS'Sc; Dett-niber. W-gC
OATS Stardand. 4c.
BARLKY Malting. $105131. 17.
St. U S F li pli 1.4.10 43 40 414
St. Lsuls B W 31 I
gt L. W. pt4 474 '
Sloee-ghertteM g. at 1 44 I
Soul hern Pacific 1 J i 1134 1114 U24 !
Southern Railaray 1.700 t4 r". 34 :
Southern Railway ptd Loss IS 44 St
iTenneeeee Copper 00 334 314 114
1 Tease Pacific bM 134 1.14 a 4 ,
IT. St. !- 4V W 14 14 tl j
T . St. L. W. pfd twi 41 , 414 40
It'irlon Pacific 17I.7M 1714 1S4 1704!
Inlon Pa-lfie pfS 1M II 9! S04
t'niteJ S'ates Realty i
t'nlierl States Rubber 174
Inltnl Statea Steel 148, MM 71 714 7'.4
I S Steel pfd 40 1114 1!5 Ue-a
t'tah Copper 2.W 44-4, 434 44 4
Va -Carolina ctiernival 4o0 is b 444
Wabaaii 4ml 144 144 144
Wataall pfl 100 :o W ',
Western Maryland 4-41 IT4 1", 17
Weetlr.ghouee Electric HI 44 4 44
Western I'nion !.:) 754 'r- 7S4
Wheeling U
Lehigh Valley .' J U44 1434 144
Total sales for the day, d,7w tnarea.
Metal Market.
NEW TORK, Aug. 22. M ETTA L8 Stan
dard copper, dull; spot. August, September,
October and November. $12.1312.30. London
market, quiet, spot, lot 5s. Futures, 57. Ar
rivals reported at New York today. H70
tons; custom house returns show exports
of 20.627 tons so far this month. Lake cop
per $12.751 13 : electrolytic. $12.5041 12.K24:
casting, $12. 25 12.5V. Tin, quiet; spot, $45.00; August. $4S.0tKi'44.5O; September.
$42.00342.60: October, 41.24Mr42.0; Novem
ber, 41.i(f41.75. London market, quiet;
spot. ilMlOs; futures, tl$7 5. Local sales.
25 tons. August, at $44.50. Lead, steady;
$4.4fi&4.6n New York; 14 4'H bid. East St.
Louis, tales. ltXi.iU) pounds, East 8t Louis
at 34 44 ; London, 14 Is 3d. Spelter, easy;
$4.45414.15. New York: $5 73 bid East St.
Louts. London if! In. Antimony, dull;
Cook so 11. N.iu'oS."A. Iron, C.eveland war
rants, 47s 6d in London. Locally, iron was
steady. No. 1 foundry northern, 115 jo
ld.W; No. 2. tlS.Za 15.75; No. 1. southern
and No. 1 southern sufi. 15.i415.5tl.
ST. LOUIS, Aug 22. METALS Lead,
steady. $4,424. Spelter, firm, $4.00.
Armour 4 Co..
rchwartx-Bolen Co
W. U. Van-ant Co.
L'enton. Yansant 4k Lush
Mephens Bros
Hill ex Son
F. ti. Lewis
Huston & Co
J. li. Root ex Co
J. H. Bulla
L. F. Husz
L. Wolf
McCreary A Carey
S. N ertheimer
H. F. Hamilton
Lee Rothschild
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co
Cline IV Christy
Other buyers
Totals 9.824 1.182
CA'l'l LE There was anotner very liberal
run of catue tooay, it cars being reported
In. '1 nig Dungs 1 ue total tor tno two days
up to l.oai nead, the largest two days'
run thus tar since the opening ot the range
season, bull receipts were uot very muon
QiUerent I10111 suit laey were for the
tajiie periou last jear. as was tne case
yesieruay, the Big bulk ot tne arnvais con
sisied 01 range caue anu aa tilers was
tne usual amount 01 sorting and anaping
up to be done it was iaie betore seuers
wers ready to snow their cattle and before
very niucn business was u ansacted. 'the
market as a wnoie, however, was in very
fair shape as viewed (rum a seller s stand
point. wuotatlons on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, t,.w , fair to good
beef steers, 4-.itTJi.Ui; common to fair Dcet
steers, i-t. iixtio.i, good to cnoice nelfers,
iu.uuas.uu, good to cnoice cows, 44.awaJ.iJ,
lair to guoa cows, 3.i44.uo; common to
tair cows, a.ii0u3.,j; vtai caivss, feiAxteu.w.
When ins tiaus was once under way
there was a fair movement for the rauel
desirable beeves at prices that wers not
jnucu oifterent from yettcrday. On tlis
otuer hand the fact tnat buyers bougui
so many steers ytatcrday and that tneie
were so many more on sale today from
which to make selections made tucm ramer
particular and tne trade was accordingly
siow to aa much aa loc lower on the gen
eral run of fair to pretty good steers. For
tne two days the market ia safely lic
lower on some kinds, possibly mors tuan
'1 he early market on cows and heifers
was in fair shape, buyers making the
rounds and selecting sucn stuff aa thsy
especially wanted at prices that were not
very much lower, but th general maraet
was lOwlSc lower than yesterday and tns
close was very slow and in many cases
luMc lower.
There were a good many country buyers
In the yards this morning, whicn helped
out tne feeder market very materially, so
that the most desirable cattle brought
about steady prices. A country buyer paid
as high as $6 for cattle to take back Into
the country and finish. Speculators, how
ever, had quite a good many cattle on
hand, and the general market was slow
and weak to Wtfloc lower, the close being
especlsliy dull-and weak.
quotations on range cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, u W4J4.60; fair to good
beef steers. e5.i-V5.90: common to fair beef
steers $4 6H;S.16; good to choice heifers,
fiuotiS.Si; good to choice cows, Heoqe.lO;
(air to good cows, JJ.sfUl 25; good to choice
stackers snd feeders. $5.z0u..vo: fair to
a nod Blockers and feeder. $4.0-tt5.: com-
I mun to fair Blockers and feeders, H. 754.6;
stock ne.ieri, hidv,, stag, etc.,
12 leygo.u".
Itepresentalivs sates:
HOO 8 Supply of hogs showed a promis
ing Increase, g tmething like 13s loads
making up total receipts. Buyers promptly
turned bearish, but the earlier demand was
too healthy to permit cost-cheapening and
quite a little business was done on a
steady basts. Weakness developed after
the first few rounds, however, and bulk
had to sell at steady 10 a nickel lower fig
ures. Trad at th extreme close involved
many sale at the full decline and 11 o clock
found several loads still In first hands,
with buyers Indifferent.
Droves were put up early with a fair de
gree of freedom, but movement after mid
sesalon waa quiet, becoming dull and
draggy as the morning advanced. Shippers
and speculators furnished good support,
buying about 27 per cent of the entire re
ceipts. Orders from Independent concerns
elsewhere favored smooth quality, so that
the demand from outside quarters was
more or lejs discriminating from the start.
Long strings ranged from $7.15 to $7.3,
plain to good butchers selling largely at
f7.ztf.2S. Hest bacon animals on sale
reached $7.50, a nickel above the best price
paid yesterday. The Inconsistency of this
comparison Is explained by the fact that
toppy grades were practically lacking yesterday.
No. At. Eh. PT. .'. At. 8h. Pr.
34 It ... 1 14 "0 330 40 1 34
46 311 ... 7 14 0 :4 11 7 34
11 mo ... 7 U 4 tiii 130 7 35
34 3M HI 1U 43 33 40 J 24
It 330 N T li U 2l 40 1 35
47 271 40 7 la 44 37 SO 7 25
44 114 40 7 16 " to 7
IS 31 40 7 If 41 - ... 1 34
04 34 10 T 15 71 1 40 7 35
! .lit ... 7 174 i.l 441 ... TU
71 343 2 Ml 7 17 44 2M ... ' 34
44 24 ... 7 i;i 44 27 10 7 3
31 31 ... 70 to it 140 t J
7 19 W IN 34 ... 7 24
44 m W 1 11) M 46 ... T IS
IS ;i0 11-0 7 20 19 -l 40 7 li
4 ins ... 7 r 2 : N is
43 33 ... 7 20 14 37 ID 1 U
40 37 44) 1 30 f 3M . . 7 30
40. .......!. ... 7 20 It 243 14 7 H
34 340 40 1 24 71 242 120 1 16
31 321 N 1:t 97 374 40 I 24
43 Ml ... 7 M 71 3i 2mJ 7 24
43 11 M 7 20 ID 244 w 7 35
64 144 ... 1 10 24 314 ... 7 25
14 tt . . 7 20 213 ... T 3e
JO 311 ae T M 71 32 12 t IS
30 34 ... 7 M 54 2f.4 ... 7 374
j rM ... t o 243 . . in
II 141 4 7 3(1 71 221 130 7 it
41 347 40 J 30 73 23a ... T 3
43 261 au 7 20 71 215 130 7 3
241 M 1 30 4S 113 4 1 3
U 374 ... ? 20 11., :.o ... 7 30
41 240 40 7 20 44 244 !4 1 30
27 2f ... 7 20 44 316 M 7 10
3 1.1 ... 7 20 10 3- 40 -7 30
61 263 10 7 20 4lf 310 a 7 38
44 143 ... 7 2 4 11 e 7 t"
73.' 234 ... 1 2 43 346 ... T 14
44 341 HI 7 2 43 212 ... 7 34
a 12.7 ... 7 2 el 242 ... 7 34
44 3e 200 7 20 44 3I1 ... 7 30
4 36 ... T 20 74 .347 1 U
n II 130 T 324 Bt 324 Mil
61 27 o 7 21 4b 2:2 10 7 40
4 364 1 T 22i 3 204 ... t 40
44 354 40 1 32 7 lit ... 7 4
2 171 ... 7 23 441 24 ... 1 4
41 344) ... 7 22', e 1,1 ... 7 M
74 3JI 6 T 224 It It ... 7 6
41 2(7 ... T 224 14 114 ... 1 60
44 244 40 T IS 14 ll ... 7 6
4 r.t li, as IN ... 160
4 t47 SO 1 26 64 lal 134 7 10
41 34 12 1 It UI 1 14
44 343 60 1 IS
ev Isik Money Market.
NKW YORK, Aug. 22. MONEY On call,
steady. 141724 per cent; ru ing rate. 24
per cent; offered at 14 per cent. Time
loans, steady; sixiy das. i per cent;
ninety days. 334 per cent: six months.
334ti.; per eent.
per cent.
actual iu bankers' bills at M.VMl
for sixty-Cay bills and at $4.!1 for demand.
Commercial hills. $4 C
SILVER Bar, 524c: Mexican Collars. 45
Bt'NLS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing Quotations on bonds today were
s f dlows:
C. S. ret ts, reg . .1004 Int. Jl. VI. 4 ,a it
de census l'4 .'apan 4s t
l a. Je. reg "1 lo 4 ,1 H
Evaporated Apples and Drlead Frails.
APPE"E Eaaler for future delivery at I'm
for October and 9o for November.
IiRlED FKl'ITrt Prunes, quiet. with
buyers wailing for kicnaicd offerings of
new crop; quuiallons from ii'altiV; for Cal
ifornia up to jo-Hi, and OreKona continue
I nominal In absence of supplies. Apni .itu,
jiiiet but bltra l ; choice. lV(tl54c; extra
choice, lhfi'.M.H. ; fancy. 173 lc. Peaches.
and flrr.i; choice, llejil'sc; extra
l'ui-4c: famv. 124c. Raisins.
ith a little better demand for
! choii'4
I choice to fancy seeded, IKaV: seedless.
4 ..
21 ..
3 ..
In. ..
.. 1.0
.. 144
.. 746
.. fcl
.. 4lt
.. St
s 00
!i'l OC IV ci
473 4 00
171 4 20
let 4 4,
I ii
3 00 S
14 I
I !i I
4 40
14 1
I 0
3 40
... 474
... 4J
1 40
4 44
4 10
4 IS
J4 4 4
UO 60
14 1044 4 K
1 1140 4 4-
Kill I IS
London laers. J1.40 11,1,1.
.. 9 "4
40 eoujwn i"1 -iv. c hq. ist 74. 4
C 3. 4. re 1114 I g 40. ( 1J1 ;k,
do (oiisun II3' -u. N. uni. u ,
Allli-coai. lev ,ie - Ja e.. et t 1st 4a.. 174,
Anier . ia 1"14 Mo gen 4'-,.- 64
As T T. e 4e 1 Mo f e-mv 4a 77
a. Tobaixe 4j 2"i "V. K. P. ol M 4Ha flu
o a i4 v t. r 34,..:. :Z
rmor A C. 44 "-" 'ia sea. 4a
A'oaiaoo fea. 4 4 a N V . N H c H
do r 4e !! IT. la '
do re it lw .V c ' let f. 4s.. I7
A C. L. let 4s 4 do re. 4a 1041;
Bal ublo 4a So. facifl.; is fav
do IWa I id Ii t
do I W. 34a ... t4 O S L. r!d 4. ... MV4
Bno. Tr t. 4.... H Peas te. xt IHi.. fcv
i-ea. et Oe. ia 1M -do coa te 104
t en. Lealker ee. Hcedtss eea. 4a . . . t1
ei n. i 1. i....:o;:t. u 4 i r. ( u 10,
t he 4k Obio li..l-, da gea 6a 17.
d ret 5 424 It. L I W. t s... U'i
Cbleafo 4c A 3H- " i to let fnla 4a... . e-i
I'. I. a VI I 4a.... " A U. 4 74',
ee gen. 4, - . Pe. cel. 4a n
II S- r g Ilea 12 , 4s ee s NV
C. R I A P- 7-S Je 1st ret 4e S4I,
so rig 4a n So lla lr U.......lo
folo. 14 ea 0 geu. 4a
r,lu Uld 4a 43 I Tltotl Pseiflc 4a lew
. AS t. e. IM 4 e c 4e iirZ
U A II rv 4 ... 44 edo 14 ref 4a Ss vZ
I A R O 4a to f S Kubtter 4e Vt '
n eef 64... 4 t S Sleel Id 61 . . 104".
rtietilkera' 6s 74 Va.-('er ieaa. 6a . ft-.
Itrve L 4a. s Waha..h lit i. li,;-,
-aa s. 4a 7 do lea A ea 4a ... 42V
d.. i 4a, ter A terr 111 4 ;
de esrie b 7l V est. Kiev ev. it. .. S3
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Aug. 2-J WOOL Greatly in
creased aitiiiu marked the woo. market
I during the last week, rales being estimated
at Close to vwo.uwi, cuuipareu witn recent
weekly dealings ot under 1.0.).'ou pounds.
Prices have advanced liitle, however. Rul
ing prices on Ohio fleeces, have been 2c
; for half blood, 25c for three-eighths blood
j ar.d 24c for riuarter bloods. Home Michigan
quarter blood has sold at 24c. In territory
I wools. Montana in original bags has
I brought about 2"-'c or 5V" clean.
ri'l. L01 'IS. Ac;. 22 - -WOOL Firm; terri
tory and western medium". 174'7'-vh:; fin
mediums. lTtfW . fine. Uu U'.
I Cotton Israel.
closed 10 points higher: middling uplands,
12 soc; middling gulf. 12 v5o. No sales.
' Futures cloed t-teadv: August, 12 23c;
septemner 11. .w fctoner. II .-yc; Novem
ber 1127c; Leceinber. 11 S7c: January.
1131c; March. 1141c: May. 11.4K.-; July.
11 50c.
10 steers. .
IS steers..
I at fsederr.
I 32 feeders
i IK feeders.. M7
27 fecdei.. 83
1 14 heileit.
1 IU cows...,
I 14 cows...,
I 17 feeders,
i 15 f- eders.
15 stk. hf
1 feeder.
IS feeders,
cows. . .
40 feeder.
13 feeder.
S3 feeders.
41 calves..
ja cows
M st rs..
feeders.. 1U3
cow Ivv
22 cows Ji
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Aug. 32. -CORN Lower; No. 2
1 white, 34c: No. 4 white. 2c; No. $ yellow.
24o; No. 3 yellow, 6'.'4c; No. 4 yellow.
, tT14c; No. 2 mixed, Kc: No. 3 mixed.
ti',c; sample. mHt.
I OATS Steady: No. 2 white, 41c: stand
ard. 4uiC No. 3 white. 404; No. 4 white,
nwlnta, Oralw Market.
Il 'LT'TH. Aug WHEAT-No. 1
hard. $104: No 1 northern. $l.ti4; No.
northern. $1 o.'4lC..(rj4 . December, 1 04
asked: May. 11.07 nominal
OAT3 '
23 heifers . .1106
I cow HlOl
7 heif ers . . . loijf
P. J
12 steers .. .VOu
S cows
4 55
4 Oil
5 00
4 50
4 00
5 40
4 50
4 ft",
3 5
2 70
4 75
I 00
3 75
5 00
$ 0
4 00
i 4
4 50
4 Su
i 25
3 io
t 15
$ 55
$ so
4 15
Parsons Nebraska.
13 ste-rs.... S30
! cow K34
22 feedMrs. . pstl
12 feeders.. 1062
1 cair 116
7 mixed... 1034
I cows 43
cons SOA
r, -teer....1204
14 c -w...... 52
15 feeders.. !if
11 cow r.i
12 calves... Isl
42 feeders-.. 1100
23 cows V2
21 feeders., lilt
12 cows 80
07 feeders.. 1052
12 calves... Iu5
os cows s.l
IS cow s 2S
41 feeders.. 113
4 55
5 10
4 Tf,
i 14
$ 40
$ 0
4 20
5 40
4 15
$ r.
i 40
3 0
I tr.
3 75
t 20
I 50
3 70
3 20
( to
bHEivP According to packers' tub, total
receipts yealeroay amounted to 24,uuu bead,
ieeuer sales Involving Io.wo head. Some
thing like 2,400 head were helu over fur to
day s trade and an equal number were re
consigned, stopping at ml point only long
enouan lor teed and water.
Early business in all branches of ths fat
stock maraet produced prices a dims lower
than those of yesteruay, extra good lambs
selling at and near e.j0. Plain tat lambs
sold trom et.2S downward. A $0.60 top on
jiancy quality was made yesterday, but tl
wvuiu leaf euiueiuma eiricuy ciiuii au
elicit a $e.0 bid at present. Demand from
packers seemed to have pienty ot breadth,
put was lacking in activity.
Old sheep ana yearlings showed very fair
action at cheaper cost, toppy ewes landing
around $3.254j3.3&. Wethers with weight
were wanted at $3.50 and less, while year
lings, drawing country bids, were sus
tained well enough to calm a quotable limit
of $4.7. Handy wethers might possibly
reach $3.76 at present, but a $3.00 price
seems better margined to ths trade In
heavy classes.
The feeoer marget, inougn neavuy bur
dened, was thronged with speculators and
country buyers and prospects for a com
plete clearance were promising, inquiry
from all quarters had a lively tone, but
buyers generally made tomi errort to out
down values. Trade finally settled at
figures easily steady to perhaps a dime
lower. Feeder yearlings ruached S4.xi and
pes we laiubs. the iwai straight shipment
of lbs season, brought aa much as fc OS.
The mors desirable itieder lambs moved at
quotations on sneep ani tamna: Ltiniii,
good to choice, l'i.j'C.u, lamb, tair to
good,,: lambs, culls. ItTf-aJ. 50,
feeder lambs. $5.15j5.i6: yearling, fair to
choice, t4.si4)4.7e; yearlings, fenders, M.Ooy
4.; wethers, handy. $3.403 ti&; wethers.
heavy, X3.l4.o; wetner. leeiirri, .'sii4t
3 30; ewes, good to choice. V! Ii4.4i; ewes,
fair to good, 'J.i"tf3.lo; ewes, breeders. $3.S0
fti r; ewes, feeders, $2.f(3.uO; ewes, culls.
I'.epreseniative saies:
No. Av-
IW Wyoming lambe..-. 4
i51 Wyoming lanibs. feeders 56
702 Wyoming iambs, feeders 55
14 lambs culls 13
4H Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 57
437 Wyoming lambs, fewder 57
loo Wyoming lambs, tdr., culls.. 43
7 Wyoming wsihers IV)
U Wyoming ewe !7
m Wyoming wethers 112
"35 W yoming ewe h
UI native ewes, feelers
4 Wyoming itmoi. tors., rum
tamos, iurs.. cutis ot.
7 steers.. ..1105 ( 36
4 feeders.. 1003
t tk
3 75
4 65
Turner Nebraska.
i o 3 steers.. ..lift
1 C Co Nebraska.
4 5 7t cow 92
Joe Matsutani Nebraaki
. feeders.. 729 4 4o 3 feeders.. 72C
17 heifers... 004 3 SO 13 cow 7 at Duffy Nebraska.
K feet" ers.. lu7 $ 45
Otte Jurgens Nebraska.
75 steer... .137u 10
7 cows 740 3 70 calves... "I
calve... 11 5 00 X calve. .. 215
li cows KV. i 35 14 belfera... s-3
32 feeder.. l7 4 t".
Joe B hand South Dakota.
4 calves... T5 400 . 12 calves... f9
T feeders.. 7n 4 50 7 calves... 4o0
I cow 1 50 li Cow..... tiS
s 00
s 00
4 45
I 60
t $0
4 H
4 50
t 60
4 30
lo W yoming
lambs, feeders...
lanib, culls
lambs, feeders...
fco W
si Wyoming
Sit Wyoming
47H Idaho lambs .
M Idaho iambs, culls
4 Idaho swes
H1 Wyoming lambs
jM Wyoming ewes
15ft Wyoming yearlings, feeders
X Wyoming yearlings, feeders
i- Wyoming yearlings, feeders
M Wyoming ewes ....
403 Idaho yearlings
36 Idaho ewe
34 Idaho wethers
44 Idaho yearling, fdrs., culls.
215 natrv ewe, feeder
54 natlv ws. canaera
t0 Idaho
53 Idaho
2W Idaho
2:1 Idabo
154 Idaho lamb
46 Idaho lambs, culls
30 Idaho lamb, eulia
114 native iamb
343 Mtvho ewes, feeders
44 Idaho ewes
235 Idaho swes, feeders
497 Idaho lambs
176 Idaho lambs
-03 Idaho lambs, feeders
77 I Idaho lambs
3M Idaho lambs
3(2 Idaho lambs, feeders
lt.7 Idaho yearlings, feeders...
ho Idaho yearlings, feeders...
2X1 Mail yeaxllng. feeders...
213 Idaho yearlings and wethers,
. 64
. kl
. 77
. 64
. 62
. ho
. 57
. 65
. 46
. $1
. 50
. 64
. 91
. M
. ti
. r
. 66
. 55
. 5t
. 74
. 75
6 15
ft 65
ft 65
4 60
5 lil
ft 26
3 65
3 30
3 65
3 40
2 )
4 66
ft 66
5 56
4 a
6 66
4 n0
6 60
t !5
5 66
8 40
4 40
4 60
4 60
2 75
4 M
1 40
$ 60
4 00
3 65
1 25
4 36
4 70
ft 76
ft 40
I u
ft 00
ft 30
ft 26
$ 60
3 33
$ 10
6 66
6 6ft
ft 76
( 60
6 54)
t 75
4 40
4 40
4 40
feeders W $40
14 Ms ho yearlings 71 i 1
Ml Idaho lambs 6 A
CI Ms ho lambs M (46
Ml Maho lambs, feeders M S 7
Ml lda'io lambs 72 ( 14)
2C7 Idaho Is Tibs v 71 M
. Hah) lambs, feeders ft
Ruuth Dsknta wether l' 3 40
J Idaho yearlings feeder I 4'i
.'4 native ewe.. feedem 4 I T6
ri nUv ewes, feeder J 2
W tdnho lambs 7 ."
3M Idaho lambs 7 50
34s Idaho feeder lambs 60 $55
Deaaand for All Kind f ttvrli
Is gtendr.
CHICAtlO. Aug. i2 CATTLE Receipt s.
5,000 head, market steady; beeves. $...or lv
Texas steers. 34H 16 46. western fteers,
$4 2SirH."6. st.x-kers snd feeders. $3 lwt'- 50.
cows and heifers, $3.4f.40; calve. sHOOJ
HOIS Receipts, 15.000 head; msrkst
steadt; light. $7 .3fd7 96; mlted r.2"-o7.i
heavv, $".4"7.): rough. ro5'7 30: good t
choice heavy, r i7 W: pigs. $5.5tii6.0;
bulk of sales, $7.-51. TO
tSHEEP AND I AM Bet Receipts. 10, V
head: market steady; native, $2 :l5n3.i0;
western. $2.6rW 75; vearllngn, $4 Oifi 5 :
native lambs, M-Sti.; western. $4.75'ft7.0ft.
t. Iwwls I. Ire Mtork Market.
T. IjOCIS. Aug. 12. -CATTLE Receipts,
6.I0U head, including l.W head Texans;
market steadv: native shlrplng and export
steers, $ii 754J4.O0; dressed beef and butcher
steers.; steers under l.Oit) pounds,
$4 2Mi7.76: stnekers and feeder", $3.ij
cows and heifers. $3 nj7.0i: canners. $1 .noti
2 75: bull. $2.755.5: calves. $4 00r.00;
Texas and Indian steers, $4.0oj26: enws
and heifers. $3.Ovi)S.0i).
HOtiS Receipts. 12,0 head; market
steady; pigs and lights, $...ftrJ7 SO: packers.
$7 a7.!l6; butchers and best heavy. V Wt
SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts. 7.700
hea.1; native muttons, S3 257T.VTS: lambs. $4.00
i5 26: culls and buck. $1.XS2.75. tocker.
l. 68 1.75.
Kene-a Cllv l.tre Mock Mnrket.
KANSAS) CITY. Aug 3. -CATTLE-Receipts,
14.000 head, Including 1.300 head
southerns: market strong; dressed beef
and export steers, $7.0O4t.0O: fair to good.
$.".5tXirt 90. western steers, $4 7Mi7.0; strn-k-ers
snd feeders. $3.7.4(5 '.; southern steers,
$3.VM6.50: southern cows. $.1 0ni4.5": nstlve
cows, $2SVi,-.; nstlve heifers. t4.OKjj7.00;
bulls. I3.2Ti4j4..V: calves. $4 OWfi.Ort.
HOjl Receipts. U.t) head market
stesdv: close. r.nlc lower: bulk of sales.
7.S5r 7.W; heavv, $7.r.-tf7 60; ackers and
butchers. $7. 40-i 7.6."; Hh's. $7 3Tii7 .5.
SHEEP AND I.AMHS Receipts. 6.500
head; market steady; lambs. 3tl.l."4i I5:
vearlings. $4.0414.50; wethers. $T..4n3 "'.;
ewes. $.:tV'u3.75; stockers and feeders, $2.75
J3.60. I
Stork la Slaht.
Receipts of live stock at the five principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs, bheep.
South Omaha 7.M0 K.01O 23.ot
St. Joseph 2,si ,) .0o0
Kansas Citv H.000 1 1 .0ot
St Ixiuls ..." 6.100 12.014) 7.7i)
Chicago 5,o,J0 15,"") 20.000
,S5,0i) 53. KW 62.J4)
gt. Joseph l ive Stack Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Alls. 22. CATTLE
Receipts. 2.W head; market, steady; steers.
$5 007 JO; cows and heifers, $3.00-a7.o;
calves. $3.r(i7.00.
HOtlS Receipts. g..s head; market,
steadv; top. $7 bulk of sales. $7.351 7 fA
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.01)
head; market, slow ; lambs. $." iuiii.50.
Wanted Wood choppers at Sevmour
Lake Country club. See foreman at boat
IN IO STATION Trntk and Jrlaaoa.
I'nlen Pacific
Depart Bun Fran. Overland L..a :4o atj)
China and Japan F. M.a 4:05 pm
Atlantic Express
Oregon Express all SS pm
Los Angeles Limited.. al2 45 pm
Denver Special a 7 04 am
Centennial State Spec' I. all : pm
Colorado Express a 3:3" ptn
Oregon-Vah. Limited. al2:W pm
North Platte Local ....a "15 am
Grand Island laical ..a 5:30 pm
Stromburg Local bl2 41 pm
Chicago at Northwestern
Twin City Express ....a 7 45 am
Sioux City Local a $ 45 pm
Minn. & Dakota ex.... a T OO pm
Twin City Limited .. .a :45 pm
Minnesota Express
Carroll Local a 7:00 am
Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am
Chicago Local al2.oo pm
Colorado-Chicago a 5:10 pm
Chicago Special a 6:i2 pm
Pacific Coast-Chicago.. a 6 35 pm
Los Angeles Limited ..a 8 50 pm
Overland Limited a 7:56 pm
Carroll Local a 4:30 pm
Fast Mall a 8:J pm
Cedar Rapid. Sioux City
At Omaha
Centennial State Urn.. 12 40 am
Long Pine a 8:00 am
Norfolk-Dalas a 6:00 am
Long Pine-Lincoln a 21S pm
liastlng-Superlor b I IS pm
Dead wood-Hot Sprlngs.a 3:65 pm
Casper-Lander a 3 5ft pm
Fremont-Albion b 6.30 pm
Chicago Great Western
a 7:40 pm
a 5:45 pm
a 6:4ft am
a 6:10 pm
a 8:30 pm -a
7:27 am
ai2:2b, am
a 4:60 pm
a 8:20 pm
a 4 45 pm
a in 30 am
b 120 pm
al0:20 pm
a 3 28 pm
a 15 am
a 7:30 am
all :00 am
a 6.14 pm
a 10 40 pm
a 3:28 pm
a 3.28 pm
a 6:49 am
a 3 28 pm
al3:30 ptn
a 9:15 am
all.oo am
a 3:J6 pm
3:35 pm
U:l pm
all 00 am
al0:16 pm
a 6.20 pm
b 6:20 pm
a 6:20 pm
all 00 pm
b 1:66 pm
..a 136 pm
..a 1:3s pm
..a s.00 am
..a 6:16 pra
....a 7:00 am
....a 6:00 pm
.0 7:00 am
Chicago Limited ...
Twin City Limited..
Twin City Express.
Chicago Express...,
Local Passenger....
Illinois Central
Chicago Express ..
Chicago Limited ..
Minn. -St. Paul Ex.
Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 6 00 urn
Chlcagw, Kock Island at lnc
Rocky Mountain Ltu..al2.3S am
Tne Mouniaiiieer ..a 4 45 am
Omaha Day express
Chicago Local -as....blO:35 am
Chicago Express a 4.10 pm
DeS Molne Local Pass. a 4:27 pm
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a 6.06 pm
Ths Mountaineer a 8 01 am
Local Pass, to Lincoln a K am
Colo.-Cal. Express a 1:15 pm
Okl. 4V Tex. Expresses 6:00 pm
Chi. -Neb. Ltd. Lincoln
Rocky Mountain Ltd. alO 45 pm
thlcngo, MUnankee eV St. Pa
a 7:48 am
a 8:30 pm
a $ 46 pm
Overland Limited a 7:60 pm
Omana-Chlcago Ex b 7::6 am
rerry LoCi a 6 6 am
Colo.-Cal. Express a 6 uo pm
Culorauo npei-iai a 7:42 am
Perry Lucal v..b 6.1a pm
W a an ah
Omaha-fit. Louis Ex a 6 30 pm
Mali and Express a 7:tt am
Bianb y Lei virom C B ;b (:uv pin
Mlaaoarl Pnellle
K. C. 4k St. L. Ex a 9:20 am
K. C. 4k til- L. Ex all. 15 pm
a S:45 pro
a 8:00 am
a 8:00 am
al0:3u am
a 7:45 am
a 4: jo pm
bio l pm
a 1:10 ptn
412 :13 pm
a 7:47 am
A 4 40 am
a 4 .00 prri
all 46 am
a 6:56 pm
a 12 30 am
$.12 Am
il :ob fm
3 25 pm
6:50 am
12.06 pm
a 15 am
aU:i5 pm
bltt.16 ain
a 7 40 an
a 5:50 pia
Bnrllngtow aiatletav
Denver St California.,
i'ugei Hound Express..
NeDraska points
Llack Axilla
Lincoln Mail
Northwest Express....
Nebraska points...
Nebraska Express
i-incoin Lucal
t-cbuyler-Plattsmouth .
Lincoln Lv.caJ
tJeilev ue-Piattsmouth .
Chicago special
Denver Special
Chicago Express
Cl.lrato Fast Express.
Iowa Loca
Creston 11a ) Local
bt. Louis Express
K. C. St, Joseph
K. C at St. Joadi.h
j K. C. As St. Joseph
-49th and Malta,
.a 4:lu pm
.a 4 10 pm
.a :3o am
.a 4:10 pm
.b !:") pm
.all i5 pnt
.a 8 i am
.a am
b 3 06 pm
.a 7:26 pm
.a is am
.alj jo pm
.a 7.16 am
all 35 pm
. 4 20 pm
.a 6. so pt.i
a 8:16 am
.b 2 30 pm
.a 4 3o pm
.ai0:45 pm
.a : am
.a 4.30 pm
a 3 45 pm
S 3:46 pm
a 6.10 pm
a 3:46 pm
ali 16 pm
A 7 00 am
a 4:10 pu
a 6 10 pm
b t am
blO 20 am
a 7 U) pm
a 8:5t am
a 2 40 pm
all 16 pm
a 7:00 im
$ 66 ptn
a .u am
al:30 am
bio 45 am
all 46 am
a 4 45 am
a pm
Wcheler gtalloa Igth nnd Wehstsr.
Mlatearl Paellle
Auburn Local...
Chirac, St.
Arrive Derart
...b 1.50 pm bU:;ta
Pa a I, Minneapolis a
Bloux City Express..
Omaha Local
Sioux 4ity Pa-s
Twin City Pass
Emerson local
lb) dally, except
only, ts) dally.
Depart. Arrive.
...b 2.25 pm bl2 06 pm
c 6:25 pm
c 9 25 pm
.. b 6 45 am
.. b 6 55 pm b 9:10 sm
bunday. (c Biandiy