8 I7IE BER: OMAHA. TUESDAY. AUGUST 22. 1911. REAL ESTATE riKH A D HAM H LA.MI FOR SALE (CoDUnuid.i Teaaa. FECIAL snapa In Ttiu Gulf Coast land lorn Ay res uoa Co., Atraudei Iheatra FORCED SALE To close partnership; 700 acres hardwood timber land; living water; 4"0 icrn second bottom land; 76 acres cultivated. Uea on both aides ol Cotton Kelt Ry., 1 miles from Malakoff. lax. Railway switch 4 mile. A bargala at $25; pilca, lis par acre. H. C Vanda veer. Alliens, Tel. BEE tha Bender Realty and Development Co., B. easing. Tex, or Merchant hotel, Omaha, for booklet, orange and fig farms. FOR SALE Slxleen-acre Impioved farm at Aldlne, Tex., Li miles from Houston. Good roads. All under cultivation. Kins tic and orange land. Airs. M. B. aiafro-d. uner, Aldine, Tex. TEXAS lands. 210 Bee Bldg. D. Ills. TEXAS LANDS I have some wonder fully attractive prices for home-seekers and Investors. 1 handle bargains only. Wilt your exact wants. U. E. Hlrsco ;ieid. Waco, Tex. 14) ACRh. FRUIT and truck farms, $1 cash, balance monthly; no Interest; ne taxes. W. 8, Jones, 416 Brandela Theatre. Wssklsstsa, IRRIGATED WASHINGTON FRUIT LANDS. Raw alfalfa and orchard tracts; water now on land, with permanent water rights, flao per acre; easy terms; write Mesas I-ake Land and Irrigation Co., sv Leary bldg., Seattle. Wash. W remLaar. WRITE this company for information about Cokevtlle and western Wyoming op portunities. HEUTT REAL ESTATE CO, Cokevllle. Wyo. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FINE TEXAS LAND 20 acres, fine country, three miles from town, for sale or trade for city property; good reasons for selling. 403-4 Omaha Nat l Bank. WE exchange properties oC merit. II. It Culver. 812-13 O. N. B. Bldg Douglas 7 Mi, LIST your exchanges brandela Theater. with Jones, 4U DANDY fc-section So. Dak. land, value 14,000, clear property or touring car. H 879, Bee. 1 HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For results see me. Dean. 17 Bee Bldg. D. 1391 WILL trade six-room house and lot for 19U flve-paasenger auto. W. O. Jensen, tot Ware Block. FOR EXCHANGE Clear Omaha prop erty for southern California. Give full par ticulars In first letter. Bos 84, San Gabriel, Cal. TRADE Eastern Nebraska farms for Omaha Income property. .Nicholas. 414 Brandela Theatre. EXCHANGE for what you want. Shopen & Co., Exchange Experts, Paxton Blk. National Investment Co. trades everything. $16,000 real estate for farm. ply E 06. Bee. Owners; re- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WANT TO trade S-room house and H-acre of ground worth $500, or a blacksmith shop and lot worth 3300. In Mondamln, la., for horses and cattle. Call or address N. R. Ewlng, JO N. 51st St.. Omaha. Neb. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Conflicting Inflnencei in Wheat Erin; Variation of Views. CORN MARKET ACTION IS ITEM Wheat Hales Mraaarer aaa Hither News Is Hellish Harvestlas; la Nsrlkweil Frest PresHee la t'aaaalaa Provlaeea. OMAHA. Aug. 21. 1911. Views among the wheat traders are well mixed, which is not surprising considering the conflicting Influences. With the falling off In the winter wheat movement, cash wheat valuee have ad vanced. There still remains a poeslblltty of frost damage to the late Canadian crop, while on the other hand recent favorable reports on harvesting and heavy crop movements abroad are against any decided advance. For the time being the market will likely turn to the good or bad thresh ing reports In the spring wheat belt. The action In the corn market is firm, support coming from professional specu lators, but values drift back easily aa soon as this support Is withdrawn. Small stocks and very light country offerings and an active demand, coupled with an established shortage In the year a crop, are tne mantel features. Wheat ruled strong and higher today. News waa bullish on harvesting In the northwest and frost was predicted in the Canadian provinces. Corn ruled narrow and dull. Speculative trade was not active and cash corn ruled weak to c lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1,206,000 busn els and shipments were 533,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 2.141.000 bushels and shipments of 733.000 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 810.000 bushels, and shipments were 329.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 800,000 bushels and shipments of 275.000 bushels. Clearances were 8,000 bushels of corn, bushels of osts and wheat and flour equal to 328.000 bushels. . A Liverpool closed mgiHd lower on wheat and d lower on corn. Th following cash salose were reported: WHEAT No. 2 hard, 2 cara, 914jc; 1 car, c; 1 car. 894c; 1 car, 89Hc; 2 cars 89c; No. t 1 car, No. I BOc: Nn 9 K.ni 9 nars H2f. 1 car. 91V4c: 1 car 91c; 2 cars, 88Mjc; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 91c; 1 car. 8Sc; no grade, 1 car, 87c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car. 90c; 1 car, R9c. CORN No. 3 white, 2 cars. 694o; No. 2 yelfow, 2 cars, 684c; No. S yellow, 3 ears, 6S4c: No. 2 mixed, i tar, 68c; 1 car, 68c; No. 3 mixed, 4 cars, 584c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car. owe OATS Standard. 3 cars, 41ic; white, 12 cars, 41 Vic; No. 4 white 41 Via Omaha Cash Prices. WHFAT No. I hard. 8RV4'33o: hard. 87H92c; No. 4 hard, MVsQAlc; re jected. T7j'84c. CORN-No. 2 white, B9(gW4c; No. S white 584i3-59c; No. 4 white. 68Vi88c; No. 2 yellow. M4B5Ric: No. 3 yellow, 68Vif'58c; No. 4 yellow. 67(U'5S1.C ; No. 2, 58S58Vic; No. 8. 675(86SVc; No. 4. 57V57Hc; no grade. 67(g674c. OATS Standard, 4Uc; No. 8 white, 411W1VK: N". white, 404'4U4c; No. 8 yel low. 40Wr41Ve; No. 4 yellow 40W841e. BARLEY No. 8. 8893c; No. 4. 7883c; No. 1 feed. 6?7c: rejected, 63tfj8c. RYE No. 1, 868"c; No. 3, 8543360. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 1M 21S 10 Minneapolis 830 Omaha 51 77 80 Duluth 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. Parnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. W. GARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. Y. Life. $50i o fluO.oou on improved property. No delay. JUA1IA Property and Nebraska Lands. O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO., lOlti New Omaha National Bank Building. LOANS to home owners and nome build ira, with privilege of making partial pay nnU semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. Ml ;'irst National Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. 100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. tVsad, Weuu ilia.. th ana i'rnai:i Sis. LOW KATES. BEMlS-CAKLBtKiA CO.. lu-312 Biandeis Theater Bldg. Kloke In WANTED FARM LOANS, '(himuiit Company. Omaha. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. etn?ton til "nd farm property. W. W 072tK. ME1KLE. .16 Hamge Bldg. first Trust Co.. farm city loans. 80S 8. 18. TAILORING " FOR fall suits see A. Kodym, 1411 Harney. K. A. Williams, clothes altered. 24 . Lake. Ladles', gents' tailoring. Pregler, 2906 Far. CLEANING. 40th. pressing, etc. Miller, 817 LVLU SCOTT. 2927 Franklin. W. 3583. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture, carpels, clothing und shoes. Tel. D. 337L REMEMBER it takes but a few strokes t the per. to state that you saw tha "ad." a The Bee. The advertiser wanta to kruw. FOR a dainty deasert use Dalsell's ice ream. If Cella Munson, 2218 Harney St., vlll come to The Bee office within thiee laya we will give her an order for a vjuart rick of this fine ice creatn. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT SMALL cottage, partly modern; must be in good condition; convenient to school and car line. Do not object to going pret ty well out. P 905, care Bee. St. I. on Is General Market. BT. LOUIS, Aug. 21 WHEAT Cash. higher; track. No. 2 red. 88VM9c; No. 2 hard. 90c31.00; September, 88ViC; Decem ber, 93c. CORN-Steady; track. No. 2. 3c; No. 2 white. u3Vi4c; September, 66c; December, SlVfttilVic. . OATS IIlFher; track, ro. 2, iwc; jmo. i white. 42c; September, 44'c. RYE I'mhanged, 89c. FI-OHR Steady; red winter patents. 8410 fr4.R0; extra fancy and straight, 83.904.10: hard winter clears. I2.00W3.30. S1CRD Timothy, 312.BO'c14 00. COHNMEAL 32.90L BRAN Weak; sacked, east track, $1.0 61.09. HAY Ixjwer; timothy. $16.0022.00; prai rie. 8iK.ootfin.on. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: jonmng, 317.60. iJird, higher; prime- steam. 8.95 .ori. Iry salt meats (boxed), unchanged; extra shorts, 89.25: clear ribs, 39.25; nhort clears. 89.37V4. Bacon (boxed), unchanged; extra shorts. 81025; clear ribs, $10.25; short clears. $10.37. poultry F rmer: chickens. lie; springs, 13c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 9c; geese, be. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, HWjrOc. EGOS Higher. 16c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 17.700 12.6no Wheat, bu 68.000 63.000 Corn, hu 126.000 44.0 Oats, bu 90, 0X 67,000 American kiln dried, &s 7d; futures, quiet; September, d; October, fie 7S1. FLOUR Winter patents, 28s Sd. CHICAGO GRA1M AD PnOVlSIOFIS Fea t res of the Tradtaa aaa f'lolasj Prices aa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. 21. Although Minne apolis and Winnipeg wheat markets were exceptionally strong today that cereal lo cally advanced only c because the gen eral public waa not In evidence, oats gained We, but corn dropped Ho. Pro visions were dull and steady. Wet weather In the spring wheat country lav at the bottom of the advances In whest prices scored at the prlnclpsl markets, bat the local response was disappointing to the bulls. Winnipeg at Its best wss up 2'ttf2Hc and Minneapolis 2'4c, while the best this market could do was a penny. Even south western, markets were much stronger than here. Cssh wheat was strong on limited offerings. No. 2 hard In store sold at lc over September and track cars 1 to Sc over the near future. December sold between 94 and 9o'c. Corn, recently holding Its own. while wheat was declining, wss the weak mar ket today, due to favorable crop reports. December sold between 81V4i and 62nc. Trade was very light. The continued excellence of the spot de mand and the comparative lightness of re ceipts together with the wheat strength, gave a strong tone to the oats market. December ranged between 44H and 45c, closing near the top. Higher hogs and the wheat strength held provision prices throughout. Janusry pork closed 2V up to 316.60; January lard 10c higher at $8.9n and January ribs 6c Im proved at 88.47H. Closing quotations were as follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Closa Sat'y. Wheat-I Sept... I 964i91Vi'3,'S Dee,...94-5Vg! 96'; May.. .H 0041 01HV Corn I i I 8pt...:64N5-H 4S Dec... .61 a 62 62"! May.-.Mtt'Vfl1 Oats I Sept... 421 Dec... I 4 May... 47H". Pork- f ( Jan.... 16 60 Lard- ( I I Sept... Oct.... 90M 94V 1 0041 9&s; 1 01V 904 96 1 00 64 J64Vi'ff!Sj64S'a' 61V, 615k 62 64', 64iVft4VgVs 6 Jan... Oct... Jan... 9 30 9 26 8 90 9 15 9 16 8 45 42i 46SI 48n I 42L1 424 424 44H!44'Ve46 U 47Vit47H't!47M!''tfH I I 18 674 16 674! 1 60 I 16 67 4 30 374 8 9741 9 174 9 174 8 60 20 26 8 90 9 16 9 10 8 4S 9 2741 9 15 8 20-24 8 86 9 30 8 96 15 9 10 8 474! 9 15 9 07H10 8 424 Peoria Market. PEORIA. Aug. 21. CORf Lower; No. 3 white. 634c; No. 3 white, 634c; No. 4 white, 63c; No. 2 yellow, 63c; No. 3 yellow, 63c; No. 4 yellow, 62c; No. 2 mixed, 63c; No. 4 mixed. 62c; no grade. 694660c. OATS Steady; standard. 404c; No. 8 white, 404c; No. 4 white, 40c. Liverpool Grain "Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 21. WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 2 Manitbba, 7s 94d; No. 3 Mani toba. 7a Sd; futures, weak; October, 7s Id; December, 7s 2Vid: March, 7s 3d. CORN Spot, firm; new American mixed, 6s 644; old American mixed, 6s 9d; new WANTED SITUATIONS Continued.) ADVERTISING managers attention: Man with 18 years' business experience, being well advanced In I. C. 8. course of com plete advertising with grade of over 96 per cent, desires ad writing to do In spare time In order to procure practical experience with a view to taking position when found to be competent. Address B-26, care Bee. MAN wants day work. Douglas 4621. Call for Wm. Walker. house, wants furnished. A HANDY man about the steady position. Referance 41. Bee. j ( wanted By elderly man. position aa night watchman; old resident of city; temperate and responsible. Call Tel. Har ney 2438. COAL YARD MANAGER Last three years with large firm and over 10 years' experience elsewhere, will consider a change. Strictly temperate and reliable. Al references; good salary expected. M 929, Bee. TWO neat colored girls want work. Call WebBtor 6035. WHEN you spend your money spend It r the heat theje la. If Mrs. Adolph Storti. )th and Ct.su sts., will come to The Bee ffiie within three days we will give her n order for a 60 cent box of O'Brien's andv free. WANTED SITUATIONS LADY with child wants housecleanlng or t-uik of any kind. F SU5. Bee. WANTED A cock; no washing, ikson St. Phone Harney Hh6. 3611 M 1DDI.E-AOKD woman to atslst In house 'ork ir take care of children. B 919, Bee. ELDERLY lady would like good home a housekeeper for some respectable wid wer about 46 or &0 years old. No objection 1 going to the country. lut4 No. 27th St hone Web. 21&. PAPER RULER. 22 years old. with two years experience, wants to nnisn trade; out-of-town considered. What have you to offer? A 25, Bee. Cash quotations were as follows: FI.OUR Wulet; winter patents, $3.90nM 60; winter straights, SS.eOfcHSO; spring straights, 84 2Wf4.40; bakers, 83.7094.80. RYE No. 2. 864c BARLEY Feed or mixing, 70ft'90c: fair to choice malting. 31.08i&1.17. SEEDS Timothy. 812.00tf 14.00. Clover, $12O018.0O. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 217.374 (TH7.60. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 89.17V4& 274. Short ribs, sides, loose. 38.62VMT9.124- Short clear sides, boxed, 89.124(89.25. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 328.0HO bu. Primary receipts were 1.205.000 bu.. compared with 2.141,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the United States de creased 840.000 bu. for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage Increased 1,490.000 bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 210 cars; corn, 337 cars; oats, 814 cars; hogs, 16,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, 90Vi((T91c; No. 3 red, 8S4S0Vc; No. 2 hard winter. 9295c; No. 3 hard winter. 91'S93c; No. 1 hard spring, old, 31.1ai.l64; No. 1 northern spring, old, $1.14fll 15; No. 1 northern spring, fl.0a9i.i0; No. 2 north ern spring, 31.05(61.11; No. 3 northern spring, old. 31.O0i51.O6; No. 3 northern spring, old, 99c(531.08; No. 3 northern, 97cffll.02; No. 3 spring, sacwu.vz: no. 3 spring, 88&"96c; velvet chaff, 92ci$1.00; durum, 92wa8c. Corn: No, 2. 424B42c; No. 2 white, 644iamic: No. 2 yellow. 644(ii 64V : No. 8. G4&641ic; No. i white. 64Vi(ff64Hc; No. 3 yellow, 64V(3644c; No. 4, 9iWii'ac; No. 4 white, fiSVififrtc: No. 4 yellow, 63!&64c. Oats: No. 2. 404c; No. 2 white, i(riKJc; No. 3 white, 41tr414c: No. 4 white. 3S4'!j40c; standard, 414(ff42'ic. Rye: No. 2. 86'S864c. Barley: Ancttfl.lS. Timothy, f 1 !.OW&:14.00. Clover: fl2.00(6'lR.OO. BUTTER - - Steady; creameries, 20fti25c: dairies. 18(ff J !c. . EGOS Stady; receipts. 7.546 cases: at mark, canes included, 1014c; firsts, 154c; prime firsts, 17c. cheese f irm; daisies. i.vauc: twins. 12Vi$124c; young Americas, 13Vr13io; long horns. l3'ral34c. POTATOES Steady; Jerseys, fl.2061.26: Ohlos, 31.104il.15. POULTRY firm; turkeys, 14c; chickens. 124c; springs, 14c. VEAL Firm: 50 to 60 lb. wts., S(B!)c: 60 to 85-lb. wts., 94104c; 85 to 110-lb. wts., 11c. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Week Open with Mild Eenewtl of Downward Movement ATTACK THREE LEADING ISSUES Harrlaaaa rates Aaaoaaresaeat hr f Casapreheaslve Poller ( H trearaaaeat Moat Dleeoar. aa;t a a; News af Day. NEW YORK. Aug. 21.-The week In the stock market . opened with a renewal In mild form of the downward movement, which has played such havoc with pfices of securities for almost a month. There was moderately heavy selling, which again concentrated on the leaders, Union Pacific, Reading and United States Steel. In fsct. dealings In these Issues during the first three hours of the session constituted over 75 per cent of the whole. The decline to day waa more suggestive of profit taking by speculative Interests, which bought on last week's low price than of liquidation. Week-end developments offered little In centive for activity on the bull aide. Per haps the most discouraging event waa the announcement of the Harrlman system of Its Intention to embark on comprehensive policy of retrenchment, because of unsatis factory earnings and other adverse condi tions. While no official statement was vouchsafed by local officials It Is under stood that the proposed curtailment will affect several thousand employes In the clerical departments of the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific lines and may later embrace Ihe operating divisions. Incident ally this action on the part of the Harrl man roads was accepted as an indirect re sponse to the recent demands of various employes for Increased pay and shorter hours. Pressure against United States Steel was more pronounced than any recent period and the heavy offerings of this stock, ac cording to gopslp resulted from fear that the report soon to be submitted to Presi dent Taft by the Department of Com merce and Labor hardly would be favoi1 able. In the very late business there was a moderate Increase of activity at the ex pense of values, with Union Paeifio falling to Its previous low level of the dsy. Final prices were only a fraction above the poor est and the market's tone at the close was distinctly heavy. According to statements of western rail way officials, traffic In that section is holding steady with the general merchan dise movement the most sustaining factor. Bonds were heavyi here with further weakness In American Tobacco 4 per cent. Total sales, par value. 31.507.000. United States government bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leadlnr quotations on stocks today were as follows: flsles. High. Low. Clow. v : 10V4 IT Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu. .. Oats, bu. ... Rye. bu. ... Barley, bu. 17,000 247,000 221,01 380.00(1 6,000 390,000 19.000 22,000 147,000 280.000 1,000 11,000 AMU'Chslmer pfd , Amerlosn f'oppsr American Asiicultural .... Am. Best Sugar American Can American C. A. F Am. Ohtton Oil American H. fk L. pfs Am. Ics gftourttlss American Linseed American Locomotive American g. tt H Am. 8. A R. pM Am. Steel Founarlea Am. Rufar Roflntng American T. A T American Tobacco pfd Anaconda Mining Oo Atchison Atchtaon pfd Atlantic Coast Llns Baltimore A Ohio Bethlehem Steol Brooklyn Rapid Tr t'anadlan Pacific Ontral Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey Chicago A Alton, offered. ("heaapsaks A Ohio Chicago O. W., new Chicago O. W. pfd Chicago A N. W Chicago. M. A St. P C. c. C. A 8t. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southsrn 4 Consolidated ftaa Corn Products Delaware A Hudson Denver A Rio Grande Denver A R. O. pfd Dlntlllers' Securities Kris Brie lot pfd Krle 2d pfd General Kim-trie Great Northern pfd... Croat Northern Ors etfs... Illinois Central Interborough Mat Interhorough Met. pfd International Harvester ... Int. Martns pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kaniaa city Southern K. C. 80. pfd Laclede Oaa lxiulsvllle A Nashville... Minn. A 8t. L4)uls m . st. r a a. n. M Missouri. K. A T 14. ton son .no no 00 loo I. son " in 10 Jon 100 II. son wo 24 M 114 l-4 1 J7 71 1H ins inj 1,100 134 700 ion, 1.400 700 4.mo too 1.100 400 loo soo 7.S00 '"joo 1O0 l.too 400 too 7.400 1,000 1.200 400 l.too 700 (00 t.00 100 no 100 too " 00 M0.. "V. 7 us it) 141 116. 'io" to 1374 t:Ti .11 304 60S 414 m 1C 411 1404 1SH 43 l"s- 15 11 11 100 1044 I0 143 Car Lot Receipts Wheat, 134 cars. withlM - K. AT. pfd.... 65 of contract grade; corn, 213 cars, with 101 of contract grade; oats, 180 cars. Total receipts of wheat at Chicago, Min neapolis and Duluth to-day were, 477 cars, compared with 474 cars last week and 935 cara the corresponding day a year ago. NEW TURK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatloaa Varloas GERMAN wants work of any kind. W 117, Bee. GOOD, sober colored man wants porter work. Phone 4990. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper employed dur ing the day wishes to keep small set of books evenings or spsre time for reason able compensation. F 841, care Bee, of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. 21. FLOUR-Steady ; Kansas atraights, 84.35fe4.46; spring patents, $0. 15-16.40; winter straights, 13.904.10; win ter patents, $4.2(Kfi4.oO; spring clears, 84.00 4.35; winter extras, No. 1, 8J.35(g3.50; winter extras. No. 2, 83.15(63.25; Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 84 60(34.80; choice to fancy, M.SKk&S.VO. CORN M KAL Firm ; fine white and yel low. 81.40gl.42H; coarse, 8135g1.40; kiln dried, 83.65. WHEAT-Spot market firm; No. 2 red, 95Hc, elevator, and 964c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 81.134, t. o. b., afloat. Futures market was-qulet, but firmer on strength In the northwest and Manitoba and on unfavorable threshing returns and tear of frost In Canada. The decrease In the visible supply also Influenced prices, which closed at S&7c net. advance. Sep tember closed at 97c; December closed at 8101V,. CORN Market was steady; No. 2, 714c, elevator, domestic basis, to arrive, and 71'4c. f. o. b., afloat; futures market was without transactions. Receipts, 13,000 bu.; shipments, 2,250 bu. OATS Spot, market steady; new stand ard white, 44c; No. 2, 44",c: No. 8, 43Vfcc; No. 4, 43'4C; no grade, 41(8440. Receipts, 126.050 bu. HAY Steady: prime. 81.45: No. 1, 81.40; No. 2, 11. W; 1.43; No. 3. 85&90C. HIDES Steady; Central America, 20Vic; Bogota. 21V(t 2 kc LEATHER Steady; hemlock firsts, 24VSrtfj.' 27c; seconds, 22ft23Vic; thirds, 1920c; re jects. 15c. PROISIONS-Pork, firm; mess, (11.60 12.00; family, (U.OOCu 13.50; beef hams. $30.00 iiZ2.M. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds. 410 ..Vy 13.60: pickled hanis. (14.25. Lard, steady; middle west, prime, 89.4.V&9.56; refined, firm; continent. $9.70. South America. $10.50; compound, (7.25'ii7.50. TALLOW Firmer: prime city, hhds.. (6.37V4: country, $o.7oajii.50. BUTTER Firm on top grades; creamery specials, 28c; ebtras, 27c; firsts. 24'g J3 VjC ; dairy finest. 25jj25V: good to prime. 2Ji 24!c; fartory, current make first. it'Vji? 21c; seconds IPVtto'JOc. CHEESE Steady; vklma. lloc. ELiGS Irregular, fresh gathered extras, 2'-tt-'4e; extra firsts, lS'u'JOc; firsts. 171180; lefrlgator. firsts, season s storage paid. 21c; seconds, season a xtorage paia, lVd.vc; SUCCESSFUL SALESMAN, clean record, employed, anxious to leave road, desires city selling or office work. M 36. Bee. A LADY with 3-year-old child wanu position as housekeeper In some respect able home; can give good references. Ad Jreits D 2S. Bee. TOUNU MAN. 17 years old; good habits, ao ytars' clerical experience, deaires poal on as clerk. Address, Care Bee, O 913. LAW STUDENT want employment for Kard and room. Address Box 465, Wayne, teb. a.-v 1 r.i r-osuion in snoe store by aj referred: best of references furnished. Ad lies Y 147. care Bee. A COOL plunge In Lake Manawa will vercome that hot feeling. If. A. Snyder, til S. 3-'d Ave , will come to The Bee office ithln three das we will give him a pair f round trip tickets to Lake Manawa, WANTED-Position as nurse girl for call. er W. 247T FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mrs. Anderson. 1002 S. 2uth St., will come to The Bee office within tnree days wo will give her an trder for a -:uau brick of this fine Ice crram. LAUNDRY day work, Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Call B JOug. Ask for Laura. COLORED woman wanta situation as cook. Webster 2472. t , A middle-aged woman deslrea a position as housekeeper; no washing; W. 3632. Call (or Mrs. Miller. YOUNG man, experienced salesman, can handle any line, would like Interview. Ad dress F 80. Bee. GOOD, sober colored man wanta porter work. 'Phone D. 4W0. Tt(L."u man, witn inorougn legal ex perience, can examine abstract and ap pear la court, will work for reasonable salary; beat of references. Address J 30, I'.ee- WANTED By middle aged man, work of any kind. Address L 3a. baa Missouri Paolflc National Biscuit National Lead , N. R R. of M. Id pfd... New York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Wsatern North American Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall Pennnylvanta People's Oaa P.. c, c. A si. u. Plttahurg Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car "Railway steal Spring Reading Republic Steel Republic 8tsl pfd Rock (aland Co Rock Island do. pfd St. I, A 8. F. li pfd.... Ft. Louis 8 W St. L. 8. W. pfd Bloaa-Sheffleld 8. A I..., Southern pacific 8outhem Railway , So. Railway pfd Tennosses Copper Texas A Pacific T., St. L A W , T.. St. LAW. pfd t'nlon Pacific t'nlon Pacific pfd Vnlted States Realty t'ntten Slates Rubber 1'nlted States Steel r. S. Steel pfd Dtsh CVipper Vs.-Csralins Chemical .. Wabaah Wahaah pfd Weatern-Maryland Weetlnghmme EHectrlc .. Weatern Vnlon Wheeling A It. K Lehigh Valley loo 1,(00 ,ion 100 200 i.400 400 l.too 100 500 SO0 1.K10 100 "ino 100 'iii. 134 I io4W 40 104(4 71 111 11 mti 103(4 "iii, 11(4 too H 1.400 14SV4 1,400 : 4.1100 son too too 100 ii.sno l.doo son 100 mo 57 M 411 1 M 7014 11 14 ion 41 s ..U0.5OO 1724 00 11(4 .. 1.M0 .145.100 MX) ,. t.ion 400 100 400 400 7O0 (.00 S7T4 13 114 4.1 f '4 10 fS f 7S nv MW D4 114 0(4 'lvi 7014 is" lit m 28H 11(4 1M 1014 111 1014 10(4 n 114(4 7Si 19S 3'4 Ml, 1134 is (4 50 l.Wi 1214 12 29 4. 404 154 124U . 4714 1.1'i 15 42(4 llo 15 1044 ,'t(i ' 30 toii, 143 '4 11414 11 '404 134 604 104" 40 102S II 1154 2 I20S 103(4 'iii, 114 12(4 143(4 2t4 414 41 IIS U : tn 11 MT4 'ii(4 its 14 1 'iii 71(4 11544 4i4 5414 14'4 10 574 M 754 1.100 IIS Its Total ssles tar the dsy, 147,100 shares. 04 3 1 50(4, 534 11 1S H 14 70S 101 15 114S 1314 MS 1S 105H 101S 111 101 S 104 75S 534 S 24S 74 275 30 73S 1li 1744 141 S 1134 5S 21 50 1354 1244 ltl 25 54 314 211S 4S 40S 153 12S 47 131 15 l 144 in 15 14 29'i t 104S 143S 38 131 US M 41 112 S 6oi 214 104 40 102S 70 11841 29 S 120S 103 4 1 IIS 16IS 31 143S 24 t 2tS 49 41 31 S 41 112S 5S M 11 !1 It 40 less so t ITS 714 116 44S 66 14S 30 67i MS 75 IMS l'd higher, while the rest of the list ranged from unchanged to Sd above parity. London closing stock quotations Consols, money 79 s Lostsvllls A Nans.. .141 do account 7K' Mo . Kss. A Tex... lis Amsl Cop pet g3S New York Central. ..ln? Anaconda 7S Norfolk A Western, lms Atchison ..1 lnS do ptd (1 do pfd loss Ontsrlo A Westers.. 4ts Baltimore a rnio...nns Pennsylvania Canadian pacific ...14IS Rsnd Mines .... Chesapeeks A Ohio.. 77 Reading ITil. Ores! Weetern. 20 Southern Railway Chi . Mil. m St. r .ins c do pra pw Rears 1'S Southern Psrltle Denver A Rio O.... IS Union Psrlflc .. do pfd 64 do pfd Erie KS V. 8. Steal do 1st pfd 61 S o pfd do Id pfd 41 Wsbsah Grand Trunk 1S o V' Illinois Centra! ....144 1 SILVER Bar, steady at 24'id per ounce. MONET-IS per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 24j per cent; for three months' bills, 2H per cent. IS . 'S . 74S . MS . T1S ... llts 17 74S 74S 119S II ...ix US A C. Bostoa Stocks and Bonds, ROftTON. Aug. 21. Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: 4 AHnuei Amsl. Copper ... A t. L. A 8 Arltona CVjm P A C. C. A 8. Butte Coalition . Cal. A Arlxons... Cal A Heels. Centennial Cop. Range C. C Kant Butte CM. Kranklln Olroux Con Oranby CVn Oreene Cananea lale Rovals Chopper.. US Kerr Lake 4S tsike tToppsr It I Salle Copper 3S Miami Copper IIS Xx-dlTtdene. Asked. 5 . sns . 21S . IS I. 4', . It . 49 .410 . I . 64S 10s .... 1 . 41 l-1 .... S s Mohawk Nevada Con . . . Ntpls?lng Mines North Butte North lae .. Old Iiomlnlon . . Osceola Parrot t 8 Qutncy Shannon Superior Sirperlor A B Tamarack I'. 8. SRAM do pfd t:tah On t'tah Copper Oo. Winona Wolverine .... 40 .... I7S .... 7 .... 5S .... IS .... 17S .... so .... it .... t .... 14 .... 14 .... 4S .... It ... 13S ... 41s ... US ... 44S ... 6S ...11 Bid. New York Mining: Storks. NEW TORK. Aug 21. -Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice Com. Tunnel stock do bonds On. Cal. A Vs... Horn Silver Iron Stiver Lesdvllla Con Offers. 'Little Chlsf .. II Mexlrsn 17 Ontsrlo 7 Ophlr 10 "Standard M Tsllow Jacket 10 ..41 ..If ..l0 ..100 .. 11 mate dairy tlnest. 25&'25')nc: good to prime, j eAm T. A T. 23vl-4NsC; laciory, current mane iirsi. .arvgj state Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white fancy targe new laid. 2!ia3lR, ; hennery white, fair to good, 24'&27c; west ern gathered white, lSifj'jjc. POULTRY Alive, firm; weetern spring chickens, 15c: fowls. 13?il4c; turkeys. 13c; dressed, weak: western broilers. 144? 18c; fowls, 111 lV: spring turkeys, 12'fl3c; old turkeys, 12(0 15c. Kanaaa I II' (.rain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 21-WHEAT-Cash. Ic higher; No. 2 hard. 91ttV-; No. 3. r.9i96V; No. ! r-i. !;W4iS8c; No. 3. Iwdjfc; September. RSc; December. 81Vc. CORN He lower; No. 2 mixed, No. 3. kv. No. 8 white. tSOc; No. 3. suM.ftjik?; September, s4ltio; December. 6tVgwc: May. 74c OATS i.i&Vsc higher: No. 2 white. 42s0 43o; No. 3 mixed, 4K&V42C. RYE-8BC. HAY Steady to weak: choire timothy, 818 0ntl .: choice prairla. $13. f)fri 13.60. BUTTER Creame-y. 25c; firsts, 23c; seconds. 21c; packing stock. 17c. EGGS Extraa, 21c; flrsta. 18c; seconds, lOWc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu l7.ono 29 tmo Corn, bu So out 25 ) Oats, bu 22.OJ0 6.0u0 Dalath Orala Market. DI'Ll'TH. Aug. SI. WH EAT No. 1 hard, 8107: No. 1 northern, 81 06s-: No. 2 north ern, I1.03M1 1.041: September, I1.0.-S: De cember. 31.06; May. 81 o V"' New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 21. MONET On call, steady, at 14(&2'4 per cent; ruling rate. 2U per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 2V per cent; time loans, steady; sixty days. 2 per cent; ninety days, 3S3i4 per ci-nt: six months, 34S0T4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4'44Vi per cent. , STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 34.s3.iO for sixty-day bills nnd at 34.8595 for de mand: commercial bills, 84.83. SILVER Bsr. 62",4c; Mexican dollar, 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: reg...iooS "J. pan 4s 100s do 4Sa WIS K. C. So. 1st Is.. 101 S L. 8. deb. 4s 1131. 1 L A N uol. 4s.. 113A4 M. K. A T 1st 4 ts.... S do gen. 4Sa.... ....101(4 Mo. Pacific 4a.. 4S..10J "N. R R of M. 4(ia I1U N. Y. C. s.. ISs.... 7i ws A H. Bank Clenrlna. OMAHA. Aug. 21. Omaha bank clearings today were 82.233,630 and for the corre sponding day last year 82.656,023. OMAHA CKKKRAL MARHKT. BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. carton, 28c; Nc. I, In 80-lb. tubs, 27c; No. 2, 25c: packing, 17c; CHEESE Imported Swiss, 32c; American Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, ISc; twins, 164c; triplets, 16c; daisies. 16c; young America, 18c; blue label brick, 16c; limburger (2 lb.) 18c; limburger (1 lb.), 19c. POULTRY Broilers, 20o per lb.; hens. 13c; cocks, 9c; ducks, ISc; geese, 15c; tur keys, 24c; pigeons, per dox., 81.20. Alive: Broilers. 12Vc; hens, 9c; old roosters and stags, 4ix0; old ducks, full feathered, 10c; geesa. full feathered, 6c; turkeys, 12So; guinea fowls. 16o each; pigeons, per doi., 75c; homers per doc, 22.50; squabs No. L keys, 15c FISH Pickerel. 10c; white, 15c; pike, 14o; trout, 15c; Urge crapples, 63C20c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, 18c; haddock, 13o; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 16c; roe shad, 81.00 each; shad roe, per pair, 50c; salmon, 15c; halibut, 10c; yellow perch, 9c; buffalo, Ic; bullheads, 14c BEEK CUTS Ribs. No. 1, 17c; No. I. 18c; No. 3, 9c. Loin: No. L 19c; No. 2, 144c; No. 8, 104c. Chuck: No. 1, 7c; No. 2, 64c; No. 8, bc. Round: No. 1, 10c; No. 2. 8c; No. 3. 8SC Plate: No. 1. 4c; No. 2, 4'4c; No. 8, Sc. FRUITS Apples, wealthy, per bbl., 32.76 (S3. 25; per bu. basket, 8100. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, 32.26ij'2.50; Jumbo, bunch, J2.7Vn.T75. Cantaloupes, California, stand ard, 45 count, 32.50 per crate; pony crates, 54 count, 31.75; Jumbo, 27-33 size, 32.00. Dates, anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. packages In boxes, per box, 82.00. Grapes, concords, home grown, per 7-lb. basket, 26(gi27c. Grapes, California Malagas, per 4-basket crate, 11.76. Lemons, Llmoneira brand, extra fancy, 300-360 sixes, per box, 86.00; Loma Llmoneira, fancy, 300-360 size, per box, 35 50 ; 240 and 420 sizes, 60c per box less. Oranges. Niagara Redlands Valen clas, 96-126 sizes, per box, 84 25; 150-176-2U0-250 sizes, per box, 84.75. Peaches, California, per box, 31.00; Colorado, per box, 81.001.10. Plums, California, large red varieties, per crate, 31.85. Prunes, tragnty, per 4-basket crate, 3185. Pears. California, per 50-lb. box, 82.00; lots of 10 boxes or more, per box, 3190; Colorado fancy Bartlett pears, 5-tler, per box. 31.85. In 10-box lots, per box, 31.7s;. Colorado fancy Flemlst beauty canning pears, per box. 31.65; In 10-box lots,- per box, $1.55. Watermelons, Georgia and Florida, per lb., ISc. VEGETABLES Beans, string and wax, per market basket. 90c. Cabbage, home grown, per lb., 2c. Cucumbers, home grown, 1H and 2 dox. in basket, per basket, ti5c. ' Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz., $1.50. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., l.'c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dog., 40c. Onions, home grown, white, per crate, $1.75; yellow, per crate. 81. 60; California, in sacks, per lb., 24c. Parsley, fancy home grown, per doz, bunches, 45c. Potatoes, California white stock. In sacks, per bu., 81.80; Minnesota, per bu., $1.26ij 1.35. -Sweat potatoes. Virginia, per bbl., 34.00; per bu. basket, 81. 50. 41'omatoes, home grown, per market basket, 75c. MISCELLANEOUS California soft shell per lb., 20c; In sack lots, lc less. Brazil nuts, per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lc less. Filberts, per lb., '14c; In sack lots, lc less. Peanuts, roasted, per lb., 84c; raw, per lb., 7c. Pecans, large, per lb., 16c; In sack lots, lc less. Walnuts, California, per lb., 19c; in sack lots, lc less. Honey, new, 24 frames, $3.75. Corn and Wheat Rettloa Valletta. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m. Monday, August 21, 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Kain- St at ions. Max. Min. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.... 91 oS .08 Pt. cloudy Auburn, Neb 91 bti 1.70 Cloudy H'ken Bow, Neb. So 62 1.71 Cloudy Columbus, Neb... 85 67 .06 Pt. cloudy Culbertson. Neb. 95 67 .20 Pt. cloudv Falrbury. Neb... 90 65 2.214 Pt. cloudy t Fairmont, Neb.. 85 66 .00 Clear Gr. island. Neb. 87 67 1 47 Clear Hartlngtor., Neb. 86 66 .00 Clear Hastings, Neb... 87 64 1.25 Pt. cloudy Lincoln, Neb 89 67 . .66 Cloudy No. Platte, Neb. 88 62 .00 Clear Oakdale, Neb 83 66 .00 Cloudv Omaha, Neb 88 67 .Oh Cloudy Tekamah, Neb... 87 68 . 00 Clear Valentine, Neb. 86 64 .00 Clear Sioux City, la... 84 70 . 00 . Clear Alta, la 85 66 .00 Clear Carroll. la 86 54 .no Clear Clarlnda, la 86 67 .00 Clear Sibley, la 86 69 .00 Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending a 8 a. m. tNot Included In averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temu. DistrloL Stations. Max. Mln. r I. nf. ts. do coupon ... 1. 8. la, reg... do coupon.... V 8. 4e, rag... do coupon.... Allls-Chsl. 1st Amer Ag. 5s.. M I4S 74S 13 S M4 7S MS 77 S Am. Tobacco 4s do ts Armour A Co. 4(s. Alchlaon gen. 4a do cv. 4a do ev. 5a A C. L lat 4a Hal. A Ohio 4a do ISs do 8 W. ISs .. nmok. Tr. cv. 4a... seen, of le. Is 4 en Isthsr la C. of N. J- . 5s... (-lies. A Ohio 4Ss.. do ref. &a Chlcsgo A RAW l!S ' .103S do deb 4s l!S N. T.. N. H. C. M. A 8 F g ISs MS C. R. I. A r. do rfdg 4a.. Colo, lnd &a . Colo. Mid. 4a CAS r. A 4 p. A H c. . P A R G 4a do rf la... inetlllere Is Kris p. I. 4s. do gen. 4s. CT. 10.S N. A W. lat e. 4i WIS do c?. 4s 44 No Psclfle 4s IS do li 1 O 8 U rfdg 4.. OS Penn. cv. ISs 1914 51 do cos 4a ! Reading gen 4a H St L. A S. F. fg HIS do gen 5a !" Bt L 8. W c. 4l -do t gold 4a... A. ISS- 'S AL. 4. j 4. ... S 8o. Psc. col 4s. do cv. 4s. 4S. 7Ji Mo 1.1 ref 4. .... S fto. Ksllway la ... .... 7JS do gen. 4e II Inloo Pacific 4s... 4Ss 4 do cv. 4s IT do let A est 4l.. .... KS V. S. Rubber is.... M C S Steal td Is. .. .... T5S Va -"ar. ("ham. la. .... US Wabaah lat ts.... T1 do 1st A sx 4a.. do rv.' 4e. asr. A MS Western Md 4s.... do ssrles B "S Weet. Else. ev. Is.. a Else cv la.. 114 Wis Central 4e III. Can. lat ref. 4e. MS Ma. Par. ev. la.... lot Mat 4Ss 774 Psnasia Is Int M. M 4S Bid. Offered: 110 ... 74 ..1II4S .. K9S . . 70 .. MS . . ; . . ws .. 7S 4s 50S .. S7U, .. 7S .. 2S .. 7. S .. IIS . . MS .. is ..ions .. :s ..HOS ..n);S .: MS ..104 . .104 ::,S .. MS :: ..wis Columbua, 0 17 78 50 l.ouiavllle, Ky 20 8 4 64 Indianapolis, lnd.. 11 80 52 Chicago, 111 25 80 60 St. Louis, Mo 25 84 tii Des Moines, la.... 21 84 6 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 56 62 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 94 OS Omaha, Neb 18 88 6i Rainfall. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .20 1.20 1.30 l.onslaa Stack Market. LONDCJN. Aug. 21 American securities opened steady and a fraction higher. Light buying advanced prices until the end of the first hour, whet the market reacted. Can adian Pacific was strong and at noun was The temperature has remained moderate throughout the corn and wheat region dur ing the last twenty-four hours. Rains were general In the extreme western portion and wtre very heavy In Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. Rains of ono Inch or more oc curred at the following atations: In Ne braska: Falrbury, 2.29; Broken Bow, 1 71 Auburn, l.Jo; Grand Island. 1 47. and HasL tngs. 1.25. In Kansas: Fort Scot it. 2 X llorton. l.&o, and Manhattan. 2.10. In .Mis souri: Lamar, 2, and St. Joseph, 150. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. . Coffee Market, NEW YORK. Aug. 21. COFFEE Fu tures opened barely steady a a decline of 2. at all points under European selling at scattering liquidation. Eusier foreign mar kets reports that firm offers from Brazil were a shade lower In some Instances and larger primary receipt xeemed to restrict buying both of futures and spots and the market cased off further during the day with the close steady, but at a net loss of 10ia 14 points. Sales were 44.000 bags. Au gust. H.iiOc; September. 11.65c; November, 11.06c; December. ll.OOc; January. lvc; February. 10.93c; March, April, .May, June and July. lO.UOc. Havre clostd at a net loss of 1 franc. Hamburg was unchanged to Si pfg. lower. Hio, 75 reis lower at 7$S50; Santos, 50 rein lower. 43c 7$130: "a. 6$ii50. A special Santos cable reported 4 s unchanged I hia morning and Soa Paulo recelpta of 58. 000 bags against 55.000 Saturday. Recelpta at the two Brazilian port 74.UM bags against r.000 last year. Jundlahy recelpta 69,900 against 57.300 last year. Very rold weather waa reported In all districts of Soa Paulo with a minimum temperature of 42S de grees. Spot coffee, quiet: Rio No. 7. ISsc; Santos, No. 4, 14c; mild, dull; Cordova, 14 16c nominal. Visible Sappl? tntlnn. NEW YORK, Aug. 21 The visible supplv of grain In the United States August 19. as compiled by the New York Produce ex change, was as follows: Wheat. 47.642.oOO bu.; decrease. SS.iiOO bu. Corn, 4.7-'! bu. ; decrease. 847 Ori bu. Oata. 17.196000 bu. : lncreae. 1.77 1.44)1 bu. Rve. 6.fi) bu ; increase. !r.'.0 l 1 j Barley, 6U3.UXI bu ; Increase. 46,Gut) b'l. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Ctttle Steady to Ten Cent or More Lower. HOGS SELL FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Fat Sheen Tea I. never, with Fat I .am Ha Flfteea ta Twenty-Five l.awer ana Feeders Steady to Raster. MOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 21. m. Recelpta were: Cat''. !liK" Sheep. Fstlmated Monday 11,200 2.400 22.000 Same day Isst week 8.764 Ssme day 2 weeks ago. .12.255 Same day 3 weeks ago.. 17.402 Sfme day 4 weeks ago.. 7,3-1 Same day last year lO.t.'l The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for the year to data as compared with last year: 1911. 1910. lnc Cattle 6.M.K4 62VS21 23.100 Hogs 1.721,059 1.3. -W 3J4.S50 Sheep 1.044.S."8 1,031, 2."J 13.6.55 The following table snorts the average prices of hogs at South Omaha far tbs last several days, with comparisons: 1 7 ;s -V ... ' - . t . (4 .o : :s -, . .--j to ' i' i 11 r.t ... 11. 4 i... : li ! 4 .4 .. 7 U el tM 40 t 4,. j 411 4 r40 7 .:. u :J ... 4f . 71 2AI l'4ll 7 lj ( .414 2.702 4.9J3 3.8S2 S.327 13.704 ll.t.74 21.651 11.49". 33,737 Date, j 1111. 1IO.19W.190S. 1907. 11904. 19. Aug. 12... Aug. 12... Aug. 14... Aug. 16... Aug. 16... Aug. 17... Aug. 18... Aug. 19... Aug. an... Aug. 21... 7 UW m 7 10 7 0S 7 16-,j 7 16s 7 17 1 7 14 7 27 I 7 951 S 061 e j 8 16 I 24 8 30 8 24 8 23 8 37! 7 42 7 47 7 48 41 6 1-61 I i 14 6 22 5 Ml 5 92i 6 171 6 74, t 84i ( 21 6 Ml 6 90 6 761 6 8 1 ii 6 74 5 90; 5 i 5 9S 5 1'4 6 TU. I 6 69 5 62 6 031 7 49 8 39 5 6:1 1 6 95 1 5 84 7 64 7 67 7 72 7 64 6 31 7 ivll 31 I 30, I 6 44: 41 Sunday. sfiecelnta and dlanneltt itn nt live stock the Union atock yards. South Omaha, Monday: RECEIPTS CAR LOTS. Cattle. Hons Sheen 11' al. Ol. f 3 Missouri Pacific 2 Union Pacific 35 C. A N. W., east 2 C. 4 N. W., west. ...192 C, St. P. M. A 0 6 C, B. A Q., east 2 C. B. & O.. west 191 C. R. 1. & P.. west.. 1 C R. I. & P., west.. 1 C. G. W 1 Total receipts 435 DISPOSITION HEAD Cattle. Ho '4 67 4 ii'i s 4 2 1 8 i 2 1 1 34 91 10 ga. Sh 2 620 830 299 206 88 eep. 1,0x2 2,180 3,297 2.453 Omaha Packing Co 604 Swift and Company 1,318 Cudahy Packing Co 729 Armour & Co 696 Schwartx-Bolen Co Murphy W. B. Vansant Co 15 Benton, Vansant A Lush 256 Hill A Son 440 F. B. Lewis 2M6 Huston A Co -jui J. B. Root A Co 144 J. H. Bulla 381 I F. Husi 84 L. Wolf 233 McCrearv A Carev 1K.1 8. Werthelmer 455 H. F. Hamilton W Sullivan Bros 34 Rothschild 149 Mn. a Kan r-ulf I'n 77 McConaughy ! 74 !"!."! enne A Christy 53 Other buyers 1,289 9.118 Totals 7,944 2,738 18,134 CATTLE Receipts of cattle thla morning were very large, 433 cars being reported In. This Is not only the heaviest run since the range season opened, but It Is the largest of any day since the month of October of last year. The big bulk of the receipts consisted of westerns, there being an especially large supply of coarse horned cattle. Very few natives on cornleds were Included In the receipts. Naturally there was a good deal of sorting and shaping up to be done, with the result that the lore noon was well advanced before receivers were ready to show their cattle and before very much business could be transacted. With receipts at thla point so large and with other markets reporting heavy runs It waa only natural that more or less weakness should be developed and buyers were accordingly a little cautious at the start. Thus everything combined to render the market rather slow and late In open ing. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 7.00C(v7,HO; fair to good beef steers, $6.25&7.0o; common to fair beef steers, $4.7&cy6,26; good to choice heifers, e5.00fa6.00; good to choice cows, $4.50((j4j.25; fair to good cows, $3.75jj4.60; common to fair cows, $2.60(3.75; veal calves, $3.00(6.50. When the market on beef steers was finally under way prices under the In fluence of the large receipts and lower re ports from other selllnv polnta aenerallv showed a decline of about 10c as com pan d wun last week s close. Possibly some of the best cattle did not show quite that much ioss wnue some or the less desirable kinds might have shown a little more. There were no strictly prime cornfeds to make a test of tha market, but choice westerns Bold as high as $6.60, the highest price so far this year. Some of the best cows and heifers sold at steady or very nearly steady prices. while the general run of medium kinds sold about 10c lower than last week. There was a very good demand for feed ers and desirable kinds of cattle sold quite freely. The fact Is feeders were the first cattle In the yards to sell this morning. there being a very good demand. The prices paid on the good kinds at least were steady, with Inferior grades naturally weak In sympathy with the fat cattle market. Quotations on range cattle: uood to choice beef steers, $5.90(6.50; fair to good beef ateera, $6.255.90; common to fair beef steers, $4.60(5.26; good to choice heifers, $6 0035.85; good to choice cows. $4.4&5.10; fair to good cows, $3.65ijjl 25; good to choice stockers and feeders, $5.20g5.9o; fair to good stockers and feeders. $4. 50 5.20; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, $..75ft4.25', stock heifers, $3.25(4.40; bulls, stags, etc. $2.865.00. Representative sales: COW ft. So. As. Pr. No. Av. ft. t 1000 I HO T 747 i U .. 11.. 17.. 14.. 4.. No. SHEEP Early rstlmaie on shorn an lamb airlxals placed receipts at eiati'.' eiani cats, inr largest single run of trt' season thus far. Only on one nciasion July .:i. have previous shipments this aoa son yielded a total greater than .xi.oni I.e. it The hi end of supplv consisted ot Iambi and feeder sorts from fst strings continue small, seldom exceeding 10 per cent. Than were several straight bunches of f eerie, lambs on sale, however, but the main mat ket waa a packers' affslr. Offering o sheep were about equally divided, showlni up half In feeder and half In killing con dltion. Demand from all quarters proved dull am halting at the opening of the session ant very little business was transacted unti well along toward midday. Tackera flahi't Instructions to cheapen cost whenever , pen was visited, and heavy supply, rape dally In the lamb market, gave them plent of bearish opportunity. Uood lanihs flnalhl started r-caleward at uneven declines, tin. better grades selling around $.;.;Art6 ;.' The $7.00 limit on prime quality was eslli retired, many sellers asserting that a 36 ;. bid demanded offerings "turned out of t mould." Sheep suffered the short end of the break selling only a little lower han wethers ewes, etc.. at last week's close. tloni vent lings, rather heavy, sold at and neai $4 50 w hile wethers landed front $3 50 down ward. Ewes sold at small discounts undat wethers In most Instances where qualli ami condition were attractive. Quotations on sheep and lambs: tinoi to choice !rt!n!v, $6 4iJi6 .85; fair to gonr lamb. $6 (HVifii 40; cull lambs, $4.7.v?.Y7." feeder lambs, $.'. 15 .15.75; fair to choice venr llngn. $4.1.(.ii..iu; feeder yearlings. $4 tlOiaM.iv $.l.l5f,i:t.40; feede:- wethers. $3.0tVrT3.3O: rum to choice ewes. $2 2 ..'u.1.50; fair to good ewes $3.0iv,i 3.2.i ; feeler ecn, $2.50i3.16; cull ewe, $1 50fi 2.25. Name and Rcsldi r.. Ago. 112 Idaho lambs, feeders 87 R rt 271 Idaho lambs, feeders 62 6 40 15 Idaho ewes 102 3 25 43 Idaho yearlings 81 4 10 117 Idaho yearlings 87 4 50 S3 Idaho ewes, culls 89 2 50 50 South lakota weths. A ewes. 77 " M bi South Iakota ewes 87 2 7.. 197 South Lakot lambs...., 47 6 25 (HKA4.CI I.lti; S'lttCK MARHKT Demand for t attle nnd lloas Steady Sheep Weak, CHICAGO. Aug. 21.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 2.500 head; markei. best, steady, other HVrrl.ir lower: beeves, $5.l,Vfi8.00; Texjs steers, $4 6tV(j6.45; western steern, f4.250rti.76; stock ers and feeders. W.l.VnR 60; cows and heifers, I."i.2.r,ro6 60; calves, f 6.004.. 76. HOGS Receipts. 32.600 head; markei steady; light. $7.357.95; mixed. $7.20i7.95; heavy. f7.0r.(ir7.80; rough, $7.05iJ7.30; good to choice heavy, $7.:4ii r.80; pigs, $5.i51jvi.HO, bulk of sales. $7.36!fj7.70. 8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipt, 2060? head; market weak; native, $2.36'S3 80; western, $2 65g3.75; yearlings, $3.75ri6 26; native lambs, $4 2;tT6.!'5; western, fl.95 7.05. St. I.onla Live stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21. rATTI.E-Receipts, 8.300 head. Including 400 Texans; markry steady to 15c lower; native shipping gnff export steers, $6.7rVjf 8.00; dressed beef an butcher steers, $6.75:37.00; steers under l.OrtC lbs.. J4.2537.75; stockers and feeders, $3 Ot fa5.26; cows and heifers, $3.0CrjT7.O0: canners, $1.00((f2.75; bulls. $2 7Mfi5.26; calves. 4 OOft 8.00; Texas and Indian ateers. $4.0r8i.25, cows and heifers. $3.0i58.00. HOGS Receipts, 7.500 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $5.0018.00; packers. t7.fiOri7.90; butchers and best heavy, $7,440 '7.90. SHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpts, S40C head: market steady; native muttons, f3 26 (p3.7"i; lambs. f4.00(&fl25: culls and buck.f, $1.25(92.75; stockers. f2.flOiT3.0i). i Ksnena City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Aug. 21. "TTLF TV-i ceitits. 22.000 head Including: 4 000 southerns' and butcher steers, f7.00ti8.00; fair to good, fi.505r7.00; western steers, $4.60ifi7.riO; stock ers and feeders. $3.8."i5.85; southern steers, $3.90ii6.00; southern cows, f Vft4.fiO: native cows, $2.fiO.i6.00; native heifers. $4.0OCi7.35; bulls, f3.ftstf4.2l; calves, f t.aifrT.Ot). HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; strong to 10c higher; bulk of sales. f7.3Mi7.6S: heavy. f7.3T.iii -.60; packers and butchers. f7..'l.Vfl'7.W, lights. 7.30ffj'7.62i1. . SHEEP ANI LAMBS Receipts. 17.00(1 head; l.rVfj25e lower; Ctah lambs, $6 75; native lambs, $o.7.W6.75; yearlings. $4.00oT 4.50; wethers, $;i.2rS3.75; ewes, $.1.(XX(j4.60; blockers and feeders, $2.253.60. St. Joseph l.lvr Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 2L CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 head; maarket slow; steers. $5.O0(fi.70; cons and heifers, $3.004j5.50; rulvea, $3.0T87.00. HOGS Receipts. 4,000 head; market strong to 6c higher; top, $7.65; bulk of sales, $7.35jj 7.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts, 6,500 head; market lower; lambs, $5.00(Ji6.75. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal western maricets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs ..11.200 South Omaha St Josenh ... I Kansas City , St. lxinis Chicago Totals .... 511 1 45 10.. Ml 1 4r. 10.. 741 1 M 11.. STOCKERS ANO 6S 4 IS . . 78T 4 40 WESTERNS NEBRASKA 781 1 1.1 BL'O 4 Oil (OH 4 00 FEEDERS. oi 4 40 No. A v. 10 feeders.. 733 8 feeders.. lorn; 18 feeders.. 871 9 feeders.. 907 4 calves... 17 9 feeders.. 795 15 feeders.. 7"S 10 calves... 227 29 feeders. 4 calves. . 25 feeders. 6 heifers.. 6 calves. . I'll so:, , 9:1! i(5 Av. Pr. 74 steers.. ..1151 5 70 6 feeders.. 702 4 3o 47 feeders.. 971 6 40 17 feeders. .lft 4 85 6 cows 634 3 25 25 feeders.. 1014 6 45 14 heifers... 680 4 35 4 feeders.. 695 3 5) 5 heifers. ..1026 4 20 21 cows 897 8 50. 4 feeders.. 5o5 4 00 16 feeders.. 881 4 85 9 cows 820 3 35 21 feeders.. 1150 6 On 10 ra.Ahfs. 47 7 feeders.. 8tn 4 w 9 cows 10 cs.&hfrs.lU28 4 15 Conrad Parsos Nebraska. 32 steers.. ..1392 6 50 J. H. Monahan Nebraska 42 feeders.. 1066 5 70 S feeders. .1025 W. J. Abott Nebraska. 20 feeders.. 1142 5 60 SOl'TH DAKOTA. 6 feeders.. 894 4 65 4 heifers... A4) Cf)IX)RAI0. 49 feeders.. 1025 6 On WYOMING. 5 50 S3 steers . ...Hot 5 4't 31 helfern... 7o 5 15 16 feeders. . Ml 4 26 Pr. 4 30 5 40 4 80 6 nO 5 (XI 4 50 4 20 3 75 6 25 4 65 5 'IT. 3 80 4 00 4 0 ". 3 ;i Sheep. 2.400 22.001) 4.000 6.500 4.000 17.000 7.600 3.4(10 32.500 30,600 . 3.000 .22.000 . 8.300 . 2.600 ..47.000 60.400 69,908 - Metal Market. NEW YORK, NAug. 21. M ETA LS Stand -ard copper", dull; spot, August, September. October and November. fl2.12V(T 12.30. Lon don market firm; Spot. 56s 3d; futuren. 57 Is 3d; lake copper. $12.75ra 13.00; electro lytic, $12.50'rjl2.62V4. and casting. $12.2512..". Tin, spot and August, nominal; futures steady; spot. $4S.00(ij 47.00; futures, $41.25C(( 47.00. i;lS8 10 York, don. 14. Spelter, quiet; $6.0.Vrr6.15. Neiv York; f5.90(ti6 (-' EaBt St. Louis. London, 27 15s. Antimony, dull; Cookson's, f8.3C' s.50. Iron, Cleveland warrants 47s in Lon don. Ixcallv Iron was firm. No. 1 foundry' northern. fl5.B0ci 16.00: Xo. 2, tl5.25(& 15.75; No. " southern and No. 1 southern soft, fl5.00tj 15.50. ; eiioi. so.vidvi.vu; luiures, el.diirf London, firm: spot, 191; futures, k 104J Lead, steady; $4.45r4.tiO, Newf . and t.42',j, bid East St. Louis. Ion-' OOOH8- y structlong ' I demand I tnd mills f Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 21. DRY OOODS Gray goods of print cloths conatr which have been in rainy good showed a tendency to harden which sold 68x72 at 6e In the morning were, asking Vsc more fur nearby deliveries. The primary cotton goods market wan fairly steady and an Improvement In the de mand for bleached goods and standard .irlntK waa noted. Slight concessions wei o made on some stanaaru numners m siaji; worsted dresH goods for spring delivery .1 .' 33 feeders.. 993 5 50 S3 steers. ...Hot 5 .fl 28 steers.. ..11:5 6 40 31 helfern... 70 5 1.1 28 heifers... OiVi 5 15 ) feeders. . 991 4 85 3 cows 8S6 HOGS-Hog trade ruled higher on a scant supply, the advance amounting to VtilOu. Activity featured the demand from all quarters and the yards wire cleared of offerings In very good season. Total busi ness Involved only thirty-right loads and Individual droves were naturally small. Quality of the run was none too good, bulk consisting of sow loads and mixed packing stuff. Choice bacon animals, the kinds needed to reach a creditable top, were lacking, ao that the higli price paid lx relatively low. Best hogs on sale moved at $7 43, a dime higher than Saturday's limit, but still lOo under tops tlie previous Satur day, a day whin sales producid an average cost of $7. 11 're. Hulk of sales today ranged from $7.20 to $7.30. Orders In the hands of ahipiieis and spec ulative buyers were filled with usual free dom, fully fifteen loads of various weights moving Into channels other than local pack ing. As compared with entire supply, this purchase had plenty of sixe, amounting to about 40 per cent of tha run. Cotton MiirUrt. NEW YORK. Aug. 21. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 12. 50c; mid dling gulf. 12.76c; no sales. The Cotton exchange will bo closed September 2, tin: Saturday preceding Labor day. Futures opentd firm: August. 12.32c: September. 11.8.'.c: October, 11.36c; December. 11.42c; January, 11.39c; March, 11.4'-'c; May. offered at 1 1. "A-. COTTON Futures closed steady, ( los ing lilda. AuguHt. 12.29c: September. 11.21c; October, 11.27c; November. 11.27c: Dei-ember 11.36c: January. 11.2!c; March, !139c; l May, 11.48c; July, 11.49c. Mllnuukre 4. ruin Market. MILWAl'KEK. Aug. 21. WHEAT-Vo 1 northern. $1 tn.'i l.ll : No 2 northern. $104 ft 1.09; No. 2 hard v. Inter. VJ'n'i. v ; Septem ber. 91"sic; December. :6V. OATS Standard. 42'n4ol,;C BARLEY $1.W3 l-l'i. j M In lien polls (.mill MnrWet. ' MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 21-WHEAT-Sei-i tember, $1.04'; December. $1.05: May. $1 OS '4 ilil.flM'a; cash. No. 1 linrd. fl.09'-,: No 1 ! northern. fl.OTaffl.W.: Vo. 2 northern. $l.('lVfil.07Va; No- 3, 99'tci?$l.iH'i. I Omaha I'nidure Market. I BL'TTEK Creamery, I'l'jc; pinking slock, ! 17c. i E41GS-No. 1. l.'.Vjc; No. 2, 11c. I POULTRY Broilers, 12',jc; piaig. Uc; j roosters, 4o; hens. !c; ducks, lflc; gm se, jj ! snatar Market, I NEW YORK, Aug. 21 Sl.G A it -Ka w. ..u..a.l.. I'l SI l'1'..! til' ..Anl.. . 1 III III , 1 1 1 U V. . -v. v. ... ... t . , ....... fugal 96. test. na.iiij'O; mulaneea, 8'J test $1.171(42j; lefinca, into. Ne At. Sh. Pr. Ne. A. Sk Pr. U 1(4 ISO t !7 4 20 g 1 U u mi 140 7 to s4 : ... t 7 171 ifci 1 to :ti 40 7 ir. Hi ... 110 114 140 7 15 47 1M li lie to lit W4 III M Ml M 1 Ill . . 1 171 I Ui M 1 tis to M M t 11', i m 1411 l lis, 71 til iw T It IU tS 1 2f S t4 174) Tl.l u : ioo t ;s i so 7 so u ;ii 40 t Si li : . . 1 40 44 17 140 7 1. 10 14 7 JO 7.. J4) II I II ...,... .:M 7 t 1..1 ... t II. '014'" u iw4 ... 7 u i .-j i.j l i;i oils and llosln. SAVANNAH, Aug. 21.-TLHPENT1NB-Firin: 53'ec ROSIN Firm; F, $6.67H'8ti.60; G, $6.57Vl:l 6.60. W on I Market. BT. LOL'IS. Aug. 21 WOOL Firm ; ter ritory and western mediums, WtffAc; fine mediums. 17&18-: fine. !lfl5c. I'.laiii lliiltt-r )lsrLr. ELGIN'. Aug. II. Pl'T TEII- Firm, ni 20.. output. 841,.".00 puui.dH. Ni i: too lu'.m 1 CO.. 4 U.. ..;.Cu.''.'-Se-a I C ull I C