Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1911, Page 5, Image 5
U-etM THE BEE: CftfAHA. WEPNT,SrAY. ArQTTST 23. 1911. i a, ! i it 1 it V - I 1 i 1 i s ' I i ifi 0knah BRIEF CITY NEWS. Itri Boot Prist It. Electric Fans Bnr;ess-0raa4ea. f Charge Against Patrelsaaa Chester F. rt.m.f, .No I., is the iub;ect If charge fii Mrn1y with the Board of t;re and Police Commissioner by Abraham Mark. Mark asserts that the officer ar rested him without cause and abused him verbally. wall Ylslta Omaha Friends W. S. ! Howell, who less than ten year ago started aa freight solicitor In the Milwaukee office tn this city, la here visiting friends. Pro motions have coma to him ur.tll he la cow assistant general freight agent of the Mil waukee system. aa Bkcess af Oeed Cloth Victor Puller . arrested Tusday morning while try- t to pawn an overcoat pattern In a shop lower Ioug'aa stret and charged with being a sjsplcious character. The police are of the belief that he know something ft the robbery of the Franklin Merchandise company Monday night, a hen twenty-one overcoat patterns were stolen from their new store. Fanner Boy Wants Horn Flo 7 a Sopor, a 14-year-old boy la i -oking for a home. He has worked on a farm before and want; to try that life acain If any roan will offer him a home for the work ho can do. His mother la dead acd hli "Alter asked the Associated Charities to help find him a place to earn his living. Tellowstoas Beasoa is Ovwr Newa coming from the Yellowstone park is to the effect that the season there baa about closed and that people axe hurrying to get .way. Cold weather and some snow Is reported, togethe. with a temperature close to freezing. The railroads have ceased routing parties to the park and the only ones going In are a few stragglers. Picks' Band Arrives A braaa band roads tip of pickaninnies of various sizes la parad ing the streets today to aavertlee the Ex etalo Norton institute of Cave Spring. Ky. The institute is a school for colored boys and girls and every summer a boys' band goes out to gather funds and spread the name of the school. The eame boys were here three years ago on a similar tr.p. Parade Committee Meets Friday An emergency meeting of the parade commit tee of the Central Labor union has been called by the chairman for Friday evening at ?:S0 o'clock. Some very Important busi ness is to be transacted and radical changes may be made In tlx plans already under advisement. All of the members are Urgently requested to be present, as this will be the most Important meeting of any connected with the Labor day program. STatca Missing-; Beys, Tew While being slaved In a nearby barber shop, M. Selll oow, the ladles' tailor at Twenty-ninth and Finum streets, ung his coat containing a C6 gold watch on ths rack and when he put the coat on again the watch was missing. So were two colored boys who had been doing shoe shining around the prem ises, atlhough there was nothing else to connect the dual disappearance. The pro prietor had hired the boys only that day d did not know their names. rjnder ths Starr? Sky Frank Duffy, h:!e under the Influence of the amber id Monday night, took the Capitol eve- ue park for his home. The grass was his bed and the blue sky above his roof. He arrived at his supiosed home about 10 o'clock. Immediately he took off his shoes and softly sneaked to the nearest tree. Mere he disrobed himself and placing bis head against the tree went to sleep. tlueceat passing found Duffey snoring and sleeping the sleep of the innocent. Duffey Crew fifteen days In police court Tuesday morning on a charge of being drunk. Jacks Fought Bryan and Jims Were for Him John Mxher Eecaili the Last Time the Javcksouians Made a Pub lic Demonstration. John Maher of Lincoln Mew Into Tuesday and added some merri ment to the Jim and Jack argument. I recall that the last time the Jack- tonlaaa bad a real revival it was for the purpose of skinning W. J. Bryan." said Dolsoai Maher. "I was a member, and am One ywt, so far as the Jacksonlan club has any real membership, and at that time cam to Omaha to aid the Intention of the tfluh. I went personally to Dunlin an and tried to ret him Interested, but be refused to oeme In because he was for Bryan. fOrery man then Interested In politics will recall that we bad a real fight. The Bryan en carried the second ward by eleven otss and that delegation gave them con- el at the convention. Flynn was with shlman for Bryan at that time, and the lacksoaiana were the simon-pure anti Bryan men. "Then It Is to laugh. Isn't it, when its find three or fear men calling a toeetlna; now and declaring for Governor R'lison? And think of the aweet Irony of smiling- a whining appeal to Mr. Bryan to ".-Jp his old enemies trim hli farmer friends. Possibly the half dosen Jack- Ionian now left tn the organisation ex I aaot to swing Nebraska for Wilson, but It Is only necessary to recall the story of the three tailors of Toeley street to pick: the final landing place of that little fro up." HAS BOUNDLESS INFLUENCE Music Meins Much to Ererr Person and Appeals to AIL B00ZL0VZES- THIRD PRIZE HELPS F.ntlr Fatally aad Aayeee Ca Play It. from Child to Dear Old Graad pareats. tld you ever consider the boundless In fluence of music? Ever think what it means to you personally? There Is nothing more refining nothing which so appeals to the Inner feelings, the sympathies to that which Is best and truest in human nature. Ever) one loves It. but only those who can personally produce It understand Its subtlest fascinations. For years no home has been considered complete without a piano. But, alas, how comparatively few can play It even fa.rly well, and how much less Is the number who are really accomplished musicians. For the third prize In the Booklovers' contest of The Bee a r?00 Krell-Auto Grand player-piano is offered. It is a wonderful prize instrument, in a magnlf.cent walnut case. The Krell Auto-Grand makes It unneces sary to spend time and money In acquiring a musical education. At the same time It enables you with little effort to become familiar with the musical productions of all ages. To enjoy the masterpieces of painting, sculpture and architecture, you must travel far and wide. Te revel in the great com positions of the masters, you need cot leave the seclusion of your own fireside. The Krell-Auto Grand gives you the power to personally produce and the kind of muscl from the light popular hits of the day to the moat complicated classics. What ever you like you can play you who per haps do not know one note from another and have never had time or opportunity to learn. Eajeyiaeat fer Family. A Krell Auto-Grand in the Dome win furnish music and enjoyment for the entire family. Anyone can play it. from the child, whose little feet Just touch the pedals, up to the dear old grandparents. It doesn't interfere with the study of music either, for, of you like, you can in an Instant make It available for hand-playing and that, too, without stooping from the bench. No, the Krell Auto-Grand doesn't Inter fere with the study of music. On the other hand. It puts before the student a high standard It shows him bow music should be rendered it helps him to culti vate his ear to keep good time. It a. so tends constantly to broaden one's musical tastes, for It la always found that the person who Is at first content to play only the popular fancies of the day, soon de velops a liking for better things. Brlaa- Owt Melody. Tou can produce wonderful effects upon the Krell Auto-Grand. Tou can play music according to the ideas of some gTeat pianist, or you can interpret It to suit your fancy. Tou can bring out the melody clearly and at the same time heighten or aubdue the accompaniment without any change in time something no other player piano can do. The volume of music pro duced by the Krell Auto-Grand will fill a large auditorium yon can bring It down to the faintest pianissimo. (Very soft.) The old-fashioned upright piano was a great improvement In its day, but In the Krell Auto-Grand you have an instrument which takes up no more space and can be played by every member of the family. whether they have studied music or not. List of Prises. The prises to be awarded are as follows: First A White Steamer automobile, a beautiful flve-pasoenger car, celebrated for Its durability and speed, valued at X2.000. Second A ten-acre raach In beautiful Tehama county, California; delightful cli mate, rich fruit land; value, tl.250. Full in formation concerning this land may be had at the office of Trowbridge-Bolster com pany In the City National Bank building. Omaha. Third A beautiful Krell Anto-Grand player piano (have the music of the mas- r - Charming Young Musician Wins the Ad-Getter Contest Accomplished as a muiHin, ex cellently educated, and a charming younjr woman is Vera I. me Beats, winner of the Omaha Bee's Ad getter contest, which closed Satur day. In addition she is Just about the best p .eased person In Omaha. Miss Beats, who Is a wee bit over n years old. Is a daughter of 6. O. Rests, a contractor, residing at 811 South Thirty-fourth street. Two years ago she graduated from Omaha High school where she es tablished a unique record for at tendance, having been neither ab sent nor tardy during the last nine years of her course. The last two years she has spent In the teachers' training school and plans to begin teaching this fall in the city schools. From childhood. Miss Beats has had the finest suit of a musical education, studying for years under Miss Margaret Boulter. The hand some baby grand will consequently rive more pleasure to her than to many who might have won first honors. "DW you enjoy the work?" she was asked. "Tea." was the reply, "except during the first few days when I found It difficult to approach people. That feeling soon wore off, how ever, and I really enjoyed the work immensely. It is going te help me later on In life, too; I am sure of It." ! ENGINEERS MEET OFFICIALS - x f t '?,,' V7 sT j '.. " , t. . f 1 MISS VERA IONE BEATS. Conference Held to Discuss Changes j in Handling Locomotiye, ' RETEE5CHMEKT IS CONSIDERED Opiates Prevails at I aloa rarlfle Heade.aartere that Men X a. ratioaa Will Be Restored to Jobs I October. The O mil tin 13 ec Great Booklovers' Contest i the line of i In Omaha In J ters In your own home); value, JSO0. This Is exhibited at the Bennett store. Six teenth and Harney streets. Fourth One lot in the business district of Ralston, a lot ZilOO feet, on Maywood street; value. Full information may be had at the offices of the Ralston Town site company, S09 South Seventeenth street. Omaha. Fifth In the beaut'ful suburban town of Ralston, one lot In the residence portion. :il feet; this lot Is valued at ta. Full Information may be had at the offices of the Ralston Townsite company, J0 South Seventeenth street, Omaha. Sixth Seventh and Eighth Three sets (twelve volumes) of Nelson's Loose-Leaf Encyclopedia, the encyclopedia that cannot grow old; each set valued at tM. These books are exhibited at the store of W. A. Hixenbaugh a Co.. 1814 St. Mary's avenue. Ninth and Tenth The Book of Knowl edge, or Child s Encyclopedia, a universal work for school children, twenty-four vol umes; each set, t3t. These books are ex hibited at the store of W. A. Hixenbaugh & Co., 1514 St. Mary's avenue. Add to this forty-five cash prizes, as follows: Five S10.W prixej, ten 5 00 prlxes, ten prizes; twenty 11.00 prizes. Child of Suicide is Detained Here Baby Son of A. B. Cole, Who Killed Himself in Chicago, i ia the , Omaha Detention Home. The infant son of A. B. Cole, the laborer who committed suicide on the Malison street bridge In Chicago Monday, is in the Omaha Detention home. Cole is reported to have shot himself because his wife would not come with him to Omaha, where he had secured work. Cole had asked help before the Associated Charities here, as he was a man who seemed unable to pursue any line of work consistently, although he knew the stone cutting trade. H!s wife declined to make her own way and was In Chicago. The baby was brought to Omaha by the father and. under the direc tion of the authorities here, was allowed to remain with Cole's father at 112 Douglas street. Since Cole shot himself no word has been received from the child's mother and It was placed in the Detention home. Grip Thieves Work With a High Hand Twelve Pieces of Lag gig e Worth About Thousand Dollars Stolen in Eight Days at the Depots, The police are baffled by a oerles of suit case and grip thefts from the railway sta tions. In the last eight days there have been twelve grips stolen, and not one has been recovered. Police have been stationed in the depot to watch for ths thieves. It Is estimated that about S1.0M worth of clothing and valuables have been stolen from these grips. Following are the vic tims of the last eight days: Hannah Wlren. Los Angeles. August 22; Adolph Dtttmora, Omaha, August 22; Elmer Lutx, Pes Moines, August 30; Charles Ham mond. Hattville, CaX, August 30: Lillian Graham, Omaha. August 1; Mrs. Era Bell, Shenandoah, la., August 19; H. M. Lusk. Elgin. Neb., August IS; C. H. Kan, South Omaha. August li; E. B. Toolsbay, Aux carst. Mo., August 18; John Dematut, Den ver. Colo., August 17; Mrs. T. E. Dun- strombe, Omaha, August 17; J. A. Setter quest, Carpenter Paper company, Omaha, August 14. Superintendents all along 1 1 1 LniDa j ii i - j conference with the crrioaJs to im order of retrenchment Issued from the Chl- I cago offiie of the system. With them they j have brought their salary lists in order that It may be determined, where and what emp.oyes may be dispensed with. It is in no way probable that the order to retrench will be applied to the Omaha shops, aa they are running light at the present time, retrenching having been In augurated there almost six months ago when the men were plactd on an eight hour day and a five-day per week schedule. A bunch of engineers of the western divisions of the tnlon Pacific have ar rived for the purpose of taking up with the officials a demand for some changes In the rules of running and handling engines. It Is not considered that the demands will be granted at this time, as It is fgured out that they tend to an Increase In wages. While officials are nonconimuntcaiive. the opinion prevails around t'nlon Pacific headquarters, that in the event that busi ness picks up most of the employes who are to be laid off will be restored to full time and their old places early in October. This restoration will apply to ail clerks and employes between Omaha and Ogden, with the possible exception of the men on the section. Road la Owed Condition. As the physical condition of ths road Is i the best In its history, there is a possl- ! billty that the section forces will be main tained on the winter basis for some time. There are some rrsons here who blame the local officials for the retrenchment ! Doner being adopted. They, however, have i had nothing to do with It, aside from carrying out ths orders of officials higher ; up in the service. , It is contended, however, that the r trenchment at this time is no greater than usually occurs every fall after the rush I of business ceases, the only difference being that now the employes are laid off ! In what might be considered a wholesale manner, while heretofore they have been laid off singly, or a few at a time. VAUDEVILLE FOR TENNIS MEN Week Holds Forth Mur Dlvertls. seats fer Estreats la later. Clak Tearoey. Tennis players entered In the lnter-club tennis tournament now in progress at the Omaha Rod and Gun club will be enter tained at a special vaudeville entertainment at the club pavilion Friday night. Fred Whlttemore. in charge of the program, promises bits of stirring comedy and take offs on the actions and beliefs of the play ers entered. The regular program during the week at the Qun club will provide much pleasure. Tuesday night the regular dance is to be held and Thursday night the weekly vaudeville stunts are scheduled. Friday comes the special night for the ten nis men and Saturday the second of the weekly dances. The uniform success that nas attended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has made It a favorite everywhere. It can always be de oended upon. For sale by all dealers. mm Measure Spico Value not by weight, by the amount of pungent oil that girea life and snap and "go," And by such judgment, you will pick TONE SPIGES The world's best growths. Cleaned to give full weight. Ground by the most perfect of modem methods. And all the strength retained by the air-excluding box. 10c at your grocer's any kind. If he can't supply you, send 10c for full size box. TONC BROS, Dos Malnas, la. hree Grocers Sell Short Weight Spuds Inspector Pegg Finds it Out and Lodges Complaints Against Them in Police Court Complaints against three Sixteenth street rrocers, accused of selling potatoes under eight, were lodged in police court Tues lay morning by Inspector John Grant Pegg. they are: Ruber A Ryne. 514 North Sixteenth. Spot Caah grocery. 2 North Sixteenth. L. Roeenbloom, su8 North Sixteenth. Complaints came to the inspector through mother grocer a bo claimed that he could lot. compete with those who were cutting noeo and then making up the difference - .selling short weights. The offending rroeVrs a HI te heard in police court Wed eaday morning ti3Hsaps'jfesjijntMjUa scttP,nPMIWBBxS94',a,,,C,M, it I siridMMft EMS,.? JUSTTEBGBflM Tbi PeJawtrasw-Cakta Castor?; (feoqrporste) VRUSIVU AT sndesihsUsaf(ttfeasrrrmsjictQ CUUtCNCC M. BtaCKAY. SuneWT aWsppk u iiiJMsissi iWrliii JWsfti I famtttSmflllmim mmm TPrilUcWHi i i i i i mW win-in mm mini i Win II oh. JEB5 8lI9TI PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. X- H. Wilson has returned from a four -eks' tr.p to Geneva Lake. Wis. Frank rrexel ef the Irexe! Shoe com pany has gone on a bj;nee uip to Chicago ind Milwaukee. Ae. Marriage L.le-eaaea, Two following marrtsge licenses have eea granted: Kame and Residence. Carles I Fre!s. Omaha ruallla Hen.iereon. Omaha 'osoph W. Anderson. Omaha.... .'.iriclhla I-t-ord. Moines.. foha E. Feltys. Omara race Whiteey. Omaha rrank E. Perry. Irwir. la iraca McCord. Harlan, la a !rt E. Wallace. Omaha ;.are Krokautfger, Oinaha 3 A Life 1'robleaa Sol red rr that great health tome, F'ectrlc Bitters, r the enrichment of poor, this blood and Trenr-thenlnjr the weak. fee. For sal by leatuo ru Co. PIIAS33ZS3 TTYEZm again case clean sweep awarded first ants. ' TBccfa all the prlsea Siera ward 'H Ler claaa In Jen Cays f 6ltatiTlr$ jron Ulnneapolia to Helena !!ontasao FftrJe at Contest any Tight car) orer entered one thousand t lire 6 hundred hlnety cires orer nountafnd i&nd plains worst1 roaSa In Jaerlcsa and! rained fcost ziar? S&s x&'c! hub Peep The two ?&5DEH3 Vere dnl cara In her class x6 finish ttith erf eot eoores and cnlj one) other oar of hag pries "a fcarnon $2703 finianed rerfaota Cara penaTixed inolndad pacSarl Btoddard-daytcL lahtot-detrolt arrplexmaxsrell ool krif hupnoMTa an3 other snail frgv Shis' Ib 8erio"na great "yiotorj Jor IHSICIS In a bonth otlOT ' tras tnrea perfect road scores in Iowa little gTiTden no btEer i$800 1 car t5n eartE can stand up with "FLUTTERS TWESTT" in nafJ road wor audi 5n this latest contest ehtJ bent out of her class and ffjme tfi 'iou tiousaal iollar fellows i i yt w-, v.- VCE3 STDLZH1EE31 C0HP0HXTID3 ' 2-11-? fantoxlfisu nTk- ftt rnai; D-M-y 0U1HA EPJLXCH Sfo. a Wednesday, Anf-nst S3, 1S11. What Book Does This Picture Represent? Title Author Your iame Street and Number City or ToTm writ, in titia and anthor of book and 8A"E coupon and picture. Send no coupon until finish of the contest is announced. Each picture represents a book title not a scene or a character, catalogues containing 5,000 names on which all puzile pictures are nasea too ciiaiuSuo uj by the contest editor are for sale at the Business Office at The Bee for 25 cents; by mail. 30 cents. Ralea of th Contest lii-l wt i Mir tsmlllaa. Bark . tmr stau-Bil era tkwe S'", Tb h a iae kM will nrmt sua m a mm. - - vlU to a stank lor Uw musui u fill la tk tltu ml tb tok. Cn nt Ml iti swtae. u4 IK Mi ik ui DU la tH ntm 4 sthr af the tow N. naflMw iu to u war W, wki trrorm t tto Hfww ""7 to -nm Kacb slctan resrwMota self UtU 1 tos- if rw. ar. mm ' "i mm wtt t mmmi ta mfm Use waa aaaw er la aace !-, rwa war "yr SSrI th i TrVri i7iwtM wt oxa nu wix as rsRMrrriD. i.- rerrM suwm will mml to mrmmtm asaia SI l nmiaa If ' ' anew W aio sfrwu Umrm tmmm mm, aosww km14 awl to swt aa tka sum MU).a. .mm2 mm for eiva unm Ail aaaww. tm tto wune sawtor to kja awKtna is th. set. Oaly mmm lkat mar to setouuwl hr awaiawiaai. ttot aaj list way "t. ..-"l. "-."..'-liU., mm. mi to Sr wH - tto WW.4. -eat SrT watollttM. to aot wrna awik tatwrMM 'fs". to swat ta wttk tto aawwwa. la mrmm tot al liawws pi; aa iform. A4Sltlwaal plwtorwj aat naowtia awr to aMaina at tto offlM ef Tto Sm by sall mr a swrwa. total wr . the. to Tto O-aka . " STH. LLmmt miimmTl WIU to fnimmi t. ta. .tu. Mta( la tto law art wj't wr aw. mmrmomm tort.s U- aaaw awaitor mt mrt w,.,,, estBf tto analler aamtor ml wrtra aJUMt ale mm wt J si J"1 T"' ' - tw. H toTlM.tto ..-tor a wtoa mm mt unwi is 1 - ' sttaa win to awns, tto mmrmam wao mm mt mmrwwrm hatrat aoaawinwik will inwn tto OrW f1" Onlr aa Hal mt atowrra air to wafemltt mr ewaro4 a was fasallr at was aadfwaa Tto aa at tto aoaswaa Is aot WlsMaer aswl im tm iMlhla ms&MP tto toStMSt.t aiT Awards win to w4a atrtatlT aaooeatas to wont mt Tto aaaa of wora tbaa eoa aaraoa neat sol to wrtttas asoa Tto awarta will to waao to to Contoat Miww mm a eaau ia aula Hat. was mil. isituaa ef woll-fenwaw oM- a wfeM aaojMa will aa aaaoaaowo ymymt TkioTtwa la IIWJW4 ta tto tollowia torrttam Wewaaka. WywwJar ttol swrUwa mt UmimmTmtJt mmt immlmi P. Mwiaaa, mm Ctot mmmmm ef swwlk Tiatota kmaw. aa tba Mack Bllia Dlatrtoi. FIRST PRIZE yftoo "WTiite Steamer Automobile A 5-rassenger 1811 Model White Steamer Touring Car odorless, smokeless snd noiseless. No cranking, no shifting of gears; any desired speed. White Steamer aaies Increase each succeeding year, liaa practically an endorsement cf the Limed States government, which owns and operates more White Steam ers ihan all other cars combined. Richly upholstered, beautifully finished, un limited power, controlled apead. This car will be exhibited la Omaha at a later Sate' ' SECOND PRIZE Value In the soft, semi-tropic climatic kone, exvendlng north from 6an Diego to Shasta County. California, lies Tehama county. In which is situated this beau tiful little 10-acre ranch near the town of ked Bluff. This is fruit lend -it a rery high order and Is part of the celebrated Lutheran colony which bad its incep tion with an Omaha clergyman. Literature describ ing this property may be had at the office of TOW-B.XDaX-BOX.STJ CO, in the City BsUonal Baak Building, Os THIRD PRIZE JJS5 The magnificent, fsncy walnut XXZXXf AUTO OaVaJID SX,ATZX-rrajrO which noth ing can excel. No other player-piano has in the absolute the "human touch" so desired by a musical ear and so prized by the manufac turers. This Instrument will be exhibited, ex plained and played for anyone who wishes to see it in ths ware rooms on ths third floor of THE BENNETT CO. FOURTH PRIZE L $275 Ralston is to be a manutaekurins city. They have a rice start with the Bnvn Truck Manu facturing Co., -he Rogera Motor Car Co., and the Howard Stove Works. Everything desirable to comlortable living may be found there. On one of the main business streets th Bee has selected It fourth prize a business lot 25x1 V0 feet, and valued at 9379. FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225 la the same town and with the same prospect of advancement, the Bee has selected a residence lot (9x120 fti, and valued at S22S Kaiaton is on the only interurban trolley Una runiung out of Omaha, and within lorty minutes of the Oman a poatoffice. Complete information about tnis property st the office of the S1LITOI TOWIUTE COkriST, 308 South 17 til Bt, Omaha. SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PRIZES This ingenious encyclopedia, mhieh la a deveiop. ment rather tnaa invention, nas besides lis conven iences the cf hundreds of euiiura mentally equipped to mat one of the greatest encyclopedias ever compiled. One of the strongest recommenda tions for tills wora Is that it la from tr.a prei of the reliable old bouse of TMOS. aTEXUsOsT a BOUB, ef Sfew York, Xondoa, XtukU aad Sdlasargh, .ni!n . , This encyclopedia of twelve volumes, which is valued at S a set, may he sen at the Omaha office of W. a- Xixsabaagb B Co, lsi Bt- Mary's Aveaae. NINTH AND TENTH PRIZES These pHtes consist of twenty-four vol una cloth bound sets of the "Book of Knowledge, sn encyclopedia made especially for chiidien and aold at tit a set- Tn.s ork is ant ten in aimple lahguae and is a "wouder book" In that It makes smipie a.l knoudge necessary to broad education. There are hundreds of coloied p.ates and thousands in black and white This la a fully eiuit.ierf enryci .ped:a made for children, and may be seen at the OUitha offices uf w lillkkACOI at 1S1 Bt. btarys Avaaaa. tiuas tti w. A. FORTY-FIVE CASH PRIZES Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Tec. Prizes cf $2. Twenty Prizes of $1. WATCH FOR THE DAILY PICTURE IN THZ BEE.