The Omaha Sunday Bee WANT-ADS FAST TKP.EE WANT AD SECTION PAGES OXE TO TIN VOL. XLI XO. P. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1911. SINGLE COPY Km: CENTS. , V JS t Special Rug Bargains New fall patterns at a decided pri- saving Monday. Aniinter Rug Fine S25.00 Seamleee Velvet Kng 9x12 size, 16 patterns In this line, sale price $18.75 $1.25 Smyrna Ruas Site 30x60, on sale, at 7f 1.75 Heavy Velvet Rugs 27x 64 size, choice, at 81.25 7-foot window shades, best water colors. 36 Inches wide, at 23 "No Piece" Lace Curtain stretchers. 6x12 site, non- rustaMe pins, only OS ron't Borrow lour Neighbor's. assortment ol new patterns, xll size, snap at . . 518.98 f22.50 Body Brussels Rue 1 8 new patterns. In 8x12 sue, on sale, choke at 825 $33.00 Seamier Wilton xl2 size, big assortment, matchless values, each 823.75 flS.OO Tapestry Brussels Riurs 9-wire quality, 8x12 size, seamless, matchless at S12.9S Linen Thread Laces A bis line of linen thread clnny laces, regular S5c' and 35c per yard values, on sale at per yard 10 and 15 aMMtsMlafcAtfcisssfcMlBkasaUi Mi .Js.BBnasninss,sBssn $1.00 Hand Bags 49c A full 12-inch bag that sells regu larly at $1; nothing to equal them shown in Omaha; sale price Is only 40f Heavy Domestics Sheetings, Muslins, Shirtings, Flannels, Out ings, Batts, Comfortable Materials, etc., in our Great Domestic Room. Values not equaled by any other house in the west. Specials Monday in the Furni ture Department rxjuu uuiuru va-& Dresser 86.85 17.85 Solid Golden Oak., 5-draw- r Chiffonier for 85.85 $5.00 Iron Beds, all colors, for only 83.95 $15 00 Brass Bed 810.50 $6.50 Felt Mattress $5.25 $21.50 Bed Davenport, imitation leather, upholstered . 818.50 $29.50 Quartered Oak Sideboard, at 824.50 Pee our new line of buffets, sideboards and dining tables. All porch furniture at factory coat LADIES' WHITE FELT HATS All the very newest Fashion Ideas 9 Si to 10 00- Lonsdale. Frott and Hope M .n lln, per yard "4o Aurora Half Pleached Sheet ing. -4. price 16c, Mcni-iy only, for 83c Lock wood eached Fheet in C0-ln. wide, best known brand, Monday only SOo Dalld 4-1n. Brown Sheetin. erv lit-avv, worth lie. at. yard ItHt Thistledown, repular 7Vtc grade 3T-ln. Bleached Bheetmg, tc tSZETS-XIBC ABB TU nicxit Stella, a rood 7rx?0, worth 65c, Monday, at 3S1 Pontiac, Monday only. 72x!n. worth 6!c, at Oo Ann jjranpet, 71x10, worth SRc. Monday, at bc Pepperel. renuine article. Slx- 0, worth 75c Mtvnday, 50 Snowflake, 61x90, worth rc. Monday, at c PZX.I.OW sx.m No name. 42x3. leeular U'V,t flips. Monday at tjo P.osnda'e. 4Cx"fi, rerular l.-c Slips. Monday, at lie Nameie 4 7 7 H 4ix"R, regu lar 1SC Flip. Mmdav. lle Sterltn. 4FxS6. rerular Tc Slip. Monday, at ISHo lEsinxisi Union Crochet, our reeSlcr 11 60 Frlnred BedspreadR, on Mle Monday at 98c Elsmore 12.25. extra lone and heavy, hemmed Bedspread, on ale Monday, at ... .$1.48 11.48 Bedspread, fringed and cut corners, verv lsrr worth 12 00, Monday . tl.28 TflTILI f Vfl RFinn our itri Inns 1 Turkish Towel, reg ular price 20c. on ea'e . .14c No 70. cur reirular 20c extra larre, unbleached Turkish Towels, on sale Monday at, each ISHo Blankets, Comfortables, Batts and Comfortable Materials. The larg est, the most complete line in the west and the very lowest prices in Omaha. Wool Knapp Blankets. Our famous No. 1,725 reg ular $2.50, Monday only, at 81.95 Our famous No. 1,703, 11 4. regular price 12. S; Monday, only .-82.95 Our famous No. 1.7.-7. 11 4, regular price $3.50; Monday, only $2.95 Our Famous No. 1,761, 11 4, beautiful line of wool, Knapp's plaids worth $4.50; on sale Monday, only, at 83.10 Cotton Blankets Grey, white, tan .etc. at, $1.98, .$1.75, $1,50, $1.25, $1.00, S5c, 75c and 50 Wool Blanket Gray, tan, plaids, white, etc, pair, $20. $S. $7. $6, $5, $4 60, $4. $3.50 and,... 82.95 Crib Blankets, each, $2.00 to ir Comfortables, very heavy, wool top. $3. $2 50. $2, $1.50, $1,25, $1,00. S5c, 75c and 59i? Carded Cotton, fine trade', $4.00. $3.50, $3.00. $2.00, $1.50 and 81.25 Half down, full down silk, $4.50, $5.00. $5.50, $8.50, and 810 Comfortable prints. .. -5 Silkoline, plain and printed, best quality lO Hamilton Turels, yard wide. 10c and 12 H Sateens beautiful designs, yard wide, at 16c, 16c and 12 tC Batts. $1.25. 25c, 20c, lSc 15c, 12 He, 10c, 7 He, and 5 Tremendous Silk Bargains Monday From Our Big Albion Silk Mills Purchase A saving of almost half on hew high class silks is an assured fact to purchasers Monday. Jarqirard Silk Poplin, 4 InrhM ri.e WOrth 38c and BraaUfnl AH-Silk Me saline, 27 Inches wide. worth $1.00 a yard. Fine All-8llk mile d 8o4e. 20 Inches wide regular $1 00 value. Kk-h New Kllk Fool- aids. 36 inches wide. worth $1.00 a yard. 68c Fine All-Silk Mescalines 19 Inches wide, worth 69c a yard. Novelty Silk Taffeta. 20 Inches wide, 69c a yard values. FlRured RUk ropltna, II Inches wide, 50c a yard values. Beautiful All-SUk Faille, 20 inches wide, $1.00 a yard values. New Fall Dress Goods The mot complete showing of the neur fabric for fall and win. ter dress we've ever shown at this neason are now on dJsUy and every lots are added to the splendid display. Ihwwimk- ers. Indies' Tailors and any one now wishing fine wool fabrics wiU do well to look over our present stock of new good. We're Making a Special Showing Monday of Semi-Rough Knickerbocker All Wool Suitings and Plain Mixed Cheviots 54 and 56 inches wide QRf anj at two prices, yard. ..v Ul 1 Let us show you the very newest effects in wool dress fabrics for Fall and Winter 1911-12. Special Bargains in Bed Spreads, Sheets, Monday Imported Marseilles Bed spreads, full size, heavy knotted fringe, cut corners, assort ed designs, worth $7.00, each $4.50 Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, hemmed ready for use, soft quilted designs, worth $5.00, at Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, dimity finish, assorted designs, worth $3.75 each $2.25 81x90 Bed Sheets, seam less, heavy and dur able, worth $1.00 each, at G9? Full Biie crochet Bed Spreads, heavy knotted frlne, Marseilles pat terns, worth $3.50;, at, each 81.98 High grade Pillow Slips, size 42x36, worth 174c. each 10 High Grade Wash Goods Specials Monday A new line, of Tolle du Nord. A. F. C. and Ed Seal ginghams in plaids, checks and stripes, at, per yard 12 t 32-inch Dress gingham, all new patterns and col ors, at, per yard 15f 36-inch percale, neat patterns, at, per yard 12 Oalacla Delaine, with fancy borders, looks just like chalUe, at, yard 15 86-inch Cotton chalHe, good patterns, all new goods, at. yard . 12H 27-lnch Poplin in all the newest shades, at, per yd, 60c, 38c. 25 86-inch Flanneletteo, assortment of colors and patterns, at, per yard 12 Plain and figured mar ; qulsettea, 27 Inches wide, Monday, at, per yard 35f Uk Mixed Goods, flow I ered and plain colors; . good assortment at, a yard 25 A Superb Display of the New Fall and Winter Garment Styles Tailored Suits, Coats, Dresses, Gowns, Skirts, Waists and-Children's Wear; a show- embraces all the most-to-be-desired new fashion ideas, in fashion fabric and col- Authentic style and superior quality are coupled with low prices that distinguish fy&?"; them the best ready-to-wear garment values shown anywhere. Let us show you the new style creations for fall and winter 1911-12. A Remarkable Showing of Tailored Suit Styles. AT $25.00 THE CROWN JEWEL SUITS as ever hold first place in style and quality, surpassing by far any other class of Tailored Suits shown in the land at an equal price. Special Showing New Fall Serge Coats at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 Black, navy and tan, all sizes up to 44. New Fall One-Piece Dresses $15.00 to $35.00 Fine wool serges, in black, navy, blue and rich browns. Clever designs, splendid values. Traveling and Steamer Coats Handsome new fall models, in plain colors and im ported Novelty cloths on sale at from. $20.00 to $35.00 Black Silk Coats Full length, semi-fitted and loose effects, in satin or taffeta, at. .$10, $15 and $20 New Fall Dresaes and Tailored Skirts, Fall Jackets, etc, attractively priced. See the "display. $L50 Lingerie Waists Large assortment of dainty new styles, at 79c MONDAY Ladies' Silk Pongee and Linen Coats and Wash Dresses, Fine Marquisette and Lingerie Waists and Children's Wash Dresses all Half Price. IY-A -JpSy'v oriIlgs- i ffl IP Speca Inducements in Our Linen Department Monday Imported mercerized satin damask, good width and assorted designs, 75c values at, yard 50c Pure linen Table Damask, 70 inches wide, "grass bleached, worth $1.50 a yd., $1.00 Pure linen Table Cloths, heavy German manu facture, worth $400 Imported Table Cloths, size SxlO, pure flax, ; worth $3.00 each, at, only 81.98 Dinner Napkins, Irish . and German makes of different sires and der signs, worth $3.98 per doz 6 for 8S each, at 82.35 Heavy round thread Barnaley Toweling, 19 inches wide, worth 22c per yard, at, only ........... 1 Drapery Specials Monday Dutchess, Saxony, Brussels Curtains One and two pairs of a kind, values to $15 per pair, on sale, at, per pair 89.95 Zlon City cable net curtains, fine weaves, values to $7; on sale, at, per pair 85.95 $8.75 Bruseelette Curtains Full aize, fine pat terns 82,95 $5.00 Rop Portlera, for double doors, lonf or short styles, at . aa.5 18o Fish Net, ecru or white, on aJa at. per yard iaX,o llHc Curtain Scrims, 86 Inches wida, on aJe, So tl.ti Nottinsbam Cur talna. in white or ecru, at. per pair B1.00 $S SO Couch Covers, full six and good assort ment, at 12-tS JNc Colored Bwiaaea, at. per yard 1 Mail orders filled from daily ads, also satisfaction guaranteed to all purchasers. Special Monday Bargains in Hardware Housefurnishings trm sweh sarin as ta tliat ortnf ta orovda IS molla, &o ataa, Tollt fapac, beat sra4e, o MMOm, lOa slaa. Tvtimt Tpmx, beat trade, S maaiuni aiaa. kvuaay, Via rwlt Out, plain, doann S Indexed, duaen Se Oaopntsar 1H for lOe wla, at flliwh Tina, nirv Toot Oaeppen and moat grinders a5a 100 feet laaa at Wlrs Cloth lt Wllaoa at. each Ibc XMpplaa , any six. at, ea-oti lOe Bast Oarbac Oana In tha city at very moderate price. We have ail alaaa. Bend ua your order now. To Buy Underwear and Furnishings Even Now for Future Use Insures Big Interest on Money Invested Women's Laale and Mercerized Union Suits, to $1.25 values, Saturday, at, only 49 $1.25 Prlnceas Slip and Combination Kuita, nicely trimmed, on Sale. -49 PrlnceBs Slips. Muslin Skirts and Com bination Sulu, values to $3.50, at, choice 81.98. 81.50. and 98 (Do Knit Union Suits, ladiea' or chil dren's, for 88a Ladies' and Misses' Bathing- Suits, at, Ladies' Oauxa Vema. rerular and extra elzes, values to i&c. at lso. So aa4 bo 10c Mercerised Gaiue Vests, choLoe Mon day at 5e Ladies' Bfto 'White Marceiixed Stockings, at. per pair s&e Ladles' T&o Bilk !tock-lng-s. in black and colors, pair 26c: J pair for tl.00 Ladies' and Children's Fine Pasm'trs ttoiilnrs, t pair lor 5e and 1 na1r for tSe Children's Sha1cntt BurV1n-s. t pair boo Children's 26c and ISO Mercerised Fancy Top Socles, for lSo Children's Black Baleen Bioomera, to "o vaJuea. at. pair . ase Boys' Il.tK Blouse Waias, all colors and kinds at Se Children's Romper, all colors, values to 100, at fto and too xcrbeautiiui Pillows M7 S S To cormnce every lover of Art Needlework that RkJxardaon's Craad Prix Wash Enibroidety Silk is the Best, we trill rvo away A Pillow Top With Back Choice of 12 Pretty Designs Absolutely, Free AH we ask is that yon buy six akeina of Richardson' Grand Prim Grecian Floau with which to embroider it, and a Diagram Lesson tor 25c The Pillow Top and Back an absolutely frm. $2.00 Embroidery SSo A grand line '-f tuch grade 45 inch tin troldered Flour cinera, regular 12 to 11.60 values, at 8e SOe Embreldexwd BTalrt noumso-1 1 Inches and 1 lnche onment of pretty patterns at. yard fl Aliorsx Embroidery e Fine embroidered and tucked allcvers, fine assortment. STeat barg-ains Monday at sale price. yard..40o White Goods Specials 36-inch Madras, in fancy stripes, always sold 50c; at, yard 35c Fancy barred Waistings, our regular 45c quality; at, yard 35c Barred Flaxons, at, per yard 30 Luna Lawns, 36 Inches wide, at, per yard. 25c, 19c and 15 Checked and striped dimities, 32 inchea wide, at 25c, lie, 15 Nainsook, 36 inches wide, our 30c quality, Monday, yard ...18 27-inch Piques, extra good quality; Monday at, per yard 25 Long Cloth, 36 Inches wide, at, per yard, 25c, 19c. 15c. 12c. 10 Linen Finish goods, In dian head, etc., S in ches wide, at, per j-ard, J only 16c and.-12Hc Swisses and fancy striped roods, worth up to 19c, at, per yard, only 10 wioe, spiendtd ai- a so Try HAYDEN'S First Store closes at 5 P. except Saturdays at 10 P. M., during month of August Corset Specials Girdles and Corsets for summer wear, medium and long models, 75 49c Corset worth up to $3.50, standard makes, all odd lota go at, your choice, only 81.45 $1 Braselera, plain and fancy, crossed front and back styles included, spe cial at 4J)c Children's Rompers A complete as sortment of styles and colors at . -49 and 39 Mason Jar Sale for Your Fruit Crockery Dept. Special. Pint Mason Jars, with covers per dozen 55c Quart Mason Jars, with covers, per dozen G5c Three dozen No. 1 extra heavy Fruit Jar Rubbers for 19c Fruit Jar Caps, porcelain lined, No. 1 quality, per dozen. .19c No telephone orders failed at these prices. N A SPECIAL CAR OF COLORADO BART. LETT PEARS FOR MONDAY This car was shipped to us direct from the jrrowpr to sell for him. They are fancy fruit, and Just right for preserving. Buy now es you will not have this opportunity again; Monday, at, pea bushel box, only 81.75 aiLIlXlRMA ELBERTA PEACHES Extra fancy, large, ripe and Juicy, at. per crate, only L gl . The Last of the Whitney Crab Apple for Jelly. Monday, at, per market basket .... ........ 20 Wild Plums for Jelly, at. per basket .30 Concord Grapes for Jelly, at, per basket. . ..70 17 lba best Granulated Sugar for 11 00 4&-lb sack best Higto Grade Diamond H Fam ily Flour 1. lo 19 lba beat Wbtte or Yel low Commeai for ..15c 8 lba. best holled Break fast Oatmeal for ..26c 10 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All Soap 2 60 Grape Nuts, package, Cic Skinner's Macaroni, the great Omaiia product. per package 10c McLaren's i'tanut Buttpr, per lb 16c 011 or Mustard Bardlna. per can 4 V c Bromangelon, Jellycon, or Jell-O, pkr 7 He Btrrrsa, cszoi ajts EOO Why pay Sue and 12c s pound for the best Creamery Butter when we will sell It to you, carton or bulk, at. lb. 27c Fancy Country Creamery Butter, per lb 26c The best Dairy Butter, per pound 23c. The best fresh Epga, m, per dnsen ........ 1 7 14 c VEGETABLES CKZaf. EJt TE1I MJULXIiT rSJCEB: New Potatoes down sjcaln per peck. 16 lba. . . . JbGc Demand 16 lbs. the law requires It. Bweet Corn, per dosen 10c Two heaAs freen Cah- baga for 6c Wax or Btrtn- Beans, per pound . . . No. Plx Kohl Rabbi ....... f.c Fix Urei Peppers ....Gc Two bummer Squaabea, for 7 'isC Two heads fresh Celery for 6c Fie riant, pound . . . Ic Four Beets or Carrots . . . 6c lAri-e Eks Plants. Cor 6c BO giu bunches freeh Rad ishes for 6c Two heads freeh Le.uue- for 6c Anything; yout we have It, RUSSIAN LOTTERY THRIYES State Eu 5ow Extended Operation tc Greater Limit, PUBLIC TKZASITRY BESXTICIASY Refersa ( Kallruaal Tlcfce Tax Tro- pt la Gtnaur Dr. Rlrkter la Still HrU In kaawa la Greece. EEBXJV. Aug. IS. The state of Prussia, which, unlike the United States, does not frown upon lotteries but derives no inoon iderable revenue from a state owned and managed lottery, has concluded a contract with Bavaria, Baden and Wurteznburc, extending- the operations of the Pruaaiaa tat lottery to these states. For this lb Prussian lottery will pay Bavaria alone 1551000 per year for each of the first five years of tha contract and thereafter 10-6 cn every 15 lottery ticket suld la thetr terrttory. The arrangemaots with the other states have not been published. For the three states which have hitherto bad no lotteries of their own and have forbiddea lh operation of other lotteries, the ar-rang-emant gives a moat welcome additius to their revenues without any eorreepoBd !r.g rli"k or burden oa their vubecta, while for Prussia It Is on step nearer the reali sation of the Imperial lottery monopoly, toward which ah has been striving since the foundation of the empire la ITa. Only tVaao&x aaa b fiUC st Uamburg now re main outside of the fold and the absorption of their lotteries Is fcbougtt to be a matter of only a short tlxsa 'While the price paid the southern state for their partidpaxion In the lottery ts larre. Prussia can well afford It. the net annual revenue from the state lottery be ing about S2.600.onO. Tb annual receipts of the lottery, which now are mart than Cl.cno.000. will of course be largely In creased when the sale of the tickets can be pushed In the South German statea, an rncreas from the present number of KiO.OOO tickets rn eluded rn each semi-annual drawing to 460,000 or eSO.OQO being contam plated. Parliasneatea-r Presram. A lengthy program of legislatrv work has been drawn up for th Imperial Parlia ment to deal wltn on It reaasembly after the long- summer vacation, although It Is fully expected that most of It will be car ried over to the uoosedinc Belchetas, to b elected at the end of the year. In the first place, a bill to reform the railroad ticket tax, which In Us present form give rise to eonaiderable complaint, will occupy attention. Then oume a bill to provide for person injured while reeculn- other from peril, while better provunoa tor sail ors hurt during their duty aboard ship is to be aaked tor. Further bills deal with the tenuity of eurfao car companies for accent, and amendment of the espion age law and the patent law are to be presented. A very stringTent measure for the punishment of food adulterators ha siao been filed. Dr. Edmund Ri enter, the German and captured, jlay, 36, xto xanyjeg topographical studies on Mount Olympus, the fabled home of the Greek cods, In the wild frontier region between Turkey and Greece, and held for ransom, ha not yet been released In apite of the unlLed efforts of the German and Turkish gov-rnments- Kewspaper dspatche confirm the gen eral behef that Dr. Richter, like Mia Ellen I Stone, the American missionary ran aomed by a Bulgarian band in 1M1 for i006, ha fallen Into the hand of a Greek patriotic band and that the ransom of 1136.000 demanded for hi release Is dcarmed for the partisan warfare about to be renewed In Macedonia. Dr. Rich ter, who waa engaged in a semi official mission, mapping the CHympua re gion tor a German geographical sc-oiety, waa captured well Inside Turkish territory, his esoort of Turkish gendarme being killed by his captora Letter from Lalioa, the bandH leader, demanding the ransom of 00,00 Turkish pound (IT'S, 008) ware de livered through Turkish villager. It wa therefore assumed that be waa held in Turkish territory, and tor tee weeks a small army, under personal command ef one of the Toung Turk leaders, ha been carrying on regular military operation to locate hi captors while representatives of the German government and the firm em ploying Dr. Ricnter hair been scouring the mountain with the gold for bis re lease. Acoordicg to the new dispatch. Ham Id Bey, the Toung Ttxk commander of th expedition, has now suspended th pur- held In Tlmavoe. on Greek territory, m the house of one Delyannia. The band which captured Bichter 1 probably harbored In the Greek monastery of 5t. Sella, near Tirnavo. The capture, the correspond ent are assured, wa organised by the Greek National society, th organiser being a Captain Strati, formerly a Greek officer, who liver several year In America, and waa carried out by the band under Captain Lalioa A further despatch from Ealonlka state that on account of th great growth of th band warfare on th Greek frontier, It 1 proposed to (uapend the pursuit of Richter abductor In order that th troop In tb Olympua mountain can be used in warring on the band. War Between 'Bull." Th Riohter Incident is only one of many facta pointing to a raoewal of th o-oalled band warfare between Irregu lar detachment) of Greek and Bulgarians against each other and mutually against th Turkish troop, which drenched Mace donia in blood for many years. The struggle was suspended at the tire of the Toung Turkish revolution. Bulgarian "komitaUes" and Greek partisan fighting id by i with tb Toung Turkish trooie to capture Constantinople and over throw Abdul Hamid. Th Greeks and Bul garian were bitterly disappointed by th resurta of th verthrow, the era of good feeling ha paased. hot little have already been resumed on a amall scale and now both side are preparing to take ad van tat of th dimension within the Toung Turk ish committee, which 1 rapidly losing it LASCARS MAN BRITISH SHIPS Chinese Sailor Alto Being Galled Into Service Numerously. WHITE SATLOILS Iff JLXGEY MOOD Mormeat Being; Organise te Fore the Istntm t Qalt Japan and Rnsala Appealed Concerning LONDON, Aug. 18. Forty -five thousand Chines and Lascar sailor are employed on British shlpa During th last two year 10,000 Chine sailor have been brought into this country and tb number Increase ever' year. The are the fig ure published by the fiwrnsnr union. Haveiock Wilson, the head of th union. declare that British Bailors must Cght this Oriental competition- He doe not believe In an appeal to Parliament, for many of th Chine, and practically all of th T axis re, are British subjects, a fact which make legislation again, them Impossible. El plan is to have the labor anion combine to prevent any ship employ ing Oriental hand from being loaded or discharged in the ports of the United Kingdom. On th part of the ship owner th argu ment is urged that Chinas aaJlor are mor faithful, more amenable to diadplln anda point which th KngUah sauonmea they win work for lower wages, and that their coat for food and other necessaries la below that of whit sailors Is unquestiona ble, but those are point upon which the owner, from motive of policy, put as Uttl trea a possible. Raaala and Japan Appease A. The British and American governments have now agreed In detail, and Germany In principle, to the aasurancea to be given to Russia arid Japan, who complained of th clause in the Manchurlan loan agree ment providing that future loans should b awarded to the am parti ea. This Japan and Russia contrued to mean a monopoly. It ha now been decided by the three pow er named, and France is expected also to comply, that either a clause aball be added to the agreement or that an eu dorse- meat sill b made thereon, giving in de tail the purpose for which th loan la to be used and assuring Japan and Russia that tb claua complained of does not establish a monopoly In Chinese loan. "Com aboard to Join, sir!" With the words ' the prince of Wale, heir to the throne, made hi formal entry into hi majeety navy on th first day of the present month, in hi respect, aa in every other, earning out the forma and regula tion prescribed tor midshipmen joining their ahlp tor th Cm Urn. Th prince, while he will hare to per form the earn duties a other midshipmen, and sill have additional work to do, his tu tor being aboard to coach and instruct him in all manner of subject. 1 not likely to have th same rough work that fell to hia iiuLM. umm I " aj-r awmg ii ua-. jm uioo m Mignan sauorman I have th same rough work that fell to hi and destructive, and they are beeominai iaa. lcar&it inf,i,i:.'j tfcajl to jrtaaa tt e IS emfe jm 4r5 esrt ?Xa4 Miiti hea, he - a la. ilii iavyA yt, pxj bolder aPprochiC jahaJo Je- ent king first went to aea on an auxiliary cruiser, on which sail were used far mor often than ileum, and cn which ther was lot of work to be done aloft. 1 Th prince obtains hi first experience ' afloat aboard the Hindustan, not on cl th newest, but still a modern battleship. ' H will be treated a any other midship-. mn. He is not a commissioned officer, but ubordlnate to warrant officer (g-un-ner. boatswain, carpenters and artificer engineers), and with them th future sovereign will llv and move In th gun room of hi ship. He will be aasirned tai a watch and sill be allotted a subdivision" of seamen, for whose behavior, amartnee ' and work he will be held responsible byj the lieutenant in control of th subdlv-iaion. However, hi moat important w-ork 1 the acquiring of nautical knowledge to which. 1 the greater part of hi time must be given. ' Shooting In the protectorates appear te be on the decline from the reports received by the colonial office. 1 Elephants wer the most valuable game on account of their ivory, but under the licensing system It ha hardly been worth, while from a business standpoint for aj man to go to th expense of killing the . roe 11 number permitted. The governor of Uganda make erlou complaint of the elephant peat. 1 "Owing to th rapidly dec rearing numbe of license which ar being taken out. and th consequent immunity of th elephant) from attack," he write, "these antmi which bav always been a aouree of dan-' ger to th inhabitant and of damage to crop, have become still more dangerous 1