Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1911, Page 3, Image 3
( Nebraska COST OF RUNNING FOR OFFICE , . , , Candidates at ths Eecent Primaries i File Their Expense Accounts. CHEAP B.ACE FOS BITTEXBZ5DEE fro. I bit tea tasdirist (air ts 9a- preier Bear- wri tlir mlss. llaa mtkait Hitlin d lessy. In From a Sf i o-respondent MN1j!.N. .Vik. Srecisl t Thomas Hall, who secured the republican nominif i for railway comtmi-nioner. filed a siateme of monejs exi- nt.d 1" him in Ins race, the whole amount betne S-1 ". Most of this was paid out lor advertising printing, although a considerable expense was In- cur red In mailing circulars to graduates of the state univers-lty. Henry C. Blttenbenticr. prohibition candi date for the supreme tench. spent nothing a. wording to the statement rendered to Jr-t secretary of state 1 T! expense accounts of other caididates fd with the secretary of state are as follows: H. C lietbe of i jceola, republi can, for railway commissioner. J. E Miller of Lincoln. fus:onlsi. for regent of the utiversity. BTT.30: Charles T. Knapp uf Llrcoln. fusionist. for re -rent. HS.JP: W. A. Olc.a-i of Kearney, ficcSontst. for Judge of the supreme court. SG2..S: I. L Albert of Columbus, fusion tat. for Judge of the srprerr.e court. $7; F. V. Fitch of Omaha, republican, for district juiljte. CJ0.56-. iTarles Haffke of Benson, democrat, for 4,ir: Jcdge, W. Burt E. Enyart of Tekamaii. democrat, far district Judge, "nut see sent";. Joan Everson of Alma. fuavcra Im for Jv.ige of the suprema court, 3LB; ETdred of MoCook. republican, for vurri j-jcVre. XTTCS; 1 U. Hurd or Bar is -St. republican, for distrirt Judge. CC. Totrn Will to aaew. ry af Stale Walt has n-tvee, a letur frtsm lwraa county asking bni Cc-raty Clerk Oemsa Higne rasteM kss auliturttj when be planed hlJ own mum a threat tickets at the primary eiacttwn. r. ICgbee was a candidate for re srtien mat a placed his name on threw Itc-ets a his own persoaal ."ti tk. titer rvx r protk fr-wa tx ot7-r,v vMm mC irr of le .hrwe part -.TnJ vat Vi :r- b tend an the ucua cc V has alwaya rail i um-I ct txi tke-y can get. Lhesr names n tmly cav arit kv a arrsotcai reunt. II a easll Uk 4ea.te rja name un tww r mar icteta to inuai ge roien af to nar a k .! id in i' at to Ee a b.a rns name m Pkw on rarvy tadk-r. Mr.. Kil" pceal hm uo ' en lie- 7wraHir-am. de-socraur -cd pupralis 'Ickssst i a mndidajr lor aunai; Cera. Tb sjes clerk f ths ffi-rrs- eomr: i- rntnn sua vra: at ooun-.y cieri m lcna ouitniry- Mr. Wall baa tmed 'tie tr-aar " ts ta a-Turntv g-rera". swt 4lsrw tkw lea C. Tb snjarems court has 1 waxed a writ A raanca-t-ja onmptllirg Judge Harry Inv gas of tc TetU JLOl. -1 i-t to Ca sjjiaj sadtna txcd n tne mt-Ri'-tion suit pan agamrt the city of Mmdeo. "r rirj aume una ago voted Kit bonds fs r purchase or construction rtytrrmj p.ant. Wnen this bond yr.gKwtJa tSKjakJtai ca. .' hjA. opoa l.s scim-ion to th prvrnv tns Sghcng avmxskcy tnsut inert . vi -rc-Lri fev crsntpsr.ntg th va-idiry of j in- bunda. fus top at that inci. ua arcuuax f tne aneenna of Judge Ttirgan. ! be fur e .he Cnarney coimiy 1 "h.s otCiuU 'mued a w-j wb-cb uj t-.r l.puLed as la a t-itr cr ecu it saa sjj-- d-dar a uuaunv? n junction prevenun- the nty from tseuing ' I the bonds. This order lu later dissolved by Judge Duncan and he refused luw a supersedeas. to al- Heldlss; J Ware Mfwick. i juage gagwiek. writing the opinion forjillUl DlSQlCt UOngresimmn Will le tne supreme court, held that the county I judge had jurisdiction snd that the writ i ,Mued by him , t,mporirr lnJuncUoD. , He further held that the writ when it was i dissolved hv Jud. n,.r,n. .hM , asbTd ' The new phase of the matter means that as the cite now stands the order of disso lution of the temporary restraining order j against the city may be set aside or super sedei by the lighting company upon the ! tender of the proper bond. This restores the restraining order t-j fuii force and ef fect at wLich point it will remain until the case can be tried in the district court upon Its merits. In rendering his opinion on the matter ' Judge Sedgwk'k failed to pass upon the validity of the bond issue, over which the ! controversy has arisen. NEWS NOTES FROM BEATRICE Cat Cessly Kalr Will Have Aviation Jleet as aa tdded At tract lata. BEA TRICE. Neb.. Aug. Specials- The board o managers of tha Gage County Maffley. president. John Bohison. vice pres Falr aaaodatloa held a meeting Monday ! iatnt and Peter Michaelson. treasurer and afternoon and arranged for an aviation I meet to be held her during the county fur. October 2 to I A committee was appointed ; commenced suit in the district court of and authorised to contract for two or three Madison county against Warren U. Stan dayg" rights. ton. secretary and manager of the com- Carda ar out announcing th approach- . pany requesting that an accounting be had !ng marriaga of C W. Clawson and Miss of al! money received and disbursed by him Viola, Stevwna. which Is to occur at th 1 bride s born here next Sunday. j John VHek. a pktnewr residant of aiige county, died Sunday at hts bom south of ! Virginia. Mr. and Mr. C H. Ojers onlefc rated their foreltb wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon at tnetr bom west of th city In the nrsswTOi of about fifty gurarta. They race rred iimbrr of nie prsnenta, among wbicn was a mantle chimes dork, a gift from that Ortd Fel!owa and Rbekab lodges, of which Mr. and Mrs. OJera ar aDembera. Ths Gsb County Teachers' tnatltota opened here yesterday for flvw days' ara sloa with aa er-wllrneot of 1a Ths in strurtort ar prof. Martin of Nebraska C!tv. M: Ruth Prrtks of Llneotn, Miss fheehan nf Lincoln and Msss Howell of r-r-tr FTe. Miss Jassts Pyrtle. st.-permtende.-K. last evexrinc gnvs a -ep;ot tn the vtstanar teau-fcers. WNCEa UGHT CASE IN COURT ItT Wsstta P. ne-mrtwai m fws--e Ba-ars't by LteSt r sT Airsfwve Isnatdl law f. lw- ' MTXTiEX. Ve . Any. rt-fwclaLV T - V-- rs m a".-s. -aratir-rthy fn- t. dw-r4ns f tn scwv .w t in t-rma hT ,v lorsP e'.sxi.lg Drn- pa-x to eivj-o w-av-s-e of bestdt weal 07 tne ctt. t ' us a a msDcrm to gs , 'h.- o"aa in?- or rsrwst hfnr e the loot . I dart tugfits o" tae wtnn rr t-iBtix r,, nrtrattiX owned aerr"ce of the nresen: irrmteay owned plan' has men s i.ia; the- smre (J birrs s t . m . -I.- anu uj conaerred a tary Texams o pay th rv frr tke ssj 1 as aJieJL Ths m junrtioa saji dusvd tf Jitdsa Dtsmn and tfca nope-sednaa. brau! reussrL The trie Bent er-nianr tnen asked the SJipremi court to- a nt or mutiuniii to narTn-j the Cvia-: -adf ts show cans ar Et huru Th ease was argtt-d to the mra-jn cecrt s week age ' . . ahu-ld br tmsesed wrth clean bantimsKS aaie - itl was Bnoklsn's Amirs .Salve. Heals j ' biani. wo.inda. aorec. piles. Sr. For Mi i hy Ebsan Lang Cn. Norris Will Follow XT I , . t Tl j WllSOn at tile air j I liver Address on Reciprocity, September Sixth. " ,Fro,n s,aff Correspondent I.IVllI V Ve ln ""jSroul l i Congressman George W. Norris w, speak ' a. trie errasna state lair. sepiemoer . ; according to a telegram received here to- ' day by Frank HarrtMm. Congressman , Norris' talk, which It 1s believed mill be I upon his attitude toward reciprocity, will i follow that t.f iecretarv of Agriculture James Wilson, the latter havLnc accepted an invitation to speak here Tuesday. Sep ten:lr 5. The Iowa member of President Taft cahinet. It is said, has also indi- ciied that he would talk in support of the ' reciprocity measure fostered by the na turn's executive. MEADOW GROVE TELEPHONE COMPANY IS IN COURT Officer Ulr ta atoa. it tcaiaal Aaklasi for ai rataiatf an. Secretary i e- MADISON. Auk. 2. Sne,-ial. t Oeorce R. member. r ih. RrH of t ir-,..r. nt th. Meadow tirove Telephone company have I nd that all money In his possession be i P'd over to th treasurer of the company. nd that In tha meantime a receiver for tn property of the corporation be ap- pointed by the court- The petition repre- lon railway being permitted to close South sents that Secretary Stanton is now delln- i sijttn reet on which the m Is to quent to th company to the amount of j "ect a new . passenger depot. 11.06J.C for which h has mad no ac- R. L Presson and A If. P. Casaon of John oounting, although same has been fre- ! n have been arrested by Sheriff Fisher quently demanded by the board of dtrec- I n,l brought to this city to answer to the tors; that he has unlawfully tampered with I charge of assaulting Mrs. Krelmer of Tal the by-laws, and other papers, books and ! mage and threatening to assault two other records, and has on his own motion pre tended to call special meetings for the revising of the by-laws, and when such special meetings were not attended by any person but himself and wife, they pre tended to mak and adopt new bylaws. one of wnich was Secretary Stanton! should be the full and unrestrained seer-' tary and gene-a .' mavrurer of sucn trie- , phone company srtth full autrontv to ranke any indebtedness, collect and disburse any ; funds at bis own oottra and without authority fro3i tia bca-d. or witaout ths knowledge, and eVmarnt f the board. Ac cor4air to the nefiikm Seeeetry Stanton and hia wire own S per ceit of ths stock ; f ths company. j DOCTOR COMMITS SUICIDE fmmty Hi 2, . 3necal. t y t c AX. : rt ""l :d tT hanging hi-arrL' to a tree : ' p'Tnserr nio itmttT. w trrn tu TimiiV - found bixa haT aa Ksc- later !'-fe ; a as en nrs. Canmc WTjscm and rndrr- j taker Rim vis were calX from Falls CS'.y -. in ba htanc He was 2 years of age- and j diacnarrrngsd wiLh Unt unsueci of fsTlmg hea-Lh Ha was born re G mi 1 y . and had ! resided ir RlcKarden county for fo-ty 1 years. For a long time be was prvtWif ' p-rsartan. and arverai Ian was a ra"- : a- 9 en the democraik- ,cis for ami'' Pi Ue far Cnaxev EEOke' BOW. Ner A-.t r-.r -Rsal eataia ronunea t-'tirs in this "i ir,iu. and recen. rs-ns Lave maiaruUJ) rwatX- ml Hlrir4w in Hlsswrif tw Tns wttsi s gepf improved the prostiect for a good corn crop and made real estate dealers more hopeful or. me oest selling season in the last lew rs- On the best rales recorded this fall was the sale of the A. E. Biekman J farm of ? sores near Broken. Bow thin week for FS per acre. Mr. Siekman pur man purchased the farm a year ago for W6 per acre and bad improved it by erect ins; buildings valued at about SZOOt. G. E. Garrison of Missouri Is the purchaser. NEWS FROM NEBRASKA CITY It far Diaim taTaiaat Coasty far Drain at Bafcy Killed When Rnad raved la. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Aug. . Sneial. Some time since George W. Olson, wife and children, all residents of thiii county, mere coming home from Union and psrt of the road of a high embank- nI a,e w"v lnrm ,nr ru" mat tney ami tne team were precipitaieu into a deep ditch below, mhen Mrs Olsen was seriously injured and the baby killed outright. The vrife. Mrs. Florence N. Olsen. has filed a suit in district court against Cass county for B.OO and the father, who hat been appointed administrator of the daughter's estate has sued for M.ono iam aj;es for the loss of the daughter In the pttttion both allege the road had been In a bad condition for some time and had no marning lights or signals thereon. The engagement of Joseph E. O'Brien and Miss Stella Krossen hag been an- nounced The prospective bride is the daughter of ex-Mayor Charles N. Krassen and a popular young woman, while the prospective groom was born and reared here. Andrew S. Stuart. Frankie M. Sims and George E. Thomas have each f!led suits in the district court against Jhe Burlington railway, each asking for Sl..oO for damages to ,n'ir Property situated in the southern i" " """" young women. Two attempts were made last night to rob the hom of Frank Weaton. residing In the northern part of the city. Th police mere called both times, but failed to find, any trace of the visitor. Westou was given a revolver to watch for the burglar and in turn he gave th police $ mhich he iial in the bouae to keep for him tint l morning, tne money evidently bring mhat th burglar was after. Philip Kruat. a carpenter marking 00 the new garage of J. H Market, had a narrow escape from being decapitated. He and other workmen had just set a large plate glass window. ixl44. and being aent for some naila. forgot about the g'aes and malked through tt. The glass was shatten-o Into a thousand pieces and fell about him. He was cut about the far and arms, but ' Bone r tb workmen who witnessed the acodent can tell why be was not killed by the sharp rleces of glass that fell on his head and body. I I BOOTY OF ROBBERY FOUND !MMUM wl ruunu Urtt assstlty mt m a eased Eavelwstes ! Dlarwvered I sder WtrekssM is I taenia. 1 From a Staff Correspondent 1 L1NCOL... Neb.. Aug JC Special. ) A bushel of stamped envelopes, discovered under a platform of the Minneapolis Threshing Machine corrpany is believed to be th discarded booty of a postofrire or mil car robbery- Ths envelopes beear the return cards of a Ctdar Bluffs firm and of a rami routs leading out of that placa. Workmen found the envelopes aa they were tearing down tha platform un der w hich tha booty had bees thrown. Governor Aldrich Would Amend the State Election Laws Chief ExecntiTe Concladei that Can didates for Office Spend Too Mach Honey Getting- Into the Game. "From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb . Aug. 'Special Governor Aldrich confirms the rumor that he mill seek to have a bill passed at the next session of the state legislature plac- ! ing the candidate s expenditures entirely under the control of the state. He sas. I "I most certainly shall recommend to the j next session of the legislature the passage of a bill providing for the expending of i campaign al'omances by the state instead ; of by the candidates themselves. Particu , larly do I refer to the advertising cam- paign expense which was grratly misused ; In some instances, 1 believe, during the late primary campaign. General abuses i of campaign expenses have grown to such Ian extent that they threaten to destroy j the spirit and strength of our present prl- maty system. If this thing is allowed tt continue it will mean nothing more nor less than that the direct primary will be come a mon-e ehc'e for the special in terests to ride in than mas the old con vention system." 'ASKS HUNDRED THOUSAND FOR PERSONAL INJURIES, Madtaam Ksaineer t rasked I ndrr Lorornotlve Files slt tcslsst I artkertrra Kesd. MADWj.V Neu. Aug. -tapcciai.t 1 George C Keliey litis commenced suit in ; the district court of Madison eountv againet the Clikago a; Nonhm estern Rail- ; may company, asking for damages in the j sum of H.0.v Mr K el ley represents in J petition that on Fet rua-y 2. iiU. m hile lie mas operating s steam suovel for the defendant at Houghton. S P.. a iocomo- I tlve turned over against the steam shovel j by reason of which he mas panned benentii ( the shovel for a period of five hours and j sustained therefrom a f-actured skull. th- j loss of his right -ye and the hearing of his r;eht ear. a nn-Jim -ess of virion in h- I left eye and bearing In his left ear several j rls broken a.--ii one li:nb scaideii to the exteat that It Is para'yxed. and other sen- j oua fractures and fKA'res. Mr Kei'ey al- ! leges that he wa.s er-ivlng a: the time of i U a'-cment $lTi r" mont 1. h'lt not, he j ts wholly ! at -d from pursu rg 1 is , ; vwati'tn as engineer anti f"m o-rft,r-n n ; : .any tnaniia) lalor wHt-ve- Mr Kellry ' has returned from Mayo's h'ti-p-tai. R-tc-: ester Minn., whe-e he lias been iindcrgo j operations and taking treatment. Be j ing a man of about y years of age ard having an expecutney of inirty-four ears, ; . he e.-timates the damage ihst he lias su- 1 I tained on the ha'.v of 11" ner month to be ' j tl: I YORK. Neb.. Aug. 11 (Special.) Chn- I tian Webber sued Fifwaed J.thns-t- in 1's- I trk-t fourt foe SuOO. claiming damages to that amount on account of his team be- j ; coming unmsnagab'e wnen Johnson's au- , i tunuitule pawed nim in a carnage 10 j I whi -h his fmilv aas Webber and ) his daughter mere thromn out upor their j had-- lotn having a broken noe. sxorwa Dasasr Is Harlas. ALMA, Neb.. Aug Special. . Thia ' localitv ill visited b a strong wind and ' hev; rain storm a, roir.jianied by had tn ' parts of the county Sunday evening. In : the Prairie Tog vailey the ttarrn was of a ; cyclonic nature and did several hundred dollars damage Cm the Chartea Osbora farm, smth of Aims- ail th buildings ex cept the residence were oompletsly w recked, and on the J. B. BiUings farm, between her and Republican City, th , house and ham were both destroyed. William Jackson resides on the farm. At Republican City Dick Springsteen's livery bam maa unroofed and several outbuild ing and shade trees were blown over. LINCOLN MAN HAS BIPLANE j Dr. i. It. Braavaftelel af 1. !! la-j vesta ev Feral af raft tat avlarate lr. i fFmm a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Aug. 2. Special. Pr. G. R Bromnfield of this city has invented a new form of biplane, and. hy eastern machinists ; mho are constructing it for him. it is ' claimed to be a successful innovation In aerial navigation. Tr. Bros, nfield. horn ever, says that he prefers the use of a ; monoplsne. and asserts that if he can sell his patent he will forsake the one with which he has conquered the air. A working model of the new airship will be finished within a few m-eks and sent to the local man for tnal r.leh's in this city. CAME TO THE WRONG STATE srrrrtarr Rayae Tells Oataide I atr. oration Nebraska Banks Are Is f9t4td Sbisr. iFrom a Staff 'arreponlent. LINCOLN. Neb.. Aug. r. 'Special. ) In a letter to an out-of-t lie-state company. I which wrote to Secretary Royse of the State Banking board and mhnse ostensible iNNSWANIA LINES 30-DAY Round Trip Tickets to Hew York Atlantic City and other Seashore Resorts DIRECT OR VIA BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON WITH STOP-OVERS Tickets on sals Daily until Sept 30. Saving ia Fare and Satisfaction derived from the Hi.h Standard Pennsylvania Service are Travel Advantagee worth in vestigating. Costs nothing fer particulars Address W. H. ROWLAND, T raveling Paaaenrr Agvr 319 City NstMMul Bask Building. OMAHA reason for existence In Its buying of as sets of liquidated or failed baoka, that official has given the concern to under stand that there Is no room for It to oper ate in this state, the reason for th lark of opening in Nebraska being the fact that no depositors of any bank In thts Stat have lost money because of bank failures within the last seven years. Bnllallnsr Permit. James Movs. T.'il North Fourteenth street, frame dwelling. SMO: O. 8. Finch, ar.d J Gregg. J416 Lake street, brick the ater. S5.i: Walter P. Krause. 1301 South Thirty-sixth street, frame dwelling, CI, J. Bacin. .v! North Twenty-fourth street, f-ame dwelling. JS.30"; Trustees Boston Ground Rent Trur' "'vteenth and Farnam. marble stairmay, tLSOa. STOPS Toothache Instantly. Does not dry op. the cavity. Destroys bad odor. Dent's Toothache Gum AH ISc nn2 60-DAY Variable Route Tickets to OSTOII New York via Norfolk eno way GO ONE ROUTE AND RETURN ANOTHER -RAIL AND STEAMER