Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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l-'itlM A' It AN (' II l,AM FOIl SALE
Oresjen oat Inaeil.
MO irrra mliea 1mm town; near, mod
ern ho'ise. bum, tenement; ' pear prunea,
tf:iriii. I..",u0 young trees, grape vines.
r "i1 water; wxl. Or will s1l 0 acres
vim nil improvement. Investigation so
li, led C. H. WtbMor. The Dalian, ore
i N'OliS' OI'l'OKTUMTy-H ashing
t, i I Hie roly land; cluse Portlsnd. Lewia
i.r a,ley. I'arnain price Write lor
lnfoimsuon quickly. MacDuffee WI1U.
): H. Iniurit. Portland. Ore.
Sonth Carolina.
I.ANDS-ViOO per acre made growing fig
fo. i iti'Ivm un the Islands. Orchards on
monthly payments. Sea Island Or
i' siil Company. Charleston, S. C
koata Daknta.
it have a lis: of Edmund county land
(oi- saia at from 113 and up pnr acre. 11
In l i f .-led w n to us (or paillculur and w
will send our irlces and pocket map. K
. .... oun Unu in tviuth Itakota, list It With
as. Our motto is "A Square Dcai to Buyer
and heller." Glvj us a cimkici- to prove
,. sialnment. Hasvold Land Co.. Mlna,
uimnids county, bouth JUakuta
1LL exchange choice (ami land 'near
I'i-i rt. the apltal u( 8nutli Dakota, 'or
kuiKl Iowa or Nebraska land. What have
ou to offer? West Land Co, ficn
- L).
iw-ACKE corn (arm. out from fHou
'. alls, excellent Improvements. laifce gruv?
nd fruit; all HI cultivation; price for qulca
tale, lbs; easy terrr.a; also 24u well in;
,.ued. easy terms, and 1H0 acres unlm
, . vtd. TlkSB ute bargains (or quick sai
,:. A. SUvlus, owner, Sioux Kails, 6. D
Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black
lull: clay subsoil; lies very level and all
..nder cultivation, Must be sold within H
bays to none an estate. Half of this year 4
iru goes with the price, H per acre,
easy lerme; sj.uju will nanule it and it n
a snap. No gravel, no atones, no (oui wcadi
Audi ess W. k . McCiea, Lake Preston. Ji
Fair Improvement. i'lUe, t6,trt0. Kquity.
U.iW). Alaska ilcai batata Co., Alaska,
t. U.
FOK tjALK aecuon gooil raw land, ail
irneu, kuuU tiuHing .veil; t iniies from
i'laiiklnaton, S. U. l''or particulars wru
j. li. o dlaiiey, l'liillp. u.
SPECIAL, snaps in Texas Gulf Coast
land. lum tyres iunu Co., iJranutiJ
j liealre.
hJjW.HU KALE- To close partnership;
uu acres hardwood timber land, llvimj
walcr; vJO acres second bottom land; li
areu cultivated. iiea on uuth siaes oi
Cotton lieu liy lVs miles from Maiakoff,
Ituiiuay switch ' mile. A bargain
si price, Hj per acre. li. C. Vamla-
cei-, Alliens. Tex.
etit the Bender Realty and Development
Co., B. easing, lex., or Merchants hotel,
Omaha, lor tiooklet, orange and fig farina.
t'OU 8ALli Sixteen-acre Improved farm
at Aldlne. Tex., li miles from Houston,
iiuod roads. All under cultivation. Fine
tig and orange land. Mrs. M. A. buiirn-d,
untier, Aluine. Tax.
TKXAti lands. 210 ilea tilde D. 1133.
CAl'lTAL for lumber business Whole
fsle hire or retail country yard. Will rut
ny time against vour monev and split
profits ,.r pa S to 10 per cent Interest.
Ten year"' exierlenoe retail lumber. Ad
rti 1 ; 4 ', I'.er.
BEST price paid Tor id hand furniture:,
carpet, clotluna mid shoes. Tel. It. I3TI
RKMEMBER it take but a few strokes
i( the pen to state that you saw the "ad."
Isj Tba Bee. The advertiser wants to kn w.
SMALL cottage, partly
modern; must be in good
condition; convenient to
6chool and car line. Do
not object to going pret
ty well out. F 'J05, care
WANTED To rent by man and wife, 1
or 2 unfurnished or partly furnished rooms
In modern house, near Walnut Hill, N.
l!4th or Sherman Ave. car line. O 38. Bee.
We have a large demand for houses and
flats. List your vacant property with us.
616 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg.
LADY with child wants housecleanlng or
work of any kind. F 995. Bee.
WANTED A cook; no washing. 3611
Jackson St. I'hone Harney 1466.
ADVERTISING managers attention: Man
with 18 years' business experience, bring
well advanced in 1. C. S. course of com
plete advertising with grade of over 95 per
cent, desires ad writing to do In spare time
In order to procure practical experience
with a view to taking position when found
to be competent. Address B-26, cara Bee.
President Sendi Letter in Reply to
Invitation to Fall Festivities.
tnnnnt .ay When, If at All, lie Will
lH Omaha Darlna Ilia Toar
of the Western
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 22. (Spe
cial Telegram. ) Senator Lrown today re
ceived the following letter from President
Taft In answer to the one he delivered on
behalf of Victor White of Omaha and other
members of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
Inviting the chief executive to visit the
Gate City during Ak-Sar-Ben week.
Mr. White endeavored to deliver this let
ter to the president at Beverly but his ab
sence from the summet capiiol made It
impossible. Senator Brown acted In the ca
pacity as messenger to the king on this
occasion with this result:
TON, Aug. 18. Dear Senator Brown: The
president very greatly appreciates the cor
diality of the invitation to visit Omaha
which you have presented to him on behalf
I of the Ak-Sar-Ben. atid would be glad to
! V aft 4-as Vrill nurti-aif tn nffifapa nil ntanihara
siaj; ; uu v l J J iv VI l i VI a biiu mi iiiirvi sj
of the organisation an expression of his
warmest thanks. While he is sorry that
he cannot now say definitely whether or
not he will be able to Include Omaha in
the Itinerary of his prospective western
trip, lie will be very glad to give careful
consideration to the matter when the
schedule Is taken up after adjournment.
"Meanwhile, with renewed thanks In the
president's behalf I am sincerely yours,
"Secretary to President.
"Hon. Norrls Brown. United States Sen
ate." Senators Gatnole and Crawford and Rep
resentative Martin of South Dakota have
left for home and Representative Burke
left tonight.
Prior to leaving, the South Dakota dele
gation were entertained at dinner by
President Taft and of course affairs politi
cal were discussed, but incidentally Mr.
Taft was aialn reminded that the follow
ing South Dakota cities would like to see
him. however briefly, during his coming
trip: Deadwood. Rapid City, Pierre,
Huron, Hedfield. Aberdeen, Mllbank,
Mitchell and Yankton.
Iowa senators and members are urging
the president to stop at Cedar Rapids,
Ottumwa, Sioux City, Des Moines, Water-
loo. Keokuk and other Hake cities,
j To all who have Called wtthin the past
j few days bearing invitations the president
Is almost uniformly replying "that he will
be very glad to give careful consideration
to the matter when the final arrangement
of his schedule Is taken up after the ad
journment of this session of congress."
Senator Brown will leave Washington to
morrow afternoon for Des Moines for a
visit with his mother and that concluded
will proceed direct to Kearney.
Miss Anna Howland. secretary to Senator
Brown left tonight for her home In Lin
coln. Maxwell Cook of Lexington, Neb., left
Wednesday for home.
Walter Georfte, state treasurer of Ne
braska, accompanied fey Mrs. George, ar
rived In Washington today from Boston
and other eastern points. Treasurer George
came east to attend the ad writers' con
vention recently held at Boston and since
its conclusion has visited various eastern
cities. Today Mr. George called upon
Representative Klnkald and other members
and also upon Senator Brown. Mr. George
and wife will remain In Washington sev
eral days before starting for home.
An American Kins
Is the great king of cures. Dr. King's New
Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and
cold remedy. 50c and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Installation of Water ! DEPORTATION AROUSES CUBA
Meters Causes Riot
at Pocatello, Idaho
POCATELIA), Ida., Aug. 22.-Because
Superintendent William Winter discharged
a revolver at Sheriff James Francis, who
was attempting to serve an Injunction pre
venting the company from Interfering with
the water supply, 200 armed cltlsens at
tacked the reservoir of the local water
works plant today and arrested the super
intendent and employes. Tonight the water
works Is In the hands of city officials and
for the first time since last Friday the city
has water.
The entire trouble started when the com
pany began to Install a meter system In the
city to replace the old rate system. The
citizens refused to permit the meters to be
Installed. To retaliate, the company Is al
leged to have arbltraily shut down the
water supply. Last Friday the city got out
an Injunction against Interference with the
water supply, setting up that Superintend
ent Winter was mentally Irresponsible.
When Sheriff Francis tried to serve the In
junction today he was fired on.
'I'EXAii LANDS I hava some wonder
fully attractive prices for hoine-sekers
unl Investors. 1 handle bargains oniy.
Vtiita yuur exact wants. L. . Hlrsca
lieid, Waco, 'lex.
10 ACRti FRUIT and truck farms, la
lash, balance monthly; no interest; do
axes. VV. 6. Junes, 41a Bianaeie Theatre.
Waaaluu tun.
Raw alfalfa ana ... .id tracts; water
now on land, with Pw, u,-.:ont water rights,
H.O per acre; easy lerms; write aioaea
Lake Land and Irrigation Co., bu7 Lcary
Blag., beattle. Wash.
' WraaBlac.
WRITE this company for information
about Coke villa and western Wyoming op
portunities. HH.UTT REAL ESTATE CO..
cokeviiie, wya .
TAKE a boat ride at Lake Manawa. We
will give a pair of round trip tickets to
Ed Kahre, 7S23 Arbor St., If he will come
, to Tho Bee office within three days.
30 acrt, line country, three miles from
town, for sale or trade for city property;
soixi i.m-oiio lor selling. 4UJ-4 Umana
Nat l Bank.
v !: c.-.clinga properties ot merit. H. H.
Cuivw. MZ-li O. N. B. Bldg Douglas 7Sas.
LltST your exchanges with Jones, 4U
t.iaiidela Theater.
DANDY -section So. Dak. land, value
JUDO, clear property or touring car. H (71,
1 HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For
results see me. Dean, 17 Bee Bldg. D. 13U.
WILL trade six-room house and lot for
1911 tlvd-paaaenger auto. W. (J. Jensen,
04 Ware Block.
rtJK EXCHANGE Clear Omaha prop
erly tor auSKhem California. Give full par
ticulars In Ilrst letter. Box, K4, bau Gabriel,
TRADE Eastern Nebraska farms for
Omaha Income property. Nicholas, 41
Brandels Theatre.
EXCHANGE for what you want Shopen
t Co.. Exchange Experts, Paxton Bla.
National Investment Co. trades everything.
flC.uut real estate for farm. Owners; re
ply lli 606, Bee.
trade it-room house and H-acre of ground
worth $o00, or a blacksmith shop and lot
worth IMO, In Mondamln, la., for horses
and cattle. Call or address N. R. Ewlng,
I'tXii N. 51st St.. Omaha. Neb.
WELL established cafe: fine fixtures:
tine location; doing splendid business and a
money maker. Owner has other interests
lemandlng his attention. Would consider
iraue ior wen improvea lana. This proposl-
uoa win Dear ciose investigation.
I'hone Douglas tl&. 307 McCague Bldg.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
rarnam Smith Co.. 1XN Farnam St.
GARVIN BROS., d floor N. Y. Life. Be
, - ,Wd AM n I ..... .....4 n VI- , .
w ,,v.,-. wm muiwi. .v aeiay.
OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands.
Mil New Omaha National Bank building.
LOANS to home ewnara and noma build'
era, with privilege of making partial dk
menu semi-annually. W. II. THOMAS, Wl
r irsi auuMi imuk aiof.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ca.
WANT2D City loans. Patera Trust Ca.
1U to lt,W made promptly. r. D.
Wead. Weaq Bldg.. lath ana arnam bia.
i sur DiTrri uiruit, . . . .
liv-iU Brandeia Theater Bldg.
tssunent Company, Omaha,
5 & SVoS.0 f'U "A 'rm JProperty. W
- --it. ate.iK.Lfci. Jua Kimn Bias.
HANDY man about the house, wants
stegdy position. Reference furnished. A
41. Bee. .
MAN wants day work. Douglas 462L Call
for Wm. Walker.
WANTED Bv elderly man, position as
night watchman; old resident of city;
temperate and responsible. Call Tel. Har
ney 2438.
years with large firm and over 10 years'
exnerlence elsewhere. will consider a
change. Strictly temperate and reliable. Al
references; good salary expected. M 9J9,
TWO neat colored girls want work. Call
Webster 0035.
PAPER RULER. 22 years old. with two
years' experience, wants to finish trade;
out-of-town considered. What have you
to offer? A 25, Bee.
GERMAN wants work of any kind. W
117, Bee.
GOOD, sober colored man wants porter
work. . Phone 4M0.
The Bee Offers More Than $5,000
in Free Prizes in the
See Pictures and Rules Paper This Issue.
VTnaT.Pf.lltH knnV lr.mi Amv,1fWA Hue.
In. hm Hav wl.h.i tft trtn m 1 1 mmt nt
, j .. - -
books evenings or spare time for reason
able compensation. F 841, care Be.
employed, anxious to leave road, desires
city selling or office work. M 86, Bee.
A LADT with 1-year-old child wants
position as housekeeper In some respect
able home; can give good references. Ad
dress D 28, Bee.
LAUNDRY day work. Monday. Tuesday
and Friday. Call B 2006. Ask for Laura.
COLORED woman wants situation as
cook. Webster 2472.
EVERT cerson knows who D. J. O'Brien
Is because he has made Omaha famous
with his candy. If Mrs. T. F. Zulnlace. 1.11:.'
Corby St.. will come to The Bee office
within three days we will give her an
order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy
A middle-aged woman desires a position
as housekeeper; no washing; W. 3632. Call
for Mrs. Miller. '
YOUNG man, experienced salesman, can
handle any line, would like Interview. Ad
dress F 30. Bee.
GOOD, sober colored man wants porter
work. 'Phone D. 4990.
YOUNG man. with thorough legal ex
perience, can examine abstracts and ap
pear In court, will work for reasonable
salary; best of references. Address J 33,
WANTED By middle aged man, work of
any kind. Address L 35. Bee.
NEAT appearing young man needs work:
will work few hours at night for room and
board. D 44, Bee.
YOUNG man of IS would like position
as salesman and assistant window trimmer
in clothing store. Willing to start on mod
erate salary as I want to learn the business.
Address R 40, Bee.
wrtirwn man A? IS n. m i , 1 1 1 . a
Willi avilia nu.i......R n ' J . .w cuw-
catlon and can operate typewriter. Indus-
i i 1111 ... . n I- Y, m T
INDUSTRIOUS young man wants clerical
work. Address E 45, Bee..
EXPER1ENCED lumberman (retail)
would consider any position in retailing
lumber; age 40. Address C 43. Bee.
WANTED Work as Janitor, houseman or
porter by single German. W 917, Bee.
WANT family washing; all work guar
anteed. Harney 1190.
HXPERIENCED commercial traveler;
give beat of references and will tackle any
Job; Interview Saturday or Sjniay. Ad
dress D 44, Bee.
Sealed bids will be receive by ike Board
of Trustees, of the Vlllaeg of Meadow
Grove, up tJ August 24, 1911, at o'clock
P. M., for the construction it a water
works system In said village, according to
plans and specifications prepared by The
l.ytie Company, architects, of Hioux City,
and now on file with the village clerk of
said village. Bids for the construction of
the wells to be separate from the balance
of the system. The engineer s estimate of
the cost of said system Is 18,900. and no bids
for more than that said estimate will be
accepted. All bids to be accompanied by
a certified check for t&OO. The board re
serves the right to reject any or ail blda
C. li. HARLOW.
AlSulOf Clerk.
first Trust Co.. farm city loans. M& s. u.
FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell's lue
vreani. if Mrs. Weasel. 919 No. i;tu St,
will come to The Bee office within thru
das we will give her an order for a quart
brick of this fine ice cream.
London Paris Hamburg
k.l.'n lul Vic. 1m 11. 11 A li MP...
! Urant. Sept. I. CUxlaad. Sapt. t. Amartka, apt!
Rltj t rllos a la Csrta fUitaurant.
Will fall at Plmoata aaa Chartwurg.
FOR fall suits sue A. Kodym. 1411 Harney.
It. A. WUIlawa. clothes altered. M t Lake.
Ladlea', gents' tailoring. Pregler, DOS Far.
CLEANING, pressing, etc Miller, OI
N etna.
LULU COTT. 27 Franklin. W. Jiu.
a. smi.
TWO Ogrmit
Sr the n.oss-taa
The aaat le aan
Ne Vart Ctear
aaaat Fae. a UU
Aaaual gveaC Ttisa
to Oat . lilt raaw.
una. hy lust Cn
ax a a
Uilaa. M M taaa.
110 BAYS
ana agw
stage aawa
tambarar-Amarloaa 1,1 as. 1 BO Wu w..
' gelph gi-, Caloago, ILL, a local afcata.
A $2,000 Famed
White Steamer
A Speedy Car. A Strong Car.
A Hill far.
This Mitotnoblto will be on exhibition ! Omaha at a later cVata.
Thlg o-paMCDKer 1911 lfdl White Steamer Touring Car
odofleea, graokelegg and noiseless Is in the tenth year of its suc
cess. No car has stood the test of time with necessity for fewer
changes. For stability in construction as well as In purpose and
performance the White Bteamer has held a high place In the
mind of the motoring public. The car needs no cranking nor shift
ing of gears to get any desired speed. The increasing number of
White Steamer cars being sold each succeeding year, together with
the practical endorsement of the TJ. 8. government, which owns and
operates more Whites than all other makes combined, is sufficient
guarantee of high quality.
r .i-j-iri-Li-irii-iru iri.n nj'i.i i.n n
iu m uuuiuiw waown iy in GoTerttment chart ts be the same as
that of Los Angeles, Fresno, etc, lies Tehama eounty, California. It
is within two hundred and fifty miles of Ban Francisco and there Is
situated the famous Lutheran colony which has had so much discussion
In Omaha by reason of a local clergyman taking the initiative in its
formation. The riee offers this 10-acre ranch as Seeond Price in its
Booklovers' Contest. Here is a livelihood for man, wife and children
for the rest of time. Here, is $1,260 In land, carrying free water, wait
ing only for the plow share and Intelligence to cultivate it and produce
almost any variety of fruit.
Full Information concerning this land may be had at the office of '
xtxuoaB-BObBXJBat uu. tn me miy national at ana a lag., vmui,
Value $275 00
Ralston is to be a manufacturing
city. They have a fine start with the
Brown Truck Manufacturing Co., the
Rogers Motor Car Co., and the How
are Stove Works. Everything desirable
to oomfortable living may be found
there. On one of the main business
streets The Bee has selected Its fourth
prise a business lot, 26x100 feet, and
valued at 275.00.
Value $225 00
In the same town and with the same
prospect of advancement. The Bee has
elected a residence lot, (0x120 ft,,
and valued at f22S.
Ralston Is an the only lnterurban
trolley line running out of Omaha, and
within forty minutes ot the Omaha
Complete Information about this
property at the office of the RALSTON
IT til St., Omaha,
xt-v-.,.TW,. -' 111
I li
s.T?' l 1 W" ' ' i.
ft v , , , -'''vv.?: wtt .,' -s-
The accompanying Illustration tells omy of tie outside
of this magulflecnt KRELL AUTO -GRAND PIANO. It tells
not of the vast excellence that lies beneath its magnificent,
fancy walnut case. Well Informed piano men are Insistent
in the claim that the Krell Auto-Grand is positively the
moat complete and efficient player-piano offered to the
music-loving public.
The modulating pedals and the mechanism to carry the
tune above the accompaniment are marvels of simplicity.
The Krell Auto-Grand claims to have in the absolute, the
"human touch" so prised by player-piano makers. From
the inside to the case, from the pedals to the levers, this
magnificent $900 player-piano may be examined with every
facility at the piano warerooms on the third floor of the
Dennett Department Store
This Ingenious encyclopedia, which
is a development rather than an in
vention, haa besides its conveniences
the value of hundreds of editors men
tally equipped to make one of the
greatest encyclopedias ever compiled.
One of the strongest recommendations
for this work is that it is from the
press of the old reliable house of
York, London, Dublin and Edinburgh,
which was founded in 1798.
This encyclopedia of twelve volumes,
which is valued at $98 a set, may be
seen at the Omaha office of W. A.
These prises consist of twenty-four
volume cloth bound sets of the ' Book
of Knowledge," an encyclopedia made
especially for children, and sold at $36
a set. This work is written In simple
language and is a "wonder book" In
that it makes simple all knowledge
necessary to broad education. There
are hundreds of colored plates and
thousands In black and white. This
Is a fully equipped encyclopedia, made
for children, and may be seen at the
Omaha offices of W. A. HITKX
BAl'QH, at 1814 Kt, Mary's Avenue.
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Ten Prizes of $2. Twenty Prizes of $1.
Booklovers9 Catalogues you need one in order to guess the correct
on sale at nee business ottice, cb cents; by mail ou cents.
Gomes' Action in Refard to Nei
paper Men Causes Discussion. J
A Bee Want Ad will sell the old furni
ture you have stored In the attic.
Yneae; lllaerdea, tmerlrati !,
Will Attack the eminent
panlah ( nlsf
the Matter.
HAVANA., Auk. .'.-The deportation tr
Ppaln Sunday nlKht of Joae Maria Villa
verde, managing editor of the oonaerviatvc
organ. Cuba, and his nephew, Mh.iuH II
Uverde, a member of the staff of th
. . . . 1 IntAcaA Ai,mltl
I.UPI, nas i-rt-'u ii'trii-, ...... ...
throughout the Island and everywhere fcl
the universal topic of converaatlon.
Administration newspapers stoutly U4
fend the action of President liomfi In or
dering the deportation of the men. wh.'r
the openly hoMlle papers, such as Kl l-la
and Cuba, denounce It as an outrage of lu
rlahts of foreigners resident In Cuba, bi
Mundo declares the only thing to be re
gretted about the Incident Is thai the VU
1uv.r,le arm fitmniarrlM Am between Spun-
j lards and Cubans there should exlBt thi
warmest ties of racial aftectlnn.
Supporters of the administration cite In
support of the action of President Oonio,
held at Hamburg in 1MM, to which It la al
legcd, all the powers subscribed,
It the absolute right of any ruler Minimal
lly to deport a foreigner whose conduct
shall be considered detrimental to the In
terest of 1 country. They also point out
as a precedent the deportation of Joss
Pennino Karbato. an Italian adventurei
cl.vrged with sedition, by order of the lait
President Palma.
The opponents of the administration tie
clare there is nothing analogous In the cas.
of Pennino and the Vlllaverdes, the olde
Vlllaverde having been h highly esteemei
resident of Cuba for nearly fifty years
while Pennilo came here from New York
where he was r?fused pcrmlstton to lam
on the ground that he was a militant uu
archlst Moreover, they say, Prnnllo. m
mediately he landed In Cuba, began a cam
palgn of sedition against the government
"panlah Mlnlaler Waiting.
The 8panlBh minister Is standing aloo
from the controversy. He aaya he ha
made no representations to his home gov
ernment, desiring first to ascertain all th
facts and also to decide whether the Cubai
government Is acting within Its Interna
tlonal rights.
A few minutes before the departure o
tho Spanish steamer Alfonso XIII on whlcl
the Vlllaverdes were deported, tlcner.a
Kreyre Andrade, former secretary of l hi
Interior, and Antonio (Jonzalea I.anuza, th
conservative leader of the house, applies
for writs of habeas corpus on behalf of tli
men, but these were denied on the groun
that the application failed to give tin
names of the persons who arrested tin
Vlllaverdes. Secret police stormed th'
Vlllaverde home and took the men oi
ooara mc Aiiunflo aid.
The younger Vlllaverde, according to th :
I advice of counsel, on the arrival ot th
steamer at the first Spanish port, when
there Is a Cuban consul, will appeal t'i
Ik. ..nnaiil mm " f'lihan r I ) I r-n tnw ni-ii
tection. The sons of tho elder Vlllaverde
who are Cuban born, too ay announced thch
Intention to continue the publication of th
Cuba and resolutely to pursue the pollcj
of their father, who has persistently at
talked the government.
The Spanish colony Is divided In sentimcn
over the affair. The Spanish casino, Iht
principal . club of the Spaniards and o
which Jose Vlllaverde Is a former vli i
president and honorary member, decldci
today that It was Inexpedient to tak
cognizance of the deportations In advanci
ot action by the Spanish minister. The Im
presslon seems to prevail that the ad
ministration only proceeded with the de
portatlon of the Vlllaverdes after havlni
sounded the Spanish minister.
Ad-Getter Winners
Get Their Prize
Iona V. Beats Secures the Ludwi
Baby Grand Piano Offered to
the Leader.
ni lilt
id the prize.A
i H nlu tin .
The Ad Getters' contest, conducted b
the Went Ad department of The Bee, term
inated with Saturday night, and the win
ners were given their prizes yesterday.
The final days of the contest were quite
lively and the Interest was keen to th;
very end. The winners and the prize.A
awarded them are:
lona V. Beats. S11 South
street, 1750 lAidwir lby grund piano.
Hazel Kernan, 1K120 North Twenty-eighth
street, 1140 graduation scholarship In thi
Omaha Commercial college.
Albert VVedemeyer. 4402 North Twenty
eighth street, 1140 graduation scholarship in
the Omaha Commercial college.
Howard Stovel, 3112 Mason street, S1W
gold watch from T. I,. Combs.
P. Macken, 822 North Forty-seoond street,
STiO lady's suit. Novelty Skirt company.
K. Thell, 3M01 Soutli Tenth street, Ul
lady's suit. Novelty Skirt company.
Howard Iouglas, 4412 Douglas street,
boy's wheel. National Pace Special, fco,
Omaha lllcvcle company.
Cella Margultz, 101K South Twentieth
street, girl s waeel. Omaha Ulcycle com
pany. Kd King, 700 North Forty-first street,
Young Men's Christian association mem
bership, one vear. flit.
W. Heebe. 128 North Thirty-first avem.
Young Men's Christian association memb'r
ship, one year, S13. '
Besa Tobln, W0 North Twenty-slztt
Btreet, Young Woman's Christian assocla
tlon membership, one year, $13.
P. Siiulres. 1516 Madison avenue. Yotin
Woman's Christian association member
ship, one year. SIX
Governor Honors
Hosick Requisition
Los Angeles Detective Must Stand
Trial on Charge of Kidnaping
John J. McNamaia.
SACRA M KNTO, Cal.. Aug. 22. -Govern
Johnson today honored a requisition fron
the governor of Indiana for the return t
Indlanpolls of James Hosick, a detective o
I, oa Angeles, for trial on the charge o
having kidnaped from Inlanapolls, Join
J. McNamara. now held In 1-os Angeles
In connection with the destruction ot th
Times newspaper plant last October.
In order to enable the defense to tak
habeas corpus proceedings, It was agrra
that the requisition should not Issue unit
Thursday morning at o'clock.
In honoring the requisition, Goveine
Johnson said:
"I think Hosick should be returned
Indianapolis to stand trial on charge,
brought in indictments against 'him. Then
Is no more reason why he should not
taken back to- Indianapolis to stand tna'
on the kidnaping charge that the Mo
Namaras should not have been ' brough
to California."
After being signed the papers were placet
in the hands of William Hold, state agen
from Indiana.
It Is worse than uaeTesa to take aa
medicine Internally for muscular e
chronic rheumatism. All that Is needed
a free application of Chamberlain's I -la' '
meat For sal by al1