Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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1 .
Coats and Suits for
Early Fall, $5.00
Tlu'e chilly A. M.'a and l. M.'a, with more coming
Boon,-demand a Mrviooable medium weight coat or suit.
With just ihte thought in mind, we have again
made heavy puhtraction from the prices on a number
of very desirable linen coats and tsuits.
All are good weight materials and will handsomely
fill your every requirement for present or early full
, wear.
Linen suits which have sold up to $00.00. Linen
coats which have? sold as high as $22.50.
Junior nizcs 15-17.
Small women's sizes 32 to 38.
All in one big lot, which awaits your selection
Wednesday at
More Closes t V0O 1. M.
Despondent Young Woman Sends Bui-
let Into Heart at Elmwood.
Came to Omaha from Son DIo Aboml
jTrar Asm, Wbm Her Mother
V Urfi, and Till Lately Be
aided oa Webster Street.
sin inr.s is ai oiit.
August 11, Frank F. Witt; gunHhot
..August IS, John Kulllvan. 1BU Cali
fornia street; carbolic acW. ,
August .21, Rose McOahan. 2122
A' alley street! carbollo acid.
August 81. Ethel Vedgs, 1S2 Web
ster! gunshot wound.
Trie beautiful young woman who shot
herself Monday nlgnt near ths east en
trance of Elmwood para, was Identified
Tuesday morning as Miss Ethel Wedge by
her., aunt. Mabel Oraff. 18. Webster street.
Investlgatino developed that the motive for
suicide wss despondency, L'utll four months
ago- ("lie had llvrd with her aunt In 1824
Webster street. fcihe came to Omaha a year
go from fcan IMegn, Cal., where she had
lived all her Ilf with her mother. Four
nipnttls ago she left her aunt and roomed
ajrd. hoarded somewhere on Harney street.
IfcV pxart address was not known by her
aunt. . .
Miss Wedge and her aunt seldom met
after that. The last time ths two saw
ea'f h other wrs about a week ago, when
they met on a downtown street. But a few
words were spoken by1 each.
Miss' Wedge, It develops, had attended a
piftiio Monday with a party of young men
efid women and she left the rest of the
pf5hlclcrs about 8 o'clock, taring she was
going home.
Miss Wedge ended her life by sending a
bullet, through her heart about I o'clock
lust night.
Seeks Secluded Spot.
$ie sought .a secluded spot smong ths
byshn-to end her life. August Rogert. 13
earn old of G810 Leavenworth street, was
near the place when she walKd to It.
Calling the boy, the girl guve him 10 cents,
d.r.ccyng him to go and buy himself some
naukorjack' at the peanut vender's. The
boy had gone only a short distance when
he heard the report of the revolver and
ran bnck to find her dead, the revolver
In her hand.
Harry Snyder of Fifty-eighth and Leaven
worth streets and R. E. Cole of Sixtieth
and Leavenworth streets, who wcro In the
park,, were attracted by the shot. They
called Coroner Crosby, who took charge uf
the bqflj;..
The laundry mark F. Q. W. or F. O. K.
In the collar' of her shirtwaist led to her
. . (Continued from First Page.)
Jorlty in the house. To this complexion hss
It cam at last, that ths president, who
rode Into power by a' huge majority. Is
i;lud to-escape' the humiliation of having
his vetoes overrldden-in a house containing
a majority of only sixty-thrse? " t-mall
favors are thankfully received by the ad
ministration. "Notwithstanding the fact that four cabi
net members were on the floor of the house
lobbying In favor of the veto with all of
their power, allurements and patronage
of the administration to help them Influ
ence votes, twenty-two Insurgent republi
cans had the courage "and -manhood to
override the president's vetoes.
Hays Democrats Are I'naaliuoa.
"What's writ Is writ, and whatever the
future may have In. store, the honor of
having perfect unanimity among the demo
crats and of achieving an extraordinary
session can never be taxen away from ua,'
Every democrat In the house and every )t
furgent republican who stood up to ths
rack Is entitled to his full share of credit.
"We honestly and persistently endeavored
to relieve the people of ramo of their bur
den of taxation, but thu president would !
not have It. To use a sporting phrase, 'he
blocked the Kume.' On these 'Issues we ap-
peal to the country, fueling absolutely
certain, that s we stood manfully for tlie !
boat Interests of ".he pceple, the people w 1
t:,nd ty us."
The four cabinet 'off ici s to w Loin the
ii-ak r referred as having Un on the'
floor of tho hnuo when the tariff revision
elot-s were pptidlng In that boiiy, were At
tarney General Wickersham, Postniastei
General Hitchcock, Secretary of War
ttlir.son and Secretary of Commerce and
I-abor XageL
WASHINGTON.' Auk'.' H. - The nava!
academy practice suuadron bringing tr,e
midshipmen back from thalr , European
cruise passed in the Chesapeake capex this
morning. The squadron, which constated
of the battl 'dhlp llashachunelt, Indiana
jnJ Iowa, will arrive at Annapolis thU
evening. '
(.nvrrnor lla.llo, i. III.
JV.Vf.nsoS CITY. Mo.. Aug. fl Gov
ernor Huti ley is confined wlto w attack of
in .tnwltiua anJ on the udvloe uf his piiy
clan he hw cxm-clled his nunomei, t to
apeak at the cli.iuiau.juii at Albany tumor-
Saturdays, 0:00 P. M.
Lovett Says There
is Nothing Wrong
with the Railroads
Head of Union Pacific Declines to
Discuss Reduction of
NEW. YORK, Aug. 22. Official of the
I'nlon Pacific rallwsy were loath today
to talk of the dropping of several thousand
men from the payroll of the railroads.
Officials of the Rock Island, Northern Pa
cific unci Atchlnon rallrondH Indicated they
will not udopt similar methods of retrench
ment. An officer of the Hock Island Bald
that his company win not laying off men
and he saw no Immediate cause why It
should do so. It is generally believed here
that tl.e retrenchment policy will be ex
tended to all lines of the Harrlman sys
tem. Hubert S. Lovett, head of tha Harrlman
lines, wag asked today.
"What la the matter with-the railroad
"There is nothing the mattor," was his
prompt reply.
"Well' what is the mutter with existing
comllt ionH'."'
"JudKe Lovett very deliberately replied:
"Well, If there Is anything tho matter
with existing conditions It Is due entirely
to the lie factory of Wall street."
He declined to discuss the news that the
railroads had reduced their forces.
CHICAGO, Aug. 22.-Efforta of labor
leaders to consolidate the department em
ployes' organisations of the Illinois Cen
tral railroad and other Harrlman lines
Into a federated body Is said by railroad
officials to bs responsible for the talk of
a 'strike. . ' '
The various unions are now said to be
voting on; ths propositions as to whether
the demand for a federated organization
shall be Jnslsted . upon., .Tha. sams , question
is said to be Involved In the disputes on
the other Harrlman lines.
Drouth Condtiions
Much Exaggerated
Reoent Rains Bring Needed Relief to
Homesteaders in Northwestern
Part of South Dakota.
PIEltnE, S. 1).. Aug. 22. Special.)
"tate Land Commissioner Brlnker, who
was one of the party to make a trip
through hs northwestern part of tha slate,
has returned, and reports conditions In
that section to be greatly improved. The
whole of that part of the state he says.
Is covered with green since the rains which
startod ths last of July, and with a little
more time for growth, and by a little
hustling all the homesteaders ought to bs
able to seoure a supply of hay for winter.
Then, too, the grain sown earlier in ths
season Is coming along, and while It will
not likely get to a point where there will
bs any great return (n the way of grain.
It will make feed and help out In that
While, a number of people are leaving
that part of the state, hs does not think
those going exceed 26 per cent of the set
tlers, aod In many of the cases where they
are going the homesteader only cams out
to secure the land and would have gone In
any event as soon as proof was secured.
In another feature, the settlers In that sec
tion are better off than were those who
went through pioneer days east of the
Missouri river. They can secure cheap
fuel In . ths lignite coal which la supplied
to tltem frp-n the mines at from to
$3.60 a ton, w Men beats "twisting hay" for
fuel, which many of the pioneers east of
ths river bad .to keep them buay during
ths winter season.
In another feature they . ore. better off
than ths eastern part of the stats gener
ally, In ths matter of water supply, as
good wells can be secured almost any
where at moderate depth. Altogether they
found tha situation so greatly Improved
from was up to ths last of July
that the residents of that section are feel
ing generally confident of 'getting through
the winter all right, and generally cheerful
over the situation. Hs says tho crowds :
which met their party at each of ths places 1
they stopped, were ths visible evidence that
that part of ths stats Is far from being
depopulated and that the crowds were Just
as cheerful as you would find In any part
of the state.
Sergeant Battenfeld Shoots Himself
Throaan Mead vrltk Army Rife
t Leavenworth.
LEA V ENWORT1I, Kan., Aug. 22. -Sergeant
Ferdinand Dattenfleld. Company D.
I'nlted 8tt-s Infantry, stationed at Fort
Leavenworth, killed himself today by
shooting himself through the head with an
army rifle. He Is said to have been de-
... L .... . 1 . LI.
I Liuiiuriii ircvuuFv ii separation iruin ma
I sweetheart. Bergeant Battenfeld's home
was In Chicago. He had been in the army
fifteen years.
l lirht Frnet la North Dakota.
BT. PAI'L, Aug. 22. According to reports
received from North Dakota and Canadian
! points by the local weather bureau the
ursi rrt of the season struck last nlktht
near WIIHaMn and Bismarck. N. !.. and
al In awlft Ccrreut, Sask. The frost at
Ul.lstoii, N. !., was heavy, but hot
rnouKh to damage crops, which have
mu lu red.
Attorney General Cam on Sayi Prc
tioe Muit Stop.
tat Agrlealtarat ( allege .Will
Re Dropped Whea II riles
Expense Arvonat.
(From Ptaff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES).. Aug. !2.-(Speclal Tele
gram. 1 A probe of alleged gambling at
Lsk OkoboJI, Iowa's most popular summer
resort, has been declared by Attorney Gen
eral George Cos son.
Attorney Bock of rlcklnson county has
been urged by ths attorney general to stop
the practice there and warns film that
very semblance of It must stop.
It became known hers today that charges
against Prof. P. O. Holden of the Iowa
Agricultural college would bs dropped, pro
vided he subscribes to certain conditions
laid down by the State Board of Education.
A monthly statement of his expenses Is one
of the conditions Imposed by ths board.
(Continued frtfirf First' Page.) '. S
ance of securing,. through the Investigation
and reports of the tariff board, a definite
and ce-.-tuIn basis of ascertained facts for
thrf consideration -of "tartff taws. When the
reports of the tariff board on these sched
ules are received the duties which should
be Imposed can be fletennuned on Justly
and with Intelligent -appreciation of the
effect yiat they .will have both on industry
arid on n-vonue. Very likely some of the
changes In this bill will prove to be de
sirable and some, to be undesirable, fto
far as tbev turn out to be Just and reason
able! shall be glad to approve them, but
at present the proposed legislation appears
to be all .a matter of guess work. The Im
portant thing Is to get our tariff legisla
tion out of the slough of guess work and
log-rolling and exparte statements of In
terested persons and to establish that
legislation on the basis of tested and de
termined' facts, to which shall be applied,
fairly and openly, whatever tariff principle
the people of the country choose to adopt."
Clark's Farewell Addreea.
Speaker Clark, the first democratic
Rpeaker of the houso in sixteen years mads
his closing address to the members In con
gratulatory terms. He was greeted with
tumultuous cheering:
'The members have contended for what
they believed to bo right, with courage,
energy and capacity," said Speaker Clark.
"It Is to be hoped that any political diet
agreements which have arisen In ths ex
citement of debate will be speedily for
gotten. "I desire particularly to than all mem
bers of the house without regard to politi
cal affiliation, for the uniform klndnesr,
friendliness and consideration which they
havo shown the speaker."
The president was at the capltol half an
hour and during that time he signed eleven
hills. None was rejected.
During his visit, senators and represent
atives gathered in his room to greet him. 1
Among the progressive republican Insur
gents in . the crowd were Senators Cum
mins of Iowa, Itrlstow of Kansas and
lirown of Nebraska. 'Til b out In your
country before long," said tho president to
Mr. Bristow. ":".,-" ' , 1
"We Will bs glad to see you' was their
response. '
Beiiator LuVe Lea' was ths last senator
to greet the president'
"OJve bf,kye,to:youf famllyV said i ths
president. . Jae Tennessee, senator had. Jn-
lunntu me president mat ns would soon
leave for -Colorado, 'whereby iUrs. Lea has
made a brave fight for her life.
Sherman Hays Good-Bye.
Vice President Sherman Is declaring the
renate adjourned today, expressed ths be
lief that all senators had been brought into
closer touch during this session. He said
In part:
"Senators Your resolutions of oom-
mendotlon and thanks for ths manner In
which I have discharged my duties as your
presiding officer, are pleasing and appre
"I am hppy if the belief that a pro
tracted, and at times, strenuous session,
rather than generating ill-will or disregard,
has brought us all Into closer touch with
each other.
"Laying aside for the nonce, your leg Is
latlve duties, to which you have devoted
without stint your energies and splendid
abilities, you go to sea or mountain to
other cares and duties, or to well-earned
and deserved recreation, each carrying, I
am sure, the best wishes of his fellows.
and with my God-speed for a safe Journey
to desired destination, happy days during
our separation and a return in health and
vigor to renewed public service in Lecem
ber. I declare tha extraordinary session of
tha Sixty-second congress adjourned with
out delay."
Leader Una Says Democrats Are
'-Hofat by Their Uwa PetarS."
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22.-Uepubllcan
Leader Mann of the house in a statement
issued today, giving the minority view of
the work of the extra session of the demo
cratic house, declined thut the net result
was to strengthen the president and
weaken the democracy and that the demo
crats "trying to put t,he president lit a
hole" in tariff revision legislation, should
be "hoist by their own pjtard."
"The special session," said Mr. Mann,
"Was called by ths president. In the ful
fillment of obligations . pf his agreement
with Canada to consider and pats on, th
Canadian reciprocity bill. That bill, parsed
and has become law." ,
"The democrats In thtiahouac would avc
been wise if they had confined ths rpecial
These are the cities of over 10,000 population that have
adopted some form of commission plan of government, list com
piled by the Short Ballot Organization:
Birmingham ..12. sl
Montgomery ... iSl.lJS
Mobile tl.21
Berkeley 4U:!4
Oakland ISO. 174
San Ileo
Hanta Crus"..... 11.144
Ve.lejo ll.JW
Colo. Springs... 21.. 17
Keokuk H.ffW
Marshalllown . 13.374
Bloux ity 47. !CS
Coffeyvlllo .... V2.&1
Hutchinson .... 16.3H4
Independenc e .. 10.4m
Leavenworth .. 1!.343
Kanssj City..., S2.J.U
Parsons 1S.4H.1
I'ittshurg 14.ini
Topeka 4.1.64
Wi. hlta fci.460
Newport 10.30
Shreveport J8.015
Cumberland ... il.MJ
Oloucevter M.ttti
Haverhill 4.u
i ) nr. tai.ajo
Taunton' MS
Port iluiun.... M.KI
u. m
I Elgin
Jacksonville ...
Hock Iiland....
Hprlngfleld ....
Bui ilngtun . ...
Cedar Kfp!ds..
Ie Molne
t'ort Dodge
Omaha votes on commission
eanlon to the consideration of ths reci
procity bill. Instead of that they set out to
show hew they could bungle legislation.
They prevented ths passsgs of the con
stitutional amendment for direct election
uf senators by ins Listing on coupling with
It another amendment to tha constitution
o deprive the general government of one
of Its necessary powers.
Faaaat r.lee4ln Ki - Bill.
"They fought sgainst publicity of pri
mary election expenses until we strangled
them Into yielding. . They nearly defeated
statehood for Arlsona by Insisting that con-
Kress give practical approval to recall of
Judges. They prepared tariff bills without
knowing either the form or substance. They
brought in tariff bills in grotesque form
with a plain avowal that they neither knew
or cared what the effect might bs on the
Industries of the country and planted them
selves squarely on a platform against pro
tection and In favor of a tariff for revenue
only without even knowing what the effect
on the revenue would be.
"They have declared In favor of larger
Importations from abroad regardless of
whether we have Idle factories and Idle
men who might produce similar goods.
"While entering on the domain of tariff
legislation,' they have refused to consider
other needed legislation. They declined to
consider a bill fixing ths tolls on ths
Panama cans), a matter ' of urgent Im
portance, We were unable to force them
to' take up conservation legislation and
especially bills Co protect and utilise the
resources of Alsskm. ' ',
"White they have' attempted . to cast
odium on th. tariff board? and have de
nounced that board In urMA44Surtd language
they have taken no stejx to provide them
selves Information for much needed tariff
legislation. i
Oslr 6m BUI Is Republican.
"The principal legislation which this ses
sion has '.enacted Is the provision in the
Canadian reciprocity bill admitting wood
pulp and papa.-. free from Canada. That
provision In the law was drafted by me
end enacted exactly as I had drafted It.
Their acceptance of that provision was tho
wisest thing the democrats have done.
The special session has developed the
brosdnoes of ' President Taft's statesman
ship and also the Incompetency of the
democrats when it comes to legislation.
They have tried to put the president In a
hole. They have been 'hoist by their own
petard,'': The net result of? the special ses
sion has been to strengthen the president
and weaken the democrsts."
Murderer Strapped
to Electric Chair
Breaks His Bonds
EDDTV1LLB, Ky., Aug. 11. When
Oliver Locke, a negro wife murderer, was
paying tha penalty for his crime at the
penitentiary here today the condemned
man thmuih whose body 2.(100 volts of
electricity were coursing, struggled for
twenty-eight minutes with supernuman.
atrenvth. and finally bfoke the leather
straps that bound his arms and.leKs to the
chair. After breaking 'the straps the negro
tnnnwi tn tha floor' and apparently suc
cumbed, but an examination by the prison
physicians revealed the fact that he was
slowly reviving. His body was again strap
ped to tho chair and 2.500 volts of elec
tricity turned on. Several minutes elapsed
before life was extinct.
State Insurance
. Officials Meet
President Button in Address Hints at
. Sho.cklne; Disclosures of( Recent ; .
V . Investigation,,." ' , , '
MILWAUKEE, Mis... Aug: 22.-fleveral-ln
dustrlal health and accident insurancs com
panics were sevewty criticise dby President
Joseph Button of Virginia In his annual
address today before the .forty-second na
tional convention of stats Insuranoe com
missioners, which will continue through
President Button said an investigation by
a committee of fourteen or fifteen com
panles doing a health and accident busi
ness, resulted in disclosures that were
shocking In the extreme.
"Instead of basing the adjustment of
claims on equitable principles," said Mr.
Button, "some of the companies examined
resor ed tn every form of trickery and de
celt and even forgery and theft in order
to escape their honest obligations. This
was all the more outrageous tn view of the
fact that those frauds wsrs perpetrated
on the poorer classes, who, fn the very
nature of things should be given every
possible protection.
"As the committee which mat a the in
vestigation has Its report nr&rly ready, 1
shall not anticipate the remedies they will
suggest for the conditions thers disclosed,
except to say that It Is Incumbent on us
to root out this evil without mercy."
President Button pointed to the success
o ft he uniform bill for the regulation of
fraternal companies, commonly known as
the "Mobile bill," which, he stated, had
been adopted by thirteen states. Hs also
spoke In advocacy of civil service In con
nection with Insurance business.
COLUMniA CITY, lnd., Aug. a.-Clasp.
Ing hands and jumping from a boat, Earl
Deeter and Ms wife ended their lives In
New lake today. A man on shore who
saw the two row out on ths lake and leap
overboard summoned help and ths bodies
were recovered. Deeter was tt years old
and his wife 27. Roth were of prosperous
families, but they had been In 111 health
and despondent for several months. . .
Postal Bank at Topeks.
WAPrilN'OTOX. Aug. 22.-Postmaster
General Hitchcock today named as a Dostal
livings bank the Topeka postofflce.
Plan Progress
Pontlac 14,W2
Hattiesburtf ... li.733
Kaiibault !
Man ks to 1V.&6
Missoula ll.m
Trenton WJir,
Pa f sale i,;7J
Oieensboro .... li.M'5
Wilmington ... 14.
EnM 1S,7S
Mac-Alester 12 t.4
Muskogee !S.78
ok I. Chy
Columbia O.HI
-Aberdeen 10 7.7J
iou Kails...,. 14.W4
Chattanoogu .. 44.
Memphis 131,
Austin ?9.
Beaumont 20
Dallas u.
Dentson 15.
Fort Worth 73.
Oalveston 8
Houston 71
Marshall 11,
Palestine 10,
I "All.
Bait Lake City 91.717 I
Ogden 2&.Sm
8pokane 104. 402 j
Taroma M 743
No Yakima.... 14.0J4
Walla Waha. ,. .a4
Klurfleld 11.11
Huntington .... M.lkl
Parkersbutg.... 17,s4i i
Kan Claire 1R.C43
App eton 16.778
plan September 2.
Initiation of President This Year is
in Doubt.
aaieeia Is Ready to Eatertafa lllsa
Rayallr 4ay Tlaae, bat Weal
Rather Mare tUaa DarlatT
the laJtlatloa.
President Taft will be accorded a royal
reception by a most royal host If ho will
come to Omaha before October 7. After
that he may escape ths necessity for
swearing fealty to King Ak-gar-Ben. but
will have to content himself with a few
dull prosaic banquets and such sffalrs.
According to ths latest reports from Wash
ington the president Is planning on begin
ning his western trip September IT. If he
waits that long he cannot very well reach
Omaha within several weeks, and shier
the regular Initiations of Samson will cease
September 18 he will miss them. The den
will hsve to be turned over Immediately to
the carpenters who will remodel It for the
ball and put. In a new floor for dancing.
Nine days later the carnival opens and
lasts for ten days. If President Taft cun
get here during that time, as seems pos
sible, he ran be given special ceremonial In
troduction to the "kink, hlsself." Th
carnival In expected to be an unusually
gorgeous affair this fall and the presence
of Taft will .make one more galu duy f
thos,i already arranged for.
Plans for entertaining the president can
not be formulated by any of the people In
terested because the time .for his coming
will make so much difference In the s,tyle
of entertainment offered him. The Com
mercial club has not taken any action to
ward providing him with an attractive Im
pression of Omaha and will await the ac
tion of the Ak-Har-Ben governors. While
the president la here he will bo Invited also
to go out to Park avenue and Hickory
street and view the flag which he presented
to the Seventh' Ward Republican club and
which will be proudly floating by that time
commemorative Of the opening of ths fall
campaign In his nsme.
Mrs. Baldwin Saves
Drowning Daughter
Wife of Homesteader Pulls Little Girl
from Deep Pond and Works Two
Hours to Resuscitate Her.
SlOfX FALLS, 3. D.. Aug. 22. (Special.)
Plunging into the wafers of a deep pond
near her home, Mrs. Bert Baldwinwife of
a well known homesteader residing In
Stanley county, rescued her 2-year-old
daughter from drowning nnd then worked
two hours before she succeeded In reviving
the child, who had lost consciousness when
the heroic mother dragged her from the
The mother wss summoned to the scene by
the screams tff her 4-year-old son. and
;when she arrived at the ' pond all she
could see Was eome bubbles- rising to' the
surface. Soon a little hand appeared and
the .mother threw herself Into the water
and after desperate efforts hsd the satis
faction of being able to grasp the drown
ing ohlld and drag her to shore. Then
followed the anxious two hours during
which the mother was engaged In the suc
cessful effort to revive the child.
A Sertoua Breakdown
results from chronlo constipation. nr.
King s New Life rills cure headache,
stomach, liver and bowel troubles. 2Cc. For
sals by Beaton Drug Co.
O other Gin
has a flavour
like Coates &c
Co.'s original
Plymouth Dry
Gin. Since 1793
the finest Dry
Gin distilled.
Try it in your next
rickey, fizz or
cocktail note the
. difference.
Every Hotel, Club, Res
taurant and Cafe bas
Coates & Co.'s Original
Plymouth Dry Gin it is
known the world over
there must be a reason.
'The Dry Gin
with the Flavour"
111 BLDQ.
Xntraste oa Oeuit
Tel. O. 1018
Ss. BtAt Trias- DiTi4xurr y
i h I
s ma am
Blackberry Balaam
Quickly stops Diarrhoea, Dysentery
Cholera Infantum and all bowet trou
bles, without constipation. No opium
nor other habit forming drugs. Accept
only Wakofield'g. It cuTes after other
remedies fall. S5o or a bottles for
$1.00. Everywhere.
You Arc Doing Your
self an Injustice
i. ..... j I I' 1 .. t hu 1 I U I II IWU
to worse. Let us tuke care of them
nun ,ur; mil tuna tarv hi yuu
whon most needed. Glasses prescribed
now may ne used oniy temporarily.
If vou wait too long the wearing of
glasses insy be a permanent ne
prints clean news and clean advertising
The First Trust Company
Capital, Paid in, . . 5300,000.00
This Company is authorized, under recent enartuienl of State Law,
to receive appointments as Executor or Administrator of Estates and
to Invest funds therefor. To act as Ouardlan, Trustee or Assignee. To
Register stock issues of Corporations and act as Transfer Agent, Fiscal
Agent or Receiver. We will act as Custodian of Wills, and will draw
Wills, free of charge, If we are named as Executor.
We make loans on Karma and City Property and pay over the pro
ceeds Immediately No delays while loans are submitted to Eastern
Companies. We have for gala selected First Mortgage Real Estate
Loans In such amounts as may ho desired.
F:,lAV1H' ,'p'!,u,nt' AXTOX 1KKI)I,.1, Societaiy.
C. T-KVli71?.J,1Se.1?'- M W- IKKY. Asst. Kcc-,.
L. L. KOl.NTZK, Vice Pre. X. L. DAVIS. Treasurer.
C- B. ANDKHSON. Vice I'leh. and Manager.
... Hell. Douglas 1151.
Telephone Independent. A-1715.
The Moeher-Lampman College Is now moving into its elegant new quarters
on the fifth and sixth floors of the new Wellington Hulliling known ns one of
the best equipped, best built, sufi-st hulldings In (Moulin. Ki-w buildings are eO
carefully designed, so well Constructed or so well located tor buslneHs college
Competitors of this modern school Hie naturally envious of its location, Its
finely equipped building and Ita successful inelhudH of teaching. It is ho un
usual t find a school In a hulliling no fully prjtecte.l that they realize that their
buildings, put up years ago, are hopelessly out of dnte. These who see and
compare the new with the old are the best judges.
mj,r fkotectxs avrxsivo
The Wellington building Is of construction to fully reslat fire Is built mostly
of steel. Iron, hollow tile, marble and concrete. All floors are laid on a thick
bed of concrete.
. A w-onderful automatic sprinkler system, costing 17,000, protects every foot
or the building from cellar to attic. Our big wholesale dealers, whose Immense
stocks of goods are protected in the same way, wlli tell you this means per-
Modern elevator service serves every floor you don't havo to climb stulrs.
Pure, fresh air and good light are ahund:int. Instead of putting our students
down cellar and confining them in dark rooms from 9 till 4, we are up out or
the noise, heat and dirt.
If you prlie your health, your comfort and your progress, thlu is the pluce
for you to attend school. Come and see for yourself. What you nee you believe.
- W?, wl" Kiv you tll facta. Make It your hunlneas to get the truth and not
to believe statements muiiu purely through Jealous envy.
The Kail Term begins September 4. Make your arrangements early, fnr
this week our office will remain at the old location, 17th and Kurnam street.
Located In Omaha's Beautiful Unburn.
College, Normal School, Musical Conservatory and Anadenir. '
Strong faculty, representing graduate, study In Harvard John
Hopkins, Columbia, Princeton, Chicago, Wisconsin, Iowa, Lelpslc, Edin
burgh and Oxford.
Stmte Teacher'g Certificates granted. Huccegsful Athletics Do
bating, Oratory and College Journalism.
Expunsog niodrute.
ii i a -Ti-tTD, rm.
II ST II -r Mas" r
Drills. Cojrsea of Study prepare for t7nlversltls. Uovernnient
AcadeTiles or for Bunlnese I li". Msnuiil Trslnins. bsparute
Department for small boys. Y e catalogue, aodioaiv
The Secretary, 1K04 Washlugton Ae Lt'nluttou, Mo.
Unitary Training com
bined With Acaduiulo and
.t-tiiews Luurhc.ii ilc'elopa
thm hH luu . . . , 1 mln,l. t.t
.us into Mauiy. tinci'vsi-
ful Men. Vi lioilj up ii
oui,d body, tlcvt-iop
nular and ireatu tUv l.abm
Hint ii. ake the lioy il.o
Manly Man.
uur nmdrinii: standards are hlifh.
Our classiu mid Hclentitlc cupraet
prepare for all colleges. Our com
mercial courses picpur for business
Write for illustrated catalogue.
KABBT ST. BtTBSXT.I. nesd Unttl.
Stearaey, BTsb.
I I I a i
You've worn those summer clothes
JUST long enough to miAe 'em look VEUY
DINGY! Wh remove thai DiNGE" and make
your clothe 3 appear a though you were
starting the .eason agai .
Just phone Tyler 1300 or Auto A-22'ih i tid get posted
We tay expie-s one way on shipments of tvor amounting to $3.01 or over,
t'p town l(celvlnK Utailon at irundls btor.-s, pompeiaii ltooin, or lit In caller
tlie Tailors, lilt r'ai.ium til
DRESHER BKOS., 2211-13 Farnam Street
'v.. WW..
Ton Are Liable tc Loss the Stone.
How long have you worn your
rln? It Is a question which nhould
have vour attention. The "settlns"
ff a ring the delicate claw that
hold the stone is the part that
receives moat of the wear. Many n
diamond ami other stones hsve
been tost through oversight of
this wer Vou ahnu'rt have your
ring examined ltrlng It to the re
oalr Jepnriment of the Kdholm
store ami It will he thoroughly
lookivl over, if It needs repairing
It v 1 1 1 he attended t experts In
this work.
Son't Mersly Bny tnvtrt
Sixteenth and Harne.
.. I First Nat l IWuik HMg.
Location ( 33-8ti5 south i;un m.
y- v im 4'
lijilLiiiii l
aSaaasasBBSBsaa " 'r Rt nnd Ijii-uitat In k.f i ,i i . t....
uovernnient Muoarv ai,-n in..... ..
tine by War Department. Infantry. Artlilarv i u7. i...
St. Francis Solanus
Quincy, Illinois
romr'lete Pre-atatory, Commi rclal, BclAh-
tiflc. Kngllsh and t'lasslcal Courses, special
I fucllltles in Vocal and Instrumental mm
i pic. To secure thu family ri'irlt the sclinoi
uttriidance is lliullcd tu s.nall nuuibuis.
Si nd for catalogue.
Very Kev. Kortunatus lls jajer, O V. M,