Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Looking Backward
Thin Day In Omaha
VOL. XLI XO. 57.
R4y of Drowned Kan, Supposed to
Eat Killed Marshall Batcher,
r.ihmnf4 and Identified.
' Bwepi Dcrwn by Cnrfrent While Try
ins to Escape From Officer.
Supposed to tile that of Earnest Parv
lewof Darenport, la.
l!r feast Water Baadlta
Wm la Hldlag of hat Material
f Omat Wrm r t
Dead Mea.
Ts body of the man found la the rrrer
at riorcno Sunday u Tuesday declared
to b one of the mulwfn of Marshall
George Butcher at Missouri Valley last
Sheriff Rock of Logan U authority for
the statement that the drowned man !
one of the murderer. He came to Omaha
Tuesday and learned that a ehlrt sleeve had
ben tors from the clothing on the dead
man. A sleeve of the aame material u
found on the Island near Moda'e, where
the battle between the posse and des
peradoea occurred laM wee.
At the request of Sheriff Rock the body
wae exhumed and when viewed by the
officer he made the Identification positive.
Coroner Crosby did not report any bullet
wounds on the bandit and It Is the sup
position that the man was drowned In es
caping across the river In the terrific rain
storm which followed the battle on the
Island Friday, when the posse lost the two
The description corresponds with that of
the taller of the two men wanted for the
murder. The body had evidently been In
the water for about two days. He was a
i.. an about five feet ten or eleven Inches
tall, heavy set and of muscular build. His
hair ae black and curly.
The man found in the river wore a pair
of lavender socks. The lining of the shoes
found by Sheriff Rock on the island Satur
day had become stained lavender, evidently
from sucks of that color.
Hair Coavlaclasi Facts.
The murderers were supposed to have
iast away their shoes on the Island and
(one away In their stocking feet. The
body of the man found In the river did
not have on a pair of shoes, and the bot
tom of the stockings had been worn
through from walking without shoes.
The shirt worn by the murderer was
blue and the sleeve found by Sheriff Rock
on the Island was also of the same color.
While on the Island It Is thought that the
bandits tore their sleeves from their shirts.
In order to wind them about their feet.
The body found to the river by the boy
6unday did not have a sleeve In kia shirt,
while the color af the garment wae the
aame as that worn by the bendtt. and also
the aame color aa the aleeve found by the
The body found in the river la supposed
to be that of Ernest Paretow of Daven
port, la. A pawn ticket found In his
pocket from the White Loan company of
this city bore that name.
The shoes of the taller man found on
the island by the sheriff had been pur
chased from a clothing store In Davenport.
To establish their Identity. Sheriff Rock
left for Davenport last night.
Greateet AeroasILnmet Coafllet,
aye (peskrr Was Wrsslkt
la Aaaertca.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl.. Aug. fl.-'The
greatest accomplishment of the soldiers In
the aar with Spain was the obliteration
rf the last faint tra- of Mason and Dtxon's" said Colonel TV. J. Johnson, eUy
councilor of Oklahoma City, addressing
lhe United States Spanish war veterans
at the second session of their reunion here
today. He said the war brought about the
meddlng of fighters of the north and the
south Into patriots of the nation.
With the contest for the next encamp
ment narrowed down to two cities. Tampa,
Kla.. and Atlantic City, N. J., the veterans
today settled down to the business of de
ciding on their next meeting place.
The Weather.
For Nehreska Fair.
For Iowa Fair
Trsisersurc at Osaaaa sewterday.
.... a
.... SB
.... u
.... u
.... 6
.... 1
.... M
.... 6
.... C7
... TV
.... Tl
. uMii.rinr I.eal Herora.
Official record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the corr?pond
Inf period of the last three rars:
1U. law 1M ISM.
Highest yesterday 71 0 J TO
lxwest yeeterday b 75 Tm SS
Mean temperature M W N C
precipitation .09 .iC .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from ir.e norn i:
Normal temperature 71
Deficiency for the day
Total excess since March 1 73
N't'rmtl j.recipitatlun 1 inch
Iieflclenry fur the !av It in f
Total rainfall s.nce Msrck I.... t 0 lni "S nine March 1 ll.vj lncr.
Deficiency for cor. period In 110 14 6 inches
Deficiency for cor. period la !. I B Inches
t Keaoria from Sia.loaa at T P. M.
Station ard State Temp. High- Ra'n
of Weather 7 p. m est fi'.
Cheyenne c.o'idy c
tavenjHjrt. ciouly
Jenver. fart lou1y 4
T e M 'ilnes cloudy M
IkHlte City rain
lender cloudy
North Plane cloudy BJ
Omaha, cloudy
Pueblo cloudi
Rapid City ri c"v U
Pa'.t Lake On v. clear
Fanta Fe, rln'ily M
fheridn cloudy e
Moux City, cloudy 44
Valentine rain b6
T Indicates trae of precipitation.
L A. aVLCH. Ldxmi
II va oe t l Sun....
li a. tn. , . .
1) - , T a m....
rare a a fg 'a- m. . . .
leva --aV lam....
1 l'i a. m
11 a. m....
C &f lrp'm:::
lQii I p m....
lill & P m
'VeaaTajL. ! m ''
"VJj p. m
' I p m
Finest Picture in
the World is Stolen.
From the Louvre
La Joconde, the Masterpiece of Da
Vinci, Has Ityiterionsly
PARIS. Aug. 3.-L Jooende. the mas
terplece of Leonardo Da Vine I. has' dis
appeared from the salon Carre of the
Louvre, where It occupied the place of
The great museum has been searched
from cellars to attire la vain- M. Dujer-dln-Beaumets,
the permanent under-eecre-tary
of fine arts has telegraphed the
authorities of the loss and among other
plans to trace the picture, has eummoned
all photographer who have had the privi
lege of the Louvre. The police are In
terrogating all .the curators and as sletanta,
One explanation of the disappearance of
the treasure la that some one may hare
perpetrated an extraordinary practical
Joke. The visitors to the museum, among
whom were hundreds of Americana were
Informed this afternoon that the museum
was about to cloee for the day and they
were requested to leave.
Just a year and a month ago today the
Crt de Paris announced that La Joconde
had keen stolen from the gallery of the
Louvre one night In June through the com
plicity of an official of the museum and
that a copy had been substituted In the
frame for the original which the paper
asserted had been taken to New Tork to
be sold to aa American collector. This
report was repeatedly denied later.
The proper name of La Joconde, also
called Monna Lisa, Is the portrait of Mo
donna Lisa Del Olocondo. tl Is one of
the world's famous paintings and Is held
priceless. It was reported at one time that
the British government offered SB.sao.to5 for
the work, which was refused. It Is the
most celebrated female portrait in the
world. The most striking characteristic la
the eqhlnx-irke smile. Da Vinci's model
was the wife of Francesco Del Olocondo,
a Florentine. She Is shown seated In a low
chair on the left arm of which she is
Man Who Solicited
Bribe Will Make a
Full Confession
Colonel Rodney Diegle, Implicated in
Ohio Legislature Scandal, Will
Tell Story to Grand Jury.
COLUMBUS. O.. Aug. C-After a con
ference with Attorney General Hogan and
County Prosecutor Turner. Colonel Rodney
IXegle announced that he would make a
complete confession of his part in the re
cently exposed corruption In the Ohio leg
He will be given two weeks In which to
prepare hfar confession and another confer
ence will be beld September . He will be
given mercy and probably will escape
penitentiary sentence. . -
Dfegie was Jointly Indicted with Senators
I. E. Huffman of Butler county and George
K. Cetone of Dayton. Each Is charged with
having solicited bribes from detectives em
ployed to uncover alleged "graft" In the
state house.
Judge Kinkead this morning fined the
Cleveland Leader Sett for contempt of court
growing out of the publication In advance
of Indictments returned by the grand Jury.
Dlegle promised to tell everything In con-
nectlon with the upheaval In the legisla-
ture last winter. It Is expected that oev-
eral lobbyists will be drawn Into the court
aa a result of Dlegle's agreement to con
fess. The prosecutor and attorney general
expect to have plenty of evidence to place
before the grand Jury next month.
Dtegle yas to have appeared In common
pleas court this morning to be sentenced.
It Is said a term in the penitentiary awaited
him unless he turned to the state's side
Last night he was rearrested when Judge
Kinkead issued a capias on the strength of
a story that Diegie had been given a large
sum of money and had' disappeared.
Diplomats Hold
Conference in Paris
French Ambassadors at Berlin, Lon
don and Rome Summoned Home
to Consult with Premier.
PARIS, Aug. a. -Premier Calllaux is tak
ing consul of the best diplomatic and politi
cal wlMlom of France during these days
of uncertainty in the Moroccan negotia
tions with Germany.
The French ambassadors at Berlin, Lon
don and Rome, Jules Cambon. Taul Cam
bnn and Camllle Barrere. a ho had been
summoned to Parla, were received by M.
Caillaux today.
Justin De Reives, the minister of foreign
affairs: Jean CYuppl. minister of Justice,
and Theophyle Delcasae. the minister of
marine, also conferred with the premier,
who la preparing for a special cabinet
meeting to be summoned for the end of
the week.
BERLIN. Aug. a. Rumors that a break
ing off of the negotiations between Ger
many and France regarding Morocco was
Impending, were circulated on the Bourse
t aiirr ire uwt ok in. on:ciai tracing today
j-'Jjand caused a heavy drop In prices. In
... ! qui ties here show that there Is no founds
... 6. tlon for the rumors, which appear to hav
originated at Vienna.
Body of John W. Gates
Reaches New York
NEW YORK. Aug. .2 The body of the
late John W. Gates, who died In Parla
recently, arrived today on the steamship
Kaiser Wllhelm Der Gross Mrs. Gates
and her eon. Charles G. Gatea. accom
panied the body. The funeral of Mr. Gates
will be held tomorrow morning at the
Hotel Plaxa. Many friends from Chicago
and the west, including a delegation of
cttUens from Port Arthur. Tex., will at
tend the services, which will be conducted
by the Rev. Dr. Wallace MacMullen.
KANSAS C1TT, Aug 2T-A man arrested
here yesterday, suspected of being E. E.
Heaee, charged In Tecumseh. Neb., with the
murder of his wife and step-daughter, waa
released by the police todav following his
Identification as O. K. Peterson, a laborer
of this cHp.
Both Houses Adjourn Taeti -
noon at Two ilinutes A.,
Three 0 Clock. v
President's Message it Referred to
Ways and Mean Committee.
Strong: Criticism of Sereral Sections
of Measure by Executive.
laal Hear la Esrk Hease le Marked
by Tsaal PelleltnUene and Ca.
atalotloae .Preslaent
Slews Klevesi Bills.
Ust at aoom.
Passed house reoelatlea extending ree
elntloas reversing water rights at
jriagara rails.
Ssfnsed extra month's pay to eeagres
aleaal employes for extra session.
Considered miner alar ever qnetatloa
la eeagreaaleaal reeerd, while awaiting
cotton blU Teto.
BsruVUeaa Leader Sfaaa Issued tate
jaeat arraigning democrats la bowse.
B peaks r Clark Issued statemsat review
ing session's achievements.
Wiley laveetlgatlBg committee deferred
revert aatU Deoember.
WASHINGTON . Aug. J2-The extraor
dinary session of the Sixty-second congress,
marked by the passage of the Canadian
lation, the statehood and ether Important
reciprocity bill, vetoed tariff revision legis
measurea, adjourned srne die at I 02 o'clock
this afternoon. President Taft, who had
Just voted the cotton bill, the last of the
three revision bills adversely acted on, was
present with members of his cabinet.
Presiding officers of both houses of con
gress delivered short speeches felicitating
the members, regardless of party, upon
gooA m ill shown during the session snd ex
pressing best wishes for them during the
recess of congress. The regular session
of congress will begin on December 4.
President Taft's message vetoing the cot
ton bill was read in the iiouse at 1.02 p. m.
As In the case of the wool and free list
bills the president baseo his objection to
the cotton bill largely on the fact that the
tariff board baa not as yet had time to
submit a report on the schedule. He also
declared that the cotton bill was adopted
without any Investigation or Information
of a satisfactory character as to Its effect
on the cotton Industry.
As soon as the president's veto had been
read. Mr. Underwood announced that In
asmuch as the democrats did not have a
sufficient number of votes to paas the bill
over the veto. It would be referred to com
mittee. Mr. Underwood's motion for refer
ence of the whole matter was agreed to
without objection.
Message of President.
The president objected especially to the
attempt by congress to add a revision of
the Iron and steel and chemical schedules
to the cotton bill ss amendments.
"I find." he said, "that there was prac
tically no consideration of either schedule
by any committee of either house. There
j were no facU pre8ented to either house tn
j hlch I can find material on which to form
I .nv iudment . to ih. ffrt of mnd.
merits either on American industries or
upon revenues of the government.
Briefly reviewing the manner in which
the iron and steel and chemical amend
ments were added to the bill, the president
"I cannot make myself a party to deal
ing with the Industries of the country in
this way. The Industries covered by metais
and the manufacture of metals are the
largest In the country and It would seem
not only wise but absolutely essential to
acquire accurate information as to the ef
fect of changes which may vitally affect
these Industries before enacting them Into
Speaking of the eotton Industry, the
president said the capital Invested In 1WB
amounted to SS21.000.000. the value of the
product to SC9.000 000, the number of wage
earners to S7S.0O0, making, with dependents,
a total of at least 1.30 000 persons affected,
with annual wages of .144 Ore, 000. The bill
would not have gone Into effect until
January 1. next, and Mr. Taft said the
tariff board would be ready with a report
before that time.
laaolrleal aad llapbaaard.
The president denounced the bill as "em
pirical and haphazard " This, he declared.
as especially true of the chemical sched
ule which hsd been revised In such a way
as to tncrease the tax on certain chemicals
Instead of reducing them.
These." said the president, "ars some
of the typical Inconsistencies and Instances
of haste In preparation and of error of
calculation In the proposed sweeping borl
sontal reduction of a most Important sched
ule In the tariff."
After citing a number of lncreaaes made
In the chemical schedule, the president con
tinued: "But the most remarkable feature of this
amendment to the chemical schedule re
mains to be stated. The Internal revenue
of this country to the extent of $10 000.
are dependent on the Imposition of a tax
of tiro a gallon on distilled spirits, it
has been necewsary In all customs legisla
tion to protect the Internal revenue system
against the Intraductlon from foreign coun
triea of alcohol In any form and in asso
ciation with any other article except on
the payment of such a customs duty as
shall make It unprofitable to Import the
alcohol Into this country to be used In
competition with alcohol or distilled spirits
of domestic manufacture
"Under the r'Nsent bill these precautions
against the undue Introduction of foreign
alcohol In articles and compounda Included
In the chemical schedule are In fact abol
ished by striking out the specific duties
per pound.
"I need hardly dwell on the disastrous
errects sucn an amendment In reference
to alcoholic compounda would have on the
Internal revenue system of taxing dis
tilled spirits, nor need I point out the op
portunities of evasion and fraud thus pre
sented. Of course the change was not In
tended, but If this bill became law It would
be made.
eMre Iaferamatlea Xeesc.
"This bill thus illustrates and enforces
the views which I have already expressed
In vetoing the wool bill and ths so-called
free list bill, aa to the paramount Import
(ConUauod on Seeoao Paga)
From the Washington Evening Star.
Prominent Jurist Dies in Hospital in
Beatrice After Operation.
He IV aa Compiler of lonbey's An
notated Statates of Nebraska"
Leaves Widow and Eight
BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. -(Special
Telegram.) Judge J. E. Cobbey died sud
denly this morning at S 40 o'clock at a local
hospital following an operation for appen
dicitis. Heras a republican candidate for
supreme judge at the primaries last week
and it is thought that the work of the
campaign and worry over his defeat may
have hastened his death. He was the com
piler of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of
Nebraska and was serving his third term
aa United States commissioner of this dis
trict He was regarded as one of the best
authorities of law in the state. He was a
pioneer resident of Beatrice and leaves a
aldoa- and eight children.
Joseph E. Cobbey was beat known as the
compiler of Cobbey's statutes. He was a
native of Missouri, born at Clarksville In
November, 1J&3. ' His father removed with
his family to Benton county. Iowa. Here
young Cobbey helped to open a new farm
twenty-five miles from a railroad. In the
Intervals attending school. Later he quali
fied himself to teach school, afterward tak
ing the scientific course at Ames college,
from which he went to the Iowa College of
Law at Dee Moines, graduating with the
degree of L.L-. B. Coming to Nebraska,
Cobbey settled at Beatrice and was ad
mitted to the bar In 1177, where he had
sines resided.
Judge Cobbey has held the office of
fnlted States court commissioner, also
been county Judge one term, city attorney
of Beatrice one term, city councilman two
terms. For many years he has devoted
practically all his time to editing the state
statutes and writing law text books
He has given much of his time to legal
writing, publishing In 1890 the "Law of
Replevin," which had been about two years
tn preparation. This work was well re;
celved by the profession and was soon
recognized as the leading text book on
this difficult subject. A second edition
was published tn 100.
The "Law of Chattel Mortgages" came
from the press In 1833. This Is compre
hensive and the only two-volume work ever
published on this subject.
In UM, under legislative authority, he
prepared the statutes of the state, and In
ISHi a second edition. The Investigation
necessary for preparing the statutes gave
him a vision of a better statute and the
work of gathering notes and material was
at once commenced and resulted in other
publications In 1901. 10, 1 and 15U.
His statutes have attracted attention out
side of the state. The commissions on new
statutes for Wyoming and Missouri fol
lowed some of their features. In New
Mexico a commission of five appointed to
prepare a new statute Tor the prospective
atate employed Judge Cobbey to prepare
their new statute.
Large Family Barvlvea.
Judge Cobbey Is survived by his widow
and eight children: Mrs. L. D. Zook of
Ontario, Cal ; Mrs. J. W. Thomas of Kan
sas City, Rev. Charles E. Cobbey of Omaha
and Jean A., Martha, Paul, Luther and
Theodore of Beatrice. Two brothers, J. D.
Cobbey and J. W. Cobbey of Denver, also
survive him. Mrs. H. H. Harmon of Lin
coln la a sister of Mrs. Cobbey.
Funeral services a ill be held at Beatrice
Thursday, the hour not yet being deter
mined. Chancellor Aylesworth of the Ne
braska Wesley an university will preach th.
funeral sermon.
Pope Is Able Is Take Walk.
ROME. Aug. fx The condition of the
pope continues satisfactory. This morning
he walked in ths gardens for a short time
without especial fatigue.
A Midsummer Day's Dream.
Master Baker Says !
Modern Housewives
Bake Soggy Bread
KANSAS CITT. Aug. 22.-T)iat the mod
ern housewife who attempts to bake her
own bread produces a soggy article and Is
committing murder In .allowing It to be
eateD aas the statement made by Paul
Schulse of Chicago, president of the Na
tional Association of Master Bakers, at the
second day's session of the annual conven
tion of that body here today.
"This country is full of housewives who
sre proud of their cooking and who think
they are doing their duty at home," Mr.
Schulxe said. "The long suffering stom
achs of their families continue to pay
the penalty of this mistaken sense of duty."
"The American houeaewlfe. the American
mother of today is a sensible Individual,
but very 'set in her ways ' She Is still In
fluenced by the working methods adapted
In her girlhood. The bakery industry has
made great strides in the present genera
tion, but the bread that Is being baked
In ths home kitchen today Is very Utile
changed from the home-made bread of a
generation ago. The kitchen fire la still
Inadequate. One thing which we bakers In
the larger cities see most plainly today Is
the absolute necessity of educating the
housewife to quit baking at borne. Let us
come forward. Let us show these women
that home baking Is wrong. Let us make
them realise the overwhelming benefits
of buying bread baked tn modern aanltary
Mr. Schulxe told of a woman In Chicago,
who had built up a business selling "health
bread," her home rroduct. Phe brought
him a loaf and a anted to sell him the
"I cut Into the loaf," said Mr. Schulxe.
"I saw that the center waa unbaked dough.
I have been wondering since what effect
that woman's health bread has had en the
death rate In Chicago. She was 'unques
tionably committing murder.' "
Fraetfeaal It a area Maat Be laaaea to
Some Smaller Stock,
NEW TORK, Aug. B. Arrangements are
being made. It waa announced today. In the
reorganisation of the Standard Oil com
pany to provide for holders of fractional
shares of stock In the Standard's thrtty
three subsidiary companies. While no
definite plana have been publicly formu
lated, it la reported that dividends will be
so arranged as to avoid Inconvenltance to
small shareholders. The earnings of the
corporation eontinse at the rate of more
than l0,K4).UCu a year. Attorneys of the
company are now engaged In the task of
reorganising Its constituent companies and
sleeting officers and dlrectorr
. v yx-'TT-. :.
Speaker Clark Congratulates His Col
leagues on Work of House. .
Mere Ceaatraetlve Legislation Passed
Tkaa at Any Prevleas Seaaloa
for Maay Years Praises
tke lasargents.
WASHINGTON. Aug. S Champ Clark,
speaker of the House of Representatives, in
a review of the work of the first session of
the Sixty-second congress, declared that
the democratic party set a good example
for democrats everywhere and that the
party had redeemed very promise It made
In the campaign of 1J10, when the demo
crats wrested control of the house from
the republicans.
"At this session the derrmcrets have made
a record which has surprised our friends
and dumfounded our enemies" said
Speaker Clark. "It haa put heart and hope
Into democrats everywhere. The extra ses
sion was extraordinary, not only In the
sense of being a special session called by
the president, but also In the amount and
quality of the work done In the house by
the combined democrats and republican In
surgents In the senate and especially by
the unanimity of action developed by the
bouse democrats
Critics Sorely niaappolated.
"It was predicted freely, vociferously,
enthusiastically and confidently by the
'stand pat' press and others that we would
go to pieces. On that account and by rea
son of that hope they rejoiced that the
extra session of congress was called, so
that we might go to pieces at the earliest
possible date. But we have sorely disap
pointed all their expectations. They even
set the date when we would go to pieces,
which was the day of the democratic cau
cus on January 19. but unfortunately for
tbem In that caucus every thing was doue
unanimously. The next morning when
they they found we had agreed In spite
of their malicious predictions to the con
trary they had to pinch themselves to see
If they were awake.
'They then said surely ws would go to
pieces as soon as ws reached the tariff
question, but again they were doomed to
disappointment, and we did not go to pieces
at all. We are more thoroughly united In
the houae at the end of the saaslon. If
possible, than at the beginning
"We have act a good example to demo
crats everywhere. Sneered at for years as
a party of mere negation and as being
utterly lacking In ability for constructive
statesmanship, we passed through the
bouse more constructive legislation, and
better, than haa pasaed through any house
tn the aame length of time In twenty years.
We have set the pace In that regard for
future bouses.
"Ws redeemed every pledge made to
order to carry the elections In 1310. We
have economized, we passed the reciprocity
bill, the wool tariff bill, the free list bill,
the cotton bill with the senats amendments,
which Included the Iron and steel schedule
and the chemical schedule, we submitted
to ratification a constitutional amendment
providing for popular election of senators
of the United States, we pasaed a bill for
ths publication of campaign expenses be
fore the election; we liberalised the rules,
making the committees elective by the
house; we passed a resolution to admit New
Mexico and Arizona, and we passed a large
number of othe bills of more or leas Im
porter ca It Is a record of which we may
well be proud and on which we will sweep
the country In 112.
"To show how completely the 'stand pat'
republicans are demoralised It Is only
necessary to quote the newspaper state
ment that there was great rejoicing and
congratulation at the White Houae because
we failed by a scratch to get a two-tblrds
majority to override the president's veto,
(Continued oa Second Page)
Government Announces Personnel of
Commission that Will Investigate
Premier Says Fewer Words About
Past the Better for All.
Chairman of Labor Party Thinks Last
of Strikes Has Come.
I'm ploy meat of Soldiers tome la for
Drsssrlatlna Whlrk Inrledea Aria
of Home Secretary t karrhlll
Parliament Aritoarne.
LONIiON. Aug The commission ap
pointed to Inquire into the troubles between
the rallwavs of Gnat Britain and their
employes which led to the recent strike
was announced by the government In the
house today. The chairman Is Sir lavid
Harrle. who aas under secretary for Ire
land In lHM-iy. The railroads are repre
sented by Sir Thomas R. Kill, secretary
of the Mine Owners' association, and Sir
Charles . Heal, vice chancellor of the
University of Ulrmlngham. The represent
atives of the men are Arthur Henderson.
labor member of Parliament for the Bar
nard Castle division of Iurham. and John
Burnett, chief labor correspondent of the
Board of Trade.
In naming the commission Premier As
qulth briefly congratulated the house that
the clouds had lifted, adding amidst cheers
that the fewer words said In regard to the
past at the present moment the better.
James Ramsay MacLHnald. chairman of
the labor party, who took a prominent part
In the negotiations for a settlement, a as
optimistic and told the house that If the
spirit shown on both sides during the course
of the negotiations prevailed In future re
lations the country had heard the last of
every strike in this day and generation
However, he was unable to resit making
a heated denunciation of Home Secretary
Churchill and the employment of soldiers
during the strike, Mr. Churchill's bulle
tins on the situation, he said, were "mis
chlevlous and Inaccurate and the expres
sions of opinions therein were not sensible
and the effect was to make the men more
desirous of continuing the fighting than
coming to a settlement."
Mr. MacDonald complained bitterly of
what he described as "a reckless display
of military force."
Parliament adjourned ot October 14
Pittsburgher May
Head Eagles' Order
Delegates at San Francisco Likely to
Choose Compromise Candidate for
Grand President.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. a.-Insurgent
members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles,
In attendance on the grand aerie now In
session in this city are discussing the ad
visability of "swapping horses in mid
stream." and naming William J. Brennen
of Pittsburg, as the candidate against
Frank E. Herring of South Bend. Ind.,
for grand president.
The insurgents, it is said, realize that J.
J. Cusack of this city, first named as their
candidate for president, has not a suffici
ently wide acquaintance to make him as
strong a candidate as Is desired, also that
San Francisco haa a candidate for grand
secretary and now has a candidate for
grand vl-e president.
The official work of the delegates today
was of a preliminary nature. All thu
meetings of the grand aerie are secret.
One thousand delegates had received
their credentials late last night and SOS
more were registered today.
The grand i erle was organized today with
J. S. Parry of San Francisco acting as
grand president.
Gruenther Republican
Candidate for Clerk
Vice Chairman of Democratic State
Committee Wins Nomination on
Opposition Ticket in Platte.
COLUMBUS, Neb.. Aug. 21. SeeiaJ
Telegram.) The Platte county republicans
nominated their county ticket by voting
for them Instead of having the candidates
file and one of the results was that C. M.
Gruenther. vice chairman ef the demo
cratic state central committee and demo
cratic candidate for dark of the dlstrk-t
court, tied E H. Thlffany for the repub
lican nomination fer clerk of the court.
The tie was net decided until today, when
Chairman Iuesrhea of the republican
county committee asked that It be settled
with the result that Mr. Gruenther won
the tie and will accept as a candidate cf
the republican party.
erflk Maa Wants Divorce.
MADISON, Neb., Aug. Z2.-(8pecial )
Frank A. Ham of Norfolk has commenced
divorce proceedings against his wife. Clsra
E. Ham. charging 1n his petition that I s
wife deserted him December 17, 1. Mr.
Ham asks to be divorced and the custody
of his daughter.
Round trip tickets
to Lake Manawa
Boies of O'Brien's Candy.
Base Ball Tickets.
Quart Bricks of Dalzell's
ice Cream.
All ars aireo away (res to those
who find their names la ths want
Read the want ads every day,
your Dim will appear sometime,
maybe mors than ones.
No puizlea to solve nor sub
scriptions to set just read the
want ada.
Turn to the want ad pages
there you will find nearly everv
butlneaa fco use U the city represented